
make runtest failed

Sep 24th, 2017
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  1. (venv)[jalal@ivcgpu1 caffe]$ make test
  2. CXX src/caffe/test/test_accuracy_layer.cpp
  3. CXX src/caffe/test/test_argmax_layer.cpp
  4. CXX src/caffe/test/test_batch_norm_layer.cpp
  5. CXX src/caffe/test/test_batch_reindex_layer.cpp
  6. CXX src/caffe/test/test_benchmark.cpp
  7. CXX src/caffe/test/test_bias_layer.cpp
  8. CXX src/caffe/test/test_blob.cpp
  9. CXX src/caffe/test/test_common.cpp
  10. CXX src/caffe/test/test_concat_layer.cpp
  11. CXX src/caffe/test/test_contrastive_loss_layer.cpp
  12. CXX src/caffe/test/test_convolution_layer.cpp
  13. CXX src/caffe/test/test_crop_layer.cpp
  14. CXX src/caffe/test/test_data_layer.cpp
  15. CXX src/caffe/test/test_data_transformer.cpp
  16. CXX src/caffe/test/test_db.cpp
  17. CXX src/caffe/test/test_deconvolution_layer.cpp
  18. CXX src/caffe/test/test_dummy_data_layer.cpp
  19. CXX src/caffe/test/test_eltwise_layer.cpp
  20. CXX src/caffe/test/test_embed_layer.cpp
  21. CXX src/caffe/test/test_euclidean_loss_layer.cpp
  22. CXX src/caffe/test/test_filler.cpp
  23. CXX src/caffe/test/test_filter_layer.cpp
  24. CXX src/caffe/test/test_flatten_layer.cpp
  25. CXX src/caffe/test/test_gradient_based_solver.cpp
  26. CXX src/caffe/test/test_hdf5_output_layer.cpp
  27. CXX src/caffe/test/test_hdf5data_layer.cpp
  28. CXX src/caffe/test/test_hinge_loss_layer.cpp
  29. CXX src/caffe/test/test_im2col_layer.cpp
  30. CXX src/caffe/test/test_image_data_layer.cpp
  31. CXX src/caffe/test/test_infogain_loss_layer.cpp
  32. CXX src/caffe/test/test_inner_product_layer.cpp
  33. CXX src/caffe/test/test_internal_thread.cpp
  34. CXX src/caffe/test/test_io.cpp
  35. CXX src/caffe/test/test_layer_factory.cpp
  36. CXX src/caffe/test/test_lrn_layer.cpp
  37. CXX src/caffe/test/test_lstm_layer.cpp
  38. CXX src/caffe/test/test_math_functions.cpp
  39. CXX src/caffe/test/test_maxpool_dropout_layers.cpp
  40. CXX src/caffe/test/test_memory_data_layer.cpp
  41. CXX src/caffe/test/test_multinomial_logistic_loss_layer.cpp
  42. CXX src/caffe/test/test_mvn_layer.cpp
  43. CXX src/caffe/test/test_net.cpp
  44. CXX src/caffe/test/test_neuron_layer.cpp
  45. CXX src/caffe/test/test_platform.cpp
  46. CXX src/caffe/test/test_pooling_layer.cpp
  47. CXX src/caffe/test/test_power_layer.cpp
  48. CXX src/caffe/test/test_protobuf.cpp
  49. CXX src/caffe/test/test_random_number_generator.cpp
  50. CXX src/caffe/test/test_reduction_layer.cpp
  51. CXX src/caffe/test/test_reshape_layer.cpp
  52. CXX src/caffe/test/test_rnn_layer.cpp
  53. CXX src/caffe/test/test_scale_layer.cpp
  54. CXX src/caffe/test/test_sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss_layer.cpp
  55. CXX src/caffe/test/test_slice_layer.cpp
  56. CXX src/caffe/test/test_softmax_layer.cpp
  57. CXX src/caffe/test/test_softmax_with_loss_layer.cpp
  58. CXX src/caffe/test/test_solver.cpp
  59. CXX src/caffe/test/test_solver_factory.cpp
  60. CXX src/caffe/test/test_split_layer.cpp
  61. CXX src/caffe/test/test_spp_layer.cpp
  62. CXX src/caffe/test/test_stochastic_pooling.cpp
  63. CXX src/caffe/test/test_syncedmem.cpp
  64. CXX src/caffe/test/test_tanh_layer.cpp
  65. CXX src/caffe/test/test_threshold_layer.cpp
  66. CXX src/caffe/test/test_tile_layer.cpp
  67. CXX src/caffe/test/test_upgrade_proto.cpp
  68. CXX src/caffe/test/test_util_blas.cpp
  69. CXX src/gtest/gtest-all.cpp
  70. CXX/LD -o .build_release/test/test_all.testbin src/caffe/test/test_caffe_main.cpp
  71. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_accuracy_layer.o
  72. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_argmax_layer.o
  73. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_batch_norm_layer.o
  74. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_batch_reindex_layer.o
  75. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_benchmark.o
  76. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_bias_layer.o
  77. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_blob.o
  78. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_common.o
  79. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_concat_layer.o
  80. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_contrastive_loss_layer.o
  81. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_convolution_layer.o
  82. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_crop_layer.o
  83. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_data_layer.o
  84. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_data_transformer.o
  85. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_db.o
  86. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_deconvolution_layer.o
  87. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_dummy_data_layer.o
  88. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_eltwise_layer.o
  89. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_embed_layer.o
  90. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_euclidean_loss_layer.o
  91. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_filler.o
  92. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_filter_layer.o
  93. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_flatten_layer.o
  94. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_gradient_based_solver.o
  95. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_hdf5_output_layer.o
  96. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_hdf5data_layer.o
  97. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_hinge_loss_layer.o
  98. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_im2col_layer.o
  99. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_image_data_layer.o
  100. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_infogain_loss_layer.o
  101. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_inner_product_layer.o
  102. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_internal_thread.o
  103. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_io.o
  104. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_layer_factory.o
  105. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_lrn_layer.o
  106. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_lstm_layer.o
  107. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_math_functions.o
  108. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_maxpool_dropout_layers.o
  109. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_memory_data_layer.o
  110. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_multinomial_logistic_loss_layer.o
  111. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_mvn_layer.o
  112. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_net.o
  113. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_neuron_layer.o
  114. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_platform.o
  115. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_pooling_layer.o
  116. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_power_layer.o
  117. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_protobuf.o
  118. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_random_number_generator.o
  119. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_reduction_layer.o
  120. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_reshape_layer.o
  121. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_rnn_layer.o
  122. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_scale_layer.o
  123. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss_layer.o
  124. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_slice_layer.o
  125. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_softmax_layer.o
  126. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_softmax_with_loss_layer.o
  127. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_solver.o
  128. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_solver_factory.o
  129. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_split_layer.o
  130. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_spp_layer.o
  131. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_stochastic_pooling.o
  132. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_syncedmem.o
  133. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_tanh_layer.o
  134. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_threshold_layer.o
  135. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_tile_layer.o
  136. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_upgrade_proto.o
  137. LD .build_release/src/caffe/test/test_util_blas.o
  138. (venv)[jalal@ivcgpu1 caffe]$ make runtest
  139. .build_release/tools/caffe
  140. caffe: command line brew
  141. usage: caffe <command> <args>
  143. commands:
  144. train train or finetune a model
  145. test score a model
  146. device_query show GPU diagnostic information
  147. time benchmark model execution time
  149. Flags from tools/caffe.cpp:
  150. -gpu (Optional; run in GPU mode on given device IDs separated by ','.Use
  151. '-gpu all' to run on all available GPUs. The effective training batch
  152. size is multiplied by the number of devices.) type: string default: ""
  153. -iterations (The number of iterations to run.) type: int32 default: 50
  154. -level (Optional; network level.) type: int32 default: 0
  155. -model (The model definition protocol buffer text file.) type: string
  156. default: ""
  157. -phase (Optional; network phase (TRAIN or TEST). Only used for 'time'.)
  158. type: string default: ""
  159. -sighup_effect (Optional; action to take when a SIGHUP signal is received:
  160. snapshot, stop or none.) type: string default: "snapshot"
  161. -sigint_effect (Optional; action to take when a SIGINT signal is received:
  162. snapshot, stop or none.) type: string default: "stop"
  163. -snapshot (Optional; the snapshot solver state to resume training.)
  164. type: string default: ""
  165. -solver (The solver definition protocol buffer text file.) type: string
  166. default: ""
  167. -stage (Optional; network stages (not to be confused with phase), separated
  168. by ','.) type: string default: ""
  169. -weights (Optional; the pretrained weights to initialize finetuning,
  170. separated by ','. Cannot be set simultaneously with snapshot.)
  171. type: string default: ""
  172. .build_release/test/test_all.testbin 0 --gtest_shuffle --gtest_filter="-*GPU*"
  173. Note: Google Test filter = -*GPU*
  174. Note: Randomizing tests' orders with a seed of 2183 .
  175. [==========] Running 1106 tests from 150 test cases.
  176. [----------] Global test environment set-up.
  177. [----------] 9 tests from AccuracyLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  178. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestSetupTopK
  179. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestSetupTopK (1 ms)
  180. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardWithSpatialAxes
  181. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardWithSpatialAxes (0 ms)
  182. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardCPUPerClassWithIgnoreLabel
  183. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardCPUPerClassWithIgnoreLabel (0 ms)
  184. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestSetupOutputPerClass
  185. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestSetupOutputPerClass (1 ms)
  186. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardCPU
  187. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardCPU (0 ms)
  188. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardCPUPerClass
  189. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardCPUPerClass (0 ms)
  190. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  191. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms)
  192. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardCPUTopK
  193. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardCPUTopK (1 ms)
  194. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardIgnoreLabel
  195. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/1.TestForwardIgnoreLabel (1 ms)
  196. [----------] 9 tests from AccuracyLayerTest/1 (4 ms total)
  198. [----------] 11 tests from RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  199. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngBernoulliTimesBernoulli
  200. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngBernoulliTimesBernoulli (0 ms)
  201. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniform2
  202. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniform2 (0 ms)
  203. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngBernoulli
  204. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngBernoulli (0 ms)
  205. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniform
  206. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniform (0 ms)
  207. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngBernoulli2
  208. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngBernoulli2 (1 ms)
  209. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformTimesUniform
  210. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformTimesUniform (0 ms)
  211. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussian
  212. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussian (1 ms)
  213. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussianTimesGaussian
  214. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussianTimesGaussian (2 ms)
  215. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussian2
  216. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussian2 (1 ms)
  217. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussianTimesBernoulli
  218. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngGaussianTimesBernoulli (1 ms)
  219. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformTimesBernoulli
  220. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1.TestRngUniformTimesBernoulli (0 ms)
  221. [----------] 11 tests from RandomNumberGeneratorTest/1 (6 ms total)
  223. [----------] 6 tests from FlattenLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  224. [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithEndAxis
  225. [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithEndAxis (0 ms)
  226. [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  227. [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestGradient (3 ms)
  228. [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  229. [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms)
  230. [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithStartAndEndAxis
  231. [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithStartAndEndAxis (0 ms)
  232. [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestForward
  233. [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms)
  234. [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithAxis
  235. [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithAxis (0 ms)
  236. [----------] 6 tests from FlattenLayerTest/1 (3 ms total)
  238. [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  239. [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerStart
  240. [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerStart (0 ms)
  241. [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerConstructor
  242. [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerConstructor (0 ms)
  243. [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerMilliSeconds
  244. [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerMilliSeconds (301 ms)
  245. [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerStop
  246. [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerStop (0 ms)
  247. [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerSeconds
  248. [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/1.TestTimerSeconds (300 ms)
  249. [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/1 (601 ms total)
  251. [----------] 2 tests from BatchReindexLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  252. [ RUN ] BatchReindexLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  253. [ OK ] BatchReindexLayerTest/1.TestGradient (141 ms)
  254. [ RUN ] BatchReindexLayerTest/1.TestForward
  255. [ OK ] BatchReindexLayerTest/1.TestForward (1 ms)
  256. [----------] 2 tests from BatchReindexLayerTest/1 (142 ms total)
  258. [----------] 3 tests from TanHLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  259. [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/0.TestTanHGradient
  260. [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/0.TestTanHGradient (6 ms)
  261. [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/0.TestTanHOverflow
  262. [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/0.TestTanHOverflow (0 ms)
  263. [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/0.TestTanH
  264. [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/0.TestTanH (0 ms)
  265. [----------] 3 tests from TanHLayerTest/0 (6 ms total)
  267. [----------] 8 tests from Im2colLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  268. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestDilatedGradient
  269. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestDilatedGradient (560 ms)
  270. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  271. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms)
  272. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestForward
  273. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  274. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestGradientForceND
  275. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestGradientForceND (320 ms)
  276. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestDilatedGradientForceND
  277. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestDilatedGradientForceND (958 ms)
  278. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestRect
  279. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestRect (0 ms)
  280. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestRectGradient
  281. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestRectGradient (153 ms)
  282. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  283. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/0.TestGradient (188 ms)
  284. [----------] 8 tests from Im2colLayerTest/0 (2179 ms total)
  286. [----------] 1 test from GaussianFillerTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  287. [ RUN ] GaussianFillerTest/1.TestFill
  288. [ OK ] GaussianFillerTest/1.TestFill (0 ms)
  289. [----------] 1 test from GaussianFillerTest/1 (0 ms total)
  291. [----------] 4 tests from NetUpgradeTest
  292. [ RUN ] NetUpgradeTest.TestImageNet
  293. [ OK ] NetUpgradeTest.TestImageNet (4 ms)
  294. [ RUN ] NetUpgradeTest.TestUpgradeV1LayerType
  295. [ OK ] NetUpgradeTest.TestUpgradeV1LayerType (119 ms)
  296. [ RUN ] NetUpgradeTest.TestAllParams
  297. [ OK ] NetUpgradeTest.TestAllParams (1 ms)
  298. [ RUN ] NetUpgradeTest.TestSimple
  299. [ OK ] NetUpgradeTest.TestSimple (0 ms)
  300. [----------] 4 tests from NetUpgradeTest (124 ms total)
  302. [----------] 9 tests from LSTMLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  303. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestGradientNonZeroCont
  304. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestGradientNonZeroCont (173 ms)
  305. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestLSTMUnitGradientNonZeroCont
  306. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestLSTMUnitGradientNonZeroCont (34 ms)
  307. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestSetUp
  308. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestSetUp (1 ms)
  309. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2WithStaticInput
  310. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2WithStaticInput (1670 ms)
  311. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestForward
  312. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestForward (2 ms)
  313. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  314. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestGradient (148 ms)
  315. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestLSTMUnitSetUp
  316. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestLSTMUnitSetUp (0 ms)
  317. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestLSTMUnitGradient
  318. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestLSTMUnitGradient (34 ms)
  319. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2
  320. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/0.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2 (275 ms)
  321. [----------] 9 tests from LSTMLayerTest/0 (2337 ms total)
  323. [----------] 9 tests from AccuracyLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  324. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardCPUPerClass
  325. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardCPUPerClass (1 ms)
  326. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardIgnoreLabel
  327. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardIgnoreLabel (0 ms)
  328. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardCPUPerClassWithIgnoreLabel
  329. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardCPUPerClassWithIgnoreLabel (0 ms)
  330. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestSetupOutputPerClass
  331. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestSetupOutputPerClass (0 ms)
  332. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardWithSpatialAxes
  333. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardWithSpatialAxes (0 ms)
  334. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  335. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms)
  336. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardCPU
  337. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardCPU (0 ms)
  338. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardCPUTopK
  339. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestForwardCPUTopK (1 ms)
  340. [ RUN ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestSetupTopK
  341. [ OK ] AccuracyLayerTest/0.TestSetupTopK (0 ms)
  342. [----------] 9 tests from AccuracyLayerTest/0 (2 ms total)
  344. [----------] 12 tests from DataTransformTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  345. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMeanValues
  346. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMeanValues (0 ms)
  347. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropSize
  348. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropSize (0 ms)
  349. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropTest
  350. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropTest (0 ms)
  351. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropMirrorTrain
  352. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropMirrorTrain (0 ms)
  353. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMirrorTrain
  354. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMirrorTrain (0 ms)
  355. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropTrain
  356. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropTrain (0 ms)
  357. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMirrorTest
  358. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMirrorTest (0 ms)
  359. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestEmptyTransformUniquePixels
  360. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestEmptyTransformUniquePixels (0 ms)
  361. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropMirrorTest
  362. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestCropMirrorTest (0 ms)
  363. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMeanFile
  364. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMeanFile (2 ms)
  365. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestEmptyTransform
  366. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestEmptyTransform (0 ms)
  367. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMeanValue
  368. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/1.TestMeanValue (0 ms)
  369. [----------] 12 tests from DataTransformTest/1 (2 ms total)
  371. [----------] 3 tests from BatchNormLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  372. [ RUN ] BatchNormLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  373. [ OK ] BatchNormLayerTest/1.TestGradient (116 ms)
  374. [ RUN ] BatchNormLayerTest/1.TestForward
  375. [ OK ] BatchNormLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms)
  376. [ RUN ] BatchNormLayerTest/1.TestForwardInplace
  377. [ OK ] BatchNormLayerTest/1.TestForwardInplace (0 ms)
  378. [----------] 3 tests from BatchNormLayerTest/1 (116 ms total)
