
Sunshine Romance (ch3)

Jul 4th, 2018
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  3. Of course you can't just sleep out on the beach without proper shelter and not expect consequences!
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Love Live Sunsine!
  7. -------------
  10. Chapter 3. Quiet Moments
  12. Chika always woke to the sounds of the ocean.
  14. They just weren't usually so close.
  16. She can hear the rush of the waves and the squawking of the seagulls and smell the salt and sand as if she were right there on the beach itself...
  18. She doesn't open her eyes, merely attributing everything to a dream for the time being. She's so warm and comfortable, though her bed feels a little odd, but she hardly cares.
  20. She clings to the source of warmth that's been settled beside her all night long, the one that smells like fresh fruity shampoo.
  22. Some part of her barely-conscious mind recognizes Riko. Chika smiles giddily at the thought of being curled up next to her and inches closer.
  24. /Even if it's just a dream... it's so nice.../
  26. Over the push and pull of the wind and waves, Chika can hear the steady pattern of Riko's breathing fanning over her ear, soft and un-intrusive. Chika nuzzles into her collar and the crook of her shoulder, letting out a big sigh. Like this she can hear Riko's heartbeat, gentle and rhythmic like it had been all night long-
  28. Or so she's expecting. But when she listens this time, Chika feels the pulse is a little different now. It sounds a little harder, a little quicker.
  30. /I hope she's okay... Maybe this dream is trying to tell me I need to look out for her today even though we don't have school.../
  32. That realization, the one that she doesn't have school today, makes Chika smile again.
  34. She continues to indulge in her dream, hugging herself close to Riko and taking in her scent. Occasionally she lets one hand drop down into the sand to squish the grains.
  36. If she knows her sleeping self, she knows she's probably just about to wake up to the sound of her alarm clock. She always seems to get woken up right at the nicest parts.
  38. She waits and waits for the inevitable blaring, wondering which rush of water or rush of Riko's breath will be the last. But surprisingly her alarm never goes off.
  40. /Huh... must've been really tired last night. I was up for a while writing those lyrics on the beach after all-/
  42. Only now does it hit her. She can't remember going back to her house last night.
  44. /Oh, man. Don't tell me.../
  46. And for the first time all morning, she finally decides to confirm things.
  48. She opens her eyes and finds herself looking at a light pink pajama top that isn't her own.
  50. Long locks of deep red-chestnut hair curl down over Riko's shoulders and neck. Her eyes are still closed, but Chika knows now this definitely isn't a dream.
  52. She blinks a few times, just to confirm that Riko isn't disappearing when she does. She just continues sleeping there in Chika's arms beneath the blanket she'd brought out for her last night. Chika groans.
  54. /Crap. If our moms find out we'll be scolded./
  56. But that isn't even her main concern right now.
  58. Arms still looped around Riko's back, Chika can feel the difference in temperature from the rest of her body. With their chests pressed together Riko feels perfectly warm there, but her back is another story. Her hair is cool to the touch, even though it had been a fairly warm night beneath their shared blanket.
  60. Chika can feel a dampness that's seeped all the way through Riko's pajama shirt, covering her entire back. Frowning, she's determined to keep her warm. So she hugs herself closer, tucking her head beneath Riko's chin.
  62. Once again she can pick up on the beat of her heart, and once again finds it a bit unsettling. The soft steady pattern from last night had seemingly been replaced by something much harder and faster. She's breathing through her mouth a little heavily, and Chika fears it's already too late to prevent anything.
  64. Heaving a sigh, Chika knows she has to wake Riko up now for her own good. Even though the sun is beginning to rise and fill the morning with warmth and bright light, the breeze is also picking up as well, and she knows the longer Riko is outside like this, the sicker she'll get.
  66. So she enjoys one last moment cuddled up with her friend, savoring her warmth and touch for as long as possible.
  68. Finally, Chika slips her arms away from Riko and sits up to stretch herself out, now folding all of the blanket over her friend. Looking at her now she really is breathing rather harshly. There are grains of sand all over her clothes and all through her hair. Chika reaches out and gently taps her shoulder.
  70. "Riko-chan. Hey, Riko-chaaaan~"
  72. She hears a soft groggy moan that's abruptly cut off by a bout of coughing. Chika winces.
  74. Riko coughs herself awake, and before she's even had the chance to open her eyes there are already tears forming behind them. Chika helps her sit up, rubbing a hand over her back and patting firmly between her shoulders.
  76. "Take it easy, deep breaths! Did you swallow a bunch of sand last night?"
  78. "S-Sand-?" she rasps. "Ch-Chika-chan, what are you-" As she finally opens her eyes to take in her surroundings it all comes flooding back to her. "Oh, no! Ch-Chika-ch-ahhn-" She trails off coughing some more as Chika pats her back again.
  80. "Y-Yeah. Looks like we kinda fell asleep here last night... Sorry. I think it's my bad."
