
Second Catacombs Expedition

Jul 8th, 2013
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  1. 25 [20:08:05] <Lucyne> The sun pokes lazily through the covered sky above the ragtag settlement
  2. 25 [20:08:10] <Lucyne> (music in caves)
  3. 25 [20:08:33] <Ruby> "What a charming day, ready to go Cap?"
  4. 25 [20:08:36] <Able_Tome> [what is wind, dripping water, howl]
  5. 25 [20:08:36] <Lucyne> Following tradition, a further group of inhabitants have come together in the town square, a perilous task ahead of them
  6. 25 [20:09:01] <Lucyne> "Good to see you all here today."
  7. 32 [20:09:02] Cap`n_HighTide wobbles along after the group. "I'm.. I'll be fine! Really!"
  8. 32 [20:09:03] Quicksilver fidgets and paces
  9. 25 [20:09:08] <Lucyne> A mint colored mare speaks
  10. 25 [20:09:22] <Lucyne> "Captain? What happened to you?"
  11. 32 [20:09:25] Able_Tome stretches his hindleg wincing for a moment
  12. 32 [20:09:40] Rain_Drop steadies the capn. " I think he had one too many special brews."
  13. 32 [20:09:51] Lucyne shakes her head
  14. 32 [20:09:59] Ruby giggles a bit
  15. 32 [20:09:59] Able_Tome smirks "Interesting...what kind of...special?"
  16. 25 [20:10:00] <Lucyne> "We really need to get the mushroom consumption under control."
  17. 32 [20:10:14] Cap`n_HighTide takes a moment to catch his balance, then puffs his chest out. "L-long story... I'm ready t'go."
  18. 32 [20:10:19] Able_Tome huffs "Limiting good old tea...for shame, Lucyne."
  19. 25 [20:10:25] <Lucyne> "Anyhow..." speaks the mare extending her map and looking it over
  20. 25 [20:10:34] <Rain_Drop> "blehg Tea isnt that great anyway."
  21. 32 [20:10:38] Quicksilver peers over att the map
  22. 25 [20:10:40] <Lucyne> "You'll run out of mushrooms eventually."
  23. 25 [20:10:46] <Lucyne> "Now, the caves are this way."
  24. 24 [20:10:53] <Ikea> "Do we have mapping supplies, this time? or at least something to mark the crossroads with?"
  25. 32 [20:10:57] Able_Tome shakes his head and smiles "Those little things tend to"
  26. 25 [20:10:58] <Rain_Drop> "To the caves!"
  27. 32 [20:11:04] Able_Tome nods
  28. 32 [20:11:05] Ruby gives a friendly smile to Cap'n "I got your back sir."
  29. 25 [20:11:08] <Lucyne> "But only in the right season Able."
  30. 24 [20:11:08] <Ikea> "I'd rather not get lost in there... again"
  31. 2 [20:11:28] <Rain_Drop> "I think Able has it covered Ikea no worries right?"
  32. 32 [20:11:32] Able_Tome looks at Lucyne and whispers "Greenhouse...and tests..."
  33. 25 [20:11:34] <Lucyne> "We can scratch rocks if need be."
  34. 32 [20:11:48] Duskie listens to the others, a bit nervous
  35. 24 [20:11:52] <Ikea> "Alright, just making sure"
  36. 32 [20:11:55] Lucyne smiles to Able: "You really want to capitalize on those things, don't you?"
  37. 32 [20:12:12] Lucyne rolls up the map
  38. 2 [20:12:17] Able_Tome clears his throat "No worries Ikea...we've been there already...nothing but *fun* can happen, right?"
  39. 25 [20:12:20] <Lucyne> "Now people, let's get going."
  40. 32 [20:12:21] Able_Tome sighs
  41. 32 [20:12:29] Lucyne trots ahead
  42. 32 [20:12:38] Quicksilver trots after Lucy
  43. 32 [20:12:49] Duskie follows
  44. 32 [20:12:50] Rain_Drop follows after Lucy humming a small tune
  45. 32 [20:12:50] Ikea frowns playfuly at Able "Yes... 'fun'..."
  46. 32 [20:12:50] Able_Tome follows Lucyne, limping for a bit
  47. 32 [20:12:56] Ruby glances at Able "Depends of your definition of fun." and follows up
  48. 2 [20:13:03] <Able_Tome> "As always, always..."
  49. 32 [20:13:03] Cap`n_HighTide nods, taking point with Lucyne and doing best to hide his dizziness.
  50. 32 [20:13:12] Ikea follows the group
  51. 32 [20:13:14] Lucyne watches the sky and thinnks
  52. 25 [20:13:21] <Lucyne> "Now, remember folks, this is no picnic."
  53. 25 [20:13:28] <Lucyne> "We know for a fact that cockatrices are down there."
  54. 25 [20:13:52] <Duskie> "R-right"
  55. 25 [20:14:01] <Quicksilver> "Remeber to refrain from eye contact"
  56. 25 [20:14:02] <Ruby> "Good to know, be sure to have your eyes closed at any moment"
  57. 25 [20:14:06] <Rain_Drop> "Just have to keep our eyes on their knees and not on their eyes, no problem."
  58. 32 [20:14:09] Able_Tome nods "Several birds should be still there."
  59. 32 [20:14:34] Rain_Drop tilts her head in thought. "Should be about 4 I think? right Able?"
  60. 32 [20:14:36] Able_Tome scratches his horn "Hopefully these things won't fail us as much..."
  61. 25 [20:14:38] <Lucyne> "Exactly, everyone be very wary of looking to high, they could be looming in the dark."
  62. 25 [20:14:59] <Lucyne> "Also we need to expect things such as giant insects and other predators."
  63. 32 [20:15:12] Able_Tome ponders for a bit at Rain's words "Hmm...maybe...yet new ones could've emerged from depths..."
  64. 25 [20:15:23] <Ruby> "Understood, so whats the main goal of this expedition again?"
  65. 25 [20:15:28] <Able_Tome> "We've yet to know where these tunnels lead to..."
  66. 25 [20:15:35] <Rain_Drop> "How? They were all younglings if I remember right."
  67. 25 [20:15:38] <Lucyne> The group approaches the entrance, it's depths concealing unknown horrors and wonders
  68. 32 [20:15:46] Quicksilver glances at Able "I have some 'emergancy illumination' if our horns fail us this time"
  69. 24 [20:15:52] <Ikea> "Explore and exterminate, Ruby. We need to make the caves safe for working in"
  70. 25 [20:15:56] <Able_Tome> "Several young ones, and one adult, Rain."
  71. 25 [20:15:57] <Lucyne> "The goal of this expedition is to clear some of the tunnels, or all of it."
  72. 32 [20:16:06] Quicksilver nods
  73. 32 [20:16:09] Cap`n_HighTide pounds one of his forehooves against his chest. "We'll be fine." He says happily. "We shouldn't need to rely on magic."
  74. 32 [20:16:18] Able_Tome looks at Quick "Good...hopefully that moss doesn't have the...other effects..."
  75. 2 [20:16:21] <Ruby> "Got it, Ikea."
  76. 25 [20:16:22] <Rain_Drop> "Hopefully all of it." Mutters under her breath
  77. 25 [20:16:37] <Lucyne> You approach the cave, the single guard laily leaning against a rock
  78. 25 [20:16:42] <Able_Tome> "Hmm...I've forgot to take my sample of it...the one that I've collected into the syringe."
  79. 32 [20:16:48] Chinook notices the approaching group and hails them "Heard you were coming this way"
  80. 25 [20:16:54] <Quicksilver> "I have been studying it thouroughly. if there were any other effects, i would already have been effected"
  81. 32 [20:16:55] Lucyne waves to Chinook
  82. 25 [20:16:56] <Rain_Drop> "Hey Chin!"
  83. 25 [20:16:58] <Duskie> "Ok, I'm ready"
  84. 25 [20:16:59] <Lucyne> "Hey Chinook!"
  85. 24 [20:17:06] <Ikea> "Hey Chin!"
  86. 25 [20:17:07] <Chinook> "Hey everyone"
  87. 25 [20:17:13] <Duskie> "Hi"
  88. 32 [20:17:14] Able_Tome looks at the pegasus "Oi there, Chin"
  89. 25 [20:17:17] <Chinook> " heading down there?"
  90. 32 [20:17:18] Ruby turns her head toward captain "Good thing I brought this *points crossbow*. Could be handy for putting them down at a distance."
  91. 32 [20:17:25] Lucyne nods "Sure are."
  92. 25 [20:17:28] <Rain_Drop> "Yep."
  93. 32 [20:17:35] Able_Tome levels his pace, walks near the High Tide and whispers "So captain...did you like that tea...?"
  94. 25 [20:17:38] <Rain_Drop> "Anything try to yank you back in there?"
  95. 25 [20:17:48] <Chinook> "Sorry Rain"
  96. 32 [20:17:53] Able_Tome smirks "Quite a thing, eh?"
  97. 25 [20:17:59] <Chinook> "But I gotta keep watch up here"
  98. 32 [20:18:03] Lucyne punches Chinook playfully
  99. 25 [20:18:11] <Lucyne> "No problem Chin, you keep your post."
  100. 25 [20:18:12] <Ruby> "Hello Chin, glad to see you here"
  101. 32 [20:18:26] Chinook laughs "Good to see you ruby"
  102. 32 [20:18:30] Cap`n_HighTide whistles at the crossbow, smiling. "Aw, c'mon!" He says to Chinook. "Aren't you bored?"
  103. 32 [20:18:39] Quicksilver walks up to Chinook "Feeling ok still, i see the healing potion does wonders"
  104. 25 [20:18:42] <Lucyne> You all gather before the gate to the caverns
  105. 32 [20:18:44] Duskie slightly smiles "Your advices concerning flying helped a lot, thanks!"
  106. 32 [20:18:52] Able_Tome yawns and whispers "Right...we can talk about that later."
  107. 25 [20:19:01] <Lucyne> >gate
  108. 25 [20:19:05] <Lucyne> You know what I mean
  109. 32 [20:19:08] Able_Tome stretches his muscles
  110. 32 [20:19:23] Lucyne positions herself before the cave, checking the map a last time
  111. 32 [20:19:29] Rain_Drop rubs her nose sheepishly "Yeah he does, just have to remember to practice more heheh."
  112. 25 [20:19:37] <Chinook> "Good luck. That place is no joke"
  113. 32 [20:19:38] Duskie makes one step backward
  114. 32 [20:19:39] Quicksilver gathers with the rest og the group
  115. 25 [20:19:49] <Lucyne> "Thanks Chinook, we'll be careful."
  116. 32 [20:19:58] Ikea closes his eyes and steels himself, muttering "Abandon all hope, ye who yada yada yada..."
  117. 25 [20:20:06] <Lucyne> "Can't be more dangerous than the inn" Lucyne murmurs under her breath
  118. 25 [20:20:13] <Ruby> "I'll make sure we all comes back safe and sound, Chin. Take care aswell."
  119. 32 [20:20:14] Able_Tome limps behind Lucyne and looks over her shoulder at the map
  120. 32 [20:20:19] Rain_Drop waves goodbye to Chinook. "Take care Chin, we'll be back before you know it."
  121. 25 [20:20:30] <Able_Tome> "Yeah...see ya..."
  122. 25 [20:20:32] <Duskie> "Everything's gonna be allright, I guess"
  123. 32 [20:20:32] Chinook salutes to the group "Godspeed everyone. Don't make me seal the entrance"
  124. 25 [20:20:34] <Lucyne> "You sure you're ok Able?"
  125. 32 [20:20:50] Quicksilver glances in concern at Able's limp
  126. 25 [20:21:01] <Able_Tome> "Feeling peachy, Lucy."
  127. 32 [20:21:07] Lucyne shakes her head
  128. 25 [20:21:12] <Lucyne> "Well then, let's go, shall we?"
  129. 25 [20:21:16] <Rain_Drop> "You sure dont look like a peach Able..."
  130. 32 [20:21:18] Lucyne trots ahead
  131. 25 [20:21:23] <Lucyne> "Who's doing light duty?"
  132. 25 [20:21:32] <Able_Tome> "Allow me."
  133. 32 [20:21:32] Rain_Drop enters the cave after Lucy
  134. 25 [20:21:40] <Lucyne> Go ahead Able
  135. 25 [20:21:40] <Able_Tome> !roll d20 to use light spell
  136. 25 [20:21:41] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  137. 32 [20:21:41] Duskie enters the cave carefully"
  138. 32 [20:21:43] Quicksilver shudders and walks forward "Into the breach once more comrades"
  139. 32 [20:22:05] Rain_Drop nudges Quick. "Hey no worries right Quick?"
  140. 25 [20:22:06] <Lucyne> Able's horn illuminates the cave in an eerie silver sheen as you descend beneath the earth
  141. 25 [20:22:09] <Lucyne> (
  142. 25 [20:22:13] <Ruby> "Whats the team order? Who goes first and so on?"
  143. 32 [20:22:24] Quicksilver smiles weakly at Rain "I'll be fine"
  144. 32 [20:22:33] Cap`n_HighTide raises a hoof. "I'll gladly go in front!"
  145. 24 [20:22:34] <Ikea> "... cry god for Harry, England and saint George..."
  146. 25 [20:23:02] <Lucyne> So who takes point? Light carrier second and high tide first maybe?
  147. 25 [20:23:03] <Ruby> "I'm ranged, I'll gladly take the 3rd place."
  148. 32 [20:23:03] Able_Tome nods at High Tide's words "Just don't cover the light that much. I'll walk next to you"
  149. 25 [20:23:05] <Duskie> "I'll stay behind since I have no weapon"
  150. 25 [20:23:10] <Rain_Drop> "I'll be with Lucy"
  151. 25 [20:23:18] <Lucyne> So it is decided
  152. 25 [20:23:19] <Quicksilver> "ill bring up the rear"
  153. 25 [20:23:23] <Lucyne> You descend the tunnel
  154. 25 [20:23:34] <Lucyne> "Ok, now let's try to NOT wake the fruit bats."
  155. 24 [20:23:39] <Ikea> "Fourth, I guess?"
  156. 25 [20:23:46] <Ruby> (so; Tide/Able/Me/Lucy/Rain/Dusk/Quick ?)
  157. 25 [20:23:47] <Able_Tome> "Good point."
  158. 25 [20:23:51] <Rain_Drop> "Yeah that would be bad...."
  159. 25 [20:23:54] <Lucyne> (jup)
  160. 32 [20:23:58] Duskie looks at the shadows the light spell casts on the walls"
  161. 24 [20:24:12] <Ikea> [missed me in the order, but oh well]
  162. 25 [20:24:22] <Lucyne> (You're in middle somewhere)
  163. 32 [20:24:23] Ruby keep lookout for anything suspicious
  164. 2 [20:24:24] <Rain_Drop> (Ikea I think your behind Ruby)
  165. 24 [20:24:33] <Ikea> [Sounds good]
  166. 25 [20:24:36] <Quicksilver> [you are a background pony ikea]
  167. 2 [20:24:37] <Ruby> (sorry Ikea)
  168. 25 [20:24:46] <Cap`n_HighTide> (kek)
  169. 25 [20:24:48] <Quicksilver> [hue]
  170. 24 [20:24:49] <Ikea> [np Ruby, FU, Quick]
  171. 25 [20:24:56] <Rain_Drop> (lel)
  172. 25 [20:25:03] <Lucyne> You descend and see the tunnel split in two, you know the fruit bat cave is directly left of you
  173. 32 [20:25:04] Able_Tome looks back and observes group behind him for a brief moment
  174. 25 [20:25:22] <Rain_Drop> "I dont think we went down the right..."
  175. 25 [20:25:26] <Able_Tome> "Careful sudden sounds..."
  176. 32 [20:25:29] Ikea marks the path to the entrance with an arrow and a 1
  177. 25 [20:25:35] <Ruby> "I,ve never been here, so I'll leave you guys the privilege to decide where we go."
  178. 25 [20:25:37] <Lucyne> "Able, dim the light."
  179. 25 [20:25:45] <Able_Tome> [roll?]
  180. 25 [20:25:52] <Lucyne> (nah, who cares)
  181. 32 [20:25:59] Able_Tome looks at Lucy "We sure about that?"
  182. 32 [20:26:04] Duskie watches behind as the groups goes forward
  183. 32 [20:26:18] Cap`n_HighTide slows to a stop at the split, trying his hardest not to sway from side to side. "I've never been down here, I don't think."
  184. 25 [20:26:20] <Lucyne> "I'd prefer bad lighting to bats personally, we can relight it later."
  185. 25 [20:26:33] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Left, or right?"
  186. 32 [20:26:33] Able_Tome shrugs "Right more bat samples then.". The light from his horn dims for a bit.
  187. 25 [20:26:37] <Ruby> "Able, direction please?"
  188. 25 [20:26:43] <Lucyne> To the right, a tunnel descneds further, to your right is the large fruit bat cave
  189. 25 [20:26:47] <Rain_Drop> "To the right I think..."
  190. 25 [20:26:56] <Lucyne> *to your left
  191. 25 [20:27:04] <Duskie> "Magic sure is handy"
  192. 25 [20:27:07] <Quicksilver> "Left?"
  193. 32 [20:27:16] Able_Tome looks at the cavenrs "Hmm...we can try another passage..."
  194. 25 [20:27:24] <Able_Tome> "Either left where we already been..."
  195. 25 [20:27:34] <Ruby> "Lucy said things about fruit bat on the left, should we avoid them?"
  196. 32 [20:27:39] Able_Tome points at the right "Or the one where we've yet to...explore..."
  197. 25 [20:27:46] <Lucyne> "The fruit bat caves included many tunnels further downwards."
  198. 32 [20:27:48] Ikea marks the path to the bats with a poorly scribled BATS
  199. 32 [20:28:10] Able_Tome looks back at Ruby "Either bats and known part of the catacombs...or something new..."
  200. 32 [20:28:16] Quicksilver glances to Lucy "Are the bats dangerous?"
  201. 25 [20:28:21] <Able_Tome> "Decide for yourself, I guess..."
  202. 25 [20:28:29] <Rain_Drop> "Shouldnt be I think Quick."
  203. 32 [20:28:35] Able_Tome looks at Quicksilver and arches his brow "Fruit bats, Quick."
  204. 25 [20:28:37] <Lucyne> "Not really, but they can panic and fly into you, hundreds of them, at high speed."
  205. 25 [20:28:39] <Rain_Drop> "I think we just got spooked by them."
  206. 32 [20:28:40] Lucyne shakes her head
  207. 25 [20:28:49] <Able_Tome> "Just slice them and dice them..."
  208. 25 [20:29:11] <Able_Tome> "So...?"
  209. 25 [20:29:14] <Ruby> "So we got a known yet walking-on-eggs tunnel, or a unkown one..."
  210. 25 [20:29:18] <Lucyne> So, which passage do you follow?
  211. 34 [20:29:21] GreenHoofLurkMode [] has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed
  212. 25 [20:29:21] <Quicksilver> "I say we go right"
  213. 25 [20:29:22] <Rain_Drop> "I think we should head down the new part of the cave system who knows might hook up with the later portion we found last time."
  214. 32 [20:29:22] Able_Tome points at the left turn "Known way..."
  215. 25 [20:29:23] <Duskie> "We came to explore right?"
  216. 32 [20:29:32] Ikea waits patienly for the others to decide
  217. 25 [20:29:32] <Able_Tome> "Or new one?"
  218. 25 [20:29:51] <Ruby> "I propose the right one."
  219. 25 [20:29:56] <Duskie> "I vote for the unknown path" says dusk without looking confident
  220. 32 [20:29:57] Able_Tome smirks "I'd say the right tunnel might grant us"
  221. 32 [20:30:09] Quicksilver begins walking down the right passage "Screw waiting"
  222. 32 [20:30:12] Able_Tome nods "I agree with Disk."
  223. 25 [20:30:19] <Lucyne> "You're using that word a lot like Dwarf Fortress, eh Able?"
  224. 25 [20:30:22] <Rain_Drop> "Quick wait up!"
  225. 25 [20:30:28] <Rain_Drop> "Come on Lucy."
  226. 25 [20:30:30] <Lucyne> And so, you decide to follow the right tunnel
  227. 25 [20:30:34] <Ruby> "Quick, go back in rank. We're going right."
  228. 32 [20:30:36] Rain_Drop follows Quicksilver
  229. 32 [20:30:42] Cap`n_HighTide shrugs. "Well, there we have it." Gets back into position.
  230. 25 [20:30:46] <Quicksilver> "Able take the lead"
  231. 32 [20:30:51] Able_Tome chuckles "Hopefully its not that hidden fun, Lucy, if you know what I mean..."
  232. 25 [20:30:52] <Ruby> "Keep the order guys."
  233. 32 [20:31:00] Duskie sticks to the other, looking all around
  234. 32 [20:31:06] Ikea mutters a quick 'balls' and hurridly marks the right tunnel with a dot before galloping after the group, retaking his position
  235. 32 [20:31:15] Able_Tome coughs "Right.". He starts walking behind Quick.
  236. 32 [20:31:20] Rain_Drop drops back into place beside Lucy following the group
  237. 25 [20:31:24] <Lucyne> You descend the uneven tunnel
  238. 25 [20:31:50] <Able_Tome> "Didn't wanted to look after our rears, Quick?"
  239. 32 [20:31:51] Quicksilver opens the clasp on her saddlebag and allows the purple glow to glimmer out
  240. 25 [20:32:14] <Lucyne> After a few minutes of walking, you see the tunnel before you split and curve, holes litter the ground and ceiling
  241. 25 [20:32:20] <Lucyne> "Diamond Dog paths..."
  242. 25 [20:32:22] <Lucyne> Lucyne mutters
  243. 32 [20:32:23] Quicksilver frowns "I'd rather not be looking ar rears today Able"
  244. 32 [20:32:24] Able_Tome slowly returns the intensity of his horn's light to normal levels
  245. 25 [20:32:26] <Ruby> "Yeah, we should stick to the plan."
  246. 25 [20:32:34] <Rain_Drop> "I just hope its not the ants from Old Town..."
  247. 25 [20:32:44] <Duskie> "how do we defend ourselves against diamond dogs?"
  248. 32 [20:32:52] Able_Tome glances at Quick "Why so, lass?"
  249. 25 [20:32:59] <Cap`n_HighTide> "By hitting them until they go away..?"
  250. 25 [20:33:05] <Rain_Drop> "Put the pointy end in the bad guy I would imagine Dusk."
  251. 25 [20:33:12] <Ruby> "I like your plan Cap."
  252. 25 [20:33:19] <Lucyne> The holes around you all lead to labyrinthine tunnels, snaking their way through the earth
  253. 25 [20:33:22] <Rain_Drop> "Or asking them to not attack works too."
  254. 32 [20:33:25] Able_Tome faces Dusk "Reason might also work..."
  255. 32 [20:33:32] Able_Tome nods
  256. 25 [20:33:32] <Duskie> "O-ok..."
  257. 25 [20:33:41] <Lucyne> "This might be harder than anticipated...."
  258. 25 [20:33:47] <Able_Tome> "But only *might*"
  259. 25 [20:33:48] <Rain_Drop> "Hey!"
  260. 25 [20:33:51] <Ruby> "well, you know what they say, hope for the best..."
  261. 32 [20:33:51] Ikea sighs at the tunnels, remembering last time, and marks the path back with an arrow and a 2
  262. 32 [20:33:57] Rain_Drop rummages into her bags
  263. 25 [20:34:21] <Rain_Drop> "We have rope! We can use it to mark where we came through."
  264. 25 [20:34:33] <Lucyne> The path before you splits in three, 2 holes can be seen in the ceiling and 4 litter the ground
  265. 32 [20:34:33] Rain_Drop pulls out a cord of rope
  266. 25 [20:34:36] <Ruby> (brb, nature calls)
  267. 32 [20:34:41] Able_Tome checks out the holes trying to find something unique
  268. 25 [20:34:48] <Quicksilver> "There wont be enough Rain"
  269. 24 [20:34:57] <Ikea> "Might need it for something else, and probably won't have enough og it to cover the whole way"
  270. 25 [20:35:06] <Lucyne> The holes seem cut by sharp implement, they lead to long, tight tunnels
  271. 32 [20:35:32] Able_Tome frowns "You're going to be alright with this, Quick?"
  272. 25 [20:35:42] <Lucyne> "I suggest not following those."
  273. 32 [20:35:43] Able_Tome looks at Quicksilver "You know..."
  274. 32 [20:35:46] Lucyne points to the holes
  275. 25 [20:35:49] <Ruby> (back)
  276. 32 [20:35:56] Duskie breathes slowly for a second to evacuate a bit of her tension
  277. 32 [20:36:01] Quicksilver frowns and shudders "No im not... but i have to..."
  278. 25 [20:36:24] <Lucyne> What of the three paths do you take? Or do you risk one of the holes?
  279. 32 [20:36:33] Able_Tome shakes his head "Well now...the exploring those parts will surely have to wait."
  280. 32 [20:36:34] Ruby attentively scan the walls for potential interest
  281. 25 [20:36:43] <Quicksilver> "c-can we stick to the wider tunnels?"
  282. 25 [20:36:44] <Lucyne> Ruby, roll 1d20
  283. 25 [20:36:50] <Rain_Drop> "Stay on the stright and narrow guys?"
  284. 25 [20:36:51] <Ruby> !roll d20
  285. 25 [20:36:51] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  286. 32 [20:36:56] Cap`n_HighTide steps forward and peers down one of the holes sleepily. "Hmm. Do we have a plan?"
  287. 25 [20:36:58] <Lucyne> You see nothing out of the ordinary
  288. 32 [20:37:17] Able_Tome nods "Thats the idea, least if others don't mind."
  289. 32 [20:37:29] Able_Tome looks at the group "Wider tunnels first?"
