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Sep 13th, 2016
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  2. 21:14:07: <havocfett> OK, everyone nick up, I'm writing briefing text
  3. 21:14:28: <Revlid> ...nick up?
  4. 21:14:31: <Revlid> Oh, I see.
  5. 21:14:33: <Omicron> nick Clanless
  6. 21:14:40: <havocfett> /nick is the command
  7. 21:14:40: <alessandro> need da slash
  8. 21:14:42: <alessandro> :V
  9. 21:14:46: <Clanless> I knooow
  10. 21:14:48: <Clanless> It was a typo
  11. 21:14:53: Cornuthaum slashes Alessandro
  12. 21:14:59: <Cornuthaum> have fun folks :D
  13. 21:15:00: <aldrich> Huh.
  14. 21:15:02: <aldrich> Didn't work.
  15. 21:15:06: <Cornuthaum> try not to get horribly eaten!
  16. 21:15:07: <Clanless> Don't let Revlid near any god we might meet guys
  17. 21:15:24: <Clanless> Aldrich: I see you as "Aldrich"
  18. 21:15:28: <alessandro> welp
  19. 21:15:38: <alessandro> this will definitely be a PURGE session
  20. 21:15:59: <aldrich> Oh, thre we go.
  21. 21:19:19: <alessandro> well how many gobbos and wolves
  22. 21:19:27: <alessandro> did we kill
  23. 21:19:30: <alessandro> in that session
  24. 21:19:35: <alessandro> around n12+
  25. 21:19:37: <alessandro> ?
  26. 21:19:44: <havocfett> Something like 12, yeah
  27. 21:19:45: <aldrich> Hey, Alessandro - what feat did you take? You're variant human, yeah?
  28. 21:19:52: <alessandro> yus
  29. 21:19:56: <alessandro> Polearm Mastery
  30. 21:20:04: <alessandro> its pretty greaet
  31. 21:20:08: <alessandro> great even
  32. 21:20:28: <alessandro> the buttspike is love
  33. 21:20:32: <alessandro> the buttspike is life
  34. 21:21:38: <havocfett> Alright, quick descriptions of your characters IC
  35. 21:21:40: <havocfett> And we'll go
  36. 21:22:22: <aldrich> aaah
  37. 21:24:52: <lupine> 5 goblins in the barracks, 6 goblins and 2 wolves in the dining area, 3 goblins and the bugbear in the prison cells. 15 enemies total.
  38. 21:26:47: <Cornuthaum> buttspike power
  39. 21:27:45: <alessandro> aha
  40. 21:28:09: <alessandro> lol Cornuthaum
  41. 21:28:15: <alessandro> have you gotten to those bits
  42. 21:28:27: <Cornuthaum> I finished reading the thing earlier today
  43. 21:28:36: <alessandro> noice
  44. 21:28:40: <Cornuthaum> soll gott mich abhüten vor solchem übel
  45. 21:29:36: <alessandro> rip inrip
  46. 21:29:58: <aldrich> Not sure what happened there.
  47. 21:30:25: <aldrich> Was it just me who got booted, or was everyone else too?
  48. 21:30:31: <lupine> Just you
  49. 21:30:35: <havocfett> just you
  50. 21:31:37: <havocfett> OOC chat and rolling happens here
  51. 21:31:43: <havocfett> Corn: No change that dice roller's up?
  52. 21:31:47: <havocfett> Dekutulla!
  53. 21:31:50: <havocfett> <- logs
  54. 21:31:51: <Dekutulla> yo
  55. 21:31:57: <alessandro> yoyoyo Deku
  56. 21:32:38: <Dekutulla> glad to see I didn't miss much
  57. 21:33:06: <Cornuthaum> ah
  58. 21:33:06: <Cornuthaum> -- yo yo fellows
  59. 21:33:07: <Cornuthaum> Havocfett
  60. 21:33:11: <Cornuthaum> give me a mo to reconnect the dicebot
  61. 21:33:43: <Cornuthaum> magicstar hates my connection
  62. 21:33:52: <Cornuthaum> and every time it takes 30+ seconds I think it stopped working and restart the connec
  63. 21:34:32: <Cornuthaum> Unable to connect to
  64. 21:34:33: <Cornuthaum> huh
  65. 21:34:38: <Cornuthaum> did the server ban my dicebot
  66. 21:34:42: <havocfett> So, yeah, once everyone has a short description of their character up IC we'll go
  67. 21:34:44: <havocfett> Maybe?
  68. 21:35:04: <Cornuthaum> no idea what's going on here, sorry :/
  69. 21:35:07: <Cornuthaum> first time that happened
  70. 21:36:14: <havocfett> It's cool
  71. 21:36:21: <havocfett> multiroll command is in the topic
  72. 21:36:35: <havocfett> /rpgserv roll+ 2d6 - #SheolOOC
  73. 21:36:39: <havocfett> err
  74. 21:36:43: <alessandro> lol
  75. 21:36:53: <havocfett> /rpgserv roll+ 2d6 - #SheolOOC
  76. 21:36:58: <havocfett> ugh, my client
  77. 21:37:02: <alessandro> lol
  78. 21:37:04: <aldrich> the gods have forsaken us
  79. 21:37:04: <havocfett> OM
  80. 21:37:25: <Clarity> you were just leaving a space in
  81. 21:37:29: <aldrich> /rpgserv roll+2d6 - #SheolOOC
  82. 21:37:43: <alessandro> also kill the Sheol bits
  83. 21:37:44: <RPGServ> Aldrich Rolled 2d6 for 7:
  84. 21:37:44: <RPGServ> +-- Individual Rolls 5 2
  85. 21:37:50: <Cornuthaum> argh now I want to get my dicebot back online
  86. 21:38:08: <havocfett> Alright, can I get the logs?
  87. 21:38:15: <aldrich> Seems to need the Sheol bits.
  88. 21:38:24: <RPGServ> +-- Individual Rolls 5 1
  89. 21:38:24: <RPGServ> Havocfett Rolled 2d6 for 6:
  90. 21:38:27: <havocfett> there we go
  91. 21:38:29: <Cornuthaum> aha!
  92. 21:38:31: <havocfett> aha
  93. 21:38:33: <alessandro> GLORIOUS
  94. 21:38:33: <Cornuthaum> connecting directly to the server works
  95. 21:38:36: <Dicebottiel> Cornuthaum: 12
  96. 21:38:36: <Cornuthaum> 2d6
  97. 21:38:41: <Cornuthaum> 2d6+2
  98. 21:38:41: <Dicebottiel> Cornuthaum: 6:4+2
  99. 21:38:53: <alessandro> 1d10+3
  100. 21:38:54: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 9:6+3
  101. 21:39:00: <alessandro> cool
  102. 21:39:28: <aldrich> How do we update the logs?
  103. 21:39:35: <LastChronicler> 1d10
  104. 21:39:36: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 1
  105. 21:39:37: <Clanless> Uh
  106. 21:39:41: <Clanless> This doesn't seem to work for me
  107. 21:39:45: <Clanless> I must be doing something wrong
  108. 21:39:49: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 7
  109. 21:39:49: <aldrich> 1d20
  110. 21:39:55: <havocfett> Just copy-paste everything in the #Sheol room into a pastebin
  111. 21:40:26: <LastChronicler> Natural 1. That's disquieting.
  112. 21:40:37: <aldrich>
  113. 21:40:54: <havocfett> thanks
  114. 21:40:56: <aldrich> ...I may not have been the best person to do that.
  115. 21:41:11: <aldrich> You'll have to splice it together unless someone else wants to try.
  116. 21:41:21: <havocfett> once Clarity and Ulfric describe we will continue
  117. 21:41:25: <Clanless> Yeah I can't make the roll thing work.
  118. 21:41:40: <havocfett> huh
  119. 21:41:49: <havocfett> Just type in the dice you want to roll
  120. 21:41:52: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett: 5
  121. 21:41:52: <havocfett> 1d20
  122. 21:41:54: <havocfett> or 2#1d20
  123. 21:42:00: <havocfett> fr'exa2#1d20
  124. 21:42:04: <havocfett> ...
  125. 21:42:06: <lupine> Thats why we have this Dicebot now
  126. 21:42:07: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett: 12;1
  127. 21:42:07: <havocfett> 2#1d20
  128. 21:42:11: <havocfett> there we go
  129. 21:42:30: <havocfett> I am butterfingers today
  130. 21:42:37: <Clanless> Oh
  131. 21:42:38: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 5
  132. 21:42:38: <Clanless> 1d6
  133. 21:42:39: <Cornuthaum> It even does multiple dice together if you want
  134. 21:42:42: <Clanless> Okay, cool
  135. 21:42:43: <havocfett> OK, once LastChronicler gives a brief description of Ulfric we'll be off
  136. 21:42:46: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 14:9+5
  137. 21:42:46: <Clanless> 2d6+5
  138. 21:42:51: <Cornuthaum> 1d10+1d8+1d6+1d4+1d3
  139. 21:42:52: <Dicebottiel> Cornuthaum: 15:1+7+4+1+2
  140. 21:45:20: <Clarity> Who's ulfric, again?
  141. 21:45:42: <alessandro> LastChronicler he is also wizard
  142. 21:45:48: <Clarity> oh
  143. 21:46:23: <havocfett> gonna need to pray in about five minutes, shouldn't take long
  144. 21:46:27: <Clarity> wait lastchronicler do you have to separate windows open for these or something, how do you have a different nick
  145. 21:47:55: <LastChronicler> Sorry, done.
  146. 21:48:28: <havocfett> brb
  147. 21:48:42: <LastChronicler> Yeah, I just opened two separate windows.
  148. 21:49:45: <Clarity> oh, gotta choose what spells to take
  149. 21:51:22: <LastChronicler> There we are. I thought I'd already done it, but it's done now, at least.
  150. 21:51:37: <Clarity> no, I mean, I do :v
  151. 21:51:46: <aldrich> Aaand Aldrich now has a backstory.
  152. 21:51:59: <aldrich> That is to say, one which is actually written down.
  153. 21:52:28: <alessandro> lol
  154. 21:54:13: <havocfett> And back
  155. 21:55:00: <Clarity> yo
  156. 21:58:06: <havocfett> Passive Perceptions?
  157. 21:58:16: <Clarity> 10
  158. 21:58:30: <LastChronicler> 16
  159. 21:58:42: <LastChronicler> What's the distance on those?
  160. 21:58:43: <alessandro> 13
  161. 21:58:45: <aldrich> 11
  162. 21:59:36: <Clanless> 11
  163. 22:00:25: <Clarity> fucking griffons
  164. 22:00:37: <alessandro> lol
  165. 22:00:47: <havocfett> The Encounter chart /really/ likes Griffons for some reason
  166. 22:00:57: <havocfett> Despite them being a, like, 5% encounter chance
  167. 22:01:44: <havocfett> Clanless is up first. Two Griffons, both of them are fifty feet up and more-or-less right above you guys.
  168. 22:01:47: <alessandro> topkek
  169. 22:01:59: <Clanless> So I guess I delay my action until they come down to us.
  170. 22:01:59: <alessandro> you can grab one of my Javelins of you like
  171. 22:02:02: <alessandro> Omicron
  172. 22:02:08: <Clanless> Oh wait, I do actually have javelins.
  173. 22:02:45: <Clarity> oh god I forgot I have Jack Shit dexterity
  174. 22:02:54: <alessandro> lol
  175. 22:03:14: <scya> Havocfett clearly somewhere around here are some prides of them lazing in the sun on some hills. Or would that be flocks?Herds?
  176. 22:03:26: <havocfett> I am genuinely unsure, Scya
  177. 22:03:43: <scya> The RNG wants to give you a sign
  178. 22:03:44: <lupine> our first Player Set goal is going to be exterminating all of these fucking griffons on the plateau
  179. 22:03:45: <Clarity> a pride of griffons sounds cooler
  180. 22:03:49: <havocfett> Clanless, you gonna throw or you gonna ready and pass to Aldrich?
  181. 22:03:55: <lupine> Then claiming the eggs from their nests and raising them as mounts
  182. 22:03:58: <Clanless> I throw.
  183. 22:04:16: <LastChronicler> Are we rolling init; I'm confused.
  184. 22:04:18: <havocfett> Sweet, roll it. I /think/ disadvantage from range
  185. 22:04:19: <Clanless> I have disadvantage.
  186. 22:04:21: <Clarity> we aren't
  187. 22:04:22: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 21:17+4
  188. 22:04:22: <Clanless> 1d20+4
  189. 22:04:24: <Clanless> 1d20+4
  190. 22:04:24: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 7:3+4
  191. 22:04:25: <havocfett> I use Static Initiative
  192. 22:04:28: <Clanless> Well shit.
  193. 22:04:28: <Clarity> womp womp
  194. 22:04:30: <LastChronicler> Oh, uh, nevermind.
  195. 22:04:31: <havocfett> Init is just 10+Dex Bonus
  196. 22:04:34: <havocfett> Whelp
  197. 22:04:36: <havocfett> miss!
  198. 22:04:44: <havocfett> Straight up I'm probably gonna add a Griffon Pride minidungeon when the game starts proper
  199. 22:04:53: <scya> herds of hippogryfs and griffons flying over the late evening sky as they search for prey and security on the featureless plain
  200. 22:06:20: <havocfett> Aldrich, go!
  201. 22:08:06: <aldrich> That's Vicious Mockery targeting Griffon 1.
  202. 22:08:37: <havocfett> Got it
  203. 22:08:38: <aldrich> Wisdom saving throw, or it suffers 1d4 psychic damage and disadvantage on its attack this turn.
  204. 22:09:09: <aldrich> I am laying down burns so sick that Nyarlathotep is taking notice.
  205. 22:09:14: <alessandro> lol
  206. 22:09:29: <havocfett> #roll 1d20+1
  207. 22:09:30: <RPGServ> +-- Result: 4
  208. 22:09:30: <RPGServ> Havocfett rolled '1d20+1':
  209. 22:09:33: <havocfett> Whelp
  210. 22:09:35: <alessandro> kek
  211. 22:09:35: <havocfett> Roll that d4
  212. 22:09:40: <aldrich> 1d4
  213. 22:09:40: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 1
  214. 22:09:43: <alessandro> hue
  215. 22:09:45: <aldrich> Whelp.
  216. 22:09:54: <LastChronicler> Ouch
  217. 22:10:25: <Clanless> "This was really less of a burn and more of a delicate bask."
  218. 22:10:42: <havocfett> Griff 1 is gonna swoop for Clanless
  219. 22:10:54: <Clanless> AC 16.
  220. 22:10:54: <LastChronicler> Accidentally complimented it on its plumage?
  221. 22:10:58: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett, Disadvantage Claw Attack: 18:12+6;16:10+6
  222. 22:10:58: <Cornuthaum> hahaha
  223. 22:10:58: <havocfett> 2#1d20+6 Disadvantage Claw Attack
  224. 22:11:00: <aldrich> "Remind me, lady dwarf, how much damage you inflicted this turn?"
  225. 22:11:07: <havocfett> Hits anyways
  226. 22:11:12: <alessandro> lol
  227. 22:11:13: <havocfett> And then bite
  228. 22:11:14: <Cornuthaum> is this going to be a thing
  229. 22:11:16: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett: 14
  230. 22:11:16: <havocfett> 1d20
  231. 22:11:21: <Cornuthaum> "you leave, and get attacked by griffons" :D
  232. 22:11:29: <havocfett> So 20, hits
  233. 22:11:35: <Clanless> Dammit why couldn't I start with a shield or armor
  234. 22:11:37: <havocfett> so 19 damage to Clanless, and the Griffon's in melee with you
  235. 22:11:54: <Clanless> What, 19 damage
  236. 22:12:07: <Clanless> That's crazt
  237. 22:12:08: <lupine> Yeah
  238. 22:12:10: <Clanless> *crazy
  239. 22:12:12: <lupine> Griffons. Fucking griffons
  240. 22:12:16: <Cornuthaum> not even once
  241. 22:12:26: <LastChronicler> That would have nearly taken me out.
  242. 22:12:29: <lupine> I'm going to steal their eggs and raise their babies as my own
  243. 22:12:34: <Cornuthaum> yesss
  244. 22:12:37: <Cornuthaum> do it
  245. 22:12:42: <Cornuthaum> nothing bad can come of it
  246. 22:12:54: <havocfett> LastChronicler: go!
  247. 22:13:16: <LastChronicler> Fire Bolt, attack the lead Griffon.
  248. 22:13:32: <alessandro> the one on the ground?
  249. 22:13:35: <Clarity> if a tiefling rides a griffon and both flap their wings, do they fly faster? :V
  250. 22:13:48: <havocfett> One on the ground (Griff 1) or the one that's still airborne (Griff 2?)
  251. 22:14:02: <Clanless> I also miscalculated my AC, it's 15
  252. 22:14:48: <LastChronicler> If they're both in range, the one in the sky I guess.
  253. 22:14:54: <LastChronicler> 120 feet.
  254. 22:15:37: <havocfett> Got it, roll
  255. 22:15:41: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 16:11+5
  256. 22:15:41: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  257. 22:15:45: <havocfett> Hit!
  258. 22:15:51: <havocfett> Griffons have 12 AC, for the record
  259. 22:15:52: <LastChronicler> Yay!
  260. 22:17:30: <havocfett> Roll damage
  261. 22:17:40: <LastChronicler> 1d10
  262. 22:17:40: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 2
  263. 22:17:52: <LastChronicler> Well, it's better than a 1.
  264. 22:17:57: <alessandro> lol jesus
  265. 22:18:14: <LastChronicler> Someone put on a pot of coffee, we may be here a while.
  266. 22:18:45: <havocfett> 1d4 Griff 2 target
  267. 22:18:46: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett, Griff 2 target: 2
  268. 22:18:54: <havocfett> Griff 2 dives on Alessandro
  269. 22:18:58: <havocfett> 2#1d20+6
  270. 22:18:59: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett: 26:20+6;22:16+6
  271. 22:19:03: <havocfett> oof, and a crit
  272. 22:19:06: <alessandro> are you serious
  273. 22:19:15: <Clanless> I really should have activated my Rage on the first turn.
  274. 22:19:21: <alessandro> am I ded
  275. 22:19:53: <LastChronicler> This expedition has run into some serious hurdles. Namely, the first sign of trouble.
  276. 22:19:58: <havocfett> 26 damage, but I think polearm master gives you an AoO?
  277. 22:20:04: <havocfett> You have 1 HP left, Alessandro
  278. 22:20:06: <alessandro> it does
  279. 22:20:07: <havocfett> So you're Bloodied
  280. 22:20:11: <alessandro> fuck me
  281. 22:20:13: <havocfett> So roll that AoO
  282. 22:20:13: <Clarity> jesus christ
  283. 22:20:13: <alessandro> anyway
  284. 22:20:24: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 22:17+5
  285. 22:20:24: <alessandro> 1d20+5
  286. 22:20:27: <havocfett> Hit!
  287. 22:20:28: <alessandro> fuck u
  288. 22:20:33: <alessandro> 1d10+3
  289. 22:20:33: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 4:1+3
  290. 22:20:35: <havocfett> Maybe do some actual damage this time. :P
  291. 22:20:36: <havocfett> hahahaha
  292. 22:20:40: <alessandro> rerolling
  293. 22:20:41: <aldrich> fuck's sake
  294. 22:20:44: <havocfett> please tell me you're GWF
  295. 22:20:47: <havocfett> Oh, yes, you are
  296. 22:20:48: <aldrich> What are these griffons made of
  297. 22:20:48: <alessandro> cause I have the fighting style
  298. 22:20:54: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 12:9+3
  299. 22:20:54: <alessandro> 1d10+3
  300. 22:20:56: <Clarity> man it's a good thing I have lay on hands :V
  301. 22:20:57: <alessandro> FUCK U
  302. 22:21:04: <havocfett> NIC
  303. 22:21:04: <alessandro> ALSO healing surge
  304. 22:21:09: <alessandro> SINCE ITS MY TURN
  305. 22:21:23: <havocfett> Second Wind?
  306. 22:21:23: <alessandro> 1d10+3
  307. 22:21:24: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 9:6+3
  308. 22:21:26: <alessandro> yus
  309. 22:21:27: <Clanless> There is a serious possibility some of us may actually die in our first going out
  310. 22:21:29: <alessandro> on 10
  311. 22:21:33: <havocfett> Nice
  312. 22:21:43: <alessandro> also attacking the fucking griffon
  313. 22:21:47: <alessandro> trip attack if hit
  314. 22:21:56: <alessandro> 1d20+5
  315. 22:21:56: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 22:17+5
  316. 22:22:00: <alessandro> fuck you
  317. 22:22:04: <havocfett> another hit
  318. 22:22:10: <havocfett> #roll 1d20+4 Str Save
  319. 22:22:11: <RPGServ> +-- Result: 19
  320. 22:22:11: <RPGServ> Havocfett rolled '1d20+4':
  321. 22:22:12: <alessandro> 1d10+3+1d8
  322. 22:22:12: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 18:8+3+7
  323. 22:22:18: <alessandro> FUCK YOU
  324. 22:22:21: <alessandro> it makes its save
  325. 22:22:22: <Clarity> do you get a backswing?
