
Chryssi's Hyperspace Hyperwar

Aug 14th, 2013
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  1. Here's the links to the threads in which these were written:
  6. The threads were great fun. Thanks, Anons.
  7. The grammar in the original threads is worse, because I was an absolute retard at the time. I still am, but the pastebin version has been fixed a bit so that I can pretend that I'm not.
  9. Inspiration is originally from Weaver, you glorious bastard.
  11. >It's been a long time since we finally broke up
  12. >Our relationship had been off and on for a long time
  13. >I think the only reason we kept the masquerade going was because we were both public persons, and none of us wanted the media uproar our break would cause
  14. >But in the end, she took the final step
  15. >I was replaced
  16. >The Princess of Love had moved on
  17. >The media loved it
  18. >I didn't think I'd ever be able to move on
  20. >My quarters had always been large
  21. >Captain of the Royal guard was no small job, and it brought certain perks
  22. >But never before had they seemed so... vast
  23. >So empty
  24. >I was retiring for the evening when I head a series of knocks on my door
  25. >A messenger, clad in light armour
  26. >She carried a small note
  27. >There wasn't even an envelope
  28. >Official messengers always used envelopes
  29. >I took the note from her
  30. >I'd never seen her before, but new recruits were often used as messengers, so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary
  31. >"What's your name, recruit?"
  32. >To my surprise she just blushed, and gave no answer
  33. >A bit rude, but I was too tired to care, so I decided to ignore it and read the note
  34. >It read:
  36. "Hey Shining, since Cadence turned you down again, I was just wondering if I could come over and play Hyperspace Hyperwars this evening. Or board games, or Caves and Carnivores. Anything, really, and as long as you want to, If you're busy, we can do it another time. I mean, I have a lot to do as well, but I have time tonight. And any other night you want."
  37. -Chryssi
  39. >Several lines of text had been crossed out and rewritten, making the page look more like a draft than anything else
  40. >There was at least six different signatures on the paper, all crossed out except for one
  41. >Chryssi
  42. >I didn't know how to react at first
  43. >On one hoof, she was an evil changeling queen who had tried to conquer Equestria
  44. >On the other hoof? Sigh
  45. >This may sound wrong, but I don't think I've ever been as happy as when Cadence was banished into the diamond mines
  46. >I don't mean to say that I didn't like Cadence, but that short time right before the wedding was unlike anything I'd ever experienced
  47. >Cadence was a storybook princess, but I am no knight in shining armour
  48. >It took both of us too long to realise that it would never work
  49. >But when Chrysalis had been mine, she seemed so... accepting
  50. >I thought Cadence had finally accepted that we were different
  51. >And besides, this was all probably just a prank
  52. >I handed the note back to the unusually tall messenger, who looked like she wanted to run for her life
  53. >I was about to ask her where she got the note when I noticed her eyes, and my heart jumped in fear and... something else?
  54. >I swear that they had been normal pony eyes just a second before
  55. >She now sported a set of vibrant green eyes
  56. >Alien yet beautiful
  57. >And I knew who my messenger was
  58. >I wanted to shout for the guards, I really did
  59. >My disciplined brain, trained through years of academy studies and military training screamed at me to attack
  60. >But all I could say was:
  61. "Come inside"
  62. >I honestly don't know who of us were the most nervous
  63. >I had brought an enemy of the state into my quarters for what?
  64. >To play games?
  65. >I'd never seen her so nervous before
  66. >Even in the face of danger and defeat during the wedding incident she didn't show an ounce of weakness
  67. >We were well inside when she changed back to her normal form
  68. >She stood as tall as Celestia and her lithe frame, crooked horn and tattered wings giving her a kind of exotic beauty no pony could ever match
  69. >"So... uh. You play Hyperspace Hyperwars?"
  70. >I almost cringed at the sound of my own voice
  71. >She went silent for a second, as if she struggled to find the words she were looking for
  72. >"I… I have a Sludgenoid army. I've... um, been building it since... um Revision Six. But I also have other races, if y-ou ... if you don't like Sludgenoids. I like anything really."
