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Jan 30th, 2015
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  1. [Q] You are now logged in as Kindos7.
  2. [Q] Remember: NO-ONE from QuakeNet will ever ask for your password. NEVER send your password to ANYONE except
  3. --> cuuprum (webchat@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  4. <cuuprum> helooo~
  5. --> Hyginos ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  6. --> evn (~evn@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  7. <Hyginos> use-tdm-2406
  8. <Hyginos> avg mmr: 50
  9. <Predobear> how xD
  10. <cuuprum> lol
  11. --> PlayerABC124 ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  12. <-- PlayerABC124 ( has left #hawkenscrim
  13. <Hyginos> I think there are some issues with the system. Amid apparently had his mmr reset to 16 or something.
  14. <Predobear> over a minute, impressive
  15. <Hyginos> also, poor dave has 200 mmr now.
  16. <Predobear> he'll probably farm that back within a week
  17. <Hyginos> I suppose I should say: poor people who will now suffer dave's wrath on the way back up.
  18. <Predobear> reminds me of the first day of predobear
  19. <Predobear> I got called a cheater for locking on with hellfires
  20. <Hyginos> I've actually only ever been hackused twice. Only once on an alt.
  21. <Predobear> then you didn't try hard enough
  22. <Hyginos> I guess.
  23. <Hyginos> the one on the alt was just during the everyone-is-recruit thing to. it was kinda funny.
  24. <Predobear> recruits are suprisingly effective mechs
  25. <Hyginos> I remember exactly his wording to: "god knows who in in and auto aim CRT"
  26. <gabrielpato2> my mmr is now 98
  27. <gabrielpato2> and im back to level 10 :/
  28. <Hyginos> seems to be going around.
  29. <gabrielpato2> i also lost my multikeys count
  30. <Hyginos> I'm afraid to log in now in fear that I'll get reset :(
  31. <gabrielpato2> multikills*
  32. <gabrielpato2> lol
  33. <gabrielpato2> seems that players that logged in about 12 hours ago lost their level
  34. <Predobear> as long as the items don't get reset
  35. <Hyginos> I'll have to check with a few alts to see if it's back in working order.
  36. <Predobear> good idea, time to summon herbert
  37. <gabrielpato2> I'm still using the lvl30 internals that were on my mechs, but if i remove it, i can't put it back..
  38. <Hyginos> oh hey, now is the time to get on that lowest-mmr-possible acct.
  39. <Hyginos> gabrielpato2 did you at least retain all your MC and HC?
  40. <Kindos7> My PI mmr now looks real
  41. <gabrielpato2> yep, my mc/hc didn't change
  42. <Hyginos> I wonder wtf is going on with hawken.
  43. <Kindos7> It's the upcoming huge UPDATE!
  44. -*- Hyginos sobs
  45. <Kindos7> what's wrong Hyginos don't you like updates?
  46. <Hyginos> Playest not mine heartstrings! I know thou art false!
  47. <Kindos7> you wat
  48. <Hyginos> Ignorant of the high arts are you? Typical Neronian pleebian.
  49. -*- shosca pokes
  50. <Kindos7> Ya mas malxen yemen arid ne ICE Beam, Shyginos.
  51. <-- evn (~evn@ has quit (EOF from client)
  52. --> fragnarok1968 ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  53. --> evn (~evn@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  54. <shosca> TIL the brain consumes double the oxygen while processing vision in the dark
  55. <Predobear> sounds like a load of horseshit
  56. <Hyginos> horseshit is silent.
  57. <shosca>
  58. <Laila> Title: BrosenkranzKeef comments on Does the human eye have a quantifiable image resolution? (at
  59. <Predobear> so is oxygen consumption by the brain
  60. --> kenchoy (webchat@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  61. <-- kenchoy (webchat@ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  62. --> Coolgastj (webchat@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  63. --> Duplexstargate ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  64. <Saturnine> I'm going to want more evidence on that than some duder on reddit said so
  65. <Duplexstargate> hi guys
  66. <Saturnine> Hello
  67. <Saturnine> Also, I live at over 5000 feet. I don't start losing consciousness walking around my house at night
  68. <Coolgastj> Hey S9 what's this about?
  69. <Hyginos> is your path pitch black?
  70. <Saturnine> Night hiking to 9000 feet produced a similar result: I remained conscious
  71. <Saturnine> Shosca linked this:
  72. <Laila> Title: BrosenkranzKeef comments on Does the human eye have a quantifiable image resolution? (at
  73. <Saturnine> I generally keep all my lights off in my house even while wandering around for stuff. My spatial awareness is usually good enough
  74. <Hyginos> "a person can experience symptoms of hypoxia" != you will pass out.