  82. After Riko's caught her breath and sniffled a few more times, she straightens up a little bit.
  84. "No... I came out here to make sure you got back inside and I fell asleep first. I was careless. It's my fault."
  86. "It's all right. I think we both just got too caught up in it. It was a really nice night wasn't it?"
  88. "Yes..."
  90. There's a moment of silence. Chika looks out across the sparkling water, now mixed gold and blue with sunlight and sky.
  92. It's a petite sneeze from Riko that snaps her back to reality. When she looks to her Riko is clutching the blanket to her chest and she's started to shiver. Chika feels her stomach sink when she realizes how bad it is. She sidles close and puts her arm around her again, pulling Riko in and letting her lean against her.
  94. "You okay, Riko-chan?"
  96. "Yes... Just a little cold."
  98. "But it's so warm..."
  100. Riko says nothing back.
  102. Chika carefully gathers her friend's hair and eases it out from beneath the blanket so it won't hit her back directly anymore, not that it'll do her much good anymore at this point. Chika can feel her trembling and she tries to combat it by rubbing up and down her side. Riko coughs again and her breath hitches, leaving her gasping a bit. Chika waits until she's calmed down a little bit before she decides it's time to get her back inside.
  104. "Come on. I'll take you back to my house and you can text your mom and tell her what happened."
  106. Riko tries to answer but has to swallow back another cough, so she just nods.
  108. Chika reaches out to grab her bag from last night where all her notebooks and her iPod are. She shakes it free of sand and slings it across her shoulders. Then she dips herself forward, letting Riko wrap an arm across her shoulders. She slings her arm across Riko's back to her opposite side.
  110. "Ready?"
  112. When Riko nods again, Chika starts to stand up. Riko staggers beside her, but she stumbles almost instantly. Chika quickly adjusts and tries to support her weight, digging her bare feet into the sand to keep them both up. She can feel Riko clinging to her so tightly her nails are almost going through the fabric of her clothes, and she's panting hard.
  114. "S-Sorry-" she gasps. "I'm just... a little dizzy..."
  116. "It's okay."
  118. Chika waits another moment until she thinks Riko will be able to move. She goes slowly, one step at a time, compensating for every sway and stumble on Riko's part. Riko keeps making pained little noises and gasping sharply, and each time it makes Chika's stomach twist more and more.
  120. "Take it easy," she reminds her. "We don't have to rush. There's no school today."
  122. "There isn't...?"
  124. "Nope! Remember?"
  126. "Oh. That's good."
  128. "Right? So let's just take it easy today."
  130. Step by step, Chika guides Riko back to the house. When they stagger inside they find Chika's mother and sisters confused and concerned as they begin asking a million questions. Chika tries to explain everything sheepishly as they scold her for her carelessness.
  132. But as soon as Riko dips her head in sincere apology for the trouble she's caused them, the three older women soften up immediately and tell her it's fine.
  134. Chika and Riko sit down in the living room area while Riko digs out her phone from her bag and dials her mother's number.
  136. "I don't want her to know I got sick," she says. "She'll worry too much when it's nothing serious. I'll just apologize for not being home last night and tell her I'm hanging out with you today."
  138. Technically none of it would be a lie. She just doesn't want to burden her mother.
  140. Chika stays next to her as Riko talks on the phone, apologizing to her mother who seems understanding. Riko manages to make it through the conversation without sniffling or coughing, but right after she hangs up she lets out a high-pitched sneeze.
  142. "Ahh... I feel so bad, Chika-chan..."
  144. "Wh-What? You mean like you feel like you're gonna pass out o-or throw up?"
  146. "No. Not like that. I mean..." Riko turns miserable golden eyes on her. "I lied to my mother so I wouldn't be a burden on her, and yet I'm just being a burden on you and your family instead..."
  148. Chika's relieved to hear Riko isn't about to throw up. But she won't accept this either.
  150. "Don't say that, Riko-chan!" She leans in and places her hands on either side of Riko's face. "You're not a burden on your mom or on any of us! We all love you!"
  152. Riko gasps softly, and her eyes begin to water.
  154. "Chika-chan..." She sniffles, and one by one a few tears dribble down.
  156. Alarms flare in Chika's mind.
  158. "W-Waaah! Riko-chan, d-don't cry!"
  160. "Haaaah?" The reprimanding voice of her older sister Mito-nee makes Chika freeze. "What's this Chika? Making your sick friend cry? What the hell are you doing?"
  162. "Th-That's not it! Sh-She just sneezed really hard, right Riko-chan?"
  164. "Mm..." Riko nods and wipes her eyes, revealing a small smile that's made its way to her lips. Chika apologizes and gets her a tissue, then gives her a big hug.
  166. The rest of the morning consists of a warm breakfast her mother and sisters prepare mainly for their guest. When it's all ready and everyone is seated at the kotatsu, Chika begins digging in right away.
  168. But even in spite of her gracious hosts, Riko can't find the stomach for most of her food. She picks at the omelette and rice, but mostly just sticks to the cup of tea. In the end she hasn't even eaten half her plate.