  290. 24 [20:37:36] <Ikea> "Perfect by me"
  291. 32 [20:37:44] Rain_Drop looks over Quick with a worried smile. "Sure we can stick to the wider tunnels."
  292. 25 [20:37:46] <Ruby> "Keep your ear clean, we're in cockatrice territory now."
  293. 32 [20:37:55] Cap`n_HighTide pokes his head down one of the holes further and shouts "Echo!"
  294. 25 [20:38:00] <Lucyne> "Ruby's right, eyes on the ground everyone."
  295. 25 [20:38:03] <Rain_Drop> "Capn!"
  296. 32 [20:38:09] Duskie nears from the hole
  297. 25 [20:38:14] <Duskie> "Is it deep?"
  298. 25 [20:38:20] <Lucyne> It hardly echoes
  299. 25 [20:38:25] <Lucyne> It is quite constricting
  300. 32 [20:38:26] Rain_Drop pulls on High Tide by the scruff of his neck from the hole
  301. 25 [20:38:26] <Ruby> "I'd rather have the advantage of knowing they are there before they d- Cap!"
  302. 32 [20:38:37] Able_Tome scratches his mane "Have anyone thought about bringing a mirror by the way?"
  303. 32 [20:38:47] Duskie look around for fruitbats as someone shouted
  304. 32 [20:38:52] Quicksilver pricks her ears up and listens down one of the tunnels
  305. 25 [20:38:56] <Lucyne> "I tried to catch Trade earlier but couldn't find him."
  306. 32 [20:38:58] Cap`n_HighTide stumbles back from the hole, landing on his haunches beside Rain. "H-hey! It's not a very big hole."
  307. 25 [20:39:08] <Lucyne> Quick roll 1d20
  308. 25 [20:39:11] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  309. 25 [20:39:11] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  310. 25 [20:39:12] <Able_Tome> "Fun indeed, Lucy..."
  311. 25 [20:39:15] <Ruby> "Drop a rock in it and wait for it to make a sound."
  312. 25 [20:39:28] <Lucyne> You hear the faint sound of dripping in the distance
  313. 25 [20:39:40] <Rain_Drop> "Dont go waking everything in the whole cave Capn you should know better."
  314. 34 [20:39:44] Grease_Lightning [~Mr_Bones@] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 194 seconds
  315. 25 [20:39:46] <Quicksilver> "I hear dripping down here guys"
  316. 25 [20:39:53] <Quicksilver> "could be water"
  317. 32 [20:39:56] Rain_Drop holds out a hoof to help High Tide up
  318. 32 [20:40:09] Quicksilver shudders "or something else
  319. 25 [20:40:13] <Lucyne> "Does it sound weird when I say I hope it's sulfuric acid?"
  320. 32 [20:40:17] Lucyne chuckles
  321. 25 [20:40:24] <Ruby> "Water here? We'll have to watch out. Flooding this place would be the last thing we want while we're inside"
  322. 25 [20:40:24] <Rain_Drop> "Why?"
  323. 32 [20:40:29] Able_Tome cocks his head "Hmm...water...some tunnels be flooded."
  324. 32 [20:40:30] Quicksilver glances at Lucyne "that would be a godsend"
  325. 25 [20:40:34] <Duskie> "It does Lucyne"
  326. 32 [20:40:35] Ikea chuckles "Only if one doesn't knno wyou, Lucy"
  327. 32 [20:40:37] Cap`n_HighTide accepts the help, getting up. "Right, right... Okay, then, which hole do we take?"
  328. 32 [20:40:52] Able_Tome nods "But highly unlikely, Lucy."
  329. 32 [20:41:04] Rain_Drop looks back at High Tide. "Think we are taking the wider tunnels first."
  330. 25 [20:41:05] <Lucyne> "Yes, of course, the terrain isn't exactly volcanic."
  331. 25 [20:41:21] <Quicksilver> "hell at this point ill take any acid"
  332. 25 [20:41:23] <Lucyne> So, you decide to follow the straight tunnel?
  333. 25 [20:41:29] <Rain_Drop> (Yep)
  334. 25 [20:41:32] <Able_Tome> [aye]
  335. 25 [20:41:35] <Ruby> (indeed)
  336. 32 [20:41:37] Cap`n_HighTide nods and trots back to the front. "Let's get a move on, then!"
  337. 24 [20:41:39] <Ikea> [Sounds as good as any]
  338. 20 [20:41:40] Grease_Lightning [~Mr_Bones@] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  339. 25 [20:41:42] <Lucyne> And so you proceed
  340. 25 [20:41:43] <Duskie> [i do]
  341. 25 [20:41:44] <Rain_Drop> "Whats sulfuric Acid do to help us?"
  342. 32 [20:41:44] Quicksilver slaps a hoof to her head "we should have distilled a gak monster"
  343. 38 [20:41:49] Dicector [] has set mode +o Grease_Lightning
  344. 32 [20:41:55] Ruby keep looking for anything suspicious on the way
  345. 32 [20:41:58] Lucyne looks to rain "Sulfuric Acid is *extremely* useful."
  346. 32 [20:41:59] Able_Tome begins following High Tide
  347. 32 [20:41:59] Ikea marks the path taken with a dot as he passes
  348. 32 [20:42:11] Lucyne laughs
  349. 25 [20:42:15] <Lucyne> "Distilled a gak monster..."
  350. 25 [20:42:24] <Ruby> "oh god no2
  351. 25 [20:42:26] <Quicksilver> "you werent inside one"
  352. 25 [20:42:28] <Ruby> "*
  353. 25 [20:42:47] <Lucyne> You follow along the path, further diamond dog tunnels along the ceiling, floor and walls
  354. 25 [20:42:53] <Able_Tome> "Hmm...which brings up a question...those breeding grounds are bound to contain deposits."
  355. 25 [20:43:00] <Quicksilver> "They are definately acidic... or alkalinic... whateever it was it burned"
  356. 25 [20:43:09] <Rain_Drop> "Theses boys sure do love to dig huh?"
  357. 25 [20:43:21] <Lucyne> "Going by your wounds, I'm almost inclined to say alkaline."
  358. 24 [20:43:32] <Ikea> "they sure seem to, Rain"
  359. 24 [20:43:48] <Ikea> "I just wish they'd dig in a more orderly pattern"
  360. 25 [20:43:49] <Lucyne> After a turn, you come to a cavern with an extremely peculiar object inside
  361. 25 [20:43:53] <Able_Tome> "They are...all this work done only to be abandoned, Rain"
  362. 25 [20:43:53] <Ruby> "Heck, this would take weeks to fullt explore here, let alone getting rid of all monsters."
  363. 25 [20:44:10] <Ruby> (fully*)
  364. 32 [20:44:22] Able_Tome inspects the object from afar
  365. 32 [20:44:24] Duskie looks at the object trying to figure out what it is
  366. 25 [20:44:26] <Lucyne> In the middle of the room lays a in the shape of a giant roach, composed of rock
  367. 32 [20:44:28] Quicksilver examines the object
  368. 25 [20:44:31] <Lucyne> On it's side, there is a large hole
  369. 32 [20:44:38] Ruby keep looking for any possible ambushes
  370. 32 [20:44:46] Lucyne slowly approaches the object
  371. 25 [20:44:46] <Able_Tome> "Chitinus plates...?"
  372. 25 [20:44:54] <Lucyne> "No look, it's turned to stone."
  373. 32 [20:44:59] Quicksilver glances around the hole
  374. 24 [20:45:01] <Ikea> "Looks like it's not always a clear case of which wins..."
  375. 25 [20:45:07] <Duskie> "A fossile"
  376. 25 [20:45:14] <Lucyne> You inspect the hole, the insides are still a little moist
  377. 25 [20:45:14] <Rain_Drop> "That could mean that what ever did this was huge!"
  378. 25 [20:45:15] <Able_Tome> "And a warning..."
  379. 25 [20:45:16] <Duskie> "maybe?"
  380. 32 [20:45:23] Cap`n_HighTide trots over to the hole and peers down. "Hmm..."
  381. 25 [20:45:31] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20 to science
  382. 25 [20:45:31] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  383. 25 [20:45:33] <Ruby> "Probably a petrified monster. Be on alert."
  384. 25 [20:45:40] <Lucyne> "No idea what this is."
  385. 25 [20:45:51] <Lucyne> >rolling for meta knowledge I know
  386. 32 [20:45:53] Ikea marks the path back with an arrow and a 3
  387. 25 [20:45:56] <Quicksilver> "anyone want any gooey roach innards?"
  388. 25 [20:46:01] <Duskie> "So there would be cockatrixes near"
  389. 25 [20:46:06] <Rain_Drop> "Just looks like a big bug to me Lucy..."
  390. 25 [20:46:21] <Lucyne> "But it seems...odd, why is it only a shell?"
  391. 25 [20:46:28] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  392. 25 [20:46:28] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  393. 32 [20:46:29] Able_Tome inspects the shell for irregularities
  394. 32 [20:46:36] Ruby attentively perks her hear to detecct any noises
  395. 25 [20:46:45] <Lucyne> It looks like a perfect statue of a roach
  396. 25 [20:46:46] <Rain_Drop> "May be it shed its skin?"
  397. 25 [20:46:47] <Quicksilver> "perhaps it shed the shell"
  398. 25 [20:46:49] <Lucyne> Ruby roll 1d20
  399. 25 [20:46:56] <Ruby> !roll d20
  400. 25 [20:46:56] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  401. 24 [20:46:57] <Ikea> "... maybe something shed it? Which means we're looking at a rock beast of some kind"
  402. 25 [20:46:58] <Duskie> "I 'm not sure I want to know how it got emptied"
  403. 25 [20:47:00] <Lucyne> You hear nothign
  404. 25 [20:47:23] <Quicksilver> "Can anyone fit in that hole?"
  405. 32 [20:47:25] Rain_Drop looks around the shell of the Roach carefully looking for details around it
  406. 25 [20:47:30] <Lucyne> While gathered around the corpse, you fail to notice a giant roach scamper close from behind!
  407. 32 [20:47:35] Cap`n_HighTide leans forward, trying to get a better look in the hole.
  408. 32 [20:47:39] Able_Tome looks around the cavern for peculiar signs
  409. 25 [20:47:39] <Lucyne> It attacks...Ruby!
  410. 25 [20:47:40] <TradePanicky_> [thats what she said]
  411. 25 [20:47:42] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  412. 25 [20:47:42] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  413. 25 [20:47:44] <Lucyne> And hits!
  414. 25 [20:47:48] <Lucyne> !roll 1d6
  415. 25 [20:47:48] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  416. 32 [20:47:50] Quicksilver spins around "holy hell!"
  417. 25 [20:47:53] <Lucyne> It bites Ruby for 3 damage!
  418. 25 [20:47:54] <Able_Tome> "Gah!"
  419. 25 [20:47:57] <Lucyne> Initative everyone!
  420. 25 [20:48:02] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  421. 25 [20:48:02] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  422. 32 [20:48:03] Quicksilver draws her spear
  423. 25 [20:48:03] <Ruby> "Holy fucks whats that! Get it off me!
  424. 25 [20:48:03] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20
  425. 25 [20:48:04] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  426. 25 [20:48:04] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  427. 25 [20:48:05] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  428. 24 [20:48:06] <Ikea> "Fuck!"
  429. 25 [20:48:06] <Ruby> !roll d20
  430. 25 [20:48:07] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  431. 32 [20:48:08] Duskie screams in fear
  432. 32 [20:48:09] Cap`n_HighTide pulls his head up from out of the hole. "B-wha?"
  433. 25 [20:48:11] <Rain_Drop> "Ruby!"
  434. 24 [20:48:11] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  435. 25 [20:48:11] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  436. 25 [20:48:14] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20+-1
  437. 25 [20:48:14] <GameServ> (5) + -1 == 4
  438. 25 [20:48:15] <Duskie> !roll 1d20
  439. 25 [20:48:15] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  440. 25 [20:48:17] <Cap`n_HighTide> (fug)
  441. 25 [20:48:21] <Duskie> (shit)
  442. 25 [20:48:39] <Quicksilver> [+-1?]
  443. 32 [20:48:41] Able_Tome hastly takes out his sword
  444. 25 [20:48:42] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  445. 25 [20:48:42] <GameServ> 2, 13 == 15
  446. 25 [20:48:57] <Rain_Drop> (I would think that you over sold the being terrified Dusk)
  447. 25 [20:49:00] <Duskie> [that's a nice 0 I have here]
  448. 25 [20:49:05] <Ruby> "Able get it off! NOW!"
  449. 25 [20:49:08] <Lucyne> With lightning sharp reflexes, Able starts the round
  450. 32 [20:49:17] Able_Tome runs towards the creature and stabs it right into the middle of it
  451. 25 [20:49:20] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  452. 25 [20:49:20] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  453. 25 [20:49:24] <Lucyne> You hit!
  454. 25 [20:49:25] <Able_Tome> !roll d8
  455. 25 [20:49:25] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  456. 25 [20:49:52] <Lucyne> You stab the creature, puncturing it's carapace!
  457. 25 [20:50:08] <Lucyne> It is now the cockroaches turn!
  458. 25 [20:50:15] <Lucyne> It is enraged by your attack, biting Able!
  459. 25 [20:50:17] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  460. 25 [20:50:18] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  461. 25 [20:50:19] <Lucyne> It hits!
  462. 25 [20:50:23] <Lucyne> !roll 1d6
  463. 25 [20:50:23] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  464. 25 [20:50:30] <Lucyne> It bites Able for 4 damage!
  465. 25 [20:50:37] <Able_Tome> [nice jaws there]
  466. 25 [20:50:39] <Lucyne> It is now Quick's turn
  467. 25 [20:50:50] <Quicksilver> !roll d20 as Quick charges the roach with her spear, jumping on top of it and stabbing at what looks like the neck
  468. 25 [20:50:51] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  469. 25 [20:50:52] <Rain_Drop> "Able be careful!"
  470. 25 [20:50:58] <Lucyne> You hit!
  471. 25 [20:51:00] <Ruby> "Someone knock it on its back, it should be harmless then."
  472. 25 [20:51:00] <Quicksilver> !roll d8
  473. 25 [20:51:00] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  474. 25 [20:51:14] <Lucyne> You stab the creatures neck, but it still stands, vicious as ever
  475. 32 [20:51:20] Able_Tome punches the roach with his hoof of him "Keeping it steady, Rain."
  476. 25 [20:51:27] <Able_Tome> "Watch yourself."
  477. 25 [20:51:33] <Able_Tome> *off
  478. 2 [20:51:42] <Lucyne> It is now Ikea's turn
  479. 24 [20:52:19] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 move to one of its flanks and stab its side
  480. 25 [20:52:20] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  481. 25 [20:52:20] <Duskie> [how big is it exactly?]
  482. 25 [20:52:23] <Lucyne> (Also holy shit you all rolled shit)
  483. 25 [20:52:27] <Lucyne> (Size of a horse)
  484. 25 [20:52:32] <TradePanicky_> [this big]
  485. 25 [20:52:34] <Duskie> [k thx]
  486. 25 [20:52:42] <Lucyne> Your spear does not puncture it's resilient hide!
  487. 25 [20:52:52] <Lucyne> It is now Rain's turn!
  488. 25 [20:53:17] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20 to roll under it and stab up with Old Knife(reinforced)
  489. 25 [20:53:17] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  490. 25 [20:53:32] <Rain_Drop> (Damn)
  491. 25 [20:53:32] <Lucyne> You stumble a little and can't get past it's many legs!
  492. 25 [20:53:50] <Lucyne> It is now High Tide's turn!
  493. 32 [20:54:07] Cap`n_HighTide charges at the creature!
  494. 25 [20:54:17] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20+-1 for a full-on bodycheck
  495. 25 [20:54:17] <GameServ> (2) + -1 == 1
  496. 25 [20:54:21] <Cap`n_HighTide> (ded)
  497. 25 [20:54:26] <Quicksilver> [top lel]
  498. 25 [20:54:28] <Able_Tome> [gg]
  499. 25 [20:54:28] <Duskie> (lel)
  500. 25 [20:54:30] <Rain_Drop> (We knew ye well)
  501. 24 [20:54:32] <Ikea> [not a natural 1, at least]
  502. 25 [20:54:38] <Lucyne> You slam into the creature, bouncing off like a ball!
  503. 25 [20:54:39] <Ruby> (at least it isnt a nat 1)
  504. 25 [20:54:46] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Fug!"
  505. 25 [20:54:51] <Duskie> (nat 1s are mine)
  506. 25 [20:54:53] <Rain_Drop> "Easy there Capn!"
  507. 25 [20:54:54] <Lucyne> It is now Ruby's turn
  508. 25 [20:55:02] <Able_Tome> "Not enough tea, captain..."
  509. 32 [20:55:21] Ruby firmly grab her pickaxe and use it as a lever to flip the creature on its side
  510. 25 [20:55:27] <Ruby> !roll d20
  511. 25 [20:55:28] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  512. 25 [20:55:28] <Lucyne> Roll 1d20
  513. 25 [20:55:36] <Lucyne> You fail to get much leverage
  514. 25 [20:55:39] <Lucyne> Roll d20 one more
  515. 25 [20:55:47] <Ruby> !roll d20
  516. 25 [20:55:48] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  517. 25 [20:55:58] <Rain_Drop> (Nice)
  518. 25 [20:55:59] <Lucyne> You quickly retrieve your pickaxe before it can be lost
  519. 25 [20:56:03] <Ruby> (yus)
  520. 25 [20:56:12] <Lucyne> It is now Lucyne's turn
  521. 25 [20:56:19] <Lucyne> I attack the roach with my rusty sword
  522. 25 [20:56:22] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  523. 25 [20:56:23] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  524. 25 [20:56:25] <Lucyne> hit
  525. 25 [20:56:28] <Lucyne> !roll 1d8
  526. 25 [20:56:29] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  527. 25 [20:56:31] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  528. 25 [20:56:31] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  529. 25 [20:56:34] <Quicksilver> "Go for the legs!"
  530. 25 [20:56:42] <Lucyne> Lucyne stabs the roaches side for 3 damage!
  531. 25 [20:56:53] <Lucyne> It is now Duskie's turn
  532. 25 [20:56:53] <Able_Tome> [the one that we've retrieved from fungi kingdom?]
  533. 25 [20:56:53] <Rain_Drop> "Good hit Lucy!"
  534. 25 [20:57:00] <Ruby> "Forget it, too many. Its caparace is much softer under it!"
  535. 25 [20:57:01] <Lucyne> (Jep)
  536. 25 [20:57:07] <Able_Tome> [if that's the one, it go reinforced]
  537. 32 [20:57:13] Duskie tries to punch it from the airs
  538. 25 [20:57:14] <Able_Tome> [I've taked with Stong about that]
  539. 25 [20:57:17] <Lucyne> (Oh really? Where did we get the ore from?)
  540. 25 [20:57:17] <Duskie> !roll 1d20
  541. 25 [20:57:17] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  542. 25 [20:57:26] <Lucyne> You fail to take off!
  543. 25 [20:57:33] <Duskie> (lol)
  544. 25 [20:57:36] <Able_Tome> [samples and old weaponry]
  545. 25 [20:57:39] <Rain_Drop> (Mine up north from the first adventure with the ghost remember?)
  546. 25 [20:57:54] <Lucyne> (Oh right, there was something there)
  547. 25 [20:58:01] <Able_Tome> [reforging scraps]
  548. 25 [20:58:05] <Lucyne> The round is over, roll intiative!
  549. 25 [20:58:08] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  550. 24 [20:58:09] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  551. 25 [20:58:09] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  552. 25 [20:58:09] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  553. 25 [20:58:09] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20
  554. 25 [20:58:09] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  555. 25 [20:58:10] <Ruby> !roll d20
  556. 25 [20:58:11] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  557. 25 [20:58:11] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  558. 25 [20:58:11] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  559. 25 [20:58:11] <Duskie> !1d20
  560. 25 [20:58:14] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20+-1
  561. 25 [20:58:15] <GameServ> (10) + -1 == 9
  562. 25 [20:58:18] <Duskie> !roll 1d20
  563. 25 [20:58:19] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  564. 25 [20:58:25] <Ruby> (good rolls all)
  565. 25 [20:58:33] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  566. 25 [20:58:33] <GameServ> 18, 10 == 28
  567. 25 [20:58:39] <Quicksilver> [my init rolls have been terrible lately]
  568. 25 [20:58:44] <Rain_Drop> "It got the drop on us guys lets take him down!"
  569. 2 [20:58:45] <Lucyne> Ikea begins the turn
  570. 25 [20:58:55] <Rain_Drop> *now
  571. 25 [20:59:15] <Lucyne> Round, even
  572. 24 [20:59:19] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 Try to stab it between the legs
  573. 25 [20:59:19] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  574. 25 [20:59:43] <Lucyne> You hit!
  575. 25 [20:59:43] <Able_Tome> "Sever its appendages...make it bleed...and then go fore the main. Prize."
  576. 24 [20:59:47] <Ikea> !roll 1d8
  577. 25 [20:59:47] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  578. 25 [21:00:20] <Lucyne> You stab the creature between it's two first legs, spilling goo onto the floor
  579. 25 [21:00:38] <Lucyne> It is now Duskie's turn
  580. 25 [21:00:58] <Duskie> !roll 1d20 to hit it with both back legs
  581. 25 [21:00:58] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  582. 25 [21:01:03] <Duskie> (\o/)
  583. 25 [21:01:12] <Lucyne> Your attack bounces off harmlessly
  584. 25 [21:01:21] <Lucyne> It is now Lucyne's turn
  585. 25 [21:01:30] <Lucyne> Attack with sword
  586. 25 [21:01:32] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  587. 25 [21:01:32] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  588. 25 [21:01:34] <Lucyne> Nice
  589. 25 [21:01:36] <Ruby> (ow)
  590. 25 [21:01:37] <Rain_Drop> (welp)
  591. 25 [21:01:39] <Duskie> (haha)
  592. 25 [21:01:46] <Able_Tome> [stabbed herself]
  593. 24 [21:01:48] <Ikea> [oh dear]
  594. 25 [21:01:57] <Able_Tome> [thats not how you hold the sword, eh?]
  595. 25 [21:01:58] <Duskie> "Lucyne you're alright!?"
  596. 25 [21:01:58] <Lucyne> Lucyne charges the creature, tripping over her own hooves and landing face in the dirt for 1 damage
  597. 25 [21:02:16] <Lucyne> "mMmhm fine"
  598. 32 [21:02:23] Rain_Drop darts over to check on Lucy
  599. 25 [21:02:26] <Lucyne> It is now Ruby's turn
  600. 32 [21:02:28] Able_Tome winces at Lucyne's landing
  601. 32 [21:02:32] Duskie helps her to stand
  602. 32 [21:02:48] Lucyne gets up with Rain and Duskie's help
  603. 32 [21:02:57] Ruby with renewed strengh, tries again at flipping it on its side using her trusty pickaxe
  604. 25 [21:03:00] <Ruby> !roll d20
  605. 25 [21:03:01] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  606. 25 [21:03:07] <Lucyne> You gain leverage!
  607. 25 [21:03:08] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  608. 25 [21:03:09] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  609. 25 [21:03:14] <Lucyne> But the insect is stronger!
  610. 25 [21:03:17] <Lucyne> Roll d20
  611. 25 [21:03:21] <Ruby> !roll d20
  612. 25 [21:03:22] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  613. 25 [21:03:28] <Lucyne> You retrieve your pickaxe
  614. 25 [21:03:31] <Duskie> (I read incest omg, twice)
  615. 25 [21:03:36] <Lucyne> It is now Rain's turn
  616. 25 [21:03:41] <Rain_Drop> (lol)
  617. 24 [21:03:46] <Ikea> [the incest is strong with this one...]
  618. 25 [21:03:59] <Duskie> [lmao]
  619. 25 [21:04:05] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20 moving into its face to stab an eye
  620. 25 [21:04:05] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  621. 25 [21:04:08] <Able_Tome> [hmm...]
  622. 25 [21:04:23] <Lucyne> It's head darts just out of reach as you stab at it!
  623. 25 [21:04:27] <Able_Tome> [what did you roll on init, Rain?]
  624. 25 [21:04:27] <Lucyne> It is now Able's turn
  625. 25 [21:04:37] <Lucyne> (a 14)
  626. 25 [21:04:38] <Rain_Drop> (14 I think)
  627. 25 [21:04:46] <Able_Tome> [15 here]
  628. 25 [21:04:48] <Able_Tome> [anyways]
  629. 25 [21:04:56] <Lucyne> It says 14 in my logs
  630. 25 [21:04:59] <Lucyne> Ruby had a 15
  631. 25 [21:05:07] <Able_Tome> [k]
  632. 32 [21:05:21] Able_Tome turns back to the creature. Shifting the sword's position, he jumps to the left side of the ugly beast that bit him and tries to cleave off its legs in one wide swipe
  633. 25 [21:05:27] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  634. 25 [21:05:27] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  635. 25 [21:05:31] <Lucyne> You hit!
  636. 25 [21:05:33] <Able_Tome> !roll d8
  637. 25 [21:05:33] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  638. 25 [21:05:39] <Ruby> (neat)
  639. 25 [21:05:48] <Duskie> (wp)
  640. 25 [21:05:49] <Lucyne> You cleanly slice off two of the creatures legs! Spilling insect juices everywhere
  641. 25 [21:05:56] <Lucyne> It is close to death
  642. 25 [21:06:06] <Duskie> "gross"
  643. 32 [21:06:08] Able_Tome begins to laugh
  644. 25 [21:06:13] <Ruby> "ew, gross. Yet... effective."
  645. 25 [21:06:18] <Lucyne> It is now the Roache's turn
  646. 25 [21:06:19] <Able_Tome> "Wrong...treat."
  647. 25 [21:06:32] <Lucyne> It attacks Rain in annoyance!