  75. <Coolgastj> I don't use more oxigen when I look at night
  76. <Saturnine> I also don't start seeing lights dancing in my vision. :P
  77. --> demoniardo ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  78. <Coolgastj> oxygen*
  79. <Coolgastj> Me neither
  80. <Kindos7> Let's do a scientifical research.
  81. <Kindos7> Coolgastj, hold your breath.
  82. <-- demoniardo ( has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  83. <Coolgastj> Alright
  84. <Kindos7> Tell me when you die.
  85. --> StarCrush ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  86. <Hyginos> brilliant.
  87. <StarCrush> any German GM's ?
  88. <Coolgastj> That's gonna be difficult
  89. <shosca> Saturnine: what you say is anectodal evidence and i reject it :)
  90. <Saturnine> Oh noooo
  91. <StarCrush> or any GM's?
  92. <Kindos7> Don't question the research.
  93. <Kindos7> FOR SCIENCE!
  94. <Coolgastj> Kindos you're no scientist
  95. <Coolgastj> You're a murderer
  96. <Hyginos> shosca: you are anecdotal and I reject you.
  97. <Kindos7> That's irrelevant for this study.
  98. <shosca> Hyginos: nobody asked your opinoin
  99. <Saturnine> Let me go pet my myhypoxic dogs to assuage my poor scientific rigor and call an ambulance to the emts who are all hallucinating from lack of oxygen in order to save my family who decided to do a jog around the neighborhood at night! D:
  100. <Coolgastj> Then you are irrelevant to this study too Kindos7
  101. <Saturnine> StarCrush: ReEvolve is german
  102. <Saturnine> but none of us are game masters
  103. <Saturnine> We are masters of the game though. ;D
  104. <Kindos7> You are irrelevant, that's why you are the subject of the experiment.
  105. <Saturnine> Unfortunately I don't think ReEvolve is on right now. :(
  106. <StarCrush> i cant play the game
  107. <Saturnine> Can't log in?
  108. <StarCrush> yes
  109. <Saturnine> Do you have a new account, or are have you played longer?
  110. <StarCrush> longer
  111. <StarCrush> but long time paused
  112. <StarCrush> sry bad english
  113. <Coolgastj> Kindos7 if you are irrelevant then so are your statements
  114. <Saturnine> beep Ashfire908
  115. <StarCrush> Ashfire is AFK
  116. <Duplexstargate> Does anyone know how long it takes to received the e-mail for the activation? Since two days I try...
  117. <Saturnine> StarCrush: Try and make sure you type in your email address with the correct capitalization
  118. <StarCrush> i tryed all
  119. <Saturnine> Duplexstargate: The email system is broken; but you don't need an email to play on your account.
  120. <StarCrush> can i use Alias too?
  121. <Saturnine> I know a lot of people have had trouble logging in because they were logging in with an email that was using a different capitalization than how they signed up
  122. <Duplexstargate> thanks Saturnine :)
  123. <Saturnine> This shouldn't normally be the case, but lately something broke and it's reading emails while sensitive to capitalization
  124. <Saturnine> Duplexstargate: No problem
  125. <shosca>
  126. <Laila> Title: YOU LIVE IN THE PAST - YouTube (at
  127. <Saturnine> Coolgastj: You're belgian, shouldn't you speak english, danish, french, and german natively?! D:<
  128. <StarCrush> Saturnine can you german?
  129. <Saturnine> No. :(
  130. <StarCrush> damn
  131. <Saturnine> I can speak chinese though
  132. <Kindos7> do you even german
  133. <Duplexstargate> @starCrush, du kannst mir mir deutsch sprechen :)
  134. <StarCrush> ah
  135. <Saturnine> 不过,不会说德语。
  136. <Hyginos> bro do you even special character?
  137. <StarCrush> kansnt du mir das übersetzten? xD
  138. <Coolgastj> Saturnine Flemish (NOT Dutch), english and french natively
  139. <Saturnine> Woops, I apologize
  140. <Coolgastj> German and spanish secondary
  141. <Saturnine> Oh spanish, too? Fancy
  142. <Coolgastj> And well Danish I don't speeak at all
  143. <Saturnine> That was TERRIBLE comma placement and I apologize for that.
  144. <Coolgastj> Flemish and Dutch are like American and English it's terrible
  145. <Saturnine> haha
  146. <Kindos7> ban Saturnine pls, reason: comma
  147. <Hyginos> !blame
  148. <Laila> <Saturnine> Yes, I deserve the blame.
  149. <Coolgastj> If someone tells you Saturnine: hey you sound british
  150. <Saturnine> Isn't frissian right in between danish and english?
  151. <Coolgastj> Then you say no i'm american
  152. <Coolgastj> The same here
  153. <Saturnine> huh
  154. <Coolgastj> If someone says: so you speak dutch?
  155. <Saturnine> A lot of people in China were convinced I was British.