  170. "I'm sorry," she says, bowing her head to Chika's mother.
  172. "It's quite all right. It's just good you managed to eat something!"
  174. "That's right, that's right!" Chika chimes in. "Don't force yourself."
  176. From there Chika helps clean the plates up, then brings Riko upstairs to the bathroom, insisting she shower, warm herself up, and get the last few grains of sand out of her hair. Riko thanks her, accepting a fresh change of clothes from her friend, and closes the bathroom door behind herself. Chika gives her one last instruction.
  178. "If you need anything or start to feel dizzy, just call for me, okay?"
  180. "I will."
  182. With this, Chika goes back downstairs to retrieve Riko's pillow and her own things from last night to put back in her bedroom. Shiitake wanders in, but after some hugging and petting Chika turns the dog away. Even though Riko has gotten used to Shiitake now, Chika still doesn't want to stress her out today.
  184. She folds the towel Riko had been wearing last night, as well as the blanket she'd brought for Chika and stacks everything into a neat pile, putting the little baggie with her phone and house key on top. She listens for a moment to make sure the shower is running down the hall and is glad that Riko hasn't indicated something's wrong.
  186. So Chika pulls out her notebook and begins to read over her lyrics again, making minor adjustments here and there.
  188. A few moments later the shower water shuts off. Chika puts everything down and gets to her feet, then heads down the hallway. Riko is just opening the door, dressed in the clean clothes Chika had leant her, with a towel around her shoulders just like she'd been last night. She blinks in surprise at Chika's arrival.
  190. "Th-Thank you for letting me shower. It was nice and warm."
  192. "Right? Hopefully that'll help beat the cold you got! But I know the steam and the heat from the shower can make you a little woozy, so I came over to make sure you were okay."
  194. Riko smiles, but Chika feels there's no strength behind it.
  196. "I'm fine."
  198. "Well, either way I'm here, so I'll walk back with you." Reaching out, she rests her hand at the small of Riko's back and guides her back to the bedroom. They manage to make it without incident, and Chika has her sit on the bed once again. "You should take it easy here today so you'll be better as soon as possible!"
  200. Puzzled, Riko tilts her head.
  202. "Here?"
  204. "Yeah! I said I'd take care of you today, right?"
  206. Riko's face suddenly gets pinker.
  208. "A-All day?" she coughs. "But you've already done so much for me already. Th-This is enough. I'll go back home now."
  210. But before she can make a move to get up, Chika puts a hand on her shoulder.
  212. "But then your mom will know for sure you're sick, right? You're still coughing and you can barely eat anything, plus your face is really red. I think it's better if you just rest here today for a while and get some of your strength back! My mom and sisters are going out today so I'll be all alone if you leave!" She makes a pleading face and lets her lip tremble.
  214. Riko caves.
  216. "Well... th-then I guess if you'll have me..."
  218. "Yay!" Chika plops herself down onto the bed so she can throw her arms around Riko more easily. Riko's heart strikes harder again for more than one reason.
  220. "Ch-Chika-chan, you shouldn't get too close to me. What if you catch my cold, too?"
  222. "Hmmm?" Chika eases back and looks into her eyes. "Then that'd be for the better! I'll take your cold and kick its butt!" Giggling she pulls Riko into another, tighter hug.
  224. And in spite of the chaos in her chest, Riko can't help but smile.
  226. "You really are such a weirdo..." She lifts her arms and allows herself to indulge, returning the embrace more softly.
  228. Chika stays close for a moment, feeling for herself how Riko's heart is still racing. She still feels really warm as well, more so than she thinks she should be, even after the shower.
  230. A sudden bout of coughs bubbles up and Riko turns her face, trying to let them out into her own shoulder instead of Chika's. Chika feels her jolting rather hard from it and rubs up and down her back.
  232. "Still coughing, huh? Hold on, lemme get you some water."
  234. She draws back and jumps to her feet, then disappears out the door. While she's out she makes a few other quick stops after grabbing the water bottle. She pulls some fresh clothes for herself from the laundry and then hurries to the bathroom.
  236. She doesn't shower for long, just for a minute to wash out her hair and rinse off, and as soon as she's changed she grabs the water bottle and the hair dryer as well, and brings it all back with her. She finds Riko sitting on her bed how she'd left her, though her eyelids had been starting to droop.
  238. "Sorry for the wait!" Chika says. "Just wanted to freshen up a bit. Here." She hands Riko the water bottle, then crosses the room to plug in the hair dryer.
  240. "Thank you, Chika-chan."
  242. "Sure thing! Drink up!" Chika turns on the hair dryer and shakes herself off in the blast of warm air for a few minutes. When she's finished, she turns off the noise and heads back to Riko. She'd managed almost half the bottle and put it aside on the bedside table. Chika sits down next to her again. "Does your throat hurt at all?"
