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- Mesh: Loading sphere.mesh.
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - QUEUED(thread:3024): ID=1 channel=2 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_START(3024): ID=1 channel=2 requestType=1
- Terrain created; size=513 minBatch=33 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=4 lodLevels=5 leafLods=2
- Terrain::distributeVertexData processing source terrain size of 513
- Assigning vertex data, resolution=513 startDepth=2 endDepth=4 splits=4
- Assigning vertex data, resolution=129 startDepth=0 endDepth=2 splits=1
- Terrain::distributeVertexData finished
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_END(3024): ID=1 channel=2 requestType=1 processed=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_START(thread:3024): ID=1 success=1 messages=[] channel=2 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - QUEUED(thread:3024): ID=2 channel=4 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_START(3024): ID=2 channel=4 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_END(3024): ID=2 channel=4 requestType=1 processed=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_START(thread:3024): ID=2 success=1 messages=[] channel=4 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_END(thread:3024): ID=2 success=1 messages=[] channel=4 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - QUEUED(thread:3024): ID=3 channel=3 requestType=1
- *** Terrain Vertex Program: OgreTerrain/3499275481/sm2/vp/hlod ***
- void main_vp(
- float2 posIndex : POSITION,
- float height : TEXCOORD0,
- float2 delta : TEXCOORD1,
- uniform float4x4 worldMatrix,
- uniform float4x4 viewProjMatrix,
- uniform float2 lodMorph,
- uniform float4x4 posIndexToObjectSpace,
- uniform float baseUVScale,
- uniform float4 uvMul_0,
- out float4 oPos : POSITION,
- out float4 oPosObj : TEXCOORD0
- , out float4 oUVMisc : TEXCOORD1 // xy = uv, z = camDepth
- , out float4 oUV0 : TEXCOORD2
- , out float4 oUV1 : TEXCOORD3
- , uniform float4 fogParams
- , out float fogVal : COLOR
- )
- {
- float4 pos;
- pos = mul(posIndexToObjectSpace, float4(posIndex, height, 1));
- float2 uv = float2(posIndex.x * baseUVScale, 1.0 - (posIndex.y * baseUVScale));
- float4 worldPos = mul(worldMatrix, pos);
- oPosObj = pos;
- float toMorph = -min(0, sign(delta.y - lodMorph.y));
- worldPos.y += delta.x * toMorph * lodMorph.x;
- oUV0.xy = uv.xy * uvMul_0.r;
- = uv.xy * uvMul_0.g;
- oUV1.xy = uv.xy * uvMul_0.b;
- = uv.xy * uvMul_0.a;
- oPos = mul(viewProjMatrix, worldPos);
- oUVMisc.xy = uv.xy;
- fogVal = saturate((oPos.z - fogParams.y) * fogParams.w);
- }
- *** ***
- *** Terrain Fragment Program: OgreTerrain/3499275481/sm2/fp/hlod ***
- float4 expand(float4 v)
- {
- return v * 2 - 1;
- }
- float4 main_fp(
- float4 vertexPos : POSITION,
- float4 position : TEXCOORD0,
- float4 uvMisc : TEXCOORD1,
- float4 layerUV0 : TEXCOORD2,
- float4 layerUV1 : TEXCOORD3,
- uniform float3 fogColour,
- float fogVal : COLOR,
- uniform float3 ambient,
- uniform float4 lightPosObjSpace,
- uniform float3 lightDiffuseColour,
- uniform float3 lightSpecularColour,
- uniform float3 eyePosObjSpace,
- uniform float4 scaleBiasSpecular,
- uniform sampler2D globalNormal : register(s0)
- , uniform sampler2D lightMap : register(s1)
- , uniform sampler2D blendTex0 : register(s2)
- , uniform sampler2D difftex0 : register(s3)
- , uniform sampler2D normtex0 : register(s4)
- , uniform sampler2D difftex1 : register(s5)
