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onedrive crash

a guest
Sep 27th, 2014
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  1. DISSASSEMBLY (Expirable::StartExpirationCheck)
  2. ========================================================================
  5. 00007FF8849D444C 48 8D 05 8D 04 DE FF lea rax,[string L"Starting expiration "... (07FF8847B48E0h)]
  6. 00007FF8849D4453 4C 89 74 24 30 mov qword ptr [rsp+30h],r14
  7. 00007FF8849D4458 48 89 44 24 28 mov qword ptr [rsp+28h],rax
  8. 00007FF8849D445D 4C 8D 25 0C 05 DE FF lea r12,[string L"Expirable::StartExpi"... (07FF8847B4970h)]
  9. 00007FF8849D4464 4C 8D 2D 35 01 DE FF lea r13,[string L"shell\\skydrive\\synce"... (07FF8847B45A0h)]
  10. 00007FF8849D446B 44 8D 46 25 lea r8d,[rsi+25h]
  11. 00007FF8849D446F 8D 4E 04 lea ecx,[rsi+4]
  12. 00007FF8849D4472 4D 8B CC mov r9,r12
  13. 00007FF8849D4475 49 8B D5 mov rdx,r13
  14. 00007FF8849D4478 40 88 74 24 20 mov byte ptr [rsp+20h],sil
  15. 00007FF8849D447D E8 6E 1A E1 FF call _LogError (07FF8847E5EF0h)
  16. 00007FF8849D4482 48 8D 55 07 lea rdx,[rbp+7]
  17. 00007FF8849D4486 48 8D 4D 17 lea rcx,[rbp+17h]
  18. 00007FF8849D448A FF 15 88 6E 13 00 call qword ptr [__imp_SystemTimeToFileTime (07FF884B0B318h)]
  19. 00007FF8849D4490 8D 7E 01 lea edi,[rsi+1]
  20. 00007FF8849D4493 85 C0 test eax,eax
  21. 00007FF8849D4495 75 4A jne Expirable::StartExpirationCheck+131h (07FF8849D44E1h)
  22. 00007FF8849D4497 FF 15 D3 6B 13 00 call qword ptr [__imp_GetLastError (07FF884B0B070h)]
  23. 00007FF8849D449D 8B F0 mov esi,eax
  24. 00007FF8849D449F 85 C0 test eax,eax
  25. 00007FF8849D44A1 7E 09 jle Expirable::StartExpirationCheck+0FCh (07FF8849D44ACh)
  26. 00007FF8849D44A3 0F B7 F0 movzx esi,ax
  27. 00007FF8849D44A6 81 CE 00 00 07 80 or esi,80070000h
  28. 00007FF8849D44AC 89 74 24 38 mov dword ptr [rsp+38h],esi
  29. 00007FF8849D44B0 48 8D 05 29 03 DE FF lea rax,[string L"Error converting Sys"... (07FF8847B47E0h)]
  30. 00007FF8849D44B7 4C 89 74 24 30 mov qword ptr [rsp+30h],r14
  31. 00007FF8849D44BC 48 89 44 24 28 mov qword ptr [rsp+28h],rax
  32. 00007FF8849D44C1 4D 8B CC mov r9,r12
  33. 00007FF8849D44C4 41 B8 33 00 00 00 mov r8d,33h
  34. 00007FF8849D44CA 49 8B D5 mov rdx,r13
  35. 00007FF8849D44CD 8B CF mov ecx,edi
  36. 00007FF8849D44CF C6 44 24 20 00 mov byte ptr [rsp+20h],0
  37. 00007FF8849D44D4 E8 17 1A E1 FF call _LogError (07FF8847E5EF0h)
  38. 00007FF8849D44D9 85 F6 test esi,esi
  39. 00007FF8849D44DB 0F 88 47 01 00 00 js Expirable::StartExpirationCheck+278h (07FF8849D4628h)