  244. "A little," she confesses. "Just from all the coughing. But the water helped..." She trails off with her gaze falling into her lap. Chika scooches closer.
  246. "Is there something else? Your stomach?"
  248. Riko nods guiltily.
  250. "I feel like I need to eat and throw up at the same time..."
  252. "That's no good... Do you have a fever?"
  254. "I can't really tell." Riko lifts a hand to her face. "It might just be from the shower, but I feel warm."
  256. "Let me see."
  258. Chika brushes Riko's hand away and rests the back of her hand across her forehead. Riko makes a small whimpering sound and stiffens up a little bit, but Chika's concentrating too hard to notice. She hums and grumbles for a minute before pulling her hand back.
  260. "I can't tell either. Lemme try another way."
  262. "Another...?"
  264. "Yeah. Our hands can't detect the heat as well, so I'll use my forehead." She leans forward, intent on resting their heads together.
  266. But to Riko it looks very different, something her poor heart can't handle right now. She yelps and clasps both hands to her mouth to hide the gasp. Chika pauses.
  268. "Riko-chan? What's wrong?"
  270. "I-It's fine," she manages from behind her hands. "I-I just don't want to breathe on you and get you sick too..."
  272. "It'll just be for a second, it's fine!"
  274. Chika rests a hand on her friend's shoulder to prevent her from falling back.
  276. Riko squeezes her eyes shut and tries to remember how to breathe. She feels the soft contact of Chika's forehead bumping against hers and then lingering there as she tries to assess her temperature.
  278. The stillness is unbearable with her so close like this, so Riko conjures up a cough just as an excuse to move a little. But it backfires and ends up causing a real coughing fit that she can't get control over. Chika draws back.
  280. "Riko-chan, take it easy!"
  282. It hurts to see her like this, hearing her voice cracked and breathless with the coughs. Chika can only pull her into another embrace and try to offer support that way. Riko jolts against her as Chika pats her back.
  284. "Just take deeeep breaths, okay? Kinda like when you're singing, right? Find every chance you can to breathe."
  286. Chika demonstrates and starts to hum her new song again. It's a calm soothing sound in contrast to Riko's coughing, but she thinks it'll help.
  288. It takes a minute, but eventually Riko starts to get control of herself. The coughs taper off, leaving her gasping, but able to finally reclaim her breath. Chika stops humming and sighs in relief.
  290. "There. You did it, Riko-chan." She runs her hands up and down her back, over the towel still hanging around her shoulders and through her wet hair. That reminds Chika of what she'd wanted to do, or else Riko will just get sick all over again for the same reasons.
  292. To her dismay she can also feel Riko shaking a little bit, and it isn't just from the coughing fit. She's shivering from the inside out, not very hard, but still enough to make Chika worry.
  294. She waits a minute longer until Riko's pulse and breathing have evened out, then sits back.
  296. "Are you okay?"
  298. Riko exhales a shaky breath.
  300. "Yes..."
  302. "Have a bit more water." Chika hands her the bottle again and gets up. She retrieves the hair dryer and plugs it into the outlet next to her bed this time. As Riko finishes sipping at the water she raises an eyebrow. Chika grins. "This is the best way to get your hair dry and keep you warm. I think you really might have a fever after all so we can't let it get any worse!"
  304. When Riko's finished with her water Chika puts it aside and then pulls her legs up onto the bed. She positions herself behind her friend and helps her sit up straight, giving Chika access to her long pretty hair.
  306. "I'll dry it for you so just relax, okay?"
  308. "Okay..."
  310. Chika turns on the hair dryer to its lowest setting and sets to work.
  312. She kneels behind Riko and folds the towel over her lap so that any of the water droplets will fall there. Using her free hand to comb gently through Riko's hair, Chika dries it for her starting at the top and gradually works her way down.
  314. As she expected, it takes at least double the amount of time it usually takes her to dry her own hair, and a lot more water drips down. But it's also satisfying in a way, because every drop that falls free is a little less cold Riko has to shiver off.
  316. "Riko-chan! Let me know if it's too hot, okay?"
  318. "It's fine. It feels so nice..."
  320. "Good! Then close your eyes and enjoy it~!"
  322. From behind, Chika can't see if Riko really closes her eyes or not, but she can definitely notice a change in her posture. Riko slouches a little bit in a relaxed manner as some of the tension drains away with the water. Chika smiles and gives a pleasant little hum.
  324. "That's it. Just take it easy! Today's your day off, Riko-chan! I'll take good care of you!"
  326. "Th-Thank you..."
  328. Chika continues with her work of drying her friend's hair, padding through it gently with her free hand and trying to keep the wetness from making contact with Riko's back. She can feel Riko's weight beginning to slouch back a bit more as she leans into Chika's touch, letting out blissful little sighs here and there.
  330. After a few minutes her hair is completely dry, so Chika shuts off the device and puts it back on the desk for the time being. She returns to the bed to find Riko struggling to keep her eyes open. Smiling, Chika stands up the pillows against the headboard and helps her lean back.