- , uniform sampler2D normtex1 : register(s6)
- , uniform sampler2D difftex2 : register(s7)
- , uniform sampler2D normtex2 : register(s8)
- ) : COLOR
- {
- float4 outputCol;
- float shadow = 1.0;
- float2 uv = uvMisc.xy;
- outputCol = float4(0,0,0,1);
- float3 normal = expand(tex2D(globalNormal, uv)).rgb;
- float3 lightDir =
- - ( * lightPosObjSpace.w);
- float3 eyeDir = eyePosObjSpace -;
- float3 diffuse = float3(0,0,0);
- float specular = 0;
- float4 blendTexVal0 = tex2D(blendTex0, uv);
- float3 tangent = float3(1, 0, 0);
- float3 binormal = normalize(cross(tangent, normal));
- tangent = normalize(cross(normal, binormal));
- float3x3 TBN = float3x3(tangent, binormal, normal);
- float4 litRes, litResLayer;
- float3 TSlightDir, TSeyeDir, TShalfAngle, TSnormal;
- float displacement;
- TSlightDir = normalize(mul(TBN, lightDir));
- TSeyeDir = normalize(mul(TBN, eyeDir));
- float2 uv0 = layerUV0.xy;
- displacement = tex2D(normtex0, uv0).a
- * scaleBiasSpecular.x + scaleBiasSpecular.y;
- uv0 += TSeyeDir.xy * displacement;
- TSnormal = expand(tex2D(normtex0, uv0)).rgb;
- TShalfAngle = normalize(TSlightDir + TSeyeDir);
- litResLayer = lit(dot(TSlightDir, TSnormal), dot(TShalfAngle, TSnormal), scaleBiasSpecular.z);
- litRes = litResLayer;
- float4 diffuseSpecTex0 = tex2D(difftex0, uv0);
- diffuse = diffuseSpecTex0.rgb;
- specular = diffuseSpecTex0.a;
- float2 uv1 =;
- displacement = tex2D(normtex1, uv1).a
- * scaleBiasSpecular.x + scaleBiasSpecular.y;
- uv1 += TSeyeDir.xy * displacement;
- TSnormal = expand(tex2D(normtex1, uv1)).rgb;
- TShalfAngle = normalize(TSlightDir + TSeyeDir);
- litResLayer = lit(dot(TSlightDir, TSnormal), dot(TShalfAngle, TSnormal), scaleBiasSpecular.z);
- litRes = lerp(litRes, litResLayer, blendTexVal0.r);
- float4 diffuseSpecTex1 = tex2D(difftex1, uv1);
- diffuse = lerp(diffuse, diffuseSpecTex1.rgb, blendTexVal0.r);
- specular = lerp(specular, diffuseSpecTex1.a, blendTexVal0.r);
- float2 uv2 = layerUV1.xy;
- displacement = tex2D(normtex2, uv2).a
- * scaleBiasSpecular.x + scaleBiasSpecular.y;
- uv2 += TSeyeDir.xy * displacement;
- TSnormal = expand(tex2D(normtex2, uv2)).rgb;
- TShalfAngle = normalize(TSlightDir + TSeyeDir);
- litResLayer = lit(dot(TSlightDir, TSnormal), dot(TShalfAngle, TSnormal), scaleBiasSpecular.z);
- litRes = lerp(litRes, litResLayer, blendTexVal0.g);
- float4 diffuseSpecTex2 = tex2D(difftex2, uv2);
- diffuse = lerp(diffuse, diffuseSpecTex2.rgb, blendTexVal0.g);
- specular = lerp(specular, diffuseSpecTex2.a, blendTexVal0.g);
- shadow = tex2D(lightMap, uv).r;
- outputCol.rgb += ambient.rgb * diffuse + litRes.y * lightDiffuseColour * diffuse * shadow;
- outputCol.rgb += litRes.z * lightSpecularColour * specular * shadow;
- outputCol.rgb = lerp(outputCol.rgb, fogColour, fogVal);
- return outputCol;
- }
- *** ***
- *** Terrain Vertex Program: OgreTerrain/3499275481/sm2/vp/llod ***
- void main_vp(
- float2 posIndex : POSITION,
- float height : TEXCOORD0,
- float2 delta : TEXCOORD1,
- uniform float4x4 worldMatrix,
- uniform float4x4 viewProjMatrix,
- uniform float2 lodMorph,
- uniform float4x4 posIndexToObjectSpace,
- uniform float baseUVScale,
- uniform float4 uvMul_0,
- out float4 oPos : POSITION,
- out float4 oPosObj : TEXCOORD0
- , out float4 oUVMisc : TEXCOORD1 // xy = uv, z = camDepth
- , uniform float4 fogParams
- , out float fogVal : COLOR
- )
- {
- float4 pos;
- pos = mul(posIndexToObjectSpace, float4(posIndex, height, 1));
