
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 14

Jan 20th, 2014
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. Twilight has learned 3 pseudo-words, and possibly 2 signs/ gestures. As more and more becomes known about Anonymous, the more caution turns to sympathy. With her friends now all on board, the next big question is less about figuring out Anon, but how to help.
  4. Last Chapter: Twilight returns to a sleeping Anonymous, and discovers Anon’s clothes in a pile near the bed. Taking the opportunity to do a little reading, her curiosity peaks while reading about primates. Daring to take a look she observes Anon’s feet, and plays with its shoes. After marveling at the objects, Anon wakes up. Seeking to reintroduce Anonymous’ natural behavior based on what she read, she encourages it to pet her.
  6. While resting alongside Anonymous after the petting test, Twilight lugs the research book over and tries to tie Anonymous to a known species. After zero success, she asks Anon about specific body parts and makes some headway. After being caught trying to sneak a peek for a tail by luring Anon with an illusionary mink, Anon bundles the up in the blankets. In an effort to make amends she creates a second mink and puts on a little show for Anon.
  8. Posted in Thread 914
  9. ===================================================================================================================
  11. >Anonymous creeps towards the tome after the duo disappear and begins flipping through the pages. One hand acts as a bookmark, saving the page the minks were on, while the other pursues the missing pair.
  12. >After passing a few chapters with no results Anon uses its nimble fingers to rapidly shuffle through the book; a quick, but inaccurate, technique. You find those fingers in many ways similar to Spike’s own claws, yet uniquely different.
  13. >Those soft, delicate, digits do not match up to the sharp points of Spike’s hands. When Spike grows up, his claws will be powerful enough to dig through the toughest stone walls. They will be one of the many defenses your little dragon will develop.
  14. >If you were to compare Spike and Anonymous right now, you would say Anon has the stronger grip, but how will that change? Will Anon grow up to be muscle bound like its minotaur counterpart? Will it remain lean yet dense like its primate associate?
  15. >Or perhaps it will be something different entirely?
  16. >From what you have read so far you would put your bits on the last one. All these wagers you keep making; maybe you actually are a betting mare?
  18. >Going back to watching the search; Anonymous is currently sitting on the D section.
  19. >The chase for the minks seems to have come to a close with the pictures on the pages catching its attention instead; particularly the made up sketches of dinosaurs.
  20. >Why Dinosaurs are even in the book you’re not quite sure. They were more theory and imagination than reality; the suggested ancestors to dragons. Some say creatures like the hydra are the missing link between the two, but the only ‘evidence’ of dinosaurs even existing is the musings of an ancient dragon who supposedly told a scribe in early recorded history.
  21. >Yet Anonymous’ interest in the pictures, dare you say familiarity, has you at a loss.
  22. >Are dinosaurs truly real? Do they live where Anon is from? Maybe there is an old legend about Anonymous after all!
  25. >Again you are caught between giddiness and frustration. A potential lead has shown itself, but no matter the outcome the possibilities only bring more questions.
  26. >Jotting down a quick mental note to yourself, you push the thoughts aside. You’ll follow the hunch later.
  28. >After skimming a few more pages, Anonymous’ gaze falls on to another apparently familiar species.
  29. >Dragons.
  30. >Is Anon purposefully messing with you?! It didn’t bother noticing Spike in the bakery, and if it legitimately knows about dragons then someone should have discovered Anon’s kind by now!
  31. >Of all the things, it just had to be dragons. The secretive, powerful and arrogant dragons. Getting anything out of them is like pulling teeth. Even Celestia has trouble bartering for the, supposedly dormant, eggs she uses in her tests.
  32. >While Anon studies the picture, you read a bit of the text describing the various types. A single word leaps at you; a rumored ability for some dragons. Shapechanger.
  34. >You never even considered Anon might be able to shapeshift. It hasn’t switched form yet, but you can’t rule out the possibility. Although you had cast dispel on it earlier, the point where shapeshifting falls between magic and physical trait is a topic of fierce debate.
  35. >This could be the explanation you were looking for, and there’s only a few shapechangers known to exist.
  36. >Time to put your theory to the test. Let’s start with dragons.
  37. >Placing your hoof on the picture, you grab Anon’s attention and ask if it is related to them. Before you can even remove your hoof from the picture a flat clang comes from your partner.
  38. >No/ Different.
  40. >Taking over control of the book, you hunt through the pages.
  41. >Okay, moving along, L…L…Le...Les. Here we are. Leshy.
  42. >Another shapechanger and an inhabited species in the forest near the deer states of Elkton and Sambar-an. Leshies hate leaving the woods, and the description says they are plant like in appearance.
  45. >Not exactly how Anon looks, but the close vicinity of the deer nation gives you a good feeling about this one.
  46. >Looking to Anonymous, you await the ending verdict.
  47. >No/ Different.
  49. >Don’t worry girl, it was a good guess. What’s left? P…P….Pu. Ah, Púca.
