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For The Great Creator #1 Confg.

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Sep 6th, 2015
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  1. # ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  2. # ║ config.yml file of the AreaShop plugin created by NLThijs48, Github can be found at ║
  3. # ║ This file contains options to change the working of the plugin, the profiles defined here can be used in default.yml. ║
  4. # ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  5. # ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  6. # │ GENERAL: Options that influence the global state of the plugin │
  7. # └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  8. ## Chatprefix used for all messages in the chat, also changes the greeting messages.
  9. chatPrefix: '&2[Cells]&r '
  10. ## The language file that should be used, check the 'lang' folder for build-in languages (use the filename without .yml here).
  11. language: EN
  12. ## The tags you need to write on the sign to trigger the plugin.
  13. signTags:
  14. ## Tag for adding a rent region.
  15. rent: '.c'
  16. ## Tag for adding a buy region.
  17. buy: '[buy]'
  18. ## Tag for adding a sign to an existing region.
  19. add: '[as]'
  21. # ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  22. # │ NUMBERS: Options to change the output of prices. │
  23. # └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  24. ## The characters displayed before a price, special characters like € can be used.
  25. moneyCharacter: '$'
  26. ## The characters displayed after a price, special characters like € can be used.
  27. moneyCharacterAfter: ''
  28. ## How many numbers behind the dot should be shown (2 will make numbers like '8.55', '9.01').
  29. fractionalNumbers: 2
  30. ## Set this to true if you want to hide '.0' for a number like '15.0' ('4.50' will still stay '4.50').
  31. hideEmptyFractionalPart: true
  32. ## Use metric suffixes if the price is above this number (use 1.00M instead of 1000000.00 etc.), use -1 for disable.
  33. ## Indications are used as defined on:, implemented from 'k' to 'Y'.
  34. metricSuffixesAbove: 1000000.0
  35. ## The character(s) to use as decimal mark.
  36. decimalMark: '.'
  39. # ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  40. # │ RENTING: Options that apply to all rent regions. │
  41. # └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  42. ## Timeformat to use on the signs, default is like '30-06 14:52', US format: 'MM-dd KK:mm a'.
  43. ## Search for 'java SimpleDateFormat' for more options and documentation.
  44. timeFormatSign: 'dd-MM HH:mm'
  45. ## Timeformat used in the chat, default is like '30 june 2014 14:52', US format: 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM dd yyyy KK:mm a'.
  46. ## Search for 'java SimpleDateFormat' for more options and documentation.
  47. timeFormatChat: 'dd MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM yyyy HH:mm'
  48. ## Time indicators, used for specifing time periods (for example rent duration).
  49. ## Be careful with deleting words, will break settings using those, adding is no problem.
  50. seconds: [s, sec, secs, second, seconds]
  51. minutes: [m, min, mins, minute, minutes, minuten, minuut]
  52. hours: [h, hour, hours, uur, uren]
  53. days: [d, day, days, dag, dagen]
  54. months: [M, month, months, maanden, maand]
  55. years: [y, year, years, jaar, jaren]
  58. # ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  59. # │ PERMISSION GROUPS: Assigned by giving players certain permissions. │
  60. # └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  61. ## Configure the max total regions, max rent regions and max buy regions with different groups (-1 is unlimited).
  62. ## Assign a group to players by giving them the permission 'areashop.limits.<group>'.
  63. ## Every player already has the group 'default' and ops have the unlimited group.
  64. ## All the groups applied to the player will be checked and only if they all allow an extra region it will be permitted.
  65. ## Add a 'worlds' or 'groups' list to a group to only count regions from those worlds and/or groups.
  66. ## This can be used to get different limits for other worlds or area's.
  67. ## Give players permissions globally and not per world! That would break limits when then try renting/buying from within another world.
  68. limitGroups:
  69. default:
  70. total: 1
  71. rents: 1
  72. buys: 0
  75. # ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  76. # │ PROFILES: Assigned in general (default.yml), for a group (groups.yml) or individually (<region>.yml) │
  77. # └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  78. ## Below is a list of tags that can be used with all the profiles below.
  79. ## If a tag has no value (for example when you use %player% when the region is not rented/bought) then the tag will not get replaced.
  80. ## %region% The region name (with correct capitalization).
  81. ## %player% The name of the player that rents/buys the region (with correct capitalization), will not get replaced if no renter/buyer.
  82. ## %uuid% The uuid of the player that rents/buys the region, will not get replaced if no renter/buyer.
  83. ## %friends% The names of friends added to this region separated by ', '.