  156. <Coolgastj> I say no it's flemish
  157. <Hyginos> !quotegrabs random
  158. <Laila> <RayChaos> oh,I cant quote myself
  159. <Coolgastj> So yeah a little background information: Belgium has 3 native languages being Flemish, French (Belgian French is also known as Walloon) and a little bit of German
  160. -*- shosca slaps Hyginos around a bit with a large trout
  161. -*- Kindos7 slaps shosca in the face
  162. <Coolgastj> And in general people here speak English reasonably well
  163. <shosca> why do you have to but in to everything Kindos7 ?
  164. <shosca> butt*
  165. <Kindos7> That was a warning slap
  166. --> Amid (~androirc@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  167. <shosca> noone cares Kindos7
  168. <Hyginos> hey amid, you want to party later so we can get your mmr back to a reasonable value?
  169. <Kindos7> I don't care if you don't care, shosca
  170. <Amid> Do you have a real MMR still?
  171. <Predobear> nah, Hyginos only has scrubmr
  172. <shosca> fake your mmr till you you make your mmr
  173. <Hyginos> I'm pretty sure.
  174. <Amid> No _I_ have a fake MMR. 326
  175. <Amid> Then we can't party :/
  176. <Hyginos> assuming i don't get wiped when I log in.
  177. <Predobear> also someone immediately knew who I was while using an alt I haven't used in a year
  178. <Predobear> based on my playstyle
  179. <Amid> Matchmaker shits itself and can't find games
  180. <Hyginos> I thought the party didn't care about mmr...
  181. <Predobear> it does
  182. <Predobear> I think
  183. <Amid> No, it averages or something
  184. <shosca> Amid: can you quick match in?
  185. <Hyginos> yeah, but if it averages 2100 and 300 you may be able to get in a match.
  186. <-- StarCrush ( has quit (Ping timeout)
  187. <Predobear> so you need a lot of high mmr to compensate for his low
  188. <Amid> No, at school
  189. <Amid> No see thats the thing
  190. <Amid> We tried with Merl last night
  191. <Hyginos> oh damn.
  192. <Amid> Hawken straight up said, no valid matches available.
  193. <Hyginos> the good news is lots of other players got wiped.
  194. <Amid> Yeah
  195. <Amid> Like Dave >_<
  196. <Hyginos> lol
  197. <Predobear> the ultra low mmr elite
  198. <Hyginos> that's gonna be a long climb from 200 to 2800.
  199. <Amid> Ehn
  200. <Amid> I was gaining up to 80 a game
  201. <shosca> probably will take a week or two
  202. <Kindos7> mmr may never be the same now
  203. <Amid> So less than you'd think
  204. <Amid> What surprised the hell out of me was how no one down here was angry about me stomping them
  205. <Predobear> wat
  206. <Hyginos> It's a shame the fightclubs and private servers are down.
  207. <Amid> They were all "I'll never get better unless I play better people"
  208. <Predobear> so no more CA playground? :'(
  209. <Coolgastj> Wait are the MMRs wiped or what are you guys talking about?
  210. <Amid> I need conscripted like 20 people into the B-Team
  211. <Amid> Coolgastj, for some people yeah
  212. <Hyginos> I saw smash got wiped as well.
  213. <Amid> Check my herokuapp, or Dave's
  214. <Kindos7> that's fake fake mmr
  215. <Kindos7> for real fake mmr, check mine
  216. <Amid> Yeah, he's gonna be pissed
  217. <Amid> No Kindos7
  218. <Kindos7> Yes
  219. <Amid> Yours is EXPERTLY CRAFTED
  220. <Amid> Not fake
  224. <Kindos7> I JUST DID
  226. <Amid> SO THERE
  227. <Kindos7> go date a lion
  228. <Amid> Fun fact, if TAW Hawken goes under im making a TS3 server and calling it Lion Dating Services
  229. -*- Hyginos defines 'date a lion' as a slang term meaning to have a good life.
  230. <Hyginos> amid realz?
  231. <Amid> Unless Whitedragon can actually get his hosting issues sorted
  232. <Coolgastj> Amid how did that MMR reset happen?
  233. <Hyginos> cuz vR no longer has a hawken channel and TANG has unofficially withdrawn as well.
  234. <shosca> setup a free tier aws mumble server, its pretty easy
  235. <Amid> Fuck Mumble
  236. <shosca> or use ts3 but you'll need licenses
  237. <Amid> Augh, really? Hell, was going to use vR in the interim
  238. <shosca> y the mumble h8?
  239. <Amid> Nah I'd just rent a 25 man server
  240. <Hyginos> If you go hang around there I'm sure no one will mind.
  241. <Amid> Like $15 a month
  242. <Amid> Im sure its better now, but i tried it when it was in early development and it was terrible
  243. <Amid> And after months of shit getting worse, i said screw it
  244. <Hyginos> mumble? I've never had issues with it.