  50. >Unlike the changelings, púca were not restricted to their horse form but were always distinguishable from their glowing eyes. That little trait made you pretty certain of the outcome, and confirmation didn’t take long.
  51. >No/ Different.
  52. >Honestly, that is kind of a relief. One can never really tell if those tricksters were being friendly or not.
  54. >There goes that idea. Despite your inability to unquestionably confirm Anon’s truthfulness, you’re going to assume it is being sincere with you. There is an easy argument to make about a shapeshifter lying to protect its disguise. A tiny portion of your memory will hold onto that thought, but you’ll ‘watch the yard for foxes’ or however Applejack put it.
  55. >The important thing is finding how to help Anonymous until the guardians are found. Your hope was to find a similar species in the book so you could compare the habits and needs. Even supposing the primate section provided some advice; you are still mostly left relying on your own collected data.
  57. >Sugar loving, company seeking, flat footed terrestrial being that prefers the day and relies on touch. Has well refined motor control, uses its voice and body to communicate, experiences emotions as strongly as ponies and openly displays them. Is cautious yet does not feel threatened until in direct danger, and relies on partnerships; giving itself over to others for care.
  58. >And your first thought was ‘wild animal’.
  59. >An old adage reminds you of a previously learned lesson. Don’t judge a book by its cover, Twilight.
  62. >Speaking of books, Anonymous has turned the science journal to the front and is going through the pictures in order. Moving quickly from image to image, it seems to have a clear goal in mind. You’ll sit back and watch; letting Anon take over. Maybe it will find something to help?
  63. >Having listed the major attributes, the playful nodes of your brain signal comparisons beyond that of primates and minotaurs. There are pieces of your friends dwelling in that foreign body; a strong mix of each combination. Applejack and Rarity’s careful yet open demeanor; Pinkie’s sweet tooth and touchy feely nature; Rainbow Dash’s disregard for trouble; and Fluttershy’s timidness mixed with empathy.
  64. >You’d like to claim part of yourself in there, too. Particularly the way it studies ponies and can make astute observations such as the relationship between the crusaders and their idols/ ‘sisters’.
  65. >Granted Anonymous and primates have the more physical aspects in common; you are growing less inclined to correlate the two. In face of the rocky start, the two of you were developing a whole new language. It was teaching you as much as you were teaching it, and if it is part of a lost civilization then the comparison is even weaker.
  67. >As Anon thumbs through the Hominidae section, the great ape family before the split between: orangutans, gorillas, and chimpanzees; a trigger of brilliance snaps in your head.
  68. >Anon is more ponylike than those other species, and you have found a way to distinguish that through name. Your theories will support a new branch, a subfamily that is like primates though remains uniquely different. You will call the species Hominem.
  69. >The name may not contain parts of either Twilight or Sparkle, but there is still a sense of ownership. In spite of trying to place Anonymous in a pre-defined species you have made part of it your own. A brand new definition awaits you; one that can explain to the world what you feel to be right.
  72. >There’s still much left to do, but your resolution left a happy sense of accomplishment. The burning thoughts in your head wane and you enjoy a long drawn out huff. You deserve a little down time.
  73. >Giving in to relaxation, you rest your head on top of Anonymous’ and the muscles in your body slacken. Anon slinks out from under you, causing your head to drape over its back instead. Paying no further notice to the added weight it continues to inspect picture after picture.
  75. >The sound of turning pages always calmed your nerves. Whenever you got lost in a book, the rest of the world seemed to stop save for that comforting noise. Closing your eyes, you unwind and only bother listening to your favorite song; that of reading.
  76. >Although you remain conscious, daydreams start to play out in your imagination. Maybe someday you’ll write your own book, and a filly or colt will lie in bed while mesmerized by your words. Eagerly, yet patiently taking in every tiny detail like you used to.
  77. >Wouldn’t that be something?
  79. >Even if it seems silly, you can’t help but smile at the notion. You could be known for something other than being a princess and an element of harmony. Perhaps you should adopt a pen name?
  80. >Frolicking in the land of make believe you lose track of time. It isn’t until your mock pillow pulses in annoyance that you sit back up. Lazily opening your eyes you see the back cover has been reached.
  81. >With such a response you would guess your companion didn’t like the results either.
  83. >Slowly flopping your head side to side you work out the kinks with a few pops and cracks. Anonymous flips to the previous chapters, stopping at one of the monkey pictures.
  84. >One hand rests flat against the face of the page while the other pinches the outer edge. What kind of hold is that?
  86. >That’s not a soothing sound; that’s not a soothing sound at all.
  89. >Your ears register the intent faster than your own eyes; a realization of your greatest fear coming to life. Instinctively your hoof skates over the book and brushes Anonymous’ hands away. Torn paper meets your vision, exactly as you expected.
  90. “No, don’t do that.”