  648. 25 [21:06:34] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  649. 25 [21:06:34] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  650. 25 [21:06:38] <Rain_Drop> "Oh jeez that reminds me of that drink bug juiceGACK!"
  651. 25 [21:06:39] <Lucyne> It misses!
  652. 25 [21:06:47] <Ruby> (pegasus op)
  653. 25 [21:06:53] <Duskie> (yay pegasi)
  654. 25 [21:06:58] <Lucyne> It is now Quick's turn
  655. 25 [21:07:03] <Quicksilver> !roll d20 as Quick, [still on the roach's back] yanks her spear out of the carapace, before lifting it up and plunging it back down, trying to hit the weakened spot
  656. 25 [21:07:03] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  657. 25 [21:07:03] <Rain_Drop> (Bull shit that nearly took my head off!)
  658. 25 [21:07:12] <Lucyne> You hit!
  659. 25 [21:07:14] <Quicksilver> !roll d8
  660. 25 [21:07:14] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  661. 25 [21:07:20] <Able_Tome> [nice]
  662. 25 [21:07:26] <Rain_Drop> (Roach on a stick anyone?)
  663. 25 [21:07:28] <Ruby> (double nice)
  664. 25 [21:07:29] <Quicksilver> [that would have been an epic looking kill]
  665. 25 [21:07:32] <Able_Tome> "Good one, Quick!"
  666. 25 [21:07:37] <Lucyne> You plunge your spear into the creature's soft flesh, it starts scittering around in distress until collapsing
  667. 25 [21:07:43] <Lucyne> You have defeated the roach!
  668. 25 [21:07:44] <Duskie> (I never liked lolipops anyway)
  669. 25 [21:08:02] <Lucyne> "Nice one quick."
  670. 25 [21:08:04] <Quicksilver> "Take that you oversized piece of radiation resistant gutter filth!"
  671. 32 [21:08:11] Cap`n_HighTide gets up clumsily. "Wuh... what happened?"
  672. 24 [21:08:11] <Ikea> "Nice moves!"
  673. 32 [21:08:16] Lucyne laughs
  674. 32 [21:08:21] Ruby keep breathing heavily, until calming down upon the realisation that the best has been killed
  675. 25 [21:08:22] <Lucyne> "You have the best insults, I swear."
  676. 32 [21:08:26] Able_Tome holsters his sword and walks towards the corpse, examining it
  677. 25 [21:08:27] <Duskie> "I've been totally useless, sorry"
  678. 32 [21:08:32] Rain_Drop stares at Qucksilver in amusement. "I take it you dont like bugs?"
  679. 25 [21:08:36] <Ruby> "Nice one guys, shit still hurts tho."
  680. 32 [21:08:40] Quicksilver grins at Lucyne "I have had practice"
  681. 25 [21:08:45] <Lucyne> The corpse has no possessions or unusual properties
  682. 25 [21:09:03] <Lucyne> ROLL FOR LOOT ANYWAYS
  683. 25 [21:09:06] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  684. 25 [21:09:06] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  685. 32 [21:09:06] Able_Tome chuckles "What cha think about a roach stew?"
  686. 32 [21:09:08] Duskie cleanse the mud lucyne has on her face
  687. 25 [21:09:10] <Rain_Drop> "Here Ruby take a bandage, you too Able..."
  688. 25 [21:09:13] <Lucyne> You find a small ore deposit!
  689. 25 [21:09:20] <Duskie> "there"
  690. 25 [21:09:27] <Able_Tome> [f0ck ye, Lucy]
  691. 25 [21:09:28] <Ruby> "Cap, do you still have some booze? I would like to disinfect whatever this thing has caused."
  692. 25 [21:09:30] <Lucyne> !roll 1d100
  693. 25 [21:09:30] <GameServ> 73 == 73
  694. 32 [21:09:35] Rain_Drop passes Able and Ruby one bandage each
  695. 25 [21:09:43] <Lucyne> You find odd markings in the wall..
  696. 32 [21:09:44] Ikea touches Dusk's shoulder in reassurance "There's plenty of time to be useful, yet"
  697. 32 [21:09:48] Cap`n_HighTide shakes his head. "I forgot to bring any."
  698. 32 [21:09:56] Able_Tome nods and takes the bandage from Rain "Thank you."
  699. 32 [21:10:07] Lucyne grimaces at the cleaning "Thanks."
  700. 32 [21:10:08] Ruby Takes the bandage "Thank you, Rain." she said wholeheartly
  701. 20 [21:10:25] GreenSleeves [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  702. 25 [21:10:29] <Rain_Drop> "You alright there Lucy?"
  703. 21 [21:10:33] GreenSleeves [] has left #FourCannonPnP
  704. 32 [21:10:35] Able_Tome lazily begins to cover the bite wound on his body
  705. 32 [21:10:40] Lucyne smiles "I'm alright, hey check out that wall!"
  706. 25 [21:10:59] <Duskie> "what is that?3
  707. 25 [21:11:01] <Lucyne> You move over to the wall, seeing it is colored oddly
  708. 32 [21:11:05] Rain_Drop looks over at the wall
  709. 32 [21:11:06] Duskie goes closer
  710. 32 [21:11:07] Ikea goes over to the wall
  711. 32 [21:11:12] Quicksilver moves over to the wall and examines it "interesting"
  712. 25 [21:11:17] <Lucyne> "Galena ore! Lead!"
  713. 25 [21:11:18] <Ruby> "Anyone here have any kind of alchool? Fucking roaches always creeps in areas of discutable salubrity."
  714. 32 [21:11:25] Cap`n_HighTide slowly regains his balance. "What are we looking at, now?
  715. 25 [21:11:31] <Lucyne> You have found a small lead deposit
  716. 25 [21:11:38] <Rain_Drop> (Hey Able you can use the bandage for d4 hp return you know right?"
  717. 25 [21:11:47] <Lucyne> (I took tin off the list because it's useless)
  718. 25 [21:11:49] <Able_Tome> [oh, forgot]
  719. 25 [21:11:53] <Ruby> (bandage is d4 heal? nice!)
  720. 25 [21:11:58] <Ruby> !roll d4
  721. 25 [21:11:58] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  722. 25 [21:12:02] <Able_Tome> !roll d4 and apply bandage
  723. 25 [21:12:02] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  724. 25 [21:12:08] <Rain_Drop> "Lead? You mean like in pencils?"
  725. 25 [21:12:10] <Able_Tome> [8 it is]
  726. 25 [21:12:18] <Ruby> (me too)
  727. 25 [21:12:26] <Lucyne> "No no Rain, lead hasn't been in pencils for a century."
  728. 25 [21:12:41] <Rain_Drop> "Then why in the world do they call it lead?"
  729. 32 [21:12:42] Able_Tome smiles "Lead you say...very useful for certain applications..."
  730. 32 [21:12:45] Ruby turns to Lucy "Want me to take a sample? Still have a pickaxe."
  731. 25 [21:12:49] <Lucyne> "It's very easy to work with, and has useful properties for electricity generation and chemical synthesis."
  732. 25 [21:12:59] <Lucyne> "All in all though Iron would have been better."
  733. 24 [21:13:09] <Ikea> [>tin >useless could be used to coat iron pipes to avoid corrosion]
  734. 32 [21:13:10] Able_Tome scratches his mane "Now I wonder if equestrian alchemy and transmutation works easier with this...metal..."
  735. 25 [21:13:11] <Quicksilver> "try not to ingest it or anything"
  736. 32 [21:13:20] Rain_Drop perks up at the mention of electricity. "So we could make that radio tower I wanted to build?"
  737. 32 [21:13:22] Able_Tome chuckles to himself
  738. 25 [21:13:26] <Duskie> "We can't make tools out of this"
  739. 25 [21:13:27] <Lucyne> (>coating)
  740. 25 [21:13:38] <Quicksilver> "and for gods sakes dont drop it in our water supply or anything"
  741. 32 [21:13:42] Lucyne laughs
  742. 25 [21:13:47] <Lucyne> "You were the one with the radio tower?"
  743. 34 [21:13:51] TradePanicky_ [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 192 seconds
  744. 32 [21:13:53] Ruby start mining up a sample as quietly as possible
  745. 25 [21:13:54] <Duskie> "saturnism ehe"
  746. 25 [21:14:11] <Ruby> (roll ?)
  747. 25 [21:14:17] <Lucyne> (nah)
  748. 25 [21:14:26] <Ruby> (alright)
  749. 32 [21:14:30] Rain_Drop kicks at a pebble. "Well yeah I figured that we could introduce Radios you know?"
  750. 25 [21:14:31] <Quicksilver> [roll to see if your axe breaks lel]
  751. 32 [21:14:41] Able_Tome pokes his horn several times, checking out how the light spell's holding up
  752. 25 [21:14:57] <Lucyne> "Well, very simply speaking, acid+lead=electricity."
  753. 25 [21:15:04] <Ruby> (so how much lead I gather?)
  754. 32 [21:15:15] Quicksilver grins at Able "If your spell fails, ill hang some glowmoss off of it"
  755. 25 [21:15:17] <Able_Tome> [deposit]
  756. 25 [21:15:17] <Lucyne> (A few chunks for now)
  757. 25 [21:15:32] <Able_Tome> [+minable in the future]
  758. 25 [21:15:44] <Ruby> *after a few hit, some chunck of lead fall on the floor
  759. 25 [21:15:56] <Rain_Drop> "Huh, guess that is why they say dont throw batteries into a fire huh?"
  760. 25 [21:15:59] <Quicksilver> [iicr, lead is quite heavy]
  761. 34 [21:16:03] Chinook [] has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed
  762. 32 [21:16:06] Ruby proceed to gather is and put it in her saddlebag
  763. 32 [21:16:10] Able_Tome glances at Quick "First you'll have to reach it, missie."
  764. 25 [21:16:27] <Lucyne> "Yes, also many contain lithium, or cadmium or other such dangerous stuff."
  765. 32 [21:16:29] Able_Tome smirks "And that's not going to be easy"
  766. 32 [21:16:36] Quicksilver boops Able on the horn before he can move out of her reach "oh really"
  767. 25 [21:16:47] <Ruby> "The town will likely be happy to have some proof that we found something."
  768. 32 [21:16:50] Lucyne gazes at the lead
  769. 25 [21:16:53] <Lucyne> "This is perfect..."
  770. 32 [21:16:54] Able_Tome tries to dodge Quicksilvers attempt
  771. 25 [21:16:56] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  772. 25 [21:16:57] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  773. 32 [21:16:58] Rain_Drop grunts in thought. "Huh you learn something everyday huh?"
  774. 25 [21:17:00] <Lucyne> "I'm going to need this lead."
  775. 25 [21:17:16] <Cap`n_HighTide> "What for?"
  776. 25 [21:17:18] <Able_Tome> "Yeah? No."
  777. 24 [21:17:20] <Ikea> "... good find then."
  778. 25 [21:17:28] <Lucyne> "Lead reactor sulfuric acid production."
  779. 25 [21:17:37] <Rain_Drop> "Electricity!"
  780. 25 [21:17:41] <Lucyne> "If we ever find sulfur."
  781. 25 [21:17:45] <Quicksilver> "provided we can find or make the acid"
  782. 25 [21:17:46] <Ruby> "I'll keep ahold of it for now, we will split the look when outside."
  783. 32 [21:17:46] Able_Tome grins at Quick as he barely able to jump from her hoof
  784. 32 [21:17:52] Lucyne shakes her head
  785. 25 [21:17:58] <Able_Tome> "Right...where's next?"
  786. 25 [21:18:06] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Good thinking. We ready to continue?"
  787. 32 [21:18:08] Duskie gazes at the roach "he may have friends near, we should'nt stay for too long"
  788. 32 [21:18:09] Able_Tome looks around
  789. 32 [21:18:13] Quicksilver grins "I see you were Able to avoid me eh?"
  790. 25 [21:18:13] <Rain_Drop> "Down the hall I think."
  791. 25 [21:18:14] <Lucyne> "No Quick, burn sulfur and get the dioxide in a vessel of lead filled with water to make sulfuric acid."
  792. 25 [21:18:20] <Lucyne> "That's how they did it in ye olden days."
  793. 32 [21:18:27] Ikea groans
  794. 32 [21:18:44] Able_Tome returns the grin "Always able, always will, unless you are Quick enough."
  795. 25 [21:18:48] <Ruby> (brb, nature calls again. damn booze)
  796. 25 [21:18:50] <Lucyne> So, do you continue along, there is only one way other than the holes
  797. 32 [21:18:51] Rain_Drop gives Quick a deadpan glare. "Really we are back to puns again..."
  798. 25 [21:19:06] <Rain_Drop> "Not you too Able"
  799. 24 [21:19:13] <Ikea> "I don't think we ever left, Rain"
  800. 32 [21:19:14] Quicksilver grins as everyone glares at the puns
  801. 25 [21:19:32] <Quicksilver> "i do have a Quick wit after all"
  802. 25 [21:19:32] <Rain_Drop> "I suppose so..."
  803. 32 [21:19:32] Able_Tome smiles in satisfaction
  804. 25 [21:19:47] <Quicksilver> "dont Rain on my parade"
  805. 25 [21:20:03] <Ruby> (back)
  806. 25 [21:20:07] <Lucyne> (the pain)
  807. 32 [21:20:10] Ikea facehoofs
  808. 25 [21:20:11] <Lucyne> Now continue along?
  809. 25 [21:20:18] <Able_Tome> "Just don't over exert your Able mind."
  810. 32 [21:20:29] Cap`n_HighTide shakes off the horrible pun and heads onwards, leading the way.
  811. 32 [21:20:32] Rain_Drop groans good heartedly at the puns. "Going to drop you on your head Quickie."
  812. 25 [21:20:33] <Ruby> "So, are we going to move or we wait until the cocatrises find us?"
  813. 32 [21:20:37] Able_Tome chuckles
  814. 25 [21:20:40] <Quicksilver> "dont Rain on my parade Quick to recover"
  815. 25 [21:20:50] <Lucyne> The Captain leads the way into the darkness
  816. 25 [21:20:53] <Quicksilver> [woops pressed the up keu]
  817. 25 [21:20:59] <Quicksilver> [key]
  818. 32 [21:21:08] Able_Tome shakes his head and follows High
  819. 32 [21:21:21] Quicksilver grins and follows along
  820. 32 [21:21:30] Ikea skratches a dot on the path High Tide took and bolts after him
  821. 25 [21:21:34] <Lucyne> Following the tunnel, the floor becomes even more thickly covered in holes
  822. 32 [21:21:34] Ruby quickly trots behind them
  823. 32 [21:21:40] Duskie watches behind and move on too
  824. 25 [21:21:53] <Lucyne> You might fall in if you aren't careful
  825. 25 [21:21:56] <Ruby> "I dont like that, too many places to hide for monsters."
  826. 32 [21:22:01] Rain_Drop trotts down the path avoiding the holes.
  827. 32 [21:22:18] Ruby actively look for anything susicious in the holes
  828. 32 [21:22:23] Quicksilver looks down one of the holes "be careful everyone"
  829. 20 [21:22:30] Bacon_Grease [~Bacon@] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  830. 38 [21:22:31] Dicector [] has set mode +o Bacon_Grease
  831. 32 [21:22:33] Able_Tome scans the surroundings
  832. 25 [21:22:33] <Lucyne> You carefully follow the path, avoiding the precarious holes
  833. 32 [21:22:37] Cap`n_HighTide watches his step, trying not to let the poison get the best of him.
  834. 25 [21:22:39] <Rain_Drop> "Wonder if we could come up with a flashbang spell to light up everything...."
  835. 25 [21:22:46] <Lucyne> In the distance, you hear and see a slight drip of water
  836. 25 [21:23:02] <Able_Tome> "Hmm...water again."
  837. 32 [21:23:02] Rain_Drop follows after the sound of water
  838. 25 [21:23:04] <Quicksilver> "yeah i'd rather not get a hornache thanks Rain"
  839. 25 [21:23:22] <Lucyne> Approaching the water, you find a drip...and a dead end
  840. 25 [21:23:22] <Rain_Drop> "We might be getting back to the cockatrice area be wary everyone..."
  841. 25 [21:23:23] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  842. 25 [21:23:24] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  843. 25 [21:23:35] <Lucyne> To your horror, you head the sound of talons scratching on rock
  844. 25 [21:23:45] <Rain_Drop> "Eyes on the ground!"
  845. 25 [21:23:45] <Lucyne> *hear
  846. 32 [21:23:59] Duskie close her eyes in panic"
  847. 32 [21:24:01] Ruby whisper "dont turn, monster chiken."
  848. 32 [21:24:01] Cap`n_HighTide turns around. "What?"
  849. 24 [21:24:07] <Ikea> "balls.... where is it coming from?"
  850. 32 [21:24:16] Ruby equip her crossbow
  851. 32 [21:24:19] Quicksilver readies herself "eyes peeled"
  852. 32 [21:24:26] Able_Tome darts his head to face the sound
  853. 25 [21:24:34] <Lucyne> >all these smart reactions
  854. 25 [21:24:45] <Lucyne> You see nothing as the creature is yet out of range
  855. 32 [21:24:51] Quicksilver tries to deduce the direction of the sound
  856. 32 [21:24:53] Able_Tome quickly unholsters his sword
  857. 32 [21:24:55] Rain_Drop twitches her ears trying to locate the general location of the creature
  858. 25 [21:24:55] <Lucyne> But it is coming closer
  859. 25 [21:25:01] <Cap`n_HighTide> "What, what's wrong?"
  860. 25 [21:25:10] <Lucyne> It's from behind you, the tunnel is linear and you are a t a dead end
  861. 25 [21:25:14] <Rain_Drop> "Cockatrice keep your eyes away from you."
  862. 25 [21:25:15] <Ruby> "I got a plan! Quick everypony hides in some holes."
  863. 25 [21:25:20] <Rain_Drop> *it*
  864. 32 [21:25:33] Cap`n_HighTide looks around at everyone, scratching his head. "Oh- oh!"
  865. 25 [21:25:33] <Able_Tome> "Ok...hide in the holes and ambush it?"
  866. 25 [21:25:39] <Ruby> "As it comes by, we ambush it."
  867. 25 [21:25:40] <Rain_Drop> "And you'll snipe it? Sounds good to me."
  868. 25 [21:25:48] <Lucyne> Hiding in the holes may be dangerous, many are slippery
  869. 25 [21:25:50] <Ruby> "just wait for the crossbow shot."
  870. 32 [21:26:05] Able_Tome smiles as he hears similar proposition
  871. 24 [21:26:11] <Ikea> "Those tunnles are pretty slick, though. Might not be enough purchase to get out again"
  872. 32 [21:26:25] Rain_Drop looks down a hole. " I think we can hide in the entrance thing its worth a shot?"
  873. 25 [21:26:40] <Lucyne> Do you wish to hide in the holes?
  874. 25 [21:26:42] <Ruby> "What do you propose then." she whispers *We dont have much time.*
  875. 25 [21:26:47] <Able_Tome> "Or we can use one person as a bait"
  876. 25 [21:26:58] <Duskie> "It's too dangerous!"
  877. 25 [21:27:04] <Ruby> "Good thinking, Able. You're bait."
  878. 25 [21:27:04] <Lucyne> "I volunteer as bait, I can take a chicken."
  879. 25 [21:27:08] <Able_Tome> "Just don't look into its eyes and everything going to be fine"
  880. 24 [21:27:09] <Ikea> "Blind charge? get ponies on both sides of it?"
  881. 32 [21:27:10] Quicksilver perks up "use my glowing moss as bait"
  882. 25 [21:27:15] <Ruby> "or not, let Lucy do it."
  883. 25 [21:27:16] <Rain_Drop> "Ruby you and Able stand ready to shoot it as it comes round everyone else...Lucy you sure about that?"
  884. 32 [21:27:21] Able_Tome looks at Ruby "Might work."
  885. 25 [21:27:36] <Lucyne> "Sure, cockatrices aren't too dangerous without their petrification."
  886. 25 [21:27:42] <Ruby> "The goal is to make it look at Lucy rather than us so we can get a clear shot."
  887. 32 [21:27:46] Lucyne positions herself against the wall
  888. 34 [21:27:48] Grease_Lightning [~Mr_Bones@] has quit IRC:
  889. 25 [21:27:49] <Able_Tome> "Someone closes their eyes and runs to tackle and distract it"
  890. 32 [21:27:53] Cap`n_HighTide stares at the ground, standing still. "I can't hear where it's coming from!"
  891. 32 [21:27:59] Quicksilver hides against the wall
  892. 32 [21:28:03] Rain_Drop readies herself nearby behind the bend
  893. 32 [21:28:07] Able_Tome removes a lock of his mane from the eye "While others attack."
  894. 24 [21:28:08] <Ikea> "I'll volunteer to charge it."
  895. 32 [21:28:11] Ruby hides in one of the higher holes
  896. 25 [21:28:17] <Ruby> (roll ?)
  897. 24 [21:28:21] <Ikea> "So, Bait, shot, charge?"
  898. 2 [21:28:24] <Able_Tome> "Just don't open your eyes, Ikea."
  899. 25 [21:28:26] <Lucyne> Ok, ok, so are people hiding in holes now or not?
  900. 25 [21:28:28] <Ruby> "yep
  901. 25 [21:28:31] <Rain_Drop> "Sounds like it."
  902. 25 [21:28:37] <Able_Tome> [holes or what?]
  903. 25 [21:28:47] <Ruby> (holes I say)
  904. 25 [21:28:54] <Duskie> "As I'm the less usefull, maybe I can bait it?"
  905. 25 [21:28:58] <Rain_Drop> (Im hidding around the bend near you Lucy)
  906. 25 [21:28:58] <Ruby> (but take the high ones, no the low ones.)
  907. 32 [21:29:07] Able_Tome looks at the group "Hide like mouses, ambush like jackals or fight like snakes?"
  908. 25 [21:29:18] <Ruby> (so if you have to fall, you fall in the main tunnel and no below)
  909. 25 [21:29:23] <Lucyne> "Fight like honey badgers."
  910. 24 [21:29:26] <Ikea> [good thinking]
  911. 24 [21:29:33] <Ikea> "Not one fuck given..."
  912. 25 [21:29:50] <Able_Tome> "That can work..."
  913. 25 [21:29:54] <Lucyne> Ok, everyone that gets into a hole please roll d20
  914. 25 [21:29:55] <Rain_Drop> "its getting closer guys..."
  915. 25 [21:30:00] <Ruby> "They could be in the holes aswell, keep your ears perked."
  916. 25 [21:30:05] <Ruby> !roll d20
  917. 25 [21:30:05] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  918. 32 [21:30:06] Cap`n_HighTide doesn't move, trying to listen in to where it's coming from.
  919. 25 [21:30:08] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20
  920. 25 [21:30:09] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  921. 32 [21:30:10] Quicksilver hides round the bend near Rain, clipping her saddlebag closed so the glow doesnt give her away
  922. 2 [21:30:11] <Able_Tome> [You're going to b8 it Ikea?]
  923. 25 [21:30:17] <Duskie> !roll 1d20
  924. 25 [21:30:17] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  925. 24 [21:30:21] <Ikea> "Duskie, take my spear, it'll just slow me down on the charge"
  926. 25 [21:30:23] <Lucyne> Aw shit
  927. 25 [21:30:31] <Duskie> (second 3 out 20)
  928. 24 [21:30:35] <Ikea> [Bait or charge]
  929. 25 [21:30:40] <Rain_Drop> (fucking crumbly rocks!)
  930. 25 [21:30:45] <Duskie> "ok"
  931. 25 [21:30:47] <Able_Tome> [Perfect, I'll cover you then]
  932. 25 [21:30:47] <Lucyne> With a startled scream, Rain slips on the smooth rock, tumbling down a tunnel!
  933. 25 [21:30:48] <Ruby> (please tell me Rain that you were trying to hide in high grounds. Please)
  934. 25 [21:30:56] <Lucyne> Duskie feels a similar fate
  935. 25 [21:30:58] <Able_Tome> "God dammit, Rain."
  936. 32 [21:31:03] Duskie hold lucyne's weapon
  937. 32 [21:31:04] Quicksilver tries to grab Rain
  938. 25 [21:31:09] <Rain_Drop> "FUUUU-"
  939. 25 [21:31:26] <Lucyne> Duskie, you're gone, no holding
  940. 32 [21:31:29] Able_Tome looks at the holes nervously "Now the creature knows for sure that we are here!"
  941. 25 [21:31:30] <Lucyne> Quick, roll d20 for magic only
  942. 25 [21:31:35] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  943. 25 [21:31:35] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  944. 25 [21:31:35] <Duskie> (oops ,k)
  945. 32 [21:31:37] Ruby frowns heavily and whisper "someone after her. When its dead we,Ll throw you a rope."
  946. 25 [21:31:40] <Lucyne> Your magic fizzles!
  947. 32 [21:31:42] Duskie screams as she falls
  948. 25 [21:31:53] <Able_Tome> [ho...and they land into caverns without light]
  949. 25 [21:31:55] <Lucyne> "I'll follow Rain."
  950. 25 [21:31:57] <Quicksilver> "Raindrop no!"
  951. 24 [21:32:01] <Ikea> [quick reaction to grab them with telekin?]
  952. 32 [21:32:04] Cap`n_HighTide snaps to attention, running to the holes! "Aw, damnit!"
  953. 32 [21:32:05] Lucyne jumps after Rain
  954. 25 [21:32:18] <Lucyne> (You can try to grab one, but only nat 20)
  955. 25 [21:32:20] <Ruby> (so who are still up here with me?)
  956. 32 [21:32:33] Able_Tome grits his teeth "Bad..."
  957. 25 [21:32:34] <Lucyne> The cockatrice comes into sight!
  958. 25 [21:32:37] <Lucyne> Roll initiative!
