
Friends with benefits

Aug 27th, 2012
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  1. An awkward silence fell upon the orange pegasus, and the stocky blue unicorn. Neither of them had said anything for a while, but Presto began to wonder why Firestorm had been so silent. He was even feeling creeped out, that maybe Firestorm had brought him here to possibly harm him, still angry from the fact his best friend had taken his marefriend's virginity beforehand.
  3. As they walked down the path, Presto glanced at his best friend trying to read his expression. He saw Firestorm’s eyes move so he quickly looked away, hoping he hadn’t been seen. Suddenly however as they got a little further, Firestorm stopped walking.
  5. “Oh please Firestorm I’m sorry! You know I am! I couldn’t help it that I met Erotica first, just go easy on the horn!” Presto whimpered.
  7. “The fuck are you on about?” Firestorm questioned, cocking his head to the side quizzically.
  9. “Oh, you’re not going to skin me alive then?” Presto grinned.
  11. “No you stupid shortstop.” Firestorm replied, giving him a nudge. A rare friendly gesture from Firestorm himself.
  13. “Well, then any particular reason we’re out in the middle of nowhere?” Firestorm was silent for a while, he looked away from Presto before looking back at him.
  15. “Do you swear not to mention this to anyone?” he started.
  17. “Um, well whatever it is, it’s obviously private to you so no.” Firestorm towered above him, not looking so sure. “I swear!” Presto added.
  19. “Good.” Presto suddenly felt Firestorm’s lips pressed against his, it had happened so quickly he had hardly any time to react. All he could do was feel his eyes bulge, as the orange pegasus pressed harder against him before letting go.
  21. “F-f-f-Firestorm?” Presto could barely get the words out. The orange stallion rolled his eyes before kissing him again. Now Presto was concerned.
  23. “O-okay Storm, who dared you? Where’s the kidnapee? Who took your sister hostage?” Presto demanded an explanation.
  25. “You blue idiot.” Firestorm smiled stroking Presto’s mane, his one true weakness.
  27. “I’m dreaming.” Presto sighed, under the pleasure of having his mane stroked by his best friend.
  29. “This isn’t a dream bud. The only reason I acted cranky around you, was because I had to hide my feelings. I didn’t feel ready suddenly going and saying I had grown attracted to you.” Presto was still under the trance of Firestorm’s hoof. He stopped stroking his hair long enough for him to concentrate.
  31. “I knew it Stormy,” he grinned. “You were just shy, how sweet!”
  33. “You’re doubting me aren’t you?” he asked, looking insulted.
  35. “No, it’s just so sudden is all.” he replied.
  37. “Well?” Firestorm questioned, smiling suggestively at him.
  39. “Wait, out here!?”
  41. “It’s not as if we’ll be caught, stop being a sissy!” he nudged him again.
  43. “Gosh, my own best friend, uh I don’t even know where to start.”
  45. “How about you help me with my own friend?” Firestorm asked, sitting on his rump. Presto smiled as his horn glowed, and he casted a spell around Firestorm’s shaft.
  47. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to do this to you Storm.” his friend could hardly reply under the pleasure he was giving him. Firestorm grunted, feeling his shaft throbbing and pulsating under the spell. He let out a long moan, as his erection came to full size.
  49. “Heh thanks buddy!” Firestorm tackled Presto to the ground, he was careful about his body size in proportion to his unicorn friend, but Presto didn’t seem to mind as they kissed again with tongues.
  51. “Gee Firestorm, Erotica is wrong, you are a good kisser!” he smiled at the compliment as they went at it again. Presto felt further into it, and the intimacy was spreading down to his loins. He could feel his own pecker peter out of his sheath, it grew upwards brushing against Firestorm’s own mass, feeling the warmth radiating from it.
  53. They broke the kiss with saliva hanging between their tongues. Firestorm got off him, and noticed his stiff member gawking awkwardly at him. But what made Presto really shocked, was when Firestorm began tracing his tongue along the base of his shaft going slowly upwards.
  55. “It’s only fair if I pay you back for that little spell.” Presto gazed at him, admiring his tongue work as he went from tip to base. It pressed against his lips, before he opened his mouth and went down on him slowly.
  57. “Oh Storm!” Presto moaned, feeling his rough tongue brushing against his sensitive flesh. But it only got better, as his best friend began sucking him off slowly. Presto clenched his teeth, and tried to open his eyes. He looked Firestorm in the eyes, and he looked back as his head bobbed up and down. Presto could hardly believe how well he was doing too.
  59. “Wow Storm, w-where did you learn to be this good?” The orange pegasus didn’t reply, instead he fellated him harder, to the point where Presto had to make him stop before he lost it in his mouth. He caught his breath back as Firestorm giggled at him.
  61. “What’s the matter blue pint?”
