
Neonlights Bar and Lydia's night out, she's gonna be wasted.

Mar 22nd, 2015
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  1. McGoFuckYourself "Fucking crowded in here tonight." Sips his milk, Hatemonger floating behind him.
  2. 11:20 Shelly "Is that a bad thing?"
  3. 11:20 Juniper walks in and sits down on a stool, feet bare and dressed in simple cloth robes. A laurel wreath sits upon her head.
  4. 11:21 James-Boares "If you don't like it why come here?"
  5. 11:22 McGoFuckYourself "It's a fu-June-bug!" S'not like you can see his face, but it's just fucking lit up. What /is/ visible is Hatemonger scowling behind him. "How's my favorite gal doing tonight?"
  6. 11:23 Lydia looks around, seeing some familiar faces, and strangers. Sighing, Lydia whips out her laptop and waits for it to fire up, continuing the endless work of Machina.
  7. 11:24 Oyuun studies through her university books as she had one earbud put in, listening to whatever quick, trippy music she enjoyed.
  8. 11:25 Lydia "Jesus.. I wish I can just punch someone in the face right now."
  9. 11:27 Juniper "Heavily steeped in my studies. I came here to find some peace, thinking it would be empty." She looks around, eyebrows raised and mouth twisted. "I did not foresee such a crowd."
  10. 11:28 Shelly I like crowds, don't get to meet a lot of people
  11. 11:29 Wells walks in, smiling smugly, like a smartass, "This place a horrible influence to the point of people coming to study here."
  12. 11:29 Wells looks around, "Kids, no less..."
  13. 11:29 Shelly "Hi power ranger"
  14. 11:30 McGoFuckYourself raises an eyebrow. Only fourteen, and her vocabulary's already surpassed his by a mile. Not that this is saying a lot. "There's worse fuffing places to study, dumbo."
  15. 11:30 Lydia sees a man walking in, maybe with too much pride. She just stares at Wells for a second, 'analysing' him with her eyes and goes back to her laptop.
  16. 11:30 Oyuun "I mean, I do it, and I'm nearing the head of my class"
  17. 11:31 Oyuun "Its good to have some background noise. Helps to focus when you have something to tune out"
  18. 11:32 Wells looks confusedly at the green girl, and mutters to himself, "I didn't walk into a place meant for drowning sorrows, just to entertain kids..." He looks over to Guffy looking a bit less smarmy. "Like a library maybe?"
  19. 11:32 Lydia "Well, I just came here for maybe a lone time for myself. Oh well."
  20. 11:32 Shelly [green girl?]
  21. 11:32 Wells "And that's all well and good when you're not a child maybe, Oyuun."
  22. 11:32 Oyuun "Oi! 17!"
  23. 11:33 Wells [shelly. oh wait, she's wearing her thing.]
  24. 11:33 Oyuun "Or was it 12"
  25. 11:33 Shelly [yeah]
  26. 11:33 Oyuun "Don't know. Wells, get me a drink I need to think on that one..."
  27. 11:33 Oyuun "Hmmmm"
  28. 11:33 Oyuun is clearly not being serious
  29. 11:35 Juniper purses her lips and nods along. "There definitely ARE worse environments one could occupy. Here just seemed most convenient, recently it is sparse of people." She speaks plainly as she flips open her now rather large tome. Where the hell did it come from?
  30. 11:35 James-Boares "Hey, coin boy, never said thanks for winning that game"
  31. 11:36 McGoFuckYourself "Fuffing told you so. Nobody's saying you have to fuffing entertain her, butthead." Jesus, he's really reaching for that.
  32. 11:37 Wells finds a seat, "I just find it strange and all to bring kids to a bar. I'm the only one, surprisingly enough..." He gives a thumbs up to the bacon scented Invisible Man. "Don't sweat it."
  33. 11:38 James-Boares "I would say thanks for not taking the money but some jackaaaa.." He looks down at Shelly for a sec "As I was saying some jerk took the money before I can"
  34. 11:38 Lydia "Oh, you're not really alone, smug guy. Frankly bringing child to this environment is confusing."
  35. 11:39 Oyuun "Its a bit weird. I mean I'm in college I can handle myself. Mostly. Wells wheres my drink?"
  36. 11:39 James-Boares "I wan't her to safe, and by my side, not like the bar owner complains"
  37. 11:39 James-Boares [to be*]
  38. 11:41 McGoFuckYourself "Frankly, why don't you mind your own goddang business, eh? Christ." Watches June-bug flip through her book. "So how's the studies going, then? Different, uh, outfit than normal you got there."
