
Sweaty Personhorses: Chapter IV (Intermission)

Oct 2nd, 2013
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  1. >Golden rays of light flood into your room
  2. >One of the beams falls directly onto your eye
  3. >Giving a minor grunt of annoyance, you leave your cozy bed
  4. >Yesterday, you had helped Twilight in finding a foul smelling plant from deep in the Everfree Forest that Celestia wanted for who knows what
  5. >On the way back home, you explained to Twi all the things about the plant Zecora had told you
  6. >Twilight asked you to accompany her to Canterlot today as she personally delivered the plant to the princess
  7. >Of course you accepted
  8. >Who would pass up a free trip to Canterlot?
  9. >But there was one other reason you accepted
  10. >Those looks Rarity and Applejack were giving you last night weren't exactly comforting
  11. >Hell, you could say they were downright rapey...
  12. >A trip out of town might be just what you need
  13. >But as fate would have it, it's Sunday, so both Applerape and Rapity have the day off
  14. >So now you're going to be stuck on a train with two...
  15. >Wait, why are you scared of them?
  16. >You're a man, dammit!
  17. >A man ain't scared a no woman!
  18. >Besides, what could they do?
  19. >Rarity never lifts a finger
  20. >And you're pretty sure you could take AJ if you absolutely had to
  21. >Feeling confident you could beat up a woman, you dress and slurp down some breakfast
  22. >Twi has planned for all of you to meet at her housebrary to pick up your train tickets
  23. >Grabbing your keys, you head out
  25. ...
  27. >The brisk morning air was cool to the touch as Twilight's came into view
  28. >From the distance you could see three figures standing outside
  29. >On closer inspection, it was Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Twilight
  30. >Pinkie sees you approach and calls out
  32. >The outburst causes you to wince
  33. >Flutters even moreso
  34. >As you take the ticket from Pinkie, you look around
  35. >No sign of Applejack, Rarity, or Dash
  36. >Come to think of it, you hadn't seen Dash yesterday either
  37. "So where is everybody?"
  38. >"I don't know."
  39. >Twilight
  40. >Her arms are crossed and her foot is tapping
  41. >"But they better be here in the next five minutes!"
  42. >"Twilight, darling, outside doesn't necessarily mean outside voice."
  43. >Turning, you see Rarity and Applejack approach from behind
  44. >Twi lets out a huff
  45. >"Finally! What took you?!"
  46. >Rarity 'hmphs'
  47. >"Real beauty takes time to perfect. Also, we're going to Canterlot! I have to look my absolute best."
  48. >She emphasizes by giving her hair a flip
  49. >Twilight growls and goes inside to fetch Rarity and AJ's tickets
  50. >Rarity was right about taking her time, she looked extra prettied up today
  51. >Her pristine white blouse and matching purple skirt looked brand new
  52. >And her usual purple heels were replaced with elegant purple sandals that showed off her pedicure
  53. >Not wanting to be caught staring, you look up
  54. "Morning Rarity."
  55. >Any huffiness she had dissipates as she turns to you
  56. >"Anonymous! Such a pleasure to see someone not being a pill this morning."
  57. >Pinkie perks up at this
  58. >"Hey! I'm not a pill! ...Whatever that means!"
  59. >"Oh, yes, haha..."
  60. >You then turn to address Applejack
  61. >She was looking rather fetching herself this morning, too
  62. >Her button shirt was tucked neatly into her pants, without the usual dirt
  63. >Even her old boots seemed cleaner
  64. >And her hair actually looks taken care of
  65. >Did Rarity convince AJ to go with her to the spa?
  66. >Her cheeks are a little rosy, too
  67. "And morning to you too, AJ."
  68. >"Mornin' yerself, hun."
  69. >Suddenly, two tickets float over to the girls
  70. >"There's your tickets. Now let's move!"
  71. >"Oh... but what about, um... Rainbow?"
  72. >Flutters must have found her voice
  73. >"She's late! And the train leaves in 2 minutes!"