  91. >Your voice couldn’t reach more than a squeak, but there was no time to bother. Ignoring both the small burn in your throat and in your horn, you jerk your bag over from the front door with your magic.
  92. >Immediately you give Anon a loose sheet of paper and a quill.
  93. “Use this.”
  95. >It takes each item in one of its hands and sets down to work. Meanwhile, you inspect the damage.
  96. >The tear is minor, your well trained reflexes saving most of the page. How you hated the sight and sound of a defaced book; too often encountered living in a library. Worst of all this wasn’t yours, this was Fluttershy’s. You’ll have to repay her to make up for the casualty.
  97. >Examining where the crease was formed, it appears that Anon was trying to separate the photo of a monkey.
  98. >What was it trying to—
  100. >The door to the barn suddenly shoots open and the bright rays shine directly into your eyes.
  101. >It’s like someone casted solar flare!
  102. >You quickly raise your hoof up and shield your eyes. The disturbance under your wing marks Anonymous doing the same.
  103. >Daring a peek, you can only make out a pair of silhouettes.
  104. >”Rise and shiiiiiiiine~!”
  105. >”Shhh. Oh, you’re awake.”
  106. >That explains it.
  108. >With your free limb, you wave for them to close the door while keeping up your guard. Fluttershy picks up the hint and the bright outside light soon dissolves. After a few rapid blinks to reset your eyesight, you look over the approaching team.
  109. >Pinkie is carrying a cardboard box on her head and happily trotting along with her usual springiness. Fluttershy is wearing a saddlebag today with a large red cross on both sides. Her steps are rather confident, for Fluttershy anyway.
  112. >Anonymous recovers from the attack as well, and wraps the blanket around itself again. This time it is in the more neutral manner like before with its arms and top of its chest still visible.
  113. >”We brought breakfast! Well I guess it’s more like brunch now. We brought brunch!”
  114. >Oh, right. She said she was going to bring some food today. You kind of already ate though.
  115. >You dismissively wave a hoof in front of your face in an effort to convey your lack of appetite.
  116. >”You don’t want any? Why not?”
  117. >Hmmm. How to explain?
  119. >Taking a bite of an invisible sandwich, you then point to yourself and Anon followed by patting your belly.
  120. >”You ate already? Awww. Why’d the morning rush have to be so big today? You’d think everypony forgot breakfast yesterday with how they were lined up.”
  121. >Her whimsical reflection comes to an abrupt end as she curiously tilts her head at you.
  122. >”Say, Twilight, how come you’re not talking? Are we playing charades?”
  123. >You shake your head no. A drop of worry falls into her expression
  124. >”Are you mad at me or something?”
  125. No.
  126. > Any sign of doubt is quickly abandoned, and she continues on just like everything was normal.
  127. >”Oh, okay.”
  128. >…
  129. >Is she really just going to drop it there? Thanks, Pinkie. Love you too.
  131. >Fluttershy moves to your side and digs through her kit; pulling out a fresh roll of gauze.
  132. >”Good morning, Twilight. How are you feeling?”
  133. >You give a positive hum and a nod.
  134. >Seemingly bored with you, Pinkie hops over towards Anonymous. Before the treat carrying mare can offer the food you cut her off with a weak shout.
  135. “Peenkey!”
  136. >Yowch that smarts.
  138. >Fluttershy goes as stiff as a board with the white roll held in her mouth. Her compatriot is also frozen in place. Even Anonymous is quietly observing you; however it is freely playing with the quill.
  139. >You can’t be bothered to try and mime something this specific. You’ll just have to say it.
  142. “If yu want tu see Anun yew haf ta intraduce yerself prruperly first.”
  143. >Pinkie and Fluttershy each pause to piece together what you said. Pinkie’s everyday energy is restrained by her sincere interest.
  144. >”How do I do that?”
  145. “Brush ahgainst its hand and Anunamuss shuld do the rest.”
  146. >Fluttershy regains herself shortly after, and is just as intensely watching Pinkie’s advance as you.
  147. >With agile expertise, the small cardboard box is flung off the poofy pink mane and down the resident’s back. Sliding along to the bushy tail, Pinkie kicks one of her rear legs up, causing her tail to curve towards the ground. Ending in a small upwards arc, the goods bounce gently into the air before harmlessly landing on the floor.
  148. >She marches up to Anonymous with zero reluctance, and you remove your wing from its back. Strangely enough, Anon is less wary than you expected. It is not tightening the blanket or raising the covers higher, but it is alert and studying her motions.
  150. >Taking your advice in her own way, Pinkie brushes her entire length against Anon like a cat. After making her pass and curling her tail she sits at Anon’s side like you.
  151. >She’s not doing it right, she’s supposed to guide the hand. You frantically try to sign for her to get lower.
  152. >Although Pinkie remains oblivious you thankfully have Fluttershy around.
  153. >”Pinkie, I think Twilight wants you to do something.”