  326. 22:22:25: <alessandro> its DC 13
  327. 22:22:26: <alessandro> oh yes
  328. 22:22:28: <alessandro> I DO
  329. 22:22:36: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro, BUTTSPIKE: 23:20+3
  330. 22:22:36: <alessandro> 1d20+3 BUTTSPIKE
  331. 22:22:40: <alessandro> CRIT
  332. 22:22:40: <havocfett> Crit
  333. 22:22:42: <aldrich> ahaha
  334. 22:22:45: <aldrich> The power of revenge
  335. 22:22:46: <alessandro> 2d4+3
  336. 22:22:46: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 5:2+3
  337. 22:22:47: <havocfett> You wanna use a maneuver on that?
  338. 22:22:49: <havocfett> VENGEANCE
  339. 22:22:50: <alessandro> FUCK YOU
  340. 22:22:54: <aldrich> RULES OF NATURE
  341. 22:22:58: <alessandro> so thats what
  342. 22:23:00: <alessandro> uh
  343. 22:23:09: <aldrich> Alessandro: barbarian in disguise
  344. 22:23:16: <alessandro> 35 damage
  345. 22:23:20: <alessandro> to the griffon
  346. 22:23:22: <alessandro> from me
  347. 22:23:45: <alessandro> shall I describe
  348. 22:23:49: <alessandro> give me a moment
  349. 22:24:12: <havocfett> Yes
  350. 22:24:17: <havocfett> It's alive but Incredibly Concerned
  351. 22:24:25: <Clarity> lol
  352. 22:24:32: <aldrich> It appears to have divebombed a very angry blender
  353. 22:25:12: <aldrich> Given the numbers being thrown around here, I'm very tempted to duck behind a Minor Illusion next turn. Pretty sure cussing out the Griffons from behind that won't break the illusion.
  354. 22:25:51: <aldrich> I shall spend the battle shouting insults from inside a fake barrel
  355. 22:26:04: <aldrich> The most dignified of all warlocks
  356. 22:26:06: <LastChronicler> Judging from what we're seeing of these Griffons, it would probably have to be an illusion of a Dragon or something to scare them off.
  357. 22:26:43: <Clarity> clanless, how much HP you got?
  358. 22:26:53: <Clanless> 16 left.
  359. 22:27:22: <alessandro> Clarity halo
  360. 22:27:25: <alessandro> halp
  361. 22:27:27: <alessandro> im on 10
  362. 22:27:30: <Clarity> ok :v
  363. 22:28:04: <Clarity> I forget how 5e's action economy works exactly, can I use LOH and attack on the same turn if I don't move?
  364. 22:28:09: <alessandro> also diving gives them advantage eh?
  365. 22:28:09: <Clanless> I'm about to gain Resistance to Everything, though.
  366. 22:28:10: <alessandro> fuck
  367. 22:28:20: <havocfett> No, Lay on Hands is an Action
  368. 22:28:24: <havocfett> And Attacking is an Action
  369. 22:28:27: <Clarity> ah
  370. 22:28:28: <havocfett> Moving is its own thing
  371. 22:28:39: <Clarity> well, I'm gonna LOH on Sarp :v
  372. 22:28:57: <havocfett> 14:15 Alessandro also diving gives them advantage eh? <- no, they have two attacks.
  373. 22:29:00: <havocfett> (Claw and bite)
  374. 22:29:04: <alessandro> fuck me
  375. 22:29:08: <havocfett> (Err, Claw and Beak)
  376. 22:29:17: <havocfett> The highest damage of those critted you, naturally
  377. 22:29:22: <alessandro> god
  378. 22:29:31: <Clarity> gonna heal sarp for...
  379. 22:29:42: <Clarity> how much you want, sarp, I got 15 in the tank
  380. 22:29:53: <alessandro> that would put me almost full
  381. 22:29:58: <havocfett> (It's an eighteen damage burst, for what it's worth, so barring Crits 19 will keep you alive for one round against them no matter what)
  382. 22:30:10: <havocfett> *20
  383. 22:30:10: <alessandro> yeah 15 is good
  384. 22:30:14: <havocfett> It's a nineteen damage burst
  385. 22:30:15: <alessandro> oh
  386. 22:30:17: <Clarity> I might need to heal other people too, though :p
  387. 22:30:26: <alessandro> yeah 10 is fine then
  388. 22:30:41: <Clarity> you're at ten, so I'll give you 9
  389. 22:30:56: <Clarity> and you should be good unless the dicebot is a dick
  390. 22:30:59: <alessandro> k
  391. 22:31:08: <alessandro> well I mean
  392. 22:31:11: <alessandro> :V
  393. 22:31:11: <LastChronicler> It is
  394. 22:31:25: <LastChronicler> So far
  395. 22:31:45: <Clarity> and uh, I dunno what else I'd do with my turn so I'll pass
  396. 22:31:57: <havocfett> OK
  397. 22:32:06: <alessandro> flank the griffon gogogo
  398. 22:32:12: <alessandro> or something
  399. 22:32:12: <havocfett> Clanless, very angry griffon reconsidering its life choices in melee with you
  400. 22:32:23: <havocfett> badly wounded griffon reconsidering its life choices in melee with Alessandro
  401. 22:32:39: <Clanless> I'm tempted to grapple the damn thing.
  402. 22:32:41: <aldrich> Hm. Better to kill the badly wounded griffon, or wear down the angry one?
  403. 22:32:41: <havocfett> Flanking doesn't do shit unless you've got a rogue or a wolf now
  404. 22:32:51: <Clanless> But I'd rather not get into rules I don't know well right away.
  405. 22:32:52: <aldrich> Does D&D have wound penalties?
  406. 22:33:04: <havocfett> It doesn't have wound penalties
  407. 22:33:17: <aldrich> Then I'm of a mind to JRPG it and eliminate the wounded asap.
  408. 22:33:29: <havocfett> If she moves away from the wounded one it'll get an AoO
  409. 22:33:41: <havocfett> Well, it has a variant rule where massive damage can mess you up and you can take lingering injuries, but we're not using that yet
  410. 22:33:56: <aldrich> I was thinking of me, since I'm not engaged and have ranged capabilities.
  411. 22:34:01: <alessandro> lets just mangle our enemies
  412. 22:34:01: <havocfett> Aah, yes
  413. 22:34:08: <alessandro> shoot it wit crossbow
  414. 22:34:27: <Clanless> I rage, I declare reckless attack, and I greataxe the griffon who engaged me.
  415. 22:34:33: <havocfett> Excellent
  416. 22:34:34: <havocfett> roll it
  417. 22:34:46: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 18:13+5
  418. 22:34:46: <Clanless> 1d20+5
  419. 22:34:50: <Clanless> 1d20+5
  420. 22:34:50: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 8:3+5
  421. 22:34:56: <havocfett> Hit!
  422. 22:34:57: <Clanless> 18 will do.
  423. 22:35:45: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 10:5+5
  424. 22:35:45: <Clanless> 1d12+5
  425. 22:36:26: <havocfett> It's not particularly badly injured, but that's a solid hit
  426. 22:36:27: <havocfett> Aldrich!
  427. 22:36:55: <Clanless> I feel puny.
  428. 22:37:04: <alessandro> well you are short
  429. 22:37:06: <alessandro> :P
  430. 22:37:07: <lupine> Thats a racial feature
  431. 22:37:17: <alessandro> 2slow Lupine
  432. 22:37:51: <alessandro> which Griff
  433. 22:37:54: <aldrich> Casting Hex as a bonus action on Griffon 2, then shooting it with my Crossbow.
  434. 22:38:02: <alessandro> aha
  435. 22:38:03: <havocfett> Got it
  436. 22:39:06: <alessandro>
  437. 22:39:06: <alessandro> My current OST for this fight
  438. 22:39:07: <aldrich> (material component is arcane focus-signet ring, somatic component is j'accuse finger, verbal component is curse of "bloody lesson")
  439. 22:39:20: <havocfett> What stat are you hexing? Strength?
  440. 22:39:25: <Clanless> XD
  441. 22:39:36: <aldrich> Does Hex affect attacks?
  442. 22:39:44: <havocfett> No
  443. 22:39:48: <lupine> Nope, just skill checks
  444. 22:39:51: <LastChronicler> Out of curiosity, would I feel Aldrich's casting in the weave? Warlock to Wizard.
  445. 22:40:20: <aldrich> Oh, hm. I don't really mind, then? I guess Strength, if that's what seems most important.
  446. 22:40:28: <havocfett> Hmm...I'm going to say that the Weave here is /spectacularly/ fucked
  447. 22:40:29: <aldrich> Rolling for crossbow.
  448. 22:40:34: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 13:9+4
  449. 22:40:34: <aldrich> 1d20+4
  450. 22:40:40: <havocfett> So you're gonna need some time to acclimate
  451. 22:40:44: <havocfett> to recognize casting-on-the-fly
  452. 22:40:45: <havocfett> Hit!
  453. 22:40:55: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 3
  454. 22:40:55: <aldrich> 1d8
  455. 22:40:59: <alessandro> + dex
  456. 22:40:59: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 6
  457. 22:40:59: <aldrich> 1d6
  458. 22:41:04: <havocfett> (Or you can spend a buncha time to analyze a spell, but that requires it to be a long term effect of some sort)
  459. 22:41:06: <havocfett> Nice
  460. 22:41:16: <LastChronicler> Cool.
  461. 22:42:38: <aldrich> Should I describe that, or...?
  462. 22:42:45: <havocfett> Go for it!
  463. 22:42:49: <havocfett> Griff 1 has realized that this fight is going /south/, so it's gonna disengage on its turn and start running for it. It's twenty feet up and sixty feet away from you guys. Ulfrich, your turn
  464. 22:42:58: <havocfett> I'll describe the first Griffon legging it after you're done
  465. 22:43:04: <LastChronicler> How healthy is he looking?
  466. 22:43:12: <alessandro> hows griff 2 btw
  467. 22:43:23: <LastChronicler> Both, actually.
  468. 22:43:57: <havocfett> Griffons have 59 max health
  469. 22:44:07: <havocfett> so Griff 1 is doing OK but Griff 2 is getting fucked up
  470. 22:44:18: <havocfett> And they're both gonna be retreating on their turn
  471. 22:44:24: <havocfett> as you guys are /not/ worth eating
  472. 22:44:31: <LastChronicler> And the healthy one is legging it?
  473. 22:44:38: <LastChronicler> Currently.
  474. 22:44:39: <alessandro> I get an AoO tho if he runs :V
  475. 22:44:54: <havocfett> Currently
  476. 22:45:39: <LastChronicler> If it's obvious it's running, I guess I'd turn my attentions to the one still in combat.
  477. 22:47:00: <LastChronicler> Might drop a Burning Hands, even though it's just one target.
  478. 22:47:06: <alessandro> the one next to clarity is Grif 2\
  479. 22:47:14: <alessandro> you mean Clanless I assume
  480. 22:47:16: <alessandro> :P
  481. 22:47:57: <havocfett> This has the minor issue that Alessandro and Clarity are next to Griff 2
  482. 22:48:02: <havocfett> and BH is an AoE spell. :P
  483. 22:48:12: <aldrich> Griffon 2 has suffered, what... 2 from the fire bolt, 9 from the bolt+hex, 35 from Alessandro's halberd zandatsu. It's at 13hp.
  484. 22:48:34: <aldrich> (tell me if it's poor etiquette to track like that)
  485. 22:48:47: <Clarity> well, he did tell us the max hp
  486. 22:49:02: <LastChronicler> I could presumably reposition myself so that I could get off a cone that wouldn't target the two of them? Though I guess I might as well just use Fire Bolt.
  487. 22:49:04: <havocfett> I encourage tracking like that
  488. 22:49:07: <havocfett> You can
  489. 22:49:07: <Clarity> he has only himself to blame :v
  490. 22:49:24: <aldrich> Cool.
  491. 22:50:03: <Clanless> Whose turn is it now?
  492. 22:50:07: <LastChronicler> Fire Bolt, then
  493. 22:50:08: <aldrich> Well, if the Griffon flies away now it's going to suffer an attack of opportunity from Alessandro. Which looks like a death sentence, really.
  494. 22:50:23: <Clanless> I have yet more javelins.
  495. 22:50:26: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  496. 22:50:26: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 21:16+5
  497. 22:50:46: <LastChronicler> 1d10
  498. 22:50:47: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 7
  499. 22:50:57: <havocfett> Hit!
  500. 22:51:08: <havocfett> describe
  501. 22:51:20: <LastChronicler> Decent enough effort I guess, now that there's little danger.
  502. 22:51:48: <havocfett> Griffon 2's turn, it's gonna use the Disengage Action, so that it doesn't proc Attacks of Opportunity
  503. 22:51:56: <havocfett> And then its gonna join its pal by legging it
  504. 22:52:04: <havocfett> Like the other, twenty feet up, sixty feet out
  505. 22:52:25: <alessandro> well
  506. 22:52:28: <alessandro> in that case
  507. 22:52:38: <alessandro> imma grab a javelin and huck it
  508. 22:52:42: <alessandro> at Grif 2
  509. 22:53:12: <havocfett> Go for it, disadvantage due to range
  510. 22:53:25: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 14:9+5
  511. 22:53:25: <alessandro> 1d20+5
  512. 22:53:33: <alessandro> 1d20+5
  513. 22:53:34: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 15:10+5
  514. 22:53:38: <havocfett> Hit!
  515. 22:53:45: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 4:1+3
  516. 22:53:45: <alessandro> 1d6+3
  517. 22:53:45: <Clarity> not much of a disadvantage :v
  518. 22:53:50: <alessandro> fuckdammit
  519. 22:53:54: <havocfett> Still alive!
  520. 22:54:06: <alessandro> dafuq
  521. 22:54:08: <havocfett> Clarity?
  522. 22:54:10: <havocfett> Just barely
  523. 22:54:14: <havocfett> It has 2 HP
  524. 22:54:18: <Clarity> well
  525. 22:54:20: <LastChronicler> Given the range on my cantrip, would I get another shot before it exits the scene.
  526. 22:54:42: <Clarity> If I dashed 60 ft and flew 20, could I get an AoO? :v
  527. 22:54:49: <alessandro> I have 2 javelins right there
  528. 22:54:58: <Clarity> I have shit dex tho
  529. 22:55:01: <alessandro> so if you want to play at track and field
  530. 22:55:04: <alessandro> they use str
  531. 22:55:04: <havocfett> If you Dash 60 feet on ground you can't use your fly speed
  532. 22:55:09: <Clarity> I guess I could fly into range
  533. 22:55:25: <havocfett> You only have 30 feet flying movement, you'd still have disadvantage on the throw
  534. 22:55:47: <Clanless> Oh wait, do javelins use Str even when thrown?
  535. 22:56:10: <LastChronicler> I have 120 feet with my spell, so I can presumably take another potshot before it escapes entirely.
  536. 22:56:18: <LastChronicler> Yeah, they do.
  537. 22:56:21: <havocfett> Yes
  538. 22:56:26: <havocfett> Javelins are always strength weapons
  539. 22:56:27: <Clanless> Awesome.
  540. 22:56:41: <Clarity> oh, I thought since Dash was an action and flying was a movement action they'd be different
  541. 22:56:52: <Clarity> in that case I guess I'll just run and use a javelin :v
  542. 22:56:53: <aldrich> I can just shoot it if you guys want.
  543. 22:57:01: <aldrich> Crossbows have 80/320 range.
  544. 22:57:10: <Clanless> I think we're all going to shoot them.
  545. 22:57:11: <aldrich> Oh, nvm.
  546. 22:57:27: <havocfett> They're running, you really don't have to waste javelins/crossbow bolts shooting at them
  547. 22:57:49: <aldrich> Blasphemy, all murder is necessary.
  548. 22:57:53: <Clarity> we gotta show those griffons who's really boss :v
  549. 22:58:01: <aldrich> How else will we be able to make hats from their feathers?
  550. 22:58:05: <havocfett> You can kill them if you want, but it's not gonna change much besides maybe free rations
  551. 22:58:06: <havocfett> hah
  552. 22:58:15: <havocfett> fair enough
  553. 22:58:26: <havocfett> Clarity, roll the javelin throw with disadvantage
  554. 22:58:39: <Clanless> I'm in a rage
  555. 22:58:41: <aldrich> Also, I really do need to kill the Hex one, because if something shows up in the next hour I get my Hex back. And if something doesn't show up in the next hour, I get a short rest and my Hex back.
  556. 22:58:47: <Clanless> I don't think I could justify *not* shooting them
  557. 22:58:55: <Clarity> roll 1d20+2
  558. 22:58:55: <havocfett> Heh
  559. 22:58:59: <Clarity> oops
  560. 22:59:02: <Dicebottiel> Clarity: 4:2+2
  561. 22:59:02: <Clarity> 1d20+2
  562. 22:59:06: <havocfett> Isn't it +5?
  563. 22:59:07: <Clarity> yeah ok :v
  564. 22:59:07: <alessandro> LOL
  565. 22:59:09: <havocfett> ..miss anyways
  566. 22:59:13: <havocfett> Clanless!
  567. 22:59:14: <Clanless> (rage which turned out to be very wasted)
  568. 22:59:48: <aldrich> We all sort of panicked when one griffon turned us into mincemeat and we were doing single-digit damage.
  569. 22:59:54: <Clanless> Yeah.
  570. 22:59:56: <aldrich> And then Alessandro stepped up to the fucking plate.
  571. 23:00:07: <Clanless> Javelin throw at the griffon that attacked me.
  572. 23:00:16: <havocfett> Roll, with disadvantage
  573. 23:00:20: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 11:6+5
  574. 23:00:20: <Clanless> 1d20+5
  575. 23:00:21: <Clanless> 1d20+5
  576. 23:00:22: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 8:3+5
  577. 23:00:26: <alessandro> GOD
  578. 23:00:28: <Clanless> Why am I even trying!
  579. 23:00:29: <alessandro> FUCKING
  580. 23:00:32: <havocfett> Miss!
  581. 23:00:35: <LastChronicler> I could have brought a lot more pain to bear, but the curse of being a spellcaster is dithering over spell slots and asking if it's necessary.
  582. 23:00:40: <havocfett> Aldrich
  583. 23:00:48: <havocfett> Take your shot at Griffon Murder Simulator 2016
  584. 23:00:57: <Clanless> I just hope we don't have two more encounters today.
  585. 23:01:03: <LastChronicler> I'd buy the hell out of that game.
  586. 23:01:14: <alessandro> god the only thing
  587. 23:01:18: <alessandro> I want to do
  588. 23:01:23: <alessandro> and scout
  589. 23:01:23: <alessandro> is set up camp
  590. 23:01:27: <alessandro> and then murk things
  591. 23:01:56: <aldrich> 1d20+4
  592. 23:01:56: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 12:8+4
  593. 23:02:01: <aldrich> Hit!
  594. 23:02:07: <havocfett> Indeed!
  595. 23:02:10: <aldrich> And I believe that's autodead.
  596. 23:02:12: <havocfett> Griff 2, I assume
  597. 23:02:13: <havocfett> Yup
  598. 23:02:18: <havocfett> Describe headshotting Griff 2
  599. 23:02:22: <alessandro> praise jebus
  600. 23:02:46: <havocfett> Are you guys gonna stop early for the day or finish up your trek?
  601. 23:03:02: <alessandro> finish
  602. 23:03:03: <LastChronicler> I'm game to keep going.
  603. 23:03:05: <Clarity> well, I healed up alessandro so I figure we're good to keep going
  604. 23:03:07: <alessandro> like at this point
  605. 23:03:14: <alessandro> we need to get to camp and set up
  606. 23:03:23: <havocfett> Got it
  607. 23:03:24: <alessandro> get watches set
  608. 23:03:26: <havocfett> Do any of you have Salt?
  609. 23:03:34: <alessandro> I dont believe so
  610. 23:03:36: <alessandro> unless
  611. 23:03:43: <alessandro> it comes in a mess kit
  612. 23:04:01: <havocfett> Well then, you can get 2 days rations each out of the Griffon
  613. 23:04:03: <scya> You could try to smoak it instead?
  614. 23:04:04: <LastChronicler> In one of those little condiment packets, maybe.
