

Feb 22nd, 2015
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  2. 04:47:30 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *And he doesn't move but he's cursing you in his mind*
  3. 04:47:53 <artybluegirl> ((Gabe: *is slapped* *wil ask how SHE KNOWS*))
  4. 04:48:06 ** Piranhaqueen has joined *
  5. 04:48:07 <artybluegirl> ((Because he's sure Heinrich told no one, he is a goner atm))
  6. 04:48:23 <Piranhaqueen> ((hello))
  7. 04:48:27 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( hi :3 ))
  8. 04:48:32 <artybluegirl> ((heya Oreo))
  9. 04:49:04 <Piranhaqueen> ((hello friend))
  10. 04:49:19 <GhostlyInsomniac> Grigori: *heads to Ingrid's shop where she is looking very nervous about something* ...Did mother write?
  11. 04:49:21 <Piranhaqueen> ((what if ferdinand not only befriended random cats but crows ))
  12. 04:49:32 <Piranhaqueen> ((and use them as spies or whatever. )
  13. 04:49:32 <CarlKindle> ((he
  14. 04:49:33 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Leonid is writing to her now, to be delievered...
  15. 04:49:37 <artybluegirl> ((calm down disney prince 2))
  16. 04:49:41 <CarlKindle> is a disney prince sometimes00
  17. 04:49:44 <CarlKindle> ((yea)
  18. 04:49:52 <artybluegirl> ((the abbey would notice if Ferdinand started attracting random animal and that's not good))
  19. 04:49:57 <GhostlyInsomniac> Grigori: What's the matter?
  20. 04:50:00 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: ....Nothing.
  21. 04:50:16 <artybluegirl> ((you dont want to give more reasons for him to be possibly be branded, he is not abbey material as it is))
  22. 04:50:42 <artybluegirl> ((ah Ingrid, Ingrid))
  23. 04:50:52 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( She's not gonna tell him YET ))
  24. 04:51:01 <Piranhaqueen> ((water you talkin bout, this kid is 100% abbey material ))
  25. 04:51:02 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( not when they ahve ENOUGH sthings to worry about ))
  26. 04:51:21 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( but i'll skip a little later Gabe should visit :3 ))
  27. 04:51:32 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Get his ass kicked ))
  28. 04:51:37 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( I want to kick his ass ))
  29. 04:51:46 <artybluegirl> ((...Ah she'd have to call for him since i doubt he'll show up after Ingrid kinda refused him))
  30. 04:51:53 <artybluegirl> ((Raphael might show up however))
  31. 04:52:19 <artybluegirl> ((Oreo sama, he is so not abbey material))
  32. 04:52:25 <artybluegirl> ((Overseers =/= killer))
  33. 04:52:36 <Piranhaqueen> ((but what if.....the crows....helped the abbey and stole things from the whalers , like documents and plans and what not))
  34. 04:52:36 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( She'll be sure to write him x3))
  35. 04:52:37 <artybluegirl> ((or the urge to kill, exact same opposite, it's about following orders))
  36. 04:52:47 <GhostlyInsomniac> *A pigeon flies onto Gabe's windowsil*
  37. 04:52:55 <InkDream46> {{ It's not so much about what's pragmatic or not. }}
  38. 04:53:03 <InkDream46> {{ The crows would be seen as heretical. }}
  39. 04:53:08 <artybluegirl> ((exactly)
  40. 04:53:08 <InkDream46> {{ Especially if they helped. }}
  41. 04:53:11 <artybluegirl> ((EXACTLY))
  42. 04:53:15 <artybluegirl> ~((thank you lilac))
  43. 04:53:24 <Piranhaqueen> ((god dangit ))
  44. 04:53:38 <artybluegirl> ((you gotta think canon universe a bit and move from there))
  45. 04:53:59 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Another bird? Second time and it's not normal* Come here.
  46. 04:54:14 <GhostlyInsomniac> Pigeon: *scoots over to him*
  47. 04:54:33 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Who keeps sending them? who's so careless? He picks it up gently before he removes the little paper*
  48. 04:54:50 <GhostlyInsomniac> Note: "I know what you did. We need to talk. - Ingrid."