  959. 24 [21:32:40] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 for Dusk, woth a try
  960. 25 [21:32:40] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  961. 25 [21:32:43] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  962. 25 [21:32:43] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  963. 25 [21:32:43] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  964. 25 [21:32:43] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  965. 25 [21:32:47] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20+-1
  966. 25 [21:32:47] <GameServ> (19) + -1 == 18
  967. 25 [21:32:47] <Ruby> !roll d20 for ambush
  968. 25 [21:32:48] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  969. 25 [21:32:51] <Ruby> (of course)
  970. 2 [21:32:56] <Rain_Drop> (Able, Ikea, Capn and u i thing)
  971. 2 [21:33:11] <Lucyne> Ikea, while your magic works, you are nto strong enough to pull her up
  972. 25 [21:33:14] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  973. 25 [21:33:14] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  974. 25 [21:33:24] <Lucyne> Quicksilver begins the round!
  975. 24 [21:33:35] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 forgot init
  976. 25 [21:33:36] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  977. 25 [21:33:40] <Ruby> "dont forget the plan"
  978. 25 [21:33:59] <Able_Tome> "Try to aim for its eyes or head...just don't look into them."
  979. 25 [21:34:09] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Didn't I roll highest?)
  980. 25 [21:34:16] <Rain_Drop> (Capn got a 18 lucy unless your counting him being posioned)
  981. 25 [21:34:17] <Lucyne> (Oh, sorry captain)
  982. 25 [21:34:17] <Ruby> (if its not looking at me I should be fine)
  983. 25 [21:34:20] <Able_Tome> [umm... 17 here]
  984. 25 [21:34:25] <Quicksilver> !roll d20 as Quick tries to throw her dagger at the cockartrce
  985. 25 [21:34:25] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  986. 25 [21:34:26] <Lucyne> (I missed that(
  987. 25 [21:34:30] <Lucyne> (Abloe, you got 6)
  988. 25 [21:34:35] <Lucyne> You hit!
  989. 25 [21:34:36] <Able_Tome> [nope]
  990. 25 [21:34:36] <Lucyne> Roll damage
  991. 25 [21:34:41] <Quicksilver> !roll d6
  992. 25 [21:34:41] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  993. 25 [21:34:43] <Able_Tome> [17 for me, L]
  994. 25 [21:34:54] <Able_Tome> [at least at my side, dafaq\
  995. 25 [21:34:54] <Ruby> (able, I clearly see a 6)
  996. 25 [21:35:04] <Lucyne> (What reached me is what counts, I read Quick having the 17)
  997. 24 [21:35:14] <Ikea> [it's the latency]
  998. 25 [21:35:15] <Rain_Drop> (rolls are under the person who rolled)
  999. 25 [21:35:19] <Able_Tome> [quicks roll is second]
  1000. 25 [21:35:21] <Lucyne> Your knife stabs the creature!
  1001. 25 [21:35:22] <Lucyne> Roll d20
  1002. 25 [21:35:33] <Quicksilver> [its reinforced]
  1003. 25 [21:35:37] <Lucyne> (Quick's is first for me
  1004. 25 [21:35:42] <Lucyne> Roll for not peeking
  1005. 25 [21:35:46] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  1006. 25 [21:35:46] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  1007. 25 [21:35:52] <Lucyne> You avoid harm
  1008. 25 [21:35:57] <Lucyne> It is now Captain's turn
  1009. 32 [21:36:05] Quicksilver ducks back round the corner again
  1010. 25 [21:36:22] <Rain_Drop> (wait capn has only one eye at the moment right?)
  1011. 32 [21:36:23] Cap`n_HighTide pivots and charges at the cockatrice, head low
  1012. 25 [21:36:29] <Cap`n_HighTide> (yep)
  1013. 25 [21:36:30] <Able_Tome> []
  1014. 25 [21:36:43] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20+-1 for another bodycheck
  1015. 25 [21:36:43] <GameServ> (13) + -1 == 12
  1016. 25 [21:36:43] <Rain_Drop> (Should he get a bonus from not looking it in the eye?)
  1017. 25 [21:36:49] <Lucyne> (Sorry Able, what reaches is me is waht counts)
  1018. 25 [21:36:52] <Lucyne> You hit!
  1019. 25 [21:36:56] <Able_Tome> [eh]
  1020. 25 [21:37:06] <Ruby> "What is he doing? For hell's sake he'll fuck up our ambush!"
  1021. 25 [21:37:15] <Quicksilver> [nigga stop trying to take muh rolls lel]
  1022. 24 [21:37:18] <Ikea> [Able, it's the latency, you see your post at the time you posted it, others see it at the time they received it]
  1023. 25 [21:37:30] <Cap`n_HighTide> (is it unarmed damage or do I pin it?)
  1024. 25 [21:37:46] <Lucyne> (Unarmed base and then you can either throw it down a hole or pin it)
  1025. 25 [21:37:59] <Cap`n_HighTide> (ok)
  1026. 25 [21:38:01] <Ruby> (better pin it, I can finish it)
  1027. 25 [21:38:06] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d4+-1
  1028. 25 [21:38:07] <GameServ> (2) + -1 == 1
  1029. 25 [21:38:11] <Quicksilver> [we need to kill it]
  1030. 25 [21:38:12] <Able_Tome> [strange for IRC channels, considering Dicector's syncs, whatever]
  1031. 25 [21:38:25] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20+-1 to pin it down
  1032. 25 [21:38:26] <GameServ> (1) + -1 == 0
  1033. 25 [21:38:29] <Cap`n_HighTide> (ded)
  1034. 25 [21:38:31] <Lucyne> Aw shit
  1035. 25 [21:38:35] <Able_Tome> [>0]
  1036. 25 [21:38:36] <Ruby> (oh no...)
  1037. 25 [21:38:42] <Cap`n_HighTide> (>0)
  1038. 25 [21:38:46] <Rain_Drop> (This is bad)
  1039. 25 [21:38:49] <Lucyne> You hit the creature, trying to pin it, but it knocks you to the side and down a hole!
  1040. 25 [21:38:49] <Able_Tome> [we statue nao]
  1041. 25 [21:38:55] <Lucyne> You tumble down into the darkness!
  1042. 25 [21:38:58] <Quicksilver> [aw shit]
  1043. 25 [21:38:59] <Able_Tome> [fug]
  1044. 25 [21:39:01] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Fuc-"
  1045. 24 [21:39:06] <Ikea> [It does, only you see your post as before Quick's post, so the dicector's rolls are reversed]
  1046. 25 [21:39:07] <Rain_Drop> (Welcome to the slipandslide Capn!)
  1047. 25 [21:39:09] <Able_Tome> "Tide!"
  1048. 2 [21:39:25] <Lucyne> It is now Ikea's turn
  1049. 25 [21:39:28] <Able_Tome> [>inb4 diamond dogs kidnap him for a week]
  1050. 25 [21:39:33] <Ruby> "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT, why does I have to be surrounded by people who dont follow plans?"
  1051. 25 [21:39:38] <Quicksilver> [for snu snu]
  1052. 25 [21:39:44] <Duskie> (yay)
  1053. 25 [21:39:51] <Rain_Drop> (Captain as the bard of 4 cannon, I can see it)
  1054. 25 [21:40:09] <Quicksilver> [inb4 this]
  1055. 20 [21:40:16] Cherenkov_Light [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  1056. 25 [21:40:21] <Able_Tome> [ahahaha]
  1057. 24 [21:40:23] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 to fake a blind bull rush only to veer of and bound of the wall, ending up behind it
  1058. 25 [21:40:23] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1059. 25 [21:40:29] <Able_Tome> [definitely after several months]
  1060. 25 [21:40:34] <Lucyne> Oh dear
  1061. 25 [21:40:36] <Lucyne> Roll d20
  1062. 24 [21:40:41] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  1063. 25 [21:40:41] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  1064. 25 [21:40:46] <Ruby> (good)
  1065. 25 [21:40:53] <Rain_Drop> (Not a peek)
  1066. 25 [21:40:58] <Lucyne> You hop over the hole you almost charge into, but miss the creature
  1067. 25 [21:41:14] <Lucyne> It is now the cockatrices turn!
  1068. 25 [21:41:18] <Lucyne> (all these bad rolls)
  1069. 2 [21:41:24] <Ruby> (is it facing Ikea?)
  1070. 25 [21:41:28] <Quicksilver> [i got a good one...]
  1071. 2 [21:41:31] <Lucyne> It attacks Ikea!
  1072. 25 [21:41:40] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1073. 25 [21:41:40] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  1074. 25 [21:41:44] <Cherenkov_Light> [ore guideline list is up in thread if you don't see it]
  1075. 25 [21:41:48] <Lucyne> It pecks you, hard!
  1076. 25 [21:41:52] <Lucyne> !roll 1d3
  1077. 25 [21:41:53] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1078. 24 [21:41:57] <Ikea> "... gah!..."
  1079. 25 [21:41:58] <Lucyne> Roll d20 to resists looking
  1080. 24 [21:42:01] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  1081. 25 [21:42:01] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  1082. 2 [21:42:05] <Duskie> [Still got the Ikea song in my head]
  1083. 2 [21:42:08] <Ruby> (and Ikea being on the other side of the beast, I could take a safe shot)
  1084. 25 [21:42:10] <Quicksilver> [oh no]
  1085. 25 [21:42:11] <Lucyne> Your eyes flutter open in surprise!
  1086. 2 [21:42:14] <Rain_Drop> (Ikea!)
  1087. 25 [21:42:20] <Ruby> "no..."
  1088. 25 [21:42:20] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  1089. 25 [21:42:20] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1090. 24 [21:42:23] <Ikea> "oh balls..."
  1091. 25 [21:42:27] <Lucyne> You are slightly petrified for 2 damage
  1092. 24 [21:42:46] <Ikea> [5 down, 5 to go]
  1093. 25 [21:42:50] <Duskie> (selling furnitures for college kids and divorced men)
  1094. 25 [21:42:50] <Lucyne> It is now Able's turn
  1095. 32 [21:43:17] Able_Tome runs towards the creature, wincing slightly at the pain in his hindleg. He forcefully thrusts the sword forward, trying to stab it into the eyes, while focusing his gaze at the creature's lower body.
  1096. 25 [21:43:20] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  1097. 25 [21:43:20] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  1098. 25 [21:43:21] <Ruby> "Able, do whatever you want. But please, give me an opening..."
  1099. 25 [21:43:33] <Lucyne> You hit!
  1100. 25 [21:43:34] <Able_Tome> !roll d8
  1101. 25 [21:43:35] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1102. 25 [21:43:42] <Lucyne> Roll d20!
  1103. 25 [21:43:50] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  1104. 25 [21:43:50] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  1105. 25 [21:43:54] <Ruby> (neat)
  1106. 25 [21:43:54] <Lucyne> The cockatrice is visibly hurt
  1107. 25 [21:43:56] <Duskie> (nice)
  1108. 25 [21:43:58] <Lucyne> You avoid it's gaze easily!
  1109. 25 [21:44:09] <Able_Tome> "Damn beaks."
  1110. 25 [21:44:15] <Lucyne> It is now Ruby's turn!
  1111. 25 [21:44:37] <Able_Tome> "Aim for the neck, Ruby"
  1112. 21 [21:44:49] Cherenkov_Light [] has left #FourCannonPnP
  1113. 32 [21:44:53] Ruby quickly peak out of her hole, using the opening Able gave her and shot a bolt directly into the meat of the beast
  1114. 25 [21:45:02] <Lucyne> Roll d20
  1115. 25 [21:45:03] <Ruby> !roll d20 for no nat 1
  1116. 25 [21:45:03] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  1117. 25 [21:45:06] <Ruby> (wow
  1118. 25 [21:45:08] <Able_Tome> [shiiiet]
  1119. 25 [21:45:09] <Lucyne> Oh damn
  1120. 25 [21:45:11] <Quicksilver> [>shoots Able]
  1121. 25 [21:45:12] <Rain_Drop> (Oh dear)
  1122. 25 [21:45:14] <Able_Tome> [>inb4 hits me]
  1123. 25 [21:45:15] <Ruby> (fucking wow)
  1124. 25 [21:45:16] <Lucyne> roll d20
  1125. 25 [21:45:21] <Ruby> !roll d20
  1126. 25 [21:45:21] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  1127. 25 [21:45:24] <Duskie> (lolz god has humour)
  1128. 24 [21:45:25] <Ikea> [damn]
  1129. 25 [21:45:25] <Lucyne> You hit Able!
  1130. 25 [21:45:31] <Lucyne> Roll for damage
  1131. 25 [21:45:32] <Quicksilver> [bahahaha]
  1132. 24 [21:45:37] <Ikea> [fuck kek!]
  1133. 25 [21:45:39] <Ruby> (d8?)
  1134. 25 [21:45:42] <Lucyne> Jep
  1135. 34 [21:45:46] Bacon_Grease [~Bacon@] has quit IRC:
  1136. 25 [21:45:48] <Quicksilver> [inb4 8]
  1137. 25 [21:45:53] <Ruby> !roll d8 for minimal damamge
  1138. 25 [21:45:54] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1139. 32 [21:45:56] Able_Tome screams as the bolt hits his flank "For fucks SAKE, Ruby!"
  1140. 25 [21:46:03] <Lucyne> Your arrow pierces able's side!
  1141. 25 [21:46:08] <Rain_Drop> (Quick your not helping...)
  1142. 25 [21:46:12] <Able_Tome> [>side]
  1143. 25 [21:46:13] <Able_Tome> [oh well]
  1144. 25 [21:46:17] <Lucyne> Roll if the crossbow breaks
  1145. 25 [21:46:18] <Duskie> [ouch]
  1146. 25 [21:46:19] <Lucyne> (Whatever)
  1147. 20 [21:46:22] Bacon_Grease [~Bacon@] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  1148. 38 [21:46:22] Dicector [] has set mode +o Bacon_Grease
  1149. 25 [21:46:23] <Ruby> !roll d20
  1150. 25 [21:46:24] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  1151. 25 [21:46:30] <Ruby> (just great)
  1152. 25 [21:46:30] <Lucyne> Your crossbow falls apart!
  1153. 25 [21:46:38] <Lucyne> (>all these rolls)
  1154. 25 [21:46:41] <Duskie> [no more crossbow injuries at least]
  1155. 25 [21:46:44] <Rain_Drop> (Dice gods be angry mon)
  1156. 25 [21:46:45] <Ruby> (everything is going just. fine.)
  1157. 25 [21:46:49] <Able_Tome> [toplel]
  1158. 25 [21:46:54] <Lucyne> New round! Roll initative
  1159. 25 [21:46:59] <Ruby> !roll d20
  1160. 25 [21:46:59] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  1161. 25 [21:46:59] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  1162. 25 [21:46:59] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1163. 32 [21:47:02] Quicksilver yells sarcastically "Way to go Ruby!"
  1164. 24 [21:47:03] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  1165. 25 [21:47:03] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1166. 25 [21:47:04] <Ruby> (at least)
  1167. 25 [21:47:15] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  1168. 25 [21:47:15] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  1169. 25 [21:47:22] <Duskie> [THOSE ROLLS!]
  1170. 25 [21:47:23] <Able_Tome> [18 here...>inb4 that shit again]
  1171. 25 [21:47:29] <Rain_Drop> (Dice be pissed!)
  1172. 25 [21:47:31] <Quicksilver> [thank god that was init]
  1173. 25 [21:47:38] <Lucyne> Ruby got the 18 able...
  1174. 25 [21:47:39] <Ruby> (18 is my actually)
  1175. 25 [21:47:43] <Lucyne> What reaches me is what counts
  1176. 25 [21:47:46] <Able_Tome> ...
  1177. 25 [21:47:48] <Lucyne> No offense
  1178. 25 [21:47:55] <Able_Tome> [you fucking kdding me]
  1179. 25 [21:48:04] <Lucyne> You are the only one seeing it differently
  1180. 25 [21:48:05] <Able_Tome> [right, onwards]
  1181. 25 [21:48:08] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1182. 25 [21:48:08] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  1183. 25 [21:48:19] <Lucyne> Ruby begins the round!
  1184. 25 [21:48:54] <Able_Tome> [and Ruby...pls, pls don't hit]
  1185. 32 [21:49:07] Ruby , pissed as hell that her shitmade crossbow is confirmed for shit, runs up to the monster and hit it with her pickaxe
  1186. 25 [21:49:12] <Ruby> !roll d20
  1187. 25 [21:49:12] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1188. 25 [21:49:15] <Able_Tome> ...
  1189. 25 [21:49:20] <Ruby> (these rolls)
  1190. 25 [21:49:23] <Lucyne> Roll d20
  1191. 25 [21:49:29] <Lucyne> (dice gods, wat r u doing)
  1192. 25 [21:49:30] <Duskie> [T-rolls]
  1193. 25 [21:49:31] <Ruby> !roll d20 inb4 1
  1194. 25 [21:49:31] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  1195. 25 [21:49:39] <Able_Tome> [killing me slowly]
  1196. 24 [21:49:46] <Ikea> [inb4 we all end up in different holes]
  1197. 25 [21:49:48] <Lucyne> Running towards the creture, you fall down one of the many holes!
  1198. 25 [21:49:57] <Rain_Drop> (KEK)
  1199. 25 [21:49:59] <Lucyne> It is now the cockatrice's turn
  1200. 25 [21:50:01] <Duskie> [holes are the future]
  1201. 25 [21:50:04] <Able_Tome> [f0ck]
  1202. 25 [21:50:07] <Lucyne> It attacks Able!
  1203. 25 [21:50:07] <Ruby> (so much for a plan)
  1204. 25 [21:50:10] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1205. 25 [21:50:10] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1206. 25 [21:50:12] <Lucyne> but misses!
  1207. 25 [21:50:21] <Lucyne> It is now Able's turn
  1208. 25 [21:50:41] <Quicksilver> "Go for the throat!"
  1209. 25 [21:50:52] <Ruby> (finish it)
  1210. 32 [21:51:01] Able_Tome enraged by the bolt that sticks in his side he clenches the sword and tries to behead the damn chikun in front of him
  1211. 25 [21:51:05] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  1212. 25 [21:51:06] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  1213. 25 [21:51:10] <Lucyne> You hit!
  1214. 25 [21:51:11] <Able_Tome> !roll d8
  1215. 25 [21:51:11] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1216. 25 [21:51:12] <Duskie> [at last]
  1217. 25 [21:51:15] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  1218. 25 [21:51:16] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  1219. 25 [21:51:19] <Lucyne> (and just barely don't kill it)
  1220. 25 [21:51:28] <Lucyne> You slice at the creature, it's life waning fast
  1221. 25 [21:51:32] <Ruby> (and there are the good rolls)
  1222. 2 [21:51:42] <Lucyne> It is now Ikea's turn
  1223. 25 [21:51:46] <Duskie> [this was hilarious]
  1224. 25 [21:51:57] <Ruby> (this is why you WAIT FOR THE SHOT)
  1225. 25 [21:52:05] <Ruby> (not lemming at it)
  1226. 24 [21:52:11] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 to break its fucking neck
  1227. 25 [21:52:11] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  1228. 25 [21:52:16] <Lucyne> You hit!
  1229. 24 [21:52:21] <Ikea> !roll 1d4
  1230. 25 [21:52:22] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1231. 25 [21:52:27] <Lucyne> And snap it's neck!
  1232. 24 [21:52:29] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  1233. 25 [21:52:29] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  1234. 25 [21:52:35] <Lucyne> It falls to the ground, lifeless
  1235. 25 [21:52:39] <Able_Tome> [says the horse that was also broke the crossbow]
  1236. 25 [21:52:41] <Lucyne> But not before petrifying more of your legs
  1237. 25 [21:52:46] <Able_Tome> [dice gods, why.jpg]
  1238. 25 [21:52:49] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  1239. 25 [21:52:49] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  1240. 25 [21:52:51] <Lucyne> For 1 damage
  1241. 25 [21:52:57] <Rain_Drop> (Good going guys now come and find us !)
  1242. 20 [21:52:58] GreenSleeves [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  1243. 32 [21:53:01] Quicksilver runs to retrieve her dagger from the beast's side. before she turns around and jumps down the hole she saw Rain and Lucyne dissappear into "hold on guys im coming"
  1244. 25 [21:53:11] <Lucyne> IN THE MEANTIME
  1245. 25 [21:53:15] <Lucyne> SLIP N SLIDE TIME
  1246. 32 [21:53:17] Ikea shouts after Quick
  1247. 25 [21:53:18] <Ruby> (at least I wouldnt have hit you)
  1248. 32 [21:53:22] Able_Tome grits his teeth and tries to retreive the bolt from his body
  1249. 25 [21:53:25] <Cap`n_HighTide> (I'll be right back)
  1250. 32 [21:53:32] Rain_Drop slides down the tunnel screaming in a mix of delight and fear
  1251. 24 [21:53:36] <Ikea> "DAMN IT. now one of us going to be alone in their tunnel"
  1252. 25 [21:53:43] <Lucyne> The rest of the group slides through insanely steep and smooth tunnels plummeting through the darkness
  1253. 32 [21:54:06] Able_Tome begins to cough
  1254. 25 [21:54:24] <Lucyne> After a minute or so of this arguably fun but painful experience, you land on hard ground
  1255. 25 [21:54:27] <Lucyne> For 1d4 damage
  1256. 25 [21:54:34] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d4
  1257. 25 [21:54:35] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1258. 32 [21:54:38] Quicksilver loses her footiing in the tunnel and begins sliding
  1259. 32 [21:54:40] Ruby scream many cursed words as she rapidly slide down tunnels
  1260. 25 [21:54:42] <Duskie> !roll 1d4
  1261. 25 [21:54:43] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1262. 25 [21:54:43] <Ruby> !roll d4
  1263. 25 [21:54:43] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1264. 25 [21:54:46] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  1265. 25 [21:54:46] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1266. 25 [21:54:54] <Duskie> (it's the 3 night I guess)
  1267. 32 [21:54:55] Rain_Drop skids across the ground before coming to a stop. "Ow oW oW!"
  1268. 25 [21:54:57] <Able_Tome> [>dem rolls]
  1269. 25 [21:55:06] <Ruby> *landing face first and cutting her breath short
  1270. 32 [21:55:09] Lucyne lands behind rain, sliding into her
  1271. 25 [21:55:23] <Ruby> "I... hate caves..."
  1272. 32 [21:55:28] Rain_Drop blinks at the impact
  1273. 25 [21:55:31] <Rain_Drop> "Lucy!"
  1274. 25 [21:55:33] <Duskie> [Do I land in the same cave?]
  1275. 25 [21:55:33] <Lucyne> Luckily, the holes seem to all lead to the same, large room
  1276. 25 [21:55:42] <Lucyne> "Rain! Are you ok? I can't see anything."
  1277. 25 [21:55:45] <Cap`n_HighTide> (I'm back, did I died)
  1278. 25 [21:55:49] <Lucyne> (Yes)
  1279. 25 [21:55:52] <Duskie> "... My head"
  1280. 25 [21:55:55] <Ruby> (5 hp left)
  1281. 25 [21:55:56] <Lucyne> (Nah, roll d4 for damage)
  1282. 25 [21:56:05] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d4
  1283. 25 [21:56:05] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1284. 32 [21:56:07] Rain_Drop feels around for Lucy before finding her head in the dark.
  1285. 32 [21:56:26] Rain_Drop either I think I heard Ruby though..."
  1286. 25 [21:56:29] <Lucyne> "Let me get some light in here..."
  1287. 25 [21:56:33] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20 for light
  1288. 25 [21:56:33] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1289. 25 [21:56:34] <Lucyne> Welo
  1290. 25 [21:56:38] <Quicksilver> [ouch]
  1291. 32 [21:56:43] Lucyne 's horn sputters and goes out
  1292. 32 [21:56:44] Cap`n_HighTide finds himself on the hard ground, ass over teakettle.
  1293. 25 [21:56:47] <Lucyne> "So much for that."
  1294. 25 [21:56:51] <Duskie> [this pony is out of battery]
  1295. 25 [21:56:59] <Able_Tome> [>not damage]
  1296. 25 [21:57:02] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Nnn... What happened?"
  1297. 25 [21:57:04] <Rain_Drop> "Its fine just needs a recharge I bet."
  1298. 25 [21:57:09] <Lucyne> (No damage for light, read the rules)
  1299. 25 [21:57:19] <Duskie> "Is everyone alright?"
  1300. 25 [21:57:28] <Rain_Drop> "Dusk! That you?"
  1301. 25 [21:57:28] <Lucyne> "Scuffed but alive."
  1302. 25 [21:57:35] <Ruby> "ugh, shit happened"
  1303. 25 [21:57:39] <Duskie> "yeah! I don't see shit"
  1304. 25 [21:57:48] <Lucyne> "Someone get a light going!"
  1305. 25 [21:57:53] <Rain_Drop> "You guys took care of that cockatrice?"
  1306. 25 [21:57:55] <Lucyne> (Also do the others upstairs follow?)
  1307. 32 [21:57:58] Quicksilver screams as she continues to slide down the tunnel "fuck fuck shit, cunt motherfuck, fucking fuckity fucking shit fuck!"
  1308. 25 [21:57:59] <Ruby> "I dont know"
  1309. 24 [21:58:22] <Ikea> [yes]
  1310. 32 [21:58:23] Cap`n_HighTide gets up clumsily, still feeling the poison. "Ugh.. everything's been a blur so far."
  1311. 25 [21:58:23] <Quicksilver> [im coming down]
  1312. 32 [21:58:24] Rain_Drop cocks an ear up hearing obscenities coming steadily closer.
  1313. 25 [21:58:33] <Rain_Drop> "I think I hear Quick."
  1314. 25 [21:58:34] <Cap`n_HighTide> "...What's that noise?"