  84. ## %friendsuuid% The UUID's of friends added to this region separated by ', '.
  85. ## %price% The price of the region formatted with the configured characters before and after the number.
  86. ## %rawprice% The price without formatting, like '10.0' or '7.77'.
  87. ## %duration% The duration of a rent region, for example '1 d', '4 minutes' or '2 years'.
  88. ## %world% The name of the world that the region is in.
  89. ## %type% The type of the region, 'rent' or 'buy'.
  90. ## %until% The end time of a rent formatted as configured with 'timeFormatChat'.
  91. ## %untilshort% The end time of a rent formatted as configured with 'timeFormatSign'.
  92. ## %width% The width of the region (amount of blocks on the x-axis).
  93. ## %depth% The depth of the region (amount of blocks on the z-axis).
  94. ## %height% The height of the region (amount of blocks on the y-axis).
  95. ## %timeleft% The time left on the rent (uses the unit of time that fits best, minutes used from 121 seconds till 120 minutes).
  96. ## %clicker% The name of the player that clicked the sign (only to be used in the signProfiles section).
  97. ## %resellprice% The price of a region when it is in resell mode.
  98. ## %rawresellprice% The resellprice without formatting, like '10.0' or '7.77'.
  99. ## %moneyback% The amount of money the player will get back when unrenting/selling the region (formatted with currency characters).
  100. ## %rawmoneyback% The moneyback without formatting, like '10.0' or '7.77'.
  101. ## %moneybackpercent% The percentage of the price the player will get back when unrenting (only the number between 0-100).
  102. ## %maxextends% The maximum number of extends a player can do on the region.
  103. ## %extendsleft% The number of extends that are left (maxextends - timesextended).
  104. ## %maxrenttime% The maximum time you can rent a region in advance (human readable).
  105. ## %inactivetime% The maximum time a player may be inactive before unrent/sell (human readable).
  106. ## %year% The current year.
  107. ## %month% The current month in the year.
  108. ## %day% The current day in the month.
  109. ## %hour% The current hour in the day (0-23).
  110. ## %minute% The current minute of the hour.
  111. ## %second% The current second of the minute.
  112. ## %millisecond% The current millisecond of the second.
  113. ## %epoch% The number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 (Unix Epoch).
  115. ## Below are profiles for the signs, you can assign profiles to regions
  116. ## by setting 'general.signProfile' in default.yml, groups or individual regions.
  117. signProfiles:
  118. default:
  119. ## The following sections can be added for performing certain commands when the sign is clicked:
  120. ## rightClickPlayer, rightClickConsole, shiftRightClickPlayer, shiftRightClickConsole,
  121. ## leftClickPlayer, leftClickConsole, shiftLeftClickPlayer, shiftLeftClickConsole.
  122. ## Sections with 'Player' at the end will be run by the clicking player and 'Console' ones from the console.
  123. forrent:
  124. line1: '&2&l[Rent Cell]'
  125. line2: '%duration%'
  126. line3: '%price%'
  127. line4: '%Per Day%'
  128. rightClickPlayer:
  129. - 'areashop rent %region%'
  130. leftClickPlayer:
  131. - 'areashop info region %region%'
  132. rented:
  133. line1: '&4&l[Rented]'
  134. line2: '%player%'
  135. line3: '%Expires%'
  136. line4: '%timelft%'
  137. rightClickPlayer:
  138. - 'areashop rent %region%'
  139. leftClickPlayer:
  140. - 'areashop info region %region%'
  141. shiftRightClickPlayer:
  142. - 'areashop unrent %region%'
  143. forsale:
  144. line1: '&2&l[For Sale]'
  145. line2: '%region%'
  146. line3: '%price%'
  147. line4:
  148. rightClickPlayer:
  149. - 'areashop buy %region%'
  150. leftClickPlayer:
  151. - 'areashop info region %region%'
  152. resell:
  153. line1: '&9&l[Resale]'
  154. line2: '%region%'
  155. line3: '%resellprice%'
  156. line4: '&8%player%'
  157. rightClickPlayer:
  158. - 'areashop buy %region%'
  159. leftClickPlayer:
  160. - 'areashop info region %region%'
  161. shiftRightClickPlayer:
  162. - 'areashop stopresell %region%'
  163. sold:
  164. line1: '&4&l[Sold]'
  165. line2: '%region%'
  166. line3: '%player%'
  167. line4:
  168. rightClickPlayer:
  169. - 'areashop buy %region%'
  170. leftClickPlayer:
  171. - 'areashop info region %region%'
  172. shiftRightClickPlayer:
  173. - 'areashop sell %region%'
  174. ## Option to run certain commands when one of these events happen.