  380. [----------] 2 tests from EuclideanLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  381. [ RUN ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/1.TestForward
  382. [ OK ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms)
  383. [ RUN ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  384. [ OK ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient (0 ms)
  385. [----------] 2 tests from EuclideanLossLayerTest/1 (1 ms total)
  387. [----------] 1 test from HDF5OutputLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  388. [ RUN ] HDF5OutputLayerTest/0.TestForward
  389. [ OK ] HDF5OutputLayerTest/0.TestForward (28 ms)
  390. [----------] 1 test from HDF5OutputLayerTest/0 (28 ms total)
  392. [----------] 4 tests from ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  393. [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientLegacy
  394. [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientLegacy (127 ms)
  395. [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestForward
  396. [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  397. [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  398. [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient (136 ms)
  399. [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestForwardLegacy
  400. [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0.TestForwardLegacy (0 ms)
  401. [----------] 4 tests from ContrastiveLossLayerTest/0 (263 ms total)
  403. [----------] 2 tests from InfogainLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  404. [ RUN ] InfogainLossLayerTest/1.TestInfogainLoss
  405. [ OK ] InfogainLossLayerTest/1.TestInfogainLoss (0 ms)
  406. [ RUN ] InfogainLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  407. [ OK ] InfogainLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient (2 ms)
  408. [----------] 2 tests from InfogainLossLayerTest/1 (2 ms total)
  410. [----------] 2 tests from EuclideanLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  411. [ RUN ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  412. [ OK ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient (0 ms)
  413. [ RUN ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/0.TestForward
  414. [ OK ] EuclideanLossLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  415. [----------] 2 tests from EuclideanLossLayerTest/0 (0 ms total)
  417. [----------] 20 tests from BiasLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  418. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardEltwiseInPlace
  419. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardEltwiseInPlace (0 ms)
  420. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddle
  421. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddle (0 ms)
  422. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace
  423. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace (0 ms)
  424. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastEnd
  425. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastEnd (93 ms)
  426. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastMiddleWithParam
  427. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastMiddleWithParam (68 ms)
  428. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientEltwiseWithParam
  429. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientEltwiseWithParam (124 ms)
  430. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestBackwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace
  431. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestBackwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace (0 ms)
  432. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBias
  433. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBias (0 ms)
  434. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientEltwise
  435. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientEltwise (2 ms)
  436. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBiasAxis2
  437. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBiasAxis2 (0 ms)
  438. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastEnd
  439. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastEnd (0 ms)
  440. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientBiasAxis2
  441. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientBiasAxis2 (58 ms)
  442. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastMiddle
  443. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastMiddle (69 ms)
  444. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientBias
  445. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientBias (58 ms)
  446. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardEltwise
  447. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardEltwise (0 ms)
  448. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastBegin
  449. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastBegin (0 ms)
  450. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardEltwiseWithParam
  451. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardEltwiseWithParam (0 ms)
  452. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastBegin
  453. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastBegin (60 ms)
  454. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestBackwardEltwiseInPlace
  455. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestBackwardEltwiseInPlace (0 ms)
  456. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleWithParam
  457. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleWithParam (0 ms)
  458. [----------] 20 tests from BiasLayerTest/1 (533 ms total)
  460. [----------] 27 tests from ReductionLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  461. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeff
  462. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeff (0 ms)
  463. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSum
  464. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSum (0 ms)
  465. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSetUpWithAxis1
  466. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSetUpWithAxis1 (0 ms)
  467. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMean
  468. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMean (0 ms)
  469. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffGradient
  470. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffGradient (1 ms)
  471. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSetUpWithAxis2
  472. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSetUpWithAxis2 (0 ms)
  473. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeffAxis1
  474. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeffAxis1 (0 ms)
  475. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1
  476. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1 (0 ms)
  477. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquares
  478. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquares (0 ms)
  479. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSetUp
  480. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSetUp (0 ms)
  481. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1Gradient
  482. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1Gradient (1 ms)
  483. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeffGradient
  484. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeffGradient (0 ms)
  485. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffAxis1
  486. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffAxis1 (0 ms)
  487. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumGradient
  488. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumGradient (1 ms)
  489. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeff
  490. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeff (0 ms)
  491. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanGradient
  492. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanGradient (0 ms)
  493. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSum
  494. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSum (0 ms)
  495. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeffGradientAxis1
  496. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeffGradientAxis1 (1 ms)
  497. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffGradient
  498. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffGradient (1 ms)
  499. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffAxis1Gradient
  500. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffAxis1Gradient (1 ms)
  501. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeff
  502. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeff (0 ms)
  503. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1Gradient
  504. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1Gradient (1 ms)
  505. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1
  506. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1 (0 ms)
  507. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeff
  508. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeff (0 ms)
  509. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeffGradient
  510. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestMeanCoeffGradient (0 ms)
  511. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresGradient
  512. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestSumOfSquaresGradient (1 ms)
  513. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumGradient
  514. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/0.TestAbsSumGradient (0 ms)
  515. [----------] 27 tests from ReductionLayerTest/0 (8 ms total)
  517. [----------] 6 tests from MVNLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  518. [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestForward
  519. [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms)
  520. [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestGradientMeanOnly
  521. [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestGradientMeanOnly (71 ms)
  522. [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestForwardAcrossChannels
  523. [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestForwardAcrossChannels (0 ms)
  524. [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestForwardMeanOnly
  525. [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestForwardMeanOnly (0 ms)
  526. [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  527. [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestGradient (137 ms)
  528. [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannels
  529. [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannels (136 ms)
  530. [----------] 6 tests from MVNLayerTest/1 (344 ms total)
  532. [----------] 26 tests from NetTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  533. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestGetBlob
  534. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestGetBlob (1 ms)
  535. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackwardTricky
  536. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackwardTricky (1 ms)
  537. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestLossWeightMidNet
  538. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestLossWeightMidNet (3 ms)
  539. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackwardForce
  540. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackwardForce (1 ms)
  541. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsResume
  542. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsResume (0 ms)
  543. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestReshape
  544. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestReshape (1 ms)
  545. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsUpdate
  546. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsUpdate (1 ms)
  547. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackwardEuclideanForce
  548. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackwardEuclideanForce (0 ms)
  549. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestGetLayerByName
  550. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestGetLayerByName (1 ms)
  551. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet
  552. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet (0 ms)
  553. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsDiffNet
  554. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsDiffNet (0 ms)
  555. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestFromTo
  556. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestFromTo (1 ms)
  557. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestAllInOneNetDeploy
  558. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestAllInOneNetDeploy (1 ms)
  559. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestLossWeight
  560. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestLossWeight (2 ms)
  561. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsDataNet
  562. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestSharedWeightsDataNet (1 ms)
  563. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestAllInOneNetVal
  564. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestAllInOneNetVal (0 ms)
  565. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackward
  566. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestBottomNeedBackward (1 ms)
  567. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestComboLossWeight
  568. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestComboLossWeight (2 ms)
  569. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet
  570. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet (1 ms)
  571. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestHasLayer
  572. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestHasLayer (1 ms)
  573. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestBackwardWithAccuracyLayer
  574. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestBackwardWithAccuracyLayer (1 ms)
  575. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestParamPropagateDown
  576. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestParamPropagateDown (1 ms)
  577. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestAllInOneNetTrain
  578. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestAllInOneNetTrain (1 ms)
  579. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestForcePropagateDown
  580. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestForcePropagateDown (1 ms)
  581. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestSkipPropagateDown
  582. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestSkipPropagateDown (0 ms)
  583. [ RUN ] NetTest/0.TestHasBlob
  584. [ OK ] NetTest/0.TestHasBlob (1 ms)
  585. [----------] 26 tests from NetTest/0 (25 ms total)
  587. [----------] 50 tests from NeuronLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  588. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestSigmoid
  589. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestSigmoid (0 ms)
  590. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLU
  591. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLU (0 ms)
  592. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestTanH
  593. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestTanH (1 ms)
  594. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2
  595. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2 (0 ms)
  596. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestELUGradient
  597. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestELUGradient (1 ms)
  598. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayer
  599. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayer (0 ms)
  600. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutHalf
  601. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutHalf (0 ms)
  602. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutThreeQuarters
  603. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutThreeQuarters (0 ms)
  604. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutGradientTest
  605. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutGradientTest (2 ms)
  606. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1
  607. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1 (0 ms)
  608. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestAbsVal
  609. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestAbsVal (0 ms)
  610. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestBNLL
  611. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestBNLL (0 ms)
  612. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3
  613. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms)
  614. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestSigmoidGradient
  615. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestSigmoidGradient (2 ms)
  616. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestELU
  617. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestELU (0 ms)
  618. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUParam
  619. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUParam (0 ms)
  620. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3
  621. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (0 ms)
  622. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUInPlace
  623. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUInPlace (0 ms)
  624. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope
  625. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope (1 ms)
  626. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestELUasReLU
  627. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestELUasReLU (0 ms)
  628. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestELUasReLUGradient
  629. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestELUasReLUGradient (2 ms)
  630. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU
  631. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU (0 ms)
  632. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayer
  633. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayer (0 ms)
  634. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutGradient
  635. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutGradient (2 ms)
  636. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2
  637. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2 (2 ms)
  638. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3
  639. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3 (1 ms)
  640. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutTestPhase
  641. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestDropoutTestPhase (0 ms)
  642. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1
  643. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1 (0 ms)
  644. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3
  645. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (2 ms)
  646. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3
  647. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3 (2 ms)
  648. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestBNLLGradient
  649. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestBNLLGradient (4 ms)
  650. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUGradient
  651. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUGradient (76 ms)
  652. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1
  653. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1 (2 ms)
  654. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestAbsGradient
  655. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestAbsGradient (1 ms)
  656. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3
  657. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms)
  658. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3
  659. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (1 ms)
  660. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2
  661. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerBase2 (1 ms)
  662. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUForward
  663. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUForward (0 ms)
  664. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope
  665. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope (0 ms)
  666. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2
  667. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2 (1 ms)
  668. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerWithShift
  669. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpLayerWithShift (0 ms)
  670. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradient
  671. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradient (2 ms)
  672. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3
  673. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (0 ms)
  674. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared
  675. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared (0 ms)
  676. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestTanHGradient
  677. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestTanHGradient (2 ms)
  678. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradient
  679. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestLogGradient (2 ms)
  680. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared
  681. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared (75 ms)
  682. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUGradient
  683. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestReLUGradient (1 ms)
  684. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientWithShift
  685. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientWithShift (2 ms)
  686. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1
  687. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/0.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1 (1 ms)
  688. [----------] 50 tests from NeuronLayerTest/0 (189 ms total)
  690. [----------] 14 tests from DataLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  691. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainLMDB
  692. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainLMDB (26 ms)
  693. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainLevelDB
  694. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainLevelDB (79 ms)
  695. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadLevelDB
  696. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadLevelDB (220 ms)
  697. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTestLevelDB
  698. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTestLevelDB (115 ms)
  699. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLevelDB
  700. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLevelDB (267 ms)
  701. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLevelDB
  702. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLevelDB (109 ms)
  703. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadLMDB
  704. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadLMDB (27 ms)
  705. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLMDB
  706. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLMDB (25 ms)
  707. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTestLMDB
  708. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTestLMDB (26 ms)
  709. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestSkipLMDB
  710. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestSkipLMDB (42 ms)
  711. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReshapeLMDB
  712. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReshapeLMDB (53 ms)
  713. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReshapeLevelDB
  714. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReshapeLevelDB (143 ms)
  715. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestSkipLevelDB
  716. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestSkipLevelDB (311 ms)
  717. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLMDB
  718. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/0.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLMDB (13 ms)
  719. [----------] 14 tests from DataLayerTest/0 (1457 ms total)
  721. [----------] 4 tests from BlobSimpleTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  722. [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestReshape
  723. [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestReshape (0 ms)
  724. [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestLegacyBlobProtoShapeEquals
  725. [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestLegacyBlobProtoShapeEquals (0 ms)
  726. [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestInitialization
  727. [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestInitialization (0 ms)
