
Three - UnusualSuspects

May 22nd, 2012
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  1. > I wait in the darkened room alone, watching through the two way mirror.
  2. > God, I wish I could smoke.
  3. > The first is brought in.
  4. > A Pink mare, curly mane, wide eyes and wider smile.
  5. > Kinda bouncy considering her situation.
  6. > Smiling like she's here for a photoshoot, not a suspect in a crime.
  7. > That sets my alarm bells off.
  8. > Pinkamena Diane Pie, the file tells me.
  9. > Rap sheet is all minor league.
  10. > Public order offences mainly, mostly let off with a warning.
  11. > Breaking and entering too, but unknown modus operandi.
  12. > This gal turns up where you'd least expect her.
  13. > Sparks closes the door behind her and rejoins me at the table.
  14. > "... I don't think she knows why she's here." Twilight says glancing at the file, sympathy just detectable in her voice.
  15. "Did anyp0ny find her nosebag?"
  16. > "...but you can't think..."
  17. "Head in the game, sweethooves. Look at her. That filly ain't a stranger to a snootfull of laughing powder."
  18. > A thump on the glass get's my attention and makes Sparks jump.
  19. > The pink mare has locked her lips onto the mirror and is blowing her cheeks in and out, making her look like some kinda fish.
  20. > "Amma Sea horse! *giggle*" she shouts as a guard shoulders her back into position.
  21. > The pink mare pouts at the guardsp0ny, then winks at the mirror.
  22. > Heh.
  23. > She'd probably be a kick to hit the bars with.
  24. > "...ok. Maybe you're right. Somep0nies are just like that though. Happy." Twilight holds up a conceeding hoof as she talks.
  25. > While you look on at the pink mare, she whispers to herself " least they used to be."
  26. "Doesn't matter anyway. We don't have the time to wait 'till she starts getting itchy. Best we can hope for is she say's something stupid."
  28. > Here comes the next.
  29. > Grey pegasus, wings jittering a little and head down as she plods into position.
  30. > "I-is this right?" she asks the guard shakily, her lower lip trembling and tears still drying on her face.
  31. > He nods gently "that's fine. Stay there and don't worry." hard not to be moved by her palatable fear.
  32. > Ditzy Doo.
  33. > Christ.
  34. > These p0nies and their names.
  35. > I blame the parents.
  36. > Equestrian postal service.
  37. > "Nothing previous" Twilight tells me.
  38. "Just means she's never been caught before."
  39. > "Look at her. Breezy said all she's done since she was brought in is cry and ask who's going to take care of her little filly."
  40. "...yeah. I'll admit she doesn't look..."
  41. > Pinkie has stepped off the line again and recieved a warning shout as a reward.
  42. > Ditzy jumps in panic, but Pinkie ignores the warning and clamps a hug around the worried pegasus, cooing "...Don'tcha worry. It'll be ok."
  43. > Wait.
  44. > What the hell is Doo looking at?
  45. > One eye stares at the mirror the other is either scanning the room or trying to escape from Pinkie.
  46. > "Don't stare, it's not polite." Twilight has turned around to try and summon some life from the old, battered coffee pot in the corner.
  47. "It's not like she can see us, Sparks."
  48. > "...*sigh* get it out of your system then. You're going to have to talk to her soon. I don't want you staring at her."
  49. "Yes momma Twi."
  51. > We wait for the next in silence.
  52. > Twilight is in the corner trying to force the coffee machine to cooperate and pushing the boundries of 'excessive violence' while she does so.
  53. > Her horn is glowing, she's growling quietly while the machine splutters and rattles in response, occasionally bouncing violently against the wall.
  54. > She doesn't like it when I call her Twi either.
  55. > Reminds her of when we used to live together.
  56. > She just wants to forget that time.
  57. > Me?
  58. > I can't let go.
  59. > Twilight won't talk about that time either.
  60. > Every time I try it's the cold shoulder, the silent treatment or an icy detatchment she forces into her voice that kills me inside.