  154. >”Hmmm?”
  155. >”She—EP!”
  156. >Sorry Fluttershy, but this is urgent!
  157. >You force Fluttershy to bow her head and start mock petting her; all the while urging Pinkie with your wide eyed glare.
  158. >”Ohhhhhhhh.”
  159. >As Pinkie goes to lay down, Anon’s hand meets her halfway. Instead of brushing straight through like it did with your flat mane, it tangles itself in the pink bundle and begins making small circles. Pinkie’s head rotates in tandem with a surprised smile on her face.
  162. >This is different, but good. With the crises averted you come off your panic, and surprisingly find yourself still holding down a certain yellow pegasus. Oops.
  163. “Surry Flutturshy.”
  164. >”P-please don’t do that again.”
  166. >In your mind you draw up a little scoreboard. Your experiment is two for two. Following another test or two you can hopefully restore the hominem’s native greeting without accidentally conditioning it. You should be safe from that slippery slope since you are not directly rewarding the behavior, but you don’t want to risk it. Reciprocation is dicey enough.
  167. >Pinkie appears to be enjoying herself, and Anon is equally serene. Fluttershy takes her own initiative and starts replacing your bandages.
  168. >Really, they don’t need to be changed. It’s barely been a day, but if it makes her feel better you won’t complain; especially not after you accidentally lost yourself in the moment again.
  169. >You slither away from the other occupied couple in-between wrappings to give them more space. You also force yourself to stand, a procedure you were happy to have forgotten, to make Fluttershy’s task easier. In a rare display, she’s the one to start up a conversation while working.
  170. >”How did you find out Anon’s greeting?”
  172. >Allowing your wings to stretch, you try to ignore the burn and appreciate the release. Afterwards, you point a hoof directly at her with a warm knowing smirk.
  173. >”M-me?”
  174. >You nod once.
  175. >Yes.
  176. >She’s visibly flummoxed by the discovery; obviously unsure how she was of help.
  177. >’Oh, Fluttershy, you really need to acknowledge your own worth.’
  178. >Holding onto that same smirk, a teasing thought emerges. Guess you’ll be playing charades after all.
  179. >Carrying on, you swing your hoof from her to Anonymous and then back to her. Mimicking a stroking gesture you await her answer.
  180. >”Uh…I…I don’t get it.”
  181. >Hmph.
  184. >You hold up your hoof.
  185. >”Hoof?”
  186. >You shake your head no. This was supposed to be easy.
  187. >”Leg?”
  188. >No.
  189. >”Roof?”
  190. >What? No.
  191. >”Sky?”
  192. Urgh.
  193. >”I-I’ll take that as a no then. One?”
  194. >Now we’re getting somewhere! You roll your hoof, trying to prompt her to continue along the path.
  195. >”Ummm, sole? Single? Lonely?”
  196. >You are fiercely imagining yourself banging your head against a wall in frustration. You hope that’s coming through.
  197. >”F-f-first?”
  198. >YES!
  200. >The aches of your body remind you not to have so much spunk in your responses. Nevertheless we got momentum here.
  201. >You point to Anonymous, display the first sign, point to your eye, and then point to Fluttershy.
  202. >”When Anonymous first saw me?”
  203. >Uh-huh, uh-huh.
  204. >You point to Anon again followed by the petting motion. Shortly after you point back to her.
  205. >”When it first saw me it stroked my mane.”
  206. >You bop your nose.
  207. >”Nose.”
  208. >It means bingo!
  210. >Oh how you cannot wait to talk again without strain. Things will be so much simpler, but she received your message loud and clear.
  211. >”So that was Anon’s way of saying hello?”
  212. >Easing the intensity out of your body, you settle yourself and offer a solitary nod.
  213. >A lively and merry voice chimes in from the far side, satisfaction painted all over its owners face.
  214. >”Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie. We’re going to be best friends.”
  216. ===================================================================================================================
  217. Posted in Thread 922
  218. ===================================================================================================================
  220. >While Anon and Pinkie keep one another occupied Fluttershy goes about your treatment. A familiar bite of cold comes from the base of your wings as she applies a new dab of ointment. Relief soon replaces the pain, and the wrappings are gently secured over the area.
  221. >With you taken care of, her attention shifts to Anonymous but quickly returns to you wielding a questioning stare.
  222. >”How come Anonymous isn’t wearing its clothes?”
  223. >You have a few guesses. The fact that they are wet could be one reason; another is that the covers are functional enough as a shield. However, you cannot confirm either case, and explaining your hypotheses is beyond your current vocal talent.
  224. >You shrug and she does an additional double take; her eyes again ending back on you.
  225. >Offering a small sympathetic smile you nudge her along with a nod; silently assuring her it will all be fine.
  226. >Adopting your confidence, Fluttershy maneuvers around you towards Anon. She keeps her head low as she approaches the empty hand. You step out of the way and watch.