  728. [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestReshapeZero
  729. [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestReshapeZero (0 ms)
  730. [----------] 4 tests from BlobSimpleTest/0 (0 ms total)
  732. [----------] 5 tests from DeconvolutionLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  733. [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradient3D
  734. [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradient3D (184 ms)
  735. [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestNDAgainst2D
  736. [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestNDAgainst2D (495 ms)
  737. [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  738. [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms)
  739. [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleDeconvolution
  740. [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleDeconvolution (1 ms)
  741. [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  742. [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradient (401 ms)
  743. [----------] 5 tests from DeconvolutionLayerTest/1 (1081 ms total)
  745. [----------] 4 tests from BlobSimpleTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  746. [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestReshapeZero
  747. [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestReshapeZero (0 ms)
  748. [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestLegacyBlobProtoShapeEquals
  749. [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestLegacyBlobProtoShapeEquals (0 ms)
  750. [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestInitialization
  751. [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestInitialization (0 ms)
  752. [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestReshape
  753. [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/1.TestReshape (0 ms)
  754. [----------] 4 tests from BlobSimpleTest/1 (0 ms total)
  756. [----------] 10 tests from EltwiseLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  757. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSetUp
  758. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSetUp (0 ms)
  759. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSumGradient
  760. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSumGradient (3 ms)
  761. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestUnstableProdGradient
  762. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestUnstableProdGradient (3 ms)
  763. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffGradient
  764. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffGradient (3 ms)
  765. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSum
  766. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSum (0 ms)
  767. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestProd
  768. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestProd (0 ms)
  769. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestMax
  770. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestMax (0 ms)
  771. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestMaxGradient
  772. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestMaxGradient (3 ms)
  773. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestStableProdGradient
  774. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestStableProdGradient (3 ms)
  775. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeff
  776. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeff (0 ms)
  777. [----------] 10 tests from EltwiseLayerTest/1 (15 ms total)
  779. [----------] 3 tests from XavierFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  780. [ RUN ] XavierFillerTest/0.TestFillFanIn
  781. [ OK ] XavierFillerTest/0.TestFillFanIn (0 ms)
  782. [ RUN ] XavierFillerTest/0.TestFillAverage
  783. [ OK ] XavierFillerTest/0.TestFillAverage (0 ms)
  784. [ RUN ] XavierFillerTest/0.TestFillFanOut
  785. [ OK ] XavierFillerTest/0.TestFillFanOut (1 ms)
  786. [----------] 3 tests from XavierFillerTest/0 (1 ms total)
  788. [----------] 3 tests from DummyDataLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  789. [ RUN ] DummyDataLayerTest/0.TestOneTopConstant
  790. [ OK ] DummyDataLayerTest/0.TestOneTopConstant (0 ms)
  791. [ RUN ] DummyDataLayerTest/0.TestTwoTopConstant
  792. [ OK ] DummyDataLayerTest/0.TestTwoTopConstant (0 ms)
  793. [ RUN ] DummyDataLayerTest/0.TestThreeTopConstantGaussianConstant
  794. [ OK ] DummyDataLayerTest/0.TestThreeTopConstantGaussianConstant (0 ms)
  795. [----------] 3 tests from DummyDataLayerTest/0 (0 ms total)
  797. [----------] 22 tests from ScaleLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  798. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardEltwiseInPlace
  799. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardEltwiseInPlace (0 ms)
  800. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastEnd
  801. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastEnd (112 ms)
  802. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastMiddle
  803. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastMiddle (73 ms)
  804. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientEltwise
  805. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientEltwise (3 ms)
  806. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleWithParamAndBias
  807. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleWithParamAndBias (0 ms)
  808. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientEltwiseWithParam
  809. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientEltwiseWithParam (189 ms)
  810. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestBackwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace
  811. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestBackwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace (0 ms)
  812. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientScaleAxis2
  813. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientScaleAxis2 (57 ms)
  814. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastEnd
  815. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastEnd (0 ms)
  816. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastMiddleWithParam
  817. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastMiddleWithParam (73 ms)
  818. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddle
  819. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddle (0 ms)
  820. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientScaleAndBias
  821. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientScaleAndBias (71 ms)
  822. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardScale
  823. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardScale (0 ms)
  824. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace
  825. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace (0 ms)
  826. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastBegin
  827. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastBegin (0 ms)
  828. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleWithParam
  829. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleWithParam (0 ms)
  830. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestBackwardEltwiseInPlace
  831. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestBackwardEltwiseInPlace (0 ms)
  832. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientScale
  833. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientScale (57 ms)
  834. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardEltwiseWithParam
  835. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardEltwiseWithParam (0 ms)
  836. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardScaleAxis2
  837. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardScaleAxis2 (0 ms)
  838. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastBegin
  839. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestGradientBroadcastBegin (62 ms)
  840. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardEltwise
  841. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/1.TestForwardEltwise (0 ms)
  842. [----------] 22 tests from ScaleLayerTest/1 (697 ms total)
  844. [----------] 5 tests from SPPLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  845. [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestEqualOutputDims2
  846. [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestEqualOutputDims2 (0 ms)
  847. [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  848. [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestGradient (1057 ms)
  849. [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  850. [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms)
  851. [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestEqualOutputDims
  852. [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestEqualOutputDims (0 ms)
  853. [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestForwardBackward
  854. [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/0.TestForwardBackward (0 ms)
  855. [----------] 5 tests from SPPLayerTest/0 (1057 ms total)
  857. [----------] 10 tests from PowerLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  858. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerOneGradient
  859. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerOneGradient (1 ms)
  860. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerZero
  861. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerZero (0 ms)
  862. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerOne
  863. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerOne (0 ms)
  864. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerTwo
  865. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerTwo (0 ms)
  866. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerTwoGradient
  867. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerTwoGradient (2 ms)
  868. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPower
  869. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPower (0 ms)
  870. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerZeroGradient
  871. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerZeroGradient (1 ms)
  872. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerTwoScaleHalfGradient
  873. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerTwoScaleHalfGradient (1 ms)
  874. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerGradient
  875. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerGradient (4 ms)
  876. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerGradientShiftZero
  877. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/1.TestPowerGradientShiftZero (3 ms)
  878. [----------] 10 tests from PowerLayerTest/1 (12 ms total)
  880. [----------] 7 tests from TileLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  881. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/1.TestGradientChannels
  882. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/1.TestGradientChannels (180 ms)
  883. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  884. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms)
  885. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/1.TestTrivialGradient
  886. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/1.TestTrivialGradient (53 ms)
  887. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/1.TestForwardChannels
  888. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/1.TestForwardChannels (0 ms)
  889. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/1.TestForwardNum
  890. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/1.TestForwardNum (0 ms)
  891. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/1.TestGradientNum
  892. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/1.TestGradientNum (169 ms)
  893. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/1.TestTrivialSetup
  894. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/1.TestTrivialSetup (0 ms)
  895. [----------] 7 tests from TileLayerTest/1 (402 ms total)
  897. [----------] 3 tests from BlobMathTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  898. [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/1.TestScaleData
  899. [ OK ] BlobMathTest/1.TestScaleData (0 ms)
  900. [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/1.TestSumOfSquares
  901. [ OK ] BlobMathTest/1.TestSumOfSquares (0 ms)
  902. [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/1.TestAsum
  903. [ OK ] BlobMathTest/1.TestAsum (0 ms)
  904. [----------] 3 tests from BlobMathTest/1 (0 ms total)
  906. [----------] 15 tests from ConvolutionLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  907. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  908. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms)
  909. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSobelConvolution
  910. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSobelConvolution (0 ms)
  911. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimple3DConvolution
  912. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimple3DConvolution (1 ms)
  913. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.Test1x1Convolution
  914. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.Test1x1Convolution (0 ms)
  915. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradient3D
  916. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradient3D (381 ms)
  917. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.Test0DConvolution
  918. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.Test0DConvolution (0 ms)
  919. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  920. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradient (52 ms)
  921. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestDilated3DConvolution
  922. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestDilated3DConvolution (6 ms)
  923. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.Test1x1Gradient
  924. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.Test1x1Gradient (411 ms)
  925. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestDilatedGradient
  926. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestDilatedGradient (12 ms)
  927. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradientGroup
  928. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestGradientGroup (17 ms)
  929. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestNDAgainst2D
  930. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestNDAgainst2D (204 ms)
  931. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestDilatedConvolution
  932. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestDilatedConvolution (1 ms)
  933. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolutionGroup
  934. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolutionGroup (0 ms)
  935. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolution
  936. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolution (0 ms)
  937. [----------] 15 tests from ConvolutionLayerTest/1 (1086 ms total)
  939. [----------] 10 tests from EltwiseLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  940. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestProd
  941. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestProd (0 ms)
  942. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeff
  943. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeff (0 ms)
  944. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestUnstableProdGradient
  945. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestUnstableProdGradient (3 ms)
  946. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffGradient
  947. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSumCoeffGradient (3 ms)
  948. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestStableProdGradient
  949. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestStableProdGradient (3 ms)
  950. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSetUp
  951. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSetUp (0 ms)
  952. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestMax
  953. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestMax (0 ms)
  954. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSum
  955. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSum (0 ms)
  956. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestMaxGradient
  957. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestMaxGradient (3 ms)
  958. [ RUN ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSumGradient
  959. [ OK ] EltwiseLayerTest/0.TestSumGradient (2 ms)
  960. [----------] 10 tests from EltwiseLayerTest/0 (14 ms total)
  962. [----------] 11 tests from CropLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  963. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/1.TestSetupShapeAll
  964. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/1.TestSetupShapeAll (0 ms)
  965. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCropHWGradient
  966. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCropHWGradient (288 ms)
  967. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/1.TestSetupShapeNegativeIndexing
  968. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/1.TestSetupShapeNegativeIndexing (0 ms)
  969. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCropAll
  970. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCropAll (0 ms)
  971. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCrop5D
  972. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCrop5D (0 ms)
  973. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCropHW
  974. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCropHW (0 ms)
  975. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCropAllGradient
  976. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCropAllGradient (173 ms)
  977. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/1.TestSetupShapeDefault
  978. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/1.TestSetupShapeDefault (1 ms)
  979. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCrop5DGradient
  980. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCrop5DGradient (1028 ms)
  981. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCropAllOffset
  982. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/1.TestCropAllOffset (0 ms)
  983. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/1.TestDimensionsCheck
  984. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/1.TestDimensionsCheck (0 ms)
  985. [----------] 11 tests from CropLayerTest/1 (1490 ms total)
  987. [----------] 12 tests from DataTransformTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  988. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMeanFile
  989. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMeanFile (1 ms)
  990. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestEmptyTransform
  991. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestEmptyTransform (0 ms)
  992. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropTrain
  993. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropTrain (0 ms)
  994. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMirrorTrain
  995. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMirrorTrain (0 ms)
  996. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropMirrorTrain
  997. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropMirrorTrain (0 ms)
  998. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMeanValues
  999. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMeanValues (0 ms)
  1000. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestEmptyTransformUniquePixels
  1001. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestEmptyTransformUniquePixels (0 ms)
  1002. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropSize
  1003. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropSize (0 ms)
  1004. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMeanValue
  1005. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMeanValue (0 ms)
  1006. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropMirrorTest
  1007. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropMirrorTest (0 ms)
  1008. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropTest
  1009. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestCropTest (0 ms)
  1010. [ RUN ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMirrorTest
  1011. [ OK ] DataTransformTest/0.TestMirrorTest (0 ms)
  1012. [----------] 12 tests from DataTransformTest/0 (1 ms total)
  1014. [----------] 8 tests from SliceLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1015. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannels
  1016. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannels (29 ms)
  1017. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSliceAcrossNum
  1018. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSliceAcrossNum (0 ms)
  1019. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSliceAcrossChannels
  1020. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSliceAcrossChannels (1 ms)
  1021. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestTrivialSlice
  1022. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestTrivialSlice (0 ms)
  1023. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestGradientTrivial
  1024. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestGradientTrivial (6 ms)
  1025. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSetupNum
  1026. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSetupNum (0 ms)
  1027. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSetupChannels
  1028. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestSetupChannels (0 ms)
  1029. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossNum
  1030. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossNum (25 ms)
  1031. [----------] 8 tests from SliceLayerTest/1 (61 ms total)
  1033. [----------] 2 tests from InternalThreadTest
  1034. [ RUN ] InternalThreadTest.TestRandomSeed
  1035. [ OK ] InternalThreadTest.TestRandomSeed (0 ms)
  1036. [ RUN ] InternalThreadTest.TestStartAndExit
  1037. [ OK ] InternalThreadTest.TestStartAndExit (0 ms)
  1038. [----------] 2 tests from InternalThreadTest (0 ms total)
  1040. [----------] 2 tests from InfogainLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1041. [ RUN ] InfogainLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  1042. [ OK ] InfogainLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient (2 ms)
  1043. [ RUN ] InfogainLossLayerTest/0.TestInfogainLoss
  1044. [ OK ] InfogainLossLayerTest/0.TestInfogainLoss (0 ms)
  1045. [----------] 2 tests from InfogainLossLayerTest/0 (2 ms total)
  1047. [----------] 9 tests from AdaGradSolverTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1048. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdate
  1049. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdate (35 ms)
  1050. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay
  1051. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (21 ms)
  1052. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare
  1053. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare (85 ms)
  1054. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestSnapshot
  1055. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestSnapshot (23 ms)
  1056. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestSnapshotShare
  1057. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestSnapshotShare (23 ms)
  1058. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateLROneHundredth
  1059. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateLROneHundredth (10 ms)
  1060. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything
  1061. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (49 ms)
  1062. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum
  1063. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (3 ms)
  1064. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare
  1065. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare (4 ms)
  1066. [----------] 9 tests from AdaGradSolverTest/0 (253 ms total)
  1068. [----------] 8 tests from RMSPropSolverTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1069. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithRmsDecay
  1070. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithRmsDecay (49 ms)
  1071. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestSnapshotShare
  1072. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestSnapshotShare (21 ms)
  1073. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestSnapshot
  1074. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestSnapshot (19 ms)