  61. > It's the worst, until she walks away and she thinks I can't hear.
  62. > Then the sobbing.
  63. > That's the real knife to the heart.
  64. > She doesn't want to air out the old arguments.
  65. > Not tonight.
  66. > So the machine takes the brunt for both of us.
  68. > A noise from out in the hall grabs my attention and offers a sweet respite from the atmosphere in the viewing room.
  69. > I head out while Twilight continues to abuse the machine.
  70. > Further down the hallway Breezy and one of the guards from outside are struggling to pin against the wall a cyan pegasus with multicoloured hair.
  71. > "Get your Celestia *unf* Damned *krak* Hooves offa me!" yells the fiesty mare.
  72. > She's got a few digs in on Breezy but he's weathering the storm.
  73. > The guard's breastplate has a date with the panelbeater.
  74. > Another guard is rushing out of position from the lineup room door to help.
  75. > Damn amatuer.
  76. "Hold up. They need a hand, not another hoof. Keep your post."
  77. > He listens and heads back as I move in towards the scuffle, both hands empty and raised.
  78. > "Oh no you don't! keep those creepy things away from *unf* me!" The mare is struggling even more now.
  79. > I keep staring at her as I approach, talking slow and calm all the way...
  80. ..."Look, just calm down miss. No one's going to hurt you. We only want to..."...
  81. > ... 'till I'm close enough.
  82. > I lunge in, grabbing for one of her wildly fluttering wings.
  83. > " *squeal* ahh! gettoff you freak! AHHH! HELP! HELP MEEE-AAAAH!" She's bucking and flailing now.
  85. > Time to put on the pressure.
  86. > I find the magic spot then squeeze and twist just enough.
  87. > Her eyes widen, pupils shrinking to a dot of panic in her frozen features.
  88. "Be. Still."...
  89. >...I whisper to the pegasus as she makes like a statue.
  90. "...learnt a lot about pegasus wings. Sensative things. Got to be that way for the flying. Stroke the right place, you can take a gal to heaven, put the squeeze on and it's a quick train to hell."
  91. >... I lean right up to her flattened ear...
  92. ..."...twist and you got a pegasus that learns a whole new appreciation for her legs."
  93. > I pull back, then adding brightly.
  94. "But hey, why am I telling you this? You know all about wings, right dollface?"
  95. > She nods slowly, eyes still locked forward staring right at the image I shoved into her minds eye.
  96. > I hold for a little longer, then release.
  97. > She sags, leaning agains the two guardsp0nies and releasing a breath she's been holding since my first touch.
  98. "Good p0ny. You're gonna be calm. You're gonna cooperate. I ain't got time for this shit. Don't make me come out here again."
  99. > The guard is almost as wide eyed as the mare, Breezy is just quiet and expressionless as he shakes the other two into movement.
  101. > Me?
  102. > I head back into the room, take a hit of my near empty hipflask, wait for the shakes to go away and hope to hell that Twilight doesn't see my face.
  103. > My mind is racing shame against rage in the Anon subconscious steeplechase, with regret as an outside wildcard,
  104. > I drain the last of the flask.
  105. > Some parts of myself I like to keep nice and anezthetized.
  106. > As the pegasus joins the line up, Twilight glances at me leaning against the wall draining the last drop.
  107. > She has that look on her face again.
  108. > The one that burns me worse than any shame I could cook up on my own
  109. > Disgust.
  110. > I should be used to it by now.
  111. > I am from other p0nies.
  112. > Never from her.
  113. > It cuts as a bad this time as the first.
  114. > We stand there for a while, just not looking at each other.
  115. > "...we should get on with it." Twilight says, throwing me a lifeline to drag me outta the mire of self pity I've stumbled into.
  116. > I nod and join her at the table.
  118. > Rainbow Dash joins the others.
  119. > "Miss Dash. Known agitator. Arrested at a number of protests after..."
  120. > She always pauses when she thinks about those times.
