
FlutterSnake (FR One Shot)

Dec 12th, 2013
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  1. >Day reptilia in Equestria
  2. >It was a rather brisk morning as the cool air in your room threatens to sap all your strength.
  3. >The warm blankets kept you cozy as you draw in a deep breath of air, revving up your internal engines.
  4. >The day ain't gonna start itself.
  5. >You instantly grab your articles of clothing, trying to retain your natural body heat.
  6. >A slight shiver creeps through your body, but you manage to hold on to the warmth.
  7. >Do the usual Holy 'S' Trinity morning ritual.
  8. >Grab a bowl of oats and maybe hit the gym later with SnowFlake.
  9. >As you pour water into the kettle, you hear the doorbell ring.
  10. >Even Stevie Wonder would see this coming.
  11. >No doubt Fluttershy is here to annoy you with her usual bullshit antics of guessing your fetish.
  12. >Adorable at first, but much like a pebble in your shoe it gets irritating quick.
  13. >It could be any of the other ponies though, so you rather not leave them waiting at the door.
  14. >With a heave you lumber towards the door and open up, a breeze of fresh air hits you. But no Fluttershy in sight.
  15. >But your eyes instantly fall down to your front step.
  16. >A pair of eyes at the end of a long yellow tube stare back up at you.
  17. >A large boa constrictor lay before you in a coiled heap, flicking its fork tongue wildly.
  18. >It was even sporting a bit of pink hair from its head.
  19. "Fluttershy?"
  20. >Like a bolt of lightning, it springs as you head first and latches it mouth over your face.
  21. >You fall backwards and instantly the snake brings its coils around your arms and torso.
  22. >The large mass of muscles slithers over your body as it lets go of your mouth.
  23. >"I'm sssory Anon..."
  24. >It was Fluttershy.
  25. "Get the hell of me Fluttershy. And why are you a goddamn snake?"
  26. >"It's just so cold and when I felt your warmth, I couldn't control myself..." She squeezes tighter around your ribcage.
  27. >She must not realize her own strength, because every contraction is pushing more air out of your lungs.
  28. >The large coils around your body were too much for you to overpower.
  29. "Fluttershy... your crushing me..."
  30. >"But I'm ssso cold, Anon. I need to ssstay with you..." She hissed delicately in your ear.
  31. >You could feel her tail starting to slide under your pants legs. The cool dry scales brushing up against your thigh.
  32. "Get your tail out of there!"
  33. >"I can't help it. But sssseeing you helpless makesss me feel... powerful."
  34. >Her coils tighten again, you gasp in shock from a surge of pain.
  35. >If you can't overpower her coils, then you'll have to think of another way to let her go.
  36. >Using your legs you begin to push yourself, along with Fluttershy along the wood floor towards the kitchen.
  37. >All them squats finally paid off.
  38. >Snowflake would be proud.
  39. >"Where are we going? Ssstop!" She hissed as she embraces you in a tighter hug. You freeze in pain, your ribs felt like they could snap any minute.
  40. >But you couldn't stop now.
  41. >"Ssseeing as how we're both sharing thisss moment, maybe I can make it more... ssspecial?"
  42. >She lifts her tail up into the air, and you could see her cloaca gaping and drooling for you.
  43. >You strain to push yourself towards the kitchen as Fluttershy sets her sight on your junk.
  44. >You could feel her tail shifting under your garments and her coils, try to reach that sweet spot between your legs.
  45. >Pushing harder, you finally get into the kitchen.
  46. >What Fluttershy failed to realize is that being crushed to death didn't make you pop a stiffy, but that didn't stop her from trying.
  47. >The tip of her tail wraps around your dick and begins to gently massage it.
  48. >Just a little further...
  49. >You spot that kettle you filled with water not too long ago.
  50. >A survival show you remember watching said how a man was saved by pouring cool water over the snake.
  51. >With a final push, you slide across the floor and hit the cupboard with your head.
  52. >The kettles jumps up, teeters and plunges over the edge.
  53. >Cold water splashes all over Fluttershy and her deadly coils begin to loosen instantly.
  54. >You push her off and scramble to your feet.
  55. >"I can't move..." She whimpers.
  56. "You get the fuck out or you'll make a fine pair of banana shoes and a belt."
  57. >She writhes in agony on the floor, her muscles no longer under her control.
  58. >"So.... snakes aren't your fetish?"
  59. "Not even close."
  60. >Time to take out the trash.
  61. >With no time to lose, you grab her by the tail and drag the serpent turned pony to the bathroom.
  62. "Just like all problems, this one is solved by flushing it down toilet."
  63. >You plunge her head first into the ceramic bowl and pull the lever.
  64. >The loud swirling waters drag the yellow snake down the pipes and out of sight for good.
  65. >But she'll be back. She always comes back.
  66. >This wasn't the first time you had to flush her down the toilet.
  67. >But the plumbers are complaining that your drains are always getting clogged by
  68. >Fucking Fluttershy.
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