  227. >”H-hello, Anonymous. How are you?”
  229. >Anon’s sight locks onto hers and your friend forces herself to keep a calm yet confident pace. Every part of Fluttershy is rigid in uncertainty making her movements awkward, though she wears a steadfast glare that you’ve seen on her a few times before.
  232. >Anonymous eagerly reaches for her as quickly as it did with Pinkie. Meeting the snout halfway, it brushes down the length of her neck. Fluttershy’s nervousness instantly melts away at the sensation; perking her right up with glee.
  233. >”It’s nice to see you too.”
  234. >She perches herself where you once were; your pink and yellow friends once more flanking the sitting creature.
  235. >Grabbing a spare quill and paper, you begin documenting the occasion.
  237. >Pinkie’s head is still whirling about while Fluttershy remains at rest. Carefully you study Anonymous’ technique. Each hand is taking a different action in a display of fine control. Short high paced circles scratch the bouncy partner and long leisurely sweeps coast along the tranquil companion.
  238. >Every now and then you catch a mix up; a little calm sometimes straightening the round motions and a little jig occasionally wobbling the fluid strokes. Perhaps Anon is still developing its dexterity, and its skill will rise even higher with age?
  239. >The contrast on each side is strangely fitting to the recipients. Analyzing the differences brings about a conclusion that it may have to do with the manes. Yours is akin to Fluttershy’s, and the petting you received was nearly identical. Pinkie’s mane, on the other hoof, is rather unique.
  240. >Hmmm, now where can you find another poofy mane to test? Maybe Mrs. Cake?
  241. >Just thinking of the types of rumors that would spread if you took Anon into town to test how it pets different ponies brings an almost fiendish smile. Actually, that could serve as a way to try getting the townsponies and Anonymous accustomed to each other. A bit too direct, yet has potential.
  243. >The pursuit of knowledge never stops, but you allow yourself a brief pause. Both of your friends are subtly leaning into Anon, and you wonder if they are even aware of it. They seem content in their own little worlds much like you were.
  246. >A prevailing calm seems to have overtaken Anon; neither excited nor energetic. Its plain face holds the inkling of joy given the slightly hooked lips. It was in a hurry to first touch the two, but then relaxed when the pair sat down. You’ll mark this along the fact of Anon finding comfort in company ala being in the ‘Active Stage A’.
  247. >Thus Anon must feel safe. It felt safe yesterday, and it feels safe now. That puts the upper limit of an acceptable crowd to at least six others. Yet where is the threshold? Is a platoon of guards a definite cap; or was it more about their demeanor rather than numbers?
  248. >If nothing else, you can at least verify Anonymous does not like to be alone. Recalling Applebloom’s suggestion, you have to wonder how appropriate that would be.
  249. >You write a simple note to remind yourself later.
  250. Barn.
  252. >On the subject of reminders, you have quite a collection to ink in; specifically shapechangers and dinosaurs.
  253. >Knowledge on dragons is hard to come by; you may need to visit the Royal Archive and get in touch with some experts on the topic. There are a few names at the top of your list; scholars and professors who helped guide you in raising Spike when he was still a hatchling. They may also have suggestions for where you can start searching for information on the dinosaur legends.
  254. >Leshies and púca are another matter. Deer are the authority on leshies; maybe one of their diplomats at the palace would know? As for púca, that is going to be tricky. They are rather dispersed and, as far as homelands go, the most you learned is that they avoid their changeling cousins.
  255. >These are all admittedly weak leads. You shouldn’t throw yourself at them until the more important issues are addressed; such as keeping Anon happy.
  256. >You take another look at the group, and draw pride from the sight. Pony and hominem side by side in peace.
  259. >What kind of day dreams would they have? Do any of them share your hopes and doubts?
  260. >As you observe the longing strokes and swivels your logical half calls an end to the break. The clock was ticking, and you calculate a grievous error.
  261. >They were being petted by Anon longer than you. This could jeopardize your work, not to mention being unfair.
  262. >You give a rough hum to grab their attention without costing your voice.
  263. HmmHmmmHmmm
  264. >The effect is minimal with only Fluttershy taking notice; Anon’s hand continuing to run through her mane. You’ll have to work with what you got; the quicker they reciprocate the better.
  265. >Impersonating her, you act as if you were the one being petted. Placing a hoof on the invisible hand, you gently interrupt the fake touch. Fluttershy bows once and pivots so that she is facing Anon’s side. The contact between all three breaks as Anon ceases the petting in order to focus on what Fluttershy is up to.
  266. >Pinkie confusedly blinks several times after realizing the absent sensation. Her vision scurries about for a reason, and locks onto you.
  267. >Good. Now you just need to find a way to convey the role reversal.
  269. >Your first attempt: trying to express a gift exchange.
  270. >Holding an imaginary box, you pass it along and start acting the part. You’re admittedly getting kind of into this and making a whole bunch of elaborate expressions.