  1075. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay
  1076. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (10 ms)
  1077. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare
  1078. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare (52 ms)
  1079. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything
  1080. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (49 ms)
  1081. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare
  1082. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare (4 ms)
  1083. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum
  1084. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (3 ms)
  1085. [----------] 8 tests from RMSPropSolverTest/0 (208 ms total)
  1087. [----------] 3 tests from MSRAFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  1088. [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillFanIn
  1089. [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillFanIn (1 ms)
  1090. [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillFanOut
  1091. [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillFanOut (2 ms)
  1092. [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillAverage
  1093. [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillAverage (1 ms)
  1094. [----------] 3 tests from MSRAFillerTest/0 (4 ms total)
  1096. [----------] 1 test from GaussianFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  1097. [ RUN ] GaussianFillerTest/0.TestFill
  1098. [ OK ] GaussianFillerTest/0.TestFill (0 ms)
  1099. [----------] 1 test from GaussianFillerTest/0 (0 ms total)
  1101. [----------] 3 tests from ThresholdLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1102. [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  1103. [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms)
  1104. [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/1.Test2
  1105. [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/1.Test2 (0 ms)
  1106. [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/1.Test
  1107. [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/1.Test (0 ms)
  1108. [----------] 3 tests from ThresholdLayerTest/1 (0 ms total)
  1110. [----------] 8 tests from SliceLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1111. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSetupNum
  1112. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSetupNum (0 ms)
  1113. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestTrivialSlice
  1114. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestTrivialSlice (0 ms)
  1115. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSliceAcrossChannels
  1116. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSliceAcrossChannels (0 ms)
  1117. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestGradientTrivial
  1118. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestGradientTrivial (7 ms)
  1119. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossNum
  1120. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossNum (25 ms)
  1121. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSliceAcrossNum
  1122. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSliceAcrossNum (0 ms)
  1123. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSetupChannels
  1124. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestSetupChannels (0 ms)
  1125. [ RUN ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannels
  1126. [ OK ] SliceLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannels (29 ms)
  1127. [----------] 8 tests from SliceLayerTest/0 (61 ms total)
  1129. [----------] 7 tests from TileLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1130. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/0.TestTrivialSetup
  1131. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/0.TestTrivialSetup (0 ms)
  1132. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/0.TestForwardNum
  1133. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/0.TestForwardNum (0 ms)
  1134. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/0.TestTrivialGradient
  1135. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/0.TestTrivialGradient (53 ms)
  1136. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  1137. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms)
  1138. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/0.TestGradientChannels
  1139. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/0.TestGradientChannels (176 ms)
  1140. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/0.TestGradientNum
  1141. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/0.TestGradientNum (164 ms)
  1142. [ RUN ] TileLayerTest/0.TestForwardChannels
  1143. [ OK ] TileLayerTest/0.TestForwardChannels (0 ms)
  1144. [----------] 7 tests from TileLayerTest/0 (393 ms total)
  1146. [----------] 6 tests from FlattenLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1147. [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  1148. [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestGradient (2 ms)
  1149. [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  1150. [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms)
  1151. [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithAxis
  1152. [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithAxis (0 ms)
  1153. [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithEndAxis
  1154. [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithEndAxis (0 ms)
  1155. [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithStartAndEndAxis
  1156. [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithStartAndEndAxis (0 ms)
  1157. [ RUN ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestForward
  1158. [ OK ] FlattenLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  1159. [----------] 6 tests from FlattenLayerTest/0 (2 ms total)
  1161. [----------] 11 tests from AdaDeltaSolverTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1162. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdate
  1163. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdate (11 ms)
  1164. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay
  1165. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (10 ms)
  1166. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare
  1167. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare (4 ms)
  1168. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestSnapshot
  1169. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestSnapshot (20 ms)
  1170. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithHalfMomentum
  1171. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithHalfMomentum (18 ms)
  1172. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything
  1173. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (87 ms)
  1174. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare
  1175. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare (72 ms)
  1176. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestSnapshotShare
  1177. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestSnapshotShare (26 ms)
  1178. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter
  1179. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (72 ms)
  1180. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum
  1181. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (8 ms)
  1182. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum
  1183. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/1.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (40 ms)
  1184. [----------] 11 tests from AdaDeltaSolverTest/1 (368 ms total)
  1186. [----------] 12 tests from ReshapeLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1187. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInferenceOfUnspecifiedWithStartAxis
  1188. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInferenceOfUnspecifiedWithStartAxis (0 ms)
  1189. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInsertSingletonAxesStart
  1190. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInsertSingletonAxesStart (0 ms)
  1191. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestFlattenMiddle
  1192. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestFlattenMiddle (0 ms)
  1193. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInsertSingletonAxesEnd
  1194. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInsertSingletonAxesEnd (0 ms)
  1195. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestCopyDimensions
  1196. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestCopyDimensions (0 ms)
  1197. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInferenceOfUnspecified
  1198. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInferenceOfUnspecified (0 ms)
  1199. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInsertSingletonAxesMiddle
  1200. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestInsertSingletonAxesMiddle (0 ms)
  1201. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestFlattenValues
  1202. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestFlattenValues (0 ms)
  1203. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestFlattenOutputSizes
  1204. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestFlattenOutputSizes (0 ms)
  1205. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestForwardAfterReshape
  1206. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestForwardAfterReshape (0 ms)
  1207. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  1208. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestGradient (4 ms)
  1209. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestForward
  1210. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  1211. [----------] 12 tests from ReshapeLayerTest/0 (4 ms total)
  1213. [----------] 2 tests from BatchReindexLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1214. [ RUN ] BatchReindexLayerTest/0.TestForward
  1215. [ OK ] BatchReindexLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  1216. [ RUN ] BatchReindexLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  1217. [ OK ] BatchReindexLayerTest/0.TestGradient (117 ms)
  1218. [----------] 2 tests from BatchReindexLayerTest/0 (117 ms total)
  1220. [----------] 9 tests from LSTMLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1221. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2WithStaticInput
  1222. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2WithStaticInput (1808 ms)
  1223. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestLSTMUnitSetUp
  1224. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestLSTMUnitSetUp (0 ms)
  1225. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestForward
  1226. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestForward (2 ms)
  1227. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestLSTMUnitGradientNonZeroCont
  1228. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestLSTMUnitGradientNonZeroCont (35 ms)
  1229. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  1230. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestGradient (158 ms)
  1231. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2
  1232. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2 (297 ms)
  1233. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestGradientNonZeroCont
  1234. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestGradientNonZeroCont (158 ms)
  1235. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestLSTMUnitGradient
  1236. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestLSTMUnitGradient (34 ms)
  1237. [ RUN ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestSetUp
  1238. [ OK ] LSTMLayerTest/1.TestSetUp (1 ms)
  1239. [----------] 9 tests from LSTMLayerTest/1 (2494 ms total)
  1241. [----------] 3 tests from PaddingLayerUpgradeTest
  1242. [ RUN ] PaddingLayerUpgradeTest.TestSimple
  1243. [ OK ] PaddingLayerUpgradeTest.TestSimple (0 ms)
  1244. [ RUN ] PaddingLayerUpgradeTest.TestTwoTops
  1245. [ OK ] PaddingLayerUpgradeTest.TestTwoTops (1 ms)
  1246. [ RUN ] PaddingLayerUpgradeTest.TestImageNet
  1247. [ OK ] PaddingLayerUpgradeTest.TestImageNet (1 ms)
  1248. [----------] 3 tests from PaddingLayerUpgradeTest (2 ms total)
  1250. [----------] 1 test from SolverTypeUpgradeTest
  1251. [ RUN ] SolverTypeUpgradeTest.TestSimple
  1252. [ OK ] SolverTypeUpgradeTest.TestSimple (0 ms)
  1253. [----------] 1 test from SolverTypeUpgradeTest (0 ms total)
  1255. [----------] 3 tests from TanHLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1256. [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/1.TestTanHGradient
  1257. [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/1.TestTanHGradient (5 ms)
  1258. [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/1.TestTanHOverflow
  1259. [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/1.TestTanHOverflow (1 ms)
  1260. [ RUN ] TanHLayerTest/1.TestTanH
  1261. [ OK ] TanHLayerTest/1.TestTanH (0 ms)
  1262. [----------] 3 tests from TanHLayerTest/1 (7 ms total)
  1264. [----------] 4 tests from ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1265. [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestForward
  1266. [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms)
  1267. [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientLegacy
  1268. [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientLegacy (175 ms)
  1269. [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestForwardLegacy
  1270. [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestForwardLegacy (0 ms)
  1271. [ RUN ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  1272. [ OK ] ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient (127 ms)
  1273. [----------] 4 tests from ContrastiveLossLayerTest/1 (302 ms total)
  1275. [----------] 3 tests from DummyDataLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  1276. [ RUN ] DummyDataLayerTest/1.TestThreeTopConstantGaussianConstant
  1277. [ OK ] DummyDataLayerTest/1.TestThreeTopConstantGaussianConstant (0 ms)
  1278. [ RUN ] DummyDataLayerTest/1.TestTwoTopConstant
  1279. [ OK ] DummyDataLayerTest/1.TestTwoTopConstant (0 ms)
  1280. [ RUN ] DummyDataLayerTest/1.TestOneTopConstant
  1281. [ OK ] DummyDataLayerTest/1.TestOneTopConstant (0 ms)
  1282. [----------] 3 tests from DummyDataLayerTest/1 (0 ms total)
  1284. [----------] 3 tests from FilterLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1285. [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/1.TestReshape
  1286. [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/1.TestReshape (0 ms)
  1287. [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  1288. [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/1.TestGradient (187 ms)
  1289. [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/1.TestForward
  1290. [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms)
  1291. [----------] 3 tests from FilterLayerTest/1 (187 ms total)
  1293. [----------] 11 tests from CropLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1294. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/0.TestSetupShapeNegativeIndexing
  1295. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/0.TestSetupShapeNegativeIndexing (0 ms)
  1296. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCropAllOffset
  1297. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCropAllOffset (0 ms)
  1298. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/0.TestSetupShapeAll
  1299. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/0.TestSetupShapeAll (0 ms)
  1300. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCropAll
  1301. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCropAll (0 ms)
  1302. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCropAllGradient
  1303. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCropAllGradient (186 ms)
  1304. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCropHW
  1305. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCropHW (0 ms)
  1306. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/0.TestSetupShapeDefault
  1307. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/0.TestSetupShapeDefault (0 ms)
  1308. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/0.TestDimensionsCheck
  1309. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/0.TestDimensionsCheck (0 ms)
  1310. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCrop5DGradient
  1311. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCrop5DGradient (1076 ms)
  1312. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCropHWGradient
  1313. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCropHWGradient (289 ms)
  1314. [ RUN ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCrop5D
  1315. [ OK ] CropLayerTest/0.TestCrop5D (1 ms)
  1316. [----------] 11 tests from CropLayerTest/0 (1552 ms total)
  1318. [----------] 3 tests from MSRAFillerTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  1319. [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/1.TestFillAverage
  1320. [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/1.TestFillAverage (2 ms)
  1321. [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/1.TestFillFanOut
  1322. [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/1.TestFillFanOut (2 ms)
  1323. [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/1.TestFillFanIn
  1324. [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/1.TestFillFanIn (3 ms)
  1325. [----------] 3 tests from MSRAFillerTest/1 (7 ms total)
  1327. [----------] 12 tests from SGDSolverTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1328. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay
  1329. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (42 ms)
  1330. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare
  1331. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare (146 ms)
  1332. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything
  1333. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (68 ms)
  1334. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateLROneHundredth
  1335. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateLROneHundredth (11 ms)
  1336. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestSnapshot
  1337. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestSnapshot (21 ms)
  1338. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecayMultiIter
  1339. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecayMultiIter (133 ms)
  1340. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum
  1341. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (5 ms)
  1342. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestSnapshotShare
  1343. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestSnapshotShare (55 ms)
  1344. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum
  1345. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (45 ms)
  1346. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare
  1347. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare (8 ms)
  1348. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdate
  1349. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdate (17 ms)
  1350. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter
  1351. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (68 ms)
  1352. [----------] 12 tests from SGDSolverTest/1 (620 ms total)
  1354. [----------] 8 tests from LRNLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1355. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestForwardWithinChannel
  1356. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestForwardWithinChannel (0 ms)
  1357. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannels
  1358. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannels (562 ms)
  1359. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestForwardAcrossChannels
  1360. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestForwardAcrossChannels (0 ms)
  1361. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithinChannel
  1362. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestSetupWithinChannel (0 ms)
  1363. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannelsLargeRegion
  1364. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannelsLargeRegion (646 ms)
  1365. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestGradientWithinChannel
  1366. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestGradientWithinChannel (541 ms)
  1367. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestForwardAcrossChannelsLargeRegion
  1368. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestForwardAcrossChannelsLargeRegion (0 ms)
  1369. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestSetupAcrossChannels
  1370. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/0.TestSetupAcrossChannels (0 ms)
  1371. [----------] 8 tests from LRNLayerTest/0 (1749 ms total)
  1373. [----------] 3 tests from FilterLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1374. [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/0.TestReshape
  1375. [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/0.TestReshape (0 ms)
  1376. [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/0.TestForward
  1377. [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  1378. [ RUN ] FilterLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  1379. [ OK ] FilterLayerTest/0.TestGradient (241 ms)
  1380. [----------] 3 tests from FilterLayerTest/0 (241 ms total)
  1382. [----------] 9 tests from AdaGradSolverTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1383. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestSnapshotShare
  1384. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestSnapshotShare (43 ms)
  1385. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare
  1386. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare (55 ms)
  1387. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare
  1388. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare (4 ms)
  1389. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateLROneHundredth
  1390. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateLROneHundredth (10 ms)
  1391. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay
  1392. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (9 ms)
  1393. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything
  1394. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (50 ms)
  1395. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestSnapshot
  1396. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestSnapshot (31 ms)
  1397. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum
  1398. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (7 ms)
  1399. [ RUN ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdate
  1400. [ OK ] AdaGradSolverTest/1.TestAdaGradLeastSquaresUpdate (16 ms)
  1401. [----------] 9 tests from AdaGradSolverTest/1 (226 ms total)
  1403. [----------] 3 tests from BatchNormLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1404. [ RUN ] BatchNormLayerTest/0.TestForwardInplace
  1405. [ OK ] BatchNormLayerTest/0.TestForwardInplace (0 ms)
  1406. [ RUN ] BatchNormLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  1407. [ OK ] BatchNormLayerTest/0.TestGradient (140 ms)
  1408. [ RUN ] BatchNormLayerTest/0.TestForward
  1409. [ OK ] BatchNormLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  1410. [----------] 3 tests from BatchNormLayerTest/0 (141 ms total)
  1412. [----------] 5 tests from ImageDataLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1413. [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestRead
  1414. [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestRead (182 ms)
  1415. [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestShuffle
  1416. [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestShuffle (169 ms)
  1417. [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestReshape
  1418. [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestReshape (40 ms)
  1419. [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestResize
  1420. [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestResize (87 ms)
  1421. [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestSpace
  1422. [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/0.TestSpace (44 ms)
  1423. [----------] 5 tests from ImageDataLayerTest/0 (522 ms total)
  1425. [----------] 3 tests from XavierFillerTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  1426. [ RUN ] XavierFillerTest/1.TestFillFanIn
  1427. [ OK ] XavierFillerTest/1.TestFillFanIn (1 ms)
  1428. [ RUN ] XavierFillerTest/1.TestFillAverage
  1429. [ OK ] XavierFillerTest/1.TestFillAverage (1 ms)
  1430. [ RUN ] XavierFillerTest/1.TestFillFanOut
  1431. [ OK ] XavierFillerTest/1.TestFillFanOut (1 ms)