  40. 00007FF8849D44E1 8B 45 07 mov eax,dword ptr [rbp+7]
  41. 00007FF8849D44E4 89 45 0F mov dword ptr [rbp+0Fh],eax
  42. 00007FF8849D44E7 8B 45 0B mov eax,dword ptr [rbp+0Bh]
  43. 00007FF8849D44EA 89 45 13 mov dword ptr [rbp+13h],eax
  44. 00007FF8849D44ED 48 81 FB 10 0E 00 00 cmp rbx,0E10h
  45. 00007FF8849D44F4 7D 37 jge Expirable::StartExpirationCheck+17Dh (07FF8849D452Dh)
  46. 00007FF8849D44F6 48 8D 05 73 03 DE FF lea rax,[string L"FAILED: assert(nTTL "... (07FF8847B4870h)]
  47. 00007FF8849D44FD 4D 8B CC mov r9,r12
  48. 00007FF8849D4500 41 B8 3C 00 00 00 mov r8d,3Ch
  49. 00007FF8849D4506 48 89 44 24 30 mov qword ptr [rsp+30h],rax
  50. 00007FF8849D450B 48 8D 05 EE E1 CC FF lea rax,[string L"%ls" (07FF8846A2700h)]
  51. 00007FF8849D4512 49 8B D5 mov rdx,r13
  52. 00007FF8849D4515 48 89 44 24 28 mov qword ptr [rsp+28h],rax
  53. 00007FF8849D451A 48 8D 05 DF 01 DE FF lea rax,[string L"nTTL >= EXPIRATION_T"... (07FF8847B4700h)]
  54. 00007FF8849D4521 8B CF mov ecx,edi
  55. 00007FF8849D4523 48 89 44 24 20 mov qword ptr [rsp+20h],rax
  56. 00007FF8849D4528 E8 EB 56 E5 FF call AssertWorker (07FF884829C18h)
  57. 00007FF8849D452D 48 8D 83 F0 F1 FF FF lea rax,[rbx-0E10h]
  58. 00007FF8849D4534 48 8D 55 17 lea rdx,[rbp+17h]
  59. 00007FF8849D4538 48 69 C8 80 96 98 00 imul rcx,rax,989680h
  60. 00007FF8849D453F 48 8B 45 0F mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+0Fh]
  61. 00007FF8849D4543 48 03 C1 add rax,rcx
  62. 00007FF8849D4546 48 89 45 0F mov qword ptr [rbp+0Fh],rax
  63. 00007FF8849D454A 8B 4D 0F mov ecx,dword ptr [rbp+0Fh]
  64. 00007FF8849D454D 48 C1 E8 20 shr rax,20h
  65. 00007FF8849D4551 89 4D 07 mov dword ptr [rbp+7],ecx
  66. 00007FF8849D4554 48 8D 4D 07 lea rcx,[rbp+7]
  67. 00007FF8849D4558 89 45 0B mov dword ptr [rbp+0Bh],eax
  68. 00007FF8849D455B FF 15 87 6C 13 00 call qword ptr [__imp_FileTimeToSystemTime (07FF884B0B1E8h)]
  69. 00007FF8849D4561 85 C0 test eax,eax
  70. 00007FF8849D4563 75 42 jne Expirable::StartExpirationCheck+1F7h (07FF8849D45A7h)
  71. 00007FF8849D4565 FF 15 05 6B 13 00 call qword ptr [__imp_GetLastError (07FF884B0B070h)]
  72. 00007FF8849D456B 8B F0 mov esi,eax
  73. 00007FF8849D456D 85 C0 test eax,eax
  74. 00007FF8849D456F 7E 09 jle Expirable::StartExpirationCheck+1CAh (07FF8849D457Ah)
  75. 00007FF8849D4571 0F B7 F0 movzx esi,ax
  76. 00007FF8849D4574 81 CE 00 00 07 80 or esi,80070000h
  77. 00007FF8849D457A 89 74 24 38 mov dword ptr [rsp+38h],esi
  78. 00007FF8849D457E 48 8D 05 CB 01 DE FF lea rax,[string L"Error converting Fil"... (07FF8847B4750h)]
  79. 00007FF8849D4585 4C 89 74 24 30 mov qword ptr [rsp+30h],r14