  74. >And with that, the six of you run down to the station
  75. >On the way, you pass by Dash's tower mansion house thing
  76. >As if on cue, Dash steps out
  77. >She winces from the morning light and pops her back
  78. >Her eyes widen as she sees you run by
  79. >"Hey! Where are you guys going?!"
  80. >"Train station! Canterlot! TARDY!"
  81. >"Wait up!"
  82. >Somehow, Dash runs back into her room, changes, and still manages to get to the station before you do
  83. >After the plant was placed in the cargo area, the seven of you board the train
  84. >Being the gentleman you are, you allow the ladies to go first
  85. >Once your ticket is punched, you open the door and step into the passenger car
  86. >There are six booths, each with one of the girls sitting in them
  87. >Twilight seems to be reciting what she'll say to Celestia
  88. >Pinkie is bouncing in her seat waiting for the train to start
  89. >Dash looks ready to fall asleep at any moment
  90. >Rarity is examining her nails and checking her makeup with a mirror
  91. >Applejack seems somewhat uncomfortable as she twiddles her thumbs
  92. >And Fluttershy is being Fluttershy
  93. >Now who to sit with?
  94. >The last time you saw Dash, she had thrown you and Gilda out of her house
  95. >You should probably apologize for what happened
  96. >Making your way over to the booth, you plop down beside Dash
  97. >The sudden impact snaps her out of her drowsiness
  98. >"Wha?! Oh, hey Anon..."
  99. >She yawns
  100. "You seem so tired. You didn't have to come."
  101. >"Nah, I'm good. Just spent all day yesterday, um, disinfecting my living room."
  102. "Oh yeah..."
  103. >You feel you cheeks heat up
  104. "Sorry. If I knew it bothered you so much, I never would have... agreed with Gilda."
  105. >Dash fidgets slightly
  106. >"No problem. Wasn't your fault."
  107. >Instant relief washes over you
  108. >You had feared Dash would have blabbed to everyone
  109. >"So, what, something going on between you and Gilda?"
  110. "Wha? No!"
  111. >She grins
  112. >"You sure? 'Cause you both seemed to be getting into it."
  113. "Dash! Shh!"
  114. >First she seemed scared to death of feet, now she's almost... lusty?
  115. "I told you; Gilda was curious and I obliged her. That's all."
  116. >Dash chuckles and waves you off
  117. >"All right, all right. Just be sure to invite me to the wedding!"
  118. >She bursts out in sleepy laughter
  119. >Sounds more like she's drunk
  120. >You sigh and cover your face, out of embarrassment for Dash more than yourself
  121. >After the laughter dies down, you immediately hear snoring
  122. >Looking over your shoulder, you see Dash has fallen asleep
  123. >Her giant gaping mouth is making noise similar to a horse
  124. >The whole scene makes you chuckle
  125. >Looking forward, you see a mound of cotton candy flailing around
  126. >Giving the slumbering Dash a final look, you you stand up in the aisle
  127. >Pinkie gives you a wide grin as you slip into her booth
  128. >"Heya Nonny! Have a seat!"
  129. >She stops bouncing so you can sit
  130. >"Canterlot! Are you excited, Nonny?! I'm excited!"
  131. "Haven't you been to Canterlot before?"
  132. >"Well, duh. But usually it's for something super important, so I never get to go check out the shops! Ooh! Would you like to go shopping with me?"
  133. >You shrug
  134. "Sure."
  135. >Maybe she'll let you rub her feet afterwards
  136. >"Great! GASP! WecangotooneofthosehealthstoresI'veheardabout! Theneveneveryonecancometomypartieswithoutworryingaboutgettingfat! I'llbethebestpartthrowerever!"
  137. >And of course Ponko has no idea that a health store doesn't sell healthy sugar
  138. >"Psst!"
  139. "Huh?"
  140. >You glance around to see who made the sound
  141. >"Psst!"
  142. >This time you turn around
  143. >Rarity is gesturing you to come over
  144. >Somehow, this seem like a bad idea...