  63. “I was not expecting that from you!” Presto was shocked, and amazed. “You kept that from me all this time?” Firestorm nodded back, he came closer and suddenly pulled his friend towards him.
  65. “E-easy there Storm, I’m delicate.”
  67. “I know.” he replied, mounting him slowly. Presto felt his back give way a little, he pushed upwards as Firestorm got comfortable with him. “You were always the receiver eh?” Firestorm questioned. Presto cast another spell on Firestorm, smearing his cock in some kind of warm lubricant. Already Firestorm could feel it tingle, as his tip pressed against Presto’s tailhole.
  69. “Be gentle Stormy.” Presto sounded a little worried, he’d already seen how big Firestorm was. His thoughts were interrupted as Firestorm gave a gentle push. He slowly entered him, and already Presto was sighing from the pleasure of being filled. Firestorm went all the way, groaning a little as the lube done its job pleasuring them both.
  71. “You’re a tight fit.” Firestorm grinned.
  73. “To be honest, I haven’t really gotten around much. Though I still remember my time with Braeburn, and oo!” he felt Firestorm’s member ram into him a little harder, reaching straight for his prostate.
  75. “How rude Stormy, you could have waited for me to fin-ahh!” he moaned again as Firestorm bucked his hips into him, driving it home. He barely gave Presto a chance, as he started to rock his hips back and forth. He held onto his sides, as he thrusted a little faster. Presto’s eyes rolled back slightly, and he was drooling everywhere. Feeling his best friend inside of him made all the difference, especially since it was an experience he had always longed for, having being denied until now.
  77. Just to make things better, Firestorm began stroking his mane again. He slowly licked Presto’s ear, before giving it a gentle nibble. He rested gently on Presto’s back, as he pounded him harder. The lube, and tightness of Presto’s tailhole, stimulated Firestorm all round. Presto felt his cock pulsating inside him, as it rubbed his prostate harder, and faster.
  79. “Oh Stormy!” Presto moaned. His front hooves gave way, and his upper body sank downwards, propping his ass up further in the air. “I love you Stormy!” Presto cooed.
  81. “Love you too buddy.” he replied, giving him a bonus hard thrust making Presto’s eyes bulge out.
  83. “The best day of my life.” Presto sighed, he felt his erection twitching as the tension built up below. Again he felt the hard throbbing sensation, of his friend inside of him. Presto got back up, and Firestorm hugged him close around his sides. He nuzzled his neck whispering something sensual into his ear, something about giving him an incredible orgasm.
  85. “How about we spice things up?” Presto suggested as his horn glowed. Firestorm groaned feeling his phallus throb and pulsate harder. The sexual sensations he felt were enhanced tenfold, as he bucked his way to paradise. Already Presto was gasping and moaning as his penis throbbed harder.
  87. “I’m gonna cum Stormy.” he groaned, intensifying the spell. Firestorm reared up and rammed him harder. The two of them became lost in their sexual ecstasy, and Firestorm let out a sigh as he orgasmed inside Presto. The spell only made it more intense and longer lasting, he felt his fluids pumping out of his shaft, as Presto came also from his explosive prostate orgasm. His body almost shut down, as Firestorm gave it a few more thrusts.
  89. The two ponies collapsed on each other, panting and gasping. Firestorm felt himself retracting, as Presto managed to calm himself down. When Firestorm caught his breath back, he rolled onto his back, and Presto lay on top of him.
  91. “T-that was incredible!” Presto sighed. “Way better than my first time!”
  93. “Now do you believe me?” Firestorm played with his mane.
  95. “I never doubted you Stormy.” he smiled back feeling his body rise up and down, as Firestorm’s chest heaved in and out. Presto gazed into his eyes, he could still hardly believe their first intimate moment together. He heard a faint sound, but just ignored it and focused on his best friend.
  97. “What are you doing Stormy?” Presto grinned, feeling a tingle travel all the way up his body. “Seriously how are you doing that?” Firestorm just smiled back, and Presto blinked slowly looking back at his green eyes, and black coat.
  99. “Wait what?” Presto heard the buzzing sound, and a hint of laughter. He got off him, and the black pony got up, still sniggering at Presto.
  101. “GODDAMMIT A FUCKING CHANGELING!” Presto yelled. “DAMN YOU FIRESTORM!” Presto gritted his teeth in frustration as the changeling laughed again before flying away.
  103. “You come back here!” Presto felled it with his magic, and pinned it to the ground. “You are not ruining this for me! Change back into Firestorm now! Do it!” his horn sparked furiously making the changeling nervous. “Do it or you can forget about going back to your queen!”
  105. It changed back into his orange friend, but not before it blew a raspberry at Presto, and bucked him hard in the chest before escaping. The blue unicorn recovered, only able to watch the changeling escape as it changed back to normal. Presto just sat there with a look of thunder on his face. He was going to make Firestorm pay for this.
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