  271. Here this is for you. Oh it’s no big deal, just a little something I found. You’re very welcome.
  272. >Reversing the exchange, you go through your own reactions.
  273. For me? Aww, you really shouldn’t have. A to scale replica of a Heighliner? This is amazing, thank you!
  274. >The yellow framed stare was not encouraging. She looks completely lost. You may have gotten a bit too into it.
  275. >However, the master of games picks up your intention and she goes to get her box.
  276. >”Hey Anon, you want some strudel?”
  277. >Wait! No!
  280. >Giving food would be rewarding the behavior! You can’t let her do that!
  281. >With a spurt of magic you bring the box towards you and away from Pinkie.
  282. >”What the... why did you do that?”
  283. >How are you going to inform Pinkie? Uh, think quickly! They need to repay Anon soon.
  284. >Using the same routine as before, you mock eat and pat your stomach then point to Anonymous.
  285. >”Nony might still be hungry.”
  286. >Shaking your head no you try to hurry this along without going into detail. Pinkie never was one for scientific procedure, and explaining such ideas to her previously had you running in circles; not to mention you could talk then.
  287. >”How can you be sure?”
  288. >You firmly shake your head no and stomp a hoof.
  289. >”Alright already. You don’t have to be such a meanie queenie.”
  290. Urrggg
  292. >Rumbled annoyance tumbles out of you. You’re not being mean; this is important. And you’re certainly not a queen.
  293. >You successfully got your way, but there is a haunting feeling demanding you to backpedal. Although Pinkie is sitting there as her usual self without any hint of unhappiness, you knew her to be rather blunt with her words. She meant what she said.
  294. >How would Celestia handle this? How can you both win?
  295. >Compromise.
  296. >Your hoof waves from position to position followed by another display of eating. Finally you use both of your front limbs to tick directly above your head.
  297. [Pinkie] [Basket] [Anon] [Eat] [Noon]
  298. >A golden Pinkie flashes you a bright smile.
  299. >”I can give Nony lunch?”
  300. >Nodding, you add a cross your heart for good measure.
  301. Yes. I promise.
  304. >The haunting feeling disintegrates at the parade of delight. Now it’s safe to move on.
  305. >Everyone’s gaze lingers on you. Fluttershy has been analyzing you expectantly since the start; her heavy glare from before absorbing whatever you are trying to tell. Anonymous is curiously following along, and shows invested interest whenever you point towards it. Pinkie has one leg under her chin as her furrowed brow dances in thought.
  306. >You also search your brain for answers while pondering how they should proceed. Is there anything else that would work besides the rocking?
  307. >Everything you consider is dissected with fierce scrutiny. With the clock counting down the search becomes more and more frantic.
  308. >Before you can discover a suitable action Fluttershy follows her own agenda.
  309. >”I’m going to check your bandages okay? Don’t be scared, I won’t hurt you.”
  310. >Digging into her bag, she pulls out a fresh roll of gauze. Anon offers no resistance when Fluttershy raises the nearest arm and begins undoing the bindings.
  311. >Ha, that’s it! That’s a sentimental touch just like the greeting.
  312. >Your horn lights up and grabs another roll from the red crossed pouch. You fling it towards Pinkie, which she catches, and begin miming nurse Fluttershy. It takes no time for your friend to catch the meaning and see to the other arm.
  314. >The once again exposed flesh tells the tale of yesterday. Those cuts and scratches are sealed and have developed a rough exterior. The scattered blotches of purple have all grown exponentially in size with a hint of green mixing with the largest ones.
  315. >You notice Pinkie pause when she reveals the first signs of damage. Her immediate response is to strike up a conversation with Anonymous in a sprightly tone.
  318. >”I was thinking that you didn’t get to meet many ponies. Well, I guess it might seem like you already met a lot, but there’s a whoooooooole bunch more out there. As soon as you feel better I can show you around; it’ll be a blast! We’ll stop by the bakery and pick up some snacks first, then visit the markets. Tons of ponies hang around there with all sorts of stuff, and Applejack might be there too.”
  319. >Pinkie leans in to whisper to Anon.
  320. >”She only sells apples and apple confectionaries.”
  321. >Her progress with the arm never stops while she rambles on.
  322. >”And then there’s the park, town hall, the playground by the school. Say, if you are a little tyke like Twilight says, you can hang out with ponies more your age there. Wouldn’t that be fun?”
  323. >Anonymous keeps its sight on her face as her mouth flaps endlessly. Rather than the usual blank stare Anon appears bewitched by her jittery movements and tantalizing tones.
  325. >Pinkie and Fluttershy finish tending to the arms at the same time. Everything else remains buried underneath the blankets, but will Anon be as defensive this time? Since everyone said hi first there is a chance that won’t be the case.
  326. >None pay heed to your vigilant stare, but you maintain yourself as the careful spectator; distanced from the action yet ready to intervene.
