
Species Info (Partial Meta) *Updated 02/19/2015*

Aug 19th, 2014
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  1. Species: Centaur (General)
  3. Abilities:
  4. The centaur's abilities are simultaneously as general and as varied as that of any common horse (though one should strive to never make this comparison in the presence of the former). There are stocky types, wholly capable of pulling entire caravans, lightweight kinds who can race across the plains with a speed unmatched (by humans, in any case. I would not gamble against a monster's ability.) and even those who take up work as warriors or scouts, falling somewhere between the two.
  6. Appearance:
  7. Patterns and colours range across a spectrum of brown, white and black. Patterns, splotches, flat colours are all common. They exhibit every type of horse's features (not at once, of course) across their species.
  8. Of note, however!
  9. They are an entirely separate type of creature from other sorts of similar monsters. There are creatures whom have the body of deer, or other sorts of beast- these are each their own kind, and should be treated as such.
  11. Social:
  12. Centaur tend to stick to their herds, and are wary of any strangers, treating them, if not with hostility, then at least suspicion. This is multiplied further for predators- fear of other monsters is something of an instinct for them, and not something lightly overcome.
  13. Centaurs who leave behind their herd tend towards skittishness, showing a nervous sort of energy at all times.
  14. Some turn this into aggressiveness, or drive- while others remain fearful.
  16. Evolution:
  17. Evolution for the centaurs directs itself in much the same way as the beast races- which is to say, there is very little the average human can do to tell them apart. They are, of course, hardier, faster and stronger- at least towards how they were previously.
  18. Further evolutions are much more visible, wherein things like literally outracing the winds, or dashing across water as though it were solid ground have been recorded.
  19. Legends about the centaurs are limited- There are records of them once ruling the plains, an endless field- which ended when they tried to force the rule of the herd on monster and man alike. Legends persist that the great desert was once fruitful, and it was the curses of those browbeaten which swallowed the lands.
  22. Species: Lamia (Forest)
  24. Abilities:
  25. The lamia of the forest are a great deal more constrained in their capabilities than the other sentient inhabitants of their home. Possessing a strength appropriate to their diminutive size, they are explosively fast- if only in short bursts. They rely largely on their size and camouflage to hide from predators, and tend to live in decently numbered communities, building underground and grouping for warmth as needed.
  26. Their largest asset- and most prominent defense- is, of course, their venom. While extremely deadly, they lack the fang size o deliver it to larger creatures, at least without suitable places to bite.
  27. In any case, human skin is no defense against them, and caution is of course warranted when dealing with unfamiliar monsters.
  29. Appearance:
  30. The lamia of the arachne forest, in a contrary fashion to the rest of the species residing in their home, have been born, seemingly, in the opposite fashion.
  31. Rather than prodigious size and titanic growth, the forest lamia are a miniature type of their namesake, measuring anywhere from 2-4 feet in length.
  32. Of course, they are marked by the body of a snake, topped with the torso of a human. Their scales are mostly patterns of brown and beige, in varying shades, ample disguise amongst the flora and fauna of their home.
  34. Social:
  35. Lamia tend to live in large, or semi-large groups- Communities form and grow as their underground homes are linked. They live in close proximity for warmth, and tend to settle in areas near springs, or the natural formation of fire-type spirit stones. Their closeness extends to strangers as well it seems- If non hostile, they are a welcoming kind of species, perhaps due to their limited dietary needs.
  37. Evolution:
  38. Mayhaps it is due to their size- but the lamia, at least those members of the forest type, have one of the most highly varied evolutions seen. Some simply change scales or colours, other grow to the point where they must leave behind their homes- I am told that a frequent change is the potency of their venom, though for a human it is harder to comprehend- Dead in seconds to Dead in seconds is not a change we can readily quantify.
  39. As for legendary references: We have at least one instance, recurring in stories (though not from the forest region, so perhaps inappropriate to this discussion) of a Lamia whose hair has itself becomes snakes. People bitten by this creature are rumoured to turn to stone, though study suggests it may have been some sort of magical effect, rather than one of poison.
  42. Species: Elves
  44. Abilities:
  45. Not considered among the monstrous races, elves abilties, as such, are largely identical to humans, with a few very notable exceptions. They have a predisposition towards magic and spirits, above average reflexes, and of course, are very nearly ageless. Scholars argue whether this is some manner of god's blessing, or if they simply do not interact with time in the same manner as humans- Evidence exists for both: Their natural ability to communicate with spirits for one side, and their tendency towards 'hiccups' in regards to temporal awareness.