  73. >"No, Sludgenoids are cool."
  74. >I've been trained in advanced pyromancy, but I don't thing I've ever seen anything light us as fast as Chryssi when she heard that.
  75. >Chryssi?
  76. >Have I started calling her that already?
  77. >"I mostly play Royal Guard. But honestly, my favourite army is my Discorded Cosmoscommando Warband. I just don't play them a lot."
  78. >I didn't really play HH at all these days. I was too busy. And when I first got the chance to play, it was in an tournament with my Royal Guard army. My superiors had not so subtly hinted that they found it unfitting for the face of the Royal Guard to play as a Discord worshipper
  79. >"Ca.. can I see your warband?"
  80. >The next few moments transpired like a haze
  81. >Parts of my mind still rejected that any of this was happening
  82. >I found my old warband, and a playing table that did nothing but collect dust, and had annoyed Cadence immensely
  83. >I rarely used it, but I liked to keep it around, to remind myself of how much of a royal pain Cadence had been
  84. >Sometimes, you're allowed to be bitter
  85. >I heard a buzzing sound from my window, and soon Chrysalis appeared with a chitinous carrying case
  86. >We didn't talk that much as we started to deploy our armies
  87. >Just offhand comments complementing each other’s painting skills and armies in general
  88. >You just never assume that evil invading queens can be into something like miniature painting
  89. >Her army was incredibly well painted, and many of the models were given individual markings and personalities that put my warband to shame
  90. >Then again, I'd never really spoken to Chryssi before, had I?
  91. >She had always tried to be Cadence, and it was only now that she was being herself
  92. >I loved it
  93. >There was something odd about her army
  94. >Normally, competitive Sludgenoid armies are led by a Hive Queen, but her army had something else
  95. >An massive, gorgeously painted male Carniflex
  96. >We started playing
  97. >It was some of the most fun I'd had in months
  98. >Chryssi seemed to warm up to me a bit, and we talked more as the fight went on
  99. >I was winning pretty easily, in fact, it almost looked like she wanted me to win
  100. >I charged her Carniflex, and noticed another special thing about it
  101. >It had a name tag
  102. >Naming your leaders aren't uncommon, my own warband was led by Grogar the Destroyer
  103. >The name tag read:
  104. Shining Armour
  105. >I stared at it for a bit, not quite sure how to react
  106. >But my gaze was interrupted by the miniature being lifted away from the table in a mist of green magic
  107. >Chryssi had gone redder than I'd previously thought biologically possible
  108. >"Um... ca...can we start over again? Or do something else? If... if you want to?"
  109. >She was gently packing the miniature into her case while she was talking
  110. >"Ok. We can start over again."
  111. >"Tha.. thank you."
  112. >We redeployed our armies
  113. >This time, Chryssi's army was led by a Hive Queen
  114. >Its nametag simply bore the name "Mother"
  115. >We were both silent, and it wasn't until we were both done that Cryssi broke the silence
  116. >"Do y-you.. have any houserules that I should know of?"
  117. >"No, not really, I just like the game the way it is."
  118. >N-no bets or anything?"
  119. >Truth be told, I'd won and lost a decent sum of bits playing this game with friends
  120. >"Money might have changed hoofs at a few occasions."
  121. >She bit her lower lip
  122. >Her fangs made it look a bit awkward, but she didn't seem to mind
  123. >"Whe.. Where I learned to play, the loser had to... the loser had to... the loser had to tell a secret to the winner. If you.. if you don't think that's silly"
  124. >It seemed a bit silly, juvenile even, but I didn't really see any problem with it
  125. >If anything, this might allow me to learn a thing or two about the enigmatic empress
  126. >My own eagerness surprised me
  127. >What if we had been seen now?
  128. >"Sure, we can use those rules"
  129. >"Really... I mean, that's cool, right... right?"
