
RevoX Chapter #5018

Aug 7th, 2015
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  1. [Notice]Zelgo successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  2. [Notice]Troy.s2 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  3. [Notice]Zelgo successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  4. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  5. [Notice]BallSackz successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  6. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  7. [Notice]VioleT™ successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  8. [Notice]lotol successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  9. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  10. [World]Ryuki.s013:*Law*
  11. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  12. [Notice]villain successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  13. [Notice]VioleT™ successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  14. [Notice]lensiano80 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  15. [Notice]Knyyt get Lv.5 Shell Chest in Log Pose, Congratz!
  16. [Notice]SureCure successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  17. [Notice]lotol successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  18. [Notice]BallSackz successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  19. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  20. [Notice]Zelgo successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  21. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  22. [Notice]rcaramez successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  23. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  24. [Notice]lensiano80 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  25. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  26. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  27. [Notice]ANIKY successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  28. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  29. [Notice]ANIKY successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  30. [Notice]Troy.s2 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  31. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  32. [Notice]Troy.s2 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  33. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  34. [Notice]lotol successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  35. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  36. [Notice]lotol successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  37. [Notice]Zelgo successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  38. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  39. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  40. [Notice]Zelgo successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  41. [Notice]Troy.s2 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  42. [Notice]rcaramez successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  43. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  44. [Notice]rcaramez successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  45. [Notice]lotol successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  46. [Notice]Zelgo successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  47. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  48. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  49. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  50. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  51. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  52. [World]lustrial:*Vivi*
  53. [Notice]Romero.s005 killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  54. [Notice]Congrats to PatoMarco for getting Advanced crew member Kuma!
  55. [Notice]random21 killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  56. [Notice]Magnus.s09 killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  57. [World]Sunstriker:o.0
  58. [World]Sunstriker:o.o
  59. [World]Sunstriker:=.o
  60. [World]Sunstriker:=.=
  61. [World]Sunstriker:=.*
  62. [World]Sunstriker:=._
  63. [World]Sunstriker:_._
  64. [World]mutat:what up Sun
  65. [World]Sunstriker:zzz
  66. [World]Sunstriker:chat so dead
  67. [World]mutat:yeah it is pretty dead here
  68. [World]Sunstriker:sup mutat
  69. [World]Vithril:sunstriker the op xD
  70. [World]mutat:not much missed ladder today kinda sucked
  71. [World]Vithril:o wow i missed ladder too
  72. [World]Vithril:but i never rlly do ladder cus to lazy
  73. [World]Sunstriker:sup Vithril
  74. [World]mutat:ladder can lead to lots of shells
  75. [World]Vithril:wssup sun
  76. [World]Sunstriker:made 4k today at laddr
  77. [World]Vithril:i liked it better when u were lvl 99
  78. [World]Sunstriker:why?
  79. [World]Vithril:cus more evenly matched xD
  80. [World]mutat:nice sun, I keep missing it every couple days
  81. [World]SanjiKun.u7:what time is ladder
  82. [World]mutat:never going to use up my 30 days of blessings lol
  83. [World]Sunstriker:lol. ask rr to 4 u
  84. [World]Sunstriker:thiz weekend event... lev 7 fury n magatama
  85. [World]mutat:lol no his luck worse than mine
  86. [World]Sunstriker:ladder is 7am n 6pm server time
  87. [World]mutat:yeah I will have the money for the fury shell but I want to
  88. [World]Vithril:how do u get 4k honor with 10 ladder fights?
  89. [World]mutat:save 4000 for haki scroll event won't have that
  90. [World]mutat:will just buy mags
  91. [World]SanjiKun.u7:Lol
  92. [World]SanjiKun.u7:What time is the ladder?
  93. [World]SanjiKun.u7:i want it i need to buy badge
  94. [World]Sunstriker:4 win in 3v3 with AWS
  95. [World]mutat:Warlord stones give double points if win zero lost if lose
  96. [World]Vithril:AWS?
  97. [World]mutat:5 pm **T
  98. [World]Sunstriker:dont buy haki scrolls, just do lev 7 fury n buy magatamas
  99. [World]Vithril:ohh a warlord stone are those free?