  80. 00007FF8849D458A 48 89 44 24 28 mov qword ptr [rsp+28h],rax
  81. 00007FF8849D458F 4D 8B CC mov r9,r12
  82. 00007FF8849D4592 41 B8 47 00 00 00 mov r8d,47h
  83. 00007FF8849D4598 49 8B D5 mov rdx,r13
  84. 00007FF8849D459B 8B CF mov ecx,edi
  85. 00007FF8849D459D C6 44 24 20 00 mov byte ptr [rsp+20h],0
  86. 00007FF8849D45A2 E8 49 19 E1 FF call _LogError (07FF8847E5EF0h)
  87. 00007FF8849D45A7 85 F6 test esi,esi
  88. 00007FF8849D45A9 78 7D js Expirable::StartExpirationCheck+278h (07FF8849D4628h)
  89. 00007FF8849D45AB 44 0F B7 45 21 movzx r8d,word ptr [rbp+21h]
  90. 00007FF8849D45B0 0F B7 45 25 movzx eax,word ptr [rbp+25h]
  91. 00007FF8849D45B4 0F B7 4D 23 movzx ecx,word ptr [rbp+23h]
  92. 00007FF8849D45B8 44 0F B7 55 1F movzx r10d,word ptr [rbp+1Fh]
  93. 00007FF8849D45BD 44 0F B7 5D 17 movzx r11d,word ptr [rbp+17h]
  94. 00007FF8849D45C2 0F B7 5D 1D movzx ebx,word ptr [rbp+1Dh]
  95. 00007FF8849D45C6 0F B7 7D 19 movzx edi,word ptr [rbp+19h]
  96. 00007FF8849D45CA 89 44 24 68 mov dword ptr [rsp+68h],eax
  97. 00007FF8849D45CE 89 4C 24 60 mov dword ptr [rsp+60h],ecx
  98. 00007FF8849D45D2 44 89 44 24 58 mov dword ptr [rsp+58h],r8d
  99. 00007FF8849D45D7 44 89 54 24 50 mov dword ptr [rsp+50h],r10d
  100. 00007FF8849D45DC 44 89 5C 24 48 mov dword ptr [rsp+48h],r11d
  101. 00007FF8849D45E1 89 5C 24 40 mov dword ptr [rsp+40h],ebx
  102. 00007FF8849D45E5 89 7C 24 38 mov dword ptr [rsp+38h],edi
  103. 00007FF8849D45E9 41 B8 4E 00 00 00 mov r8d,4Eh
  104. 00007FF8849D45EF 48 8D 05 1A 00 DE FF lea rax,[string L"Starting expiration "... (07FF8847B4610h)]
  105. 00007FF8849D45F6 4C 89 74 24 30 mov qword ptr [rsp+30h],r14
  106. 00007FF8849D45FB 41 8D 48 B6 lea ecx,[r8-4Ah]
  107. 00007FF8849D45FF 48 89 44 24 28 mov qword ptr [rsp+28h],rax
  108. 00007FF8849D4604 4D 8B CC mov r9,r12
  109. 00007FF8849D4607 49 8B D5 mov rdx,r13
  110. 00007FF8849D460A C6 44 24 20 00 mov byte ptr [rsp+20h],0
  111. 00007FF8849D460F E8 DC 18 E1 FF call _LogError (07FF8847E5EF0h)
  112. 00007FF8849D4614 49 8B 4E 08 mov rcx,qword ptr [r14+8]
  113. 00007FF8849D4618 48 8D 55 07 lea rdx,[rbp+7]
  114. 00007FF8849D461C 45 33 C9 xor r9d,r9d
  115. 00007FF8849D461F 45 33 C0 xor r8d,r8d
  116. 00007FF8849D4622 FF 15 F8 6E 13 00 call qword ptr [__imp_SetThreadpoolTimer (07FF884B0B520h)]
  117. 00007FF8849D4628 8B C6 mov eax,esi
  118. 00007FF8849D462A 48 8B 4D 27 mov rcx,qword ptr [rbp+27h]
  119. 00007FF8849D462E 48 33 CC xor rcx,rsp
  120. 00007FF8849D4631 E8 9A 35 E1 FF call __security_check_cookie (07FF8847E7BD0h)