  327. >Fluttershy tries to eek the covers away and Anonymous responds by tightening the hold. The substitute nurse joins forces in hopes of persuading Anon out.
  328. >”Won’t you please let me take a look?”
  329. >”What’s the matter Non-non; a little pretentious with your conscientious?”
  330. >”It won’t take long, I promise.”
  331. >”Don’t you worry; your secret is safe with your pal Pinkie.”
  332. >”How about just the back? You’re okay with that right?”
  335. >Anon’s arms remove themselves from the blanket, and the fabric starts to go slack. In one fluid motion the covers are pulled over its head and arms.
  336. >The evidence reinforces your earlier hypothesis. Hominems are apprehensive about exhibiting their body and removing that defense, no matter the material, is out of the question.
  337. >An arm shoots out from the cloth cocoon, and concealed eyes leer out from the above gap. A pointed finger directs you to the nearby clothes, and then with an upward palm the four outer fingers curl inward repeatedly.
  338. >Every one of you grasps the meaning. You magic the clothes over, and remake the pile in front of Anon. The articles are snatched one by one and disappear within the hidey-hole. Pulses of hidden activity give the bulbing mass a sense of life.
  339. >What emerges from the dropped veil is a fully dressed Anonymous.
  341. >The blanket falls into the lap of the sitting hominem, and its arms rest at its side. Fluttershy renews her attempts to treat its back while Pinkie goes to get her box. Anon does not resist this attempt, but continues to deny the front.
  342. >Addendum: disclosure is guided by a sort of rule set. Arms and face are freely shown followed by the legs. The back will be allowed after earning enough trust, but the feet and chest are the most guarded. Given the complexity of the hominem-shoes, it is estimated that the feet are the highest priority.
  343. >Strange to think the feet would be what a hominem deems the most valuable. It would make more sense to shield the vital organs. Then again, with how squishy the feet were you can see how they would require extra protection. That is especially true since Anon is bipedal. One injured foot could be a real problem.
  344. >Scribbling down note after note you fully sink into the mindset of a researcher. Fluttershy is completely in nurse mode while Pinkie…
  345. >Strange as ever. You catch her leaning towards the wall with an outstretched ear.
  346. >Sometimes…just—
  349. >A resounding sequence of clangs rings out. Although muffled from the wooden walls you can make out the source as what sounds like a stampede rushes the farm house.
  350. >”Lunch time~!”
  351. >At that very moment the barn door is also thrown open. The outside light wasn’t as piercing as before and you can clearly see the blue Pegasus by the entrance.
  352. >”Yo, what’s up?”
  353. >Pinkie greets her with all her regular fizz.
  354. >”Hey Dashie, want some strudel?”
  355. >”Yeah I do!”
  356. >”Okay, but Nony gets the first piece.”
  358. >Rainbow Dash storms in next to Pinkie leaving the door wide open. Anonymous is unbothered by the hasty Dash, but you pull Rainbow aside. With Fluttershy done her task you do the same with her. Just a precaution to prevent promoting the food as a reward.
  359. >Pinkie presents the box to Anon with an open lid.
  360. >”I already cut them up so it would be easier for you.”
  361. >A hand wipes itself against the front of the clothes before selecting one of the squares. There was no real hesitation to speak of, unlike when you hold out items with your magic. Anon begins munching on the treat, and you let the others rejoin Pinkie.
  362. >Rainbow Dash wastes no time in taking one for herself and shoveling it into her gullet.
  363. >”By the way, the others sent me to ask if you guys want to come up for lunch.”
  364. >Plopping the other half in her mouth she quickly finishes the morsel.
  365. >”Really I think they just wanted to get to lunch first, but they underestimate the Dash.”
  367. >Pinkie slaps the blue hoof away from the box.
  368. >”Let the others have some.”
  369. >”O-oh, that’s okay. She can have my piece.”
  370. >”See, it’s cool.”
  371. >”Nah-uh. You have to wait.”
  372. >Pinkie pushes the box away from Dash, and carries it to you.
  373. >”Here you go, Twilight.”
  374. >Picking the next piece out of the box you survey the flakey chunk while it floats in your aura. The scent of sweet cherry zaps the pleasure centers of your brain, but the sense is blockaded by curiosity.
  377. >Watching until Anon has eaten the entire piece, you then offer yours. It takes barely a second to accept the gift, and did not require poking the food first. There is still an undeniable difference between using hoof and horn, though.
  378. >You silently observe Anon peacefully eat while you contemplate how this information can help.
  379. ‘Hmmmm. I’m assuming you’re unfamiliar with magic, right? You’re getting use to this quickly. Is that your lacking sense of danger at work or something else?’
  380. >One day you’ll get to ask.
  382. >Pinkie delivers another slice to you. Now content that everyone has gotten some, she allows Rainbow Dash to dive in for more.
  383. >”So, how’s Anon doing?”