  615. 23:04:06: <havocfett> +feathers and shit
  616. 23:04:13: <alessandro> lol
  617. 23:04:17: <scya> Fun and abuse with cantrips
  618. 23:04:21: <alessandro> noice
  619. 23:04:46: alessandro fucking grills the heart for dinner
  620. 23:05:46: <LastChronicler> Feathers and shit, safely stowed away.
  621. 23:06:02: <havocfett> Who's grabbing which trophies?
  622. 23:06:12: <havocfett> whoops, sorry for posting that early
  623. 23:06:30: <alessandro> imma save the hide
  624. 23:06:33: <aldrich> Ah, I should have written it all up in a pad.
  625. 23:06:35: <alessandro> make gloves
  626. 23:06:38: <LastChronicler> Be on the lookout lads, there's trophies hereabouts!
  627. 23:06:39: <alessandro> well
  628. 23:06:44: <alessandro> have my wife make gloves
  629. 23:06:46: <alessandro> :
  630. 23:06:47: <havocfett> excellent
  631. 23:06:48: <alessandro> :V
  632. 23:07:06: <LastChronicler> I'd like to make a plumed hat at some point, maybe.
  633. 23:07:46: <LastChronicler> But that's an issue for another time.
  634. 23:08:30: <alessandro> but yeah at this point just Clanless and I looking for a solid camp that will hide our smoke and give us good scouting position over the town and roads
  635. 23:08:37: <alessandro> so shall I roll Survival
  636. 23:08:48: <alessandro> ?
  637. 23:08:52: <Clanless> Are their teamwork rules
  638. 23:08:53: <Clanless> *there
  639. 23:09:05: <alessandro> aiding another gives the roller advantage
  640. 23:09:08: <alessandro> on the roll
  641. 23:09:34: <aldrich> Oh, let me tag along.
  642. 23:09:37: <aldrich> I have Guidance.
  643. 23:09:39: <havocfett> Hmm, yeah, gimme a min
  644. 23:10:00: <alessandro> what does guidance do Rev
  645. 23:10:17: <aldrich> You get a free d4 you can add to any Ability check.
  646. 23:10:29: <alessandro> ah cool
  647. 23:10:39: <alessandro> sounds awesome
  648. 23:10:56: <aldrich> It's a cantrip, so I get infinite uses. I deploy it by patting you on the back and giving you some awesome blustery-noble-asshole advice.
  649. 23:11:03: <alessandro> lol
  650. 23:11:08: <havocfett> It's been nineteen days since the caravan left, so the bodies have been decomposing for sixteen days at this point
  651. 23:11:29: <aldrich> Also you choose when to use it, and it can be before or after a roll.
  652. 23:11:43: <alessandro> noice
  653. 23:12:04: <havocfett> So, you arrive at four. You can't do any more serious marching, but after you roll to find a good place to camp you can go and check out the battlefield/city
  654. 23:12:23: <LastChronicler> I do so immediately.
  655. 23:12:26: <alessandro> cool
  656. 23:12:29: <aldrich> So yeah, maybe just assume that if I've been within unwanted-advice-range in the last minute or so you have a free d4 to add to a single Ability check.
  657. 23:12:35: <alessandro> imma roll then for finding a good camp
  658. 23:12:49: <alessandro> 1d20+1d4+3
  659. 23:12:49: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 23:19+1+3
  660. 23:12:56: <havocfett> ...Nice
  661. 23:13:01: <alessandro> dont need advantage lol
  662. 23:13:31: <havocfett> You find an excellent place to camp that was probably one of the hides the goblins used. It overlooks the city and the battlefield and the stench isn't remotely as bad here as it is elsewhere
  663. 23:13:32: <LastChronicler> I start sweeping the site of the attack and investigating the bodies and scene to get a picture for myself of what happened.
  664. 23:13:37: <Clarity> I don't have anything helpful for this so I'm gonna give the corpses rites and stuff
  665. 23:13:49: <Clarity> /organizing them since I can't bury them atm
  666. 23:14:00: <havocfett> Excellent. Investigation roll from Last Chronicler.
  667. 23:14:02: <LastChronicler> Roll investigation?
  668. 23:14:18: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 22:17+5
  669. 23:14:18: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  670. 23:14:18: <havocfett> Yup
  671. 23:14:27: <havocfett> ooh, nice
  672. 23:14:28: <LastChronicler> Sherlocked that shit.
  673. 23:14:50: <LastChronicler> I shall also craft a deer-stalker, when time permits.
  674. 23:14:57: <aldrich> I wander around, poking my nose into things and generally being a friendly nuisance who adds +1d4 to every check.
  675. 23:15:09: <alessandro> any way as others set up camp imma go with Clanless and set up a hidden watch post away from camp
  676. 23:15:17: <alessandro> thats also survival right
  677. 23:15:26: <alessandro> is Guidance only one roll?
  678. 23:15:33: <alessandro> or whats the duration
  679. 23:15:36: <havocfett> It's only one roll but presumably Aldrich is assisting
  680. 23:15:47: <havocfett> whenever people do stuff on-simultaneously
  681. 23:15:51: <havocfett> *non
  682. 23:15:57: <havocfett> ...the hat?
  683. 23:16:07: <havocfett> And yeah, that'll be survival
  684. 23:16:14: <aldrich> Guidance is only one roll, but it's got a duration of 1 minute and I can reapply it as often as I like.
  685. 23:16:28: <alessandro> ah so roll then to set up watch post
  686. 23:16:46: <havocfett> Yup
  687. 23:16:47: <aldrich> So I don't even have to assist, just have been around in the last minute or so, being annoyingly enthusiastic.
  688. 23:17:09: <lupine> You're the project manager
  689. 23:17:18: <alessandro> 1d20+1d4+3
  690. 23:17:19: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 12:5+4+3
  691. 23:17:23: <alessandro> 1d20+1d4+3
  692. 23:17:23: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 16:12+1+3
  693. 23:17:32: <alessandro> not too bad
  694. 23:18:07: <Clanless> "Oh my, but this is just... wonderful. And you put the leather like that, so the water doesn't catch? Of course, how clever. " "would you mind shutting up and actually *helping*"
  695. 23:18:51: <havocfett> You manage to get a solid, hidden watch post set up
  696. 23:19:30: <alessandro> oh yeah its been short rest
  697. 23:19:37: <havocfett> Yup
  698. 23:19:38: <alessandro> 1d10+3 Second Wind
  699. 23:19:39: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro, Second Wind: 11:8+3
  700. 23:19:45: <alessandro> IM FEEX
  701. 23:19:48: <Clarity> 18:06 Havocfett The battlefield is a grisly sight. In addition to the utterly repugnant stench, small scavengers, reminiscentof brightly colored jays with toothy jaws instead of beaks, flit between corpses, feasting on the dead.
  702. 23:19:52: <Clarity> COMPIES
  703. 23:19:54: <havocfett> You guys can use hit dice to heal right now and recharge any short rest mechanics
  704. 23:20:43: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 16:10+6
  705. 23:20:43: <Clanless> 2d12+6
  706. 23:20:57: <havocfett> Ulfric: So, the ambush seems to have gone off as described. At a guess, some sixty members of the caravan and most of the horses were stuck outside. Bodies have decayed as expected, but the goblins didn't even grab their /own/ dead, which is odd. There are several sets of tracks leading away from the battlefield, though you'd need someone with the Survival-
  707. 23:21:01: <Clarity> I can just heal Alessandro to full
  708. 23:21:02: <havocfett> -skill to track them
  709. 23:21:06: <Clarity> with LOH
  710. 23:21:09: <alessandro> I fixed my self
  711. 23:21:11: <alessandro> with Second wind
  712. 23:21:12: <Clarity> oh :v
  713. 23:21:13: <aldrich> I lose my Hex. I get back my Hex.
  714. 23:21:21: <alessandro> since it recharges after short rest
  715. 23:21:28: <Clarity> I won't then :v
  716. 23:22:03: <havocfett> There're the two groups that made it back to Foothold, the goblins with their prisoners, and four people, likely caravan members, who went south.
  717. 23:22:42: <havocfett> In addition, looking through the portcullis (Though you don't see a way through/over the wall) you see that there was a /lot/ of fighting inside the city, and that the corpses inside of the city don't seem to have decayed
  718. 23:22:51: <havocfett> and no scavengers are chewing on them
  719. 23:22:58: <LastChronicler> Interesting.
  720. 23:22:59: <alessandro> well then
  721. 23:23:03: <havocfett> Which is odd, as the weird birdlike things could easily slip through the holes in the portcullis
  722. 23:23:32: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 22:20+2
  723. 23:23:32: <Clanless> 1d20+2
  724. 23:23:37: <Clanless> ...uh.
  725. 23:23:38: <alessandro> welp
  726. 23:23:50: <alessandro> DWARVEN RAY MEARS
  727. 23:23:59: <havocfett> Haha
  728. 23:24:15: <LastChronicler> Can I perform an Arcana check to examine the state of the Weave in the area, and attempt to see if there's any lingering signs of magic at play? I realise it's been a few days now...
  729. 23:24:31: <Clanless> This is going to set misguided expectations in the future :V
  730. 23:24:52: <havocfett> You have solid leads on the tracks, Clanless. Two are definitely the groups that got back to town. One is four people, humans, who went south. The other is, oh, eighty-odd goblins, worgs, wolves, and bugbears with eight prisoners
  731. 23:24:56: <havocfett> Yes
  732. 23:25:03: <havocfett> Go for it Ulfric
  733. 23:25:07: <Clanless> I convey that information to the group!
  734. 23:25:20: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 16:11+5
  735. 23:25:20: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  736. 23:25:33: <havocfett> Alessandro and Clarity know that the eight are the ones who were taken to Van Cave
  737. 23:25:42: <LastChronicler> Okay-ish result.
  738. 23:25:45: <alessandro> wait
  739. 23:25:54: <alessandro> so there were 80 that went into Van
  740. 23:25:56: <alessandro> and then
  741. 23:26:03: <alessandro> we only fought 15
  742. 23:26:06: <havocfett> towards the Greenhaven Hills
  743. 23:26:06: <alessandro> how many
  744. 23:26:14: <alessandro> has the hydra eaten
  745. 23:26:15: <alessandro> ah
  746. 23:26:19: <havocfett> Well, at a guess they wouldn't all /fit/ in Van Cave
  747. 23:26:25: <Clarity> lol
  748. 23:26:32: <alessandro> is there any materials left
  749. 23:26:35: <havocfett> They might've split up or w/e when they hit the hills, or have multiple hideouts
  750. 23:26:40: <alessandro> or has it all been smashed or looted
  751. 23:26:47: <havocfett> Hmm, there are materials left
  752. 23:26:51: <havocfett> OM while Ir esolve Ulfric's
  753. 23:27:00: <Clarity> if there's any cloth or whatever left around I'd like to cover the bodies with it
  754. 23:27:25: <havocfett> So, the weave is fucked up over the entire plateau and it's hard to discern stuff, but you can feel some sort of...transient disturbance inside of the city. It's not there now, but it was there a while ago and the Weave's taking its own sweet time knitting itself back together
  755. 23:27:28: <aldrich> Can someone explain the Weave to me? I read the bit in the Player's Guide, but the only thing I can find about sensing it is that you need Detect Magic or Identify.
  756. 23:27:42: <aldrich> Does Arcana do that?
  757. 23:27:50: <alessandro> its like DA WARP
  758. 23:28:00: <alessandro> basically this skein of magical energy
  759. 23:28:06: <havocfett> So in the Forgotten Realms the Weave is basically how magic works, it's this net of magic like a less malicious warp that people access to cast spells and sht
  760. 23:28:07: <alessandro> that arcane magic draws from
  761. 23:28:09: <LastChronicler> The Weave is the force used to interact with the universe's source code.
  762. 23:28:10: <aldrich> Right, but Arcana isn't just arcane lore, it's also mystical senses etc?
  763. 23:28:18: <havocfett> I fluff it that way
  764. 23:28:28: <aldrich> Gotcha.
  765. 23:28:32: <Clanless> Okay this was an inelegant IC post but I wanted to have the information in the IC for convenience of log-browsing later on
  766. 23:28:35: <havocfett> Like, Arcana won't let you detect magic like the spell
  767. 23:28:53: <havocfett> But it'll let you do stuff like 'the weave here is fucked'
  768. 23:29:00: <aldrich> Cool.
  769. 23:29:03: <havocfett> and 'this is the magical principle at work here'
  770. 23:29:14: <aldrich> Clanless: Should that be "two groups went back to town"?
  771. 23:29:15: <havocfett> (This has the minor issue in that all the magical principles on Sheol are absolutely batshit)
  772. 23:29:41: <Clanless> Arglebargle I can't type
  773. 23:30:03: <havocfett> Alessandro, are you looking for Jacque's corpse?
  774. 23:30:14: <Clarity> Oh, I guess now that I've done all that I'll Fly Up High and see what I can see
  775. 23:30:15: <alessandro> oh god yes
  776. 23:30:20: <havocfett> Clarity: You can get enough tarp to cover the corpses
  777. 23:30:25: <Clarity> nice
  778. 23:30:26: <alessandro> thats just perception
  779. 23:30:27: <alessandro> right
  780. 23:30:32: <havocfett> Yup
  781. 23:30:41: <alessandro> 1d20+3
  782. 23:30:42: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 12:9+3
  783. 23:30:46: <alessandro> lol
  784. 23:30:50: <havocfett> Jacques' corpse isn't outside, he must have been inside the city when this shit went down
  785. 23:31:25: <alessandro> do we have a rough Idea of how long before dark?
  786. 23:31:33: <havocfett> Clarity: There are a bunch of goblin and warg corpses inside of the city, and you can see another gate on the opposite side of the city, you think it's open
  787. 23:31:50: <havocfett> I'll've spent a couple hours here. It's about 6 and it's spring, so you've got about an hour before dark
  788. 23:31:56: <alessandro> cause if its not that long given the sketchyness I think we should set up watch and then go down at down
  789. 23:31:59: <alessandro> dawn even
  790. 23:32:09: <alessandro> I wouldnt want to fuck about in the dark
  791. 23:32:31: <alessandro> after all we have all these rations now
  792. 23:32:35: <Clanless> Yeaaah
  793. 23:32:42: <alessandro> we can stay longer than 4 days if need be
  794. 23:33:01: <alessandro> chase down the trail of those 4 survivors who went off
  795. 23:33:12: <alessandro> or the goblins who knows
  796. 23:33:26: <alessandro> brb
  797. 23:34:07: <aldrich> Alright, well if we're sticking around here for the night, I'll be spending the last hour of daylight casting Alarm all over our camp.
  798. 23:34:10: <Clanless> Okay I'm gonna be absent maybe like... Ten minutes?
  799. 23:34:14: <Clanless> Maybe fifteen.
  800. 23:34:18: <havocfett> cool
  801. 23:34:21: <Clanless> Carry on.
  802. 23:34:27: <havocfett> What are the watches for the night?
  803. 23:34:40: <LastChronicler> Ulfric will take first.
  804. 23:34:54: <havocfett> What are you designating doesn't set off the alarms, Aldrich?
  805. 23:35:07: <havocfett> and mental or audible?
  806. 23:35:08: <aldrich> How specific can I get?
  807. 23:35:58: <havocfett> You can designate specific people and types of creatures
  808. 23:36:01: <havocfett> that won't set it off
  809. 23:36:12: <havocfett> So you can go, like, 'everyone in the party and also Griffons'
  810. 23:36:26: <havocfett> or 'everyone in the party and also the donkey'
  811. 23:36:39: <aldrich> The members of our group are exceptions to the Alarm, and it's a Mental alert.
  812. 23:36:48: <alessandro> excellent so
  813. 23:36:52: <alessandro> Watchbill
  814. 23:36:56: <alessandro> which I will broach IC
  815. 23:36:56: <havocfett> Mental will give you a mental ping, audible will make a bell ringing noise
  816. 23:37:02: <aldrich> It's a ritual, so that's ten minutes of pottering around and pretending to help setting up camp for each casting. In the hour before night falls, I'll get up to 6 castings, which is 20 cube feet x 6. I am going to assume that's enough to cover us completely with a big radius.
  817. 23:37:20: <alessandro> once Clarity returns
  818. 23:37:24: <alessandro> from her scout
  819. 23:37:47: <havocfett> Yup
  820. 23:38:05: <alessandro> I think that Clarity and Clanless should take last 2 watches
  821. 23:38:11: <alessandro> since they can see in the dark
  822. 23:38:19: <alessandro> and I guess Ulfric and I will take first 2
  823. 23:38:29: <havocfett> Oh, well, it lets you pick 6 twenty foot cubes, which'll get your camp, a little bit around it, and the watch station
  824. 23:38:41: <aldrich> Excellent!
  825. 23:39:00: <aldrich> I can distinguish between Alarm zones, right?
  826. 23:39:03: <havocfett> yup
  827. 23:39:06: <alessandro> unless we want to do paired watches because SPOOKY HYDRAS
  828. 23:41:10: <Clarity> dammit, I can't think of a shortened form of alessandro
  829. 23:41:15: <Clarity> what's his last name :v
  830. 23:41:19: <aldrich> "Lessy"
  831. 23:41:20: <alessandro> Loredan
  832. 23:41:24: <lupine> Al
  833. 23:41:29: <Clarity> oh, point
  834. 23:41:31: <lupine> Just Al.
  835. 23:41:35: <alessandro> or Alex
  836. 23:41:46: <lupine> Alice, if you're sassy
  837. 23:41:49: <Clarity> :v
  838. 23:41:56: <aldrich> I KNOW YOU LOVE ME
  839. 23:41:57: <alessandro> god Lupine
  840. 23:42:03: <aldrich> BUT I JUST CAN'T BE WITH YOU LIKE THIS ANYMORE
  841. 23:42:06: <aldrich> ALEJANDRO
  842. 23:42:09: <alessandro> lol
  843. 23:42:53: <LastChronicler> I'm judging you, Revlid. Judging you heartily.
  844. 23:43:22: <alessandro> so Watch order is what
  845. 23:43:35: <alessandro> Alessandro Ulfric Clarity Clanless?
  846. 23:43:40: <havocfett> I think so, yes
  847. 23:43:41: <Clarity> sure
  848. 23:44:20: <Mr_Sandman> You guys are scouting out the site of the ambush yeah?
  849. 23:44:24: Mr_Sandman is Tenfold
  850. 23:44:35: <havocfett> yup
  851. 23:44:58: <havocfett> OK, so, nothing first watch. Ulfric, you don't see anything on your watch, but Aldrich you need to roll me Perception because your alarm wakes you up
  852. 23:45:03: <havocfett> mental ping
  853. 23:45:36: <lupine> Roll to hit Snooze
  854. 23:45:42: <alessandro> lol
  855. 23:46:00: <lupine> Just punches himself in the side of the head and keeps sleeping
  856. 23:46:15: <Clanless> Aaand I'm back.
  857. 23:46:22: <alessandro> yar
  858. 23:46:25: <havocfett> yooo
  859. 23:46:37: <aldrich> 1d20+1
  860. 23:46:38: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 12:11+1
  861. 23:46:42: <Clarity> brb
  862. 23:46:47: <alessandro> so we established watch order and Aldrichs alarm has gone off in the middle of the night
  863. 23:46:48: <havocfett> It's one of the fucking tiny bird scavengers
  864. 23:46:52: <havocfett> Yup
  865. 23:47:04: <havocfett> it just wandered up to your camp and is menacing a beetle
  866. 23:47:09: <alessandro> lol
  867. 23:47:12: <havocfett> /just/ large enough to trip the alarm
  868. 23:47:17: <aldrich> I begin to regret my wording.
  869. 23:47:19: <Cornuthaum> in the spirit of false hydras, I spent an hour sitting outside, alone, gnawing on a late night kebab
  870. 23:47:33: <havocfett> The rest of the night goes uneventfully
  871. 23:47:37: <alessandro> so
  872. 23:47:43: <lupine> What kebab? There was never a kebab
  873. 23:47:43: <havocfett> (IF you'd made it an audible alarm they would've liked the noise)
  874. 23:47:45: <alessandro> how do we want to get into the city
  875. 23:47:49: <alessandro> we have ROPE
  876. 23:47:51: <havocfett> (And would have started purposefully triggering the alarm all night)
  877. 23:47:56: <havocfett> (En-Masse)
  878. 23:48:12: <LastChronicler> I would have extinguished all life in a five mile radius if so.
  879. 23:48:15: <lupine> Quick, Aldrich, visciously mock it to death
  880. 23:48:29: <Mr_Sandman> 17:35 Havocfett (And would have started purposefully triggering the alarm all night) 17:35 Havocfett (En-Masse) <- haha
  881. 23:50:34: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 4
  882. 23:50:34: <aldrich> 1d4
  883. 23:50:46: <aldrich> "UR MUM"
  884. 23:50:52: <havocfett> haha
  885. 23:51:19: <havocfett> So, the restof the night passes uneventfully. What're your plans for the morning?