  332. "How're you feeling?"
  334. "A little better. I can't thank you enough, Chika-chan."
  336. "You don't need to!"
  338. Riko gives her a reassuring smile, but Chika can't help but notice just how pink her friend's face still is. She frowns and sits back down next to her, handing her the water bottle.
  340. "Riko-chan, drink some more water. You still look really feverish."
  342. The words seem to make Riko flush even harder, but she accepts the water nonetheless.
  344. "R-Really? I don't think it's that bad..." She takes a sip of her drink to avoid eye contact. But Chika puts on a suspicious expression.
  346. "Are you sure you're not just saying that?" She narrows her eyes and leans in close, a bit too close for Riko, who ends up choking a little.
  348. "Y-Yes- I'm- fine..."
  350. "Hmm..." Chika waits for her to finish her drink then takes the bottle back. Without warning she takes a drink of it herself. Riko brightens even redder.
  352. "Ch-Chika-chan, don't! You're going to my cold and then you'll have a fever too!"
  354. "Hah! So you admit you have one!"
  356. "Eh? N-No, I mean..." Riko fumbles for words, but in the end her shoulders sag in defeat. Chika sighs, caps the water, puts it aside, and shakes her head.
  358. "Riko-chan, Riko-chan. There's no use trying to hide it. So just let me help you!"
  360. Riko slouches against the pillows and withers a sigh.
  362. "I don't want to bother you..."
  364. "You're not! You could never! I already told you that, right?" In her earnest Chika grabs both of Riko's hands and squeezes them. They also feel warmer than usual. Chika whimpers. "Riko-chan, you're too warm! Definitely too warm! Here." She turns one of Riko's hands palm-up and presses her index and middle finger to the inside of her wrist.
  366. Riko blinks. "W-What are you doing...?"
  368. "I'm gonna measure your pulse to see how bad your cold is. So just close your eyes and breathe for a minute so I can count."
  370. Riko's face is about the color of her hair now.
  372. "Ch-Chika-chan, I really don't think that's nec-"
  374. "Nope! Sick people don't get to argue!"
  376. "But-"
  378. "I said nope!"
  380. Riko knows she can't compete with her when she gets like this, so her only option is to comply.
  382. Closing her eyes, she rests her weight back against the pillows and waits.
  384. Chika gives a sharp nod of satisfaction before focusing on her task. She moves her fingers along Riko's arm for a second, trying to find the best spot to feel for her pulse. When she does she holds her fingers in place for a moment, feeling just how quickly it's fluttering. She frowns.
  386. "Riko-chan, it's really fast."
  388. "Y-You don't have to say it..."
  390. "Just take a deep breath!"
  392. "I'm trying..."
  394. And even though Chika knows she's sick, she can't help but giggle at how cute Riko's blushing and pouting face is. Riko cracks an eye open expectantly.
  396. "Well? Are you counting or not?"
  398. "Oh, right! Okay." Chika looks to the alarm clock as the seconds count up, waiting for the next minute so she can begin.
  400. It's probably the longest minute of Riko's entire life.
  402. She closes her eyes and tries to calm down, but knowing that Chika is feeling for her pulse only makes it go faster than it had been already. She bites her lip.
  404. /Why can't I calm down? It's just Chika-chan.../
  406. But that's what makes her realize that it being Chika is the issue here. She just tries to ignore her own heart and hopes she'll pass Chika's little test.
  408. But on her end, Chika's having a hard time counting the beats. She takes a mental tally as she keeps her eye on the clock, waiting for it to reach the next full minute. When it's over she lets out a whistle.
  410. "Wow... Riko-chan, what's a person's regular heartbeat supposed to be?"
  412. "H-How should I know?" She peeks an eye open and pulls her hands to her chest at the height of her bashfulness.
  414. Chika pulls out her cell phone. "Hold on, I'm gonna look it up... let's see... Uwah?!"
  416. "Wh-What is it?"
  418. "It says here a person's average resting heart rate is from 60 to 70 beats per minute..."
  420. Riko sniffles.
  422. "And... what's mine...?"
  424. Chika gives her a smile that's half sheepish and half worried.
  426. "S-Somewhere over 80..."
  428. "Eh?!"
  430. "You definitely have a really bad fever."
  432. Both girls share a rather helpless look, but Chika quickly shakes herself out of it.
  434. "Well, it's my fault you got sick since you came out to take of me last night. So I'm gonna take care of you today for sure!" With this she stands and marches to the door. "I'll be right back!"
  436. She hurries down the hall to the bathroom once again, this time for a wash cloth. She runs it under cool water, rings it out, and then brings it back to her room.
  438. She finds Riko still leaning back rather weakly against the pillows, and sweat has started to bead on her forehead, making her bangs stick. Chika gently wipes the cloth across her skin, first across her forehead, then down over her cheeks.
  440. Riko closes her eyes in embarrassment, but the coolness of the wash cloth does wonders for her instantly. She lets out a long breath, one that's finally free of coughs, and whimpers softly.