  39. 11:41 Lydia "Hm." She glances over to the weird man. "Well, you can bring her somewhere else than this place, you know."
  40. 11:41 Wells orders a glass of apple juice and gives it to Oyuun, "Sorry but they don't have sipee cups here. I can recognize maturity, but hey, a kid is a kid. I'll drop it though."
  41. 11:42 Oyuun gave a little sigh and a nod of thanks, drinking back the apple juice merrily. She went through drinks like it was nothing, several cups already on the table around her while she kept through her books.
  42. 11:42 Oyuun "Nobody seems to want to fight anybody right now so should be safe enough"
  43. 11:43 James-Boares "Well first of its free, frankly its better then our place, what the girl in the corner said, and she likes it here"
  44. 11:44 Juniper flourishes in the tome with her quill. Where did that come from, as well? With a soft tutting, she speaks to in a low voice, "To leash the child is to stifle the individual." She drops the quill and swivels to face her father with a smile. "I am bogged down as usual, spending time researching the druidic tendencies of various cultures has been rather
  45. 11:44 Juniper mine-widening. The robes are just for my own entertainment."
  46. 11:44 Lydia "Alright then. But I do reccomend you to go somewhere more... Kid-friendly. Here, things can get rough pretty quickly, not that you don't know about it already." She sips some of her beer and continues on typing stuffs on her laptop.
  47. 11:45 Juniper [mind-widening]
  48. 11:45 Oyuun "I've had to hit people a few times around here, I'll admit it"
  49. 11:45 James-Boares "what do you mean by that?"
  50. 11:45 Oyuun "Not anybody in this room and I'd like to keep it that way"
  51. 11:47 Lydia "Hm? I don't know, somewhere less crowded or something around those." At this time she's still doing her own thing, not really caring about her surroundings.
  52. 11:47 Wells "Magic. I'll never like it. Gosh."
  53. 11:48 James-Boares "We don't take up much space"
  54. 11:48 Oyuun "I'd make a snide comment about magic but I oscillate down to a sub-molecular level so I don't think I'm one to talk"
  55. 11:49 Juniper "A common attitude, sadly."
  56. 11:49 Oyuun "At least that one has some scientific explanation"
  57. 11:50 Lydia "Magic, huh? Well, I have nothing to say about that, but I do know someone that really opposes magic and occults." Now that her attention has shifted, she just gulps her drink and stops doing her laptop thing.
  58. 11:50 Shelly "I like magic, birds from sleeves, never liked science...don't know why, like, some bug claws up my back and bites me" she shivers slightly
  59. 11:52 McGoFuckYourself went from beaming to scowling in no time flat. "For fuff's sake." He mutters under his breath. "Fuffing tired of these idiots constantly riding my behind about this."
  60. 11:53 Oyuun "You mean a mosquito? That's because they suck out blood for nutrients. Only the females. They use that to both feed themselves and form the eggs to have their children"
  61. 11:53 Wells "It's just. I ask for an explanation, and it's always the same cryptic bul- Uh. Flim flam... I just can't trust it. Science is my forte..."
  62. 11:53 Oyuun "Most mosquitoes just feed on fruits and such"
  63. 11:55 Shelly "do they have claws? I mean like, big" she grabs James gloved hand. "this big, holds me down to bite"
  64. 11:55 Oyuun "..."
  65. 11:55 Oyuun "Alright. I don't know a thing about that"
  66. 11:55 Oyuun slowly gets her drink
  67. 11:56 Lydia "Are you sure that it's not something you made up from your imagination or a dream?" Lydia just spoke up out of the blue, after ordering her second bottle of beer.
  68. 11:56 Oyuun "You know, with this city"
  69. 11:57 Oyuun "I'm not surprised if its a common thing"
  70. 11:57 Wells looks up to the kid's guardian and gives a "Dude are you listening?"
  71. 11:57 Shelly "A dream? no, why?"
  72. 11:57 Juniper flips to a page in her book and taps her finger on the page, "There IS an insect from the shores of Styx. Extracts the circulatory system of its victim's to construct a nest that its young devour afterwards. Terribly interesting."
  73. 11:59 Lydia "Well, because sometimes you feel something that's not exactly there, a halucination. Had some of them many many years ago. Ah, what an unpleasant experience..." She looks on her right mechanical arm.
  74. 11:59 McGoFuckYourself >"If you ask me, I'm surrounded by bugs and insects here."