  886. 23:51:46: <LastChronicler> Hunt down the Griffon's nest so we can have a morning breakfast of scrambled eggs?
  887. 23:51:59: <alessandro> I think get into the city look around
  888. 23:52:05: <alessandro> recover what we can
  889. 23:52:07: <LastChronicler> That too.
  890. 23:52:15: <alessandro> and Jacques body obvs
  891. 23:52:19: <alessandro> so I can bury him
  892. 23:52:38: <alessandro> (if he is zombie I will wreck u
  893. 23:53:13: <alessandro> but yeah I think just get a javelin with some rope over a wall somewhat down from the portculis
  894. 23:53:20: <Clarity> 18:34 Havocfett The rest of the night goes uneventfully
  895. 23:53:22: <Clarity> wait shit
  896. 23:53:23: <alessandro> after having Clarity check for movement again
  897. 23:53:29: <alessandro> hmmm
  898. 23:53:39: <alessandro> would have been cool to have clarity fly over at night
  899. 23:53:43: <alessandro> but thats gone
  900. 23:53:44: <Clarity> I was gonna cast Detect GE before going to sleep
  901. 23:53:49: <havocfett> Nothing on it
  902. 23:53:50: <alessandro> yoyoyo
  903. 23:53:53: <Clanless> As Clanless mentioned, there are likely breaches in the walls that can be used as entry points
  904. 23:53:55: <Clanless> Likely unwatched
  905. 23:54:00: <Clarity> alright
  906. 23:54:02: <alessandro> cool
  907. 23:54:08: <alessandro> lets look for those then
  908. 23:55:07: <LastChronicler> Lets.
  909. 23:55:28: <aldrich> Aldrich has never been happier to know that Detect Good/Evil just picks up holy/unholy entities/objects/places, instead of actual alignment.
  910. 23:55:42: <alessandro> lol
  911. 23:56:09: <Clarity> it's a good thing he came and not arkyn, that's for sure :v
  912. 23:57:10: <Clarity> gonna swap Command for Cure Wounds
  913. 23:57:44: <havocfett> got it
  914. 23:59:05: <havocfett> So, circling the city?
  915. 23:59:32: <alessandro> yeah
  916. 23:59:35: <Cornuthaum> > Griffon meat tastes like... Revenge.
  917. 23:59:44: <Cornuthaum> I'm just going to say this now: Dwarves know how the world works.
  918. 23:59:47: <Clarity> I could fly over the wall and open the gate from that end
  919. 23:59:51: <Clarity> probably00:00:01: <havocfett> Yeah, Clarity could just hit up the gatehouse and try to open the gate
  920. 00:00:19: <Clanless> Right, we have someone who can fly
  921. 00:00:26: <alessandro> alright but we wont be able to support you if you trip stuff
  922. 00:00:27: <Clanless> Man that is so incredibly convenient
  923. 00:00:28: <alessandro> :V
  924. 00:00:43: <alessandro> though you do have smite
  925. 00:00:47: <alessandro> for zombarz
  926. 00:00:55: <LastChronicler> It will inevitably result in a fight where Clarity is on her own though.
  927. 00:01:53: <aldrich> Who needs brewing skills when you have Prestidigitation?
  928. 00:01:56: <Clanless> Yeah, my wall breach plan was built on the assumption that the gate might be guarded.
  929. 00:01:59: <LastChronicler> So I wouldn't be too free with it in the future.
  930. 00:02:24: <alessandro> lol Aldrich doesnt like warm spiced wine eh
  931. 00:02:49: <aldrich> Chill it, warm it, flavour it - I can do whatever I like.
  932. 00:02:51: <havocfett> not gonna lie, I had to google what spiced wine is. :P
  933. 00:02:57: <havocfett> *mulled wine is
  934. 00:03:07: <havocfett> So, Clarity's going over or are you guys gonna stick together?
  935. 00:03:22: <Clanless> Mulled wine is delicious
  936. 00:03:42: <alessandro> yeah sweetened mulled wine was a common breakfast drink in medieval times
  937. 00:03:57: <alessandro> its what Red Knight is drinking all the time Havocfett
  938. 00:04:07: <alessandro> thought they call is hippocras
  939. 00:04:07: <havocfett> Yup
  940. 00:04:09: <alessandro> :V
  941. 00:04:14: <havocfett> I just had no idea what it was
  942. 00:04:22: <alessandro> heh
  943. 00:04:33: <Clarity> /can/ I bring someone over with me?
  944. 00:04:47: <Cornuthaum> glühwein is great, yeah :D
  945. 00:04:56: <aldrich> Guidance on Clarity, by the way.
  946. 00:04:56: <Clarity> Seems like picking up another person'd be a bit too heavy :v
  947. 00:05:01: <Clarity> thankee
  948. 00:05:21: <aldrich> Just be sure you have to roll in the next minute or so.
  949. 00:05:26: <Clarity> :v
  950. 00:05:31: <alessandro> perception all day
  951. 00:05:34: <alessandro> erry day
  952. 00:06:17: <havocfett> Depends on your carrying capacity
  953. 00:06:27: <havocfett> But probably not
  954. 00:06:36: <havocfett> too heavy and not very aerodynamic
  955. 00:06:45: <Mr_Sandman> Aldrich just escaped from Darkest Dungeon didn't he? :V
  956. 00:07:01: <havocfett> hmm
  957. 00:07:04: Mr_Sandman is caught up on logs.
  958. 00:07:13: <havocfett> Atlhetics check, the gatehouse is ill maintained and the mechanism is sticking
  959. 00:07:23: <havocfett> you'll need another way in if you fail to open it
  960. 00:07:26: <havocfett> You get that Guidance d4
  961. 00:09:00: <Clarity> roll 1d20+4
  962. 00:09:06: <Clarity> ah, god dammit
  963. 00:09:10: <Clarity> 1d20+4
  964. 00:09:10: <Dicebottiel> Clarity: 14:10+4
  965. 00:09:14: <Clarity> 1d4
  966. 00:09:15: <Dicebottiel> Clarity: 3
  967. 00:09:19: <alessandro> noice
  968. 00:09:21: <Clarity> 17
  969. 00:09:38: <Clarity> thanks, aldrich :v
  970. 00:09:39: <aldrich> I'm helping!
  971. 00:10:03: <havocfett> DC was 15, success
  972. 00:10:07: <Clarity> i am the stronk
  973. 00:10:18: <Clarity> oh, man, that was really good then
  974. 00:10:21: <alessandro> wooo
  975. 00:10:52: <aldrich> ha ha yes
  976. 00:10:55: <alessandro> ok imma look for Jacques body
  977. 00:10:58: <alessandro> as we go in
  978. 00:11:07: <alessandro> assuming nothing tries to eat our face
  979. 00:11:07: <aldrich> praise the positive reinforcement seminars of azaabathkot'lotek
  980. 00:11:27: <havocfett> OM
  981. 00:11:55: <havocfett> Sorry, one of my grandad's friends showed up and needed help with the door
  982. 00:12:06: <alessandro> np
  983. 00:13:21: <havocfett> Right, Alessandro's looking for Jacques, what are the rest of you going for?
  984. 00:13:27: <LastChronicler> Do whatever you need to.
  985. 00:13:29: <scya> I have to say I find it amusing that in theory we could build a working party only with people that can fly
  986. 00:13:56: <alessandro> anyway gonna roll Per then
  987. 00:14:13: <scya> Especially considering that Clarity could cary a light weigthed partymember without wings , like a mage to rain down fire from the heavens.
  988. 00:14:15: <alessandro> halp Red Knight
  989. 00:14:24: <alessandro> 1d20+3
  990. 00:14:25: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 16:13+3
  991. 00:14:31: <Clarity> hmm
  992. 00:14:45: <lupine> Flying Cleric, Flying Paladin, Flying whatever that Aasimar is, wildshaped druid, and Ilyana once she tames a griffon to replace Tulip :v
  993. 00:14:52: <LastChronicler> Ulfric /does/ enjoy raining fire.
  994. 00:15:01: <scya> The Aasimar is a warlock
  995. 00:15:03: <Cornuthaum> (Aldrich) I'm helping! (zoidberg noises intensify)
  996. 00:15:08: <lupine> (Or some wizard casting fly on himself)
  997. 00:15:27: <Clarity> investigate the bodies, I suppose
  998. 00:15:29: <scya> Well at level 5 it is easier , but doing so at level 3 is the amusing part
  999. 00:15:50: <havocfett> Bodies or battle site?
  1000. 00:15:54: <havocfett> Investigation either way
  1001. 00:15:58: <Clarity> mmnn
  1002. 00:16:14: <Clarity> battle site
  1003. 00:16:27: <aldrich> Rolling Investigation to check bodies, and see if there's any pattern to how they've fallen.
  1004. 00:16:27: <Dicebottiel> Clarity: 13:12+1
  1005. 00:16:27: <Clarity> 1d20+1
  1006. 00:16:39: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 11:8+3
  1007. 00:16:39: <aldrich> 1d20+3
  1008. 00:16:44: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 4
  1009. 00:16:44: <aldrich> 1d4
  1010. 00:16:50: <aldrich> 15 total.
  1011. 00:17:49: <Mr_Sandman> Ooff :(
  1012. 00:18:48: <Cornuthaum> I am so glad Team Genrikh (& Bird) has Sam around
  1013. 00:20:07: <Drachyench> If only we could find things other than long abandoned ruins to use his Inv. score on
  1014. 00:20:22: <alessandro> oh man
  1015. 00:20:24: <Clarity> biiiiig compy
  1016. 00:20:24: <alessandro> T REX FIGHT
  1017. 00:20:28: <alessandro> LETS DO THIS
  1018. 00:20:48: <havocfett> Man, if Sam was here
  1019. 00:20:49: <alessandro> Also Ulric swing by my dead bro with ur sherlock powers
  1020. 00:20:53: <havocfett> It would've been amazing
  1021. 00:21:05: <havocfett> just straight up Sherlock Holmes
  1022. 00:21:09: <havocfett> reconstruction
  1023. 00:21:10: <Clarity> just sherlock-yeah
  1024. 00:21:14: <havocfett> with that passive investigate
  1025. 00:21:42: <alessandro> lol
  1026. 00:21:50: <Drachyench> Nah, something woulda got in his eyes fighting the Griffons this time
  1027. 00:21:51: <alessandro> dat 20 investigate
  1028. 00:22:04: <havocfett> The non-goblin crossbow bolts are thick, heavy, and their heads appear to be made of bone.
  1029. 00:22:34: <aldrich> So it seems like the goblins had help in their ambush, but were betrayed?
  1030. 00:22:46: <LastChronicler> Okay.
  1031. 00:22:47: <aldrich> From a human/near-human group with heavy crossbows and a t-rex.
  1032. 00:23:07: <LastChronicler> Jacque's body, right?
  1033. 00:23:08: <aldrich> Oh, can I scavenge some bolts, by the by?
  1034. 00:23:14: <alessandro> yeah
  1035. 00:23:30: <havocfett> Yeah
  1036. 00:23:37: <havocfett> You can get...twelve crossbow bolts
  1037. 00:23:39: <alessandro> also did they people who killed him loot him?
  1038. 00:23:42: <alessandro> like
  1039. 00:23:45: <aldrich> Ace.
  1040. 00:23:48: <havocfett> Nope
  1041. 00:23:49: <alessandro> does he have his purse and sidearms?
  1042. 00:23:54: <Clanless> Any roll for my attempts at finding animal life?
  1043. 00:23:55: <havocfett> He has his purse and sidearms
  1044. 00:24:02: <havocfett> Or, no, not his purse
  1045. 00:24:04: <Clanless> There's very little I can do here other than try and find an animal witness
  1046. 00:24:08: <havocfett> they grabbed his purse but they didn't take sidearms
  1047. 00:24:11: <havocfett> hmm
  1048. 00:24:15: <havocfett> Survival, Clanless
  1049. 00:24:18: <Drachyench> "WHERE ARE THEY?"
  1050. 00:24:20: <Drachyench> *Tweet*
  1051. 00:24:22: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  1052. 00:24:23: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 16:11+5
  1053. 00:24:28: <Clanless> 1d20+2
  1054. 00:24:29: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 10:8+2
  1055. 00:24:33: <Clanless> Aw.
  1056. 00:24:33: <alessandro> guidance gogogo
  1057. 00:24:40: <alessandro> actually should I roll per again?
  1058. 00:24:43: <LastChronicler> Eh, not the best bu not the worst.
  1059. 00:24:46: <havocfett> No luck clanless, though those scavengers are all over the place outside of the city
  1060. 00:24:51: <aldrich> You can add Guidance after rolling.
  1061. 00:24:55: <alessandro> to see if he has any keepsakes or other small things they missed
  1062. 00:25:14: <LastChronicler> Do I roll Guidance?
  1063. 00:25:17: <aldrich> But, uh, not after the GM tells you the result. Sorry.
  1064. 00:25:18: <havocfett> Yes
  1065. 00:25:29: <aldrich> Yeah, it's 1d4.
  1066. 00:25:59: <LastChronicler> 1d4
  1067. 00:26:00: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 2
  1068. 00:26:00: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 19:12+4+3
  1069. 00:26:00: <alessandro> 1d20+1d4+3
  1070. 00:26:09: <alessandro> not bad
  1071. 00:26:15: <havocfett> He's got a favor from his wife
  1072. 00:26:19: <havocfett> In his armor
  1073. 00:26:26: <alessandro> another eh
  1074. 00:26:45: <havocfett> And some iridescent feathers, large, from a bird you don't recognize stashed in his clothes
  1075. 00:26:48: <havocfett> (One is bloodstained)
  1076. 00:27:11: <Clarity> clearly he needed a third :v
  1077. 00:27:48: <alessandro> would Survival recognize or would we need knowledge nature
  1078. 00:28:15: <havocfett> None of you have seen the source yet
  1079. 00:28:22: <havocfett> So it's knowledge you can't have yet
  1080. 00:28:45: <Mr_Sandman> my guess is RAPTORMEN
  1081. 00:28:47: <alessandro> spooky
  1082. 00:28:52: <Clarity> they must have stolen a t rex egg
  1083. 00:29:05: <Clarity> and gotten JP2'd :v
  1084. 00:29:43: <alessandro> brb have to beat up some geese
  1085. 00:29:49: <alessandro> be back in 5-10
  1086. 00:30:45: <Clarity> teach em the american way, alessandro
  1087. 00:33:39: <havocfett> wait, shit, someone checked the battlefield as a whole, right?
  1088. 00:33:45: <havocfett> I think I forgot to give them a result
  1089. 00:34:04: <havocfett> Oh, nvm
  1090. 00:34:37: <Cornuthaum> (Clarity) teach em the american way, alessandro - I dont think the american way includes poleaxes
  1091. 00:34:43: <Cornuthaum> that's more the english, french or german way
  1092. 00:34:58: <Clarity> it's fine if its got a flag on it
  1093. 00:35:31: <aldrich> Clarity was the one who checked the battlefield as a whole.
  1094. 00:35:58: <aldrich> She got a 13
  1095. 00:36:23: <havocfett> yarp
  1096. 00:37:00: <alessandro> god I wish I had a .22
  1097. 00:37:32: <LastChronicler> I don't suppose Ulfric can take his own quick look over it, as he might wish to piece together what happened here with what happened at the site he examined last night?
  1098. 00:38:05: <Clanless> Survival
  1099. 00:38:10: <Clanless> 1d20+2
  1100. 00:38:11: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 3:1+2
  1101. 00:38:14: <Clanless> Wow.
  1102. 00:38:15: <alessandro> lol
  1103. 00:38:28: <alessandro> imma look for tracks as well
  1104. 00:38:38: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 15:12+3
  1105. 00:38:38: <alessandro> 1d20+3
  1106. 00:38:51: <Clanless> I really should just not roll and instead give you advantage.
  1107. 00:38:52: <havocfett> Yes LastChronicler.
  1108. 00:39:08: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  1109. 00:39:09: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 17:12+5
  1110. 00:39:09: <havocfett> Aldrich, you guidancing?
  1111. 00:39:37: <aldrich> *insert useless platitude here*
  1112. 00:39:40: <LastChronicler> 1d4
  1113. 00:39:41: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 3
  1114. 00:39:46: <alessandro> noice
  1115. 00:39:49: <LastChronicler> So, modified 20
  1116. 00:40:37: <havocfett> Alessandro: you get a d4 as well
  1117. 00:40:44: <alessandro> k
  1118. 00:40:46: <alessandro> 1d4
  1119. 00:40:46: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 2
  1120. 00:40:52: <havocfett> excellent
  1121. 00:40:59: <alessandro> 17 total
  1122. 00:41:30: <havocfett> Alessandro: They're old, probably the same day of the battle, but you see at least tracks from at least forty people in sabatons and two or three of the large reptilian creatures
  1123. 00:41:45: <havocfett> Or four, if one was limping badly
  1124. 00:42:44: <havocfett> With them are at least a few footprints that don't match, though you can figure out exact numbers. They ones that don't match are in a straight line and have scuffed each other a bunch
  1125. 00:44:17: <havocfett> Also, if you're willing to loot the battlefield, the previous looters missed a total of fifteen platinum pieces and forty five silver
  1126. 00:44:42: <alessandro> loot that shit
  1127. 00:44:49: <havocfett> Oh, right, the tracks are headed for the other gate
  1128. 00:44:53: <havocfett> that was left open
  1129. 00:45:00: <alessandro> ah
  1130. 00:45:07: <alessandro> Do we want to follow
  1131. 00:45:09: <havocfett> At a guess they came in, killed everyone, did some looting, and went back the way they came
  1132. 00:45:33: <alessandro> like thats a hardcore raiding party
  1133. 00:45:46: <Clarity> I'm gonna spend some time lining up the caravaners bodies and doing the same stuff as outside
  1134. 00:46:20: <havocfett> Oh, wait, my bad, they're wearing heavy boots, not sabatons
  1135. 00:46:41: <alessandro> yeah I was gonna say I see the impression left by the top of their shoes?
  1136. 00:46:43: <alessandro> word
  1137. 00:47:42: <Cornuthaum> :D
  1138. 00:47:47: <LastChronicler> Is there anything my Invest. check found that the Survival resultts didn't cover, or did we basically just accumulate the same information from different angles?
  1139. 00:48:23: <havocfett> Well, you didn't get numbers and they didn't get the course of the fight
  1140. 00:48:41: <LastChronicler> Okay.
  1141. 00:49:00: <LastChronicler> Was just wondering if both checks were folded into that exposition, basically.
  1142. 00:49:29: <Revlid> Got booted again. No idea why, and couldn't call myself Aldrich for some reason
  1143. 00:49:41: <havocfett> hmm
  1144. 00:49:46: <Clarity> aldrich refues to die :v
  1145. 00:49:49: <Revlid> Still can't, actually.
  1146. 00:50:00: <Clarity> you can't have the same nick as someone else in the room
  1147. 00:50:02: <lupine> Well, thats because "Aldrich" is still alive.
  1148. 00:50:03: <havocfett> Yeah
  1149. 00:50:03: <havocfett> it'll time out in a minute, I think
  1150. 00:50:06: <havocfett> Got with Aldrich_
  1151. 00:50:10: <Clarity> and aldrich is hanging around for some reason
  1152. 00:50:14: <lupine> Or Aldrizzle
  1153. 00:50:17: <havocfett> And I will get myself on autoop before the next session
  1154. 00:50:25: <havocfett> *Go with Aldrich_
  1155. 00:50:29: <havocfett> so I can deal with stuff like this
  1156. 00:50:50: <havocfett> what's the last line you have IC?
  1157. 00:50:55: <Aldrich_> Did my last bit of prodding Alessandro and dropping Guidance get through?
  1158. 00:50:59: <Aldrich_> That was the last thing I saw.
  1159. 00:51:08: <alessandro> yeah
  1160. 00:51:18: <havocfett>
  1161. 00:51:42: <havocfett> So you're gonna be tracking them at normal pace?
  1162. 00:51:59: <havocfett> and now you should be able to nick into Aldrich
  1163. 00:52:06: <aldrich> I RISE
  1164. 00:52:12: <havocfett> HE LIVES IN DEATH
  1165. 00:53:00: <lupine> ALRICH IS DEAD, LONG LIVE ALDRICH
  1166. 00:53:30: <havocfett> Anyone want to do something before you go?
  1167. 00:53:37: <havocfett> /start?
  1168. 00:53:44: <Clarity> nah, I already did my thing :v
  1169. 00:54:04: <Clanless> Nope
  1170. 00:54:12: <LastChronicler> I think that's all there is to do, unless we're horribly missing something.
  1171. 00:54:48: <aldrich> Ready to leave.