  49. 04:55:15 <CarlKindle> ((But do the know rick helped Dubois? Cause i assume she is still mad))
  50. 04:55:23 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Omnious. *Frowns sending the pigeon away*
  51. 04:55:34 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( She's still mad at Dubois but she doesn't know Rick helped him ))
  52. 04:56:42 <GhostlyInsomniac> Pigeon: *stares at him*
  53. 04:56:46 <CarlKindle> ((well thats one situation he doesn't have to wrry about yet))
  54. 04:56:48 <artybluegirl> *Gabriel gets ready to head out - mask, belt with guns and weapons (those mostly for show) - and walks out towards the courtyard, holgers, heading for Ingrid's shop*
  55. 04:57:04 <artybluegirl> ((oh so it's a HERETICAL pigeon xD))
  56. 04:57:13 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *has sent Grigori and Leonid off on a wild goose chase to have some alone time*
  57. 04:57:18 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( It's Eydis XD))
  58. 04:57:23 <artybluegirl> ((darn))
  59. 04:57:31 <artybluegirl> ((EVERY ANIMAL GABE))
  60. 04:57:37 <artybluegirl> ((all of them are a security breach))
  61. 04:58:11 <Piranhaqueen> ((ferdinand will have all the cats))
  62. 04:58:21 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( the cat is actually NO LONGER Eydis ))
  63. 04:58:26 <artybluegirl> ((again, he'd best do it subtly))
  64. 04:58:29 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( it is a normal cat now with its memories changed ))
  65. 04:58:41 <artybluegirl> ((cause again ATTRACTING NAIMALs = heretic!))
  66. 04:58:47 <InkDream46> {{ >.> }}
  67. 04:58:48 <artybluegirl> ((*animals))
  68. 04:58:53 <Piranhaqueen> ((naimals))
  69. 04:59:02 <InkDream46> {{ Olivia is silently rooting for the heretic's brand because COME MAKE ART WITH ME. }}
  70. 04:59:04 <CarlKindle> ((see i'm waiting for Carl and Fred to walk in on Gabe and Grig so Carl can be like "LOOK AT LL THOSE HOUNDS CHASING THOSE CATS" to try and get Fred out of there before he sees some he wont like))
  71. 04:59:17 <artybluegirl> ((lol))
  72. 04:59:17 <Piranhaqueen> ((Ferdinand would be angry ))
  73. 04:59:31 <Piranhaqueen> ((he'd be like))
  74. 04:59:33 <artybluegirl> ((gabe's got his own room now and since alois is dead and gone, it's just his own. he put a lock to it))
  75. 04:59:33 <CarlKindle> ((No Fred think of those cats. there we like 12 of them lets go))
  76. 04:59:41 <Piranhaqueen> (("wHO DARES HARM MY CATS "))
  77. 04:59:58 <Piranhaqueen> (("CATS." ))
  78. 05:00:02 <artybluegirl> *Gabriel knows again, on the door to her shop. He supposes this isn't a courtesy call*
  79. 05:00:15 <CarlKindle> (("Go look hurry" *glares at Gabe cause guess who won't investigate my gay tendancies anymore. right it's you*))
  80. 05:00:20 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *opens the door and pulls him in*
  81. 05:00:33 <artybluegirl> *knocks
  82. 05:00:45 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Ingrid? Is something wrong? *already inside*
  83. 05:01:10 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *locks the door and puts the 'We're closed! :3' sign on the door*
  84. 05:01:18 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: You slept with that Whaler.
  85. 05:01:29 <Piranhaqueen> ((oh shit who slept with who))
  86. 05:01:39 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Gabe and Heinrich ))
  87. 05:01:52 <CarlKindle> ((they did the do with someone new))
  88. 05:02:01 <Piranhaqueen> ((ohhhhh shit))
  89. 05:02:11 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Clears his throat, mask on and fortunately she can't see his surprise* Did I? Most importantly, who told you?
  90. 05:02:24 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I have sources, Gabriel, you can't lie to me.
  91. 05:02:34 <CarlKindle> ((How does she know?))
  92. 05:02:38 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Sources I'd very much liek to know, I was most cautious Ingrid.
  93. 05:02:39 <InkDream46> {{ Eydis. }}
  94. 05:02:41 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Eydis was watching ))
  95. 05:02:43 <Piranhaqueen> (([link]))
  96. 05:02:55 <CarlKindle> ((Rick: OH GROSS I FEEL DIRTY))
  97. 05:02:58 <InkDream46> {{ In other words - that creepy witch who spies on everybody. :I }}
  98. 05:03:07 <artybluegirl> ((Gabe: We agree on something Whaler))
  99. 05:03:12 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I don't have to tell you. I know you wouldn't react well.
  100. 05:03:13 <InkDream46> {{ even when they're having private moments. }}
  101. 05:03:19 <Piranhaqueen> ((Ferdinand: *a really disgusted face* ))
  102. 05:03:30 <InkDream46> {{ Like breaking up and having sex. }}
  103. 05:03:49 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( It's not like she watched them fuck but she kind of guessed after Rick took his damn shirt off in th library that they were gonna do things ))
  104. 05:03:52 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Walking around the shop, arms crossed* Of course I wouldn't react well. I was spied on and how? I don't know but *you* happen to. somehow.