  1315. 25 [21:58:40] <Lucyne> "That's Quick allright."
  1316. 25 [21:58:54] <Rain_Drop> "Capn you got a light?"
  1317. 25 [21:58:55] <Lucyne> (everyone that falls takes 1d4, remember)
  1318. 32 [21:59:06] Quicksilver flies out of the tunnel in the cieling, flailing her legs before she hits the ground
  1319. 20 [21:59:08] Arrant_HoldLURK [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  1320. 25 [21:59:09] <Quicksilver> !roll d4
  1321. 25 [21:59:09] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1322. 24 [21:59:10] <Ikea> [sliding down Dusks chute, if it matters]
  1323. 25 [21:59:12] <Ruby> "Cap? Is that you? If I get my hands on you I'll teach you what happens to those who dont follow plans."
  1324. 25 [21:59:12] <Quicksilver> [fuck]
  1325. 32 [21:59:17] Duskie tries to go closer from her group following the voices
  1326. 25 [21:59:21] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Me? I'm no good with magic..."
  1327. 25 [21:59:25] <Lucyne> (Dice gods, how have we angered ye?)
  1328. 24 [21:59:31] <Ikea> !roll 1d4 please be low please be low please be low please be low please be low please be low please be low please be low
  1329. 25 [21:59:31] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1330. 32 [21:59:32] Rain_Drop winces hearing the crunch of Quick's landing
  1331. 32 [21:59:42] Quicksilver faceplants into the ground
  1332. 25 [21:59:47] <Rain_Drop> "Give it a try its too dark in here..."
  1333. 24 [22:00:00] <Ikea> "oooooooooooww"
  1334. 25 [22:00:06] <Quicksilver> "ow ow ow ow"
  1335. 25 [22:00:06] <Duskie> "I think I lost a few feather down that hole, nothing serious"
  1336. 25 [22:00:10] <Rain_Drop> "Quick you all right?"
  1337. 25 [22:00:11] <Duskie> s*
  1338. 25 [22:00:14] <Cap`n_HighTide> "...Are you sure?"
  1339. 25 [22:00:19] <Rain_Drop> "Go for it."
  1340. 2 [22:00:31] <Rain_Drop> "Ikea you down here?"
  1341. 25 [22:00:32] <Lucyne> "Any casualties?"
  1342. 25 [22:00:34] <Ruby> "Who had the emergency light already? Cant see anything..."
  1343. 24 [22:00:34] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 for light
  1344. 25 [22:00:34] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  1345. 25 [22:00:38] <Lucyne> "Where's Able?"
  1346. 2 [22:00:42] <Lucyne> Ikea
  1347. 25 [22:00:48] <Lucyne> 's horn lights up the area!
  1348. 25 [22:00:56] <Able_Tome> [oh...we're sliding too?]
  1349. 32 [22:01:00] Duskie looks around to see if someone's missing
  1350. 32 [22:01:01] Quicksilver unclasps her saddlebags, allowing the glow out "im ok Rain"
  1351. 24 [22:01:02] <Ikea> "Still up top. when I jumped
  1352. 32 [22:01:04] Rain_Drop blinks at the blue aura lighting up the area
  1353. 2 [22:01:09] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Oh, hey, look at that! Ikea's got us covered!"
  1354. 24 [22:01:16] <Ikea> [I jumped down, follow if you want]
  1355. 25 [22:01:22] <Lucyne> You see an interesting site! A large, carved stone door is seen across the room, to it's side 3 levers adorn the walls
  1356. 32 [22:01:26] Cap`n_HighTide chuckles nervously.
  1357. 25 [22:01:44] <Rain_Drop> "Oh man not puzzles I suck at puzzles..."
  1358. 2 [22:01:55] Ruby 's eyes catch the faint light Ikea's horn gives
  1359. 25 [22:01:57] <Lucyne> (puzzle time fgt)
  1360. 25 [22:02:01] <Quicksilver> "im guessing we pull he levers"
  1361. 25 [22:02:03] <Duskie> "who'd put levers down here..?"
  1362. 25 [22:02:14] <Lucyne> Do you inspect the door?
  1363. 32 [22:02:17] Able_Tome comes closer to the hole and jumps into it
  1364. 32 [22:02:17] Ikea wobbly stands up
  1365. 25 [22:02:17] <Rain_Drop> "Could be a vault for the diamond dogs?"
  1366. 32 [22:02:20] Quicksilver inspects the levers
  1367. 25 [22:02:22] <Ruby> "Dont do anything yet, its probably a trap."
  1368. 24 [22:02:26] <Ikea> "damn diamond dog bastards"
  1369. 32 [22:02:31] Rain_Drop looks at the door from a safe distance
  1370. 32 [22:02:32] Duskie examines the door
  1371. 32 [22:02:33] Cap`n_HighTide approaches the door and looks it up and down closely.
  1372. 25 [22:02:36] <Ruby> "So, hail if you're here and alive."
  1373. 25 [22:02:41] <Lucyne> Inspecting the door, it is of solid rock, adorned with some simple motifs
  1374. 25 [22:02:43] <Rain_Drop> "Hail."
  1375. 25 [22:02:53] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Alive and kicking!"
  1376. 25 [22:02:54] <Quicksilver> "Heil!"
  1377. 25 [22:03:00] <Rain_Drop> "Wonder what these things are?"
  1378. 24 [22:03:00] <Ikea> "hail..."
  1379. 25 [22:03:01] <Lucyne> The levers are simple and adorned with a picture each
  1380. 25 [22:03:05] <Lucyne> "Hail, I guess."
  1381. 32 [22:03:07] Rain_Drop inspected the motiffs
  1382. 12 [22:03:11] [RAW]: approaches the levers
  1383. 32 [22:03:19] Ikea approaches the levers
  1384. 32 [22:03:21] Quicksilver inspects the pictures on the lever and compared them with the door
  1385. 25 [22:03:21] <Duskie> "Should we pull one?"
  1386. 34 [22:03:27] Arrant_HoldLURK [] has quit IRC: Client Quit
  1387. 25 [22:03:28] <Ruby> "Is Able here? Who's missing?"
  1388. 25 [22:03:36] <Lucyne> The levers all show diamond dogs above them, the first one a small diamond dog, the second one a little bit larger and the third the largest diamond dog
  1389. 24 [22:03:55] <Ikea> "great... a diamond dog puzzle..."
  1390. 32 [22:03:55] Quicksilver pulls the third lever
  1391. 25 [22:03:57] <Lucyne> "We lost Able I think."
  1392. 25 [22:03:58] <Rain_Drop> "Um I think all we are missing is Able, Ruby..."
  1393. 25 [22:04:05] <Lucyne> AW shit
  1394. 25 [22:04:10] <Lucyne> You hear a loud rumbling
  1395. 25 [22:04:12] <Lucyne> And nothing happens
  1396. 32 [22:04:14] Able_Tome sliding through a hole, muttering curses at Ruby
  1397. 25 [22:04:14] <Quicksilver> [hue]
  1398. 32 [22:04:19] Rain_Drop looks back at Quick
  1399. 25 [22:04:21] <Lucyne> The lever remains down
  1400. 25 [22:04:24] <Rain_Drop> "What did you pull?"
  1401. 25 [22:04:28] <Ruby> "ugh, I accidently shot him. Right before I felt into a hole..."
  1402. 25 [22:04:34] <Rain_Drop> (d4 fall dmg able)
  1403. 24 [22:04:35] <Ikea> "QUICK! please discuess the puzzle bgefore pulling stuff."
  1404. 25 [22:04:39] <Able_Tome> !roll d4
  1405. 25 [22:04:39] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1406. 25 [22:04:46] <Lucyne> (ouch)
  1407. 32 [22:04:48] Quicksilver glances at rain "a lever..."
  1408. 25 [22:04:55] <Able_Tome> [2hp...perfect]
  1409. 25 [22:05:06] <Rain_Drop> "Why?!"
  1410. 24 [22:05:08] <Ikea> "Right, so she pulled the one with the big dog... so let's try big - middle - small"
  1411. 25 [22:05:17] <Quicksilver> "To see what it did"
  1412. 32 [22:05:18] Ruby jumps at Able arrival, then trots to him
  1413. 25 [22:05:31] <Rain_Drop> "Wait I think that we should look at the door some more!"
  1414. 25 [22:05:34] <Ruby> "WHY DID YOU CHARGED IT?2
  1415. 32 [22:05:42] Duskie follows ruby
  1416. 32 [22:05:49] Quicksilver pulls the second lever
  1417. 25 [22:05:49] <Rain_Drop> (I got one bandage left who has what for health?"
  1418. 32 [22:05:50] Able_Tome huffs, trying to get up on his hooves
  1419. 25 [22:05:51] <Duskie> "Are you hurt?"
  1420. 25 [22:05:54] <Lucyne> The door includes many cyclic mandela like motifs, not much of use
  1421. 24 [22:06:05] <Ikea> "... damn it, quick..."
  1422. 32 [22:06:13] Able_Tome begins dusting his cloaks "Quite...Dusk."
  1423. 25 [22:06:19] <Ruby> "DAMN YOU ABLE, I could have killed you."
  1424. 32 [22:06:34] Duskie helps him
  1425. 32 [22:06:44] Rain_Drop notices the arrow sticking out of Able's side.
  1426. 25 [22:06:53] <Rain_Drop> "Jesus Able hang on..."
  1427. 24 [22:06:57] <Ikea> "in for a penny, in for a pound..." pulls the first lever
  1428. 32 [22:07:10] Able_Tome glares at Ruby "I've told *you* to aim for the neck. When did my back suddenly bacame a part of an overgrown chiken?"
  1429. 32 [22:07:11] Cap`n_HighTide rubs his chin, and watches the door as the lever is pulled.
  1430. 2 [22:07:15] Quicksilver pulls the second lever at the same time as Ikea
  1431. 25 [22:07:17] <Lucyne> The ground rumbles, and the layer stays down
  1432. 32 [22:07:19] Rain_Drop takes her last bandage and pulls the arrow out before binding the wound tight
  1433. 25 [22:07:28] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d4
  1434. 25 [22:07:28] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1435. 25 [22:07:37] <Lucyne> Pulling the fourth lever, the rumbling intesifies
  1436. 32 [22:07:40] Ruby helps Able up "For christ sake able, it was hard to tell in all this darkness..."
  1437. 25 [22:07:45] <Quicksilver> [>pulls the arrow out]
  1438. 25 [22:07:47] <Lucyne> Before your horrified eyes, the ground itself begins to stir!
  1439. 32 [22:07:53] Able_Tome sighs "Thank you, Rain...again..."
  1440. 24 [22:07:54] <Ikea> "right... no go, but at least we didn't get killed by a trap"
  1441. 25 [22:07:59] <Ruby> "Please, dont do that again..."
  1442. 25 [22:08:00] <Duskie> "..what!?"
  1443. 24 [22:08:00] <Ikea> "oh. spoke too soon"
  1444. 25 [22:08:03] <Quicksilver> "What the..."
  1445. 25 [22:08:07] <Lucyne> The earth and rocks around you begin moving!
  1446. 25 [22:08:11] <Cap`n_HighTide> "....Fug."
  1447. 32 [22:08:17] Duskie gets back
  1448. 25 [22:08:21] <Lucyne> They slowly move together, forming a pile.
  1449. 25 [22:08:22] <Able_Tome> "As for you, Ruby", he glares, "Practice first if you don't know how to use the weapon."
  1450. 32 [22:08:22] Quicksilver leaps back over to the group
  1451. 32 [22:08:24] Rain_Drop looks at the ground shifting below her. "All right who did what?"
  1452. 25 [22:08:29] <Ruby> "oh no...what have you done?"
  1453. 25 [22:08:40] <Lucyne> The pile grows larger and larger until it coalescens into a strange, semi humanoid creature!
  1454. 24 [22:08:43] <Ikea> "that was me... sorry Rain"
  1455. 32 [22:08:44] Able_Tome stiffens as his ears perk up "You hear that?"
  1456. 25 [22:08:49] <Lucyne> You are fighting the guardian! Roll initiative!
  1457. 2 [22:08:53] <Rain_Drop> "Ikea back up!"
  1458. 25 [22:08:54] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  1459. 25 [22:08:55] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1460. 25 [22:08:56] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20
  1461. 25 [22:08:56] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  1462. 24 [22:09:03] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  1463. 25 [22:09:03] <Ruby> !roll d20
  1464. 25 [22:09:03] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  1465. 25 [22:09:03] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1466. 25 [22:09:05] <Duskie> !roll 1d20
  1467. 25 [22:09:05] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  1468. 25 [22:09:08] <Able_Tome> "Just our luck...""
  1469. 25 [22:09:10] <Quicksilver> [my terrible init rolls...]
  1470. 25 [22:09:10] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  1471. 25 [22:09:10] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  1472. 25 [22:09:12] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20 +-1 to "please don't" the creature
  1473. 25 [22:09:12] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  1474. 25 [22:09:15] <Ruby> (all these shit rolls)
  1475. 25 [22:09:23] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1476. 25 [22:09:23] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  1477. 25 [22:09:32] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20-6
  1478. 25 [22:09:32] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  1479. 25 [22:09:33] <Rain_Drop> (we gonna get wrkt)
  1480. 25 [22:09:40] <Duskie> [how many hp able?]
  1481. 25 [22:09:47] <Quicksilver> "Will blades work on this thing!?"
  1482. 25 [22:09:50] <Lucyne> Captain begins the round!
  1483. 25 [22:09:53] <Able_Tome> [5]
  1484. 25 [22:09:54] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Hey Lucyne, how tall is th guardian?)
  1485. 25 [22:09:57] <Rain_Drop> "Only one way to find out!"
  1486. 25 [22:10:03] <Lucyne> (Slightly taller than you)
  1487. 25 [22:10:08] <Cap`n_HighTide> (ok)
  1488. 25 [22:10:09] <Duskie> "stay behind us able)
  1489. 25 [22:10:12] <Duskie> "*
  1490. 32 [22:10:21] Quicksilver screams "go for the legs"
  1491. 25 [22:10:27] <Lucyne> It has no real legs
  1492. 32 [22:10:28] Cap`n_HighTide trots forward, and then breaks into a charge. "Stand back!"
  1493. 25 [22:10:30] <Ruby> "Got it!"
  1494. 32 [22:10:44] Able_Tome brings out his sword in anticipation "So you did you pon-...people disturbed this time?!"
  1495. 25 [22:10:51] <Quicksilver> [>semi humanoid]
  1496. 25 [22:10:52] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20+-1 to bodycheck it
  1497. 25 [22:10:52] <GameServ> (7) + -1 == 6
  1498. 25 [22:10:52] <Able_Tome> *who
  1499. 25 [22:10:58] <Cap`n_HighTide> (dice gods pls)
  1500. 25 [22:11:03] <Cap`n_HighTide> (pls dice gods)
  1501. 25 [22:11:06] <Lucyne> You crash into the creature! Your attack shows no effect though
  1502. 25 [22:11:14] <Lucyne> It is now Able's turn!
  1503. 25 [22:11:16] <Rain_Drop> "Looks like a golem from that Jewish story."
  1504. 24 [22:11:18] <Ikea> [SEMI-humanoid]
  1505. 25 [22:11:23] <Cap`n_HighTide> (well, at least I have it's attention)
  1506. 25 [22:11:36] <Lucyne> (I would describe more detail if I didn't have to type it all)
  1507. 25 [22:11:38] <Ruby> (semi-humanoid golem made of rock and dirt?)
  1508. 24 [22:11:39] <Ikea> "either that or a gnome..."
  1509. 32 [22:11:40] Quicksilver yells "look for a weak spot"
  1510. 25 [22:11:42] <Rain_Drop> "Reminds me of clayface"
  1511. 25 [22:11:50] <Duskie> [I can easily understand that]
  1512. 32 [22:12:05] Able_Tome huffs and runs towards the creature, trying not to fall flat on his face. He brings out the sword closer to the body and aims for guardian's legs.
  1513. 25 [22:12:07] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  1514. 25 [22:12:07] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  1515. 25 [22:12:12] <Lucyne> You hit!
  1516. 25 [22:12:14] <Able_Tome> !roll d8
  1517. 25 [22:12:14] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1518. 25 [22:12:18] <Lucyne> It has damage reduction 2!
  1519. 25 [22:12:22] <Able_Tome> [sword...pls]
  1520. 25 [22:12:22] <Rain_Drop> (ffs)
  1521. 25 [22:12:23] <Able_Tome> [pls]
  1522. 25 [22:12:35] <Lucyne> So you stab the creature, leaving only light damage!
  1523. 25 [22:12:47] <Rain_Drop> (We havent gotten a roll higher than 3 so far *whimper*)
  1524. 25 [22:12:49] <Lucyne> It is now Lucyne's turn
  1525. 25 [22:13:04] <Lucyne> I attack it with my sword, no sense in blowing my head off.
  1526. 25 [22:13:06] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1527. 25 [22:13:06] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1528. 25 [22:13:08] <Lucyne> Welp
  1529. 32 [22:13:10] Able_Tome looks at the construct in annoyance and jumps back ""
  1530. 25 [22:13:11] <Ruby> "Its has a though carapace, see if we can soften it with a spell!"
  1531. 25 [22:13:16] <Lucyne> Lucyne's attack deflefcts from the earthen beast
  1532. 25 [22:13:27] <Duskie> (stop talking about 3s! you're baiting them in!)
  1533. 32 [22:13:29] Able_Tome huffs "Doesn't seems like it"
  1534. 25 [22:13:30] <Lucyne> It is now Rain's turn
  1535. 25 [22:13:36] <Rain_Drop> "We dont have that much in regards to magical attacks Ruby!"
  1536. 25 [22:13:45] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20 STABN
  1537. 25 [22:13:45] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  1538. 25 [22:13:52] <Lucyne> You stabn it
  1539. 25 [22:13:57] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d6
  1540. 25 [22:13:58] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1541. 24 [22:13:59] <Ikea> [good job, Rain!]
  1542. 25 [22:14:04] <Rain_Drop> (FFS!)
  1543. 25 [22:14:08] <Duskie> (that's 2 dmg)
  1544. 25 [22:14:09] <Able_Tome> [daggers...pls]
  1545. 25 [22:14:09] <Lucyne> You cut off pieces of it's earthy being
  1546. 25 [22:14:11] <Rain_Drop> (T.T)
  1547. 25 [22:14:14] <Able_Tome> [1]
  1548. 25 [22:14:20] <Duskie> (1+1)
  1549. 24 [22:14:24] <Ikea> [at least you hurt it]
  1550. 25 [22:14:24] <Cap`n_HighTide> (ALL THESE THREES)
  1551. 25 [22:14:24] <Lucyne> It is now Duskie's turn
  1552. 25 [22:14:40] <Able_Tome> [what off that -2?]
  1553. 24 [22:14:43] <Ikea> [Dusk, take spear!]
  1554. 25 [22:14:47] <Duskie> !roll 1d20 for punching stone
  1555. 25 [22:14:47] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  1556. 20 [22:14:50] cordage [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  1557. 25 [22:14:52] <Lucyne> You punch it!
  1558. 25 [22:14:55] <Duskie> (oopsie)
  1559. 24 [22:15:01] <Ikea> [oh well, nvm]
  1560. 25 [22:15:08] <Duskie> !roll 1d4
  1561. 25 [22:15:09] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1562. 25 [22:15:09] <Lucyne> (no swapping weapons when not your turn)
  1563. 25 [22:15:21] <Lucyne> You punch the creature, breaking off a chunk!
  1564. 25 [22:15:22] <Rain_Drop> (HA take that evil 3s!)
  1565. 25 [22:15:24] <Duskie> (hooves better than swords)
  1566. 24 [22:15:38] <Ikea> [clearly, it's weak to blungeoning ]
  1567. 25 [22:15:41] <Lucyne> It is now Quick's turn
  1568. 25 [22:15:50] <Quicksilver> !roll d20 as Quick charges at the creature with her spear lowered "take this you lumbering earthen oaf!"
  1569. 25 [22:15:51] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  1570. 25 [22:16:01] <Ruby> (piercing attack might just do aswell)
  1571. 25 [22:16:02] <Able_Tome> [nope.avi]
  1572. 25 [22:16:05] <Lucyne> Your spear is deflected by a random stone in it's being!
  1573. 25 [22:16:07] <Duskie> (everyone, dump your weapons!)
  1574. 25 [22:16:16] <Duskie> (lel)
  1575. 25 [22:16:19] <Lucyne> It is now Ruby's turn
  1576. 25 [22:16:21] <Rain_Drop> (We just got these fixed!)
  1577. 2 [22:16:24] <Lucyne> (Did I miss Ikea?)
  1578. 25 [22:16:24] <Able_Tome> [or use magic to throw shit at it]
  1579. 25 [22:16:35] <Rain_Drop> (>Throw shit at it)
  1580. 24 [22:16:36] <Ikea> [I might be after ruby]
  1581. 32 [22:16:42] Quicksilver stumbles and swings herself back round to face the creature
  1582. 32 [22:16:43] Ruby grabs her not so trusty pick axe and try to "mine" the goldem
  1583. 25 [22:16:44] <Rain_Drop> (You want to make a shit monster?)
  1584. 25 [22:16:48] <Ruby> !roll d20
  1585. 25 [22:16:48] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  1586. 25 [22:16:49] <Lucyne> (You should be before her, so I forgot, sorry)
  1587. 25 [22:16:56] <Lucyne> You hit!
  1588. 25 [22:17:00] <Ruby> !roll d6
  1589. 25 [22:17:00] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1590. 25 [22:17:04] <Able_Tome> [it will die a horrible death, Rain]
  1591. 25 [22:17:06] <Duskie> (nice)
  1592. 25 [22:17:08] <Lucyne> You chip off a good piece of it!
  1593. 25 [22:17:10] <Quicksilver> [Ikea is definately a background pony]
  1594. 24 [22:17:11] <Ikea> [nice]
  1595. 2 [22:17:17] <Lucyne> It is now Ikea's turn
  1596. 25 [22:17:20] <Quicksilver> [even GM forgot him]
  1597. 25 [22:17:23] <Able_Tome> [>inb4 !roll d20 to defecate on the guardian]
  1598. 25 [22:17:26] <Duskie> [mined to death, minecraft style]
  1599. 24 [22:17:36] <Ikea> hands spear to Dusk stay back and focues on light
  1600. 32 [22:17:48] Duskie takes the spear
  1601. 25 [22:17:50] <Rain_Drop> (Light is good)
  1602. 25 [22:17:52] <Lucyne> Ok, it is now the guardians turn!
  1603. 25 [22:18:08] <Lucyne> It strikes at Duskie and Captain!
  1604. 25 [22:18:15] <Duskie> "ouch"
  1605. 25 [22:18:16] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  1606. 25 [22:18:16] <GameServ> 1, 15 == 16
  1607. 25 [22:18:20] <Lucyne> Wow
  1608. 25 [22:18:20] <Ruby> (double attack!)
  1609. 25 [22:18:21] <Rain_Drop> "Crap it can cleave!"
  1610. 25 [22:18:40] <Cap`n_HighTide> (You just had to say in that order, didn't you)
  1611. 25 [22:18:43] <Quicksilver> [nat 1]
  1612. 25 [22:18:45] <Ruby> (is fixed to the ground?)
  1613. 25 [22:18:55] <Rain_Drop> (Your a tough stallion Capn you can take it)
  1614. 25 [22:18:56] <Lucyne> Striking towards druskie, it slams into the ground as Duskie evades the attack for 1 damage, but it still manages to strike capatin with it's other "hand"
  1615. 25 [22:19:06] <Lucyne> !roll 1d8
  1616. 25 [22:19:06] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  1617. 25 [22:19:09] <Lucyne> For 5 damage!
  1618. 25 [22:19:12] <Ruby> (ouch)
  1619. 25 [22:19:27] <Able_Tome> "A messy cleave at that, Rain. Hold on captain!"
  1620. 25 [22:19:27] <Quicksilver> "Tide!"
  1621. 25 [22:19:29] <Duskie> "lucky! "
  1622. 25 [22:19:40] <Lucyne> New round, roll init
  1623. 25 [22:19:43] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  1624. 25 [22:19:43] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  1625. 32 [22:19:44] Cap`n_HighTide 's head shakes like a bell struck by a hammer, as imaginary birds fly around his head."
  1626. 25 [22:19:45] <Ruby> !roll d20
  1627. 25 [22:19:45] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1628. 25 [22:19:46] <Duskie> !roll 1d20
  1629. 25 [22:19:46] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  1630. 25 [22:19:46] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  1631. 25 [22:19:46] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  1632. 25 [22:19:49] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20+-1
  1633. 25 [22:19:49] <GameServ> (19) + -1 == 18
  1634. 25 [22:19:55] <Quicksilver> [wow my init today...]
  1635. 25 [22:19:57] <Rain_Drop> "Get up you old Sea Dog your not dead yet!"
  1636. 25 [22:20:00] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20
  1637. 25 [22:20:00] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  1638. 25 [22:20:02] <Ruby> (you dont say)
  1639. 25 [22:20:14] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1640. 25 [22:20:14] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  1641. 25 [22:20:24] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20+-6
  1642. 25 [22:20:25] <GameServ> (3) + -6 == -3
  1643. 25 [22:20:25] <Duskie> (dices are stuck on 11 now)
  1644. 24 [22:20:28] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  1645. 25 [22:20:28] <Lucyne> lel
  1646. 25 [22:20:28] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1647. 24 [22:20:41] <Ikea> [aaaaand back to threes]
  1648. 25 [22:20:46] <Ruby> (lucy, is it fixed to the ground?)
  1649. 25 [22:20:47] <Lucyne> Captain begins the round!