  100. [World]mutat:no buy with gold in shop
  101. [World]Sunstriker:AWS advance warlord stones
  102. [World]Sunstriker:brb going 2 watch Robot Overlords
  103. [World]SanjiKun.u7:brb going to watch xD
  104. [World]mutat:Vithril I wish I had your badges lol
  105. [World]Vithril: lolo all thanks to gladiator honor badges xD
  106. [World]Vithril:I get so lucky in glad with the crews
  107. [World]Vithril:and EL everyday upgrading badges takes 4ever
  108. [World]mutat:I have not luck with upgrades failed 25 times in a row now
  109. [World]Vithril:u'll get it eventually
  110. [World]mutat:I do good in EL usually stage 140 made to 160 once
  111. [World]Vithril:nice max i made it to was 120
  112. [World]ƒô♪:I will make this account op
  113. [World]mutat:you need high dodge and block on your tanks
  114. [World]mutat:to get much farther than that
  115. [World]mutat:fos you need upgrade on chopper and franky
  116. [World]ƒô♪:Yeah
  117. [World]Vithril:lolz na i dont want any sss crews
  118. [World]ƒô♪:i say i will make this account op
  119. [World]ƒô♪:but i dont say when xD
  120. [World]Vithril:Ya ima get lvl 10 dodge shells and lvl 10 mags lol
  121. [World]ƒreeuser:too many strongs are on now waa GTGT :V
  122. [World]ƒô♪:What is Gt Gt?
  123. [World]ƒô♪:Gta?
  124. [World]mutat:lol just get to lvl 6 mags and lvl 6 and 7 shells
  125. [World]mutat:that is pretty good
  126. [World]mutat:both my tanks have 140+ dodge
  127. [World]Vithril:7 mags are minimum so u can cram 3 shells in there xD
  128. [World]ƒô♪:OP !
  129. [World]Vithril:ya my dodge tank has 143% dodge
  130. [World]Vithril:protag is just at 120
  131. [World]Vithril:but a 85% block
  132. [World]mutat:yeah those ss dodge badges help I am sure
  133. [World]Vithril:o wow i finally beat sunstriker xD
  134. [World]mutat:I don't have high block either
  135. [World]Vithril:its been ages since i got a duel win v.s him xD
  136. [World]mutat:yeah Sun is strong I used to have alot of trouble with him
  137. [World]mutat:lol
  138. [World]ƒô♪:Cool i have kidd
  139. [World]Vithril:ya i finally surp***ed some of my 2 biggest ******
  140. [World]Vithril:ya i finally surp***ed some of my 2 biggest ****** xD
  141. [World]Vithril:*******
  142. [World]Vithril:o 12ivals is censored?
  143. [World]mutat:you can't say rIvals lol
  144. [World]Ðønlogia:so many
  145. [World]mutat:but yeah it is always an accomplishment when yo do that
  146. [World]mutat:OP Don
  147. [World]mutat:your in my arena you destroyed me of course lol
  148. [World]ƒô♪:OP MUTAT
  149. [World]Vithril:Now im gunning for astrid rhei and angela xD
  150. [World]mutat:thanks fos I wouldn't put myself in that category though
  151. [World]Vithril:theyre gonna be rlly tuff
  152. [World]mutat:I am just just above average
  153. [World]Vithril:am going to be the next roffy xD
  154. [World]mutat:What lvl are they Vithril?
  155. [World]Vithril:lvl 95 and 99's
  156. [World]Ðønlogia:wahh
  157. [World]Vithril:i remember when jovan and sunstriker were so unbeatable 4 me
  158. [World]mutat:If only we were as OP as you Donlogia haha
  159. [World]clgt:lol lv 135 vs lv 99
  160. [World]SanjiKun.u7:MANY OP :OOO
  161. [World]mutat:Wow master clgt the OP are coming out of the wood work
  162. [World]Vithril:yas i shall have clear cut adv
  163. [World]Vithril:after i complete my crew potentials
  164. [World]mutat:Thank you Hebe
  165. [World]SanjiKun.u7:wondering if sss marco exist xD
  166. [World]mutat:no not at the moment
  167. [World]Vithril:i hate how sss franky blocks other crew info xD
  168. [World]mutat:yeah that does suck lol
  169. [World]ƒô♪:who should i up first franky or chopper? and why
  170. [World]mutat:chopper because it adds immediate heal
  171. [World]ƒô♪:ok
  172. [World]mutat:franky's upgrade does make him faster but unless you lux dev
  173. [World]mutat:he doesn't do that much more damage
  174. [World]ƒô♪:oh i see
  175. [Notice]MattDStorm get Lv.5 Shell Chest in Log Pose, Congratz!
  176. [World]Sunstriker:vithril. now duel me
  177. [World]Vithril:ok
  178. [World]mutat:Hey Sun I made to rank 15 in area lol
  179. [World]Vithril:noice how much speed on that franky?
  180. [World]Sunstriker:wow so strong
  181. [World]Vithril:uh oh this aint lookin good
  182. [World]Vithril:whatdidya do differently sun?
