
Rainbow Dash Vore

Jul 17th, 2012
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  1. Disclaimer: I am in no way shape or form a writefag nor do I claim to be one. These are just greentexts that I've written gathered together for convenience.
  3. She's gonna over power you easily by using her fat gut to pin you down.
  4. You both hear and feel her stomach growl hungrily awaiting it's imminent meal.
  5. She'll lick her lips and bear down on you, edging closer and closer whilst breathing heavily.
  6. Her hot humid breath causes you to wince as she opens her mouth up wide enough to begin devouring you.
  7. Everything goes dark as she closes her mouth around your head and shoulders.
  8. It would've been smart of you to kick up a fight before she'd actually gotten her mouth around you. Then again, you're not always quick on the uptake. Case in point, you encouraged Rainbow Dash's voracious feeding habits. It was only a matter of time before she decided she was done with the slop you were feeding her and desired something more complex in flavor. So now you find yourself already shoulder deep in the mouth of this hungry blue pony and she's not showing any sign of slowing down.
  9. You start by trying to move your arms and push away but Dash remedies that by pinning your arms to your sides.
  10. You're surprised at how strong she still is what with the great bulk of fat she's put on as she leans back somewhat and lifts you up several inches off the ground, resting you against her large belly.
  11. You kick your legs but all they do is bounce off her fat frame.
  12. She swallows, allowing your head to be pulled in by her esophageal muscles and thus the rest of your body is dragged further down as well.
  13. Despite the fact that it's entirely useless, you are panicking and you still kick and struggle against her firm hold.
  14. Rainbow's marshmallowy soft flesh is just too malleable against your blows. All she does is giggle softly and groan as she lifts you up into the air to let gravity take care of the hard work. She gulps once more and you feel yourself gently sliding further down her throat, the sounds of your future prison, her awating stomach becoming louder and louder.
  15. The tightness of her esophagus and the limited amount of air are making it difficult to breath. You begin panicking again which doesn't help the lack of air situation
  16. before your face is pressed against a soft surface. As she swallows the surface opens up to reveal your final destination.
  17. Meanwhile on the outside, all that is left of you sticking out is your legs which flail about every so often. Rainbow Dash grabs your legs and forcefully pushes them downward, gulping powerfully several times.
  18. With one last noisy gulp she closes her mouth as the rest of you makes its way down her esophagus and into her tightly cramped gut. Rainbow Dash's stomach lets out a deafening roar as you plop into her stomach, forcefully curled into a large ball.
  19. Everything is dark but you feel the slimy walls of your flesh prison undulating around you. Your hearing is consumed by the cacophony of Dash's faint heart beat along with the glorping and sloshing of her stomach as it accommodates it's large meal.
  20. You squirm inside this fleshy dome and while it does stretch you are unable to actually break through.
  21. Rainbow Dash meanwhile leans back against the tree, feeling accomplished in her devouring of another living thing roughly her size. She hiccups and proudly lets out a mighty belch. Her enormous stomach groans in protest to the large bulk and she massages it gently to settle it down. This seems to do the trick and she stretches before getting comfortable and closing her eyes for a nice after dinner nap.
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