

Aug 10th, 2015
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  1. Danny Maris
  2. Hello! Is there anyone from ADX I could speak to on a personal level, or an email that could be provided for one of the higher ups? I would like to formally speak to someone on behalf of ADX from flight sim central. And I would appreciate a response to this message. Thank you very much
  4. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  5. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  6. Hi there Danny.
  7. There is a contact page at
  9. Danny Maris
  10. 2:46pm
  11. Danny Maris
  12. Would it be more appropriate maybe if the owner contacted me via a messenger so we can discuss a few things
  14. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  15. 2:47pm
  16. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  17. I do not use those apps. Here is just fine as well
  19. Danny Maris
  20. 2:48pm
  21. Danny Maris
  22. Perfect. Would you available at around 5pm pacific time? I have a few meetings to attend for work until then
  24. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  25. 2:48pm
  26. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  27. Sure
  29. Danny Maris
  30. 2:51pm
  31. Danny Maris
  32. Awesome. Talk soon cheers
  33. Danny Maris
  34. 4:37pm
  35. Danny Maris
  36. Hello sir! So sorry about that, headed home here I'll send you a message in about 20 min so we can discuss. Thanks again for taking your time
  38. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  39. 4:38pm
  40. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  41. No problem
  43. Danny Maris
  44. 4:52pm
  45. Danny Maris
  46. Ok hello! how are you sir
  47. let me know when you are available
  49. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  50. 8/10, 4:57pm
  51. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  52. Hi Danny
  53. Danny Maris
  55. 4:57pm
  56. Danny Maris
  57. hello sir!
  58. how are you
  59. by the way, have no idea what your first name is haha
  61. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  62. 8/10, 4:57pm
  63. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  64. D'Andre
  66. Danny Maris
  67. 4:58pm
  68. Danny Maris
  69. D'Andre, awesome, well i just wanted to send you a message and chat real quick because I received some screenshots to my inbox this morning, which made me quite upset when seeing, about a post regarding FSC....on ADX. Any chance you could elaborate a bit, and why it is now removed?
  71. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  72. 8/10, 5:03pm
  73. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  74. Its not removed. Most likely on the next page. I've been getting quite a few reports from my readers including a couple of developers stating your posting frequency seems quite suspicious.
  75. I took a look myself and it is quite an alignment with their allegations. Most notably when I posted some news a few days ago I found it quite interesting that the same news appeared on your site within moments. This is typically what happens with new news sites.
  76. ADX becomes the primary source for news with these sites. There 5 other sites who do the same exact thing.
  77. I Fully support anyone who wishes to support the flight simulation community. Just no off the back of ADX.
  79. Danny Maris
  80. 5:04pm
  81. Danny Maris
  82. Ah..ok i see i see. So youre telling me that, other users...have a suspicion, that FSC is posting the same information that ADX does...but you yourself, have you confirmed this. Could you explain to me how if so?
  83. i just want to know the situation to the fullest before i carry on any judgement
  85. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  86. 8/10, 5:04pm
  87. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  88. It may not be you. But its obvious to me that someone on your team is.
  89. I've been doing this for very very long time. Believe me I know it when I see it.
  91. Danny Maris
  92. 5:04pm
  93. Danny Maris
  94. me and my partner are the only members, so it would be either one of us
  95. oh
  96. ok
  97. well here...let me explain something to you as well
  98. Danny Maris
  99. 5:05pm
  100. Danny Maris
  101. I have been in my business, dealing with negotiations and contracts for many many years as well. I do this on a daily. What you actually have done, in the state that I live in, is perform a defamation of character to myself, my business, and all associated parties. Are you aware of this?
  102. Danny Maris
  103. 5:06pm
  104. Danny Maris
  105. You went even as far as to create a logo to negate my business
  107. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  108. 8/10, 5:06pm
  109. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  110. This does not concern me. The point is to get the point across.
  111. Im not an idiot.
  112. It's a free-for-all anyone can post anything they want. Only thing I expect among journalists in this very Nice community is that everyone respects each other.
  114. Danny Maris
  115. 5:08pm
  116. Danny Maris
  117. Not to mention, Not once have I or any member of our site ever trespassed onto any of your party. What you have posted is entitled to you. And your site. And what I am going to tell you right now is this: This community is small. We all go to the same developers the same insiders the same forums the same groups yadda yadda yadda. Your source or conclusionary sources, are no more factual or timely than mine. In fact I remember a month ago having 5 new posts in 1 day, to your posts from a week earlier. Not to mention a week later, I saw my posts on your page. So, how does this work?