  442. Chika dabs the cloth down the sides of her neck and at the top of her collar before turning it over and laying it out across her forehead again.
  444. "Just let it sit there for a while and soak in all the heat. Are you hungry or anything?"
  446. Riko sighs, shaking her head.
  448. "Not really."
  450. "Even though you barely ate anything for breakfast? Be honest."
  452. "I am," she says more seriously. "I'm not lying to you, Chika-chan."
  454. Chika seems satisfied with her honesty now, if not her lack of appetite.
  456. "Okay. Then you should just rest for a while. I'm not going anywhere today so I was just gonna stay here and work on the music anyway. I'll take care of you at the same time!"
  458. "Are you sure? I can just go home. I'm sure my mother will-"
  460. "Nope! You're my responsibility today, Riko-chan!" Chika grabs her hands again and squeezes them. Riko quickly accepts the terms before she can heat up again.
  462. "A-All right. Just don't let me get in your way..."
  464. "Impossible!" Chika lets go of her hands and retreats to her desk, grabbing her music notebooks and pens. She sits beside the bed and leans back against it, sending a grin up at Riko. Riko smiles back, adjusting the cloth on her forehead.
  466. "Would you mind if I read something?"
  468. "Not at all! Go ahead! Just say the name and I'll get it for you!"
  470. So Riko timidly requests a book from the nearby shelf and Chika pops up to get it for her.
  472. "Thank you, Chika-chan."
  474. "No problem! I'm gonna put my ear buds in to listen to some music but if you need anything or you don't feel well then just tap my shoulder or something."
  476. "All right."
  478. So the two girls begin their solitary activities together.
  480. Riko scans the pages of the book slowly, able to feel for herself just how sluggishly her mind is working. But somehow she feels Chika's bubbling energy is having a positive effect on her, even in spite of the fever. She feels that if she'd gone home to recover alone she would've felt much worse than she's feeling now.
  482. Chika gets to work on her music, debating new lyrics and humming a little bit here and there as she goes. At one point she hears Riko coughing a bit again and retrieves the water bottle for her. Riko smiles weakly as she takes a sip.
  484. "At this rate... I won't be able to sing for a few days... I keep losing my breath..."
  486. "It's okay if you need to take a day off singing and workouts!" Chika declares. "What's most important is that you recover first! It's better to take a day off so you can get 100% better instead of pushing yourself and only being able to give 50%, right?"
  488. Riko had been about to get disheartened, but Chika's words lift her spirits higher.
  490. "You're right."
  492. She takes another sip of the water, only to remember Chika had drank from it earlier. She gulps and feels her face heating up yet again.
  494. "Riko-chan, you're looking pink again. Lemme re-wet the wash cloth." Chika stands, stretches, and takes the rag from her, then scurries to the bathroom and back in seconds. Once again she pads the cloth over Riko's forehead and cheeks for her.
  496. Chika sits down on the bed with her again and takes Riko's hand, then measures her pulse again. She can already tell the beat has slowed a little since last time, and by the time the minute is up she's a bit more satisfied by the results.
  498. "Thank goodness! Your heart rate is down to below 80 now! So just keep doing what you're doing, Riko-chan."
  500. "But... I'm not doing anything."
  502. "Exactly!"
  504. So Riko does as her friend advises and continues to relax, reading her book and drinking from her water bottle as Chika focuses on her lyrics. Riko can hear the music from her earbuds faintly and always smiles whenever Chika ends up humming or singing out loud.
  506. They both lose track of time for a while. At one point Chika goes downstairs to get some snacks and Riko actually finds the appetite to have some, to Chika's delight.
  508. But it's not long after their little lunch when Riko realizes she can't stay focused on her book any longer. Her eyelids keep drooping and nothing's making sense, so she closes it and puts it aside. Chika notices the movement and pulls her ear buds out.
  510. "Finished?"
  512. "Mm..."
  514. Chika puts her notebook down and turns her full attention on Riko.
  516. "Are you okay?"
  518. "Mm..."
  520. "Still hungry? Do you want some more water?"
  522. "That's all right."
  524. Chika doesn't know what to do with herself. She still wants to help but she isn't sure how. But that's when Riko surprises her and actually makes a request of her own for the first time.
  526. "Chika-chan?"
  528. "Yeah?"
  530. Riko pauses, fidgeting a little.
  532. "Are... Are you still busy with your lyrics?"
  534. "Hm? Not really. I've finished most of them so now I'm just listening to music and stuff. So don't worry about distracting me or anything like that! Whatever it is you need, just ask!"
  536. Riko pauses again, removing the cloth from her forehead and placing it on the bedside table.
  538. "Th-Then... do you think you could... sit with me...?"
  540. "Huh?"