  75. 12:00 James-Boares wasn't talking, he looked, scared, he knew exactly what she thought she was talking about."She, just has a, creative mind, you know kids hehe...."
  76. 12:00 Juniper "A common environment for a parasite."
  77. 12:01 Oyuun "Why don't ya crush'em then, Red?"
  78. 12:01 McGoFuckYourself Hatemonger snarls. "One day."
  79. 12:01 Oyuun "Godspeed, cyflops"
  80. 12:01 Lydia "Very well, then." She drinks another gulp of her favorite drink.
  81. 12:04 Juniper continues to scribble in her tome.
  82. 12:06 James-Boares mumbles under his breath "thank god its dropped"
  83. 12:07 McGoFuckYourself orders some more nachos. "So what have the rest of you idiots been up to?"
  84. 12:07 Wells gets a drink like he intended to when he arrived. He gets a glass of non-alcoholic pina colada just because of the atmosphere. "A lot of things."
  85. 12:07 Lydia continues to type lines after lines of something on her laptop, written in what looks like Indonesian.
  86. 12:08 Oyuun "Y'know. Well, honestly, you probably don't. Studies. Had to go back home for a little bit, grandmother was ill. Keeping up with mister executive"
  87. 12:08 Lydia "Oh, not many, you know, the usual Machina stuffs, going to be married in a few months, basically a lot."
  88. 12:08 McGoFuckYourself (Not much. Just getting married)
  89. 12:09 McGoFuckYourself (hahaha)
  90. 12:09 Oyuun "Life things that don't have anything to do with violence and magic and mutant things underneath the city"
  91. 12:09 Lydia [she doesn't want to worry about it much, though her fiancee is literally going insane with pre-wedding preps]
  92. 12:10 James-Boares slightly jumps. he looks to Shelly who was just about to talk
  93. 12:10 Shelly "You k-" she is stopped by james
  94. 12:11 Lydia "Hmm.. Where should I go for honeymoon.. Bali is a nice place, and I think I can meet some of my family back in Indonesia as well, but I don't know if I need special passport or anything else. Well, gonna talk about it with hubby."
  95. 12:12 McGoFuckYourself "Some fuffing idiot broke out of the meta-human lockup the other day at Darwin Hall. Fuffing dumba-dumbo called himself the Highwayman or some dumb ship like that."
  96. 12:12 Lydia muttered all of that a bit slower than usual then drinks her second bottle to the bottom.
  97. 12:12 Wells ruminates the idea of marriage. "How do you people make it so far. Impressive..."
  98. 12:13 Juniper snorts laughter at the pseudo-cursing.
  99. 12:14 McGoFuckYourself coughs to himself. He's damn well aware Juniper understands what a curse word is. But he still isn't saying a goddamn thing.
  100. 12:14 Lydia "Well, you know, romantic dates, emotional stuffs, other things. Had been pretty rough recently."
  101. 12:15 Oyuun "Really its just natural at some point when you figure out how to be comfortable"
  102. 12:15 Oyuun "Its all in waves, though. There'll always be a next time you don't see eye to eye"
  103. 12:16 Lydia "Yeah, just don't think about it too much and it'll flow by itself."
  104. 12:17 Wells ruminates even more, "Romance..." He stares into a wall, pondering.
  105. 12:17 McGoFuckYourself snickers. "Hard to see eye-to-eye with a guy who spent half his fuffing life without a face."
  106. 12:17 James-Boares "Highwayman?" Last I saw that..jerk, stole my prize money, kinda"
  107. 12:18 Oyuun "Hard to see eye to eye with somebody who always has a third one behind him talking kerfuffle, but that's just me"
  108. 12:19 Wells breaks his thought, to give a light chuckle. "Clever."
  109. 12:19 McGoFuckYourself >"It helps that I generally look down on everyone."
  110. 12:19 Oyuun "Man the shit you put up with, Red"
  111. 12:20 Oyuun "That has got to be awkward"
  112. 12:20 Oyuun (*shuffle you put up with)
  113. 12:20 Oyuun (censored for the children)
  114. 12:20 *** Bud joined #neonlights_bar
  115. 12:20 Lydia [heheheh]
  116. 12:20 Shelly "I think hes cute"
  117. 12:21 Oyuun "Wait, which one is the cute one?"
  118. 12:21 McGoFuckYourself Hatemonger snickers.
  119. 12:22 Shelly "the red one, the ski mask guy...smells"
  120. 12:22 Lydia chuckles. "Cowok kayak gitu, sumpah ya."