  130. >"Yes"
  131. >We started playing again
  132. >I was going to use the same full frontal assault technique that worked so well last time
  133. >But I just couldn't get it to work
  134. >The Sludgenoids seemed to evade my every charge
  135. >In the middle of their forces stood the mighty Hive Queen, directing her forces as a conductor would direct a symphony
  136. >It's one of the shortest battles I've ever played
  137. >My warband fell to her symphony of magic and flesh, and the Sludgenoids stood victorious
  138. >"S-sorry"
  139. >"No, don't apologise. That was brilliant. It was great"
  140. >"Thank you!"
  141. >She raised her voice for the first time that evening
  142. >I knew it was wrong, but I could just feel the way my heart started beating faster and faster
  143. >I felt happy
  144. >Happier than I'd been in months
  145. >"Can I ask for a rematch?"
  146. >"Don't.. don't forget your bet"
  147. >The bet
  148. >What was I going to say?
  149. >"What kind of secret do you want me to tell?"
  150. >I suddenly realized how bad this idea was
  151. >My first victory had left me overconfident
  152. >I knew a lot of sensitive information about the military, and the security of the Royal Sisters
  153. >If she asked about any of those, I weren't sure what I was going to do
  154. >"I..I want you... I want you to tell a me a secret about... me"
  155. >Cryssi went red again
  156. >And so did I
  157. >"Um... I... I"
  158. >What the Tartarus was I going to tell her?
  159. >I couldn't even agree with myself how I felt about her
  160. >"I... I don't think you're evil"
  161. >"You don't?"
  162. >THE FUCK?
  163. >Was that the best thing I was able to say?
  164. >That I didn't think she was evil?
  165. >Equestria should be happy I was in the guard instead of the diplomatic corps
  166. >There had to be a way I could save this
  167. >"No... um, you see, I never thought you were evil. It's just that... the others say so. You're way too nice to be evil."
  168. >"Y-you think I'm nice?"
  169. >I didn't know where to go from here
  170. >"Did you want to play a rematch?"
  171. >"Yes... let's play again..."
  172. >She seemed more than a bit disappointed
  173. >We redeployed, and played again
  174. >It felt like the first battle all over again
  175. >Like the soul had been drained from her army
  176. >Where she, just minutes ago had made the field come alive, it felt dead and lifeless now
  177. >I won, but it gave me no enjoyment
  178. >I'd ruined one of the most amazing night's I'd had in... Forever
  179. >"The bet?"
  180. >I reminded her of it more to break the silence than anything else
  181. >"What.. what kind of secret do you want to know?"
  182. >She replied, with a trace of enthusiasm in her voice
  183. >"Why don't we do the same thing? You tell me a secret about me?"
  184. >Oh, where the hell was I going with this?
  185. >She stalled for an uncomfortable amount of time, playing with some dice with her magic, looking for the right words to say
  186. >She suddenly dropped some of the dice, and they bounced and rolled of the table and down on the floor
  187. >"Oh...I'm so sorry, I'll pick them up."
  188. >She didn't sound that sorry
  189. >"No, let me."
  190. >Always the knight?
  191. >I bowed down to get a good view of where the dice landed
  192. >I saw her long, slender legs stride up by my side
  193. >I found the dice quickly, gathered them all with my magic, and straightened my head up again
  194. >Her face looked down on mine
  195. >Her dark cerulean mane fell like a cascading waterfall, lying around our heads like a shroud of the finest silk
  196. >And though what she said was little but a whisper, I could hear it clearer than any battlecry
  197. >"I love you"
  198. >I swear on everything that I hold dear that I've never before beheld beauty like her praying eyes, or heard a song as sweet as her divine voice
  199. >And never before have I tasted anything as sweet as her kiss
  200. >I didn't care if she had fangs
  201. >I didn't care that it was "wrong"
  202. >It felt like an eternity, a dimension of utter bliss, before our lips broke apart
  203. >And though it took all my strength and will, managed to force from my lips five simple words, words I before that day didn't know I had in me, but I now knew had been hidden away inside me since our first meeting
  204. "I love you too, Chrysalis."
  206. End of part one.
  207. Part two:
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