  145. >Meh, what's the worst that could happen?
  146. >You try to excuse yourself from Pinkie, but she won't stop talking about tofu cupcakes
  147. >Rarity smiles as you slide in next to her
  148. "Need something, Rarity?"
  149. >"No, not at the moment. I just though you might want to get away from Pinkie before she talked your ear off."
  150. "Nah, Pinkie's alright."
  151. >She clears her throat before continuing
  152. >"So..."
  153. >Rarity crosses her right leg over her left knee, allowing it to dangle
  154. >"Any plans once we reach Canterlot?"
  155. >The light streaming from the window hits her painted toes, giving them a hypnotic purple shine
  156. >That's when it hits you
  157. >Rarity didn't dress up just for Canterlot
  158. >No, she knew damn well you were going to be on the train with her
  159. >And you walked right into the spider's web
  160. >But can the fly escape?
  161. >Looking up from her feet, you lock eyes with Rarity
  162. >Her powerful gaze and devilish smile threaten to suck the life out of you
  163. >Quick! Say something before your mouth completely dries up!
  164. "Y-Yeah... with Pinkie."
  165. >Rarity furrows her brow and pouts a little
  166. >"Oh. Nothing set in stone, I hope?"
  167. "No, not really. Why do you ask?"
  168. >"I simply thought if you're going to be alone, you would join me for dinner?"
  169. >A sudden blow to the back of the seat sends Rarity to the floor
  170. >She quickly regains her composure and returns to her seat
  171. >"Haha! Silly me! I meant to say 'join a FRIEND and I for dinner'!"
  172. >You smile
  173. >Pretty sure you know who that friend is
  174. "What time?"
  175. >"Does six work for you?"
  176. "Sure does."
  177. >"Wonderful! Then I- WE will see you tonight!"
  178. >You get up to leave, but decide to give Rarity another look
  179. >She places her hand to her mouth and titters
  180. >"My, my. What did I tell you about subtlety, Anonymous~?"
  181. >Her toes playfully curl, eager to capture you again
  182. "Oh, sorry. But that spot is just so distracting."
  183. >"Spot?!"
  184. >Her sultry eyes shoot open as she stares down at her lap
  185. >A giant brown smudge has appeared on her skirt after she took that fall
  186. >She begins visibly shaking and tears start welling
  187. >Giving a howl of anguish, Rarity pushes past you and runs to the little fashionista's room
  188. >The commotion briefly wakes up Dash, who promptly falls back asleep
  189. "Ah, that was fun."
  190. >Glancing behind you, you spot the 'friend' Rarity had mentioned
  191. >Yep
  192. >But why didn't she just ask you herself?
  193. >As you sit down, Applejack blushes and turns her head
  194. >Fighting back a smile, you casually start a conversation
  195. "So... Dinner with Rarity, huh?"
  196. >"Yeah, Ah heard. Have fun."
  197. >You shift your eyes to the right and see a boot print on the back of Rarity's seat
  198. "She mentioned a friend. Any idea who that could be?"
  199. >Applejack grimaces
  200. >"Dang it, Anon. Ya know Ah ain't good at this... girly stuff. Ah needed Rarity t'help."
  201. "Is that why you look so pretty today?"
  202. >AJ grins
  203. >"This ain't jus' fer you, sugarcube. Ah thought Ah might go clubbin' later."
  204. >Applejack? Clubbing?
  205. >You give her a deadpan stare before you both burst out laughing
  206. "So what's with this 'friend' stuff?"
  207. >Her smile fades
  208. >"Ah thought that after how Ah treated ya yesterday, ya might not want anything to do with me..."
  209. >So this is what was bothering her
  210. >"So Ah asked Rarity t'ask you. Do ya... still wanna go?"
  211. >You give her a reassuring smile
  212. "Of course. I wasn't mad at you or anything. Just... please don't talk about my, uh, y'know."
  213. >She nods
  214. >"Promise. Ah was never gonna tell anyone, anyway."
  215. "So I'll see you at six, then?"