  121. 12:22 Oyuun giggles
  122. 12:22 Lydia [and yes it's in Indonesian m8s]
  123. 12:22 Wells eyes the cyclops cautiously, "Is it counterproductive to hate you?"
  124. 12:23 Wells "Must be great to have enemies Guff....jesus."
  125. 12:23 Oyuun "Was about to question your taste, girly, but I think the cyclops might have somethin"
  126. 12:23 McGoFuckYourself "Your fuffing nose must be wrong, kid. I shower every fuffing night and wash regularly. Dozen fuffing types of shampoo and skin conditioners."
  127. 12:24 Oyuun "What he's saying is that he has more hair care going on than most women"
  128. 12:24 James-Boares "Trust me, she has a great nose"
  129. 12:24 McGoFuckYourself "No. No I fuffing won't trust you, dumbo."
  130. 12:25 Lydia giggles
  131. 12:25 McGoFuckYourself >"Counterproductive? No, child, it is /natural/."
  132. 12:25 James-Boares "maybe she was smelling big red then, or talking about your personality"
  133. 12:26 Oyuun "The more poignant question is if there's others like the red thing"
  134. 12:26 Oyuun "I kinda want to see them fight"
  135. 12:26 Lydia "Oh my, you shouldn't do that my friend." She looks at James while holding her laughter, knowing that the red monster will maul him.
  136. 12:27 James-Boares [both answers are yes technically oyuun]
  137. 12:27 Juniper "Something DOES smell of sewer in here, The scent's origin may be closer to home, though."
  138. 12:28 McGoFuckYourself (Shots fired. Shots fucking fired)
  139. 12:28 McGoFuckYourself snickers.
  140. 12:28 Oyuun "Is is sitcom time already? I'll get the dumb keyboard riff"
  141. 12:28 James-Boares [eeh, shes right thou, I imagine Argon STINKS]
  142. 12:28 Lydia [gee, you gotta need some water for that burn m8]
  143. 12:29 Wells puts on his helmet, "I'll just be here, not a part of this..."
  144. 12:29 Shelly "not our fault we don't have running water" She mumbles under her voice
  145. 12:30 Oyuun went by Wells real quick. "Right, I'm with you on that. Hows the business going since I've been on hiatus?"
  146. 12:31 McGoFuckYourself "Smells like somebody dipped burnt fuffing bacon in rat droppings and washed it off in a fuffing sewer."
  147. 12:31 Oyuun "So now we're making fun of the poor?"
  148. 12:31 James-Boares "Yes, you are"
  149. 12:31 Lydia "It's something we do from times to times, and yes."
  150. 12:32 Shelly "I thought we were medium?"
  151. 12:32 James-Boares "when months are good"
  152. 12:32 Wells "It's been rather, moderate, not too great, not too bad. Only competition is some elf. Refuses to make truce in any way. I'll come around to her eventually. I ought to talk to her in person though. But I saw her picture....A-And she's awfully cute..."
  153. 12:33 Wells "I'll let my daughter do the talking..."
  154. 12:33 Oyuun "Oooooh~?" As a chatty college girl, it didn't take a single moment for her to wear a sly grin
  155. 12:34 Oyuun "Can love bloom on the battlefield of business, Wells? It seeeeeeeems like it"
  156. 12:34 Oyuun "Maybe you aught to do some.... conglomeration"
  157. 12:35 Lydia "Daughter? Oh, you're not as pathetic as I thought then, my friend." At this point she has already downed half of her third bottle and her mind is starting to get loose.
  158. 12:36 McGoFuckYourself "Don't be so fuffing sure, his daughter is a fuffing hologra-" MGFY stops, suddenly, quietly scratching the back of his head. Y'know, all the shit people give him about June, prolly not the best idea to crack on someone else for /his/ kid.
  159. 12:37 Oyuun notes that at least he's less of a worthless person now.
  160. 12:38 McGoFuckYourself "So, June-bug, was thinking of going shopping or something later today. You wanna hit up the mall later?"
  161. 12:38 Wells "Conglomerate? But she refused...I'm not....following..." He deflates a bit after Lydia's comment.
  162. 12:38 Oyuun "I'm joshing ya"
  163. 12:38 Lydia chuckles, downing yet another bottle. Her drinking speed is getting pretty alarming right now and she's not even thinking about stopping.
  164. 12:39 Oyuun "I'm saying you should probably try to see her sometime"
  165. 12:40 Wells "A meeting!? Never! I can't show my face to anyone.....attractive! That I don't already know. I'm not ready for mental harikiri..."