  121. "Yeah. A lot of p0nies were."
  122. > Twilight adjusts her glasses with a glow of her horn before continuing. "It's a habit Miss Dash has been reluctant to break."
  123. > "She's wanted for defacing royal property. Acts of riot..." Twilight sighs, turning over a few more pages.
  124. > "...Open defiance of royal edict. Often at the head of a group of angry pegasi. A typical agitator." Twilight is quiet.
  125. > I know she's torn.
  126. > This Dash is doing everything Twilight believes she should have done, but at the same time is leading p0nies on a path that only has one end.
  127. > When it all goes wrong, and it does, Rainbow always seems to slip the net while some other p0ny pays the tab.
  128. > Old story.
  129. > Always the poor schmo that get's it in the neck, never the leaders.
  130. "Not her usual behaviour then. That's interesting."
  131. > Twilight leafs through the file further. "Hmmm."
  132. "You got something, Sparks?"
  133. > "...maaaybe." she's got that little lopsided smile now as she starts reading through other files.
  134. > A cunning little light twinkles mischievously in her vibrant, violet eyes.
  135. > Beautiful.
  136. > Twilight loves the chase, but she's always been better with a paper trail.
  137. > "Keep quiet girls. Not a word. They're waiting for us to make a mistake." hisses Rainbow to her two line buddies.
  138. > "*sigh*...because we wouldn't want to say anything that would make us sound guilty, huh Dashie?" replies Pinkie, rolling her eyes at the mirror.
  139. " *snrk*... oh come on. That was funny."...
  140. > ,,,I say as I turn to look at Twilight.
  141. > Twilight doesn't notice, focused on her task.
  142. > Going to have to keep an eye on the pink one, she's sharper than she looks.
  144. > Next is brought in without trouble.
  145. > Twilight is still reading through the files, chasing down that 'maybe'.
  146. "Fluttershy. Cares for animals locally. No previous. . Lives near p0nyville at the edge of the 'whatever-the-hicks-call-it forest.'"
  147. > She's standing at the door, stock still, peering nervously from beneath a long, pink mane.
  148. > Breezy tries gentle hoof on her shoulder and a gentle word to get her moving.
  149. > She almost leaps outta her skin, looking back and shaking with panic.
  150. > Head low and avoiding eyecontact with everyone, her reflection included, makes for the farthest point of the line.
  151. > As she passes Dash, the cyan pegasus whispers something to her and gives a nod and a confident smile.
  152. > I decide then to ask Breezy if he heard what Dash said later.
  153. > "You ok 'shy?" Asks Pinkie.
  154. > First time the pink mare hasn't been smiling since she bounced into the room.
  155. > The yellow mare gets in position, as apart from the others as she can get and stands there trying to look small.
  156. "...well. I think she's a scratch too. It'd take too long to calm her down enough to be any use."
  157. > "Uhuh." answers Twilight, not really listening.
  158. " Of course, we could beat her with sticks until the others talked. I think they like her."
  159. > "... yuhuh... wait, what?" Twilight's head snaps up as her brain catches up with her ears.
  160. "Just making sure you haven't got lost in there, Sparks."...
  161. > ...I say as I tap the files she's reading.
  162. "Why'd you bring ol' nervous-yellow there in fourth?"
  163. > She's still a little steamed at being interrupted, but answers anyway.
  164. > "What you said is true, we'll never get anything out of her in time." Twilight pauses a moment, looking through the two-way.
  165. > She sighs, then looks back to the files. "...but she's also vulnerable. Bring her in later, see if any of the jumpy ones let something slip."
  166. "Like any association between them. Nice work."
  167. > It's what I'd have done.
  169. > We wait a long couple of minutes for the next.
  170. > Twilight has followed her 'maybe' as far as she needs to, but won't let slip what she's found out.
  171. > We kill time.
  172. "...I'm just saying, I don't trust the quiet ones. If we had time, I'd have a team dig up her garden. Maybe check the shed."