  1172. 00:55:36: <havocfett> anyone have celestial?
  1173. 00:55:49: <alessandro> I mean we could check out the rest of the town
  1174. 00:55:56: <LastChronicler> I can cast Comprehend Languages.
  1175. 00:55:56: <Clarity> nupe
  1176. 00:55:58: <alessandro> see if there are anymore interesting things
  1177. 00:56:00: <LastChronicler> Have it prepared.
  1178. 00:56:04: <alessandro> I have Gobbo
  1179. 00:56:12: <alessandro> not Celestial tho
  1180. 00:56:15: <LastChronicler> I also have Gobbo learned.
  1181. 00:57:07: <aldrich> I can cast Comprehend Languages as a ritual, given 10 minutes. I'm fine with letting someone else do it more quickly.
  1182. 00:57:19: <havocfett> Who wants to cast?
  1183. 00:57:32: <LastChronicler> I will, I guess.
  1184. 00:58:13: <alessandro> hmmmm can the casters tell if the lack of decomposition is something as a result of the area or a direct spell
  1185. 00:58:18: <alessandro> or is the weave too fucked up
  1186. 00:58:32: <Clanless> Can I ritual cast speak with beasts with that bird?
  1187. 00:58:37: <Clanless> Or would that take too long?
  1188. 00:59:22: <aldrich> ...I will actually take the time to cast Comprehend Languages on myself anyway, actually. It's got a duration of an hour, so if we bump into any locals I'll at least be able to tell when they say "attack".
  1189. 00:59:50: <LastChronicler> I can actually cast Identify on a body to figure out what magic is keeping it from decomposing, I think.
  1190. 00:59:52: <aldrich> Assuming we're going to be poking around this place for ~10 minutes, anyway.
  1191. 00:59:59: <aldrich> Yeah.
  1192. 01:00:17: <aldrich> And it's a ritual, iirc, so you don't need a spell slot to do so if you take a little longer.
  1193. 01:00:39: <havocfett> Each of the headstones has a name (Bizarre and foreign, 'Ioannes', 'Mariam', 'Ioseph' and 'Elisheva') with a small epitaph and two dates. Both dates on each grave appear to be in the 800s, as opposed to the normal faerunian calendar
  1194. 01:00:54: <havocfett> If those are meant to signify age, the buried dead are between 16 and 25
  1195. 01:01:10: <Drachyench> Rituals don't need spell slots. Some casters require the spell PREPARED, but others (like Wizard) just need it known
  1196. 01:01:17: <havocfett> Yup
  1197. 01:01:35: <Clanless> And as a Totem Path barbarian, I can ritual cast Speak With Beasts and Beast Sense.
  1198. 01:01:47: <LastChronicler> I cast Identify as a ritual on one of the bodies, then.
  1199. 01:01:57: <havocfett> Ooh, yes. You wanna try that, Clanless?
  1200. 01:02:07: <Clanless> Sure thing.
  1201. 01:02:16: <havocfett> It's not a spell, but some sort of natural magical effect
  1202. 01:02:23: <aldrich> And while they're doing that I'll slap up Comprehend Languages on myself.
  1203. 01:02:24: <havocfett> alright, what /exactly/ do both of those spells do?
  1204. 01:02:30: <havocfett> I'll see what the Compsignathus knows
  1205. 01:02:30: <alessandro> want to use the feathers for beast sense?
  1206. 01:02:37: <havocfett> Right
  1207. 01:02:46: <alessandro> assuming those are of the mount Clanless ?
  1208. 01:03:32: <aldrich>
  1209. 01:03:48: <havocfett> Alright, so, what're you gonna ask?
  1210. 01:04:23: <Clanless> Hmmm.
  1211. 01:04:28: <Clanless> What sort of scavenger is that?
  1212. 01:04:37: <Clanless> Some scavenger birds are pretty smart.
  1213. 01:04:39: <Clanless> Ravens and stuff.
  1214. 01:04:54: <havocfett> It's a small theropod dinosaur
  1215. 01:05:23: <havocfett> Like, a compsignathus or Microraptor that's also a scavenger
  1216. 01:05:28: <Drachyench> But is it a proto-corvid? :V
  1217. 01:05:47: <aldrich> "Who buried these guys" might be a place to start.
  1218. 01:05:52: <Clanless> She thinks of it as a bird for some reason.
  1219. 01:05:58: <Clanless> Feathers.
  1220. 01:08:21: <aldrich> "Oh my god" the bird replies
  1221. 01:08:24: <aldrich> "You can talk?!"
  1222. 01:08:30: <havocfett> :D
  1223. 01:09:11: <Clarity> lol
  1224. 01:09:22: <lupine> "Have you seen my brother? He went out to scavenge last night around some camp, but he never came back."
  1225. 01:09:31: <havocfett>
  1226. 01:09:33: <havocfett> hahaha
  1227. 01:09:41: <havocfett> these fuckers, except really brightly colored
  1228. 01:10:32: <aldrich> "Your brother was a little bitch." everyone turns toward Aldrich. "He might have been eaten by a witch. Dreadful things, witches. Why, back on the estate-"
  1229. 01:10:46: <Clanless> XD
  1230. 01:11:18: <aldrich> Alright guys!
  1231. 01:11:20: <aldrich> TIME FOR DISSECTION
  1232. 01:11:40: <havocfett> Typo, it's pointing at the graves
  1233. 01:12:09: <aldrich> You know what they say. To beat your enemy, you must know your enemy. To know your enemy, you must hack up the bodies of your enemy into tiny pieces and make notes on them.
  1234. 01:12:30: <alessandro> lol
  1235. 01:14:23: <Cornuthaum> sounds like a reasonable approach
  1236. 01:14:52: <havocfett> Who wants to dig up the graves?
  1237. 01:15:20: <alessandro> yo
  1238. 01:15:27: <alessandro> do we have shovels
  1239. 01:15:36: <havocfett> do you have shovels?
  1240. 01:15:40: <alessandro> or are we just doing it by hand
  1241. 01:15:41: <alessandro> I dont
  1242. 01:15:50: <alessandro> unless an adventurers pack does
  1243. 01:16:09: <alessandro> welp lets loot the city for shovels
  1244. 01:16:15: <alessandro> or things we can use as shovels
  1245. 01:16:36: <havocfett> Whoever's looting for shovels, roll a d4
  1246. 01:16:49: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 4
  1247. 01:16:49: <alessandro> 1d4
  1248. 01:16:53: <alessandro> wooo
  1249. 01:16:58: <alessandro> what does it mean
  1250. 01:17:12: <Cornuthaum> # of things that want to eat your face?
  1251. 01:17:16: <aldrich> 4 shovels
  1252. 01:17:24: <havocfett> Two hours to find a shovel
  1253. 01:17:30: <aldrich> ...
  1254. 01:17:30: <havocfett> It's currently going on 11 AM, IC
  1255. 01:17:45: <havocfett> *Post shovel finding
  1256. 01:17:46: <aldrich> Wait, as in we /have/ two hours to find a shovel, or it'll take two hours?
  1257. 01:17:53: <aldrich> Ah, right.
  1258. 01:18:02: <alessandro> word
  1259. 01:18:04: <havocfett> it'll take
  1260. 01:18:09: <alessandro> dig up them graves
  1261. 01:18:13: <havocfett> Alright
  1262. 01:18:13: <alessandro> what are these people
  1263. 01:18:41: <havocfett> Six feet deep each, not sure how long that is but w/e, we'll say it's noon when you're done.
  1264. 01:19:00: <havocfett> Oh, yes, considering the paladin
  1265. 01:19:11: <havocfett> This may not be as cut and dry as expected
  1266. 01:19:13: <aldrich> Aldrich has no advice to give for
  1267. 01:19:15: <aldrich> *shudder*
  1268. 01:19:19: <aldrich> manual labour
  1269. 01:19:26: <havocfett> haha
  1270. 01:19:31: <alessandro> topkek
  1271. 01:19:52: <aldrich> Can we just ask Clarity to turn around and face the other way?
  1272. 01:19:58: <havocfett> ask clarity!
  1273. 01:23:36: <aldrich> hashtag see no evil
  1274. 01:23:43: <alessandro> lol
  1275. 01:23:52: <havocfett> I should note that the tracks are 16 days old atm, you can follow them primarily because it was a /shitload/ of people
  1276. 01:24:45: <Clarity> hmm
  1277. 01:25:05: <alessandro> hmmmm
  1278. 01:25:15: <havocfett> I would like to point out that the miasma is also affecting the caravanner corpses, Ulfric's identify identified thatit was some sort of innate magical effect from something
  1279. 01:25:22: <Clarity> open up divine sense
  1280. 01:25:24: <havocfett> /a natural magical effect rather than a spell
  1281. 01:25:52: <LastChronicler> Hmm.
  1282. 01:25:56: <havocfett> Four dead humans are showing up on your divine sense, six feet down, underneath each grave, despite the fact that they /shouldn't/ /be/
  1283. 01:26:20: <havocfett> corpses shouldn't be pinging unless they're undead and humans shouldn't be pinging at all
  1284. 01:26:28: <Clarity> Are they consecrated/desecrated?
  1285. 01:26:29: <Clarity> hm
  1286. 01:26:29: <Clarity> oh
  1287. 01:26:34: <alessandro> dafuq
  1288. 01:26:37: <havocfett> Entire area reads as mildly desecrated
  1289. 01:26:43: <havocfett> included the path back into the city
  1290. 01:27:00: <havocfett> the effect is 'off' from what you're used to, but it's recognizable as some sort of transient, fading desecration
  1291. 01:27:00: <aldrich> So really, desecrating it by grave-robbing is like multiplying a negative. It's a /holy act/.
  1292. 01:27:38: <LastChronicler> Oh, I only just realised I didn't mention casting identify in the IC.
  1293. 01:29:29: <havocfett> Oh, the desecration is stronger around the things showing up as Humans on your senses, but it's fading there as well.
  1294. 01:31:31: <LastChronicler> Sorted.
  1295. 01:32:03: <havocfett> sweet
  1296. 01:32:18: <alessandro> man what the hell
  1297. 01:32:27: <alessandro> so are these like
  1298. 01:32:46: <alessandro> fucking evil aasimar people
  1299. 01:33:30: <aldrich> zombie raptor people
  1300. 01:33:56: <alessandro> I wouldnt even be mad
  1301. 01:34:00: <alessandro> that would be amaze
  1302. 01:34:26: <aldrich> given that we spent two hours getting the fucking shovel
  1303. 01:34:29: <aldrich> are we digging?
  1304. 01:34:34: <aldrich> have we dug?
  1305. 01:34:53: <Drachyench> Dig-dug
  1306. 01:35:01: <havocfett> Right, so, final vote
  1307. 01:35:02: <alessandro> DIG A HOLE
  1308. 01:35:03: <havocfett> OOC:
  1309. 01:35:03: <Cornuthaum> diggy diggy hole
  1310. 01:35:04: <havocfett> Dig
  1311. 01:35:06: <havocfett> or no dig?
  1312. 01:35:07: <alessandro> I GOTTA FIND
  1313. 01:35:09: <aldrich> Dig.
  1314. 01:35:11: <alessandro> WHO KILLED MY BRO
  1315. 01:35:14: <havocfett> If you don't dig I'll refund the two hours
  1316. 01:35:21: <alessandro> I CANNAE BE STOPPED
  1317. 01:35:23: <alessandro> I mean
  1318. 01:35:29: <alessandro> the tracks are 16 days old
  1319. 01:35:33: <havocfett> (Or you can do the vote IC)
  1320. 01:35:34: <aldrich> Mainly because I have at-will Disguise Self, and I'd love to see who I should be looking like.
  1321. 01:35:44: <alessandro> we could chase them all oer hill and creation
  1322. 01:35:46: <Clanless> Aldrich> given that we spent two hours getting the fucking shovel 2:21 AM are we digging?
  1323. 01:35:59: <alessandro> we have nothing to go really go on
  1324. 01:35:59: <Clanless> We've actually spent the last couple hours arguing about the morality of digging in the first place
  1325. 01:36:39: <havocfett> Dig it is?
  1326. 01:36:48: <havocfett> Pick a name to dig up first
  1327. 01:36:51: <Clarity> clarity is caving so they can consecrate the corpses
  1328. 01:37:18: <havocfett> Aha
  1329. 01:37:20: <alessandro> Joseph
  1330. 01:37:25: <havocfett> Ioseph it is
  1331. 01:37:30: <alessandro> then the woman
  1332. 01:37:39: <alessandro> Mariam or what hae you
  1333. 01:38:14: <LastChronicler> I should have taken Mold Earth.
  1334. 01:39:02: <LastChronicler> Would let me dig without any effort.
  1335. 01:39:29: <havocfett> Hah
  1336. 01:40:50: <havocfett> Next?
  1337. 01:41:05: <Clarity> elisheva :v
  1338. 01:41:45: <alessandro> honestly I think at this point we should follow those 4 who went south and then go back and report to get a force to ambush these guys
  1339. 01:42:00: <alessandro> when they swing back around
  1340. 01:42:23: <Drachyench> Surprise: The four turned around and are now watching you dig up these graves from afar
  1341. 01:42:29: <Clarity> well you convinced her to dig them up on the basis of giving them the proper rites, she's not gonna let you stop halfway through
  1342. 01:42:46: <alessandro> yeah I meant after this :V
  1343. 01:43:47: <alessandro> are they
  1344. 01:43:50: <alessandro> trying to make a hydra
  1345. 01:43:54: <alessandro> what the fuck
  1346. 01:44:12: <Mr_Sandman> Uhhhhhhhhhhhh
  1347. 01:44:22: <Mr_Sandman> No no Hydra are
  1348. 01:44:40: <Mr_Sandman> If it was laying fertile ground for a Hydra they would have been buried all together in a common grave.
  1349. 01:44:42: <Mr_Sandman> Not separate.
  1350. 01:44:58: <Drachyench> Unless they wanted to try getting multiple heads to join together
  1351. 01:45:06: <Drachyench> Sorta like how you can get trees to grow into one another?
  1352. 01:45:12: <Mr_Sandman> I doubt it.
  1353. 01:45:20: <LastChronicler> Shall I investigate the bodies? Perform a post-mortem?
  1354. 01:45:32: <alessandro> yeah go for it
  1355. 01:45:41: <alessandro> more info is always good
  1356. 01:45:43: <Mr_Sandman> Gdi Aldrich go cut them open or whatever.
  1357. 01:46:01: <havocfett> Go for it
  1358. 01:46:03: <LastChronicler> If someone is assisting me, that means advantage, right?
  1359. 01:46:03: <Clarity> no dissections >:T
  1360. 01:46:07: <Clanless> I think they're just their people who died in the raid and who they buried.
  1361. 01:46:08: <havocfett> Yup
  1362. 01:46:09: <Drachyench> This has to be, like, all kinds of sacrilege for Clarity
  1363. 01:46:16: <havocfett> Ah, Clarity objects to dissections
  1364. 01:46:19: <Clanless> They're mutant but I doubt the burial had a greater meaning to it.
  1365. 01:46:20: <Drachyench> "And now we're cutting them open"
  1366. 01:46:22: <havocfett> 17:33 Clanless I think they're just their people who died in the raid and who they buried. <- Yup
  1367. 01:46:24: <Drachyench> "Wait what?"
  1368. 01:46:37: <havocfett> Ioannes has a spear wound that corresponds with Jacques' spear
  1369. 01:46:38: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  1370. 01:46:38: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 6:1+5
  1371. 01:46:42: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  1372. 01:46:42: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 7:2+5
  1373. 01:46:47: <LastChronicler> Wat
  1374. 01:46:54: <havocfett> Yeah, Clarity stops Ulfric from performing a dissection
  1375. 01:46:56: <Aldrich_> Sorry, feck. Back.
  1376. 01:46:57: <havocfett> based on that dice roll
  1377. 01:47:02: <alessandro> christ
  1378. 01:47:17: <Aldrich_> What have I missed?
  1379. 01:47:39: <Drachyench> I get the feeling that, if the dissection happened with that roll
  1380. 01:47:42: <Drachyench> It'd be like Surgeon Simulator
  1381. 01:47:47: <alessandro> lol
  1382. 01:47:51: <LastChronicler> I appear to have misplaced my deerstalker
  1383. 01:47:55: <alessandro> Ulric is Gavin
  1384. 01:48:03: <havocfett> Ulfric didn't roll great on the dissection, I said that due to the result Clarity stopped him from performing one
  1385. 01:48:08: <Drachyench> "You threw it against a gravestone like a wet piece of cloth!"
  1386. 01:48:35: <LastChronicler> The body, or the hat?
  1387. 01:49:55: <havocfett> Hmm, you wanna channel a spell slot for this or do it mundanely?
  1388. 01:50:25: <alessandro> spell slot for science
  1389. 01:50:29: <alessandro> do eeet
  1390. 01:50:46: <LastChronicler> Spell slot that shit.
  1391. 01:50:51: <Clarity> Hm...yeah, I will. She's pretty spooked by their appearance so she's putting proper magic into it
  1392. 01:51:02: <havocfett> Alright, she manages to dispel the desecrated aura
  1393. 01:51:12: <havocfett> and has to shoo away the scavenger during the reburial
  1394. 01:51:21: <havocfett> Describe!
  1395. 01:51:25: <havocfett> And then next course of action
  1396. 01:51:42: <havocfett> You have their trail, so you can follow them now for free, but if you leave and come back you'll need to pick it up again
  1397. 01:51:49: <havocfett> and the longer that takes the harder the trail is to follow
  1398. 01:51:52: <LastChronicler> Follow!
  1399. 01:51:56: <havocfett> (They're a huge group but that only helps for so long)
  1400. 01:52:05: <Clarity> Now that they're not desecrated, do they still show up on my divine senses?
  1401. 01:52:14: <havocfett> Yes
  1402. 01:52:15: <alessandro> follow after we clear up camp yah
  1403. 01:52:23: <Clarity> hmm
  1404. 01:52:25: <havocfett> The desecration on them is gone but the bodies are still showing up
  1405. 01:52:27: <havocfett> as unnatural
  1406. 01:53:06: <aldrich> Ulfric has Firebolt, right?
  1407. 01:53:06: <havocfett> OK, once Clarity does her description we shall move on
  1408. 01:53:31: <LastChronicler> Sure does.
  1409. 01:53:38: <aldrich> I vote that these people probably almost certainly practice cremation as their burial practice.
  1410. 01:53:40: <havocfett> Yup
  1411. 01:53:47: <havocfett> haha
  1412. 01:53:48: <havocfett> :D
  1413. 01:53:52: <aldrich> Therefore, the only respectful thing to do is to burn them to ashes before we leave.
  1414. 01:54:02: <havocfett> For the hostile dead or for your dead or for both?
  1415. 01:54:06: <LastChronicler> I also vote to burn things.
  1416. 01:54:13: <aldrich> The unnatural ones.
  1417. 01:54:24: <aldrich> I'll raise it after the consecration.
  1418. 01:54:27: <LastChronicler> Let's not be fussy.
  1419. 01:54:36: <Clarity> oh :v
  1420. 01:54:39: <Clarity> oops
  1421. 01:55:49: <havocfett> hmm, move on or are you really set on burning some corpses?
  1422. 01:56:05: <Clarity> I vote move on
  1423. 01:56:11: <alessandro> just move on tbh
  1424. 01:56:20: <alessandro> I throw the shovel on the donkeh
  1425. 01:56:34: <aldrich> Fair.
  1426. 01:56:44: <aldrich> *backspace backspace backspace*
  1427. 01:57:03: <havocfett> Donkey now has a shovel
  1428. 01:57:12: <Mr_Sandman> hahaha
  1429. 01:58:44: <havocfett> They're heading north
  1430. 01:58:46: <alessandro> where do they seem to be heading
  1431. 01:59:44: <alessandro> lol I have a terrible Idea
  1432. 01:59:51: <alessandro> what if the mapping expedition
  1433. 01:59:56: <alessandro> just runs into these dudes
  1434. 01:59:58: <alessandro> on the way back
  1435. 02:00:02: <Mr_Sandman> oh
  1436. 02:00:04: <Mr_Sandman> oh no
  1437. 02:00:05: <Mr_Sandman> oh noooooooooo
  1438. 02:00:09: <havocfett> You are currently at 13 days ago
  1439. 02:00:15: <Clarity> oh yeah
  1440. 02:00:18: <Clarity> where are we anyways
  1441. 02:00:37: <havocfett> 69.42, pretty sure that's new ground
  1442. 02:00:40: <havocfett> Plains tiles
  1443. 02:00:43: <LastChronicler> Survival check to navigate, probably.
  1444. 02:00:45: <havocfett> still
  1445. 02:00:46: <alessandro> and what kind of stuff has been dripped
  1446. 02:00:47: <LastChronicler> Or that.