  216. >"Six sharp!"
  217. >Turning to the voice, you notice Rarity has been standing behind you
  218. >"Oh, drats. You found out our mutual 'friend.'"
  219. >She says in a mock sad tone
  220. >"No matter. We'll still have an excellent evening."
  221. >You stand in the aisle to return to your seat, when Rarity softly whispers
  222. >"And I never made such a promise."
  223. "W-What?"
  224. >Rarity doesn't answer but curtly takes her seat
  225. >That comment didn't sit well with you...
  226. >Better not dwell on it
  227. >It IS Rarity, after all
  228. >And Applejack raised another question
  229. >Why WAS she acting like that yesterday?
  230. >And why was she sorry now?
  231. >Better not dwell on that either or you'll start getting paranoid
  232. >You're going to have a lot to discuss with them at dinner
  233. >But for now, there's still another hour until the train reaches Canterlot
  234. >As you try to make yourself comfortable, your ears pick up on some mumbling
  235. >"...'And so, I present you with'... no. 'It is with great honor'... ugh."
  236. >Twilight, of course
  237. >Time for more seat scootin'
  238. "Twilight?"
  239. >"Aah!"
  240. >Her note cards fall from her hands
  241. >"What, Anon?!"
  242. "Are you... writing a speech?"
  243. >She looks at her cards
  244. >"Ugh, no. I just wanted to organize my notes on the plant for Celestia's records."
  245. >Look at one of the cards
  246. "'As your faithful student, I humbly bestow this plant unto Your royal records'?"
  247. >Twi blushes but quickly snaps back
  248. >"It's called being respectful, Anon!"
  249. "C'mon, Twi. I know she's the princess and all, but you don't always have to kiss her feet."
  250. >Heh, snuck a little foot reference in there
  251. >"Well, what if I WANT to kiss her feet?!"
  252. >What?
  253. "What?"
  254. >"I-I mean, be respectful?"
  255. "You alright, Twi? You haven't been yourself these past couple of days."
  256. >Twilight is silent before she sighs and runs her fingers through her purple strands
  257. >"I haven't much sleep since I got that letter. Every night was a blur of print..."
  258. >She does have some serious bags under her eyes
  259. "We got the plant now, why not get some rest?"
  260. >Judging by Twi's face, she's seriously considering it
  261. >"But... my notes."
  262. "You'll have plenty of time later. Just get some sleep, okay?"
  263. >"...Alright."
  264. >Twilight brings her knees up to her chest and removes her simple, brown loafers
  265. >She's still wearing those dirty, argyle socks you saw her in
  266. >And that smell suggests she hasn't washed her feet, either
  267. >Twi's usually good at personal hygiene
  268. >But once she's in study mode...
  269. >Chuckling, you stand up, only to be kicked in the leg
  270. >"Heard that."
  271. >Twilight's eyes are closed, but she's smiling
  272. >You have half a mind to tickle that foot, but you leave her to her rest and return to your seat
  273. >Wait, you almost forgot Flutters
  274. >She'd be crushed in you didn't say hi
  275. >Fluttershy hears your footsteps and turns her head to face you
  276. "Mind if I join you?"
  277. >"Oh, not at all."
  278. >She smiles and scoots over a little
  279. >For a minute, you and Fluttershy sit in silence
  280. >Looks like you'll have to make first move
  281. "Everyone's making plans for when we reach Canterlot. Got any?"
  282. >Fluttershy thinks a moment
  283. >"Well, Rainbow had asked me to go swimming with her later. The gym in Canterlot has a pool that's great for doing laps."
  284. "You mean like a workout?"
  285. >"Uh huh. Rainbow's been trying to get me in shape lately."
  286. "Really? You look fine to me."
  287. >She covers her mouth and giggles shyly
  288. >"Thank you, but if I ever want to start standing up for myself, I need to build up some muscle!"
  289. >Raise an eyebrow
  290. "Rainbow tell you that?"
  291. >"Don't worry, she's not killing me. In fact, she's a great trainer. Look! I'm already making progress!"