  175. ## Commands at a 'before' section will execute before the region details are changed in the AreaShop system
  176. ## and before any other actions occurred (changing signs, saving/loading schematics, etc.),
  177. ## the 'after' commands will be run when all changes are done.
  178. ## After 'before' or 'after' you can create a list of commands (see example at the created event).
  179. eventCommandProfiles:
  180. default:
  181. created:
  182. before:
  183. after:
  184. ## - "say An AreaShop region has been created: %region%"
  185. deleted:
  186. before:
  187. after:
  188. rented:
  189. before:
  190. after:
  191. extended:
  192. before:
  193. after:
  194. unrented:
  195. before:
  196. after:
  197. bought:
  198. before:
  199. after:
  200. sold:
  201. before:
  202. after:
  203. resell:
  204. before:
  205. after:
  206. ## For the following events you can specify if you want to restore or save the region to a schematic.
  207. ## After 'save:' or 'restore:' you enter the name of the file to restore from/to.
  208. ## If you want your regions all looking the same then you can leave out the %region% part to use the same schematic for all.
  209. ## Be carefull with these options, it could crash your server or destroy (parts of) your world if used wrong!
  210. ## The limit 'maximumBlocks' applies to restoring/saving schematics, be sure your regions are below the limit.
  211. schematicProfiles:
  212. default:
  213. created:
  214. save: '%type%-%region%'
  215. restore: ''
  216. deleted:
  217. save: ''
  218. restore: '%type%-%region%'
  219. rented:
  220. save: ''
  221. restore: ''
  222. unrented:
  223. save: ''
  224. restore: '%type%-%region%'
  225. bought:
  226. save: ''
  227. restore: ''
  228. sold:
  229. save: ''
  230. restore: '%type%-%region%'
  231. resell:
  232. save: ''
  233. restore: ''
  234. ## Flag profiles to specify what flags should be set on the WorldGuard regions.
  235. ## All normal region flags as present in WorldGuard can be used, and also members, owners, priority and parent.
  236. ## Each line represents a WorldGuard setting that should be set to a certain value when the region is in the specified state.
  237. ## The members and owners flag normally take a list of UUID's separated by 'comma space', adding by name is possible with 'n:<name>'.
  238. ## You can add groups by using 'g:<groupname>', so in total you could use: '%uuid%, %friendsuuid%, g:vip, n:cool-guy'.
  239. ## For flags like 'entry' and 'exit' you can add group setting by using 'g:<scope>' behind it, <scope> is one of the following:
  240. ## members, non_members, owners, non_owners, all. Example, only owners can enter the region:
  241. ## entry: 'deny g:non_owners'
  242. ## Use '' for a flag to reset it.
  243. flagProfiles:
  244. default:
  245. forrent:
  246. members: -%player%
  247. greeting: '&n[Cell]&e This Prison cell can be rented for&8 %price%'
  248. rented:
  249. members: '%player%
  250. greeting: '&n[Cell]&e This Prison cell is Rented for&8 %duration%'
  251. chest-accsess: DENY
  252. use: DENY
  253. priority: 1
  254. forsale:
  255. members: ''
  256. greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-forsale%'
  257. sold:
  258. members: '%uuid%, %friendsuuid%'
  259. greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-bought%'
  260. resale:
  261. members: '%uuid%, %friendsuuid%'
  262. greeting: '%lang:prefix%%lang:greeting-resale%'
  263. ## Profiles that specify when players should get messages about rent that almost run out.
  264. ## The numbers that start sections in the profile specify how time before it actually runs out it should be executed.
  265. ## When warnPlayer is set to true a message will be send that is specified in the language file.
  266. ## All commands in the list below 'commands:' will execute together with the warning, all normal variables can be used.
  267. expirationWarningProfiles:
  268. default:
  269. "1 day":
  270. warnPlayer: true
  271. commands:
  272. ## - "say %region% is about to expire for %player%: %timeleft% left"
  273. "1 hour":
  274. warnPlayer: true
  275. commands:
  276. "5 minutes":
  277. warnPlayer: true
  278. commands:
  281. # ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  282. # │ ADVANCED AND DEBUG: Specific options to tweak the plugin precisely and check if it functions correctly. │
  283. # └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  284. ## Blacklist of region names that cannot be added to AreaShop for renting or buying. Regular expressions can be used, search
  285. ## for 'java regex pattern' to find documentation about how to use it. The case-insensitive option is enabled because
  286. ## WorldGuard will return the correct region no matter what the casing is.