  1447. 02:00:53: <alessandro> dropped even
  1448. 02:01:13: <alessandro> loot the remains what is there
  1449. 02:01:30: <alessandro> also i assume we hae been grazing the DONKEH
  1450. 02:01:35: <havocfett> Survival rolls for effective looting, investigation if you want to figure out what happened
  1451. 02:01:37: <alessandro> to save on feed
  1452. 02:01:40: <alessandro> k
  1453. 02:01:48: <alessandro> I assume Clanless is helping me?
  1454. 02:01:59: <Clarity> roll 1d20+1 investigation
  1455. 02:01:59: <alessandro> 1d20+3 Survival
  1456. 02:02:00: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro, Survival: 6:3+3
  1457. 02:02:02: <Clanless> Soon as she gets her shield :p
  1458. 02:02:02: <Clarity> god
  1459. 02:02:03: <Clarity> /dammit/
  1460. 02:02:06: <alessandro> 1d20+3 Survival
  1461. 02:02:06: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro, Survival: 16:13+3
  1462. 02:02:07: <Mr_Sandman> Man donkey is the real hero.
  1463. 02:02:09: <alessandro> better
  1464. 02:02:22: <Clanless> Clanless is the hero you need, Alessandro
  1465. 02:02:24: <Clarity> 1d20+1 INVESTIGATION
  1466. 02:02:25: <Dicebottiel> Clarity, INVESTIGATION: 4:3+1
  1467. 02:02:26: <alessandro> yes
  1468. 02:02:33: <alessandro> my god
  1469. 02:02:34: <Clarity> cannae see shit capn
  1470. 02:02:53: <alessandro> actually clarity fly around and SEE WHAT YOU CAN SEE
  1471. 02:02:56: <havocfett> hahaha
  1472. 02:03:08: <Clarity> oh yeah good point
  1473. 02:03:14: <Clarity> that'd be a perception check, right
  1474. 02:03:17: <LastChronicler> I shall investigate!
  1475. 02:03:34: <havocfett> Ooh, yes, it would
  1476. 02:03:35: <alessandro> but yeah 16 for clanless+Alex Power hour looting
  1477. 02:03:38: <Dicebottiel> Clarity: 14
  1478. 02:03:38: <Clarity> 1d20
  1479. 02:03:39: <alessandro> what do we find
  1480. 02:03:43: <Mr_Sandman> Birb people do work.
  1481. 02:03:44: <havocfett> OK, there's chain mail, and quite a bit of it, some gambesons, shields, broken spears, crossbow bolts, and javelins
  1482. 02:03:48: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  1483. 02:03:49: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 10:5+5
  1484. 02:03:50: <havocfett> for alessandro and clanless
  1485. 02:03:54: <Clarity> itsbetterthannothing
  1486. 02:03:59: <LastChronicler> Le sigh.
  1487. 02:04:08: <alessandro> get that Guidance
  1488. 02:04:17: <LastChronicler> 1d4
  1489. 02:04:18: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 1
  1490. 02:04:20: <aldrich> Rolling to check out the wagons. What was left behind? What did they take?
  1491. 02:04:22: <alessandro> rip
  1492. 02:04:24: <havocfett> Clarity spots a metallic object to the northeast, a few hundred yards from the battlefield. Upon checking it out, they appear to be six sets of shattered manacles
  1493. 02:04:27: <LastChronicler> Sighing intensifies.
  1494. 02:04:28: <aldrich> 1d20+3
  1495. 02:04:28: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 14:11+3
  1496. 02:04:32: <aldrich> 1d4
  1497. 02:04:32: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 1
  1498. 02:04:37: <Clanless> Havocfett: Anything that's got a base AC of 14 or more?
  1499. 02:04:39: <havocfett> Next to quite a few tracks of some sort
  1500. 02:04:49: <havocfett> Chain Mail has base 16, Clanless, but is heavy armor
  1501. 02:05:03: <Clanless> That won't do
  1502. 02:05:04: <aldrich> So not really for Barbs?
  1503. 02:05:06: <alessandro> is the chain in good condition?
  1504. 02:05:08: <Clanless> Guess I'm staying naked
  1505. 02:05:14: <alessandro> gambeson is light
  1506. 02:05:22: <havocfett> Chain was probably in good condition 13 days ago, less so now
  1507. 02:05:35: <havocfett> It's been exposed to the rain a few times
  1508. 02:05:41: <havocfett> But you could clean it and make it work
  1509. 02:05:47: <havocfett> Some /really/ /weird/ looking gloves
  1510. 02:05:50: <Cornuthaum> eh, you can brush the rust out and oil it up
  1511. 02:06:02: <havocfett> Possibly made for the malformed 'humans'
  1512. 02:06:06: <alessandro> yeah Ill take some chain and javelins
  1513. 02:06:08: <havocfett> There is no food left behind, and no people or corpses left behind
  1514. 02:06:11: <alessandro> throw them on the donkey
  1515. 02:06:22: <alessandro> Gambeson is what
  1516. 02:06:29: <alessandro> 14+dex right
  1517. 02:06:30: <havocfett> 11+, it's padded armor
  1518. 02:06:36: <alessandro> ah
  1519. 02:06:40: <Clarity> 20:51 Havocfett Clarity spots a metallic object to the northeast, a few hundred yards from the battlefield. Upon checking it out, they appear to be six sets of shattered manacles
  1520. 02:06:57: <Clarity> these were either shitty manacles or people with /really/ /good/ strength checks
  1521. 02:07:08: <havocfett> They appear to have been /bitten/ through, clarity
  1522. 02:07:12: <havocfett> perception check?
  1523. 02:07:18: <havocfett> No, wait, you made one already
  1524. 02:07:54: <havocfett> There are a /bunch/ of gnoll tracks around, as well as six near-humans. The near humans are in a line up to where the manacles are shattered, then walk alongside the gnolls more freely
  1525. 02:08:02: <havocfett> Gnolls would explain the lack of corpses and food
  1526. 02:08:05: <havocfett> They eat bodies
  1527. 02:08:12: <alessandro> oh man
  1528. 02:08:12: <havocfett> (Including their own)
  1529. 02:08:13: <aldrich> The gnolls freed the humans?
  1530. 02:08:16: <havocfett> and don't believe in burials
  1531. 02:08:17: <aldrich> FREE GNOLL STATE
  1532. 02:08:18: <havocfett> seemingly!
  1533. 02:08:34: <Clarity> brolls
  1534. 02:08:39: <Clarity> no that sounds bad
  1535. 02:08:45: <Mr_Sandman> [futa warning]
  1536. 02:08:57: <havocfett> Do you guys wanna check for tracks after you're done looting?
  1537. 02:09:32: <alessandro> yeah
  1538. 02:09:37: <LastChronicler> I don't have any armour proficiencies. :(
  1539. 02:09:44: <alessandro> we got guidance?
  1540. 02:10:09: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 22:19+3
  1541. 02:10:09: <alessandro> 1d20+3
  1542. 02:10:13: <alessandro> hahahaha
  1543. 02:10:37: <Clanless> I have medium armor proficiency but by level 4 only half-plate will give me a better AC than being naked
  1544. 02:10:38: <Clanless> Barbarians rule
  1545. 02:10:46: <havocfett> hahaha
  1546. 02:11:09: <havocfett> two sets of tracks. The dudes from the town, down to about fifteen people and two of those lizard-cavalry, going northwest away from the battle at speed.
  1547. 02:12:22: <Clanless> To be clear, those are (we assume) the freaky mutant people?
  1548. 02:12:32: <havocfett> Yup
  1549. 02:12:54: <Clanless> And on the other side, fucking hyena-men
  1550. 02:13:11: <alessandro> man the gnolls ate some fucking t rexes
  1551. 02:13:15: <alessandro> this is metal as fuck
  1552. 02:13:20: <Mr_Sandman> The gnolls ate the mutants.
  1553. 02:13:23: <havocfett> And about twenty gnolls with a couple hyena-packs, at least thirty small humanoids, a mixture of small boots, one of those big lizard-cavalry things, and a mixture of near-human boots
  1554. 02:13:34: <havocfett> Going northeast
  1555. 02:13:37: <aldrich> Well, that's the natural enemy of the undead, I suppose
  1556. 02:13:41: <aldrich> Corpse-eaters
  1557. 02:13:42: <AlexSupercop> 'cause
  1558. 02:13:42: <AlexSupercop> 10:59 Clanless And on the other side, fucking hyena-men <-- are you sure they're fucking hyena /men/?
  1559. 02:13:45: <AlexSupercop> [futa warning]
  1560. 02:13:49: <alessandro> Northeast is towards
  1561. 02:13:54: <Clanless> Oooow
  1562. 02:13:56: <Clanless> For shame
  1563. 02:13:56: <alessandro> Foothold innit
  1564. 02:13:58: <LastChronicler> *Let them fight .gif*
  1565. 02:14:03: <havocfett> Regular East is foothold
  1566. 02:14:10: <havocfett> Northeast from here is /probably/ the Vordt Steppe
  1567. 02:14:11: <alessandro> ah
  1568. 02:14:17: <havocfett> which you guys haven't really explored
  1569. 02:14:22: <LastChronicler> Wait, heading toward Foothold?
  1570. 02:14:23: <Mr_Sandman> *fat bulldog in a tin pot howling*
  1571. 02:14:31: <havocfett> Oh, yeah, the prisoners seem to be mixed into the near-human boots
  1572. 02:14:31: <alessandro> heading north of foothold
  1573. 02:14:39: <Clanless> So who do we want to follow?
  1574. 02:14:42: <havocfett> Maybe a hundred total, all told
  1575. 02:14:42: <alessandro> hmmm
  1576. 02:14:49: <aldrich> We follow the zombie guys, I'd say.
  1577. 02:15:04: <alessandro> on the one hand we want to get colonists back
  1578. 02:15:21: <alessandro> and establishing contact with gnolls sounds like something we should do
  1579. 02:15:24: <aldrich> The gnolls have freed these people, we don't know to what end - but fifteen and two cavalry is a number I'm rather more confident about, and we /know/ they're hostile and possibly exhausted.
  1580. 02:15:32: <alessandro> yeah
  1581. 02:15:37: <alessandro> basically
  1582. 02:15:39: <aldrich> Also, revenge.
  1583. 02:15:46: <alessandro> make note of the gnolls and move on
  1584. 02:15:57: <alessandro> what time is now IC
  1585. 02:16:09: <havocfett> six hours from, so...five pm, I think?
  1586. 02:16:23: <aldrich> On the other hand, I'm happy to go meet the gnolls if y'all want to. I have Persuasion +5.
  1587. 02:16:24: <havocfett> You have another two hours of marching left in you, but you'll need to set up camp in a hurry then
  1588. 02:17:27: <alessandro> I suppose we could camp on the plains
  1589. 02:17:39: <alessandro> unless people have objections
  1590. 02:17:52: <alessandro> or we can look for a better place to camp
  1591. 02:17:53: <Clarity> not particularly
  1592. 02:17:57: <alessandro> how is our water now
  1593. 02:17:57: <havocfett> Well, you're not getting back to the city in two hours either, so unless you forced march for four hours you're camping /somewhere/ on the plains
  1594. 02:18:03: <alessandro> yeah
  1595. 02:18:27: <havocfett> Pretty deece, there was a well at the town and watering holes seem reasonably common
  1596. 02:18:30: <alessandro> lets just make camp then at the highest point we can find
  1597. 02:18:40: <havocfett> Gonna march?
  1598. 02:18:50: <aldrich> Actually, hm, I'd probably vote heading after the Gnolls, tbh.
  1599. 02:18:58: <LastChronicler> Maybe march for one more hour?
  1600. 02:19:20: <havocfett> Lets put it to a vote
  1601. 02:19:22: <havocfett> ?
  1602. 02:19:33: <Clarity> alright
  1603. 02:19:34: <havocfett> Gnolls v Mutants
  1604. 02:19:43: <alessandro> hmmmmmm
  1605. 02:19:45: <Clarity> Gnolls
  1606. 02:19:58: <alessandro> fine gnolls
  1607. 02:20:12: <alessandro> we have a diplomancer pledged to Dagon
  1608. 02:20:15: <alessandro> what could go wrong
  1609. 02:20:21: <alessandro> :V
  1610. 02:20:26: <Clarity> 21:00 AlexSupercop [futa warning]
  1611. 02:20:31: <Clarity> :v
  1612. 02:20:37: <alessandro> but yeah just go for the nearest hill even if its behind us
  1613. 02:20:39: <alessandro> and make camp
  1614. 02:20:44: <alessandro> pick up the trail in the morning
  1615. 02:20:47: <Clarity> sounds good
  1616. 02:20:55: <LastChronicler> Gnolls are evil creatures, it makes sense we wouldn't want to leave them alone.
  1617. 02:21:13: <Clarity> though, havoc, what time is it PST rn
  1618. 02:21:21: <LastChronicler> Help clear out the area for safety's sake.
  1619. 02:21:38: <Clanless> Mutants just interest me more
  1620. 02:22:12: <LastChronicler> I agree, but Gnolls seem like they'd be more urgent to an expedition like ours.
  1621. 02:22:30: <havocfett> It is right now 6 PM
  1622. 02:22:51: <havocfett> I can continue for probably another hour but we can leave off on a cliffhanger if people are running low
  1623. 02:24:17: <LastChronicler> I'm fine either way.
  1624. 02:25:23: <aldrich> I'm fine with leaving off here - and either deciding next session, or before we leave off if that makes planning easier.
  1625. 02:26:03: <havocfett> Well, you'd need to decide before you leave off
  1626. 02:26:39: <havocfett> clarity, Alessandro, Clanless, preferences?
  1627. 02:26:50: <alessandro> im cool with going a bit longer
  1628. 02:27:00: <alessandro> but if the euros need to sleep
  1629. 02:27:10: <aldrich> Clarity lacks the sparkling optimism of the secretly horrible hastur cultist masquerading as a bumbling noble.
  1630. 02:27:54: <Clanless> I can keep going for a while.
  1631. 02:27:57: <Clarity> "Gnolls eat people" "It's just a cultural difference"
  1632. 02:28:00: <Clanless> But a while isn't going to be very long.
  1633. 02:28:13: <Clanless> I also would prefer going after the mutants but I'm fine with the gnolls if that's the way the group leans.
  1634. 02:28:48: <alessandro> im ambivalent though I do want to kill some mutants, saving people is also cool
  1635. 02:28:57: <havocfett> Right, so you're making camp in current hex and pursuing gnolls next day?
  1636. 02:28:58: <alessandro> also killing mutants is more acheivable
  1637. 02:29:02: <alessandro> yeah
  1638. 02:29:04: <alessandro> sure
  1639. 02:29:10: <aldrich> Sounds good to me.
  1640. 02:30:58: <LastChronicler> Okay, what's next?
  1641. 02:31:51: <aldrich> It's 2.20am for me, so I'm happy to leave off here if it's a natural breaking point.
  1642. 02:32:04: <aldrich> I can keep going if everyone else wants to, however.
  1643. 02:32:16: <aldrich> No problems there.
  1644. 02:32:29: <Clarity> nah, I'm fine with leaving off here
  1645. 02:32:50: <aldrich> So are we dragging together a shelter from the burnt-out wagons etc, or moving on to somewhere else?
  1646. 02:33:08: <Clarity> oh no
  1647. 02:33:09: <aldrich> oh god what fresh hell is this
  1648. 02:33:10: <Clarity> black griffons
  1649. 02:33:31: <aldrich> ...horns growing from their /eyelids/?!
  1650. 02:33:38: <aldrich> That's some body horror right there.
  1651. 02:33:38: <havocfett> eyebrows
  1652. 02:33:38: <Clarity> oh lordy
  1653. 02:33:39: <havocfett> whoops
  1654. 02:33:43: <havocfett> Right, so, we'll s
  1655. 02:33:47: <havocfett> these motherfuckers
  1656. 02:33:51: <alessandro> jesus
  1657. 02:33:55: <Mr_Sandman> oohmyyyyygooooooood
  1658. 02:33:57: <lupine> fucking
  1659. 02:34:02: <alessandro> DINOSAUR FIGHT
  1660. 02:34:06: <alessandro> woot
  1661. 02:34:12: <alessandro> lets do this
  1662. 02:34:15: <lupine> hee, look at its little arms
  1663. 02:34:19: <Clarity> 21:20 Havocfett Right, so, we'll s
  1664. 02:34:20: <Clarity> ?
  1665. 02:34:31: <havocfett> Oh, accidentally cpy and pasted that
  1666. 02:34:32: <havocfett> ignore it
  1667. 02:34:52: <Cornuthaum> (Alessandro) DINOSAUR FIGHT
  1668. 02:34:54: <Cornuthaum> AARGH
  1669. 02:34:54: <alessandro> we gotta fight the dinosaurs
  1670. 02:35:00: <Cornuthaum> havoooooooooooc
  1671. 02:35:06: Cornuthaum shakes two angry fists in Havocfett's direction
  1672. 02:35:23: <Clarity> man are these the crested fucks the other team saw
  1673. 02:35:39: <havocfett> Nope
  1674. 02:35:39: <alessandro> these are the things that Jacques fought
  1675. 02:35:42: <alessandro> those feathers
  1676. 02:35:44: <Clarity> oh :v
  1677. 02:35:50: <havocfett> Jacques are Iridescent
  1678. 02:35:53: <Cornuthaum> all we got swas parasaurolophi and a far-off argentinosaurus
  1679. 02:35:54: <havocfett> these ones are blue and black
  1680. 02:36:06: <havocfett> The other team saw parasaurolophi and an argentinosaur, yeah
  1681. 02:36:19: <alessandro> CARNOSAUR FIGHT
  1682. 02:36:25: <Cornuthaum> like I am 100% happy to brave sheol's awfulness, false hydras and all, *because there's dinosaurs*
  1683. 02:36:30: <alessandro> fortunately
  1684. 02:36:38: <alessandro> we stocked up on Javelin
  1685. 02:36:38: <Cornuthaum> Havoc's GM-y scales of terror vs. dinosaurs
  1686. 02:36:59: <havocfett> So Imma say they close to about a hundred feet when combat starts
  1687. 02:37:05: <havocfett> Clanless?
  1688. 02:37:08: <alessandro> my hype level is max
  1689. 02:37:12: <Clanless> Sorry!
  1690. 02:37:12: <havocfett> (You can ready an action to jump them if they close)
  1691. 02:37:18: <Clanless> Was distracted.
  1692. 02:37:40: <havocfett> the true fight theme. :V
  1693. 02:38:18: <Clanless> I will enter rage as a bonus action and ready an action, yes.
  1694. 02:38:19: <alessandro>
  1695. 02:38:25: <alessandro> the best theme Havocfett
  1696. 02:38:26: <havocfett> Dinosaur fight! Two Carnotaurus Sastrei, one hundred feet off
  1697. 02:38:42: <havocfett> Right, Aldrich
  1698. 02:38:59: <LastChronicler> It's fucking on.
  1699. 02:39:34: <alessandro> so wait how fast are dinos
  1700. 02:39:46: <havocfett> Carnotaurs are fucking /fast/, man
  1701. 02:39:53: <alessandro> welp
  1702. 02:40:11: <aldrich> How far away- oh, 100ft.
  1703. 02:41:02: <havocfett> The creature I used as the base template is warhorse fast.
  1704. 02:41:15: <havocfett> They're AC 13, 51 health, and have a charge attack
  1705. 02:41:18: <alessandro> dont you add dex bonus to damage with ranged havoc
  1706. 02:41:19: <alessandro> ?
  1707. 02:41:22: <alessandro> balls
  1708. 02:41:22: <havocfett> thatis going to be all sorts of fun
  1709. 02:41:26: <havocfett> You do, yes
  1710. 02:41:33: <Drachyench> Allosaurus' are also M60, if the same as the MM ones
  1711. 02:42:10: <havocfett> yup
  1712. 02:42:17: <havocfett> These aren't allosaurus' though
  1713. 02:42:27: <aldrich> Hm. Hex is 90ft. Can I flub it? Or... jog forward, I guess. Christ.
  1714. 02:42:27: <LastChronicler> How great's their Dex?
  1715. 02:42:34: <Drachyench> Of course not, Sheol wouldn't be that kind to its invaders :V
  1716. 02:42:38: <havocfett> You can jog forward, yes
  1717. 02:42:45: <havocfett> you don't know, LC
  1718. 02:42:48: <Drachyench> "Giant dinosaurs incoming" "RUSH 'EM"
  1719. 02:42:50: <Cornuthaum> Luigi and Mario Carnotaurus
  1720. 02:43:05: <Clarity>
  1721. 02:43:07: <Cornuthaum> the Carnotaurus Brothers
  1722. 02:43:23: <havocfett> Carnotaurus has those horns and far shorter arms, and may have used its upper jaw as a hacksaw by repeatedly striking large sauropods with it due to its strong neck muscles
  1723. 02:43:23: <aldrich> So can I move forward ten feet, cast Hex on Dino 1, then ready an action to cast Dissonant Whispers on aforesaid Dino the moment he gets into range (60ft)?