  384. >”Super duper, right Fluttershy?”
  385. >”Well they are getting better, but I can’t say for—“
  386. >Pinkie blatantly nudges Fluttershy.
  387. >”I-I mean, yes. Super duper tuper.”
  388. >Dash laughs at the word tuper.
  389. >”Are you three-er-four going to come to the house?”
  390. >Anonymous takes one last bite to devour the second snack. Afterwards it eases back into the blanket and shuffles about. The set of shoes eventually get thrown out.
  391. ‘Don’t feel like walking today, huh?’
  392. “I think Anonymous and I are going to stay here.”
  393. >”Me too, but hey everyone else could come here!”
  394. >”We should only stay a little longer. Twilight and Anon still need to rest.”
  395. >Doh, you got sidetracked again. You’ve been meaning to ask Fluttershy about Anon’s back. There must be a way you can make holding a conversation easier on her. You scour your notes for a clue while Dash preps herself for takeoff.
  396. >”Alright, I’ll let them know. Catch ya later.”
  397. >Rainbow is out lickety-split, and still leaves the door open. You swear she was raised in a barn.
  398. >Ha and there’s the barn note you wrote down.
  399. >Wrote…
  400. >It’s so painfully obvious!
  403. >You frantically throw quill against parchment; endless scratches vibrating from the paper.
  404. >Pinkie and Fluttershy are caught off guard by your vigor and await the results with piqued interest. Anon pays no heed and throws the covers over its head.
  405. >You write down your message and slide the sheet over to Fluttershy.
  406. How is Anon’s back?
  407. >She looks up from the paper with upset delicacy.
  408. >”Anon’s back is a little bruised; a lot worse than the arms. They must have taken most of the fall there, but nothing seems to be broken. Dash is right, you two were lucky.”
  409. >Well that is concerning.
  410. >You retract the paper and write a new line.
  411. Is it serious?
  412. >”Uum, I don’t think so? I’m not sure what Anon can tolerate, and it won’t show me some places. They don’t seem bothered though, so I think they may just need time to recover.”
  413. >Pinkie’s head is waving to and fro as she watches your note based conversation.
  414. This may sound silly, but did you happen to see a tail?
  415. >”A tail? No, I didn’t.”
  416. >Yes! Anon is being honest.
  417. >When you retrieve the parchment again there is a few extra characters.
  418. >(I wanna play too <3)
  419. >…
  421. >You stare at Pinkie, and she returns the same. Fine, you’ll play her game.
  422. Hi
  423. >(Hi)
  424. There’s nothing else to ask
  425. >(Think of something else)
  426. I don’t want to
  427. >(I do)
  428. Pinkie!
  429. >(Even your writing is grouchy)
  431. >This time it is Fluttershy’s head bobbing around as you exchange the growing chat log with delirious speed.
  432. >Back and forth, back and forth.
  433. >Aqua eyes framed in yellow begin to rotate opposite one another.
  434. >To you, to her, to you, to her.
  435. >Fluttershy begins to wobble side to side.
  436. >To you, to you, to you, to you.
  437. >Where is Pinkie getting all of this paper!
  438. Note to self: Don’t challenge Pinkie at her own game.
  440. >You mistakenly write the reminder on the paper and Pinkie pulls it to her. She giggles at the text.
  441. >”Don’t worry, Twilight. You’ll be on my team when we play charades.”
  442. >Joy.
  445. >Fluttershy shakes her head and recovers from the spinout.
  446. >”W-we should probably get going.”
  447. >”Righty-o.”
  448. >”We’ll stop by tomorrow.”
  449. >”Or tonight.”
  450. >”Tonight?”
  451. >”May bee~.”
  452. >You don’t trust that sing song tone. You don’t trust it one bit.
  454. >Pinkie rolls her head towards where Anonymous is sitting; still completely hidden in the covers. The duo approach Anon and then Pinkie wraps her front legs completely around the covered mass. You can make out the entombed body squirming under the tight squeeze.
  455. >She lets go before you get too worried, and Anonymous’ head flies out like a surprised groundhog. Fluttershy reaches out the same way, though her grip is gentler to the extreme.
  456. >Likewise, you get your own clingy farewell before the pair leave.
  457. >”Cya Nony! Bye Twilight!”
  458. >”Get well soon.”
  459. >They have the common courtesy to shut the door on the way out, and you finally feel able to relax.
  460. >Buckling down in your old spot, you lay on the ground next to Anon. Anonymous watches your tired form for a moment and then gives a single stroke down your mane. Afterwards, they lay down on the bed and bundle up in the covers.
  461. >Lifting one of your wings you drape it over Anon. You wear a teasing smile; both from the innocent touch and the added bonus of your gesture.
  462. ‘You’re not getting away from me this time.’
  463. >You confidently allow yourself to surrender to a quick nap; your steady breathing synching up with your hominem ally.
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