- float2 uv = float2(posIndex.x * baseUVScale, 1.0 - (posIndex.y * baseUVScale));
- float4 worldPos = mul(worldMatrix, pos);
- oPosObj = pos;
- float toMorph = -min(0, sign(delta.y - lodMorph.y));
- worldPos.y += delta.x * toMorph * lodMorph.x;
- oPos = mul(viewProjMatrix, worldPos);
- oUVMisc.xy = uv.xy;
- fogVal = saturate((oPos.z - fogParams.y) * fogParams.w);
- }
- *** ***
- *** Terrain Fragment Program: OgreTerrain/3499275481/sm2/fp/llod ***
- float4 expand(float4 v)
- {
- return v * 2 - 1;
- }
- float4 main_fp(
- float4 vertexPos : POSITION,
- float4 position : TEXCOORD0,
- float4 uvMisc : TEXCOORD1,
- uniform float3 fogColour,
- float fogVal : COLOR,
- uniform float3 ambient,
- uniform float4 lightPosObjSpace,
- uniform float3 lightDiffuseColour,
- uniform float3 lightSpecularColour,
- uniform float3 eyePosObjSpace,
- uniform float4 scaleBiasSpecular,
- uniform sampler2D compositeMap : register(s0)
- ) : COLOR
- {
- float4 outputCol;
- float shadow = 1.0;
- float2 uv = uvMisc.xy;
- outputCol = float4(0,0,0,1);
- float3 lightDir =
- - ( * lightPosObjSpace.w);
- float3 eyeDir = eyePosObjSpace -;
- float3 diffuse = float3(0,0,0);
- float specular = 0;
- float4 composite = tex2D(compositeMap, uv);
- diffuse = composite.rgb;
- outputCol.rgb = diffuse;
- outputCol.rgb = lerp(outputCol.rgb, fogColour, fogVal);
- return outputCol;
- }
- *** ***
- WARNING: Texture instance 'OgreTerrain/3499275481/nm' was defined as manually loaded, but no manual loader was provided. This Resource will be lost if it has to be reloaded.
- WARNING: Texture instance 'OgreTerrain/3499275481/lm' was defined as manually loaded, but no manual loader was provided. This Resource will be lost if it has to be reloaded.
- WARNING: Texture instance 'TerrBlend1' was defined as manually loaded, but no manual loader was provided. This Resource will be lost if it has to be reloaded.
- WARNING: Texture instance 'OgreTerrain/3499275481/comp' was defined as manually loaded, but no manual loader was provided. This Resource will be lost if it has to be reloaded.
- WARNING: Texture instance 'OgreTerrain/3499275481/nm' was defined as manually loaded, but no manual loader was provided. This Resource will be lost if it has to be reloaded.
- WARNING: Texture instance 'OgreTerrain/3499275481/lm' was defined as manually loaded, but no manual loader was provided. This Resource will be lost if it has to be reloaded.
- WARNING: Texture instance 'TerrBlend1' was defined as manually loaded, but no manual loader was provided. This Resource will be lost if it has to be reloaded.
- Texture: Loading 1 faces(PF_DXT5,1024x1024x1) with 3 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_DXT5,1024x1024x1.
- Texture: Loading 1 faces(PF_DXT5,1024x1024x1) with 3 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_DXT5,1024x1024x1.
- Texture: Loading 1 faces(PF_DXT5,1024x1024x1) with 3 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_DXT5,1024x1024x1.
- Texture: Loading 1 faces(PF_DXT5,1024x1024x1) with 3 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_DXT5,1024x1024x1.
- Texture: Loading 1 faces(PF_DXT5,1024x1024x1) with 3 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_DXT5,1024x1024x1.
- Texture: Loading 1 faces(PF_DXT5,1024x1024x1) with 3 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_DXT5,1024x1024x1.
- WARNING: Texture instance 'OgreTerrain/3499275481/comp' was defined as manually loaded, but no manual loader was provided. This Resource will be lost if it has to be reloaded.