  118. Danny Maris
  119. 5:08pm
  120. Danny Maris
  121. Property* not party my apologies
  123. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  124. 8/10, 5:08pm
  125. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  126. So you admit that you do follow my website.
  127. You can honestly sit there and tell me that you have never ever pulled information directly from my side as supposed to getting them directly for the source for publish on your website?
  129. Danny Maris
  130. 5:09pm
  131. Danny Maris
  132. Do I follow it as a person who visits daily? Not at all. In fact ive used your site to help me fix some of my software even. What are you trying to say exactly?
  133. Never.
  134. with the lord looketh down upon me
  135. and I am an honest businessman
  136. Here is whats going to happen...
  138. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  139. 8/10, 5:11pm
  140. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  141. Just bear in mind that I'm not the only person who has noticed this a number of members of the community of brought it to my attention as well as a couple of developers. Just know as an honest businessman that other people are watching as well.
  143. Danny Maris
  144. 5:11pm
  145. Danny Maris
  146. I am more willing to work with you than against you. In nature, again, this community is small. Any motivation against each other is worse for each other. In fact since we arrived, the community has only grown. Let's be honest now. I am not taking any direct competition, why? Because I dont have sponsors? Why, because I run the show with my own pockets, understood?
  147. Danny Maris
  148. 5:11pm
  149. Danny Maris
  150. Hey, were speaking about us
  151. not others
  152. right?
  154. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  155. 8/10, 5:11pm
  156. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  157. Im speaking about both
  159. Danny Maris
  160. 5:11pm
  161. Danny Maris
  162. this is my website, potrayed on yours, in a very negative manner
  164. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  165. 8/10, 5:11pm
  166. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  167. Because it is very important if you want to have support from the development community.
  169. Danny Maris
  170. 5:11pm
  171. Danny Maris
  172. Thats your opinion sir
  173. you do your business in your manner
  174. As of right now however, where youre standing with me is very much not ok, and I would appreciate if we fix it
  175. That means, taking the post down. and replacing it with a formal apology to me my crew and my company
  177. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  178. 8/10, 5:12pm
  179. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  180. I am all for that Danny.
  182. Danny Maris
  183. 5:13pm
  184. Danny Maris
  185. we also
  186. on our end
  187. will make it clear, where the sources and news come from
  188. We have worked to hard to be negated in such a form....
  189. I would appreciate if we come to an understanding
  191. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  192. 8/10, 5:14pm
  193. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  194. Ive got your attention. Im happy to remove the post.
  196. Danny Maris
  197. 5:15pm
  198. Danny Maris
  199. I would more so like to see an apology to your userbase. For having to deal with this sort of behavior. We are better than this. And I would appreciate if this happened immediately. On my end, I have setup a full board meeting with the members and we will discuss the chances to make the entire sim community a bit more transparent
  200. Danny Maris
  201. 5:15pm
  202. Danny Maris
  203. Fair enough?
  205. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  206. 8/10, 5:16pm
  207. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  208. An apology wont happen.
  210. Danny Maris
  211. 5:16pm
  212. Danny Maris
  213. Well then I still stand with you in a case of serious defamation to my property...are you prepared to handle that
  214. If so, i will no longer be in communication. I came here to resolve something that shouldnt have happened in the first place. I was willing to fix the issue with you. If you are not willing to work with me, then I will have to contact you in other methods from here on.
  215. I just want to be completely transparent here
  217. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  218. 8/10, 5:18pm
  219. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  220. You will do what you feel is necessary Danny.
  221. All I ask is you do all the work yourself don't use this website as your means of getting news that's it. You've acknowledged that I remove the post that's it.
  223. Danny Maris
  224. 5:18pm
  225. Danny Maris
  226. Ok, just to clarify that again is a no...correct
  227. we can simply work this out you know. It doesnt have to be a big deal. I just want my logo properly placed and a few words on the mistakes at hand and even what FSC is willing to do ....
  228. if you can agree on that, I am cool in doing much much more business with you. We can all prevail sir. I am here to better the entirety. No need to stop motivation..
  229. I think personally it would be a much healthier relationship then to hold something know
  230. Think we can shake hands on something of this nature? Like I said, doesn't have to be a big deal. But let's be honest. If someone did that to you, your logo..your property. It would be a little shameful. We here are not asking for much.
  231. Sir, I hope you're not ignoring our request...
  233. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  234. 8/10, 5:28pm
  235. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  236. I don't hold anything relentless. And as I said, im all for anyone who wishes to support this community. I dont see any other site in this business as competition either.