  105. 05:04:33 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I have access to quite an arsenal of spymasters at my disposal.
  106. 05:04:34 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *turns to her* I care for you a great deal Ingrid but I won't let you threaten me, if it's what this is all about.
  107. 05:04:50 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *softens her gaze* I'm not trying to threaten you.
  108. 05:05:01 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I just don't know if you can keep a secet.
  109. 05:05:04 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( *secret ))
  110. 05:05:40 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *He grunts, relaxing a notch* So it's about your brother.
  111. 05:05:41 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I want to trust you, because if I can't, it could mean certain destruction for everyone I care about.
  112. 05:06:51 <artybluegirl> Gabe: you can trust me, I'd never harm you Ingrid. Just excuse my wariness, I just discovered the Abbey is even more compromised than usual.
  113. 05:07:36 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I need your word.
  114. 05:07:36 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *disapproves, dissaproves of all of you*
  115. 05:07:49 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I need your word that whatever I tells you does not leave this shop.
  116. 05:08:01 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I have strong allies and I want them to trust you.
  117. 05:08:05 <artybluegirl> Gabe: You have my word, my discretion and my friendship Ingrid.
  118. 05:08:12 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Take off your mask.
  119. 05:08:25 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Sighing he does as she asks*
  120. 05:08:30 <artybluegirl> ((SLAP))
  121. 05:09:16 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *smiles* First things first, I'll let you know. I have a branch of spies who travel throughout the Isles with my family, the Khurtins. All of Khurtin blood. They watch and report back to us in secret.
  122. 05:09:36 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Nods* As should all good noble families.
  123. 05:09:46 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *I just dont use my family name, i'm my own tool*
  124. 05:09:54 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: And as such, all those requested to be protected by family request.
  125. 05:10:15 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Arabella Delaney, Carl Kindle, Ferdinand Morozov, and most recently, you.
  126. 05:10:33 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: And those are just my factions. There are others in Dunwall who keep an eye on others.
  127. 05:10:40 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Kindle and the kid? Me?
  128. 05:10:56 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Yes. At Grigori's request, that you be kept safe.
  129. 05:11:07 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Mutters* Grigori's request...
  130. 05:11:20 <Piranhaqueen> ((because they are both cinnamon rolls, too sweet and perfect for this world))
  131. 05:11:31 <artybluegirl> ((yay Ella :D you too honey))
  132. 05:11:38 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: So when my spymaster saw you leaving with what was known to be a Whaler by my OTHER informant, she went after you two.
  133. 05:12:03 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: And that brings us to our topic of discussion.
  134. 05:12:41 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *hauls back and slaps him so hard on the cheek it rings through the shop* HOW COULD YOU!?
  135. 05:12:52 <artybluegirl> Gabe: I was sure we hadn't been followed... *Grunts, thinking to himself and then BAM, slap*
  136. 05:13:16 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *gritting his teeth, eyes watering, trying not to react, fists closed tight*
  137. 05:13:39 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *her face is suddenly twisted in a furious scowl* HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!? Not TWO days after I asked- BEGGED- you not to hurt my brother, you turn around and fuck a heretic!
  138. 05:13:50 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: WHATS' WRONG WITH YOU?! Don't you have any brains!?
  139. 05:14:00 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I THOUGHT YOU WERE SMART!
  140. 05:14:03 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Still a bit shocked so slow to react*
  141. 05:14:08 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Ingrid...
  142. 05:14:22 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: And not just a heretic a WHALER.
  143. 05:14:29 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Ingrid, If I could just talk...
  144. 05:14:30 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: IN THE ABBEY LIBRARY!
  145. 05:14:43 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Holding his hands up, his cheek pules with pain and he grimaces*
  146. 05:14:55 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I certainly hope you didn't get your seed on any of the books!
  147. 05:14:57 <CarlKindle> ((Rick: Former whaler thank you))
  148. 05:15:01 <Piranhaqueen> ((That's nasty ,son ))
  149. 05:15:02 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Ingrid... if you'd please allow me to explain.
  150. 05:15:06 <Piranhaqueen> ((yall fucked in the library ))
  151. 05:15:09 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: OTHER PEOPLE HAVE TO USE THOSE! *she slaps his other cheek*
  152. 05:15:11 <Piranhaqueen> ((Ferdinand reads there ))
  153. 05:15:15 <Piranhaqueen> ((GOOD !!))