  47. Appearance:
  48. Elves display all the variation humans do, with occasional dips into more extreme colourations, and pointed ears.
  50. Social:
  51. Elven society holds by and large the same values as many human societies- the interest is where the two races interact. Elves entering human towns, searching for someone years dead is an ultimately common thing- A combination of long lives, the ability to see clearly at night, and a greatly diminished need for sleep. Elves place no importance on their day of birth, relying on the constellation they were born beneath, things that take years to reappear. This kind of temporal dislocation occasionally makes inter-species relations difficult- An elf can return, still full of hatred over some crime from a human, and attempt vengeance against a people for something a hundred years past. Despite their physical closeness, elf-human relations remain strained in most civilized places of the world.
  53. Evolution:
  54. Not being monsters themselves, elves do not advance in this manner, using jobs in the same manner as humans.
  56. Species: Jackalope
  58. Abilities:
  59. Despite their similarities to the werebeasts, jackalopes are regarded as an entirely type of monsters as they lack the latter's ability to shapeshift to their animal form. Physically similar to rabbit type werecreatures, the jackalopes also possess a wide set of antlers, as well as claws and fangs. Physically fast, and regarded as hyperactive, they can release blasts of lightening from their horns.
  61. Appearance:
  62. Largely covered in the prior section, the average Jackalope stands around 4-5 feet, with antlers stretching up to another foot off their heads. Their furred pieces tend towards abnormal patterning- a trend which actually extends to their skin, leaving the creatures with bizarre designs across them. Their fangs jut slightly outwards, and frequently overgrow, leaving them with something of an overbite.
  64. Social:
  65. Their hyperactivity extends to their social lives- the creatures never form communities beyond their immediate families, and range widely across their territory. While capable of eating meat, they express a dislike of the flavour, and keep towards eating plants, leaving their lands easily supporting a large amount of the monsters.
  67. Evolution:
  68. Usually leaving their lightening ability as an attempt to scare off predators, and relying on their speed to flee, Jackalopes rarely evolve- Known grown versions include a beast superficially similar to the wendigo, though with powers over weather rather than plants, and versions of the creature with the ability to call things aside from lightening.
  70. Species: Wendigo
  72. Abilities:
  73. Wendigo are possessed of an absolutely ferocious level of strength, easily able to tear apart metal bare-handed. They have regenerative capabilities that border on immortality, though whether this comes from their natural magic or simply a factor of their physical forms is a frequent debate. As it is, every wendigo is capable of acts of druidism- healing and manipulating plants comes to them as easily as breathing.
  75. Appearance:
  76. Wendigo are a terrifying sight to behold: Most stand over 7 feet, with tremendously long arms and hands. Opposite their strength, the creatures are near skeletal, with thin limbs, and literally protruding ribs- In several areas of their body, bones grow out of the skin, curling protectively over their forms. It is unknown if these are an extension of bones within the creature, or a layer of natural armour. Atop all this sits the wendigo's head- The monsters are given an animals skull in childhood, and it bonds irreversibly to them, even growing with them as they age. Eyes peering through sockets not their own, it is easy to become frightened of them. They wear all manner of pelts, and bone decorated jewelery, rejecting processed goods in favor of self made ones.
  78. Social:
  79. Contrary to their appearance, and their appetite, the wendigo are not monstrous murderers. While their diet is limited to raw meat- anything else makes them sick- they observe strict rituals when hunting, and generally avoid other sentients. Wendigo 'families' is they can be called such, are only together long enough to produce a child capable of defending itself. The creatures seek solitude, spending long tracts of time idle in their forest domain. Rumours abound of a central village of sorts, a meeting place for times of necessity, though it is surely so far into the woods as to be unreachable.
  81. Evolution:
  82. Due to their solitary natures, evolution is largely undocumented- There are stories of wendigo like creatures towering above the trees, protecting all the forest, as well as limited records of a creature similar to a wendigo becoming some sort of dryad. Without any real hope of reaching their territory, the mystery remains.
  84. Species: Werebeasts
  86. Abilities:
  87. "Werebeast" is less of a species name, and more of a catch-all term for the human-like beast type monsters. As such, abilities vary wildly between types: Wolves display an above human strength and extreme speed, bears are absurdly strong and tough, rabbits have a near sixth sense and a speed a step above the wolves. Cats are largely balanced in terms of abilities.
  89. Appearance:
  90. Again, the species determines physical characteristics, though they all share a simple makeup. They appear human, with tails, animal type ears, and limbs below the main joint are physically similar to their animal type- paws, claws and fur. Colouration depends on the area they live in, and frequently seasons as well. Forest creatures stay in the range of brown and grey, with splashes of white moving in during winter months. Size between the types is comparatively consistent: Wolves are usually human sized, though on the tall side, Bears level out near 7 to 8 feet. Cats and rabbits tend towards shorter statures, though some cat variations are larger.
