
hbd melmel

Dec 25th, 2014
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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!! I feel so bad because I'm terrible with birthdays I have failed you once again for the second time in a row and I'm sorry but we (the fam) want to watch forrest gump with you later on for your birthday because it's your favorite movie so hehehehe. Okay honestly I know was fucking psycho and crazy like not even moving on regardless of everything and at first I was like "Oh this isn't gonna be worth it, I'm gonna end up wasting my time and she's already moved on." but I was so terribly wrong... I think.... A part of me really thinks you still want to be here but another part of me, this small little voice, is telling me that you'll feel like it's not the same and leave and I don't want that. Like I'm not trying to be all "SHE HATES ME EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT!!!" But I do want you to know that I'm seriously changing. I hate the fact that I lost you to so many stupid mistakes and I hate that didn't give you the attention you deserved because you deserve everyone's undivided attention but you're gonna get that and more. I think I'm nervous about moving to Florida. I'm always nervous when it comes to moving but this time I'm like FREAKING OUT because it's not like hey I'm moving with my mom, I'm moving there with Lisa (who is only staying for a year apparently which idc for) and yeah. It's scary as hell to just move to a new place and I know lisa, she's gonna be like "You can't stay here in my house forever you're gonna have to find your own place!!!!!" and idk like miami dade doesn't have dorms and idk where I would work OBVIOUSLY I HAVE TO FIND A JOB sigh it's just a lot to plan out and I only have a few months to do that so I'm trying to get it together hehe. Maybe we can be roommates idk BUT HEY THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE HAPPY AND I'M NOT GONNA LET U STRESS OVER THAT SHIT. The moral of the story is, you are my wife like I want to marry you and the fact that we've got this far? Like that has to mean something. I will never stop fighting for you and you know that. I will never stop dealing with your bullshit and I'll always listen to you when you vent and I'll always give you your space and try to not kiss you when you're not feeling well because I love you so much. Especially when your friends and family are being little shits, I'm gonna listen and try to see both sides of course but I will always take your side and always be like fuck them you can move out soon and do what the fuck you want. All your little likes and dislikes are my favorite things about you. You're like literally perfect. I get jealous when I think of your exes before me so I try to not even mention it but sometimes I'm like UR A THOT and I think about it ehhhhhh kill me I just don't like that I hate them all like why do they even exist why did anyone before me exist and love you like heheheheh sotp :)) I can't wait to just lay in bed with you and kiss your big-little forehead and call you my baby and show you off to everyone and slap ur butt in public like your ex bf mario did ok that'll show him :// Hey I love you so much and I'm about to go eat dinner so thank you so much for not giving up on us, thank you for being the perfect princess that you are and thank yarelys perez and papi-alejandro//alexander ferreiro for making such a beautiful girl that I can love. I know it's going to take time for you gain trust with me and I'm willing to wait and be patient and prove that I'm not the same if you are.
  3. I love you, happy birthday. :-)
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