  166. 12:40 Wells "They must already be laughing at me. Belittling me..."
  167. 12:40 Wells "Curse attractive people..."
  168. 12:41 Wells "N-No offense to you guys...."
  169. 12:41 Oyuun "You're talking to me and you've yet to explode. That said you aren't even close to my type so the tension was never there"
  170. 12:41 Oyuun "POINT BEING"
  171. 12:41 Oyuun "Just do it"
  172. 12:41 Oyuun "It'll be good for ya"
  173. 12:41 James-Boares "tell her about the poker game, that might be impressive, and trust me, none taken"
  174. 12:41 Lydia "Ah c'mon, you can do it. Just talk, maybe get on some useless topic and then build your conversation from there."
  175. 12:42 Lydia "It's something I had to learn years ago, unfortunately."
  176. 12:42 Wells "Nothing I do is impressive. That Sinclair guy was a tool, set up to fail. I'm not even sure how I've managed to make acquaintance with half of you..."
  177. 12:43 Wells "Oh god. I'm living life through my high school eyes...."
  178. 12:43 James-Boares "I'd like to know too, and thanks for knocking him out, honestly I would of done much worse"
  179. 12:43 Oyuun "You... really need to find a way to relax, then"
  180. 12:43 Shelly "Whose Sinclair?"
  181. 12:44 Oyuun "You're overthinking it too hard"
  182. 12:44 Oyuun "You don't get a thing done all worried and dropping your coins all over the floor while sobbing"
  183. 12:45 Shelly "You can do cool coin tricks!"
  184. 12:45 Lydia "Making friends is a weird thing, I think. One time you're just talking and venting to a guy and then a few years later you're getting married.. Such a weird thing that is our emotions." She starts to wander around her old memories, and yes she's drunk, like almost totally drunk.
  185. 12:46 McGoFuckYourself coughs. "One day you're pining over a goddang alien brood-queen, and the next fuffing thing you know the two of you are married and living in an apartment sitting above a small cafe."
  186. 12:46 Oyuun "Most people don't do that, though"
  187. 12:47 Wells is sweating horribly, his suit's insulation just can't fucking keep up, "Christ. I-I. -cough- M-Maybe I should?"
  188. 12:47 Oyuun "Point is that you need to be a lot more comfortable with yourself"
  189. 12:47 Oyuun "Go for it"
  190. 12:48 Wells "M-My suit is comfortable...Should I wear it to the meeting? I-I sorta....wear it.....everywhere..."
  191. 12:48 Wells coughs
  192. 12:48 Wells "..."
  193. 12:48 Oyuun "....Are you going to be sweating that hard?"
  194. 12:49 James-Boares "Think he runs the suit on it?"
  195. 12:49 Lydia "No. Wear something more comfortable. You sweat really, really lot for a man."
  196. 12:50 Wells removes his helmet, his hair was hanging down, dripping. He smiles sheepishly, "Y-You tell me."
  197. 12:50 *** Breakdown joined #neonlights_bar
  198. 12:50 Oyuun takes napkins out immediately and just pushes them into Wells' face
  199. 12:51 Shelly image of Wells as a brave power ranger fighting evil monsters was just shattered into a thousand pieces
  200. 12:51 Wells "T-Thanks..."
  201. 12:51 Juniper "My goodness."
  202. 12:51 Lydia looks at Wells in disgust that radiates from her only human eye. "Yes, definitely change for something more fashionable and comfortable."
  203. 12:51 McGoFuckYourself "Christ, Wells. I wear a fuffing turtleneck, sweatpants, and a goddang ski mask all day and I don't fuffing sweat that much."
  204. 12:52 Oyuun "....Are you by any chance dehydrated now because that looks unhealthy"
  205. 12:52 Lydia "Even at the hottest of tests in Machina I never really sweat that much. Are you dehydrated?"
  206. 12:53 Wells "Dehydrated, no. This is....this is normal."
  207. 12:53 Wells feels the eyes
  208. 12:53 Oyuun "I worry for you"
  209. 12:53 James-Boares "You can replace the ocean"
  210. 12:53 Lydia "Oh my, you should see a doctor for that. I truly thinks this is unhealthy."
  211. 12:55 Wells "Trust me, you're the only ones who care..."
  212. 12:56 Shelly "....I don't get it"
  213. 12:56 Wells "It really doesn't matter..."