  92. Social:
  93. A mixed family based pack organization is most common. Notable though- The forest area is home to several large (and many smaller) packs- Who have, since the fall of their ancient city, resumed an internal war based in domination that has continued since. Despite the rapid growth of monster children, their civilization, if it can even be called such, has never expanded beyond their section of the woods. Feuds and alliances are broken and brokered with absurd speed. From what little information remains from the ruins, it has been assumed that the packs wars were only held back during the cities years by other species stepping in and claiming leadership; being the alpha; over these packs.
  95. Evolution:
  96. Werebeasts evolutions start simple, and then branch into innumerable variations like all others. Of most note- their initial evolution is a simple growth of strength and characteristic- but it is also when they acquire their most known ability. Any evolved monster from these families can change wholly into their namesake- albeit, and enlarged and monstrous version.
  100. Species: Forest Arachne
  102. Abilities:
  103. The spider people are a fair distance up the food chain - with a variety of powerful abilities, and inhuman strength and speed, many lesser species pose no threat. Young arachne are still vulnerable however, and even as they grow they must take care to ensure the safety of their soft human half. Arachne rarely evolve, usually content to remain within their domains; those that leave their homes behind can grow into truly dangerous creatures.
  105. Appearance:
  106. Forest Arachne are characterized by black to brown shells, and favor webs and traps as their main fallback. Arachne from other biomes tend to have different specializons: Mountainous areas produce much smaller and lighter arachne, with a limited ability to fly on their webs, flatlands arachne tend to grow to a monstrous size, and jungle arachne are vibrantly coloured, with horrific toxins. Desert arachne fall into two categories, those who swiftly fall prey to the dangerous monsters inherent to the area, and those who survive and rapidly evolve into scorpion-halved monsters, and carve out their own piece of desert.
  108. Social:
  109. Race relations vary wildly between place and family. Humans generally see monsters as below them, and will go out of their way to exterminate creatures near their living space, although their can be exceptions. Elves and dwarves are more accepting, especially of creatures like the arachne, whose ability to produce top-tier materials can be an endless supply of both riches and quality goods. Relations between monsters largely depend on shared languages - Without a common tongue, they will quickly settle into predator-prey categories, and it is difficult to break them out of their views.
  111. Evolutions:
  112. The forest arachne's initial evolution is a fairly simple one- an expanding of existing strengths. The basic advancement is called a Widow Arachne; They are identified by a general increase in size compared to their unevolved brethren. Other physical characteristics of note are a thickening of chitin, resulting in a 'spikier' appearance for their spider half. Variants of the widow arachne display a variety of shell colourations and patterns- The standard for the species is a vaguely skull shaped mark on the rear, though their have been reports of speckled, or even pattern free ones. It is important to recognize that any differences between the standard and an encountered arachne denote subspecies- which all have a tendency towards being more dangerous.
  114. Further evolutions are largely undocumented, though the arachne's own legends reference a queen 'With a body of stone, whose steps shook mountains'. Whether this is a reference to magic, or to an advanced evolution is unknown.
  116. Species: Owl Harpy
  118. Abilities:
  119. A relatively new discovery(rediscovery?), a harpy variant focused on night hunting and silent flight. They bear many similarities to the common harpies in terms of abilities, at least. Flight, supreme eyesight and razor sharp talons are their main capabilities. They differentiate in that they prefer to hunt during twilight hours, or even after night falls. Their wing-feathers have an odd texture, and they make no noise while in flight. Outside their advantages, the harpies strength tends to fall below that of the average human, though they make up for it with rapid evolution.
  121. Appearance:
  122. The harpies remain close to a human appearance, with the notable additions of winged arms, taloned feet, and general covering of feathers. They tend to wear limited clothing and armour- anything that would hamper flight is ignored. They have a pair of tufts rising from the tops of their heads, and a ring of downy feathers circling their necks. Clawlike, vestigal fingers give them a limited ability to manipulate things with their wings, though they tend to rely on the feet for delicate tasks. Colouration runs from white to cream to brown and grey, simple forest camouflage. Standard harpy colours remain much the same- Tropical ones being an exception, as there are many, many variants within those forests, ranging from standard colours to absurd ones. Reports of rainbow coloured, or even pink harpies are unconfirmed but persistent.
  124. Social:
  125. Harpies, being a weaker, but humanlike species, are mostly friendly across the known world. A penchant for easily picking up languages, and their general acceptance, and following reliance on stronger species; whether they be human or otherwise, marks their relations. Harpies near settlements will usually approach and offer their services as scouts, hunters, messengers- all manner of flight related activities. In return, they enjoy a level of protection and a guarantee of food come more difficult seasons. Their ability to breed with most races ensures that their families become entwined in the villages structure, resulting in a level of acceptance and safety not shred by most monster species.
