
PSN Support Chat Troll [12-17-14]

Dec 17th, 2014
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  1. //Credits: Jkan
  2. Jose: Hello, My name is Jose how may I assist you today?
  3. You: hey
  4. You: my red boxes arent working
  5. You: hello?
  6. Jose: Hello Marquse, which boxes are not working.
  7. You: on my cfw
  8. You: like evrything
  9. You: i connected to ccapi it say connected and they arent working still
  10. You: and i broke my cid
  11. You: like im not really proud of PSN's servers
  12. Jose: What do mean with cfw?
  13. You: c4st0M Fi4MWAR3
  14. You: saw it on ebay
  15. You: i had to cop that jawn
  16. You: ya feel fam?
  17. You: Jose why aren't u helping
  18. Jose: I really sorry, but I don't know of which game are you talking Marquse.
  19. You: the playstation 1
  20. You: 3 my b fam
  21. You: hold on brb gonna go to taco bell wait 4 me
  22. You: sike naw im playin fam
  23. You: u play cod?
  24. You: is this a bot
  25. Jose: Yes I play Call of duty.
  26. Jose: Tell me what can I do for you today?
  27. You: make my ccapi work!
  28. You: its not connecting
  29. You: wait if ur not a bot whats 9+10?
  30. You: you there fam
  31. You: My controlconsole client-side commands won't send the packets needed to invoke the methods to my ps3. I don't know why it won't work. You help my code?
  32. You: basically whts my prob
  33. You: Jose?!
  34. Jose: I'm really sorry but I don't understand your request.
  35. Jose: In order to provide you with a better assistance, may I have your Online Id and email address please?
  36. You: 1 more question
  37. You: what was the incident between psn and lizard sQAUD
  38. You: bc i couldnt sign in
  39. You: And why do u want my psn and id , r u trying to hack me
  40. You: sir
  41. Jose: There was no incident Marquse, and no I requested your account information in order to see what was your request.
  42. You: PsN: FaZe Temperrr
  43. You: Email:
  44. You: wait this is xbox right??
  45. Jose: No, this is PlayStation.
  46. You: ok cool i have a ps3 so im in the right place
  47. Jose: Ok, tell me what can I do for you.
  48. You: i need a edimacation
  49. You: why yall price for da ps4 high
  50. You: can u call me: (978) 914-7504 it'll be easy asf over voice famm
  51. You: Hello
  52. Jose: Unfortunately, it appears I am not able to assist you with your request today. I will be disconnecting this chat session. Thanks for contacting PlayStation.
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