
Butterfly's Sparkling Wing & Fearsome Sting

Apr 29th, 2012
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  1. [b]Butterfly's Sparkling Wing[/b]
  2. [b]Cost:[/b] 8m, 1wp; [b]Mins:[/b] Manipulation 4, Essence 3;
  3. [b]Type:[/b] Simple
  4. [b]Keywords:[/b] Combo-OK, Illusion, Emotion
  5. [b]Duration:[/b] One scene.
  6. [b]Prerequisite Charms:[/b] False Burrow Pursuit, Butterfly Eye's Tread.
  8. The Lunars, like their goddess, are tricksters who cast their essence over the world to reshape the face it shows.
  10. This charm creates an illusory distraction. The Lunar has wide license to decide what this distraction is; a cat running past, a knocked over scroll rolling out between the bookshelves, a beautiful naked lady walk past, batting her eyelashes. The Lunar may reflexive direct the actions of the illusion, both with specific actions and general orders (walk down the street, look back, wink, then walk into the nearest alleyway), but it is not capable of complex interaction; simple replies or comments are possible, an extended conversation is not. The illusion persists for the scene even if the Lunar cannot percieve it, but he cannot react to events he cannot see.
  12. Creating this illusion is a Manipulation + Performance roll, comparing its successes to the MDV of all who see it (except the Lunar themselves). Any whose MDV is beaten is fully affected by the charm, others can see the visible illusions, but can tell that they are merely that; illusions and not real things.
  14. The mental influence this charm creates is in two parts. Firstly, it creates an unnatural Illusion of the subject of the illusion's existence which costs two willpower to ignore (and the maximum this can be raised to by threshold successes is four willpower). This is no mere construct of light easily pushed through by anyone who cares to wave a finger at it. It is an effect convinving its victims that it exists; it can be touched without dispelling the illusion, for the victim will believe they are touching something there; the only way to push through it is to pay the willpower cost (or not be affected in the first place).
  16. If the illusion does something impossible, or someone who has seen through it attempts to disprove it by waving their hand through it, the cost to resist the Illusion is reduced by one willpower, the cost to resist the Emotion is unaffected by this. If this reduced cost is not paid, the Illusion covers up the impossible actions, causing the victims to rationalise or ignore them as appropriate.
  18. Secondly, it creates an unnatural Emotion of interest, distraction, or curiousity about its subject in its victims, this Emotion can be ignored for one Willpower (this cost is never increased by threshold successes. The specifics of the Emotion vary with what the illusion is of, but generally investigating or following the illusion is acting in accordance with the emotion, and paying attention to other things that are going runs counter to the emotion (such as keeping watch for Lunar Anathema, whilst watching the world's [i]cutest[/i] citten play with a ball of wool). Seeing through the Illusion effect does not remove this Emotion.
  20. ----
  22. [b]Butterfly's Fearsome Sting[/b]
  23. [b]Cost:[/b] —; [b]Mins:[/b] Manipulation 5, Essence 3;
  24. [b]Type:[/b] Permanent
  25. [b]Keywords:[/b] None
  26. [b]Duration:[/b] One scene.
  27. [b]Prerequisite Charms:[/b] Butterfly's Sparkling Wing.
  29. This charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing to to create illusionary threats, these threats create Emotions of fear. They can participate in combat, but will always fail to strike their targets. Unless the Lunar (like its prerequiste, reflexively) directs them to be hit, attacks against them always miss, either dodged, parried or bouncing off armour or skin. If the Lunar wishes, they can be hit, hurt, even die (though allowing them to die causes the Emotion effect to cease).
  31. As well as more direct disproving, if the illusion is being considerably more or less competent than that which it is an illusion of (to whatever degree they know the competency of the illusions subject) victims of this charm may roll Intelligence + War at a difficulty of the Lunar's essence to realise that there's something wrong with the way the illusion is fighting, this also provides the same reduction in the cost as a direct disproval of the illusion.
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