  183. [World]mutat:lol just luck Hebe had his one man on
  184. [World]Sunstriker:franky 57k, not trying to make him fast much
  185. [World]Sunstriker:i didnt have equip on franky, kuma had garp's equip
  186. [World]mutat:Sun is really strong he hides it most of the time lol
  187. [World]Vithril:woah my crew got wiped out rly fast
  188. [World]Sunstriker:u can always find blood with no crew on most of time
  189. [World]Vithril:I still gotta long ways to go
  190. [World]Vithril:no wonder im rank 400 xD
  191. [World]mutat:yeah sent him back the other day
  192. [World]mutat:I got peoples backs when they want sent back lol
  193. [World]Vithril:whats your tp sun?
  194. [World]Sunstriker:161k
  195. [World]mutat:sun your garp hit so dAmn hard
  196. [World]Sunstriker:u vith tp?
  197. [World]Vithril:185k
  198. [World]Sunstriker:0.o
  199. [World]Vithril:my goal is to beat ID EL and all the lvl 99 and down campers
  200. [World]Sunstriker:i can make garp hit harder lol
  201. [World]Vithril:and max warship e.t.c
  202. [World]Vithril:and all straw hat crews
  203. [World]mutat:no don't please lol
  204. [World]Sunstriker:vith u on a mission
  205. [World]Vithril:ya lulz
  206. [World]Sunstriker:brb. going 2 watch another movie
  207. [World]mutat:okay enjoy sun
  208. [World]mutat:JD good luck most of the active east legions are full or
  209. [World]mutat:close
  210. [World]mutat:try Skills s013 I think look in legion battle for the right
  211. [World]mutat:one they have the most room last I checked
  212. [World]Drock:What a snorefest
  213. [World]mutat:whats going on Drock
  214. [World]mutat:your marco at 400k yet?
  215. [World]Drock:I jusy finishing cleaning up my workstation
  216. [World]Drock:finished
  217. [World]mutat:nice
  218. [World]Drock:Not really alot of work
  219. [World]mutat:your workstation? is that where you write?
  220. [World]Drock:No, I have been cooking Jelly Jam and barbacue sauce
  221. [World]mutat:nice
  222. [World]mutat:I don't make jelly but I do like to make BBQ sauce
  223. [World]Drock:The next hustle will be the last one for the season
  224. [World]Drock:Yeah, but can you make money off of the sauce?
  225. [World]mutat:if I tried hard maybe I just like to do it for me and I give
  226. [World]mutat:it to friends too
  227. [World]Drock:The last hustle was 16 jar for 100 dollars
  228. [World]mutat:if I went all out I could probably sell at my friends
  229. [World]mutat:farmer market stand
  230. [World]mutat:you make much profit?
  231. [World]Drock:What you are telling me you can't on its own merit?*
  232. [World]mutat:it would be easier to use his stand because it is establishe
  233. [World]Drock:for one day I had sold all my wares
  234. [World]mutat:my sales would be on my merit
  235. [World]mutat:I have a regular job so I couldn't be there
  236. [Notice]Ðønlogia killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  237. [World]mutat:once the name was established I could probably sales on my
  238. [World]mutat:own
  239. [World]Drock:When I finished tomoorow i should have another 16 or 17 jars
  240. [World]Drock:tomorrow
  241. [World]Drock:Hopefully i can make between 15 to 20 dollars an hor like
  242. [World]Drock:hour*
  243. [World]Drock:last time.
  244. [World]mutat:nice sounds like a good gig
  245. [World]Drock:Yes, the only problem is being a short run of wild jelly jam
  246. [World]Drock:plum
  247. [World]mutat:I don't make 20 an hour at my regular job
  248. [World]mutat:short run? short season?
  249. [World]mutat:or bad year for wild plums?
  250. [World]Drock:the ingredients reguire wild plum jelly which does not
  251. [World]Drock:always produce every year and skips
  252. [World]Drock:a year
  253. [World]mutat:okay yeah I get you like beech nuts or acorns
  254. [World]mutat:very veriable
  255. [Notice]Ðønlogia killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  256. [World]Drock:I am glad to even do 4 gallons of wild plum
  257. [World]mutat:yeah we had a really bad wild blackberry crop this year
  258. [World]mutat:too dry
  259. [World]Drock:I know where to get some more wild plum
  260. [World]mutat:well that is way more than I got wild black berries this yea
  261. [World]Drock:The problem was not able to collect the wild plums
  262. [World]mutat:year*
  263. [World]Drock:are late in the year
  264. [World]mutat:last couple years here have been bad for wild crops too dry
  265. [World]mutat:almost no wild mushrooms last year
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