  1724. 02:43:30: <havocfett> Yes
  1725. 02:43:43: <havocfett> feathered though, clarity
  1726. 02:43:44: <havocfett> but yes
  1727. 02:43:44: <aldrich> Then I will do that.
  1728. 02:43:57: <Clarity> not enough feathered dinos in media :v
  1729. 02:44:06: <havocfett> Cool, Ulfric, go!
  1730. 02:44:09: <aldrich> And the ability I will be Hexing is... Dex, I guess.
  1731. 02:44:13: <havocfett> Got it
  1732. 02:44:46: <LastChronicler> Scorching Ray time.
  1733. 02:44:57: <alessandro> dont you have to roll for hex
  1734. 02:45:01: <alessandro> orrrrrrr
  1735. 02:45:01: <LastChronicler> All focused on one.
  1736. 02:45:32: <LastChronicler> 3 rays, 3 attack rolls
  1737. 02:45:45: <havocfett> You don't roll for hex
  1738. 02:45:47: <havocfett> roll it LC
  1739. 02:45:53: <havocfett> hex auto-hits
  1740. 02:45:55: <Cornuthaum> I am *so envious* right nowwww
  1741. 02:46:08: <havocfett> brb, praying Asr
  1742. 02:46:16: <havocfett> you should be able to resolve your turn without me
  1743. 02:46:21: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5; 1d20+5; 1d20+5
  1744. 02:46:46: <alessandro> I think its # number of dice then dice
  1745. 02:46:50: <alessandro> so like
  1746. 02:47:01: <alessandro> #3 1d20+5
  1747. 02:47:02: <alessandro> welp
  1748. 02:47:05: <alessandro> also wrong
  1749. 02:47:13: <alessandro> just roll them one after another I guess
  1750. 02:47:19: <LastChronicler> Eh, just do it individually.
  1751. 02:47:23: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  1752. 02:47:23: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 10:5+5
  1753. 02:47:26: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  1754. 02:47:26: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 15:10+5
  1755. 02:47:30: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  1756. 02:47:31: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 7:2+5
  1757. 02:47:35: <aldrich> fuck
  1758. 02:47:35: <alessandro> rip
  1759. 02:47:37: <alessandro> one hit
  1760. 02:47:41: <LastChronicler> Well, that was rather poor.
  1761. 02:47:48: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 5
  1762. 02:47:48: <LastChronicler> 2d6
  1763. 02:47:56: <alessandro> oh no
  1764. 02:47:58: <alessandro> well
  1765. 02:48:07: <alessandro> time to gird up them loins
  1766. 02:48:12: <aldrich> That's weird.
  1767. 02:48:13: <aldrich> 2d6
  1768. 02:48:13: <LastChronicler> Hang on, does that not tell you what each die rolled, because that's important?
  1769. 02:48:13: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 10
  1770. 02:48:20: <aldrich> Huh, yeah, it doesn't.
  1771. 02:48:28: <alessandro> it should
  1772. 02:48:31: <alessandro> hmmmm
  1773. 02:48:47: <LastChronicler> It's important for me, because a 1 should count as a 2 on any fire damage die I do.
  1774. 02:48:50: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 6:6+0
  1775. 02:48:50: <alessandro> 2d6+0
  1776. 02:48:54: <aldrich> Just gives you a total. I guess you have to roll them as separate dice, as in 1d6 + 1d6?
  1777. 02:49:09: <LastChronicler> Check with Havoc when he gets back.
  1778. 02:49:23: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 6:5+1
  1779. 02:49:23: <alessandro> 1d6+1d6
  1780. 02:49:35: <aldrich> Yeah, that's it.
  1781. 02:49:47: <alessandro> wait no the previous did
  1782. 02:49:54: <RPGServ> +-- Individual Rolls 3 1
  1783. 02:49:54: <RPGServ> Aldrich Rolled 2d6 for 4:
  1784. 02:50:13: <alessandro> the results are just seperated by the colon
  1785. 02:50:18: <aldrich> You can either use the command at the top of the chat, or go xdy+xdy.
  1786. 02:50:29: <alessandro> just roll it as 2d6+0
  1787. 02:50:43: <aldrich>, dude.
  1788. 02:50:54: <aldrich> That just gave you the total of your two d6s, plus 0.
  1789. 02:51:00: <LastChronicler> 1d6+1d6
  1790. 02:51:01: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 9:4+5
  1791. 02:51:44: <aldrich> It's "xdy+xdy" or the command at the top of this chat.
  1792. 02:51:56: <havocfett> 3#1d6
  1793. 02:51:57: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett: 2;4;5
  1794. 02:52:05: <havocfett> So, one took five damage?
  1795. 02:52:28: <LastChronicler> I'm confused.
  1796. 02:52:34: <havocfett> Ulfric, describe, then the Carnotaurs are gonna charge
  1797. 02:52:46: <LastChronicler> Why'd it take 5 damage?
  1798. 02:53:05: <havocfett> you hit it with one scorching ray
  1799. 02:53:07: <havocfett> no?
  1800. 02:53:30: <aldrich> Yeah, hit one with a Scorching Ray and then rolled a 5, unless I missed something.
  1801. 02:53:32: <havocfett> First carnotaur charges Ulfric, so Aldrich gets his readied action
  1802. 02:54:04: <LastChronicler> Oh right. I was waiting for you to come back to mention that because of my feat, I need to know what I rolled eaxctly on each die.
  1803. 02:54:10: <havocfett> oh
  1804. 02:54:16: <havocfett> well, roll the separately. 2#1d6
  1805. 02:54:19: <havocfett> like that
  1806. 02:54:25: <LastChronicler> Okay
  1807. 02:54:31: <havocfett> and second charges....Alessandro, so Clanless gets her readied action
  1808. 02:54:34: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 1;6
  1809. 02:54:34: <LastChronicler> 2#1d6
  1810. 02:54:39: <aldrich> Sweet!
  1811. 02:54:42: <aldrich> That's 8?
  1812. 02:54:53: <LastChronicler> So that should be 8, because of Elemental Adept.
  1813. 02:54:57: <Clanless> My readied action is a normal attack, right?
  1814. 02:54:58: <alessandro> BURNINATING THE CONTRYSIDE
  1815. 02:55:00: <havocfett> Yup
  1816. 02:55:04: <Clanless> Make it a RECKLESS ATTACK
  1817. 02:55:12: <alessandro> also does it proc my AoO
  1818. 02:55:21: <Clanless> 1d20+5
  1819. 02:55:21: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 7:2+5
  1820. 02:55:23: <Clanless> 1d20+5
  1821. 02:55:24: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 10:5+5
  1822. 02:55:28: <havocfett> #roll 1d20+1 for save
  1823. 02:55:29: <RPGServ> +-- Result: 21
  1824. 02:55:29: <RPGServ> Havocfett rolled '1d20+1':
  1825. 02:55:32: <Clanless> I am utterly useless today
  1826. 02:55:38: <alessandro> wat
  1827. 02:55:39: <havocfett> It does proc your AoO
  1828. 02:55:44: <Clarity> that's a save alright
  1829. 02:55:45: <havocfett> it makes its save against Aldrich
  1830. 02:55:52: <Clarity> yeah no kidding :v
  1831. 02:55:53: <havocfett> so no damage and it attacks normally
  1832. 02:55:53: <alessandro> 1d20+5
  1833. 02:55:54: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 25:20+5
  1834. 02:55:57: <alessandro> crit
  1835. 02:55:58: <Clarity> hoo
  1836. 02:55:59: <alessandro> fuck you
  1837. 02:56:04: <alessandro> 2d10+3
  1838. 02:56:04: <havocfett> #roll 1d20+6 attack on Ulfric
  1839. 02:56:04: <RPGServ> Havocfett rolled '1d20+6':
  1840. 02:56:04: <RPGServ> +-- Result: 23
  1841. 02:56:04: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 13:10+3
  1842. 02:56:15: <RPGServ> Havocfett rolled '1d20+6':
  1843. 02:56:15: <RPGServ> +-- Result: 26
  1844. 02:56:15: <havocfett> #roll 1d20+6 Attack on Alessandro
  1845. 02:56:20: <alessandro> fuck dammit
  1846. 02:56:21: <havocfett> ....TRADING CRITS
  1847. 02:56:24: <alessandro> why cant anything miss me
  1848. 02:56:29: <alessandro> my god
  1849. 02:56:36: <havocfett> Roll a Strength Save (DC 13) or be knocked prone
  1850. 02:56:47: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 19:16+3
  1851. 02:56:47: <alessandro> 1d20+3
  1852. 02:56:50: <Clarity> 21:43 Dicebottiel Alessandro: 13:10+3
  1853. 02:56:53: <aldrich> what a load of bullshit
  1854. 02:56:56: <alessandro> fuck you
  1855. 02:57:01: <Clarity> wait, that doesn't seem right
  1856. 02:57:10: <aldrich> That's 5d6 dice and a "runaway" effect down the drain
  1857. 02:57:12: <Clarity> oh no wait
  1858. 02:57:18: <alessandro> yeah actually I need to know the dice as well
  1859. 02:57:20: <alessandro> so
  1860. 02:57:25: <alessandro> should I just roll
  1861. 02:57:33: <havocfett> Yeah, roll again
  1862. 02:57:39: <havocfett> if its worse just take the thirteen. :P
  1863. 02:57:48: <Clarity> it's 2#1d10
  1864. 02:57:48: <alessandro> 2#d10
  1865. 02:57:59: <alessandro> lol
  1866. 02:58:04: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 9;6
  1867. 02:58:04: <alessandro> 2#1d10
  1868. 02:58:08: <LastChronicler> Back, posted description.
  1869. 02:58:14: <alessandro> 18 damage
  1870. 02:58:14: <havocfett> OK, so, LastChronicler, Ulfric takes 15 damage and needs to make a Strength Save DC 13 or be knocked prone
  1871. 02:58:23: <LastChronicler> ...
  1872. 02:58:23: <havocfett> niiice
  1873. 02:58:34: <havocfett> Alessandro, since he got crit, instead takes /26/ damage
  1874. 02:58:42: <alessandro> jesus
  1875. 02:58:44: <Clarity> man
  1876. 02:58:49: <Clarity> it's a good thing I took cure wounds
  1877. 02:58:53: <alessandro> okay
  1878. 02:59:04: <LastChronicler> *distressed whimpering*
  1879. 02:59:18: <havocfett> Alessandro: Do you want to add any maneuvers to that hit?
  1880. 02:59:22: <Clarity> how much hp are you guys at
  1881. 02:59:23: <aldrich> Wait, hold on
  1882. 02:59:25: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 0:1-1
  1883. 02:59:25: <LastChronicler> 1d20-1
  1884. 02:59:34: <Clarity> holy
  1885. 02:59:35: <aldrich> Dissonant Whispers still does damage.
  1886. 02:59:38: <Clarity> haha
  1887. 02:59:39: <Clanless> Full -1
  1888. 02:59:39: <aldrich> Even on a save.
  1889. 02:59:43: <aldrich> It just does half damage.
  1890. 02:59:45: <havocfett> oh man
  1891. 02:59:48: <havocfett> Oh, sweet
  1892. 02:59:52: <havocfett> Roll damage, Aldrich!
  1893. 03:00:10: <aldrich> 4#1d6
  1894. 03:00:11: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 4;3;1;6
  1895. 03:00:25: <havocfett> ...the one that knocked Ulfric prone is gonna get a free attack since he's prone
  1896. 03:00:28: <aldrich> 7
  1897. 03:00:44: <aldrich> Seven damage from Dissonant Whispers. Now for Hex...
  1898. 03:00:46: <aldrich> 1d6
  1899. 03:00:46: <Dicebottiel> Aldrich: 2
  1900. 03:00:54: <aldrich> Nine damage total. Yay.
  1901. 03:00:59: <havocfett> 1d20+6 Follow-up
  1902. 03:01:00: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett, Follow-up: 18:12+6
  1903. 03:01:12: <alessandro> actually wait I can Maneuver on AoO?
  1904. 03:01:12: <havocfett> aaand that's another nine damage on Ulfric
  1905. 03:01:16: <alessandro> ok
  1906. 03:01:22: <alessandro> Menacing strike
  1907. 03:01:28: <alessandro> so 1d8
  1908. 03:01:30: <havocfett> Yup
  1909. 03:01:34: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 2
  1910. 03:01:34: <alessandro> 1d8
  1911. 03:01:35: <LastChronicler> I'm well and truly downded.
  1912. 03:01:39: <Clarity> ulfric are you even still alive
  1913. 03:01:39: <havocfett> Is that on the one Alessandro crit
  1914. 03:01:40: <alessandro> 20 damage total
  1915. 03:01:42: <Clarity> jeebus
  1916. 03:01:43: <alessandro> yeah
  1917. 03:01:44: <havocfett> or the one that just mauled Ulfric?
  1918. 03:01:51: <havocfett> Will save against MENACING
  1919. 03:01:52: <havocfett> 1d20+1
  1920. 03:01:53: <alessandro> I havent rolled attack yet for my turn
  1921. 03:01:53: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett: 4:3+1
  1922. 03:01:56: <havocfett> haha
  1923. 03:01:56: <alessandro> hahahah
  1924. 03:01:59: <alessandro> IT FEARS ME
  1925. 03:02:01: <havocfett> Alessandro, yours is scared of you
  1926. 03:02:02: <Clarity> lol
  1927. 03:02:04: <alessandro> FEAR ME BITCH
  1928. 03:02:04: <havocfett> IT FEARS YOU
  1929. 03:02:08: <alessandro> now I attack
  1930. 03:02:10: <havocfett> IT KNOWS WHO GOT THE BETTER OF THAT SITUATION
  1931. 03:02:13: <alessandro> and then Second wind
  1932. 03:02:15: <alessandro> so
  1933. 03:02:20: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 14:9+5
  1934. 03:02:20: <alessandro> 1d20+5
  1935. 03:02:22: <havocfett> wait while we finish this round
  1936. 03:02:23: <alessandro> fuck you
  1937. 03:02:27: <alessandro> I go after
  1938. 03:02:30: <alessandro> the Carnosaurs
  1939. 03:02:32: <alessandro> right
  1940. 03:02:35: <havocfett> You do
  1941. 03:02:38: <alessandro> or same init
  1942. 03:02:40: <havocfett> but I'm waiting on Aldrich to tell me which Carno
  1943. 03:02:41: <havocfett> he hit
  1944. 03:02:43: <alessandro> ah
  1945. 03:02:45: <alessandro> sorry
  1946. 03:02:47: <havocfett> You go simultaneously, technically
  1947. 03:02:52: <havocfett> so even if they downed you you'd get your turn
  1948. 03:02:59: <havocfett> So, yeah, Aldrich, which one did you drop nine damage on
  1949. 03:03:00: <alessandro> rad
  1950. 03:03:24: <aldrich> Alessandro's one, I believe.
  1951. 03:03:30: <aldrich> The one that charged Clanless.
  1952. 03:03:43: <havocfett> Excellent
  1953. 03:03:56: <Clarity> 21:28 Havocfett They're AC 13, 51 health, and have a charge attack // reposting it because I have bad memory and it just went off the screen
  1954. 03:04:04: <alessandro> so my turn eh
  1955. 03:04:04: <Cornuthaum> > What kind of idiot hunger drove these beasts?!
  1956. 03:04:09: <alessandro> rollan damage
  1957. 03:04:10: <Cornuthaum> "They're small and made of meat!"
  1958. 03:04:10: <havocfett> yup
  1959. 03:04:14: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 10:7+3
  1960. 03:04:14: <alessandro> 1d10+3
  1961. 03:04:22: <alessandro> another 10 to the afeared one
  1962. 03:04:28: <alessandro> and second wind
  1963. 03:04:36: <alessandro> 1d10+3
  1964. 03:04:36: <Clanless> Goddamn.
  1965. 03:04:37: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 9:6+3
  1966. 03:04:41: <alessandro> im on 10
  1967. 03:04:53: <alessandro> so since its frigtened
  1968. 03:04:55: <Drachyench> Cornuthaum: So, in other words, they're big scaly Genrikh's?
  1969. 03:04:57: <alessandro> it cannot attack me
  1970. 03:05:00: <alessandro> ?
  1971. 03:05:05: <alessandro> will not moe towards me
  1972. 03:05:09: <alessandro> and what else
  1973. 03:05:26: <havocfett> And butspike?
  1974. 03:05:33: <Cornuthaum> Drachyench come on genrikh isn't that bad, clanless certainly is the same. It's probably a dwarf thing!
  1975. 03:05:35: <havocfett> Will not move towards you, attacks you and others at disadvantage
  1976. 03:05:35: <alessandro> oh yeah
  1977. 03:05:39: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 8:5+3
  1978. 03:05:39: <alessandro> 1d20+3
  1979. 03:05:42: <alessandro> fuck
  1980. 03:05:49: <alessandro> rad
  1981. 03:05:54: <havocfett> Clarity, go!
  1982. 03:05:58: <alessandro> so Clarity
  1983. 03:05:59: <Clarity> uh
  1984. 03:06:01: <Clarity> uhhhh
  1985. 03:06:07: <alessandro> save the squishy
  1986. 03:06:10: <Clarity> yeah
  1987. 03:06:23: <havocfett> It is gonna carry Ulfric off for eating if you don't save him
  1988. 03:06:24: <havocfett> yeah
  1989. 03:06:25: <LastChronicler> Save me!
  1990. 03:06:46: <Clarity> move over to ulfric and, hm
  1991. 03:06:55: <havocfett> (This was actually a /really/ /bizarre/ Encounter Migrates from Other Region encounter but man once the dice came up I couldn't /not/ do it)
  1992. 03:07:06: <Clarity> I'm just gonna give him all 15 LOH hp's
  1993. 03:07:09: <alessandro> also if you dont have melee rev we have spears and my arming sword as well
  1994. 03:07:27: <alessandro> unless you want to spell dudes
  1995. 03:07:43: <havocfett> Excellent, Ulfric is at 15 health.
  1996. 03:07:46: <havocfett> we'll see how long that lasts
  1997. 03:07:54: <havocfett> Clanless and Aldrich!
  1998. 03:08:01: <Clarity> and uh, are there any bonus actions I can do at all
  1999. 03:08:07: <havocfett> hmm
  2000. 03:08:19: <alessandro> can you smite animals
  2001. 03:08:22: <havocfett> Some of the smite spells are bonus actions? You could cast Thundering smite or sommat and it'll apply next time you cast
  2002. 03:08:25: <alessandro> or prep smites?
  2003. 03:08:26: <havocfett> Shield of Faith, too
  2004. 03:08:28: <LastChronicler> I may have to convert now to... whatever God Clarity worships. Torm?
  2005. 03:08:30: <havocfett> You can smite /everything/, now
  2006. 03:08:33: <Clanless> Okay, give me a brief. What's the current situation?
  2007. 03:08:37: <alessandro> radical
  2008. 03:08:44: <alessandro> Carnotaurs charged
  2009. 03:08:44: <Clanless> Carnotaurs still dragging off Ulfric?
  2010. 03:08:45: <Clarity> ok I have thunderous smite so I'll do that :v
  2011. 03:08:48: <havocfett> Two carnotaurs charged into your ranks. One insta-downed Ulfric and is preparing to eat him
  2012. 03:08:48: <alessandro> wrecked the wizard
  2013. 03:09:01: <Clanless> What's the Size on these things?
  2014. 03:09:05: <havocfett> The other got into a cross-counter situation with Alessandro where they both critted each other
  2015. 03:09:07: <alessandro> Alessndro is a murder machine
  2016. 03:09:08: <havocfett> LArge, bordering on Huge
  2017. 03:09:13: <Clanless> Hmmm
  2018. 03:09:16: <aldrich> How much damage has Alessandro done to his Carnotaur?
  2019. 03:09:19: <Clanless> I will just try and hit it again
  2020. 03:09:23: <alessandro> 30
  2021. 03:09:29: <havocfett> He did 30, Aldrich did 9
  2022. 03:09:37: <havocfett> it's pretty badly wounded
  2023. 03:09:40: <havocfett> took a spear to the throat
  2024. 03:09:48: <alessandro> well poleax point
  2025. 03:09:49: <aldrich> Fuck it, I'll Vicious Mockery the thing.
  2026. 03:09:52: <alessandro> same diff
  2027. 03:09:52: <havocfett> yes
  2028. 03:10:01: <havocfett> Roll Clanless, you too Aldrich
  2029. 03:10:06: <aldrich> Wisdom save, again. These things are shockingly wise for dumb animals.