  1650. 25 [22:20:54] <Ruby> (the golem)
  1651. 25 [22:20:56] <Lucyne> (It IS the ground)
  1652. 25 [22:21:01] <Ruby> (welp)
  1653. 25 [22:21:01] <Lucyne> (So no)
  1654. 25 [22:21:09] <Lucyne> (Or yes)
  1655. 25 [22:21:10] <Lucyne> (Depends)
  1656. 25 [22:21:18] <Duskie> (so we're walking on him)
  1657. 25 [22:21:20] <Rain_Drop> (Think like a magma monster from seriouse sam)
  1658. 25 [22:21:27] <Ruby> (got it)
  1659. 32 [22:21:32] Cap`n_HighTide wobbles, but stands his ground. He lowers his head and points his horn point-blank at one of the cracks in the creature.
  1660. 25 [22:21:46] <Rain_Drop> "Capn?"
  1661. 25 [22:21:56] <Lucyne> >inb4 nat1
  1662. 25 [22:22:04] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20 to discharge magic, hoping even with a flubbed roll it might share some of the punishment
  1663. 25 [22:22:04] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  1664. 25 [22:22:06] <Rain_Drop> (Broken horns everywhere...)
  1665. 25 [22:22:21] <Cap`n_HighTide> (woops, the -1 makes that a 16)
  1666. 25 [22:22:21] <Lucyne> Your attack works
  1667. 25 [22:22:28] <Lucyne> Roll damage
  1668. 25 [22:22:32] <Cap`n_HighTide> (d4?)
  1669. 25 [22:22:36] <Lucyne> (no resistance)
  1670. 25 [22:22:37] <Lucyne> (yes)
  1671. 25 [22:22:39] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d4
  1672. 25 [22:22:39] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1673. 25 [22:23:04] <Lucyne> Your horn flares up with magic, causing a large stone inside the creatures body to flare up and shatter!
  1674. 25 [22:23:19] <Lucyne> It is now Duskie's turn
  1675. 25 [22:23:30] <Rain_Drop> "And you said that you werent any good at magic. Ha!"
  1676. 25 [22:23:40] <Duskie> !roll d20 attacking with the spear
  1677. 25 [22:23:41] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  1678. 25 [22:23:45] <Lucyne> You hit!
  1679. 25 [22:23:47] <Ruby> "its starting to crumble, keep it up!"
  1680. 25 [22:23:52] <Duskie> !roll d6
  1681. 25 [22:23:53] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1682. 25 [22:23:59] <Rain_Drop> (THREE!)
  1683. 25 [22:24:01] <Lucyne> Spear is d8
  1684. 25 [22:24:02] <Ruby> (d8 since weapon?)
  1685. 25 [22:24:04] <Lucyne> Reroll or not?
  1686. 25 [22:24:07] <Lucyne> Up to you
  1687. 25 [22:24:17] <Duskie> (guys, I'm born the 3/3)
  1688. 25 [22:24:30] <Duskie> let's reroll
  1689. 25 [22:24:37] <Duskie> !roll d8
  1690. 25 [22:24:38] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1691. 25 [22:24:41] <Able_Tome> [ahahahaha]
  1692. 25 [22:24:42] <Duskie> (huehuehue)
  1693. 25 [22:24:42] <Ruby> (WELP_
  1694. 25 [22:24:42] <Lucyne> hot damn
  1695. 24 [22:24:43] <Ikea> [lel]
  1696. 25 [22:24:44] <Rain_Drop> (THREEEE!@)
  1697. 25 [22:24:52] <Able_Tome> [fucking rediculous]
  1698. 24 [22:25:09] <Ikea> [At least you're consistent?]
  1699. 25 [22:25:09] <Duskie> (I wasn't even lying about my birthdate QQ)
  1700. 25 [22:25:14] <Lucyne> You stab the creature, diligently chipping away at it's health
  1701. 25 [22:25:18] <Duskie> [true]
  1702. 25 [22:25:27] <Lucyne> It is now Able's turn
  1703. 25 [22:25:31] <Rain_Drop> (God this is almost as bad as the skreee form those raptors in jurassic park!)
  1704. 32 [22:25:52] Able_Tome hastly searches for a weak spot in the chipped, cracked body that he faces. Finding a crack closest to him, he lunges towards it preparing to thrust the sword in his hooves right into it
  1705. 25 [22:25:56] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  1706. 25 [22:25:56] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  1707. 25 [22:26:02] <Lucyne> You hit!
  1708. 25 [22:26:03] <Duskie> [you want your spear back Ikea]
  1709. 25 [22:26:04] <Able_Tome> !roll d8
  1710. 25 [22:26:04] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1711. 25 [22:26:11] <Lucyne> (At least you all hit well)
  1712. 25 [22:26:24] <Lucyne> You stab at the creature, cutting off more matter
  1713. 25 [22:26:29] <Lucyne> It is now Rain's turn
  1714. 24 [22:26:33] <Ikea> [keep it for now, more use to you]
  1715. 25 [22:26:41] <Duskie> [ok then]
  1716. 25 [22:26:58] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20 to take off the ground!
  1717. 25 [22:26:58] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  1718. 25 [22:27:08] <Lucyne> You are in the air!
  1719. 25 [22:27:20] <Cap`n_HighTide> (You pick up the ground and move it somewhere else- oh you mean FLY)
  1720. 25 [22:27:30] <Lucyne> (lel)
  1721. 25 [22:27:50] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20 In the name of good ol MURRICA CANNON BALL
  1722. 25 [22:27:50] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  1723. 25 [22:27:57] <Ruby> (MURIKA!)
  1724. 25 [22:27:58] <Lucyne> Fucking Rain Drop
  1725. 25 [22:28:01] <Cap`n_HighTide> (FOR 'MURRICA)
  1726. 25 [22:28:03] <Lucyne> Fucking MURRIKA
  1727. 24 [22:28:08] <Ikea> [fucking MURRIKA]
  1728. 20 [22:28:12] IronSmarts [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  1729. 32 [22:28:12] Able_Tome looks at the creature annoyed by its resilience "Hmm...perhaps a str...oh wow!"
  1730. 25 [22:28:29] <Lucyne> (damage?)
  1731. 25 [22:28:31] <Rain_Drop> (Based Murrica is best)
  1732. 32 [22:28:32] Able_Tome glances at Rain, surprised
  1733. 25 [22:28:40] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d6
  1734. 25 [22:28:40] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1735. 32 [22:29:00] Cap`n_HighTide salutes outside of the turn order.
  1736. 25 [22:29:01] <Duskie> (20 nat for 1dmg?]
  1737. 25 [22:29:10] <Able_Tome> [seems like it]
  1738. 24 [22:29:14] <Ikea> [2]
  1739. 24 [22:29:20] <Ikea> [2*2-2]
  1740. 25 [22:29:20] <Rain_Drop> (T.T why.....)
  1741. 25 [22:29:39] <Duskie> [at least it was impressive]
  1742. 25 [22:29:44] <Ruby> (hue)
  1743. 24 [22:29:44] <Ikea> [At least you looked cool doing it]
  1744. 25 [22:29:47] <Lucyne> Diving at the creature, you slam into it with immense force. It's composition crumbles as it's body collapses, you flying through the loose earth and sand as you land across from the now inert mound of earth.
  1745. 2 [22:29:52] <Able_Tome> [oh yeah, Ikea...those damn threes]
  1746. 25 [22:29:56] <Lucyne> You have defeated the guardian!
  1747. 25 [22:30:06] <Duskie> "finally!"
  1748. 24 [22:30:13] <Ikea> "woooo! Good show, Rain!"
  1749. 32 [22:30:16] Able_Tome whew's
  1750. 25 [22:30:17] <Lucyne> (Now you really dive bombed through an enemy lel)
  1751. 32 [22:30:22] Ruby falls on her back in relief
  1752. 25 [22:30:26] <Lucyne> "Whoah Rain, incredible!"
  1753. 25 [22:30:28] <Rain_Drop> "Huh must have been weakened from everyone else... Thanks guys!"
  1754. 25 [22:30:35] <Ruby> "whoa"
  1755. 32 [22:30:41] Rain_Drop shakes off dirt and dust from her coat and mane
  1756. 25 [22:30:51] <Able_Tome> "Good job, Rain. A clse call though."
  1757. 32 [22:30:53] Cap`n_HighTide stumbles back from where his feet were planted and sits his ass down, horn sparking violently. "Ye-... g-good work." He mumbles, in a daze.
  1758. 32 [22:30:55] Lucyne props Rain up
  1759. 24 [22:30:58] <Ikea> "let's just hope we don't have to do that for every time we fail the puzzle..."
  1760. 32 [22:30:59] Able_Tome holsters the blade
  1761. 32 [22:31:03] Quicksilver examines the earth "well that was interesting"
  1762. 2 [22:31:07] Duskie gives back his spear to Ikea
  1763. 25 [22:31:19] <Lucyne> "Ah yes, how about we DON'T randomly pull levers?"
  1764. 24 [22:31:20] <Ikea> "Thanks, Dusk"
  1765. 25 [22:31:28] <Ruby> "Good idea Lucy"
  1766. 34 [22:31:29] IronSmarts [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 192 seconds
  1767. 25 [22:31:29] <Duskie> "Thanks to you"
  1768. 32 [22:31:32] Quicksilver pulls the second lever again
  1769. 32 [22:31:42] Ikea collapses
  1770. 25 [22:31:42] <Ruby> "..."
  1771. 25 [22:31:45] <Lucyne> "Why do I even bother?"
  1772. 25 [22:31:51] <Rain_Drop> "Thanks Lucy, QUICK!"
  1773. 24 [22:31:59] <Ikea> *groan*
  1774. 25 [22:32:00] <Duskie> [imba guardian resurected]
  1775. 32 [22:32:02] Able_Tome facehoofs
  1776. 25 [22:32:10] <Lucyne> The lever remains anchored as before, the other levers have reset
  1777. 25 [22:32:18] <Able_Tome> "Seriously, Quick..."
  1778. 25 [22:32:25] <Quicksilver> "look we arent getting out of here unless we open this door, now help me find the combination"
  1779. 25 [22:32:42] <Duskie> so, we gotta try again.."
  1780. 32 [22:32:42] Ruby stands up "Alright, before we do anything else, who is hurt?"
  1781. 32 [22:32:46] Quicksilver pulls the first lever
  1782. 25 [22:32:50] <Lucyne> "Quick!"
  1783. 32 [22:32:52] Able_Tome limps towards Quicksilver and puts a hoof on her back "No need to-..."
  1784. 25 [22:32:57] <Lucyne> "We need to THINK this through."
  1785. 25 [22:33:04] <Rain_Drop> "Will you let us try to figure out what it is first!"
  1786. 32 [22:33:06] Able_Tome shouts "KEEP IT TOGETHER QUICK."
  1787. 25 [22:33:08] <Lucyne> The first lever remains anchored, as expected
  1788. 24 [22:33:22] <Ikea> "I'm a bit hurt, I'll be fine, though. No need to worry"
  1789. 25 [22:33:23] <Able_Tome> "Calm down, you crazy mare!"
  1790. 32 [22:33:26] Quicksilver backs away from the door and begins shaking
  1791. 25 [22:33:27] <Duskie> "let's try to use our brains"
  1792. 32 [22:33:32] Cap`n_HighTide gets up slowly, and watches the door. "Ohhhh boy..." He says sleepily as the levers are pulled.
  1793. 32 [22:33:35] Ruby bitchslap Quick from the levers
  1794. 25 [22:33:45] <Quicksilver> "please get me out of here"
  1795. 25 [22:33:50] <Rain_Drop> (Damn it, family wants to hang out to buy much longer we got?)
  1796. 25 [22:33:58] <Lucyne> "Well, there is only one lever left..."
  1797. 32 [22:33:59] Able_Tome looks around the room, inspecting it for writings or other possible signs
  1798. 25 [22:34:06] <Lucyne> (About 90 mins or so, maybe shorter)
  1799. 32 [22:34:08] Duskie search around for some clue
  1800. 25 [22:34:14] <Rain_Drop> "Gues we have to pull it then..."
  1801. 25 [22:34:29] <Duskie> es
  1802. 25 [22:34:31] <Duskie> *
  1803. 32 [22:34:41] Ruby goes pissmad "STOP THIS FUCKING CHAOS!"
  1804. 25 [22:34:51] <Rain_Drop> "Ruby! Chill."
  1805. 32 [22:35:00] Rain_Drop places a hoof on Ruby's shoulder
  1806. 32 [22:35:07] Able_Tome nods "Ruby does have a point."
  1807. 25 [22:35:22] <Ruby> "Everybody been doing random stuff on their own and now we're at the bottom of some hole fighting golems."
  1808. 25 [22:35:25] <Rain_Drop> "No need to bite peoples heads off though Able..."
  1809. 25 [22:35:26] <Able_Tome> "No need to be twitchy...relax and looks around..."
  1810. 25 [22:35:27] <Lucyne> I remind there is only one lever to pull now, anyways
  1811. 32 [22:35:36] Quicksilver sits on the ground, still shaking
  1812. 32 [22:35:47] Cap`n_HighTide stands there for a moment, good-eye lazily looking the door up and down. "...Have we tried just the biggest and smallest levers yet?" He manages to mumble.
  1813. 32 [22:35:48] Rain_Drop turns to Quick helping her up
  1814. 24 [22:35:48] <Ikea> "Just pull it, get it over with"
  1815. 32 [22:35:59] Able_Tome looks at Rain "Ruby has right to do so..."
  1816. 25 [22:36:08] <Duskie> "what if it's a combination?"
  1817. 25 [22:36:15] <Rain_Drop> "Hey calm down ok quick?"
  1818. 24 [22:36:37] <Ikea> "It is a combination. Three levers, reacts after three pulls"
  1819. 32 [22:36:39] Able_Tome turns around and faces High "Hmm..."
  1820. 32 [22:36:57] Able_Tome comes closer and inspects the levers
  1821. 25 [22:37:02] <Duskie> "three diamond dogs from different sizes... hmm"
  1822. 32 [22:37:05] Ruby breathe heavily "I'm bound to bring you all back safe and sound but if you're doing stupidity on your own I wont help you."
  1823. 24 [22:37:10] <Ikea> "We've gone big - middle - small. This will be middle - small - large"
  1824. 32 [22:37:15] Quicksilver stares at the floor "I dont want to be stuck in here Rain..."
  1825. 25 [22:37:44] <Lucyne> Pull the goddamn lever already players
  1826. 20 [22:37:47] Chinook [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  1827. 25 [22:37:49] <Able_Tome> "No one wants to Quick...that doesn't means that you need to endanger everyone by uncontrollable behaviour."
  1828. 32 [22:37:51] Rain_Drop gives quick a hug. "Hey we ont be stuck down here promise alright?:
  1829. 25 [22:37:53] <Lucyne> Your fate is sealed anyways
  1830. 25 [22:37:57] <Duskie> "It must mean something, we have to think this true. did we miss some clues?"
  1831. 32 [22:38:05] Rain_Drop goes uo and pulls the last lever.
  1832. 32 [22:38:10] Able_Tome sighs "Do it"
  1833. 25 [22:38:10] <Duskie> (through mg]
  1834. 25 [22:38:13] <Ruby> "To hell with it, pull"
  1835. 25 [22:38:14] <Duskie> omg**
  1836. 25 [22:38:22] <Lucyne> You pull the last lever and the earth begins to shake!
  1837. 25 [22:38:32] <Duskie> "sh...!"
  1838. 32 [22:38:33] Able_Tome jumps back in surprise
  1839. 24 [22:38:34] <Ikea> "Welcome back, Mr Gnome"
  1840. 25 [22:38:37] <Lucyne> With a long, crunching sound of stone on stone, the door opens!
  1841. 25 [22:38:43] <Lucyne> (>tfw that combination was actually right)
  1842. 25 [22:38:44] <Ruby> "..."
  1843. 32 [22:38:45] Rain_Drop smiles at the group
  1844. 24 [22:38:47] <Ikea> "... or that..."
  1845. 25 [22:38:51] <Rain_Drop> "No worries right?"
  1846. 32 [22:38:55] Able_Tome blinks several times
  1847. 32 [22:38:57] Cap`n_HighTide rubs his chin, nodding. "Proud of you, kids." He says weakly, before trotting on ahead.
  1848. 32 [22:38:58] Duskie nearly falls from surprise
  1849. 32 [22:39:14] Rain_Drop enters the past the door
  1850. 32 [22:39:15] Ruby giggles nervously "Well, NOW we have a way out."
  1851. 32 [22:39:19] Able_Tome regains his composure and follows Tide
  1852. 32 [22:39:23] Ikea shakily get up from the ground and smiles "No worries, Rain..."
  1853. 32 [22:39:27] Ruby proceed to the door
  1854. 25 [22:39:31] <Able_Tome> "Just look where you are going, Captain."
  1855. 32 [22:39:37] Quicksilver gets up and quickly trots after the group
  1856. 25 [22:39:39] <Lucyne> Entering the room, you find it to be a small vault, holding many valuables!
  1857. 25 [22:39:43] <Able_Tome> "There might be some traps out here."
  1858. 25 [22:39:44] <Duskie> "let's see what's on the other side,"
  1859. 25 [22:39:52] <Able_Tome> "Don't. Touch."
  1860. 25 [22:39:54] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20 for extra goodies
  1861. 25 [22:39:55] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  1862. 32 [22:39:56] Ikea follows through the door
  1863. 25 [22:40:03] <Lucyne> At least you're lucky with loot rolls
  1864. 25 [22:40:05] <Duskie> !roll d20
  1865. 25 [22:40:05] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  1866. 25 [22:40:11] <Duskie> (:<)
  1867. 25 [22:40:13] <Ruby> !roll d20
  1868. 25 [22:40:14] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  1869. 32 [22:40:16] Able_Tome looks around the room
  1870. 25 [22:40:21] <Rain_Drop> (Yeah no kidding...)
  1871. 32 [22:40:23] Cap`n_HighTide smiles as he looks around the room, slowing to a halt.
  1872. 25 [22:40:27] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  1873. 25 [22:40:28] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  1874. 25 [22:40:30] <Duskie> (3s incoming)
  1875. 25 [22:40:52] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Wait are we rolling individually or did we just misunderstand Luc)
  1876. 24 [22:40:58] <Ikea> [should we all roll for loot?]
  1877. 25 [22:40:59] <Rain_Drop> (2nd one)
  1878. 25 [22:41:03] <Ruby> "I dont trust that, hands to yourselves peeps and look for traps..."
  1879. 25 [22:41:14] <Able_Tome> "What Ruby says..."
  1880. 25 [22:41:16] <Lucyne> Scavenging the vault, you find 5 iron ingots, a silver ingot, 2 swords and a bow of questionable quality
  1881. 25 [22:41:19] <Lucyne> Only I roll for loot
  1882. 25 [22:41:24] <Duskie> "I agree"
  1883. 32 [22:41:28] Quicksilver grabs the silver quickly "mine!"
  1884. 32 [22:41:33] Able_Tome inspects surroundings for any forms of writing
  1885. 25 [22:41:37] <Rain_Drop> "Sweet we can take these ingots to Strong to work with!"
  1886. 25 [22:41:48] <Lucyne> The walls are unadorned
  1887. 25 [22:41:52] <Duskie> "I could use one sword"
  1888. 32 [22:42:00] Ruby look for possible traps
  1889. 32 [22:42:02] Cap`n_HighTide frowns, looking around the room.
  1890. 32 [22:42:10] Able_Tome huffs
  1891. 2 [22:42:15] <Rain_Drop> "Ikea you wanna carry the ingots" Or do you want to handle that Ruby? You are a miner after all."
  1892. 25 [22:42:16] <Able_Tome> "Well now..."
  1893. 25 [22:42:19] <Ruby> (roll?)
  1894. 24 [22:42:20] <Ikea> "And rubyt gets a bow to replace her crossbow"
  1895. 32 [22:42:20] Quicksilver quickly flips the silver ingot into her saddlebag
  1896. 25 [22:42:21] <Lucyne> The room is very small and there is nothing else here
  1897. 24 [22:42:36] <Ikea> "I can carry them, no problem"
  1898. 32 [22:42:38] Able_Tome looks back at Quick "We might need that thing for certain experiments."
  1899. 32 [22:42:45] Cap`n_HighTide turns back and heads out to the room where we came, inspecting the walls closely.
  1900. 25 [22:42:50] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Let me know if you want a roll)
  1901. 2 [22:42:56] <Ruby> "I cant bows Ikea... I'll pass."
  1902. 25 [22:42:59] <Able_Tome> "Try not to spend it on...things..."
  1903. 25 [22:43:05] <Lucyne> Captain, you find a minecart track leading into a cavern
  1904. 25 [22:43:12] <Rain_Drop> (Alright going NPC mode now behavior list: Protect Lucy, Explore Caves, Make sure no one dies, and Be Awesome.)
  1905. 25 [22:43:24] <Lucyne> (Aw, ok, see ya Rain)
  1906. 25 [22:43:26] <Able_Tome> [see ya]
  1907. 25 [22:43:32] <Rain_Drop> (Sorry guys...)
  1908. 25 [22:43:33] <Ruby> (alright, cya rain and take care)
  1909. 24 [22:43:35] <Ikea> "Huh? Bow as bow, we'll just mount a stock and trigger on it and call it a crossbow"
  1910. 25 [22:43:35] <Quicksilver> [bye man]
  1911. 25 [22:43:39] <Duskie> [Ingots, bows, Minecart tracks? this IS minecraft!]
  1912. 32 [22:43:40] Cap`n_HighTide exhales, looking relieved, before returning to the loot room. "Everyone got what they want?"
  1913. 24 [22:43:44] <Ikea> [cya rain]
  1914. 25 [22:43:48] <Lucyne> (Sure is)
  1915. 25 [22:43:57] <Duskie> (cya)
  1916. 32 [22:44:03] Quicksilver giggles "oh most definately... wait where is the exit!?"
  1917. 25 [22:44:19] <Duskie> there's another sword left
  1918. 25 [22:44:21] <Duskie> ""*
  1919. 25 [22:44:33] <Cap`n_HighTide> (bye raaain)
  1920. 32 [22:44:35] Able_Tome frowns at Quick's giggle, but shakes the annoyance off
  1921. 25 [22:44:39] <Chinook> (cya)
  1922. 32 [22:44:48] Cap`n_HighTide shrugs. "I guess I'll hold on to it for now, then."
  1923. 25 [22:44:50] <Able_Tome> "Right...lead the way, Tide"
  1924. 25 [22:44:57] <Quicksilver> "How do we get out of here?"
  1925. 32 [22:45:13] Cap`n_HighTide takes the last sword and turns, leading the group back to the minecart he discovered moments ago.
  1926. 25 [22:45:14] <Lucyne> Navigating out of here may pose difficulties
  1927. 32 [22:45:15] Able_Tome limps towards High Tide
  1928. 25 [22:45:20] <Duskie> "let's follow the track, IT'll lead somewhere"
  1929. 25 [22:45:27] <Ruby> "Lets get out of here, before any other monster shows up."
  1930. 25 [22:45:41] <Lucyne> You follow the minetracks then?
  1931. 25 [22:45:54] <Duskie> [I'd do that]
  1932. 25 [22:45:58] <Ruby> (there is no other way, so... yeah.)
  1933. 32 [22:46:11] Quicksilver trots after the group, bringing up the rear
  1934. 24 [22:46:11] <Ikea> [I guess. I mark the path ay every split, though]
  1935. 25 [22:46:15] <Lucyne> You follow the tracks, the cave branching into numerous other passageways
  1936. 25 [22:46:19] <Cap`n_HighTide> (yeah)
  1937. 25 [22:46:29] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Aww.... fuck."
  1938. 25 [22:46:40] <Ruby> (popquiz; hp everyone)
  1939. 25 [22:46:43] <Lucyne> You follow along until you come upon an abandoned minecart
  1940. 32 [22:46:43] Quicksilver flicks her ears and listens down a passage
  1941. 25 [22:46:44] <Ruby> (mines 5)
  1942. 25 [22:46:48] <Duskie> (7)
  1943. 25 [22:46:49] <Able_Tome> [5]
  1944. 25 [22:46:55] <Duskie> (6*)
  1945. 24 [22:46:58] <Ikea> [2]
  1946. 25 [22:47:10] <Lucyne> Next to it stand 2 petrified diamond dogs, still caught in surprise
  1947. 25 [22:47:10] <Cap`n_HighTide> (None of your business, honey)
  1948. 25 [22:47:12] <Quicksilver> [time to go indiana jones and ride the minecart]
  1949. 24 [22:47:28] <Ikea> "I recognize this thing"
  1950. 32 [22:47:28] Quicksilver inspects the cartt
  1951. 24 [22:47:39] <Ikea> "Me and Swift passed it last time"
  1952. 25 [22:47:40] <Duskie> "more chickens?"
  1953. 25 [22:47:43] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1954. 25 [22:47:43] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  1955. 25 [22:47:44] <Ruby> "More cockatrixes, great..."
  1956. 32 [22:47:55] Cap`n_HighTide raises a brow and looks further down the tunnel.
  1957. 25 [22:48:10] <Able_Tome> "Hmm..."
  1958. 25 [22:48:17] <Lucyne> Inspecting the minecart, you see it is filled only with rubble. Next to it though lay a few shovels along with a guitar, a floot and some long spoiled food
  1959. 32 [22:48:26] Able_Tome cracks his neck for a bit
  1960. 25 [22:48:30] <Ruby> "dib on guitar"
  1961. 32 [22:48:35] Quicksilver jumps into the cart and grabs the giutar
  1962. 24 [22:48:36] <Ikea> "... might be a different cart"
  1963. 20 [22:48:48] Lost_Dream [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  1964. 2 [22:48:53] <Lucyne> Ikea, roll d20
  1965. 24 [22:48:54] <Ikea> [floot? flute?]