  173. > "Pfft. She's harmless. Look at her."
  174. "...that's what they all say. 'quiet. keeps to themselves. wouldn't hurt a fly.'. Remember the 'Hearts and Hooves' killer?"
  175. > "Ew...You're too cynical."
  176. "Just making up your half, sweetheart."
  177. > The door opens and I hear the next one before I see her.
  178. > "Take your grubby hooves off me this instant you... you... ruffian!" The voice, laden with outrage, belongs to a white unicorn with a perfectly curled mane.
  179. > She's wearing a light blue gown, low at the shoulder, frilled and flared at the hem.
  180. > Rarity.
  181. > Proof that sometimes, these p0nies get the names right on the money.
  182. > She looks like that one of a kind broad you'll see pass in the street and then in your dreams for the rest of your life.
  183. > the way she acts? she knows it too.
  184. > "Just join the line, dammit." you hear the guardp0ny trying to herd the highclass dame.
  185. > "Well I never... such poor manners. You break into my establishment, round up my customers and then... THEN you take it upon yourself to parade me around like a showmare!"
  186. > "The mayor is going to hear about this... and the press! oh, you mark my words, you grotty little mule."
  187. > She shakes free the guard as she steps through the door, straightens her voluminous gown and with her nose held high glides into the line up.
  188. > "You can stop staring any time you like." Sparks says with a smile that doesn't quite reach those violet eyes.
  189. "...can't imagine why I'd want to."
  190. > "Hmph." Twilight folds her forelegs and blows a strand of fringe out of her eyes.
  191. > Nice to know she still gets jealous sometimes.
  192. "...yeah. I think this lady was brought in with the sweep. Don't expect anything but a witness statement and..."
  193. > "...three counts of tax evasion, two unlicensed drinking establishments and a supsected connection to some of the best..." Twi blushes a little
  194. > "...*ahem* 'cathouses' in Manehatten." She's floating the file infront of her like a shield of facts.
  195. " I don't suppose you mean felines? no? *sigh* it's always the pretty ones..."
  196. > Twilight has a triumphant grin on her face behind the file.
  198. "Here she comes. Pick of the crop."
  199. > The last one saunters in, steel eyed and unfazed.
  200. > An orange coated, blonde mare wearing a stetson and a look of contempt for us behind the mirror.
  201. > She joins the line as Twilight starts "Appleja-" I cut her off.
  202. "Applejack. Head of the Apple family. Illegal cider stills. Smuggling. Scrumping. Arson. Cart Jacking. Hooves in all the shady sides of business."
  203. > Twilight lowers the file and listens.
  204. "Family in Appleloosa. Family everwhere. I'd like to tell you it's one bad apple spoiling the crop, but they're rotten. All of them."
  205. "Wasn't always the case, so I hear from Breezy. They were honest folks at one time. 'bout three year ago it started. The family lost their farm to the FlimFlam brothers. She and the family left for Appleloosa."
  206. "The brothers stripped the farm, used it up then built the mill on top of it. Wiped away generations of work in a weekend. I think that pushed her over the edge."
  207. > "...The Flim case." Twilight finishes, quietly.
  208. "You got it sweethooves. There's a reason it's called Flam-co these days and that reason might be standing right infront of us wearing a sour face and a nice hat."
  209. > It was a nasty business.
  210. > Brother Flim had an 'accident' with one of the big wheels in the mill.
  211. > Applejack was made at the scene by security and locals spotted her in town the day before.
  212. > Flam dragged the nightguard over the coals for not being able to bring her in.
  213. > That damned unicorn had a lot of buddies in the broadsheets that made our lives hell for a while.
  214. > A lot of that was scraped off on me, being the right shape to make a fine scapegoat for the good, paperbuying folk of Equestria.
  215. > I guess I've been holding a grudge over her starting the fire that ended up burning my ass.
  217. > Twilight has been staring through the two-way for a few minutes now.
  218. > Guess I have too.