  2030. 03:10:11: <havocfett> IKR
  2031. 03:10:12: <havocfett> 1d20+1
  2032. 03:10:13: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett: 18:17+1
  2033. 03:10:19: <Clanless> Reckless attack
  2034. 03:10:20: <alessandro> WHAT THE FUCK
  2035. 03:10:22: <havocfett> I think it's because Wisdom covers stuff like surviving in nature
  2036. 03:10:27: <havocfett> THE WISEST CARNOTAURS
  2037. 03:10:32: <havocfett> Hail Food
  2038. 03:10:42: <havocfett> Truly they wield the Blade of Want
  2039. 03:10:51: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 24:19+5
  2040. 03:10:51: <havocfett> and cannot be distracted by petty ills
  2041. 03:10:51: <Clanless> 1d20+5
  2042. 03:10:55: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 13:8+5
  2043. 03:10:55: <Clanless> 1d20+5
  2044. 03:10:58: <havocfett> Hit!
  2045. 03:11:05: <aldrich> Fuck it, I'm just backpedalling the fuck away.
  2046. 03:11:08: <Clanless> If it had only been one higher
  2047. 03:11:14: <Dicebottiel> Clanless: 17:12+5
  2048. 03:11:14: <alessandro> double hit
  2049. 03:11:14: <Clanless> 1d12+5
  2050. 03:11:26: <alessandro> meet or exceed AC IIRC
  2051. 03:11:27: <havocfett> Alessandro, describe damaging it, and then Clarity, describe killing it
  2052. 03:11:28: <Clarity> Clanless, could you wait for me to finish describing, please?
  2053. 03:11:28: <Clanless> This is good.
  2054. 03:11:43: <havocfett> Clanless, wait till Alessandro and Clarity do their things
  2055. 03:11:44: <Clanless> Clarity: Sure.
  2056. 03:11:52: <Clanless> Wait, what is going on
  2057. 03:12:00: <Clarity> also wait, what, I'm killing it?
  2058. 03:12:02: <Clanless> I was told I was up and rolled my action D:
  2059. 03:12:14: <Clarity> That was just a bonus action to put thunderous smite on the weapon
  2060. 03:12:23: <havocfett> Err, no, Clanless is killing it
  2061. 03:12:30: <havocfett> to describe in character, Clanless
  2062. 03:12:33: <Clanless> Oh, okay.
  2063. 03:12:36: <havocfett> they're doing descriptions
  2064. 03:12:44: <Clarity> oh god what's going on :v
  2065. 03:13:27: <havocfett> Clarity is healing, Alessandro and Clanless are murdering, Aldrich is learning that raw hunger is a panacea against the influence of dark gods
  2066. 03:13:31: <havocfett> and elder things from beyond
  2067. 03:14:41: <aldrich> All my good shit requires Wisdom checks!
  2068. 03:14:51: <havocfett> And hunger makes dinos /wise/
  2069. 03:15:11: <havocfett> OK, Clanless, describe
  2070. 03:15:14: <LastChronicler> Hunger is the great teacher.
  2071. 03:15:20: <havocfett> Finishing the Carnotaur fighting Alessandro
  2072. 03:15:21: <aldrich> And wild animals have pretty good wisdom because they need to be wise to survive in the wild! Despite the fact that Wisdom is basically just "Cunning" in this edition except for Clerics use it.
  2073. 03:15:23: <havocfett> and then Ulfric's turn
  2074. 03:15:28: <Cornuthaum> if it doesn't work the first time *try again*
  2075. 03:15:28: <havocfett> indeed
  2076. 03:15:32: <alessandro> BURNINATE
  2077. 03:15:36: <alessandro> THE DINOSAUR
  2078. 03:15:39: <aldrich> Hex moves to other Carnotaur, by the way.
  2079. 03:15:41: <LastChronicler> I have an image in mind for my turn, of Ulfric thrusting Scorching Rays into the Carnosaur's face and screaming "How do you like it! How do you like it!"
  2080. 03:15:51: <havocfett> Got it!
  2081. 03:15:56: <alessandro> doo eeetttt
  2082. 03:15:56: <havocfett> roll LC
  2083. 03:15:58: <aldrich> Does anyone have anything that provokes an Ability check?
  2084. 03:16:03: <alessandro> yes
  2085. 03:16:05: <LastChronicler> I do.
  2086. 03:16:09: <Cornuthaum> man am I glad we had arkyn and his habit of just vigorously blowing his load in two gigantic spurts of power
  2087. 03:16:09: <alessandro> my manuevers
  2088. 03:16:10: <LastChronicler> Dex, Burning Hands.
  2089. 03:16:12: <alessandro> Str or Wis
  2090. 03:16:16: <havocfett> someone could try to wrestle one, IIRC
  2091. 03:16:19: <havocfett> those are saving throws
  2092. 03:16:21: <alessandro> I could trip a dinosaur
  2093. 03:16:23: <havocfett> not ability checks
  2094. 03:16:24: <alessandro> :V
  2095. 03:16:32: <havocfett> Trip or Grappling will prock ability checks
  2096. 03:16:37: <havocfett> so if you ever wanted to wrestle a dinosaur
  2097. 03:16:43: <havocfett> do it when Aldrich's debuffed its strength/dex
  2098. 03:16:56: <alessandro> utilize the relic of de Charny
  2099. 03:16:58: <LastChronicler> For the record, if someone grappled them, I could Burning Hands over the pile and avoid hitting friendlies due to Sculpt Spell
  2100. 03:17:02: <alessandro> shank it in the face
  2101. 03:17:13: <alessandro> WICKED CHIVALROUS
  2102. 03:17:25: <aldrich> So yeah, fuck it, nerf its Strength with Hex.
  2103. 03:18:12: <LastChronicler> Rolling Scorching Rays... (my turn, right?)
  2104. 03:18:20: <havocfett> yup
  2105. 03:18:24: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  2106. 03:18:25: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 16:11+5
  2107. 03:18:30: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 12:7+5
  2108. 03:18:30: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  2109. 03:18:36: <LastChronicler> 1d20+5
  2110. 03:18:36: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 15:10+5
  2111. 03:18:44: <havocfett> two hits!
  2112. 03:19:06: <Dicebottiel> LastChronicler: 3;2;2;4
  2113. 03:19:06: <LastChronicler> 4#1d6
  2114. 03:19:22: <LastChronicler> 11
  2115. 03:19:38: <alessandro> its face is now on FIRE
  2116. 03:19:50: <havocfett> It is INCREDIBLY ANGRY
  2117. 03:19:53: <havocfett> describe
  2118. 03:19:55: <havocfett> 3#1d20+6 attacking Ulfric until he drops, then attacking Clarity with remaining attacks.
  2119. 03:19:56: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett, attacking Ulfric until he drops, then attacking Clarity with remaining attacks.: 8:2+6;26:20+6;15:9+6
  2120. 03:20:09: <havocfett> ...So it crits you with its first hit and drops you
  2121. 03:20:12: <havocfett> Clarity, what's your AC?
  2122. 03:20:14: <havocfett> 19, right?
  2123. 03:20:20: <havocfett> *second hit and rops you
  2124. 03:20:29: <Clarity> 18
  2125. 03:20:42: <Clarity> so I tank it
  2126. 03:20:46: <LastChronicler> God damn it. I was hoping to use Shield, but they're hitting too high for it to make any difference.
  2127. 03:20:53: <alessandro> so
  2128. 03:20:55: <aldrich> Havoc, I will ask politely.
  2129. 03:21:00: <aldrich> Please stop rolling Crits.
  2130. 03:21:04: <havocfett> no
  2131. 03:21:06: <havocfett> this is amazing
  2132. 03:21:13: <Clanless> How do you have 18 AC
  2133. 03:21:15: <havocfett> These are dinosaurs of hunger and also more hunger
  2134. 03:21:17: <Clarity> no, just roll crits for alessandro in the back room
  2135. 03:21:20: <havocfett> She has chain mail and a shield
  2136. 03:21:25: <Clarity> 16 from-yeah
  2137. 03:21:27: <Clanless> Goddamn
  2138. 03:21:28: <alessandro> Imma trip attack this bitch
  2139. 03:21:31: <Clarity> shield is +2 AC
  2140. 03:21:40: <Clarity> describe me bouncing it with my baller shield :v
  2141. 03:21:42: <alessandro> 1d20+5
  2142. 03:21:43: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 13:8+5
  2143. 03:21:48: <alessandro> lol just hit
  2144. 03:22:03: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 14:4+7+3
  2145. 03:22:03: <alessandro> 1d10+1d8+3
  2146. 03:22:14: <alessandro> also dc 13 str save
  2147. 03:22:15: <alessandro> or is prone
  2148. 03:22:30: <havocfett> Right, so Ulfric, describe scorching ray
  2149. 03:22:41: <havocfett> then I will do its mighty fury, and then alessandro will do his thing
  2150. 03:22:47: <havocfett> 1d20+4
  2151. 03:22:48: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett: 11:7+4
  2152. 03:22:52: <alessandro> fail
  2153. 03:22:53: <alessandro> it is prone
  2154. 03:22:53: <havocfett> haha, it's tripped
  2155. 03:22:55: <havocfett> you knock it prone
  2156. 03:23:12: <aldrich> Didn't even need the disadvantage.
  2157. 03:23:29: <havocfett> yup
  2158. 03:23:36: <havocfett> 1d20+4
  2159. 03:23:37: <Dicebottiel> Havocfett: 8:4+4
  2160. 03:23:43: <havocfett> disad makes it fail /worse/
  2161. 03:24:42: <havocfett> Clarity, go!
  2162. 03:24:49: <havocfett> No, wait, buttspike
  2163. 03:24:53: <havocfett> Alessandro: buttspike
  2164. 03:24:54: <aldrich> You know, it seems like some of these fights would work out better if the tough guys were paired up with the squishy casters, instead of the feathered hateful enemy splitting in two and being promptly slaughtered against a wall of iron OR enjoying a wizard-and-warlock buffet depending on who they targeted.
  2165. 03:24:57: <alessandro> oh lol
  2166. 03:25:08: <Clarity> leave some for me alessandro
  2167. 03:25:22: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 18:15+3
  2168. 03:25:22: <alessandro> 1d20+3
  2169. 03:25:27: <alessandro> 1d4+3
  2170. 03:25:27: <Dicebottiel> Alessandro: 5:2+3
  2171. 03:25:35: <alessandro> sooo thats
  2172. 03:25:42: <havocfett> If you have turns before enemies engage, I recommend noting 'I move behind [X tought person]' on that turn
  2173. 03:25:42: <alessandro> 19
  2174. 03:25:47: <havocfett> /on your turn anyways
  2175. 03:25:50: <alessandro> Im just softening it up
  2176. 03:26:01: <aldrich> As someone who jogged forward, I approve this message.
  2177. 03:26:01: <Clarity> how much HP does it have left?
  2178. 03:26:05: <havocfett> About 16?
  2179. 03:26:39: <alessandro> yeah and thundering smite is go for Clarity
  2180. 03:26:42: <Clarity> aha
  2181. 03:26:46: <Clarity> yes good
  2182. 03:26:51: <alessandro> fuck its shit up bby
  2183. 03:26:57: <Clanless> Aldrich: We just need to jump the game straigt ahead to the part where I'm lv 14 and enemies all get disadvantage on targetting anyone but me.
  2184. 03:27:24: <Clarity> right so
  2185. 03:27:29: <Clarity> move to the prone dino
  2186. 03:27:42: <LastChronicler> We need to jump straight ahead to the part where I pay only lip service to the laws of physics.
  2187. 03:27:51: <Clarity> roll 1d20+4
  2188. 03:27:55: <Clarity> fffff
  2189. 03:27:57: <havocfett> haha
  2190. 03:28:01: <Clarity> 1d20+4
  2191. 03:28:01: <Dicebottiel> Clarity: 17:13+4
  2192. 03:28:02: <havocfett> remember, advantage against prone enemies
  2193. 03:28:03: <havocfett> HIT
  2194. 03:28:07: <Clarity> 1d20+4
  2195. 03:28:08: <Dicebottiel> Clarity: 24:20+4
  2196. 03:28:14: <aldrich> CRIT
  2197. 03:28:16: <Clarity> CRRRRRIT BABEE
  2198. 03:28:18: <Clanless> Crits galore
  2199. 03:28:24: <havocfett> hahaha
  2200. 03:28:26: <havocfett> roll double damage
  2201. 03:28:33: <Clarity> 2d8
  2202. 03:28:33: <Dicebottiel> Clarity: 6
  2203. 03:28:42: <Dicebottiel> Clarity: 21
  2204. 03:28:42: <havocfett> And are you gonna divine smite
  2205. 03:28:42: <Clarity> 4d6
  2206. 03:28:47: <havocfett> for double-oh you don't need to
  2207. 03:28:52: <havocfett> Yeah, you kill it
  2208. 03:28:53: <Clarity> FEEL
  2209. 03:28:55: <Clarity> THA THUNDER
  2210. 03:28:58: <aldrich> As the one who placed a totally unnecessary disadvantage on the dinosaur before it was tripped prone, I choose to take complete credit for this crit.
  2211. 03:28:59: <alessandro> FUCKING BOSS
  2212. 03:29:01: <havocfett> And since it's dead and cannot make Str saves, the corpse is ragdolled ten feet away
  2213. 03:29:15: <havocfett> From Thunderous Smite
  2214. 03:29:18: <alessandro> lol Aldrich
  2215. 03:29:20: <havocfett> (Also prone /again/)
  2216. 03:29:20: <alessandro> amazing
  2217. 03:29:22: <havocfett> haha
  2218. 03:29:28: <AlexSupercop> *sounds of Bethesda ragdoll thumping*
  2219. 03:29:42: <havocfett> So describe
  2220. 03:29:47: <havocfett> and I think we'll call it there for tonight
  2221. 03:29:55: <alessandro> rad
  2222. 03:29:58: <Clarity> yess
  2223. 03:30:05: <alessandro> force feed the wizard ur potion Clarity
  2224. 03:30:10: <LastChronicler> Someone stabilise me first?
  2225. 03:30:13: <Clarity> I have cure wounds
  2226. 03:30:22: <Clarity> I don't need the potion
  2227. 03:30:27: <alessandro> aha
  2228. 03:30:32: <havocfett> XP is...2300/5: 460 Monster Exp and 250 Quest Exp for finding the bodies, learning about the 'humans', and finding the second battlefield.
  2229. 03:30:46: <alessandro> ahaha oh ma n Shin
  2230. 03:30:50: <alessandro> you jsut missed
  2231. 03:30:52: <alessandro> DINO FIGHT
  2232. 03:30:55: <havocfett> So 710 exp total
  2233. 03:30:58: <alessandro> it was rad
  2234. 03:31:00: <alessandro> oh man
  2235. 03:31:02: <alessandro> baller
  2236. 03:31:03: <LastChronicler> Praise be to Torm
  2237. 03:31:04: <havocfett> Plus, like, 3 plat or something apiece?
  2238. 03:31:10: <alessandro> noice
  2239. 03:31:12: shinaobi shruggadoccio
  2240. 03:31:12: <havocfett> Someone should check what the loot in town was
  2241. 03:31:18: <shinaobi> not like I was gonna be playing anyway :U
  2242. 03:31:25: <alessandro>
  2243. 03:31:41: <alessandro> my spear is bigger than yours DINO MAN
  2244. 03:32:09: <Cornuthaum> an
  2245. 03:32:13: <Cornuthaum> you had pretty good run
  2246. 03:32:18: <Cornuthaum> did we just manage to walk around all the encounters havoc
  2247. 03:32:36: <LastChronicler> Was awesome.
  2248. 03:32:48: <alessandro> man Polearm mastery Fighters are OP
  2249. 03:32:51: <aldrich> You now realize that Aldric's sole contribution to this battle was uselessly cussing out dinosaurs.
  2250. 03:32:55: <alessandro> I Kinda want
  2251. 03:32:58: <alessandro> lololol
  2252. 03:33:01: <havocfett> haha
  2253. 03:33:01: <alessandro> Heavy armor mastery now
  2254. 03:33:06: <alessandro> just for that DR
  2255. 03:33:15: <alessandro> which would be troll tastic
  2256. 03:33:15: <havocfett> I am sorry about the Dinosaurs, they proved too strong will
  2257. 03:33:15: <LastChronicler> I also want Heavy armour mastery now, yes.
  2258. 03:33:17: <havocfett> *willed
  2259. 03:33:19: <alessandro> against dinos
  2260. 03:33:21: <havocfett> 19:19 Cornuthaum did we just manage to walk around all the encounters havoc <- no
  2261. 03:33:26: <havocfett> you've got some on the way back
  2262. 03:33:26: <LastChronicler> I want all the armour feats
  2263. 03:33:34: <havocfett> But you rolled up different ones, like the boat
  2264. 03:33:43: <havocfett> and the parasaurolophi
  2265. 03:33:52: <aldrich> Nah, it's my fault for going full utility and then accidentally spending all my damage spell slots on Wisdom checks.
  2266. 03:34:03: <shinaobi> 'accidentally' :U
  2267. 03:34:12: <Cornuthaum> not like "it'S an animal" screams "has brilliant will save" to me:V
  2268. 03:34:14: <shinaobi> OWN THE WITTY WARLOCK
  2269. 03:34:15: <aldrich> This is because I am terrified of rolling to hit, except whoops, I actually have a good hit modifier.
  2270. 03:34:38: <shinaobi> plus there's always level-ups for damaging spells
  2271. 03:34:46: <aldrich> Shinaobi: Well, they're the subtle ones. Vicious Mockery is easily disguised, and Dissonant Whispers is literally silent.
  2272. 03:35:09: <shinaobi> now that you mention it
  2273. 03:35:17: <shinaobi> did you invest in a decent stealth score and/or invisibility
  2274. 03:35:44: <havocfett> And we cut on that
  2275. 03:35:48: <havocfett> I hope you all enjoyed the game
  2276. 03:35:57: <LastChronicler> Immensely.
  2277. 03:36:01: <aldrich> Certainly did!
  2278. 03:36:13: <aldrich> I look forward to seeing you all soon!
  2279. 03:36:15: <LastChronicler> Got HEMA now in a few hours.
  2280. 03:36:15: <havocfett> someone needs to find how much money you guys got
  2281. 03:36:18: <havocfett> See ya!
  2282. 03:36:21: <aldrich> For now, good night!
  2283. 03:36:28: <havocfett> I recommend that you euros go to sleep now
  2284. 03:36:29: <LastChronicler> See ya guys.
  2285. 03:36:45: <Clarity> man
  2286. 03:37:02: <Clarity> that crit
  2287. 03:37:05: <Clarity> was /catharsis/
  2288. 03:37:12: <alessandro> god yes
  2289. 03:37:23: <Cornuthaum> ) (Havocfett) I recommend that you euros go to sleep now
  2290. 03:37:26: <Cornuthaum> funny :V
  2291. 03:37:31: <LastChronicler> Which Crit are we referring to here? One of them was very much not!
  2292. 03:38:24: <Clanless> This was fun.
  2293. 03:38:29: <Clanless> Even if I didn't amount to much.
  2294. 03:39:08: <LastChronicler> You saved me, and probably converted me.
  2295. 03:39:12: <Clarity> right we should totally just end on sarp's line
  2296. 03:39:19: <Clarity> because that's a good end of episode line :v
  2297. 03:39:24: <Clanless> Haha
  2298. 03:39:26: <havocfett> It was catharsis for /me/
  2299. 03:39:34: <Clarity> hahaha
  2300. 03:39:39: <havocfett> :P
  2301. 03:39:45: <Clarity> god I think that's like
  2302. 03:39:52: <Clarity> literally the first time clarity has /ever/ been attacked
  2303. 03:40:19: <LastChronicler> My character may have a deathly fear of dinosaurs now, moving forward.
  2304. 03:40:28: <LastChronicler> And some PTSD.
  2305. 03:41:18: <havocfett> Fifteen plat and forty five silver total, which means 3 plat and 9 silver each
  2306. 03:41:27: <havocfett> Someone needs to post the xp and loot in thread
  2307. 03:41:31: <havocfett> I aint doing it
  2308. 03:41:49: <havocfett> and I encourage people to write up those adventure summaries as I've begun to threadmark them
  2309. 03:41:58: <Dekutulla> how much is 3 plat in gold again
  2310. 03:42:08: <havocfett> 30 gold
  2311. 03:42:11: <Mr_Sandman> haaaaaaaaaate
  2312. 03:42:25: <LastChronicler> I think I may start doing a series of IC journal entries after each session.
  2313. 03:43:05: <LastChronicler> In the thread.
  2314. 03:46:38: <havocfett> new map
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