- *** Terrain Vertex Program: OgreTerrain/3499275481/sm2/vp/comp ***
- void main_vp(
- float4 pos : POSITION,
- float2 uv : TEXCOORD0,
- uniform float4x4 worldMatrix,
- uniform float4x4 viewProjMatrix,
- uniform float2 lodMorph,
- uniform float4 uvMul_0,
- out float4 oPos : POSITION,
- out float4 oPosObj : TEXCOORD0
- , out float4 oUVMisc : TEXCOORD1 // xy = uv, z = camDepth
- , out float4 oUV0 : TEXCOORD2
- , out float4 oUV1 : TEXCOORD3
- )
- {
- float4 worldPos = mul(worldMatrix, pos);
- oPosObj = pos;
- oUV0.xy = uv.xy * uvMul_0.r;
- = uv.xy * uvMul_0.g;
- oUV1.xy = uv.xy * uvMul_0.b;
- = uv.xy * uvMul_0.a;
- oPos = mul(viewProjMatrix, worldPos);
- oUVMisc.xy = uv.xy;
- }
- *** ***
- *** Terrain Fragment Program: OgreTerrain/3499275481/sm2/fp/comp ***
- float4 expand(float4 v)
- {
- return v * 2 - 1;
- }
- float4 main_fp(
- float4 vertexPos : POSITION,
- float4 position : TEXCOORD0,
- float4 uvMisc : TEXCOORD1,
- float4 layerUV0 : TEXCOORD2,
- float4 layerUV1 : TEXCOORD3,
- uniform float3 ambient,
- uniform float4 lightPosObjSpace,
- uniform float3 lightDiffuseColour,
- uniform float3 lightSpecularColour,
- uniform float3 eyePosObjSpace,
- uniform float4 scaleBiasSpecular,
- uniform sampler2D globalNormal : register(s0)
- , uniform sampler2D lightMap : register(s1)
- , uniform sampler2D blendTex0 : register(s2)
- , uniform sampler2D difftex0 : register(s3)
- , uniform sampler2D normtex0 : register(s4)
- , uniform sampler2D difftex1 : register(s5)
- , uniform sampler2D normtex1 : register(s6)
- , uniform sampler2D difftex2 : register(s7)
- , uniform sampler2D normtex2 : register(s8)
- ) : COLOR
- {
- float4 outputCol;
- float shadow = 1.0;
- float2 uv = uvMisc.xy;
- outputCol = float4(0,0,0,1);
- float3 normal = expand(tex2D(globalNormal, uv)).rgb;
- float3 lightDir =
- - ( * lightPosObjSpace.w);
- float3 eyeDir = eyePosObjSpace -;
- float3 diffuse = float3(0,0,0);
- float specular = 0;
- float4 blendTexVal0 = tex2D(blendTex0, uv);
- float3 tangent = float3(1, 0, 0);
- float3 binormal = normalize(cross(tangent, normal));
- tangent = normalize(cross(normal, binormal));
- float3x3 TBN = float3x3(tangent, binormal, normal);
- float4 litRes, litResLayer;
- float3 TSlightDir, TSeyeDir, TShalfAngle, TSnormal;
- float displacement;
- TSlightDir = normalize(mul(TBN, lightDir));
- TSeyeDir = normalize(mul(TBN, eyeDir));
- float2 uv0 = layerUV0.xy;
- TSnormal = expand(tex2D(normtex0, uv0)).rgb;
- TShalfAngle = normalize(TSlightDir + TSeyeDir);
- litResLayer = lit(dot(TSlightDir, TSnormal), dot(TShalfAngle, TSnormal), scaleBiasSpecular.z);
- litRes = litResLayer;
- float4 diffuseSpecTex0 = tex2D(difftex0, uv0);
- diffuse = diffuseSpecTex0.rgb;
- specular = diffuseSpecTex0.a;
- float2 uv1 =;
- TSnormal = expand(tex2D(normtex1, uv1)).rgb;
- TShalfAngle = normalize(TSlightDir + TSeyeDir);
- litResLayer = lit(dot(TSlightDir, TSnormal), dot(TShalfAngle, TSnormal), scaleBiasSpecular.z);
- litRes = lerp(litRes, litResLayer, blendTexVal0.r);
- float4 diffuseSpecTex1 = tex2D(difftex1, uv1);
- diffuse = lerp(diffuse, diffuseSpecTex1.rgb, blendTexVal0.r);
- specular = lerp(specular, diffuseSpecTex1.a, blendTexVal0.r);
- float2 uv2 = layerUV1.xy;
- TSnormal = expand(tex2D(normtex2, uv2)).rgb;
- TShalfAngle = normalize(TSlightDir + TSeyeDir);
- litResLayer = lit(dot(TSlightDir, TSnormal), dot(TShalfAngle, TSnormal), scaleBiasSpecular.z);
- litRes = lerp(litRes, litResLayer, blendTexVal0.g);
- float4 diffuseSpecTex2 = tex2D(difftex2, uv2);
- diffuse = lerp(diffuse, diffuseSpecTex2.rgb, blendTexVal0.g);
- specular = lerp(specular, diffuseSpecTex2.a, blendTexVal0.g);
- shadow = tex2D(lightMap, uv).r;
- outputCol.rgb += ambient.rgb * diffuse + litRes.y * lightDiffuseColour * diffuse * shadow;
- outputCol.a = shadow;
- return outputCol;
- }
- *** ***
- Creating viewport on target 'rtt/346282960/0/SceneManagerInstance2/compRTT', rendering from camera 'cam', relative dimensions 8192L: 0 T: 0 W: 1 H: 1 ZOrder: 0
- Viewport for camera 'cam', actual dimensions 8192L: 0 T: 0 W: 1024 H: 1024
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - QUEUED(thread:3024): ID=4 channel=3 requestType=2
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_START(3024): ID=4 channel=3 requestType=2
