
Anonpencil Writes WAY Too Sober: Quickie-Mart (oneshit)

Dec 19th, 2018
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  1. ~*~
  3. >It should have just been another day at the supermarket, no big deal. You just wanted to go to the store, buy some new sponges for your homemade onihole, maybe pick up some lite beer to help with your new "healthy" diet, and that's it. But fate had other plans for you today it seems. You were never meant to have peaceful afternoon, fapping by yourself while talking to online friends who are none the wiser.
  4. >No. Instead, you were destined to walk in, slip on a banana peel like some sort of cartoon nonsense character, an fall like an idiot in front of the whole store.
  5. >This is what passes through your head as you're tumbling to the floor. The world around you seems to move in slow motion, and you can practically hear faint music playing in the background "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO MEEEEEEE..." People's heads are turning and their expressions are warping to those of horror, but there's nothing you can do to stop it. It's too late. You have just enough time to sigh heavily in your mind and lament the fact that you forgot to feed your cat today before time seems to speed up again.
  6. >You crash to the floor, and your head snaps back with a sickening crack against the tile. All at once, everything goes dark.
  7. >For a moment, there is just nothing. No sound, sight, sensation. No you.
  8. >Then, gradually, you become aware of yourself. And right away, you can tell that things aren't quite... right. You can't feel your body the same way, you can't open your eyes or move. But at the same time, you're aware of yourself, and aware that you are alive and can feel... in a way. You try to sit up, rub your aching head, but you can't. In fact, it doesn't even feel like you have a head anymore.
  9. >What's going on here?
  10. >You try to call out for help, but you don't seem to have a voice either. Or hands, or eyes. You know you should be afraid, distressed, but right now you're just too confused to feel anything else. Where are you? Or perhaps... what are you?
  11. >At last, you start to recognize your own form. You can feel you are vast, that you are hollow. You can feel many working parts inside of you, can feel your edges, curves, construction. You can even see yourself, in a way. You're conscious of every little part of your being, and can observe it. And... you are...
  12. >A supermarket.
  13. >...
  14. >You check again.
  15. >No, really, you're a supermarket.
  16. >WHAT THE FUCK you try to yell, but instead there's just a soft beeping from one of your checkout lanes. You try again to cry out in anger and disgust, but there's only a soft 'bing' from your sound system, that echoes through your interior.
  17. >Feeling deeply shaken, you stop to try to collect yourself and figure out what has happened and what the shit is going on here. You fell in a supermarket, and somehow... you've been reborn as one? Is this hell? Have you been sent to hell for all those times you jacked it thinking of your own sister? Nah, you've done worse things than that, that can't be right. This must be a mistake. You feel... wrong. You shouldn't be this way. You shouldn't be what you are. What ever are you going to do?!
  18. >Before you can decide on that, you're suddenly aware of voices coming from outside your walls. You shift your focus to your storefront to find a series of small, adorable and brightly colored horses standing there, staring up at you.
  19. "WOW!" a blue one with wings says. "Where did THIS come from?"
  20. "I don't know..." the yellow one says in a soft voice. "I haven't seen it before today. And it's so big!"
  21. >She reaches out and touches you with one hoof, and the sensation of being touched sends a strange feeling through you. Yes, you can feel sensation but it feels... different. Very intimate for some reason.
  22. "Oh my gosh!" a pink pony says, hopping up and down excitedly. "I think it's a market for all sorts of things, I've never seen a big indoor one before! All the produce stores are usually inside and stuff!"
  23. "That's true, Pinkie," says a purple one with a horn and crown. "Perhaps we should go inside and see what it's like in there. I hope this isn't some sort of trick."
  24. >A white pony nods, tossing her purple mane a little as she speaks.
  25. "Indeed, Darling. Let's go inspect the merchandise."
  26. "As long as they're not tryin' to run us outta the apple business," an orange one grumbles.
  27. >As you watch, they approach your front doors. The purple one steps forward and sets a hoof on one of the black strips of rubber in front of the door and, without you being able to stop it, the door swings automatically open. You suddenly feel deeply exposed for some reason. Naked, even. But before you can come to grips with this feeling, the ponies enter you.