  542. To clarify, Riko slides herself over on the bed to make room.
  544. "I'm so tired... but I think I'll fall asleep more easily if... well... I-I mean- ahh..." Now that she's saying it she realizes just how embarrassing it is, and she wants to take it all back. "O-On second thought, never mind! You don't have to-"
  546. "Of course I'll sit with you!" Chika literally jumps at the chance to fulfill Riko's request and at the chance to be next to her in general. She climbs into bed beside her right away, before Riko can protest.
  548. "Ch-Chika-chan-"
  550. "I get it! I think I fell asleep a lot quicker last night because you were next to me, Riko-chan! It's so much cozier with you!" A faint blush creeps across Chika's face this time, but Riko's is twice as bright.
  552. "Eh... I-I-"
  554. "If you're tired then you should rest! Here, lie down." Chika helps adjust the pillows and lies them flat on the bed, then coaxes Riko down as well. "You should lie on your back so you can breathe more easily. Want me to turn off the lights?"
  556. "Th-That's okay..." Riko can feel her pulse picking up again and bites her lip. /This was a bad idea.../
  558. "I think I'm gonna take a nap too," Chika says. "It's just that time of the afternoon, y'know?" She stretches out a bit and then sinks down next to her classmate. Riko yelps softly as Chika suddenly presses their foreheads together again. "Hmm, I don't think you feel as warm anymore, so hopefully your fever's gone down! I'm glad!"
  560. Riko lets out a sigh of relief and closes her eyes, thinking that now they'll both try to nap.
  562. But Chika shifts her position and slides a bit lower. Riko feels arms wrapping around her sides and stomach and she freezes.
  564. "Ch-Chika-chan?"
  566. "This morning we were like this," she says. She hugs Riko's back and presses herself to her collar. "I could already kinda tell your heart was really fast then. I just wanna make sure it's going back to normal."
  568. Riko feels like she might pass out due to the heat of her embarrassment, not her fever. She hugs Chika tightly and buries her face into the pillow as Chika snuggles close and presses an ear to her chest.
  570. Riko does her best to slow down her breathing and her heart, but she doesn't think it's working. It's a long moment of soft torment before she hears Chika giggle.
  572. "It's still kinda fast, Riko-chan~"
  574. "B-Because you keep teasing me..."
  576. "Aw, are you embarrassed? You're so cute, Riko-chan!"
  578. "Ch-Chika-chaaaaah-!" As soon as she feels Chika's fingers wiggling along her sides Riko shrieks. She tries to push herself away but it's no use.
  580. Chika had the element of surprise on her side, so now that she's made the initial attack, Riko is already severely weakened with laughter. Chika shows no mercy and begins tickling her all over.
  582. "Oooohh, so you're super ticklish, huh Riko-chan?"
  584. "Ch-Chikaaaaa-chan! D-Don't-!"
  586. "Sorry! Can't hear you!"
  588. Riko can only laugh and squeal after that, unable to form words for protest. She can't help but thrash her legs a little, trying desperately to pry Chika off.
  590. But Chika grew up with two older sisters, so she's a pro at tickle fighting.
  592. She continues her attack, grinning and giggling at the sounds of Riko's beautiful laughter. She'd been so meek and tired all day, so it's nice to see her with a bit of vigor and to hear her melodic voice again.
  594. But Chika only enjoys herself for a few moments, not wanting to overdue it. Riko's eyes are squeezed shut but there are still tears managing to wet her lashes as she lies there helplessly laughing.
  596. "Ch-Chika-chan... p-please..."
  598. "Hmm well, since you asked so nicely~" At last Chika relents. She stops tickling and moving her hands, but she doesn't relinquish her embrace on Riko entirely. She only loosens her hold a little bit to let her catch her breath, but Chika stays close, giggling mischievously as she snuggles up to her chest once again. "Oh wow, Riko-chan. Your heart's pounding even faster than before!"
  600. "Ch... Chika-chan...?"
  602. "Yeah?"
  604. "...Shut up." She tries to sound annoyed, but the lingering smile and blush on her face, along with the fact that she doesn't have a mean bone in her body, result in Chika laughing again.
  606. "Sorry, sorry!"
  608. Chika nestles herself close again and behaves herself for once, letting Riko get her breath back. She stays quiet and listens to the lively beating of her heart, the hefty pattern of her breath. It takes Riko a moment to recover, but when she does she gets right to scolding her.
  610. "Geez... Chika-chan, what was that for...?"
  612. "Sorry! I couldn't help myself! You were just being so cute, Riko-chan!" She hears Riko's breath hitch again, and when Chika tries to look up at her she finds Riko has hidden her face in the pillow. Chika grins. "See? This is what I'm talking about!"
  614. "B-Be quiet!"
  616. "Haha!"
  618. "Geez..." Riko gives one last long sigh that evens out her breath for good, and begrudgingly hugs Chika again. "Well... now I'm exhausted and I definitely need a nap."
  620. "Perfect! My plan was a success then."
  622. "So that was your plan?"
  624. "Well sort of! That and I just wanted to tickle you."