  292. >Fluttershy lifts that twig she calls an arm and flexes
  293. >"See?"
  294. "Uh, yeah..."
  295. >"She's also really supportive. Whenever we go running and I get all sweaty, she never complains, even when I take off my shoes."
  296. >Wait, back up
  297. "Shoes?"
  298. >"Yeah, I usually wear them with these cute pink ankle socks that go great with my sweater, but they get sooo smelly afterwards, so I have to-"
  299. >Gah, quick, stop her before you boner!
  300. "N-No, I meant, Dash hates feet I thought."
  301. >"She does? She's never said anything..."
  302. >This is getting weird
  303. >And Dash never mentioned going to the gym when you talked with her
  304. "Oh, uh, never mind then. When will you be at the gym?"
  305. >"Rainbow said sometime after lunch, so about two o'clock. Why, did you want to come?"
  306. "I might."
  307. >"Then I'll look forward to seeing you!"
  308. >She smiles
  309. >You smile back and stand up
  310. >A quick glance at your watch reads 10:16
  311. >The train should reach Canterlot around 11
  312. >Maybe you should follow your own advice and get some rest
  313. >Finding an empty seat, you stretch out and make yourself comfortable
  314. >The soft rocking of the train quickly puts you to sleep
  316. ...
  319. >Pinkie's shrill voice drills into your ears
  320. >With a groan, you open a groggy eye and take a look for yourself
  321. >Tall white buildings start coming into view as the train reaches Canterlot station
  322. >A quick stretch and you are ready
  323. >Twilight, however, isn't as well rested
  324. >"I never thought I'd hate the sun as much as I do right now..."
  325. >She desperately tries to block out the sunbeam dancing on her face
  326. "Now you know how I felt. C'mon, Twi! Celsetia, the SUN goddess, awaits!"
  327. >Twilight cracks open a bloodshot eye and glares at you
  328. >You grin and dangle her shoes in front of her
  329. >She snatches them without a word
  330. >You claim your pack from the cargo and step out into the late morning sun
  331. >A clock tower reads 11:03
  332. >Once out on the platform, Twilight addresses you
  333. >"A guard should be on the way to escort us to the castle."
  334. "Do we even need an escort?"
  335. >She huffs
  336. >"It's customary. Besides, do you want to haul that plant all the way to the castle?"
  337. "Fine. I'll let some jarhead do it."
  338. >"Ahem."
  339. >A feminine voice behind you says
  340. >Turning around, you see a woman clad in gold armor
  341. >But what catches your eyes are those revealing leather sandals
  342. >Unlike her sparkling armor, the sandals are scuffed and worn
  343. >"Good morning. Twilight Sparkle?"
  344. >"Yes?"
  345. >"I have been assigned to escort you to Her highness."
  346. >She then cuts her eyes at you
  347. >"I'll be your 'jarhead' for the evening."
  348. >Chuckle nervously
  349. "I, of course, meant no disrespect, ma'am."
  350. >"Mh-hmm..."
  351. >She still gives you that stern look, but with an amused smile
  352. "I just thought you were going to be a guy or something."
  353. >Twilight decides to save you from the spaghetti seeping from your pockets
  354. >"Sorry about Anon. And yes, an escort would be great."
  355. >She shows the guard the plant and she loads it into a cart
  356. >"I'm going on ahead to get things ready for the appointment with the princess. It's at four this evening, so don't forget."
  357. >Hmm, that's cutting it close to your "not date"
  358. "How long will it last you think?"
  359. >"Thirty minutes, an hour tops. All we have to do is report our findings and answer any questions Celestia may have. Or Luna if she is present."
  360. "Alright. Sounds good."
  361. >Twilight joins the guard with the plant
  362. >"Remember! Four o'clock!"
  363. >You wave her off as she and the guard depart
  364. >It then dawns on you that you are alone on the train platform
  365. >The rest of the gang must have gone on to do whatever
  366. >Your watch reads 11:17
  367. >Now you just need to kill some time
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