  214. 12:56 Breakdown slides his motorcycle off onto the sidewalk besides the bar. Another eventful night in Neon City. After stepping off his bike and adjusting his goggles and pilot scarf, Break made his way into the bar. With a familiar rap on the jukebox as he passes, he settles in on a stool at the bar. Show YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4RjJKxsamQ)
  215. 12:56 Lydia drinks another bottle of beer, that seems to cluttered her desk right now and she can't remember how much she has drinked, like, 5 or 6 bottles?
  216. 12:56 McGoFuckYourself rolls his eyes. Here we fucking go, another goddamn jackass.
  217. 12:57 Breakdown "Nice to see you too, Captain."
  218. 12:57 James-Boares "heh, if those other guys come we can have a rematch."
  219. 12:57 Wells puts on his helmet again, his face littered with tissues, "Hey Break."
  220. 12:57 Oyuun "Heya Breaks"
  221. 12:57 Lydia "Nah, please see a doctor immidiately. I have been on that position before, never again."
  222. 12:57 Oyuun then pauses a moment, noting all the bottles near Lydia.
  223. 12:57 Oyuun "You... gonna be okay there?"
  224. 12:58 James-Boares "Your names Breakdown, right? Never got a proper introduction, James" He sticks out a gloved hand, letting BD notice not a single inch of skin is showing
  225. 12:58 Breakdown "Hey Oyuun." He greets before turning to Wishing Well. "What happened to you, Wells?"
  226. 12:59 Lydia "Oh, me? Yes, I'll be alright, might be a little drowsy but I'm fine."
  227. 13:00 Breakdown grasps James' hand and gives him a hearty shake. "Good to officially meet you, fella."
  228. 13:00 Wells "I'd trust a doctor much less these days...Last one I talked to I met in this bar, got me to visit, a spa, I think? She was awfully bubbly. Long story short, I made it out with all my parts intact." He shoots a thumbs up at Breakdown, "Swell."
  229. 13:01 Shelly jumps onto the connected hands, hanging for a bit before dropping. "Hiya!"
  230. 13:01 Oyuun "Well, just watch yourself, I guess. Even if I wasn't of age I wouldn't drink in a place like this"
  231. 13:01 Oyuun "Alone, anyway"
  232. 13:01 Lydia chuckles and orders a glass of water this time. She downed it gladly.
  233. 13:02 Lydia "Ah, it's not like I have plenty of free time, fiancee's out town for some things I don't exactly remember and I have the house to myself. Why not spend some time here?"
  234. 13:03 Breakdown "And hello to you too, little one." He greets Shelly in a friendly tone then looks back up to James. "Is this your daughter?"
  235. 13:04 James-Boares "no, I just watch after her"
  236. 13:04 Oyuun "Just sayin', if you need a ride out of here or somebody to watch your back I'll do it"
  237. 13:04 *** Deft quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  238. 13:05 Lydia "Well, thank you, I think I can do it myself as long as I remember to not drink too much."
  239. 13:06 Wells runs off to the little millionaire's room. Despite how comfortable the suit is, he fears drowning in it, as he does many other things.
  240. 13:08 McGoFuckYourself "What a fuffing weirdo."
  241. 13:09 Lydia notices the sweaty man's departure and grins. "Think he's off to get some shower?"
  242. 13:09 Breakdown "At least he's not diving into the Ladies' Room this time."
  243. 13:10 Lydia "Oh my, oh my. How wonderful." She giggles a bit this time.
  244. 13:11 Shelly "hes not a very good power ranger is he?"
  245. 13:12 Oyuun "He gave me a suit, so I'm pretty happy with it"
  246. 13:12 Breakdown "Not always, but he can rise to the challenge when he needs to."
  247. 13:12 Lydia "Power ranger? Well I don't think so, he's pretty weak for one considering his body type and all."
  248. 13:14 Shelly pouts, dreams shattered of meeting a real Pr
  249. 13:14 Lydia "Don't you worry, there's still another day."
  250. 13:16 Breakdown "Maybe I could introduce you to my friend Magnum someday. He's kinda like one of them."
  251. 13:20 Shelly lights up, no, literally, a small glow comes from her chest, she calms down after a bit, still happy
  252. 13:24 Lydia -- at this point Lydia is getting real drunk and yet she is still typing words on her laptop, giggling and even laughing at times, not caring about the people who sometimes looks at her. Who knows what she's typing in there, it might be a conspiracy to take over Xenon and possibly the whole world.
  253. 13:24 Lydia -- Or it could be some shenanigans she and her old friends are planning.
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