  1432. [----------] 3 tests from XavierFillerTest/1 (3 ms total)
  1434. [----------] 1 test from ConstantFillerTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  1435. [ RUN ] ConstantFillerTest/1.TestFill
  1436. [ OK ] ConstantFillerTest/1.TestFill (0 ms)
  1437. [----------] 1 test from ConstantFillerTest/1 (0 ms total)
  1439. [----------] 12 tests from SGDSolverTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1440. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateLROneHundredth
  1441. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateLROneHundredth (25 ms)
  1442. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecayMultiIter
  1443. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecayMultiIter (86 ms)
  1444. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdate
  1445. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdate (14 ms)
  1446. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay
  1447. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (39 ms)
  1448. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter
  1449. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (89 ms)
  1450. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare
  1451. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare (5 ms)
  1452. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum
  1453. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (5 ms)
  1454. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestSnapshot
  1455. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestSnapshot (28 ms)
  1456. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare
  1457. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare (61 ms)
  1458. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum
  1459. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (21 ms)
  1460. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestSnapshotShare
  1461. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestSnapshotShare (51 ms)
  1462. [ RUN ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything
  1463. [ OK ] SGDSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (84 ms)
  1464. [----------] 12 tests from SGDSolverTest/0 (508 ms total)
  1466. [----------] 7 tests from CPUMathFunctionsTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  1467. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestNothing
  1468. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestNothing (6 ms)
  1469. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestSgnbit
  1470. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestSgnbit (7 ms)
  1471. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestSign
  1472. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestSign (8 ms)
  1473. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestFabs
  1474. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestFabs (6 ms)
  1475. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestCopy
  1476. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestCopy (6 ms)
  1477. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestAsum
  1478. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestAsum (6 ms)
  1479. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestScale
  1480. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/0.TestScale (5 ms)
  1481. [----------] 7 tests from CPUMathFunctionsTest/0 (44 ms total)
  1483. [----------] 12 tests from ReshapeLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1484. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestCopyDimensions
  1485. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestCopyDimensions (0 ms)
  1486. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInsertSingletonAxesStart
  1487. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInsertSingletonAxesStart (0 ms)
  1488. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestFlattenValues
  1489. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestFlattenValues (0 ms)
  1490. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestFlattenOutputSizes
  1491. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestFlattenOutputSizes (0 ms)
  1492. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInsertSingletonAxesMiddle
  1493. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInsertSingletonAxesMiddle (0 ms)
  1494. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInsertSingletonAxesEnd
  1495. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInsertSingletonAxesEnd (0 ms)
  1496. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInferenceOfUnspecified
  1497. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInferenceOfUnspecified (0 ms)
  1498. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestForward
  1499. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms)
  1500. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestForwardAfterReshape
  1501. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestForwardAfterReshape (1 ms)
  1502. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  1503. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestGradient (1 ms)
  1504. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInferenceOfUnspecifiedWithStartAxis
  1505. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestInferenceOfUnspecifiedWithStartAxis (0 ms)
  1506. [ RUN ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestFlattenMiddle
  1507. [ OK ] ReshapeLayerTest/1.TestFlattenMiddle (0 ms)
  1508. [----------] 12 tests from ReshapeLayerTest/1 (2 ms total)
  1510. [----------] 3 tests from MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1511. [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0.TestSetup
  1512. [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms)
  1513. [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0.TestForward
  1514. [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  1515. [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0.TestBackward
  1516. [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0.TestBackward (0 ms)
  1517. [----------] 3 tests from MaxPoolingDropoutTest/0 (0 ms total)
  1519. [----------] 11 tests from PoolingLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1520. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardAve
  1521. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardAve (0 ms)
  1522. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMax
  1523. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMax (0 ms)
  1524. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetupGlobalPooling
  1525. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetupGlobalPooling (0 ms)
  1526. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientMaxTopMask
  1527. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientMaxTopMask (320 ms)
  1528. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientAvePadded
  1529. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientAvePadded (485 ms)
  1530. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMaxPadded
  1531. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMaxPadded (0 ms)
  1532. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientAve
  1533. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientAve (131 ms)
  1534. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMaxTopMask
  1535. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestForwardMaxTopMask (1 ms)
  1536. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetupPadded
  1537. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetupPadded (0 ms)
  1538. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  1539. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms)
  1540. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientMax
  1541. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/1.TestGradientMax (360 ms)
  1542. [----------] 11 tests from PoolingLayerTest/1 (1297 ms total)
  1544. [----------] 9 tests from InnerProductLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1545. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestSetUp
  1546. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestSetUp (0 ms)
  1547. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestSetUpTransposeFalse
  1548. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestSetUpTransposeFalse (0 ms)
  1549. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestSetUpTransposeTrue
  1550. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestSetUpTransposeTrue (0 ms)
  1551. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  1552. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestGradient (73 ms)
  1553. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestForwardTranspose
  1554. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestForwardTranspose (0 ms)
  1555. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestBackwardTranspose
  1556. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestBackwardTranspose (0 ms)
  1557. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestForwardNoBatch
  1558. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestForwardNoBatch (0 ms)
  1559. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestForward
  1560. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  1561. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestGradientTranspose
  1562. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/0.TestGradientTranspose (91 ms)
  1563. [----------] 9 tests from InnerProductLayerTest/0 (164 ms total)
  1565. [----------] 20 tests from FilterNetTest
  1566. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByNotStage
  1567. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByNotStage (0 ms)
  1568. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByStage2
  1569. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByStage2 (0 ms)
  1570. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMaxLevel2
  1571. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMaxLevel2 (0 ms)
  1572. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByMaxLevel
  1573. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByMaxLevel (0 ms)
  1574. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByNotStage
  1575. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByNotStage (0 ms)
  1576. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMultipleStage
  1577. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMultipleStage (0 ms)
  1578. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByStage
  1579. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByStage (0 ms)
  1580. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMinLevel
  1581. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMinLevel (0 ms)
  1582. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterLeNetTrainTest
  1583. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterLeNetTrainTest (1 ms)
  1584. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByIncludeMultiRule
  1585. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByIncludeMultiRule (0 ms)
  1586. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMultipleStage2
  1587. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMultipleStage2 (1 ms)
  1588. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInOutByIncludeMultiRule
  1589. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInOutByIncludeMultiRule (0 ms)
  1590. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByStage2
  1591. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByStage2 (0 ms)
  1592. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMaxLevel
  1593. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMaxLevel (0 ms)
  1594. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInOutByExcludeMultiRule
  1595. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInOutByExcludeMultiRule (0 ms)
  1596. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByStage
  1597. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByStage (0 ms)
  1598. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestNoFilter
  1599. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestNoFilter (0 ms)
  1600. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByMultipleStage
  1601. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByMultipleStage (1 ms)
  1602. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByMinLevel
  1603. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterOutByMinLevel (0 ms)
  1604. [ RUN ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMinLevel2
  1605. [ OK ] FilterNetTest.TestFilterInByMinLevel2 (0 ms)
  1606. [----------] 20 tests from FilterNetTest (4 ms total)
  1608. [----------] 5 tests from EmbedLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1609. [ RUN ] EmbedLayerTest/1.TestSetUp
  1610. [ OK ] EmbedLayerTest/1.TestSetUp (0 ms)
  1611. [ RUN ] EmbedLayerTest/1.TestForwardWithBias
  1612. [ OK ] EmbedLayerTest/1.TestForwardWithBias (0 ms)
  1613. [ RUN ] EmbedLayerTest/1.TestForward
  1614. [ OK ] EmbedLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms)
  1615. [ RUN ] EmbedLayerTest/1.TestGradientWithBias
  1616. [ OK ] EmbedLayerTest/1.TestGradientWithBias (11 ms)
  1617. [ RUN ] EmbedLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  1618. [ OK ] EmbedLayerTest/1.TestGradient (8 ms)
  1619. [----------] 5 tests from EmbedLayerTest/1 (19 ms total)
  1621. [----------] 2 tests from HingeLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1622. [ RUN ] HingeLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientL2
  1623. [ OK ] HingeLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientL2 (0 ms)
  1624. [ RUN ] HingeLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientL1
  1625. [ OK ] HingeLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientL1 (0 ms)
  1626. [----------] 2 tests from HingeLossLayerTest/0 (0 ms total)
  1628. [----------] 4 tests from SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1629. [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  1630. [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient (8 ms)
  1631. [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientIgnoreLabel
  1632. [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientIgnoreLabel (8 ms)
  1633. [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestForwardIgnoreLabel
  1634. [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestForwardIgnoreLabel (0 ms)
  1635. [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientUnnormalized
  1636. [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientUnnormalized (8 ms)
  1637. [----------] 4 tests from SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/0 (24 ms total)
  1639. [----------] 10 tests from ConcatLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1640. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestForwardTrivial
  1641. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestForwardTrivial (0 ms)
  1642. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestGradientChannelsBottomOneOnly
  1643. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestGradientChannelsBottomOneOnly (1 ms)
  1644. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestSetupChannels
  1645. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestSetupChannels (0 ms)
  1646. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestForwardChannels
  1647. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestForwardChannels (0 ms)
  1648. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestSetupNum
  1649. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestSetupNum (1 ms)
  1650. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestSetupChannelsNegativeIndexing
  1651. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestSetupChannelsNegativeIndexing (0 ms)
  1652. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestGradientChannels
  1653. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestGradientChannels (2 ms)
  1654. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestGradientTrivial
  1655. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestGradientTrivial (2 ms)
  1656. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestGradientNum
  1657. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestGradientNum (3 ms)
  1658. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestForwardNum
  1659. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/0.TestForwardNum (0 ms)
  1660. [----------] 10 tests from ConcatLayerTest/0 (9 ms total)
  1662. [----------] 1 test from CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  1663. [ RUN ] CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  1664. [ OK ] CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms)
  1665. [----------] 1 test from CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/1 (0 ms total)
  1667. [----------] 1 test from ConstantFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  1668. [ RUN ] ConstantFillerTest/0.TestFill
  1669. [ OK ] ConstantFillerTest/0.TestFill (0 ms)
  1670. [----------] 1 test from ConstantFillerTest/0 (0 ms total)
  1672. [----------] 1 test from LayerFactoryTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1673. [ RUN ] LayerFactoryTest/0.TestCreateLayer
  1674. [ OK ] LayerFactoryTest/0.TestCreateLayer (125 ms)
  1675. [----------] 1 test from LayerFactoryTest/0 (125 ms total)
  1677. [----------] 5 tests from DBTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::TypeLevelDB
  1678. [ RUN ] DBTest/0.TestSeekToFirst
  1679. [ OK ] DBTest/0.TestSeekToFirst (243 ms)
  1680. [ RUN ] DBTest/0.TestKeyValue
  1681. [ OK ] DBTest/0.TestKeyValue (260 ms)
  1682. [ RUN ] DBTest/0.TestWrite
  1683. [ OK ] DBTest/0.TestWrite (184 ms)
  1684. [ RUN ] DBTest/0.TestNext
  1685. [ OK ] DBTest/0.TestNext (166 ms)
  1686. [ RUN ] DBTest/0.TestGetDB
  1687. [ OK ] DBTest/0.TestGetDB (66 ms)
  1688. [----------] 5 tests from DBTest/0 (919 ms total)
  1690. [----------] 8 tests from SplitLayerInsertionTest
  1691. [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertion1
  1692. [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertion1 (0 ms)
  1693. [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestWithInPlace
  1694. [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestWithInPlace (1 ms)
  1695. [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestLossInsertion
  1696. [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestLossInsertion (0 ms)
  1697. [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertion2
  1698. [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertion2 (1 ms)
  1699. [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertionImageNet
  1700. [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertionImageNet (3 ms)
  1701. [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestInsertionTwoTop
  1702. [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestInsertionTwoTop (1 ms)
  1703. [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertionWithInPlace
  1704. [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestNoInsertionWithInPlace (0 ms)
  1705. [ RUN ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestInsertion
  1706. [ OK ] SplitLayerInsertionTest.TestInsertion (1 ms)
  1707. [----------] 8 tests from SplitLayerInsertionTest (7 ms total)
  1709. [----------] 27 tests from ReductionLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1710. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeff
  1711. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeff (0 ms)
  1712. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffAxis1
  1713. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffAxis1 (0 ms)
  1714. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumGradient
  1715. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumGradient (1 ms)
  1716. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeffGradientAxis1
  1717. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeffGradientAxis1 (3 ms)
  1718. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSetUpWithAxis1
  1719. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSetUpWithAxis1 (0 ms)
  1720. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSetUp
  1721. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSetUp (0 ms)
  1722. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffGradient
  1723. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffGradient (1 ms)
  1724. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSum
  1725. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSum (0 ms)
  1726. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquares
  1727. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquares (0 ms)
  1728. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffAxis1Gradient
  1729. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeffAxis1Gradient (3 ms)
  1730. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanGradient
  1731. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanGradient (1 ms)
  1732. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1Gradient
  1733. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1Gradient (2 ms)
  1734. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeffGradient
  1735. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeffGradient (2 ms)
  1736. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeff
  1737. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumCoeff (0 ms)
  1738. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresGradient
  1739. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresGradient (1 ms)
  1740. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeff
  1741. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeff (0 ms)
  1742. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSetUpWithAxis2
  1743. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSetUpWithAxis2 (0 ms)
  1744. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeffGradient
  1745. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeffGradient (1 ms)
  1746. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMean
  1747. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMean (0 ms)
  1748. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffGradient
  1749. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffGradient (1 ms)
  1750. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1
  1751. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestAbsSumCoeffAxis1 (0 ms)
  1752. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1
  1753. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1 (0 ms)
  1754. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSum
  1755. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSum (0 ms)
  1756. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeff
  1757. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeff (0 ms)
  1758. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeffAxis1
  1759. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestMeanCoeffAxis1 (1 ms)
  1760. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumGradient
  1761. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumGradient (1 ms)
  1762. [ RUN ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1Gradient
  1763. [ OK ] ReductionLayerTest/1.TestSumOfSquaresCoeffAxis1Gradient (2 ms)
  1764. [----------] 27 tests from ReductionLayerTest/1 (20 ms total)
  1766. [----------] 6 tests from MVNLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1767. [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannels
  1768. [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestGradientAcrossChannels (179 ms)
  1769. [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  1770. [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestGradient (131 ms)
  1771. [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestForwardMeanOnly
  1772. [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestForwardMeanOnly (0 ms)
  1773. [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestGradientMeanOnly
  1774. [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestGradientMeanOnly (72 ms)
  1775. [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestForward
  1776. [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  1777. [ RUN ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestForwardAcrossChannels
  1778. [ OK ] MVNLayerTest/0.TestForwardAcrossChannels (0 ms)
  1779. [----------] 6 tests from MVNLayerTest/0 (382 ms total)
  1781. [----------] 1 test from CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  1782. [ RUN ] CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  1783. [ OK ] CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms)