  219. > Dash is complaining to the guards.
  220. > Pinkie is pulling faces at the mirror again.
  221. > Fluttershy just stands there hiding underneath her mane and looking at her hooves like they have the script tatooed on them.
  222. > Rarity has her head held high like the class act she is, tossing her mane over her shoulder with a *hmph* of contempt every so often.
  223. > Ditzy just stands there, shaking slightly and trying not to cry,
  224. > Applejack could be waiting for a train for all the expression she has, leaning there against the wall, hat low on her brow.
  225. " Applejack will be a tough one. Same for Fluttershy, but for the opposite reason. The lady'll take up take up too much time. Same if we wait for Pinkie to get a tingly nose."
  226. > She's not listening.
  227. > I plow on anyway, hoping she'll catch up.
  228. " I say we go with Dash and Doo. Doo first, see what we get and then back to a cell. Dash afterwards. She's hostile, but fiery enough to let slip someth-"
  229. > Twilight is hugging her forelegs against her chest, still not listening.
  230. "Sparks...Twi? what's up?"...
  231. > ...I gingerly place a hand on her shoulder.
  232. > She looks at the hand first as if she's not sure where it came from, then up at me.
  233. "Twi?"
  234. > "It's...They're all friends. All of them. That's what I noticed in the files. Prior association. They all lived here before... " She gulps, violet eyes dampening
  235. > "...Before Luna." She pauses and looks back at them.
  236. > I squeeze her shoulder gently, to let her know I'm there for her even If I don't get what's eating at her.
  238. > "... I was nearly sent to P0nyville back then. The Princess told me the last time we talked..." Twilight trails off.
  239. > It's a sad memory for her, but one I have no right to intrude on.
  240. > I give her the time she needs.
  241. > "... She told me that she planned to send me there ahead of the celebration... but she needed me to-"
  242. " I know what you did Twilight. I was there. I know how much they all meant to you but you've got to-"
  243. > She stops me from saying 'move on' with a hoof raised to my mouth.
  244. > Part of me is relieved.
  245. > If I tried to give that advice out loud, I'd probably choke on the hypocrisy.
  246. > Especially giving it to Twilight.
  247. > She continues, her voice whisper quiet and fragile as glass, "I can't help looking at them and wondering..."
  248. > "...what if? If I was sent here back then, would I have met them? would I have been their friend? would I be on that side of the mirror tonight?"
  249. "I don't think so Twi..."
  250. > She turns to me, hurt, dismayed, eyes glistening and looking younger to me than she has done for years.
  251. > "...but you can't know that! What If I was here? Maybe I'd have helped them. Stopped them ending up in this...this...mess. Maybe I'd have changed things for them."
  252. > I know what's coming, like a rabbit, frozen in the headlights...
  253. > She lets her head fall,ears flattening "...maybe I'd have been able to change things for her."
  255. > Twilight keeps her head down.
  256. > She's crying.
  257. > I can't see her eyes.
  258. > I can't hear her sobs.
  259. > She keeps stock still, fighting down any shudder.
  260. > Twilight hasn't let me see her cry for a long time.
  261. > ...but I know her and I know she's hurting.
  262. > I want to hug her, take the pain away.
  263. > Right now it's more important to me than breathing.
  264. > ...but I hold my hand in place and give her time.
  265. > She walled me off from that part of her a long time ago.
  266. > It's something I'm no longer allowed to see, a place I can't go to with her.
  267. > Having to hold back hurts more than any pain I'd share.
  268. > It was my fault.
  269. > If I wasn't there, she wouldn't have been tasked with watching over me.
  270. > It was a job that Princess Celestia could only give to her most trusted student.
  271. > So Twilight stayed at Canterlot, looked after the funny shaved monkeyman and the Princess went to the celebration in P0nyville.
  272. > The next time Twilight saw her mentor, she was broken at the feet of the Nightmare Queen, as the walls of Canterlot crumbled before her wrath.
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