  1966. 25 [22:48:59] <Lucyne> (yes)
  1967. 32 [22:48:59] Able_Tome smiles and walks towards the cart "Instruments, eh?"
  1968. 24 [22:49:03] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  1969. 25 [22:49:03] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  1970. 25 [22:49:12] <Lucyne> This isn't the minecart you are looking for
  1971. 32 [22:49:16] Able_Tome reaches the cart and inspects it
  1972. 32 [22:49:29] Able_Tome sighs " brass..."
  1973. 32 [22:49:30] Ruby inspect the surrounding for any ambushes
  1974. 25 [22:49:35] <Lucyne> There is nothing else unusual about the cart
  1975. 32 [22:49:36] Quicksilver tries to use telekinesis to pluck the strings of the guitar
  1976. 34 [22:49:39] Lost_Dream [] has quit IRC: Client Quit
  1977. 25 [22:49:43] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Hm... Maybe we can roll it along anyways, we could always use the shovels."
  1978. 32 [22:50:06] Cap`n_HighTide continues further down the tracks. "Try pushing it with us!"
  1979. 24 [22:50:17] <Ikea> "Let's dump the rubble, then"
  1980. 25 [22:50:19] <Ruby> (cart full of loot in the middle of nowhere)
  1981. 25 [22:50:20] <Lucyne> The cart is exceedingly heavy
  1982. 25 [22:50:24] <Ruby> (>not b8)
  1983. 25 [22:50:26] <Lucyne> (>rocks)
  1984. 25 [22:50:28] <Lucyne> (>loot)
  1985. 32 [22:50:32] Quicksilver sits down in the cart "i agree with tide"
  1986. 25 [22:50:36] <Ruby> (shovels and guitar)
  1987. 25 [22:50:46] <Lucyne> (It's what the diamond dogs had when they died)
  1988. 24 [22:50:52] <Ikea> [Does the cart swivel for easy unloading?]
  1989. 25 [22:50:58] <Able_Tome> [>guitar and a flute]
  1990. 25 [22:51:04] <Lucyne> (It is too rusted)
  1991. 25 [22:51:24] <Ruby> "We should leave it behind, it will make too much noise anyway."
  1992. 25 [22:51:27] <Duskie> "Let's keep on, some of us are wounded"
  1993. 32 [22:51:27] Able_Tome looks at the instruments "Signs of culture.."
  1994. 25 [22:51:33] <Lucyne> (My headcanon is that the diamond dogs actually you know, where intelligent and had music and shit)
  1995. 25 [22:51:35] <Ruby> "Grab what you can and lets go"
  1996. 25 [22:51:42] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Can it still go along the tracks if enough ponies push it?)
  1997. 32 [22:51:44] Quicksilver slings the guitar across her back
  1998. 25 [22:51:52] <Lucyne> (it could)
  1999. 24 [22:52:02] <Ikea> "I'll just grab the shovels, then. since I'm playing packmule"
  2000. 25 [22:52:11] <Cap`n_HighTide> (ok good, we continue with it, then)
  2001. 25 [22:52:20] <Ruby> "I could have one. If you dont mind."
  2002. 25 [22:52:22] <Able_Tome> "How about we try to push it with a bit of...spark?"
  2003. 25 [22:52:31] <Lucyne> (Convince the others to push it, first)
  2004. 25 [22:52:38] <Ruby> (btw, do we have torches?)
  2005. 32 [22:52:42] Able_Tome tries to push the cart using telekinesis
  2006. 25 [22:52:42] <Lucyne> (no)
  2007. 25 [22:52:48] <Lucyne> Go ahead able
  2008. 25 [22:52:50] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  2009. 25 [22:52:50] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  2010. 25 [22:52:59] <Lucyne> Your magic fizzles out, impotently
  2011. 25 [22:52:59] <Duskie> (headache incoming)
  2012. 32 [22:53:27] Able_Tome rubs his horn "Anyone else?"
  2013. 25 [22:53:42] <Lucyne> "I don't think I could push such a heavy thing."
  2014. 32 [22:53:43] Able_Tome looks at the group's unicorns "We still have some time."
  2015. 25 [22:53:45] <Ruby> "I aint risking our situation for a cart full of rocks..."
  2016. 32 [22:54:13] Duskie tries to see if there's anything under the rocks
  2017. 25 [22:54:14] <Ruby> "And we're likely to find more on the way aswell."
  2018. 20 [22:54:15] Arrant_HoldLURK [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  2019. 25 [22:54:23] <Quicksilver> !roll d20 as Quick tries to move he cart with telekinesis, while she is still sat in it
  2020. 25 [22:54:23] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  2021. 32 [22:54:27] Able_Tome smirks "No spirit to test it out, I see."
  2022. 25 [22:54:36] <Quicksilver> [dammit that could have been fun]
  2023. 25 [22:54:49] <Ruby> (fun)
  2024. 32 [22:54:54] Able_Tome stops and gazes at Quicksilver " least one more person agrees."
  2025. 25 [22:54:56] <Ruby> (DF wise yes)
  2026. 32 [22:55:05] Cap`n_HighTide glances back, and sighs. "...We have any rope?"
  2027. 25 [22:55:10] <Lucyne> "I can't do it, there's really no point in trying."
  2028. 25 [22:55:15] <Ruby> "I got some, Cap."
  2029. 32 [22:55:21] Able_Tome glances at High Tide "How about you, captain?"
  2030. 25 [22:55:36] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Bring it here. I'll pull the thing, if we can't just carry the shovels."
  2031. 32 [22:56:05] Able_Tome motions towards his horn and the cart "You can always try to bring that spark out, captain."
  2032. 32 [22:56:20] Ruby gives a puzzled look "You sure you want to burden yourself with that? We dont exactly need it.."
  2033. 32 [22:56:24] Able_Tome smirk "That is...if you're adventurous enough.
  2034. 32 [22:56:33] Quicksilver grins "yeah go on Cap'n"
  2035. 32 [22:56:36] Ikea stands there quietly, head held low, waiting for the others to decide
  2036. 25 [22:56:38] <Lucyne> >tfw everyone is dicking around about a pile of rocks
  2037. 25 [22:56:44] <Duskie> "I agree too"
  2038. 25 [22:56:52] <Ruby> (tfw no one realises how pointless it is)
  2039. 32 [22:56:53] Cap`n_HighTide frowns, his own horn still sparking from last time. He rolls his eyes, and walks over to the cart.
  2040. 25 [22:57:05] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20+-1 for peer pressure
  2041. 25 [22:57:05] <GameServ> (7) + -1 == 6
  2042. 25 [22:57:10] <Lucyne> Welp
  2043. 25 [22:57:17] <Able_Tome> [ts good]
  2044. 25 [22:57:27] <Able_Tome> [another fizzle...I think]
  2045. 25 [22:57:34] <Lucyne> (Correct)
  2046. 32 [22:57:49] Ruby hoofpalm
  2047. 32 [22:57:51] Quicksilver looks disappointed as she jumps off the cart and continues walking, taking the guitar with her
  2048. 25 [22:58:00] <Lucyne> "So do I also have to fry my head before we can go?"
  2049. 25 [22:58:01] <Cap`n_HighTide> (I really dont need all these flubbed magic rolls, guys.)
  2050. 25 [22:58:03] <Able_Tome> [>tfw GM doesn't wants to try out dices]
  2051. 25 [22:58:04] <Duskie> "Don't forget they may be cockatrixes around"
  2052. 32 [22:58:19] Duskie is slightly nervous
  2053. 32 [22:58:20] Able_Tome nods "The club dictates it, Lucy"
  2054. 32 [22:58:31] Cap`n_HighTide blinks a few times, before shaking his head, and turning to leave the cart where it is. His horn is smoking.
  2055. 32 [22:58:36] Quicksilver jumps back in the cart in anticipation
  2056. 32 [22:58:36] Lucyne pushes Able aside "Ok, dick head."
  2057. 25 [22:58:38] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  2058. 25 [22:58:39] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  2059. 25 [22:58:43] <Ruby> "You guys seriously hope that a rusted wagon wont attrack every single moster withing a mile radius to our location?"
  2060. 25 [22:58:46] <Lucyne> Welp, nothing but fizzle and headache here
  2061. 32 [22:58:53] Able_Tome grins and begins to step away from the cart
  2062. 32 [22:59:06] Lucyne pats the cart
  2063. 32 [22:59:07] Able_Tome shrugs "Worth a try."
  2064. 25 [22:59:08] <Lucyne> "Sorry Quick."
  2065. 32 [22:59:25] Quicksilver again looks on with a disappointed face "dont worry about it Lucy"
  2066. 25 [22:59:26] <Lucyne> "Now let's get going."
  2067. 25 [22:59:29] <Ruby> "I dont want to be the party pooper but we really should get going..."
  2068. 32 [22:59:31] Duskie examines the sword she found earlier
  2069. 25 [22:59:41] <Lucyne> It is old and of low quality
  2070. 25 [22:59:45] <Lucyne> It needs some work
  2071. 32 [22:59:54] Able_Tome stretches his hooves "Hooves it is then, people."
  2072. 25 [22:59:57] <Lucyne> And so you decide to leave your precious rocks behind
  2073. 25 [23:00:02] <Duskie> "maybe it'll be my first reinforced sword.."
  2074. 25 [23:00:09] <Able_Tome> [>not precious cart ride]
  2075. 25 [23:00:15] <Duskie> "I'll show this to metal"
  2076. 25 [23:00:17] <Quicksilver> [inbe you lose it]
  2077. 25 [23:00:24] <Lucyne> (>implying I would have let you push a metric ton of rocks)
  2078. 25 [23:00:46] <Ruby> (¨>implying it wouldnt have us killed...)
  2079. 25 [23:00:54] <Able_Tome> [>imlying you're not searching for excuses]]
  2080. 25 [23:01:04] <Lucyne> (>implying I am)
  2081. 32 [23:01:08] Ikea goes back to lumbering along the tracks
  2082. 25 [23:01:09] <Lucyne> And so you follow the track
  2083. 25 [23:01:10] <Able_Tome> [check mate; onwards]
  2084. 25 [23:01:22] <Ruby> "I'll take the lead, seeing how hard Cap got it earlier."
  2085. 2 [23:01:43] <Lucyne> Ikea, roll d20
  2086. 32 [23:01:44] Duskie pays attention to the surrending, searching for cockatrixes
  2087. 25 [23:01:45] <Able_Tome> [do we even have light?]
  2088. 32 [23:01:48] Cap`n_HighTide gives Ruby a look. "Got what, exactly?" He asks accusingly.
  2089. 2 [23:01:50] <Lucyne> (Ikea)
  2090. 24 [23:01:50] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  2091. 25 [23:01:50] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  2092. 25 [23:01:54] <Duskie> (surrouding)
  2093. 25 [23:01:56] <Duskie> ***
  2094. 25 [23:02:01] <Ruby> (hit*)
  2095. 2 [23:02:02] <Lucyne> Ikea, you recognize this tunnel, you've been here before!
  2096. 25 [23:02:11] <Duskie> (tfw league of legend complex )
  2097. 24 [23:02:19] <Ikea> [roll again to remember way out?]
  2098. 25 [23:02:20] <Able_Tome> [hah]
  2099. 25 [23:02:27] <Lucyne> (not yet)
  2100. 25 [23:02:31] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  2101. 25 [23:02:32] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  2102. 25 [23:02:54] <Lucyne> You all stop dead in your tracks as you hear a faint clucking sound
  2103. 25 [23:02:58] <Ruby> "Hit captain, with an 'H'. Pardon my french."
  2104. 25 [23:03:24] <Ruby> "chiken, heads down!"
  2105. 32 [23:03:27] Cap`n_HighTide frowns. "I've gotten worse-..." He falls silent, listening.
  2106. 32 [23:03:35] Duskie lowers ere eyes
  2107. 25 [23:03:44] <Duskie> (her*)
  2108. 25 [23:03:44] <Lucyne> The echo makes it almost impossible to tell where it is coming from
  2109. 32 [23:03:46] Quicksilver looks around "what if its just a regular chicken?"
  2110. 32 [23:03:55] Lucyne lightly slaps Quick
  2111. 32 [23:04:02] Ruby giggles at the naivety of Quick
  2112. 25 [23:04:03] <Quicksilver> "ow"
  2113. 25 [23:04:09] <Able_Tome> "Regular chikens don't turn you into beautifications."
  2114. 32 [23:04:17] Ikea flicks his ears back anf fro
  2115. 25 [23:04:18] <Duskie> "a regular chicken wouldn't survive for long in here"
  2116. 25 [23:04:22] <Lucyne> "That was for that and the puns earlier."
  2117. 25 [23:04:30] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  2118. 25 [23:04:30] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  2119. 32 [23:04:32] Cap`n_HighTide slowly turns in a full circle, scanning the cave with sword at the ready.
  2120. 32 [23:04:44] Ruby tries to spot where the cocatrice come from
  2121. 25 [23:04:47] <Quicksilver> "dont chicken out Lucy"
  2122. 25 [23:04:51] <Lucyne> Unable to determine from which of the multitude of directions the creature approaches, it gets the drop on you!
  2123. 25 [23:04:56] <Ruby> *with her hears
  2124. 25 [23:05:13] <Lucyne> It uses it's stare on...High Tide!
  2125. 25 [23:05:17] <Lucyne> Roll d20 captain!
  2126. 25 [23:05:26] <Ruby> (hopefully he only has 1 eye)
  2127. 32 [23:05:44] Able_Tome removes the sword at the sighs of the creature "Again with cocks..."
  2128. 25 [23:05:49] <Able_Tome> *signt
  2129. 25 [23:05:55] <Able_Tome> *sight
  2130. 25 [23:05:58] <Able_Tome> [fuck typoes]
  2131. 32 [23:05:58] Duskie draws her sword too
  2132. 32 [23:06:01] Quicksilver whirls around "Captain!"
  2133. 25 [23:06:07] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20+-1
  2134. 25 [23:06:08] <GameServ> (13) + -1 == 12
  2135. 25 [23:06:14] <Lucyne> It meets your gaze!
  2136. 25 [23:06:18] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  2137. 25 [23:06:18] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  2138. 25 [23:06:25] <Able_Tome> [uhh]
  2139. 25 [23:06:26] <Lucyne> Your lower body petrifies for 4 damage!
  2140. 25 [23:06:26] <Quicksilver> [oh shiiiiii]
  2141. 32 [23:06:27] Ruby draw her mining tool, ready for gathering
  2142. 25 [23:06:36] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Actually, Luc...)
  2143. 25 [23:06:41] <Duskie> (hp?)
  2144. 34 [23:06:53] Strong_Metal [] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving
  2145. 25 [23:06:54] <Cap`n_HighTide> (That puts me at -1. I'm a stone, lel)
  2146. 25 [23:06:56] <Able_Tome> [and we have a statue]
  2147. 25 [23:07:07] <Lucyne> (unconscious, stone is -10)
  2148. 25 [23:07:09] <Ruby> "CAP!"
  2149. 32 [23:07:18] Quicksilver advances on the cockatrice, head turned and spear raised
  2150. 25 [23:07:20] <Cap`n_HighTide> (awww)
  2151. 25 [23:07:22] <Able_Tome> [hmm, yet that -10 is not death]
  2152. 25 [23:07:27] <Lucyne> The internal shock causes captain to remain motionless, staring at the creature!
  2153. 25 [23:07:31] <Able_Tome> [petrification and all that]
  2154. 25 [23:07:37] <Lucyne> (nope, can be saved)
  2155. 25 [23:07:48] <Lucyne> Initiative everyone!
  2156. 25 [23:07:48] <Ruby> (init?)
  2157. 25 [23:07:51] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  2158. 25 [23:07:52] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  2159. 24 [23:07:52] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  2160. 25 [23:07:52] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  2161. 25 [23:07:53] <Ruby> !roll d20
  2162. 25 [23:07:53] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  2163. 25 [23:07:55] <Duskie> !roll d20
  2164. 25 [23:07:56] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  2165. 25 [23:07:56] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  2166. 25 [23:07:56] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  2167. 32 [23:08:00] Cap`n_HighTide turns to face the cockatrice, and stands motionless, eyes locked with the creature, completely still.
  2168. 25 [23:08:18] <Duskie> (gameserv, please, let me go above 10 from time to time!)
  2169. 25 [23:08:27] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  2170. 25 [23:08:27] <GameServ> 6, 1 == 7
  2171. 25 [23:08:30] <Able_Tome> [let me guess..6?]
  2172. 25 [23:08:40] <Lucyne> You got 15
  2173. 25 [23:08:43] <Ruby> (no, 15
  2174. 25 [23:08:50] <Able_Tome> [whew]
  2175. 25 [23:08:50] <Lucyne> You are fighting the adult cockatrice!
  2176. 25 [23:08:56] <Lucyne> Quick goes first!
  2177. 25 [23:08:59] <Ruby> (adult?)
  2178. 25 [23:09:04] <Ruby> (oh balls)
  2179. 25 [23:09:06] <Lucyne> (Yep)
  2180. 24 [23:09:13] <Ikea> [THE not A]
  2181. 25 [23:09:14] <Quicksilver> !roll d20 as Quick closes the distance and tries to spear it away from High Tide using her momentum to move the beast "stay away from him you featherbrained fuckup!"
  2182. 25 [23:09:15] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  2183. 25 [23:09:15] <Able_Tome> [need for adult intensifies]
  2184. 24 [23:09:16] <Ikea> [wheeeee]
  2185. 25 [23:09:21] <Duskie> (look and tell us how tall it is :D)
  2186. 25 [23:09:29] <Lucyne> You hit!
  2187. 25 [23:09:31] <Quicksilver> !roll d8
  2188. 25 [23:09:31] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  2189. 24 [23:09:33] <Ikea> [fun intensifies]
  2190. 25 [23:09:34] <Quicksilver> [based]
  2191. 25 [23:09:39] <Ruby> (amazing)
  2192. 25 [23:09:47] <Lucyne> You impale the horrible creature!
  2193. 25 [23:09:50] <Duskie> (kfc incoming)
  2194. 25 [23:09:58] <Lucyne> (>tfw my bosses are still cursed)
  2195. 24 [23:10:12] <Ikea> [1hit kill?]
  2196. 24 [23:10:18] <Ikea> [unpossible]
  2197. 25 [23:10:20] <Ruby> (seriously?)
  2198. 25 [23:10:21] <Lucyne> It is now Able's turn
  2199. 32 [23:10:40] Able_Tome tightens his grip on the sword and follow's Quicksilver's lead. Jumping slightly to the side, he tries to cleave the creature hard on its neck
  2200. 25 [23:10:42] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  2201. 25 [23:10:43] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  2202. 25 [23:10:46] <Lucyne> >tfw
  2203. 25 [23:10:49] <Lucyne> You hit!
  2204. 25 [23:10:50] <Able_Tome> !roll d8
  2205. 25 [23:10:50] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2206. 25 [23:10:54] <Able_Tome> [hue]
  2207. 25 [23:10:55] <Quicksilver> [is it away from high tide?]
  2208. 25 [23:10:57] <Ruby> (welp)
  2209. 25 [23:11:03] <Lucyne> The creature urches back, only slightly cutting it
  2210. 25 [23:11:08] <Lucyne> (Somewhat)
  2211. 25 [23:11:12] <Duskie> (papercut)
  2212. 24 [23:11:13] <Ikea> [10 damage done]
  2213. 25 [23:11:19] <Lucyne> Oh, roll d20 quick and able
  2214. 25 [23:11:23] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  2215. 25 [23:11:23] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  2216. 25 [23:11:25] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  2217. 25 [23:11:26] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  2218. 24 [23:11:27] <Ikea> [9 sorry]
  2219. 25 [23:11:30] <Able_Tome> [hah]
  2220. 25 [23:11:35] <Lucyne> You both avoid it's gaze
  2221. 2 [23:11:47] <Lucyne> It is now Ikea's turn
  2222. 25 [23:11:48] <Ruby> (low DD? good)
  2223. 24 [23:11:57] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 stabby!
  2224. 25 [23:11:57] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  2225. 25 [23:12:12] <Lucyne> You hit!
  2226. 24 [23:12:14] <Ikea> !roll 1d8
  2227. 25 [23:12:14] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  2228. 24 [23:12:22] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 no looke
  2229. 25 [23:12:22] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  2230. 25 [23:12:26] <Lucyne> You stab the creature, it swuawks in discontempt
  2231. 25 [23:12:29] <Duskie> (13)
  2232. 24 [23:12:34] <Ikea> [yes looke...]
  2233. 25 [23:12:34] <Lucyne> But you meet it's gaze!
  2234. 25 [23:12:41] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  2235. 25 [23:12:41] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2236. 25 [23:12:48] <Lucyne> You slightly petrify for 1 damage!
  2237. 24 [23:12:58] <Ikea> [L.U.C.K.Y]
  2238. 25 [23:13:02] <Lucyne> It is now Ruby's turn
  2239. 32 [23:13:43] Ruby grabs her pickaxe in her mouth and jumps inbetween Cap'n and the Cockatrice, trying to break eye contact and strike!
  2240. 25 [23:13:48] <Ruby> !roll d20
  2241. 25 [23:13:48] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  2242. 25 [23:13:54] <Lucyne> You hit!
  2243. 25 [23:13:59] <Ruby> !roll d6
  2244. 25 [23:13:59] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  2245. 25 [23:14:11] <Lucyne> You strike the creatures side for 2 damage
  2246. 25 [23:14:14] <Ruby> !roll d20 for avoiding eye contact herself
  2247. 25 [23:14:14] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  2248. 25 [23:14:16] <Duskie> (15)
  2249. 25 [23:14:24] <Lucyne> it is now Duskie's turn
  2250. 34 [23:14:33] cordage [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 192 seconds
  2251. 25 [23:14:45] <Duskie> !roll d20 for trying to pierce it with the new sword
  2252. 25 [23:14:45] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  2253. 25 [23:14:53] <Lucyne> But you miss!
  2254. 25 [23:14:53] <Ruby> (3!
  2255. 25 [23:14:56] <Duskie> (3s are EVERYWHEEEEEEEERE)
  2256. 25 [23:15:04] <Lucyne> It is Lucyne's turn
  2257. 24 [23:15:06] <Ikea> [threes intensifies]
  2258. 25 [23:15:08] <Ruby> (I'd like to be a 3)
  2259. 25 [23:15:12] <Lucyne> Does anyone (other than captain) need healing=
  2260. 25 [23:15:20] <Able_Tome> [Ruby...pls]
  2261. 24 [23:15:26] <Ikea> [yes]
  2262. 2 [23:15:40] <Lucyne> Then I grab one of Rain's bandages and heal Ikea
  2263. 25 [23:15:42] <Ruby> "Help captain back up! He's in bad shape!"
  2264. 25 [23:15:43] <Cap`n_HighTide> (I don't need any healing, I can handle this)
  2265. 25 [23:15:52] <Lucyne> (Can't heal petrification with bandages)
  2266. 32 [23:15:55] Cap`n_HighTide is still standing there, staring at nothing.
  2267. 25 [23:15:57] <Ruby> (oi)
  2268. 25 [23:16:01] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  2269. 25 [23:16:02] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  2270. 25 [23:16:03] <Quicksilver> [put a bandage over his eyes?]
  2271. 25 [23:16:05] <Lucyne> You are healed 3 damage
  2272. 25 [23:16:21] <Lucyne> (Should have thought of that)
  2273. 25 [23:16:29] <Duskie> (at least if you're totally turned to stone you can be painted following one of the mane6's scheme colors)
  2274. 25 [23:16:48] <Duskie> (3!)
  2275. 32 [23:16:51] Ikea smiles at Lucy "Thanks"
  2276. 25 [23:16:59] <Cap`n_HighTide> (You could paint me and pretend I was a r63 Twilight)
  2277. 25 [23:17:03] <Quicksilver> [ill paint him like fluttershy, then laugh at him]
  2278. 25 [23:17:06] <Lucyne> The cockatrice squawcks and gazes over all those nearby!
  2279. 25 [23:17:12] <Cap`n_HighTide> (But I have a horn)
  2280. 25 [23:17:14] <Lucyne> (Everyone in melee roll d20+4)
  2281. 25 [23:17:18] <Duskie> (you don't have wings don't you?)
  2282. 25 [23:17:21] <Ruby> !roll d20+4
  2283. 25 [23:17:21] <GameServ> (10) + 4 == 14
  2284. 25 [23:17:22] <Able_Tome> !roll d20+4
  2285. 25 [23:17:22] <GameServ> (13) + 4 == 17
  2286. 24 [23:17:25] <Ikea> !roll 1d20+4
  2287. 25 [23:17:25] <GameServ> (14) + 4 == 18
  2288. 25 [23:17:25] <Quicksilver> [ill snap it off]
  2289. 25 [23:17:30] <Quicksilver> !roll d20+4
  2290. 25 [23:17:30] <GameServ> (20) + 4 == 24
  2291. 25 [23:17:36] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Wait, who was healed?)
  2292. 25 [23:17:38] <Ruby> (based Quick rolls)
  2293. 25 [23:17:41] <Lucyne> I swear to fuck my fucking bosses
  2294. 24 [23:17:43] <Ikea> [me]
  2295. 2 [23:17:45] <Lucyne> (Ikea)
  2296. 25 [23:17:47] <Cap`n_HighTide> (ok)
  2297. 25 [23:17:49] <Quicksilver> [fuck there is y nat 20, wasted]]
  2298. 25 [23:17:50] <Lucyne> Captain gets no roll!
  2299. 25 [23:17:54] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  2300. 25 [23:17:54] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2301. 24 [23:17:55] <Ikea> [no bandaging petrification damage]
  2302. 25 [23:17:56] <Lucyne> For 1 damage
  2303. 25 [23:18:08] <Ruby> (I was standing inberween him and the fowl beast!)
  2304. 25 [23:18:14] <Lucyne> Initiative everyone!