  127. Evolution:
  128. Harpies are among the fastest evolving species, combining weakness with a variety of abilities that allow them a certain safety in their hunts regardless. Early evolutions are mostly a strengthening and minor size increase, pushing the harpy from resembling a small human to an average one. Later evolutions vary wildly- There are records of neary every variety of elemental harpy, a collection of notes on a harpy species called 'Sirens' who apparently have hypnotic voices and ever more beautiful features. There is even research of a phoenix type harpy- and just like their legendary namesake, they apparently undergo a fiery rebirth rather than dying.
  130. Species: Forest Mothkin, Moths, etc.
  132. Abilities:
  133. Flight, a sort of advanced sense relying on their sensitive antennae, and of course, their ability to produce a wide variety of powders. The powders vary wildly, from poisons to sedatives to paralysis or sleep inducing. Evolved moths can even create healing powders, or other medicinal effects.
  135. Appearance:
  136. Unevolved mothkin are a nearly luminescent white, their powder coated wings shimmering in any sort of light at all. Fur wraps around legs, arms and neck, and they have wide, feathery type antennae. Their eyes tend to be all black and highly reflective, and their skin is incredibly pale. Once evolved, they have a ridiculous variety of colours and patterns, far too many to list.
  138. Social:
  139. With the absurd value of their powders, the moths have unfortunately fallen prey to greed- Even other monsters hunt them. They were driven to near extinction, and most of the species retreated deeper and deeper into wildlands; Feral monsters being far safer neighbours for them. The few moths that remain vaguely near civilized lands have formed pacts or agreements with one species or another- trading for safety and protection. The few remaining records of the moths prior to their flight into the wild details them as an atypically kind monster species, and attributes many of the folk stories of 'helpful fairies' to their kind.
  141. Evolution:
  142. Outside of appearance, and the apparent increase in potency of their powders, nothing is known about the mothkins evolution. The few studied had been kept in captivity for years, and never showed any signs of advancement.
  145. Species: Kobolds
  147. Abilities:
  148. A dog headed species found across the entire continent, kobolds are characterized with a vicious nature, a lack of caring for cleanliness, and advanced tracking capabilities. Their strength is comparable to that of a human, though they remain faster and with a great deal more endurance- kobold trackers are known to pursue targets overnight.
  150. Appearance:
  151. A furred body and the face of a dog- usually with a tail sharing the characteristics and colouration of whatever particular breed they resemble. They have padded hands, limited claws and their legs resemble that of a dogs hindmost legs.
  153. Social:
  154. Considered disgusting by nearly every sentient, they nonetheless maintain a trading relationship amongst black markets across the continent. They tend to travel most at night, seeking to avoid other people- with their tendency towards illegal and often vile trading materials, very few monsters or humans will tolerate their presence. If they are caught carrying stolen or poached items, they are very swiftly dealt with.
  156. Evolution:
  157. Kobolds usually evolve into a more bestial, feral monster known as a gnoll- though it has to be noted that very few kobolds evolve. Whether this is due to infighting or cowardice is anyone's guess.
  159. Species: River Lizards
  161. Abilities:
  162. Naturals in the water- Long finned tails allow them to swim like fish, and achieve far higher speeds than they could over land. Their scales offer limited protection from weaponry, and they are capable of inflating a piece under their throat to hold air, and to create incredibly loud noises, to communicate over distances. Their strength is average, although their jaws are ferociously powerful. They can forge rivermetal- An oddly strong mix that can pass through water without drag. It's highly prized, but the nearly feral lizards do not engage in any sort of trade.
  164. Appearance:
  165. Heavy, squared jaws filled with fangs, a long fin trailing down their spine and topping their tail. Short legs, long arms, and a long tail complete the picture of an aquatic monster. They range from green to blue, and tend to wear scraps of cloth.
  167. Social:
  168. Legend holds they were decimated in a war when they tried to turn on the arachne. They lost most of their villages and culture, driven into the rivers and deeper into the forest. Even now, they still will not pass up the opportunity to attack an arachne- A near suicidal urge, given the strength of the spiders.
  170. Evolution:
  171. Given their genocidal urge towards other inhabitants of the forest, very few lizards ever evolve. Specimens that have are seen to have an enhanced level of strength, and a far greater ease of movement on land. They are said to stand twice as tall as their fellows, with broad shoulders and thicker scales.
  173. Feral Species:
  174. Black Furred Wolves:
  175. A fairly standard monster across the forests of the continent, these wolves share an absurdly hard fur and a ridiculous rate of growth. They will usually hunt in medium sized packs, though evolved wolves will leave their fellows behind- too large and powerful for their pack to keep up with. Reports of evolved wolves gaining spell-like abilities, or spitting things such as fire or lightning are unconfirmed.
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