  28. >Your whole being feels like it convulses with sensation. If you had a mouth, you are sure you'd be moaning.
  30. >The feeling of the ponies walking into you is like nothing you've ever experienced before. It doesn't quite hurt, and it doesn't quite tickle, but what you do know is that it feels very intense. It feels intimate, it feels... violating. The closest thing you can associate this feeling with is a sexual one.
  31. >Just as you're steadying yourself, another shock of sensation fills you. One of the ponies, the blue one, is taking something off your shelf! You're wracked with feelings you never knew before. She's inside you, touching you in places you perhaps shouldn't be touched. She's plucking at bits of you no one has ever caressed. She's moving something deep in you, and you have no ability to stop her!
  32. "Wow! They have my favorite spray cheese!" the blue pony says in excitement.
  33. >On another side of your store, you feel something new. Something that makes you feel... dirty. The orange pony is picking up produce, apples, heads of lettuce, and turning them over in her hooves. Then, she's just putting them back! She's defiling your clean, virginal produce!
  34. >No, PLEASE STOP!
  35. "Seems like the fruits and veggies are fresh," she says with a shrug. "What do you think, Twi?"
  36. "Well," the purple one says. "I would be interested to see the meat department."
  37. >Is that all you are to them? Just a piece of meat?
  38. >You mentally thrash as you feel the ponies moving inside you. They touch everything, move things around, put things back in the wrong place. They caress, they push, they pull. They move forward and back down your aisles without a care in the world, just... using you. Using you like they don't even care. Taking advantage of all you have to offer.
  39. >And... you think you like it.
  40. >Oh god, what's wrong with you?! This feels so filthy, so weird. But you just can't help yourself. You feel good that they're using you like this. You feel... right. Like you're being a good little supermarket, giving them what they want and need. The beating of their hooves on your floor finds a rhythm, and you feel the sensation building up. It feels good. God, it feels even better than when you managed to get the suction just right on the vacuum nozzle that one time.
  41. >But then, you spot them. More ponies, coming your way. They're coming up to your door, more ponies than you can handle, you're sure of that. You're too new! You need to be treated gently, broken in! Please, not like this, not so many at once!
  42. >But it's too late.
  43. >They approach you, pushing at your entrance. Then, all at once they're inside you, bursting through. You feel all of them, shoving themselves into your body against your will, without you having any ability to protest. More and more keep coming inside you, over and over, forcing themselves through your openings relentlessly. In and out, over and over. You hear their ooh's and aah's as they start finding their way deeper and deeper. They touch you, they use you, just like the other ponies before. You're entirely at their mercy, just taking this gangbang of shoppers like the bitchmart you are.
  44. >You can only imagine what a black Friday rush would be like.
  45. >The sensation is getting stronger and stronger by the minute. You feel so full, so used, so good that it almost hurts. You feel something building in you, an impulse, and desire.
  46. >Yes, yes shop in me! Take everything, I'm yours to use!
  47. >You realize it's getting all too much. You can't take it anymore. You're not even sure how it works, but you realize you're about to... about to...
  48. >Oh god.
  51. [hr]
  53. >There's a sound of a crash from the other side of the store. The pony at the cash register lifts her head and turns it in the direction of the noise, then rolls her eyes in exasperation. She's only been working this job for a week now, ever since the store first appeared in Ponyville, and she's already become accustomed to this noise and what it means. She leans over to her register mic, taps it with one hoof to make sure that it's working, then speaks into it.
  54. "Lavender Dream? Cleanup on aisle C again."
  55. "Again?" Lavender calls out in frustration from where she's trying to take a break in the recesses of the employee break room.
  56. "Yeah, same as usual," the cashier pony says into her mic.
  57. >Lavender grabs a mop and dustpan, shaking her head as she makes her way towards the scene of the spill. Sure enough there's a broken jar on the ground. White liquid spatters the ground, spilling onto the store tiles and leaving specks of thick fluid on other items on shelves above. It drips off the edge of the shelf, showing lurid-looking enthusiastic sprays as each drop hits the ground. It's a real mess, an explosion if you will. It seems to happen every other day, and nopony is sure why. Lavender just sighs heavily as she gets to work.
  58. "Why is it always the soy milk?" she mutters.
  60. -END-
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