  1784. [----------] 1 test from CPUStochasticPoolingLayerTest/0 (0 ms total)
  1786. [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1787. [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerMilliSeconds
  1788. [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerMilliSeconds (300 ms)
  1789. [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerConstructor
  1790. [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerConstructor (0 ms)
  1791. [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerSeconds
  1792. [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerSeconds (300 ms)
  1793. [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerStop
  1794. [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerStop (0 ms)
  1795. [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerStart
  1796. [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/0.TestTimerStart (0 ms)
  1797. [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/0 (600 ms total)
  1799. [----------] 1 test from HDF5OutputLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1800. [ RUN ] HDF5OutputLayerTest/1.TestForward
  1801. [ OK ] HDF5OutputLayerTest/1.TestForward (7 ms)
  1802. [----------] 1 test from HDF5OutputLayerTest/1 (7 ms total)
  1804. [----------] 5 tests from MemoryDataLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1805. [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.TestSetBatchSize
  1806. [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.TestSetBatchSize (5 ms)
  1807. [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.TestForward
  1808. [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.TestForward (35 ms)
  1809. [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.AddDatumVectorDefaultTransform
  1810. [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.AddDatumVectorDefaultTransform (2 ms)
  1811. [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.AddMatVectorDefaultTransform
  1812. [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.AddMatVectorDefaultTransform (2 ms)
  1813. [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  1814. [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/0.TestSetup (2 ms)
  1815. [----------] 5 tests from MemoryDataLayerTest/0 (46 ms total)
  1817. [----------] 8 tests from AdamSolverTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1818. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare
  1819. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare (89 ms)
  1820. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestSnapshot
  1821. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestSnapshot (28 ms)
  1822. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay
  1823. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (11 ms)
  1824. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum
  1825. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (3 ms)
  1826. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare
  1827. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare (5 ms)
  1828. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestSnapshotShare
  1829. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestSnapshotShare (25 ms)
  1830. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdate
  1831. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdate (9 ms)
  1832. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything
  1833. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/0.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (169 ms)
  1834. [----------] 8 tests from AdamSolverTest/0 (339 ms total)
  1836. [----------] 8 tests from RMSPropSolverTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1837. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay
  1838. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (16 ms)
  1839. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestSnapshot
  1840. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestSnapshot (39 ms)
  1841. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum
  1842. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (7 ms)
  1843. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare
  1844. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare (8 ms)
  1845. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything
  1846. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (83 ms)
  1847. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare
  1848. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare (60 ms)
  1849. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithRmsDecay
  1850. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestRMSPropLeastSquaresUpdateWithRmsDecay (48 ms)
  1851. [ RUN ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestSnapshotShare
  1852. [ OK ] RMSPropSolverTest/1.TestSnapshotShare (22 ms)
  1853. [----------] 8 tests from RMSPropSolverTest/1 (283 ms total)
  1855. [----------] 7 tests from CPUMathFunctionsTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  1856. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestFabs
  1857. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestFabs (10 ms)
  1858. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestSign
  1859. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestSign (10 ms)
  1860. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestAsum
  1861. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestAsum (9 ms)
  1862. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestSgnbit
  1863. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestSgnbit (10 ms)
  1864. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestCopy
  1865. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestCopy (10 ms)
  1866. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestScale
  1867. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestScale (9 ms)
  1868. [ RUN ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestNothing
  1869. [ OK ] CPUMathFunctionsTest/1.TestNothing (9 ms)
  1870. [----------] 7 tests from CPUMathFunctionsTest/1 (67 ms total)
  1872. [----------] 1 test from MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  1873. [ RUN ] MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientCPU
  1874. [ OK ] MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/0.TestGradientCPU (1 ms)
  1875. [----------] 1 test from MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/0 (1 ms total)
  1877. [----------] 14 tests from DataLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1878. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTestLevelDB
  1879. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTestLevelDB (117 ms)
  1880. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReshapeLMDB
  1881. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReshapeLMDB (22 ms)
  1882. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadLevelDB
  1883. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadLevelDB (198 ms)
  1884. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLMDB
  1885. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLMDB (39 ms)
  1886. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReshapeLevelDB
  1887. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReshapeLevelDB (67 ms)
  1888. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLevelDB
  1889. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLevelDB (118 ms)
  1890. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLevelDB
  1891. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceSeededLevelDB (126 ms)
  1892. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestSkipLMDB
  1893. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestSkipLMDB (31 ms)
  1894. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainLMDB
  1895. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainLMDB (23 ms)
  1896. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLMDB
  1897. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainSequenceUnseededLMDB (27 ms)
  1898. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadLMDB
  1899. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadLMDB (18 ms)
  1900. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainLevelDB
  1901. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTrainLevelDB (177 ms)
  1902. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestSkipLevelDB
  1903. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestSkipLevelDB (295 ms)
  1904. [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTestLMDB
  1905. [ OK ] DataLayerTest/1.TestReadCropTestLMDB (30 ms)
  1906. [----------] 14 tests from DataLayerTest/1 (1289 ms total)
  1908. [----------] 3 tests from ThresholdLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1909. [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  1910. [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms)
  1911. [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/0.Test
  1912. [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/0.Test (0 ms)
  1913. [ RUN ] ThresholdLayerTest/0.Test2
  1914. [ OK ] ThresholdLayerTest/0.Test2 (0 ms)
  1915. [----------] 3 tests from ThresholdLayerTest/0 (0 ms total)
  1917. [----------] 11 tests from AdaDeltaSolverTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1918. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdate
  1919. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdate (24 ms)
  1920. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare
  1921. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare (7 ms)
  1922. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare
  1923. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare (86 ms)
  1924. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay
  1925. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (13 ms)
  1926. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter
  1927. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (55 ms)
  1928. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestSnapshot
  1929. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestSnapshot (53 ms)
  1930. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestSnapshotShare
  1931. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestSnapshotShare (38 ms)
  1932. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything
  1933. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (73 ms)
  1934. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithHalfMomentum
  1935. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithHalfMomentum (22 ms)
  1936. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum
  1937. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestAdaDeltaLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (20 ms)
  1938. [ RUN ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum
  1939. [ OK ] AdaDeltaSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (3 ms)
  1940. [----------] 11 tests from AdaDeltaSolverTest/0 (394 ms total)
  1942. [----------] 3 tests from BlobMathTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  1943. [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/0.TestAsum
  1944. [ OK ] BlobMathTest/0.TestAsum (0 ms)
  1945. [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/0.TestSumOfSquares
  1946. [ OK ] BlobMathTest/0.TestSumOfSquares (0 ms)
  1947. [ RUN ] BlobMathTest/0.TestScaleData
  1948. [ OK ] BlobMathTest/0.TestScaleData (0 ms)
  1949. [----------] 3 tests from BlobMathTest/0 (0 ms total)
  1951. [----------] 50 tests from NeuronLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  1952. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3
  1953. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (2 ms)
  1954. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradient
  1955. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradient (2 ms)
  1956. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUParam
  1957. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUParam (0 ms)
  1958. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELUasReLU
  1959. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELUasReLU (0 ms)
  1960. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutHalf
  1961. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutHalf (0 ms)
  1962. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1
  1963. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1 (0 ms)
  1964. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2
  1965. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2 (0 ms)
  1966. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradient
  1967. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradient (2 ms)
  1968. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3
  1969. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms)
  1970. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLU
  1971. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLU (0 ms)
  1972. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELU
  1973. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELU (0 ms)
  1974. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayer
  1975. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayer (0 ms)
  1976. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3
  1977. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3 (2 ms)
  1978. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestBNLLGradient
  1979. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestBNLLGradient (4 ms)
  1980. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidGradient
  1981. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidGradient (2 ms)
  1982. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutGradient
  1983. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutGradient (1 ms)
  1984. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestAbsGradient
  1985. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestAbsGradient (2 ms)
  1986. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1
  1987. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1 (1 ms)
  1988. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradient
  1989. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradient (3 ms)
  1990. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1
  1991. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1 (0 ms)
  1992. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELUasReLUGradient
  1993. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELUasReLUGradient (1 ms)
  1994. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoid
  1995. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoid (0 ms)
  1996. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientWithShift
  1997. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientWithShift (2 ms)
  1998. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2
  1999. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2 (3 ms)
  2000. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3
  2001. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3 (2 ms)
  2002. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanH
  2003. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanH (0 ms)
  2004. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutThreeQuarters
  2005. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutThreeQuarters (0 ms)
  2006. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestBNLL
  2007. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestBNLL (0 ms)
  2008. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3
  2009. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (0 ms)
  2010. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1
  2011. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1 (3 ms)
  2012. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3
  2013. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (1 ms)
  2014. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared
  2015. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared (82 ms)
  2016. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayer
  2017. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayer (0 ms)
  2018. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutGradientTest
  2019. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutGradientTest (1 ms)
  2020. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope
  2021. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope (1 ms)
  2022. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELUGradient
  2023. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELUGradient (2 ms)
  2024. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanHGradient
  2025. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanHGradient (2 ms)
  2026. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2
  2027. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2 (0 ms)
  2028. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3
  2029. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (0 ms)
  2030. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared
  2031. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared (0 ms)
  2032. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope
  2033. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope (0 ms)
  2034. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutTestPhase
  2035. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutTestPhase (0 ms)
  2036. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUGradient
  2037. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUGradient (79 ms)
  2038. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUForward
  2039. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUForward (0 ms)
  2040. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3
  2041. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms)
  2042. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUInPlace
  2043. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUInPlace (1 ms)
  2044. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2
  2045. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2 (2 ms)
  2046. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerWithShift
  2047. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerWithShift (0 ms)
  2048. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU
  2049. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU (0 ms)
  2050. [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestAbsVal
  2051. [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestAbsVal (0 ms)
  2052. [----------] 50 tests from NeuronLayerTest/1 (203 ms total)
  2054. [----------] 2 tests from SoftmaxLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2055. [ RUN ] SoftmaxLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  2056. [ OK ] SoftmaxLayerTest/1.TestGradient (146 ms)
  2057. [ RUN ] SoftmaxLayerTest/1.TestForward
  2058. [ OK ] SoftmaxLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms)
  2059. [----------] 2 tests from SoftmaxLayerTest/1 (146 ms total)
  2061. [----------] 22 tests from ScaleLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2062. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardScaleAxis2
  2063. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardScaleAxis2 (0 ms)
  2064. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace
  2065. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace (0 ms)
  2066. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardEltwise
  2067. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardEltwise (0 ms)
  2068. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardScale
  2069. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardScale (0 ms)
  2070. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastBegin
  2071. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastBegin (0 ms)
  2072. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastMiddleWithParam
  2073. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastMiddleWithParam (72 ms)
  2074. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleWithParamAndBias
  2075. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleWithParamAndBias (0 ms)
  2076. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientEltwiseWithParam
  2077. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientEltwiseWithParam (183 ms)
  2078. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientScaleAndBias
  2079. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientScaleAndBias (71 ms)
  2080. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddle
  2081. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddle (0 ms)
  2082. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientScaleAxis2
  2083. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientScaleAxis2 (55 ms)
  2084. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientScale
  2085. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientScale (55 ms)
  2086. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestBackwardEltwiseInPlace
  2087. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestBackwardEltwiseInPlace (0 ms)
  2088. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientEltwise
  2089. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientEltwise (3 ms)
  2090. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastEnd
  2091. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastEnd (108 ms)
  2092. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastBegin
  2093. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastBegin (60 ms)
  2094. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastMiddle
  2095. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastMiddle (72 ms)
  2096. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardEltwiseInPlace
  2097. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardEltwiseInPlace (0 ms)
  2098. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastEnd
  2099. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastEnd (0 ms)
  2100. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardEltwiseWithParam
  2101. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardEltwiseWithParam (0 ms)
  2102. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleWithParam
  2103. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleWithParam (0 ms)
  2104. [ RUN ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestBackwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace
  2105. [ OK ] ScaleLayerTest/0.TestBackwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace (0 ms)
  2106. [----------] 22 tests from ScaleLayerTest/0 (681 ms total)
  2108. [----------] 26 tests from NetTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2109. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestHasLayer
  2110. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestHasLayer (2 ms)
  2111. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestForcePropagateDown
  2112. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestForcePropagateDown (0 ms)
  2113. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestAllInOneNetVal
  2114. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestAllInOneNetVal (1 ms)
  2115. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsUpdate
  2116. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsUpdate (0 ms)
  2117. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet
  2118. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet (1 ms)
  2119. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsResume
  2120. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsResume (0 ms)
  2121. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestLossWeight
  2122. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestLossWeight (3 ms)
  2123. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestComboLossWeight
  2124. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestComboLossWeight (2 ms)
  2125. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestHasBlob
  2126. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestHasBlob (2 ms)
  2127. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsDiffNet
  2128. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsDiffNet (0 ms)
  2129. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestLossWeightMidNet
  2130. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestLossWeightMidNet (3 ms)
  2131. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestAllInOneNetDeploy
  2132. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestAllInOneNetDeploy (1 ms)
  2133. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet
  2134. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet (0 ms)
  2135. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackwardForce
  2136. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackwardForce (2 ms)
  2137. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsDataNet
  2138. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestSharedWeightsDataNet (0 ms)
  2139. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestFromTo
  2140. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestFromTo (3 ms)
  2141. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestGetLayerByName
  2142. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestGetLayerByName (1 ms)
  2143. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestReshape
  2144. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestReshape (1 ms)
  2145. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestParamPropagateDown
  2146. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestParamPropagateDown (2 ms)
  2147. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestSkipPropagateDown
  2148. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestSkipPropagateDown (1 ms)
  2149. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestGetBlob
  2150. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestGetBlob (1 ms)
  2151. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestAllInOneNetTrain
  2152. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestAllInOneNetTrain (1 ms)
  2153. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackward
  2154. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackward (1 ms)
  2155. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackwardTricky
  2156. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackwardTricky (1 ms)
  2157. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackwardEuclideanForce
  2158. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestBottomNeedBackwardEuclideanForce (1 ms)
  2159. [ RUN ] NetTest/1.TestBackwardWithAccuracyLayer
  2160. [ OK ] NetTest/1.TestBackwardWithAccuracyLayer (2 ms)
  2161. [----------] 26 tests from NetTest/1 (33 ms total)
  2163. [----------] 2 tests from HDF5DataLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2164. [ RUN ] HDF5DataLayerTest/1.TestRead
  2165. [ OK ] HDF5DataLayerTest/1.TestRead (7 ms)
  2166. [ RUN ] HDF5DataLayerTest/1.TestSkip
  2167. [ OK ] HDF5DataLayerTest/1.TestSkip (26 ms)
  2168. [----------] 2 tests from HDF5DataLayerTest/1 (33 ms total)
  2170. [----------] 1 test from LayerFactoryTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2171. [ RUN ] LayerFactoryTest/1.TestCreateLayer
  2172. [ OK ] LayerFactoryTest/1.TestCreateLayer (131 ms)
  2173. [----------] 1 test from LayerFactoryTest/1 (131 ms total)
  2175. [----------] 8 tests from AdamSolverTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2176. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdate
  2177. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdate (21 ms)
  2178. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything
  2179. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (82 ms)
  2180. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum
  2181. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (4 ms)
  2182. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestSnapshotShare
  2183. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestSnapshotShare (30 ms)
  2184. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare
  2185. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare (59 ms)
  2186. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay
  2187. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestAdamLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (9 ms)
  2188. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestSnapshot
  2189. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestSnapshot (50 ms)
  2190. [ RUN ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare
  2191. [ OK ] AdamSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare (8 ms)
  2192. [----------] 8 tests from AdamSolverTest/1 (264 ms total)
  2194. [----------] 10 tests from ConcatLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2195. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestSetupChannelsNegativeIndexing
  2196. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestSetupChannelsNegativeIndexing (0 ms)
  2197. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestSetupChannels
  2198. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestSetupChannels (1 ms)
  2199. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestSetupNum
  2200. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestSetupNum (0 ms)
  2201. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestGradientChannels
  2202. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestGradientChannels (6 ms)
  2203. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestForwardTrivial
  2204. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestForwardTrivial (0 ms)
  2205. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestGradientChannelsBottomOneOnly
  2206. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestGradientChannelsBottomOneOnly (4 ms)
  2207. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestGradientTrivial
  2208. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestGradientTrivial (4 ms)
  2209. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestGradientNum
  2210. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestGradientNum (8 ms)
  2211. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestForwardNum
  2212. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestForwardNum (0 ms)
  2213. [ RUN ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestForwardChannels
  2214. [ OK ] ConcatLayerTest/1.TestForwardChannels (0 ms)
  2215. [----------] 10 tests from ConcatLayerTest/1 (23 ms total)
  2217. [----------] 5 tests from MemoryDataLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2218. [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  2219. [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.TestSetup (4 ms)
  2220. [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.AddDatumVectorDefaultTransform
  2221. [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.AddDatumVectorDefaultTransform (4 ms)
  2222. [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.TestSetBatchSize
  2223. [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.TestSetBatchSize (5 ms)
  2224. [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.AddMatVectorDefaultTransform
  2225. [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.AddMatVectorDefaultTransform (4 ms)
  2226. [ RUN ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.TestForward
  2227. [ OK ] MemoryDataLayerTest/1.TestForward (29 ms)
  2228. [----------] 5 tests from MemoryDataLayerTest/1 (46 ms total)
  2230. [----------] 8 tests from LRNLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2231. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestSetupAcrossChannels
  2232. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestSetupAcrossChannels (0 ms)
  2233. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestForwardAcrossChannelsLargeRegion
  2234. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestForwardAcrossChannelsLargeRegion (0 ms)
  2235. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannelsLargeRegion
  2236. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannelsLargeRegion (665 ms)
  2237. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestForwardWithinChannel
  2238. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestForwardWithinChannel (0 ms)
  2239. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestForwardAcrossChannels
  2240. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestForwardAcrossChannels (0 ms)
  2241. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithinChannel
  2242. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestSetupWithinChannel (0 ms)
  2243. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestGradientWithinChannel
  2244. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestGradientWithinChannel (477 ms)
  2245. [ RUN ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannels
  2246. [ OK ] LRNLayerTest/1.TestGradientAcrossChannels (558 ms)
  2247. [----------] 8 tests from LRNLayerTest/1 (1700 ms total)
  2249. [----------] 3 tests from SyncedMemoryTest
  2250. [ RUN ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestInitialization
  2251. [ OK ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestInitialization (0 ms)
  2252. [ RUN ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestCPUWrite
  2253. [ OK ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestCPUWrite (0 ms)
  2254. [ RUN ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestAllocationCPU
  2255. [ OK ] SyncedMemoryTest.TestAllocationCPU (0 ms)
  2256. [----------] 3 tests from SyncedMemoryTest (0 ms total)
  2258. [----------] 3 tests from SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2259. [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  2260. [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0.TestGradient (1 ms)
  2261. [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0.TestSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss
  2262. [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0.TestSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss (1 ms)
  2263. [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0.TestIgnoreGradient
  2264. [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0.TestIgnoreGradient (0 ms)
  2265. [----------] 3 tests from SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/0 (2 ms total)
  2267. [----------] 12 tests from ArgMaxLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  2268. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetupMaxVal
  2269. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetupMaxVal (3 ms)
  2270. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetupAxisNegativeIndexing
  2271. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetupAxisNegativeIndexing (2 ms)
  2272. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetupAxisMaxVal
  2273. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetupAxisMaxVal (2 ms)
  2274. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUMaxValTopK
  2275. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUMaxValTopK (3 ms)
  2276. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetupAxis
  2277. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetupAxis (2 ms)
  2278. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUAxisTopK
  2279. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUAxisTopK (18 ms)
  2280. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPU
  2281. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPU (3 ms)
  2282. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUAxis
  2283. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUAxis (6 ms)
  2284. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUMaxVal
  2285. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUMaxVal (3 ms)
  2286. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUAxisMaxValTopK
  2287. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUAxisMaxValTopK (17 ms)
  2288. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUTopK
  2289. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestCPUTopK (3 ms)
  2290. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  2291. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/1.TestSetup (2 ms)
  2292. [----------] 12 tests from ArgMaxLayerTest/1 (64 ms total)
  2294. [----------] 8 tests from Im2colLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2295. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestGradientForceND
  2296. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestGradientForceND (334 ms)
  2297. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  2298. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestGradient (199 ms)
  2299. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestRect
  2300. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestRect (0 ms)
  2301. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestForward
  2302. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms)
  2303. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  2304. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms)
  2305. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestRectGradient
  2306. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestRectGradient (162 ms)
  2307. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestDilatedGradient
  2308. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestDilatedGradient (591 ms)
  2309. [ RUN ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestDilatedGradientForceND
  2310. [ OK ] Im2colLayerTest/1.TestDilatedGradientForceND (1004 ms)
  2311. [----------] 8 tests from Im2colLayerTest/1 (2291 ms total)
  2313. [----------] 20 tests from BiasLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2314. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastBegin
  2315. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastBegin (0 ms)
  2316. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBias
  2317. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBias (0 ms)
  2318. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleWithParam
  2319. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleWithParam (0 ms)
  2320. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestBackwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace
  2321. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestBackwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace (0 ms)
  2322. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestBackwardEltwiseInPlace
  2323. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestBackwardEltwiseInPlace (0 ms)
  2324. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace
  2325. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddleInPlace (0 ms)
  2326. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientBias
  2327. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientBias (66 ms)
  2328. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastMiddleWithParam
  2329. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastMiddleWithParam (73 ms)
  2330. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardEltwise
  2331. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardEltwise (0 ms)
  2332. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastMiddle
  2333. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastMiddle (73 ms)
  2334. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBiasAxis2
  2335. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBiasAxis2 (0 ms)
  2336. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientEltwise
  2337. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientEltwise (3 ms)
  2338. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastBegin
  2339. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastBegin (62 ms)
  2340. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientEltwiseWithParam
  2341. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientEltwiseWithParam (141 ms)
  2342. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddle
  2343. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastMiddle (0 ms)
  2344. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardEltwiseInPlace
  2345. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardEltwiseInPlace (0 ms)
  2346. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientBiasAxis2
  2347. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientBiasAxis2 (61 ms)
  2348. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastEnd
  2349. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestGradientBroadcastEnd (99 ms)
  2350. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardEltwiseWithParam
  2351. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardEltwiseWithParam (0 ms)
  2352. [ RUN ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastEnd
  2353. [ OK ] BiasLayerTest/0.TestForwardBroadcastEnd (0 ms)
  2354. [----------] 20 tests from BiasLayerTest/0 (578 ms total)
  2356. [----------] 2 tests from HingeLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2357. [ RUN ] HingeLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientL1
  2358. [ OK ] HingeLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientL1 (0 ms)
  2359. [ RUN ] HingeLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientL2
  2360. [ OK ] HingeLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientL2 (1 ms)
  2361. [----------] 2 tests from HingeLossLayerTest/1 (1 ms total)
  2363. [----------] 15 tests from ConvolutionLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2364. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradient3D
  2365. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradient3D (380 ms)
  2366. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.Test1x1Convolution
  2367. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.Test1x1Convolution (1 ms)
  2368. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimple3DConvolution
  2369. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimple3DConvolution (1 ms)
  2370. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSobelConvolution
  2371. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSobelConvolution (0 ms)
  2372. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestDilatedConvolution
  2373. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestDilatedConvolution (0 ms)
  2374. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.Test1x1Gradient
  2375. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.Test1x1Gradient (449 ms)
  2376. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestDilated3DConvolution
  2377. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestDilated3DConvolution (5 ms)
  2378. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  2379. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradient (53 ms)
  2380. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolutionGroup
  2381. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolutionGroup (0 ms)
  2382. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolution
  2383. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolution (1 ms)
  2384. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestDilatedGradient
  2385. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestDilatedGradient (12 ms)
  2386. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.Test0DConvolution
  2387. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.Test0DConvolution (0 ms)
  2388. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  2389. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms)
  2390. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestNDAgainst2D
  2391. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestNDAgainst2D (187 ms)
  2392. [ RUN ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradientGroup
  2393. [ OK ] ConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradientGroup (17 ms)
  2394. [----------] 15 tests from ConvolutionLayerTest/0 (1108 ms total)
  2396. [----------] 26 tests from IOTest
  2397. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatum
  2398. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatum (14 ms)
  2399. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatNativeGray
  2400. [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatNativeGray (16 ms)
  2401. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumReferenceResized
  2402. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumReferenceResized (7 ms)
  2403. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatGray
  2404. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatGray (2 ms)
  2405. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumContentGray
  2406. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumContentGray (5 ms)
  2407. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatResizedSquare
  2408. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatResizedSquare (3 ms)
  2409. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatResized
  2410. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatResized (4 ms)
  2411. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumResizedGray
  2412. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumResizedGray (2 ms)
  2413. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestCVMatToDatumContent
  2414. [ OK ] IOTest.TestCVMatToDatumContent (8 ms)
  2415. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatum
  2416. [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatum (8 ms)
  2417. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMat
  2418. [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMat (5 ms)
  2419. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumResized
  2420. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumResized (3 ms)
  2421. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumGray
  2422. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumGray (3 ms)
  2423. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadFileToDatum
  2424. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadFileToDatum (0 ms)
  2425. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumResizedSquare
  2426. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumResizedSquare (4 ms)
  2427. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatContentNative
  2428. [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatContentNative (10 ms)
  2429. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestCVMatToDatumReference
  2430. [ OK ] IOTest.TestCVMatToDatumReference (13 ms)
  2431. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatResizedGray
  2432. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMatResizedGray (3 ms)
  2433. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumContent
  2434. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumContent (8 ms)
  2435. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumNative
  2436. [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumNative (9 ms)
  2437. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestCVMatToDatum
  2438. [ OK ] IOTest.TestCVMatToDatum (4 ms)
  2439. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumNativeGray
  2440. [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumNativeGray (4 ms)
  2441. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatContent
  2442. [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatContent (9 ms)
  2443. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMat
  2444. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToCVMat (3 ms)
  2445. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatNative
  2446. [ OK ] IOTest.TestDecodeDatumToCVMatNative (3 ms)
  2447. [ RUN ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumReference
  2448. [ OK ] IOTest.TestReadImageToDatumReference (8 ms)
  2449. [----------] 26 tests from IOTest (158 ms total)
  2451. [----------] 2 tests from HDF5DataLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2452. [ RUN ] HDF5DataLayerTest/0.TestSkip
  2453. [ OK ] HDF5DataLayerTest/0.TestSkip (27 ms)
  2454. [ RUN ] HDF5DataLayerTest/0.TestRead
  2455. [ OK ] HDF5DataLayerTest/0.TestRead (6 ms)
  2456. [----------] 2 tests from HDF5DataLayerTest/0 (33 ms total)
  2458. [----------] 3 tests from MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2459. [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1.TestSetup
  2460. [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms)
  2461. [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1.TestForward
  2462. [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1.TestForward (0 ms)
  2463. [ RUN ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1.TestBackward
  2464. [ OK ] MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1.TestBackward (0 ms)
  2465. [----------] 3 tests from MaxPoolingDropoutTest/1 (0 ms total)
  2467. [----------] 6 tests from RNNLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2468. [ RUN ] RNNLayerTest/0.TestSetUp
  2469. [ OK ] RNNLayerTest/0.TestSetUp (1 ms)
  2470. [ RUN ] RNNLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  2471. [ OK ] RNNLayerTest/0.TestGradient (54 ms)
  2472. [ RUN ] RNNLayerTest/0.TestGradientNonZeroCont
  2473. [ OK ] RNNLayerTest/0.TestGradientNonZeroCont (54 ms)
  2474. [ RUN ] RNNLayerTest/0.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2WithStaticInput
  2475. [ OK ] RNNLayerTest/0.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2WithStaticInput (479 ms)
