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Sep 17th, 2015
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  1. E PSFLoader::Load() failed: unknown magic (0x0)
  2. E 'BreakPoints.dat' breakpoint db is broken (file is too short, length=0x6)
  3. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00125a34]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleIsLoaded() failed: module not loaded (id=0x0014)
  4. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00125e34]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
  5. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00125e34]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
  6. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00125e34]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
  7. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00125e34]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
  8. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00125e34]} sys_spu: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
  9. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x001256b4]} cellSysutil: savedata_op(): unknown statSet->reCreateMode (0xc9bb0)
  10. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x001256b4]} cellSysutil: savedata_op(): unknown statSet->reCreateMode (0xc9bb0)
  11. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00125ab4]} sceNpTrophy TODO: sceNpTrophyGetRequiredDiskSpace(context=0x201, handle=0x202, reqspace=*0xd002f090, options=0x0)
  12. E {PPU[0x203] Thread (ps3TrophyInitializeThread)[0x00125a34]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleIsLoaded() failed: module not loaded (id=0x0014)
  13. E {PPU[0x203] Thread (ps3TrophyInitializeThread)[0x00125a74]} sceNpTrophy: sceNpTrophyRegisterContext(context=0x201, handle=0x202, statusCb=*0x1b3768, arg=*0x0, options=0x1)
  14. E {PPU[0x204] Thread (ps3TrophyUnlockThread)[0x00125b34]} sceNpTrophy: sceNpTrophyUnlockTrophy(context=0x201, handle=0x202, trophyId=19, platinumId=*0xd012bd84)
  15. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00126134]} cellPamf TODO: cellPamfReaderInitialize(): verification
  16. E {PPU[0xada] Thread (Demuxer[0xad9] Thread)[0x00000000]} Exception: dmuxEnableEs: unknown filter (0xe0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  17. (in file Emu\SysCalls\Modules\cellDmux.cpp:681, in function dmuxOpen::<lambda_f35fece69bc71ffcfeda1ee5072a0fba>::operator ())
  18. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00126874]} cellAdec TODO: Unimplemented audio codec type (1)
  19. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x001268f4]} cellAdec TODO: Unimplemented audio codec type (1)
  20. E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x001268f4]} Exception: Unknown type (0x1)
  21. (in file Emu\SysCalls\Modules\cellAdec.cpp:59, in function AudioDecoder::AudioDecoder)
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