  237. It took a very, very long time to build this site to what it is and over the years, i've learned what to look for.
  238. My logo has been used by others, I've had entire articles and reviews stolen off my pages. Its an never ending cycle. Im used to it.
  239. Honestly, i wish you and your partner success in your venture. This community needs all the support it can get. That said, I have made my concerns known. And the post removed.
  241. Danny Maris
  242. 5:29pm
  243. Danny Maris
  244. well you have plenty of sites, how do you mean exactly? v-avitation, sim news daily..the list goes on. ADX is not the only publisher on the planet, I hope you are aware?
  245. And I understand your concern about your logo. Wouldn't it be better if you fixed it instead of following others footsteps in the same shameful acts you just described...?
  246. I mean, me myself...I would never do something like that
  248. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  249. 8/10, 5:30pm
  250. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  251. I am indeed aware. V-Aviation has done it as well. And they have addressed it. Including FS Kurier, and simrussia. All the others who have are no longer around.
  253. Danny Maris
  254. 5:31pm
  255. Danny Maris
  256. Regardless of if I thought someone was copying my posts.
  257. v-aviation is still a common site sir..
  258. just fyi
  260. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  261. 8/10, 5:31pm
  262. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  263. im aware of that.
  265. Danny Maris
  266. 5:31pm
  267. Danny Maris
  268. ok so
  270. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  271. 8/10, 5:31pm
  272. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  273. So?
  275. Danny Maris
  276. 5:33pm
  277. Danny Maris
  278. I think an apology is really in order...I think what happened, even you agreeing to the same acts as ones being wrongly done to you....I think for the whole community it would be better. Just as you are getting messages, I too am getting a plethora right now from people portraying how unnecessary all of this is. You initiated it my friend, Again I am just asking for a simple logo fix, and a statement that is 2 sentences, with both of our understandings displayed. I would even be willing to do the same
  279. Danny Maris
  280. 5:34pm
  281. Danny Maris
  282. People are not happy with what ADX put up. I can screenshot you the voices I have heard. But...again I think it would be a far better idea for us to work together than not
  284. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  285. 8/10, 5:34pm
  286. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  287. no need for that.
  288. what do you mean logo fix?
  290. Danny Maris
  291. 5:36pm
  292. Danny Maris
  293. Well yes, I believe there is an absolute need for something like that. You put the post up, you made the decision to photoshop our property. You understand thats legally wrong right? Again, it is as simple as an apology. If ego is what's standing between us, cmon..we're how old doing a professional venture, we are better than that.
  294. Danny Maris
  295. 5:36pm
  296. Danny Maris
  297. Well you displayed my logo with some comments on there
  298. Danny Maris
  299. 5:36pm
  300. Danny Maris
  302. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  303. 8/10, 5:36pm
  304. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  305. I mean no need for snapshots
  307. Danny Maris
  308. 5:37pm
  309. Danny Maris
  310. I wanted my logo properly displayed with a simple, hey...we and FSC..we have our differences. But in the long run we're all in the same community, and the post earlier should not have been released. Thats it...
  311. no link
  312. nothing
  313. just words
  314. we at fsc can do the same as well..
  315. come out of this looking likeprofessionals...not otherwise
  317. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  318. 8/10, 5:39pm
  319. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  320. We are agreed.
  322. Danny Maris
  323. 5:39pm
  324. Danny Maris
  325. agreed.
  326. When can you do yours, I would like to time mine the same way
  328. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  329. 8/10, 5:40pm
  330. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  331. Give me about 7-8 hours. Im on my phonw
  333. Danny Maris
  334. 5:40pm
  335. Danny Maris
  336. no problem
  337. If you can do this
  338. Give me a time UTC
  339. I will set to publish at that exact time
  341. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  342. 8/10, 5:41pm
  343. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  344. Roughly 0900z
  346. Danny Maris
  347. 5:41pm
  348. Danny Maris
  349. roger that sir. Again, if you have ANY concern, whatsoever...please just send me a simple message. If my teammate or anyone else hinders my policies, I will come down on them rest assured.
  351. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  352. 8/10, 5:42pm
  353. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  354. Sounds good Danny
  356. Danny Maris
  357. 5:42pm
  358. Danny Maris
  359. Thank you
  360. I appreciate your time D'Andre
  361. I wish you a very good week
  363. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  364. 8/10, 5:42pm
  365. AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.
  366. Likewise
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