  2476. [ RUN ] RNNLayerTest/0.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2
  2477. [ OK ] RNNLayerTest/0.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2 (105 ms)
  2478. [ RUN ] RNNLayerTest/0.TestForward
  2479. [ OK ] RNNLayerTest/0.TestForward (2 ms)
  2480. [----------] 6 tests from RNNLayerTest/0 (695 ms total)
  2482. [----------] 5 tests from DBTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::TypeLMDB
  2483. [ RUN ] DBTest/1.TestGetDB
  2484. [ OK ] DBTest/1.TestGetDB (56 ms)
  2485. [ RUN ] DBTest/1.TestSeekToFirst
  2486. [ OK ] DBTest/1.TestSeekToFirst (46 ms)
  2487. [ RUN ] DBTest/1.TestKeyValue
  2488. [ OK ] DBTest/1.TestKeyValue (51 ms)
  2489. [ RUN ] DBTest/1.TestNext
  2490. [ OK ] DBTest/1.TestNext (52 ms)
  2491. [ RUN ] DBTest/1.TestWrite
  2492. [ OK ] DBTest/1.TestWrite (78 ms)
  2493. [----------] 5 tests from DBTest/1 (283 ms total)
  2495. [----------] 11 tests from RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  2496. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussian2
  2497. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussian2 (0 ms)
  2498. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussianTimesGaussian
  2499. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussianTimesGaussian (2 ms)
  2500. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngBernoulli2
  2501. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngBernoulli2 (0 ms)
  2502. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngBernoulli
  2503. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngBernoulli (0 ms)
  2504. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussianTimesBernoulli
  2505. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussianTimesBernoulli (1 ms)
  2506. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniform
  2507. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniform (0 ms)
  2508. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngBernoulliTimesBernoulli
  2509. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngBernoulliTimesBernoulli (0 ms)
  2510. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformTimesBernoulli
  2511. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformTimesBernoulli (1 ms)
  2512. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformTimesUniform
  2513. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniformTimesUniform (0 ms)
  2514. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussian
  2515. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngGaussian (1 ms)
  2516. [ RUN ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniform2
  2517. [ OK ] RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0.TestRngUniform2 (0 ms)
  2518. [----------] 11 tests from RandomNumberGeneratorTest/0 (7 ms total)
  2520. [----------] 1 test from MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  2521. [ RUN ] MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientCPU
  2522. [ OK ] MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientCPU (0 ms)
  2523. [----------] 1 test from MultinomialLogisticLossLayerTest/1 (0 ms total)
  2525. [----------] 1 test from UniformFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  2526. [ RUN ] UniformFillerTest/0.TestFill
  2527. [ OK ] UniformFillerTest/0.TestFill (0 ms)
  2528. [----------] 1 test from UniformFillerTest/0 (0 ms total)
  2530. [----------] 1 test from SolverFactoryTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2531. [ RUN ] SolverFactoryTest/1.TestCreateSolver
  2532. [ OK ] SolverFactoryTest/1.TestCreateSolver (1 ms)
  2533. [----------] 1 test from SolverFactoryTest/1 (1 ms total)
  2535. [----------] 12 tests from ArgMaxLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  2536. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUAxisTopK
  2537. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUAxisTopK (38 ms)
  2538. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetupAxisNegativeIndexing
  2539. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetupAxisNegativeIndexing (2 ms)
  2540. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUMaxValTopK
  2541. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUMaxValTopK (3 ms)
  2542. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUAxisMaxValTopK
  2543. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUAxisMaxValTopK (29 ms)
  2544. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetupAxisMaxVal
  2545. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetupAxisMaxVal (2 ms)
  2546. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUMaxVal
  2547. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUMaxVal (2 ms)
  2548. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetupMaxVal
  2549. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetupMaxVal (2 ms)
  2550. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPU
  2551. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPU (2 ms)
  2552. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetupAxis
  2553. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetupAxis (1 ms)
  2554. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUTopK
  2555. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUTopK (2 ms)
  2556. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  2557. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestSetup (1 ms)
  2558. [ RUN ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUAxis
  2559. [ OK ] ArgMaxLayerTest/0.TestCPUAxis (7 ms)
  2560. [----------] 12 tests from ArgMaxLayerTest/0 (92 ms total)
  2562. [----------] 1 test from SolverFactoryTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2563. [ RUN ] SolverFactoryTest/0.TestCreateSolver
  2564. [ OK ] SolverFactoryTest/0.TestCreateSolver (1 ms)
  2565. [----------] 1 test from SolverFactoryTest/0 (1 ms total)
  2567. [----------] 2 tests from SoftmaxLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2568. [ RUN ] SoftmaxLayerTest/0.TestForward
  2569. [ OK ] SoftmaxLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  2570. [ RUN ] SoftmaxLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  2571. [ OK ] SoftmaxLayerTest/0.TestGradient (158 ms)
  2572. [----------] 2 tests from SoftmaxLayerTest/0 (158 ms total)
  2574. [----------] 11 tests from PoolingLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2575. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientMaxTopMask
  2576. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientMaxTopMask (376 ms)
  2577. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientMax
  2578. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientMax (437 ms)
  2579. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetupPadded
  2580. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetupPadded (0 ms)
  2581. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientAvePadded
  2582. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientAvePadded (583 ms)
  2583. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetupGlobalPooling
  2584. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetupGlobalPooling (0 ms)
  2585. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  2586. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms)
  2587. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMax
  2588. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMax (0 ms)
  2589. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientAve
  2590. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestGradientAve (159 ms)
  2591. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMaxTopMask
  2592. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMaxTopMask (0 ms)
  2593. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMaxPadded
  2594. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardMaxPadded (0 ms)
  2595. [ RUN ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardAve
  2596. [ OK ] PoolingLayerTest/0.TestForwardAve (0 ms)
  2597. [----------] 11 tests from PoolingLayerTest/0 (1555 ms total)
  2599. [----------] 3 tests from SplitLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2600. [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/0.Test
  2601. [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/0.Test (0 ms)
  2602. [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  2603. [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/0.TestGradient (4 ms)
  2604. [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  2605. [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms)
  2606. [----------] 3 tests from SplitLayerTest/0 (4 ms total)
  2608. [----------] 5 tests from ImageDataLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2609. [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestReshape
  2610. [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestReshape (53 ms)
  2611. [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestSpace
  2612. [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestSpace (47 ms)
  2613. [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestRead
  2614. [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestRead (381 ms)
  2615. [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestResize
  2616. [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestResize (101 ms)
  2617. [ RUN ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestShuffle
  2618. [ OK ] ImageDataLayerTest/1.TestShuffle (186 ms)
  2619. [----------] 5 tests from ImageDataLayerTest/1 (768 ms total)
  2621. [----------] 2 tests from CommonTest
  2622. [ RUN ] CommonTest.TestBrewMode
  2623. [ OK ] CommonTest.TestBrewMode (0 ms)
  2624. [ RUN ] CommonTest.TestRandSeedCPU
  2625. [ OK ] CommonTest.TestRandSeedCPU (0 ms)
  2626. [----------] 2 tests from CommonTest (0 ms total)
  2628. [----------] 6 tests from RNNLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2629. [ RUN ] RNNLayerTest/1.TestGradientNonZeroCont
  2630. [ OK ] RNNLayerTest/1.TestGradientNonZeroCont (107 ms)
  2631. [ RUN ] RNNLayerTest/1.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2WithStaticInput
  2632. [ OK ] RNNLayerTest/1.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2WithStaticInput (493 ms)
  2633. [ RUN ] RNNLayerTest/1.TestForward
  2634. [ OK ] RNNLayerTest/1.TestForward (3 ms)
  2635. [ RUN ] RNNLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  2636. [ OK ] RNNLayerTest/1.TestGradient (53 ms)
  2637. [ RUN ] RNNLayerTest/1.TestSetUp
  2638. [ OK ] RNNLayerTest/1.TestSetUp (1 ms)
  2639. [ RUN ] RNNLayerTest/1.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2
  2640. [ OK ] RNNLayerTest/1.TestGradientNonZeroContBufferSize2 (106 ms)
  2641. [----------] 6 tests from RNNLayerTest/1 (763 ms total)
  2643. [----------] 5 tests from EmbedLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2644. [ RUN ] EmbedLayerTest/0.TestSetUp
  2645. [ OK ] EmbedLayerTest/0.TestSetUp (0 ms)
  2646. [ RUN ] EmbedLayerTest/0.TestGradientWithBias
  2647. [ OK ] EmbedLayerTest/0.TestGradientWithBias (11 ms)
  2648. [ RUN ] EmbedLayerTest/0.TestForwardWithBias
  2649. [ OK ] EmbedLayerTest/0.TestForwardWithBias (0 ms)
  2650. [ RUN ] EmbedLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  2651. [ OK ] EmbedLayerTest/0.TestGradient (8 ms)
  2652. [ RUN ] EmbedLayerTest/0.TestForward
  2653. [ OK ] EmbedLayerTest/0.TestForward (0 ms)
  2654. [----------] 5 tests from EmbedLayerTest/0 (19 ms total)
  2656. [----------] 1 test from ProtoTest
  2657. [ RUN ] ProtoTest.TestSerialization
  2658. Printing in binary format.
  2660. testTest
  2661. Printing in text format.
  2662. name: "test"
  2663. type: "Test"
  2665. [ OK ] ProtoTest.TestSerialization (0 ms)
  2666. [----------] 1 test from ProtoTest (0 ms total)
  2668. [----------] 5 tests from SPPLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2669. [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  2670. [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms)
  2671. [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestForwardBackward
  2672. [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestForwardBackward (0 ms)
  2673. [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestEqualOutputDims2
  2674. [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestEqualOutputDims2 (0 ms)
  2675. [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestEqualOutputDims
  2676. [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestEqualOutputDims (0 ms)
  2677. [ RUN ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  2678. [ OK ] SPPLayerTest/1.TestGradient (1052 ms)
  2679. [----------] 5 tests from SPPLayerTest/1 (1052 ms total)
  2681. [----------] 1 test from SolverTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2682. [ RUN ] SolverTest/1.TestInitTrainTestNets
  2683. [ OK ] SolverTest/1.TestInitTrainTestNets (0 ms)
  2684. [----------] 1 test from SolverTest/1 (0 ms total)
  2686. [----------] 5 tests from DeconvolutionLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2687. [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradient
  2688. [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradient (409 ms)
  2689. [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestNDAgainst2D
  2690. [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestNDAgainst2D (440 ms)
  2691. [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSetup
  2692. [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSetup (0 ms)
  2693. [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradient3D
  2694. [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradient3D (114 ms)
  2695. [ RUN ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleDeconvolution
  2696. [ OK ] DeconvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleDeconvolution (0 ms)
  2697. [----------] 5 tests from DeconvolutionLayerTest/0 (963 ms total)
  2699. [----------] 12 tests from NesterovSolverTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2700. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay
  2701. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (20 ms)
  2702. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateLROneHundredth
  2703. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateLROneHundredth (9 ms)
  2704. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdate
  2705. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdate (9 ms)
  2706. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter
  2707. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (46 ms)
  2708. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything
  2709. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (45 ms)
  2710. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare
  2711. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare (3 ms)
  2712. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum
  2713. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (18 ms)
  2714. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum
  2715. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (3 ms)
  2716. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestSnapshot
  2717. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestSnapshot (19 ms)
  2718. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecayMultiIter
  2719. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecayMultiIter (45 ms)
  2720. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestSnapshotShare
  2721. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestSnapshotShare (21 ms)
  2722. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare
  2723. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/1.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare (48 ms)
  2724. [----------] 12 tests from NesterovSolverTest/1 (286 ms total)
  2726. [----------] 1 test from SolverTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2727. [ RUN ] SolverTest/0.TestInitTrainTestNets
  2728. [ OK ] SolverTest/0.TestInitTrainTestNets (1 ms)
  2729. [----------] 1 test from SolverTest/0 (1 ms total)
  2731. [----------] 4 tests from SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2732. [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientUnnormalized
  2733. [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientUnnormalized (8 ms)
  2734. [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  2735. [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient (8 ms)
  2736. [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestForwardIgnoreLabel
  2737. [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestForwardIgnoreLabel (0 ms)
  2738. [ RUN ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientIgnoreLabel
  2739. [ OK ] SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1.TestGradientIgnoreLabel (8 ms)
  2740. [----------] 4 tests from SoftmaxWithLossLayerTest/1 (24 ms total)
  2742. [----------] 9 tests from InnerProductLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2743. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestForwardTranspose
  2744. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestForwardTranspose (1 ms)
  2745. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestBackwardTranspose
  2746. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestBackwardTranspose (0 ms)
  2747. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  2748. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestGradient (75 ms)
  2749. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestGradientTranspose
  2750. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestGradientTranspose (92 ms)
  2751. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestSetUpTransposeTrue
  2752. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestSetUpTransposeTrue (0 ms)
  2753. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestForwardNoBatch
  2754. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestForwardNoBatch (0 ms)
  2755. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestSetUp
  2756. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestSetUp (0 ms)
  2757. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestForward
  2758. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestForward (0 ms)
  2759. [ RUN ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestSetUpTransposeFalse
  2760. [ OK ] InnerProductLayerTest/1.TestSetUpTransposeFalse (1 ms)
  2761. [----------] 9 tests from InnerProductLayerTest/1 (169 ms total)
  2763. [----------] 1 test from PositiveUnitballFillerTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  2764. [ RUN ] PositiveUnitballFillerTest/1.TestFill
  2765. [ OK ] PositiveUnitballFillerTest/1.TestFill (0 ms)
  2766. [----------] 1 test from PositiveUnitballFillerTest/1 (0 ms total)
  2768. [----------] 1 test from PositiveUnitballFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = float
  2769. [ RUN ] PositiveUnitballFillerTest/0.TestFill
  2770. [ OK ] PositiveUnitballFillerTest/0.TestFill (0 ms)
  2771. [----------] 1 test from PositiveUnitballFillerTest/0 (0 ms total)
  2773. [----------] 1 test from UniformFillerTest/1, where TypeParam = double
  2774. [ RUN ] UniformFillerTest/1.TestFill
  2775. [ OK ] UniformFillerTest/1.TestFill (0 ms)
  2776. [----------] 1 test from UniformFillerTest/1 (0 ms total)
  2778. [----------] 12 tests from NesterovSolverTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2779. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateLROneHundredth
  2780. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateLROneHundredth (9 ms)
  2781. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter
  2782. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentumMultiIter (48 ms)
  2783. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestSnapshot
  2784. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestSnapshot (20 ms)
  2785. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum
  2786. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithMomentum (20 ms)
  2787. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything
  2788. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverything (134 ms)
  2789. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay
  2790. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecay (23 ms)
  2791. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare
  2792. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingShare (82 ms)
  2793. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestSnapshotShare
  2794. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestSnapshotShare (22 ms)
  2795. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare
  2796. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccumShare (3 ms)
  2797. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum
  2798. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestLeastSquaresUpdateWithEverythingAccum (3 ms)
  2799. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecayMultiIter
  2800. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdateWithWeightDecayMultiIter (50 ms)
  2801. [ RUN ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdate
  2802. [ OK ] NesterovSolverTest/0.TestNesterovLeastSquaresUpdate (9 ms)
  2803. [----------] 12 tests from NesterovSolverTest/0 (423 ms total)
  2805. [----------] 3 tests from SplitLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2806. [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/1.Test
  2807. [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/1.Test (0 ms)
  2808. [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/1.TestSetup
  2809. [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/1.TestSetup (0 ms)
  2810. [ RUN ] SplitLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  2811. [ OK ] SplitLayerTest/1.TestGradient (4 ms)
  2812. [----------] 3 tests from SplitLayerTest/1 (4 ms total)
  2814. [----------] 10 tests from PowerLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<float>
  2815. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerZeroGradient
  2816. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerZeroGradient (1 ms)
  2817. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerZero
  2818. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerZero (0 ms)
  2819. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerTwoGradient
  2820. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerTwoGradient (2 ms)
  2821. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerGradient
  2822. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerGradient (4 ms)
  2823. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPower
  2824. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPower (0 ms)
  2825. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerOneGradient
  2826. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerOneGradient (1 ms)
  2827. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerTwoScaleHalfGradient
  2828. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerTwoScaleHalfGradient (1 ms)
  2829. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerOne
  2830. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerOne (0 ms)
  2831. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerGradientShiftZero
  2832. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerGradientShiftZero (4 ms)
  2833. [ RUN ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerTwo
  2834. [ OK ] PowerLayerTest/0.TestPowerTwo (0 ms)
  2835. [----------] 10 tests from PowerLayerTest/0 (13 ms total)
  2837. [----------] 3 tests from SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice<double>
  2838. [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient
  2839. [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1.TestGradient (1 ms)
  2840. [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss
  2841. [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss (1 ms)
  2842. [ RUN ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1.TestIgnoreGradient
  2843. [ OK ] SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1.TestIgnoreGradient (0 ms)
  2844. [----------] 3 tests from SigmoidCrossEntropyLossLayerTest/1 (2 ms total)
  2846. [----------] Global test environment tear-down
  2847. [==========] 1106 tests from 150 test cases ran. (45090 ms total)
  2848. [ PASSED ] 1106 tests.
  2849. *** Aborted at 1506305570 (unix time) try "date -d @1506305570" if you are using GNU date ***
  2850. PC: @ 0x5bdc08 std::vector<>::~vector()
  2851. *** SIGSEGV (@0x1c) received by PID 5238 (TID 0x7f9f4836ca00) from PID 28; stack trace: ***
  2852. @ 0x7f9f4039a5e0 (unknown)
  2853. @ 0x5bdc08 std::vector<>::~vector()
  2854. @ 0x7f9f40000dda __cxa_finalize
  2855. @ 0x7f9f45adbcf3 (unknown)
  2856. make: *** [runtest] Segmentation fault
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