  287. ## Example: Blocking all regions that have a name like 'house_1', 'house_2', etc. would be done with 'house_\d+'.
  288. ## The '\d' represents the numerical digits 0-9, the + symbol represents 1 or more times repeated.
  289. ## This means it would also block 'house_123' and 'house_000456'. It will not block 'ahouse_1' or 'house_'.
  290. blacklist:
  291. - '__global__'
  292. ## Minimum length of the numbers that are suffixed for region names generated by the '/as stack' command.
  293. ## When having this at 3 it will generate names like this: 'region-001', 'region-014', 'region-4567'.
  294. stackRegionNumberLength: 3
  295. # Allow/disallow adding players that did not visit the server yet as friend of a region
  296. addFriendNotExistingPlayers: false
  297. ## Enable sending stats to (Metrics plugin).
  298. ## This information will give me an indication about how much the plugin is used and encourages me to continue development.
  299. sendStats: true
  300. ## If enabled it will check for updates when loading the plugin, it will never download files, it will only notify about it
  301. ## A message will be printed in the console when an update is available and OPs will be notified when joining the server.
  302. checkForUpdates: true
  303. ## Use colors when sending messages to console and log files.
  304. useColorsInConsole: false
  305. ## Post error messages in the console when a command run from the config fails (from the 'runCommands' section for example).
  306. postCommandErrors: true
  307. ## Update all region flags and signs after starting the plugin (uses the 'regionsPerTick' setting from the 'update' section).
  308. ## This ensures that changes to the config are directly visible after restarting the server.
  309. updateRegionsOnStartup: true
  310. ## Enables / disables debug messages in the console, could be useful to figure out where errors come from.
  311. debug: false
  312. ## Version of the config, do not change!
  313. version: 2.2.0
  316. # ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  317. # │ LIMITS AND TIMINGS: Options for limits and the frequencies for certain functions (be very careful with these!). │
  318. # └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  319. ## Maximum number of blocks to save to or restore from a .schemetic.
  320. maximumBlocks: 1000000
  321. ## Maximum number of locations the teleport function should check to find a safe spot.
  322. maximumTries: 50000
  324. ## Setting the 'delay' setting to 0 or lower will prevent the taks from runnning, if you don't use a certain feature you
  325. ## could switch the task off this way.
  326. ## The 'delay' settings are specified using a number followed by one of the identifiers as defined above in the config.
  327. ## The 'regionsPerTick' settings are to configure how fast something goes, lower value is less lag, but slower updates.
  328. ## There are 20 ticks in 1 second, so if you set 'regionPerTick' to 5, then 5*20=100 regions per second will be updated.
  330. ## Timings for saving files that need saving.
  331. saving:
  332. ## Time between saving files that need to be saved (not all files will be saved by default).
  333. delay: '10 minutes'
  334. ## How many regions per tick will be saved.
  335. regionsPerTick: 1
  336. ## Timings for rent expiration checking.
  337. expiration:
  338. ## Time between checking if rent regions have been expired.
  339. delay: '59 seconds'
  340. ## Number of rent regions to check per tick.
  341. regionsPerTick: 5
  342. ## Timings for expiration warning to online players.
  343. expireWarning:
  344. ## The time between checking if expiration warning need to be sent.
  345. delay: '5 minutes'
  346. ## Number of regions to update per tick.
  347. regionsPerTick: 3
  348. ## Timings for updating signs and region flags ('/as reload' or after '/as groupadd' or '/as groupdel').
  349. update:
  350. ## Number of regions to update per tick.
  351. regionsPerTick: 5
  352. ## Time between checking if any regions need to be unrented because the player was not online for the specified time period.
  353. inactive:
  354. ## Time between checking if a regions needs to be unrented/sold because of inactivity by the player.
  355. delay: '7 days'
  356. ## Number of rent regions to check per tick.
  357. regionsPerTick: 5
  358. ## Timings for the periodic updating of signs (for timeleft tags etc).
  359. signs:
  360. ## Time between updates of all signs.
  361. delay: '1 hour'
  362. ## Number of regions to update signs for per tick.
  363. regionsPerTick: 3
  364. ## Number of regions per tick to check when a player joins to see if his name changed for regions he owned (updates the regions when changed).
  365. nameupdate:
  366. ## Number of regions to update signs for per tick.
  367. regionsPerTick: 5
  368. ## Timings for adding regions to AreaShop ('/as stack').
  369. adding:
  370. ## Number of regions to add per tick.
  371. regionsPerTick: 2
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