  121. 00007FF8849D4636 4C 8D 9C 24 A0 00 00 00 lea r11,[rsp+0A0h]
  122. 00007FF8849D463E 49 8B 5B 40 mov rbx,qword ptr [r11+40h]
  123. 00007FF8849D4642 49 8B 73 48 mov rsi,qword ptr [r11+48h]
  124. 00007FF8849D4646 49 8B E3 mov rsp,r11
  125. 00007FF8849D4649 41 5E pop r14
  126. 00007FF8849D464B 41 5D pop r13
  127. 00007FF8849D464D 41 5C pop r12
  128. 00007FF8849D464F 5F pop rdi
  129. 00007FF8849D4650 5D pop rbp
  130. 00007FF8849D4651 C3 ret
  131. 00007FF8849D4652 CC int 3
  132. 00007FF8849D4653 CC int 3
  133. 00007FF8849D4654 CC int 3
  134. 00007FF8849D4655 CC int 3
  135. 00007FF8849D4656 CC int 3
  136. 00007FF8849D4657 CC int 3
  137. CreateWorkItem<std::tr1::_Bind<void,void,std::tr1::_Bind8<std::tr1::_Callable_pmf<void (__cdecl SyncEngineSubscription::*const)(std::basic_string<unsigned short,std::char_traits<unsigned short>,std::allocator<unsigned short> > const & __ptr64,std::basic_string<unsigned short,std::char_traits<unsigned short>,std::allocator<unsigned short> > const & __ptr64,std::basic_string<unsigned short,std::char_traits<unsigned short>,std::allocator<unsigned short> > const & __ptr64,std::basic_string<unsigned short,std::char_traits<unsigned short>,std::allocator<unsigned short> > const & __ptr64,unsigned char,unsigned char,long) __ptr64,SyncEngineSubscription,0>,SyncEngineSubscription * __ptr64,std::basic_string<unsigned short,std::char_traits<unsigned short>,std::allocator<unsigned short> >,std::basic_string<unsigned short,std::char_traits<unsigned short>,std::allocator<unsigned short> >,std::basic_string<unsigned short,std::char_traits<unsigned short>,std::allocator<unsigned short> >,std::basic_string<unsigned short,std::
  138. 00007FF8849D4658 48 8B C4 mov rax,rsp
  139. 00007FF8849D465B 48 89 48 08 mov qword ptr [rax+8],rcx
  140. 00007FF8849D465F 57 push rdi
  141. 00007FF8849D4660 48 83 EC 30 sub rsp,30h
  142. 00007FF8849D4664 48 C7 40 F0 FE FF FF FF mov qword ptr [rax-10h],0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh
  143. 00007FF8849D466C 48 89 58 10 mov qword ptr [rax+10h],rbx
  144. 00007FF8849D4670 48 89 70 20 mov qword ptr [rax+20h],rsi
  145. 00007FF8849D4674 48 8B F2 mov rsi,rdx
  146. 00007FF8849D4677 48 8B F9 mov rdi,rcx
  147. 00007FF8849D467A 83 60 E8 00 and dword ptr [rax-18h],0
  148. 00007FF8849D467E B9 D0 00 00 00 mov ecx,0D0h
  149. 00007FF8849D4683 E8 44 70 E5 FF call _NewMemBlockVis (07FF88482B6CCh)
  150. 00007FF8849D4688 48 8B D8 mov rbx,rax
  151. 00007FF8849D468B 48 89 44 24 50 mov qword ptr [rsp+50h],rax
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