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_END(3024): ID=4 channel=3 requestType=2 processed=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_START(thread:3024): ID=4 success=1 messages=[] channel=3 requestType=2
- *** Terrain Vertex Program: OgreTerrain/3499275481/sm2/vp/hlod ***
- void main_vp(
- float2 posIndex : POSITION,
- float height : TEXCOORD0,
- float2 delta : TEXCOORD1,
- uniform float4x4 worldMatrix,
- uniform float4x4 viewProjMatrix,
- uniform float2 lodMorph,
- uniform float4x4 posIndexToObjectSpace,
- uniform float baseUVScale,
- uniform float4 uvMul_0,
- out float4 oPos : POSITION,
- out float4 oPosObj : TEXCOORD0
- , out float4 oUVMisc : TEXCOORD1 // xy = uv, z = camDepth
- , out float4 oUV0 : TEXCOORD2
- , out float4 oUV1 : TEXCOORD3
- , uniform float4 fogParams
- , out float fogVal : COLOR
- )
- {
- float4 pos;
- pos = mul(posIndexToObjectSpace, float4(posIndex, height, 1));
- float2 uv = float2(posIndex.x * baseUVScale, 1.0 - (posIndex.y * baseUVScale));
- float4 worldPos = mul(worldMatrix, pos);
- oPosObj = pos;
- float toMorph = -min(0, sign(delta.y - lodMorph.y));
- worldPos.y += delta.x * toMorph * lodMorph.x;
- oUV0.xy = uv.xy * uvMul_0.r;
- = uv.xy * uvMul_0.g;
- oUV1.xy = uv.xy * uvMul_0.b;
- = uv.xy * uvMul_0.a;
- oPos = mul(viewProjMatrix, worldPos);
- oUVMisc.xy = uv.xy;
- fogVal = saturate((oPos.z - fogParams.y) * fogParams.w);
- }
- *** ***
- *** Terrain Fragment Program: OgreTerrain/3499275481/sm2/fp/hlod ***
- float4 expand(float4 v)
- {
- return v * 2 - 1;
- }
- float4 main_fp(
- float4 vertexPos : POSITION,
- float4 position : TEXCOORD0,
- float4 uvMisc : TEXCOORD1,
- float4 layerUV0 : TEXCOORD2,
- float4 layerUV1 : TEXCOORD3,
- uniform float3 fogColour,
- float fogVal : COLOR,
- uniform float3 ambient,
- uniform float4 lightPosObjSpace,
- uniform float3 lightDiffuseColour,
- uniform float3 lightSpecularColour,
- uniform float3 eyePosObjSpace,
- uniform float4 scaleBiasSpecular,
- uniform sampler2D globalNormal : register(s0)
- , uniform sampler2D lightMap : register(s1)
- , uniform sampler2D blendTex0 : register(s2)
- , uniform sampler2D difftex0 : register(s3)
- , uniform sampler2D normtex0 : register(s4)
- , uniform sampler2D difftex1 : register(s5)
- , uniform sampler2D normtex1 : register(s6)
- , uniform sampler2D difftex2 : register(s7)
- , uniform sampler2D normtex2 : register(s8)
- ) : COLOR
- {
- float4 outputCol;
- float shadow = 1.0;
- float2 uv = uvMisc.xy;
- outputCol = float4(0,0,0,1);
- float3 normal = expand(tex2D(globalNormal, uv)).rgb;
- float3 lightDir =
- - ( * lightPosObjSpace.w);
- float3 eyeDir = eyePosObjSpace -;
- float3 diffuse = float3(0,0,0);
- float specular = 0;
- float4 blendTexVal0 = tex2D(blendTex0, uv);
- float3 tangent = float3(1, 0, 0);
- float3 binormal = normalize(cross(tangent, normal));
- tangent = normalize(cross(normal, binormal));
- float3x3 TBN = float3x3(tangent, binormal, normal);
- float4 litRes, litResLayer;
- float3 TSlightDir, TSeyeDir, TShalfAngle, TSnormal;
- float displacement;
- TSlightDir = normalize(mul(TBN, lightDir));
- TSeyeDir = normalize(mul(TBN, eyeDir));
- float2 uv0 = layerUV0.xy;
- displacement = tex2D(normtex0, uv0).a
- * scaleBiasSpecular.x + scaleBiasSpecular.y;
- uv0 += TSeyeDir.xy * displacement;
- TSnormal = expand(tex2D(normtex0, uv0)).rgb;
- TShalfAngle = normalize(TSlightDir + TSeyeDir);
- litResLayer = lit(dot(TSlightDir, TSnormal), dot(TShalfAngle, TSnormal), scaleBiasSpecular.z);
- litRes = litResLayer;
- float4 diffuseSpecTex0 = tex2D(difftex0, uv0);
- diffuse = diffuseSpecTex0.rgb;
- specular = diffuseSpecTex0.a;
- float2 uv1 =;
- displacement = tex2D(normtex1, uv1).a
- * scaleBiasSpecular.x + scaleBiasSpecular.y;
- uv1 += TSeyeDir.xy * displacement;
- TSnormal = expand(tex2D(normtex1, uv1)).rgb;
- TShalfAngle = normalize(TSlightDir + TSeyeDir);
- litResLayer = lit(dot(TSlightDir, TSnormal), dot(TShalfAngle, TSnormal), scaleBiasSpecular.z);
- litRes = lerp(litRes, litResLayer, blendTexVal0.r);
- float4 diffuseSpecTex1 = tex2D(difftex1, uv1);
- diffuse = lerp(diffuse, diffuseSpecTex1.rgb, blendTexVal0.r);
- specular = lerp(specular, diffuseSpecTex1.a, blendTexVal0.r);
