
Purple Smart's first period

Aug 1st, 2013
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  1. >be Twilight Sparkle
  2. >still getting used to human body
  3. >been getting stomach cramps
  4. >maybe food poisoning, but I haven't eaten any strange food recently
  5. >then it gets worse
  6. >Thursday, lunch break, feel like I've been bucked in the gut
  7. >use the bathroom
  8. >see blood in toilet
  9. >internal bleeding? ulcers in my stomach?
  10. >go to Nurse Redheart
  11. >"Oh, you're just on your period."
  12. "My what?"
  13. >"Your menstraul cycle honey, its when you're uterus cleanses itself to prepare for impregnation"
  14. "Oh, so its like being in estrus?"
  15. >"Similar, just without all the blood and discomfort. You may experience a greater desire for sexual intercourse."
  16. "Oh my"
  17. >"Thats why you should practice safe sex with your partner"
  18. >Nurse Redheart gives you a wink
  19. >She pulls a drawer filled with plastic rings
  20. >"If you need some, you can always just ask me."
  21. "Uh no thanks."
  22. > that was a bit awkward
  23. >go back to lunchroom
  24. >sit with Fluttershy
  25. "So the nurse told me I'm on my menstraul cycle. How do you handle it?"
  26. >"Oh, well I walk around the park to help relieve the cramps. I use pads to soak up the blood and replace it every few hours."
  27. >important new information, gotta take note
  28. >Fluttershy just stares as you write down what she said
  29. "So can I borrow pads from you?"
  30. >"I think I have some spares at home"
  31. "Great! I'll come over to your house after school"
  32. >"oh, um okay"
  33. >last bell rings
  34. >after gathering your text books, you head over to Fluttershy's house
  35. >you knock on her door
  36. "Fluttershy? It's me, Twilight"
  37. >Fluttershy opens the door slightly, only revealing her face"
  38. >"oh, welcome Twilight"
  39. >she opens up the rest of the door, letting yo in
  40. >you look around, and you see Angel
  41. >he sticks his tongue out at you before scampering away
  42. >at least some things are still the same
  43. >Fluttershy leads you to her room
  44. >she opens a drawer on her nightstand and grabs a box
  45. >"here's a box of pads Twilight, should he good for the month"
  46. "Thanks Fluttershy. Oh, um ..."
  47. >"Yes Twilight?"
  48. "I forgot to ask, how do you handle being in heat?"
  49. >"What do you mean?"
  50. "Well I heard from Nurse Redheart that I will feel the need to mate."
  51. >"Oh my, well... You do whatever works for you"
  52. "What do you do Fluttershy?"
  53. >"I use a vibrator"
  54. "A vibrator?"
  55. >Fluttershy goes to reach under her bed and pulls out what appears to be an electric toothbrush without bristles
  56. >"Can you take off your skirt, and lie down on my bed?"
  57. >you comply, Fluttershy seems more assertive
  58. >"This will feel really good Twilight"
  59. "Is this like a massage?"
  60. >"in a way, but it feels invigorating"
  61. >she places the round tip of the vibrator on your purple panties
  62. >she turns it on and you immediately feel an overwhelming sensation
  63. >you shut your eyes, your legs twitch, you clench the bed sheet, you bite your lower lip
  64. >your heartbeat steadily increases, you take short breaths, your whole body, especially your thighs, becomes warmer
  65. >your mind starts going blank, all you can think about is the ecstasy coming from your nether regions
  66. "Don't stop"
  67. >Fluttershy grins as she slowly glides the vibrator around your panties
  68. >the sensation becomes even more mind numbing
  69. >you orgasm, your legs twitch violently as sexual juices flow from your pussy
  70. >"Oh wow, that was rather quick. And you need new underwear. Let me go get you some."
  71. >you lay there, panting, exhausted from your first orgasm
  72. >Fluttershy rummages through her closet
  73. >you move to a sitting position as Fluttershy is walking back towards you
  74. >she hands you a piece of cloth, and as you unfold it, is revealed to be black laced panties
  75. >Oh, and Twilight."
  76. "Yes?"
  77. >"If you feel like your in heat, you can always stop by my place."
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