  626. "You are... such a weirdo." Riko is interrupted by a yawn and her eyelids begin to droop.
  628. Chika helps flatten out the blankets and adjust the pillows after they'd been messed up in all the movement and helps Riko lie herself out into a more comfortable position on her back. Riko's chest deflates once again as her eyes flutter, struggling to stay open as she turns her face to look at her friend.
  630. "I actually feel much better, now. It's only because of how well you took care of me today. Thank you, Chika-chan."
  632. "You don't have to-"
  634. "Let me finish!" Riko pouts a little, and Chika clams up while trying to swallow back another giggle. Riko gives her a half-stern, half-helpless look before continuing. "Not just for today... Thank you for last night as well. And the night before that. And really... thank you for everything else as well, Chika-chan. I don't think I've ever said it before, or if I did it wasn't enough times. I really mean it. Thank you."
  636. And for one of those rare instances, Chika actually listens attentively and drinks in every heartfelt word. So many emotions fill her up in that moment, and the only possible way she can express them all properly is by throw herself at Riko with another hug.
  638. "Riko-chan, I love you so much!"
  640. Riko is unmoving beneath her for a moment, taking in the words. She'd said them to Chika before as well, and she wonders if the meaning has changed at all since then...
  642. She shakes the thoughts away and moves her arms up to hug Chika in turn.
  644. "I love you too, Chika-chan."
  646. Riko can feel her heart backflip as she says it, and a little tremor runs through her.
  648. But in spite of how she might have meant it, Chika doesn't seem to interpret it oddly. She just giggles again and pushes herself up a little, gazing down at Riko with eyes that sparkle like the pink ocean at sunset.
  650. And for a split second Riko feels her heart stop. She doesn't know what she's expecting, what she thinks Chika might do in this moment, but she feels the need to close her eyes. So she does, concealing the color of the golden sun over that same pink ocean.
  652. A strange moment hangs between them now, one both of them are perplexed and delighted by.
  654. It is the kind of moment where both want something from themselves and from each other, but are unsure if those things coincide.
  656. The kind of moment where they're dying to ask, but can't find the strength to.
  658. The kind of moment where they want to take action, and yet do nothing at all.
  660. Riko nearly forgets how to breathe again, and she can feel her lips quivering.
  662. Chika's heart swells at the sight of her like this, more so than it usually does at the sight of her in any other situation. She leans forward until she can feel Riko's breath and the warmth of her body. She rests some of her weight over Riko's stomach very lightly, bracing most of it on her own elbows.
  664. In the end, her lips brush over Riko's forehead and linger for several heartbeats.
  666. Riko's breath hitches in the back of her throat.
  668. It... isn't quite what she'd been expecting.
  670. But it isn't something she didn't hope for either.
  672. Part of her feels rejected.
  674. But the other part feels so so happy.
  676. It's all over within a few seconds, before she can even begin to process everything. Chika eases away, voice unusually soft.
  678. "You still have a bit of a fever," she murmurs. "Get some rest, Riko-chan."
  680. Riko doesn't open her eyes. She can't, because she fears if she does she might start crying. For better or for worse, she doesn't know, and she isn't sure she wants to find out.
  682. For a split second she thinks Chika is going to leave her alone on the bed, and a beat of pain strikes her heart. But it fades quickly when she senses Chika lying down beside her again, draping an arm lightly across her stomach and cuddling up into her side.
  684. Riko spends several moments trying to remember how to breathe, trying to make sense of everything she's feeling – everything she's been feeling towards Chika for quite some time now. She can't even remember when it had started, and part of her thinks it might even have been from the very beginning.
  686. She isn't sure, but there's no use in thinking about it now. But she does dare to open one eye and turn slightly onto her side.
  688. Chika has closed her eyes and curled up against Riko's shoulder with one arm around her and the other holding onto her shirt. She seems to already be asleep with her cheeks slightly pink and her lips curved upward.
  690. As Riko turns herself she feels a tear slip down, and watches it land on Chika's hand.
  692. She doesn't know what it means.
  694. She doesn't know what to do.
  696. She wants to kiss her back.
  698. She wants to cry.
  700. But she knows what she doesn't want to do; she doesn't want to leave.
  702. And Chika hadn't left her either.
  704. So Riko curls her arm gently around Chika and inches closer to her, resting her chin above her head on the pillow. She bumps her lips softly against Chika's temple, mostly making contact with her hair so it's barely noticeable.
  706. At last she closes her eyes, overcome with so many things to think about that she ends up thinking about nothing at all.
  708. For the third time in a row now, sleep sweeps over Chika and Riko together, and they go side by side.
  710. -----------
  712. A/N: You didn't think I would pass up doing a version of my trademark 'sick fic' for these two, did you? I feel I had to pick on Riko a bit and have her get sick and be tormented by her own feelings, while Chika is a bit more oblivious.
  714. If you thought this chapter was stupidly, unnecessarily dramatic (for the sake of fluff), just you wait.
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