- float2 uv2 = layerUV1.xy;
- displacement = tex2D(normtex2, uv2).a
- * scaleBiasSpecular.x + scaleBiasSpecular.y;
- uv2 += TSeyeDir.xy * displacement;
- TSnormal = expand(tex2D(normtex2, uv2)).rgb;
- TShalfAngle = normalize(TSlightDir + TSeyeDir);
- litResLayer = lit(dot(TSlightDir, TSnormal), dot(TShalfAngle, TSnormal), scaleBiasSpecular.z);
- litRes = lerp(litRes, litResLayer, blendTexVal0.g);
- float4 diffuseSpecTex2 = tex2D(difftex2, uv2);
- diffuse = lerp(diffuse, diffuseSpecTex2.rgb, blendTexVal0.g);
- specular = lerp(specular, diffuseSpecTex2.a, blendTexVal0.g);
- shadow = tex2D(lightMap, uv).r;
- outputCol.rgb += ambient.rgb * diffuse + litRes.y * lightDiffuseColour * diffuse * shadow;
- outputCol.rgb += litRes.z * lightSpecularColour * specular * shadow;
- outputCol.rgb = lerp(outputCol.rgb, fogColour, fogVal);
- return outputCol;
- }
- *** ***
- *** Terrain Vertex Program: OgreTerrain/3499275481/sm2/vp/llod ***
- void main_vp(
- float2 posIndex : POSITION,
- float height : TEXCOORD0,
- float2 delta : TEXCOORD1,
- uniform float4x4 worldMatrix,
- uniform float4x4 viewProjMatrix,
- uniform float2 lodMorph,
- uniform float4x4 posIndexToObjectSpace,
- uniform float baseUVScale,
- uniform float4 uvMul_0,
- out float4 oPos : POSITION,
- out float4 oPosObj : TEXCOORD0
- , out float4 oUVMisc : TEXCOORD1 // xy = uv, z = camDepth
- , uniform float4 fogParams
- , out float fogVal : COLOR
- )
- {
- float4 pos;
- pos = mul(posIndexToObjectSpace, float4(posIndex, height, 1));
- float2 uv = float2(posIndex.x * baseUVScale, 1.0 - (posIndex.y * baseUVScale));
- float4 worldPos = mul(worldMatrix, pos);
- oPosObj = pos;
- float toMorph = -min(0, sign(delta.y - lodMorph.y));
- worldPos.y += delta.x * toMorph * lodMorph.x;
- oPos = mul(viewProjMatrix, worldPos);
- oUVMisc.xy = uv.xy;
- fogVal = saturate((oPos.z - fogParams.y) * fogParams.w);
- }
- *** ***
- *** Terrain Fragment Program: OgreTerrain/3499275481/sm2/fp/llod ***
- float4 expand(float4 v)
- {
- return v * 2 - 1;
- }
- float4 main_fp(
- float4 vertexPos : POSITION,
- float4 position : TEXCOORD0,
- float4 uvMisc : TEXCOORD1,
- uniform float3 fogColour,
- float fogVal : COLOR,
- uniform float3 ambient,
- uniform float4 lightPosObjSpace,
- uniform float3 lightDiffuseColour,
- uniform float3 lightSpecularColour,
- uniform float3 eyePosObjSpace,
- uniform float4 scaleBiasSpecular,
- uniform sampler2D compositeMap : register(s0)
- ) : COLOR
- {
- float4 outputCol;
- float shadow = 1.0;
- float2 uv = uvMisc.xy;
- outputCol = float4(0,0,0,1);
- float3 lightDir =
- - ( * lightPosObjSpace.w);
- float3 eyeDir = eyePosObjSpace -;
- float3 diffuse = float3(0,0,0);
- float specular = 0;
- float4 composite = tex2D(compositeMap, uv);
- diffuse = composite.rgb;
- outputCol.rgb = diffuse;
- outputCol.rgb = lerp(outputCol.rgb, fogColour, fogVal);
- return outputCol;
- }
- *** ***
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - QUEUED(thread:3024): ID=5 channel=3 requestType=2
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_START(3024): ID=5 channel=3 requestType=2
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_END(3024): ID=5 channel=3 requestType=2 processed=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_START(thread:3024): ID=5 success=1 messages=[] channel=3 requestType=2
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - QUEUED(thread:3024): ID=6 channel=3 requestType=2
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_END(thread:3024): ID=5 success=1 messages=[] channel=3 requestType=2
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_END(thread:3024): ID=4 success=1 messages=[] channel=3 requestType=2
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_END(thread:3024): ID=1 success=1 messages=[] channel=2 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_START(2e6c): ID=3 channel=3 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_START(2a30): ID=6 channel=3 requestType=2
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_END(2a30): ID=6 channel=3 requestType=2 processed=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_END(2e6c): ID=3 channel=3 requestType=1 processed=1
- Mesh: Loading tudorhouse.mesh.