  2305. 24 [23:18:19] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  2306. 25 [23:18:19] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  2307. 25 [23:18:20] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  2308. 25 [23:18:20] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  2309. 25 [23:18:20] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  2310. 25 [23:18:21] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  2311. 25 [23:18:21] <Lucyne> (You're not big enough)
  2312. 25 [23:18:22] <Duskie> !roll d20
  2313. 25 [23:18:23] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  2314. 25 [23:18:23] <Ruby> !roll d20
  2315. 25 [23:18:24] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  2316. 25 [23:18:27] <Ruby> (ok)
  2317. 32 [23:18:40] Cap`n_HighTide remains still, but the petrification starts to creep up his legs slowly.
  2318. 25 [23:18:42] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  2319. 25 [23:18:43] <GameServ> 18, 6 == 24
  2320. 25 [23:18:44] <Quicksilver> [that pun was clucking awful Ruby]
  2321. 25 [23:18:45] <Duskie> (still not above ten, in fact, considering it, 6 is like two 3s damned)
  2322. 25 [23:19:03] <Lucyne> Lucyne begins the turn!
  2323. 25 [23:19:15] <Lucyne> I drap a bandage around High tide's eyes
  2324. 2 [23:19:29] <Lucyne> It is now Ikea's turn!
  2325. 25 [23:19:39] <Ruby> "Good thinking, at least he's safe."
  2326. 24 [23:19:39] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 stabby!
  2327. 25 [23:19:39] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  2328. 24 [23:19:47] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 no lookie
  2329. 25 [23:19:47] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  2330. 25 [23:19:52] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Eye. I only have one eye)
  2331. 25 [23:19:52] <Lucyne> But you miss!
  2332. 25 [23:20:03] <Lucyne> (That one too then)
  2333. 25 [23:20:15] <Lucyne> It is now Ruby's turn!
  2334. 32 [23:20:43] Ruby turning her pick around, she swings for another attack!
  2335. 25 [23:20:48] <Ruby> !roll d20
  2336. 25 [23:20:48] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  2337. 25 [23:20:55] <Lucyne> You hit!
  2338. 25 [23:21:00] <Ruby> !roll d6
  2339. 25 [23:21:01] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  2340. 25 [23:21:09] <Lucyne> You strike the creature for a light hit
  2341. 25 [23:21:11] <Ruby> !roll d20 for avoiding gaze
  2342. 25 [23:21:12] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  2343. 25 [23:21:16] <Ruby> (oh noes)
  2344. 25 [23:21:20] <Lucyne> but meet it's gaze!
  2345. 25 [23:21:22] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  2346. 25 [23:21:23] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  2347. 25 [23:21:28] <Lucyne> For 3 damage!
  2348. 25 [23:21:43] <Lucyne> It is now Quick's turn
  2349. 25 [23:21:44] <Ruby> "I.. cant feel my legs!"
  2350. 25 [23:21:51] <Ruby> (2hp)
  2351. 25 [23:22:02] <Quicksilver> !roll d20 as Quick tries to drive her spear further into the body of the cockatrice who is still impaled, putting all her wirght behind it and hoping to hit something vital
  2352. 25 [23:22:02] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  2353. 25 [23:22:23] <Quicksilver> [my spear is already in the damn thing and i miss?]
  2354. 25 [23:22:25] <Lucyne> The cockatrice backs off, your spear failing to impale it again
  2355. 25 [23:22:37] <Lucyne> Roll to avoid gaze
  2356. 25 [23:22:40] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  2357. 25 [23:22:40] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  2358. 25 [23:22:44] <Ruby> (looks like)
  2359. 25 [23:22:50] <Quicksilver> [fuck sake these wasted 20's]
  2360. 25 [23:23:00] <Lucyne> It is now Duskie's turn
  2361. 25 [23:23:02] <Duskie> !roll d20 for an heavy strike
  2362. 25 [23:23:02] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  2363. 25 [23:23:09] <Duskie> (I'm cursed)
  2364. 25 [23:23:12] <Lucyne> But you miss the foul creature
  2365. 24 [23:23:19] <Ikea> [3^3]
  2366. 25 [23:23:24] <Lucyne> It is now the cockatrices turn!
  2367. 24 [23:23:24] <Ikea> [3^2]
  2368. 24 [23:23:34] <Ikea> [3*3]
  2369. 25 [23:23:34] <Duskie> (you're riiiight, it's growing! next is 12)
  2370. 25 [23:23:55] <Lucyne> It uses it's gaze again in a spreadout fashion
  2371. 25 [23:24:01] <Lucyne> Everyone in melee 1d20+4
  2372. 25 [23:24:03] <Able_Tome> !roll d20+4
  2373. 25 [23:24:04] <GameServ> (13) + 4 == 17
  2374. 25 [23:24:05] <Quicksilver> !roll d20
  2375. 25 [23:24:06] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2376. 24 [23:24:09] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  2377. 25 [23:24:09] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  2378. 25 [23:24:10] <Lucyne> Welp
  2379. 25 [23:24:11] <Ruby> !roll d20+4
  2380. 25 [23:24:11] <GameServ> (10) + 4 == 14
  2381. 25 [23:24:13] <Quicksilver> [ohohoho]
  2382. 25 [23:24:17] <Able_Tome> >4
  2383. 25 [23:24:17] <Duskie> !roll 1d20+4
  2384. 25 [23:24:18] <GameServ> (18) + 4 == 22
  2385. 25 [23:24:21] <Able_Tome> [huehue]
  2386. 25 [23:24:26] <Duskie> (at last!)
  2387. 25 [23:24:28] <Lucyne> Quicksilver, it gazes directly into your eyes!
  2388. 25 [23:24:29] <Quicksilver> [i forgot the 4]
  2389. 25 [23:24:38] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  2390. 25 [23:24:38] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  2391. 25 [23:24:40] <Ruby> (you're still boned)
  2392. 25 [23:24:41] <Lucyne> For 6 damage!
  2393. 25 [23:24:50] <Ruby> (oh boy)
  2394. 25 [23:24:53] <Duskie> (22? I petrify the chicken)
  2395. 25 [23:24:58] <Quicksilver> [-2hp]
  2396. 24 [23:25:06] <Ikea> [statue no.2]
  2397. 25 [23:25:08] <Quicksilver> [no -1]
  2398. 25 [23:25:14] <Lucyne> Quicksilver stops moving as the stone creeps up her legs, staring intently at the creature
  2399. 25 [23:25:23] <Lucyne> It is now Able's turn
  2400. 25 [23:25:38] <Ruby> "Able please.. do something!"
  2401. 32 [23:25:42] Able_Tome , angered by the creature's luck and petrification of his collegues, slaps the blade back to its neck and pull the sword on him, trying to cut cocatrice's throat open.
  2402. 25 [23:25:45] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  2403. 25 [23:25:45] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  2404. 25 [23:25:56] <Lucyne> You hit!
  2405. 25 [23:25:57] <Able_Tome> !roll d8
  2406. 25 [23:25:57] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  2407. 25 [23:26:08] <Able_Tome> [sword.....pls....]
  2408. 25 [23:26:10] <Lucyne> You slightly nick it's neck, still drawing quite some blood
  2409. 25 [23:26:10] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  2410. 25 [23:26:11] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  2411. 25 [23:26:17] <Lucyne> But you meet it's gaze!
  2412. 25 [23:26:20] <Lucyne> (so much rape)
  2413. 25 [23:26:23] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  2414. 25 [23:26:23] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2415. 25 [23:26:25] <Lucyne> For 1 damage!
  2416. 25 [23:26:29] <Able_Tome> [wheew]
  2417. 25 [23:26:36] <Lucyne> New round!
  2418. 25 [23:26:41] <Ruby> !roll d20
  2419. 25 [23:26:41] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  2420. 24 [23:26:43] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  2421. 25 [23:26:43] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  2422. 25 [23:26:44] <Ruby> (yus)
  2423. 25 [23:26:44] <Able_Tome> !roll d20
  2424. 25 [23:26:45] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  2425. 25 [23:26:49] <Duskie> !roll d20
  2426. 25 [23:26:49] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2427. 25 [23:26:56] <Duskie> (........................................)
  2428. 25 [23:26:56] <Able_Tome> [>dem rolls]
  2429. 25 [23:27:07] <Quicksilver> [do i roll?]
  2430. 25 [23:27:08] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  2431. 25 [23:27:08] <GameServ> 17, 5 == 22
  2432. 24 [23:27:10] <Ikea> [3^0]
  2433. 25 [23:27:11] <Lucyne> (nope)
  2434. 25 [23:27:22] <Lucyne> Ruby begins the round!
  2435. 25 [23:27:30] <Duskie> (I need an action replay)
  2436. 25 [23:28:11] <Ruby> *tears slowly start to fall out of Ruby's eyes as she screams out of rage "YOU PUTRID COCK, I'LL BRING YOU DOWN!"
  2437. 25 [23:28:16] <Ruby> !roll d20
  2438. 25 [23:28:17] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  2439. 25 [23:28:19] <Lucyne> You hit!
  2440. 25 [23:28:26] <Ruby> !roll d6
  2441. 25 [23:28:26] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  2442. 25 [23:28:34] <Lucyne> Well damn
  2443. 25 [23:28:43] <Able_Tome> [ded]
  2444. 25 [23:28:49] <Duskie> "is it dead!? yay!"
  2445. 25 [23:28:52] <Ruby> !d20 for avoiding gaze
  2446. 25 [23:28:56] <Ruby> !roll d20
  2447. 25 [23:28:57] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  2448. 25 [23:29:01] <Duskie> "talked too quickly"
  2449. 25 [23:29:08] <Quicksilver> [wait do i go back to normal if it dies?]
  2450. 25 [23:29:08] <Able_Tome> [or not dead]
  2451. 25 [23:29:22] <Able_Tome> [>inb4 1hp left]
  2452. 24 [23:29:28] <Ikea> [Quick: yes]
  2453. 24 [23:29:39] <Ikea> [or rather, it slowly heals]
  2454. 25 [23:29:45] <Duskie> (hupefully)
  2455. 25 [23:29:49] <Lucyne> Your pickaxe crashes down upon the creatures head, I sickly crunching noise accompaning the caving in of it's skull. Pulling back for another hit, your pickaxe pierces the brain matter further, hitting the spine, the body slipping to the ground, lifeless.
  2456. 25 [23:30:03] <Lucyne> You have defeated the cockatrice!
  2457. 24 [23:30:15] <Ikea> [DEATH TO THE NON-BELIEVER]
  2458. 25 [23:30:20] <Duskie> (fuck swords, I'll bring a pickaxe next time)
  2459. 32 [23:30:25] Quicksilver flalls to the floor unconsious, small whimpers escaping her mouth
  2460. 32 [23:30:32] Able_Tome smiles "Looting time, eh?"
  2461. 25 [23:30:36] <Arrant_HoldLURK> (sorry for posting but hey, gg everybody)
  2462. 32 [23:30:41] Ruby breathes heavily then fall on her side, exausted
  2463. 32 [23:30:41] Able_Tome freezes and looks at Quicksilver
  2464. 25 [23:30:42] <Lucyne> Everyone that is unconscious from petrifictation return to 1 HP
  2465. 32 [23:31:05] Lucyne checks on Quick and Captain
  2466. 32 [23:31:28] Ruby whimpers "Good work here, group."
  2467. 25 [23:31:31] <Duskie> "we must hurry, they're wounded badly"
  2468. 32 [23:31:43] Cap`n_HighTide unfreezes and finishes swinging his sword at the air, stumbling forward. "Hey! Who turned out the lights!"
  2469. 32 [23:31:47] Able_Tome shakes his head and proceeds to gut the creature with a sword, trying to find something useful in its stomach
  2470. 32 [23:32:01] Lucyne stops High Tide from further swinging his sword
  2471. 25 [23:32:08] <Lucyne> "Captain! Captain! Calm down!"
  2472. 24 [23:32:09] <Ikea> "Let's pluck its feathers, maybe?"
  2473. 32 [23:32:14] Quicksilver tries to wake up
  2474. 25 [23:32:24] <Able_Tome> [roll for loot?]
  2475. 25 [23:32:27] <Lucyne> Able confirmed for Schett
  2476. 25 [23:32:31] <Lucyne> It has nothing
  2477. 32 [23:32:32] Ruby recomposes herself and stand up, looking out for Cap and Quick
  2478. 32 [23:32:35] Cap`n_HighTide looks around. "Huh? Who said that?"
  2479. 25 [23:32:49] <Lucyne> But, the walls seem...odd
  2480. 25 [23:32:52] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  2481. 25 [23:32:52] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  2482. 32 [23:32:55] Able_Tome huffs "Well now...another useless one."
  2483. 25 [23:32:59] <Lucyne> Hm....
  2484. 25 [23:33:11] <Lucyne> !roll 1d100
  2485. 25 [23:33:11] <GameServ> 49 == 49
  2486. 25 [23:33:21] <Ruby> "You alright? God I thought you were goners..."
  2487. 25 [23:33:25] <Lucyne> The wall is colored red, a sign of iron! But it is mostly mined already
  2488. 34 [23:33:49] Arrant_HoldLURK [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 192 seconds
  2489. 32 [23:34:15] Able_Tome limps towards Quicksilver, leaning over her
  2490. 25 [23:34:15] <Duskie> "Do we have some bandaids left?"
  2491. 25 [23:34:18] <Lucyne> "Well, we need to get out of here, too many wounded."
  2492. 25 [23:34:25] <Lucyne> "I have one bandage left."
  2493. 32 [23:34:28] Able_Tome motions the hoof before her eyes "You there?"
  2494. 32 [23:34:28] Cap`n_HighTide stumbles around, bumping into the wall. "Oh... Fuck! It happened again! I knew this horn was a curse!"
  2495. 32 [23:34:32] Quicksilver kicks in her sleep
  2496. 25 [23:34:33] <Duskie> "Yeah, this is getting bad"
  2497. 32 [23:34:35] Ruby hugs Quick "I'm sorry for earlier, dont you ever die again."
  2498. 25 [23:34:40] <Able_Tome> "Gah!"
  2499. 32 [23:34:45] Lucyne quickly undoes Captain's blindfold
  2500. 25 [23:34:48] <Quicksilver> !roll d20 to wake up
  2501. 25 [23:34:49] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  2502. 32 [23:34:51] Duskie helps High to walk
  2503. 32 [23:34:55] Able_Tome backs off from the kick
  2504. 25 [23:35:11] <Duskie> "hang on"
  2505. 32 [23:35:26] Cap`n_HighTide stops himself from attempting to sever his horn with his sword as the bandage is removed. "Oh." He blushes. "Heh, woops."
  2506. 25 [23:35:46] <Duskie> (forgot about that lel)
  2507. 32 [23:35:52] Lucyne pats Captain's back "Rain would say you were a silly pony, I say you're a funny chum."
  2508. 25 [23:35:57] <Able_Tome> "Well now, wide and awake, huh."
  2509. 32 [23:35:58] Ikea mutters to himself "right... now where are we... I know I've see this passage before"
  2510. 2 [23:35:59] <Lucyne> "Now let's get moving, Ikea, do you know the way?"
  2511. 32 [23:36:01] Quicksilver opens her eyes to find Ruby hugging her "W-hat... happened?"
  2512. 25 [23:36:12] <Duskie> (bumping in a wall, -1hp, dead)
  2513. 24 [23:36:14] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  2514. 25 [23:36:14] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  2515. 24 [23:36:21] <Ikea> [do I?]
  2516. 25 [23:36:23] <Lucyne> You think you know the way
  2517. 25 [23:36:40] <Able_Tome> "Statue making chickens, that's what."
  2518. 25 [23:36:44] <Ruby> "Goddamn Quick, you scared me back there."
  2519. 32 [23:37:07] Able_Tome turns around and walks towards the carcass, pushing it with a hoof to the side
  2520. 25 [23:37:13] <Duskie> (hp all?)
  2521. 25 [23:37:16] <Duskie> (6)
  2522. 32 [23:37:16] Ikea looks a bit uncertain "I think I might..." looking around he exclaims "That way! I think..."
  2523. 25 [23:37:16] <Ruby> (2)
  2524. 25 [23:37:17] <Able_Tome> [4]
  2525. 24 [23:37:20] <Ikea> 4
  2526. 32 [23:37:28] Quicksilver rises to her feet and tries to follow the group, weakly stumpling and falling over
  2527. 25 [23:37:31] <Quicksilver> [1]
  2528. 25 [23:37:33] <Cap`n_HighTide> (None of your business, pumpkin)
  2529. 2 [23:37:41] <Lucyne> "Well, after Ikea then!"
  2530. 25 [23:37:42] <Ruby> (cap is 1, duh.)
  2531. 32 [23:38:05] Able_Tome turns his gaze towards Quicksilver "You still have that potion, Quick...half of it will remedie certain...effects..."
  2532. 32 [23:38:09] Ikea takes the lead, making sure to mark the path to the iron
  2533. 32 [23:38:17] Cap`n_HighTide gets his shit together and stumbles after the group.
  2534. 25 [23:38:18] <Duskie> (we really are the unlucky expedition)
  2535. 25 [23:38:25] <Quicksilver> "Little... *cough* l-little help here?"
  2536. 32 [23:38:46] Ruby faintly smiles "I guess we can continue then. No point dying here."
  2537. 32 [23:38:48] Quicksilver tries to stand again
  2538. 32 [23:38:49] Duskie covers the rear
  2539. 32 [23:38:59] Lucyne picks up Quick
  2540. 25 [23:39:19] <Ruby> "Duskie *cought* why dont you lead up a minute?"
  2541. 2 [23:39:32] Cap`n_HighTide follows closely after Ikea, puffing his chest out.
  2542. 25 [23:39:37] <Duskie> "err... If you want"
  2543. 25 [23:39:50] <Ruby> (Dusk do you still have the spear?)
  2544. 32 [23:39:56] Duskie takes the lead, seeming not vry confident
  2545. 32 [23:40:05] Quicksilver smiles weakly at Lucyne "Thanks... Lucy..."
  2546. 25 [23:40:09] <Duskie> nope, I gave it back to you, I got a sword now)
  2547. 32 [23:40:33] Ikea smiles encouragingly as Dusk passes him
  2548. 25 [23:40:35] <Ruby> (so, Dusk/able/everyoneelse?)
  2549. 32 [23:40:40] Lucyne smiles "Come on, let's get you out of here, enough science for one day."
  2550. 25 [23:40:41] <Duskie> (y)
  2551. 32 [23:40:49] Able_Tome shakes his head and unholsters his sword, examining the blade as fresh cocatrice blood drips from it
  2552. 32 [23:40:53] Duskie moves on
  2553. 25 [23:40:57] <Ruby> (I wondered if you were armed)
  2554. 25 [23:41:03] <Duskie> "better watch out"
  2555. 2 [23:41:16] <Lucyne> You follow after Ikea's light
  2556. 25 [23:41:17] <Duskie> ( I took one of the golem's swords)
  2557. 25 [23:41:21] <Ruby> "We should gather what that chiken has"
  2558. 32 [23:41:23] Quicksilver sighs as she relaxes onto Lucyne's back, almost passing out as she is carried
  2559. 25 [23:41:45] <Lucyne> Luckily, the track isn't too far from better known terrain and you soon find yourself near the fruit bat cave, going by the smell at least
  2560. 25 [23:42:08] <Duskie> "pssst, dim the light"
  2561. 32 [23:42:08] Able_Tome frowns at the sight of the blood and tries to clean out the weapon by smudghing the blood over cavern's floor
  2562. 25 [23:42:34] <Quicksilver> "Did... did we c-complete the mission?"
  2563. 32 [23:42:40] Lucyne frowns
  2564. 25 [23:42:49] <Lucyne> "I'm afraid not, this seems to be more than we bargained for."
  2565. 32 [23:42:52] Duskie moves even more carefully to not disturb the fruitbats
  2566. 32 [23:43:15] Ruby cough some blood, giggling "Well, told you that would take some time exploring.."
  2567. 25 [23:43:44] <Duskie> "I could say I enjoyed it if you weren't in such a state"
  2568. 32 [23:43:48] Quicksilver frowns as she slumps back down "oh well..."
  2569. 25 [23:44:03] <Lucyne> You trot towards the exit of the cave, Chinook waving to you as you exit
  2570. 24 [23:44:17] <Ikea> "well... I guess the lock-the-mares-in-the-cave plan will have to be scrapped... never liked it much anyway"
  2571. 32 [23:44:20] Duskie sighs in relief
  2572. 25 [23:44:23] <Chinook> " made it"
  2573. 32 [23:44:31] Quicksilver falls asleep on top of Lucyne
  2574. 25 [23:44:33] <Chinook> "Holy shit, look at you"
  2575. 25 [23:44:38] <Duskie> "that was close"
  2576. 32 [23:44:43] Ruby smiles at Duskie "eh, I taught this cockatrice not to do harm to my friends..."
  2577. 25 [23:44:44] <Duskie> "let's get to the clinic"
  2578. 25 [23:44:46] <Lucyne> "Yea, we ran into some trouble, Chin."
  2579. 2 [23:44:49] Able_Tome frowns at Ikea's words and mutters "Personal containment still applies..."
  2580. 32 [23:44:55] Ikea smiles tiredly "Heeey, Chinnie"
  2581. 2 [23:45:06] <Chinook> "Hey, Ikea."
  2582. 25 [23:45:07] <Duskie> to ruby "yeah, that was one incredible move hehe"
  2583. 32 [23:45:23] Chinook breathes a sigh of relief "You all had me worried there"
  2584. 32 [23:45:24] Cap`n_HighTide grins and nods to Chinook as he passes. "Keepin' the peace, ace?"
  2585. 32 [23:45:35] Ruby faintly waves at Chin "hey there hon, care to lead us to the clinic. We got pretty messed up down there"
  2586. 32 [23:45:36] Able_Tome continues to walk forward towards town without waiting for the group
  2587. 32 [23:45:37] Cap`n_HighTide looks like death, and his horn is smoking.
  2588. 32 [23:45:51] Chinook chuckles softly "Yeah..yeah this way"
  2589. 25 [23:45:59] <Lucyne> At least the Captain will have stories to tell
  2590. 25 [23:46:02] <Lucyne> Well, won't we all?
  2591. 25 [23:46:09] <Lucyne> That's it for tonight, thanks for playing!
  2592. 25 [23:46:11] <Ruby> "sure we all are."
  2593. 24 [23:46:19] <Ikea> [thanks for GMing!]
  2594. 25 [23:46:22] <Lucyne> I hope you had fun, I did
  2595. 25 [23:46:27] <Duskie> "true, ale will taste better tonight"
  2596. 25 [23:46:27] <Quicksilver> [thanks Lucy]
  2597. 25 [23:46:35] <Ruby> (good game here Lucy, a bit punishing but thats how I like em)
  2598. 25 [23:46:41] <Ruby> (thank you for your time)
  2599. 25 [23:46:43] <Duskie> [yeah, that was fun lucy]
  2600. 25 [23:46:44] <Lucyne> You are very welcome as always
  2601. 25 [23:46:48] <Able_Tome> [and off to the inn]
  2602. 32 [23:46:54] Cap`n_HighTide laughs. "Good work, everyone, if you ever want some muscle for another trip, you know where to find me." He laughs as he trots towards the inn, instead.
  2603. 25 [23:46:55] <Quicksilver> [to the inn?]
  2604. 25 [23:46:56] <Lucyne> Probably a special friday night adventure tomorrow
  2605. 25 [23:46:58] <Lucyne> Extra long
  2606. 25 [23:47:02] <Chinook> [didn't catch it all but probably more based work. I WILL catch the next one]
  2607. 25 [23:47:05] <Cap`n_HighTide> (nice work, Luc.)
  2608. 25 [23:47:09] <Lucyne> TO THE INN
  2609. 25 [23:47:13] <Cap`n_HighTide> (ooh, I totally want in on that)
  2610. 25 [23:47:18] <Quicksilver> ill be there
  2611. 25 [23:47:19] <Ruby> (count me into this one, Lucy. I love what you do)
  2612. 24 [23:47:24] <Ikea> [awesome! hope I'll be able to catch that as well]
  2613. 25 [23:47:28] <Cap`n_HighTide> (but for now I'm going to the inn until someone drags me out)
  2614. 25 [23:47:35] <Ruby> "TO THE INN! ALL!"
  2615. 21 [23:47:47] Cap`n_HighTide [] has left #FourCannonPnP
  2616. 25 [23:47:50] <Lucyne> Ok, tomorrow normal time but probably 6 hours or so
  2617. 25 [23:47:53] <Chinook> "I gotta sign off first guys, I'll meet you in a bit"
  2618. 25 [23:47:56] <Duskie> (count me in whenever you want, I wish I was not so slow)
  2619. 25 [23:48:02] <Duskie> (though)
  2620. 25 [23:48:06] <Chinook> (oooh shit)
  2621. 25 [23:48:17] <Chinook> (6 hours lez do dis)
  2622. 25 [23:48:23] <Duskie> "Ok, later Chinook"
  2623. 32 [23:48:37] Chinook heads back to the Guard Station
  2624. 21 [23:48:48] Chinook [] has left #FourCannonPnP
  2625. 32 [23:49:12] Duskie gets back to town
  2626. 25 [23:49:13] <Ruby> "hey Lucy! Didnt you wanted to take a look at the lead I mined?"
  2627. 20 [23:49:15] Bob [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  2628. 25 [23:49:22] <Lucyne> over at the inn now Ruby
  2629. 25 [23:49:27] <Lucyne> traduitional after adventure inn
  2630. 21 [23:49:37] Ruby [webchat@] has left #FourCannonPnP
  2631. 21 [23:49:43] Bob [] has left #FourCannonPnP
  2632. 0 ### Log session terminated at Fri Jul 5 00:00:00 2013 ###
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