  154. 05:15:21 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *chuckles* No, far from me to ruin the books, Ingrid.
  155. 05:15:45 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *breathing harshly through her nose and grabs him by the collar, slamming him up against the nearby wall* Cease your laughing this instant, Fabela.
  156. 05:15:53 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: This is not a joke.
  157. 05:15:54 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Oh now he is crying because he was slapped yet again, he takes another step back, looking at her with anger*
  158. 05:16:15 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *hisisng* then listen, Istomina
  159. 05:16:18 <artybluegirl> *hissing
  160. 05:16:21 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *glaring at him viciously* If there is one thing in this damned world that will resort me to violence it will be the abuse of my brother.
  161. 05:16:27 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Now explain yourself.
  162. 05:16:46 ** InkDream46 has joined *
  163. 05:16:53 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Jaw gritted, he is breathing deeply, trying to control himself, the pain and the slapping have made him go red in the face*
  164. 05:17:15 <artybluegirl> Gabe: I know just who that ex-whaler was, thank you for your warning.
  165. 05:17:33 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I don't care who he was, I want to know what you were thinking!
  166. 05:17:46 <artybluegirl> Gabe: And you brother and I? not officially in a commitment, no matter how I just tried to propose an acceptable arrangement for us both and he refused.
  167. 05:17:56 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: What kind of arrangement?
  168. 05:18:07 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: What is an acceptable arrangement to you? Fucking?
  169. 05:18:11 <artybluegirl> Gabe: He won't get involved with me, yes.
  170. 05:18:18 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: You mean like the kind you proposed with ME?
  171. 05:18:18 <CarlKindle> ((Rick just keeps taking the Istomin's men away one way or another))
  172. 05:18:44 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Is it not what he wanted? Isn't what you did?
  173. 05:18:54 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *oh he's hissing and his voice drip with venomn*
  174. 05:18:59 <CarlKindle> ((he either sleeps with them or ferries them out of the country. there is no stopping him))
  175. 05:19:09 <InkDream46> ((Haha.))
  176. 05:19:13 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *just as venomous* I have a reason for not making such an arrangement with you.
  177. 05:19:53 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: My brother cares about you. He's not going to be anyone's side fuck.
  178. 05:19:59 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Which is? all this nonesense of feeling came out of nowhere. He embarassed me in front of our audience, of the people and the Abbey. *Is really mad and angry and confused*
  179. 05:20:06 <InkDream46> ((I hope kdAmn is logging this))
  180. 05:20:22 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Yes I suspect YOU wouldn't know what it's like to CARE about someone!
  181. 05:20:30 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: All you care about is your cock!
  182. 05:20:56 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Ah! *snorts* I care just fine about people, I didn't leave, I didn't relay suspicions abotu your family. You don't know about what I care or don't care about, Ingrid!
  183. 05:21:02 <artybluegirl> Gabe: you don't have an inkling!
  184. 05:21:11 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *lets him go* Then I should tell him.
  185. 05:21:17 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I should tell Grigori what you did.
  186. 05:21:29 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Snorts* No, allow me.
  187. 05:21:35 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *scoffs* You?
  188. 05:21:42 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: You'd never be able to handle it.
  189. 05:22:01 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I've been breaking bad news to him since he was released from Yaro, I know how to handle him.
  190. 05:22:02 <artybluegirl> Gabe: Let me put this nonesense to an end, I need to.
  191. 05:22:14 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Nonsense?
  192. 05:22:39 <artybluegirl> Gabe: It bothers me I can't understand what to do with Grigori, Ingrid
  193. 05:22:56 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: It bothers you when you don't know what to do with yourself.
  194. 05:23:06 <artybluegirl> Gabe: *Glares at her* I've been thinking about it for the past few days and then he refused my proposal.
  195. 05:23:30 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: It's not my brother's FAULT you don't know how to have a human relationship to save your life!
  196. 05:23:32 <InkDream46> ((Gene, can you backup log this?))
  197. 05:23:40 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Walter Nicodemus could learn from you!
  198. 05:24:17 <CarlKindle> ((uh...i'm having so issue here on my side i don't know i wi ll stay loggedin))
  199. 05:24:20 <InkDream46> ((Chrome is bitching out on me and I can be sure if kdAmn is logging or not))
  200. 05:24:34 <CarlKindle> ((i can try and get what we have so far but that's it))
  201. 05:24:35 <artybluegirl> Gabe: I've heard of him. twisted fuck who tortured him. *Sad smile* Also know of his memory troubles. Yes, I haven't told.
  202. 05:24:50 <InkDream46>
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