- Texture: fw12b.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,1024x1024x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x1024x1.
- Texture: cloudy_noon_fr.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1.
- Texture: cloudy_noon_bk.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1.
- Texture: cloudy_noon_lf.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1.
- Texture: cloudy_noon_rt.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1.
- Texture: cloudy_noon_up.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1.
- Texture: cloudy_noon_dn.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1.
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_START(thread:3024): ID=6 success=1 messages=[] channel=3 requestType=2
- *** Terrain Vertex Program: OgreTerrain/3499275481/sm2/vp/comp ***
- void main_vp(
- float4 pos : POSITION,
- float2 uv : TEXCOORD0,
- uniform float4x4 worldMatrix,
- uniform float4x4 viewProjMatrix,
- uniform float2 lodMorph,
- uniform float4 uvMul_0,
- out float4 oPos : POSITION,
- out float4 oPosObj : TEXCOORD0
- , out float4 oUVMisc : TEXCOORD1 // xy = uv, z = camDepth
- , out float4 oUV0 : TEXCOORD2
- , out float4 oUV1 : TEXCOORD3
- )
- {
- float4 worldPos = mul(worldMatrix, pos);
- oPosObj = pos;
- oUV0.xy = uv.xy * uvMul_0.r;
- = uv.xy * uvMul_0.g;
- oUV1.xy = uv.xy * uvMul_0.b;
- = uv.xy * uvMul_0.a;
- oPos = mul(viewProjMatrix, worldPos);
- oUVMisc.xy = uv.xy;
- }
- *** ***
- *** Terrain Fragment Program: OgreTerrain/3499275481/sm2/fp/comp ***
- float4 expand(float4 v)
- {
- return v * 2 - 1;
- }
- float4 main_fp(
- float4 vertexPos : POSITION,
- float4 position : TEXCOORD0,
- float4 uvMisc : TEXCOORD1,
- float4 layerUV0 : TEXCOORD2,
- float4 layerUV1 : TEXCOORD3,
- uniform float3 ambient,
- uniform float4 lightPosObjSpace,
- uniform float3 lightDiffuseColour,
- uniform float3 lightSpecularColour,
- uniform float3 eyePosObjSpace,
- uniform float4 scaleBiasSpecular,
- uniform sampler2D globalNormal : register(s0)
- , uniform sampler2D lightMap : register(s1)
- , uniform sampler2D blendTex0 : register(s2)
- , uniform sampler2D difftex0 : register(s3)
- , uniform sampler2D normtex0 : register(s4)
- , uniform sampler2D difftex1 : register(s5)
- , uniform sampler2D normtex1 : register(s6)
- , uniform sampler2D difftex2 : register(s7)
- , uniform sampler2D normtex2 : register(s8)
- ) : COLOR
- {
- float4 outputCol;
- float shadow = 1.0;
- float2 uv = uvMisc.xy;
- outputCol = float4(0,0,0,1);
- float3 normal = expand(tex2D(globalNormal, uv)).rgb;
- float3 lightDir =
- - ( * lightPosObjSpace.w);
- float3 eyeDir = eyePosObjSpace -;
- float3 diffuse = float3(0,0,0);
- float specular = 0;
- float4 blendTexVal0 = tex2D(blendTex0, uv);
- float3 tangent = float3(1, 0, 0);
- float3 binormal = normalize(cross(tangent, normal));
- tangent = normalize(cross(normal, binormal));
- float3x3 TBN = float3x3(tangent, binormal, normal);
- float4 litRes, litResLayer;
- float3 TSlightDir, TSeyeDir, TShalfAngle, TSnormal;
- float displacement;
- TSlightDir = normalize(mul(TBN, lightDir));
- TSeyeDir = normalize(mul(TBN, eyeDir));
- float2 uv0 = layerUV0.xy;
- TSnormal = expand(tex2D(normtex0, uv0)).rgb;
- TShalfAngle = normalize(TSlightDir + TSeyeDir);
- litResLayer = lit(dot(TSlightDir, TSnormal), dot(TShalfAngle, TSnormal), scaleBiasSpecular.z);
- litRes = litResLayer;
- float4 diffuseSpecTex0 = tex2D(difftex0, uv0);
- diffuse = diffuseSpecTex0.rgb;
- specular = diffuseSpecTex0.a;
- float2 uv1 =;
- TSnormal = expand(tex2D(normtex1, uv1)).rgb;
- TShalfAngle = normalize(TSlightDir + TSeyeDir);
- litResLayer = lit(dot(TSlightDir, TSnormal), dot(TShalfAngle, TSnormal), scaleBiasSpecular.z);
- litRes = lerp(litRes, litResLayer, blendTexVal0.r);
- float4 diffuseSpecTex1 = tex2D(difftex1, uv1);
- diffuse = lerp(diffuse, diffuseSpecTex1.rgb, blendTexVal0.r);
- specular = lerp(specular, diffuseSpecTex1.a, blendTexVal0.r);
- float2 uv2 = layerUV1.xy;
- TSnormal = expand(tex2D(normtex2, uv2)).rgb;
- TShalfAngle = normalize(TSlightDir + TSeyeDir);
- litResLayer = lit(dot(TSlightDir, TSnormal), dot(TShalfAngle, TSnormal), scaleBiasSpecular.z);
- litRes = lerp(litRes, litResLayer, blendTexVal0.g);
- float4 diffuseSpecTex2 = tex2D(difftex2, uv2);
- diffuse = lerp(diffuse, diffuseSpecTex2.rgb, blendTexVal0.g);
- specular = lerp(specular, diffuseSpecTex2.a, blendTexVal0.g);
- shadow = tex2D(lightMap, uv).r;
- outputCol.rgb += ambient.rgb * diffuse + litRes.y * lightDiffuseColour * diffuse * shadow;
- outputCol.a = shadow;
- return outputCol;
- }
- *** ***
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_END(thread:3024): ID=6 success=1 messages=[] channel=3 requestType=2
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_START(thread:3024): ID=3 success=1 messages=[] channel=3 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - QUEUED(thread:3024): ID=7 channel=3 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_END(thread:3024): ID=3 success=1 messages=[] channel=3 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_START(2e6c): ID=7 channel=3 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_REQUEST_END(2e6c): ID=7 channel=3 requestType=1 processed=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_START(thread:3024): ID=7 success=1 messages=[] channel=3 requestType=1
- DefaultWorkQueueBase('Root') - PROCESS_RESPONSE_END(thread:3024): ID=7 success=1 messages=[] channel=3 requestType=1
- First-chance exception at 0x000007FEFD659E5D in SampleBrowser_d.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Ogre::ItemIdentityException at memory location 0x0000000000A5E3B0.
- First-chance exception at 0x000007FEFD659E5D in SampleBrowser_d.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Ogre::ItemIdentityException at memory location 0x0000000000A5E3B0.
- The thread 0x2c64 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
- The thread 0x32d4 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
- The thread 0x25e8 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
- Writing shader cache to
- C:\Users\CDS2012\Documents\Ogre\Ghadamon\cache_d.bin
- Render Target 'rtt/346282960/0/SceneManagerInstance2/compRTT' Average FPS: 0.479331 Best FPS: 0.938967 Worst FPS: 0.0196951
- The thread 0x1dc4 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
- Texture: fw12b.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,1024x1024x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x1024x1.
- Texture: egyptrockyfull.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1.
- Texture: rockwall.tga: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1.
- Texture: ogrelogo.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,1024x1024x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x1024x1.
- Texture: Panels_Diffuse.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1.
- Texture: sdk_button_down.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,128x32x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,128x32x1.
- Texture: sdk_button_over.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,128x32x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,128x32x1.
- Texture: thumb_volumecsg.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,128x128x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,128x128x1.
- Texture: thumb_volumeterrain.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,128x128x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,128x128x1.
- Texture: thumb_voltex.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1.
- Texture: thumb_water.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1.
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