  245. <Amid> Like I said, probably better now, but you're going to have to pry my hate from my cold, dead hands
  246. <Hyginos> just watch me.
  247. <shosca> heh
  248. <Laila> Title: Free Mumble Server Hosting — (at
  249. <Hyginos> I had planned on setting up a mumble when I get the hardware for a toxikk server.
  250. <-- cuuprum (webchat@ has quit (Ping timeout)
  251. <Amid> Huh. Cool service
  252. <-- fragnarok1968 ( has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  253. <shosca> yea, prolly using aws too
  254. --> fragnarok1968 ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  255. --> Poopslinger ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  256. --> cuuprum (webchat@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  257. <cuuprum> anyone disconnected from hawken?
  258. <Hyginos> I can't check right now unfortunately.
  259. <Amid> If you can't login, check that youre email is in all lowercase and just keep trying
  260. <cuuprum> i just connect
  261. <cuuprum> thanks all :)
  262. <Amid> It is vaguely satisfying that everyone seems to be suffering from problems ive had since steam
  263. --> gabrielpato2_ (webchat@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  264. <Amid> Np!
  265. <-- gabrielpato2 (webchat@ has quit (Ping timeout)
  266. <shosca> Hawken, the land of despair and hopelessness
  267. <Kindos7> *Herken
  268. <cuuprum> hoho but still fun
  269. <fragnarok1968> dispair as one day soon there will be no more hawken
  270. <Hyginos> Honestly the death of Hawken is less saddening to me than the thought that I will never know why it died.
  271. <Hyginos> I really just want to know what caused the devs to randomly go dark.
  272. <Amid> Ditto
  273. <Amid> No wait
  274. <Kindos7> Ditto killed hawken devs confirmed.
  275. <shosca> you guys seen this?
  276. <Laila> Title: Werewolf486 comments on Heavy Gear Assault announces it's first sponsored Tournament! (at
  277. <Amid> Still want Hawken
  278. <Amid> Yeah, was thinking of going there, but i don't want to spread myself too thin
  279. <Hyginos> He has no links or anything.
  280. <Hyginos> citation needed.
  281. <Hyginos> I do agree that that's probably the reason why everything is dark over there, but we can only speculate legal action, not confirm it.
  282. <Amid> Oh the comments? Yeah I stopped responding because he's a blind fanatic
  283. <fragnarok1968> I emailed a couple of the devs and got no response so I am assuming legal also
  284. <Amid> Yeah its a gag order
  285. <opicron_> has the nda been lifted already?
  286. <opicron_> trololol
  287. <Amid> Lol
  288. <Hyginos> I mean, it's obviously and NDA, but the mere fact that there is an NDA sparks my curiosity as to why there is an NDA.
  289. <Amid> Its not an NDA
  290. <shosca> yea
  291. <Amid> You can't make former employees sign an NDA
  292. <shosca> if its a lawsuit, its not an nda
  293. <Amid> its a gag order from the California legislature
  294. <Coolgastj> Then what is it? A lawsuit doesn't really sound a reason to stop development
  295. <Hyginos> uh yeah it does.
  296. <Amid> It does if its about ownership
  297. <Hyginos> lawsuits are expensive as well.
  298. <opicron_> but in that comment, only one line appeals to hawken no?
  299. <Hyginos> can't pay employees and laywers at the same time without deep pockets.
  300. <opicron_> the rest are all other games
  301. <Amid> Leading theory is that its an issue between publishers and devs
  302. <opicron_> *alinea
  303. <Amid> But no evidence
  304. <Coolgastj> I understand a lawsuit is expensive but how would you explain Meteor shutting down and ADH just having nothing to say
  305. <opicron_> okay too bad shit came between pasionate devs and releasing a good game
  306. <Hyginos> lawsuits come with gag orders.
  307. <opicron_> and SC, gsus they are aiming freaking high with their engine-- the pax details are just crazy
  308. <Amid> Not necessarily, but when talking about it may affect the outcome
  309. <Coolgastj> The one thing is: what makes that lawsuit so special that there needs to be gag orders
  310. <Hyginos> that's what I want to know.
  311. <opicron_> yea, the rumour mill will continue with or without gags
  312. <opicron_> gags are usually to prevent damage/influence.. but that is a long way off here
  313. <Amid> It could be over ownership and value: 1 party is trying to sell
  314. <Amid> Bad press tanks the price
  315. <Amid> No press due to a gag order is neither party's fault
  316. <Coolgastj> Wait that doesn't make sense amid
  317. <shosca> the incin ability:
  318. <Coolgastj> If business goes well, it sells quickly
  319. <Coolgastj> If business goes bad, it doesn't sell at all
  320. <opicron_> schosca, where can we buy that upgrade? :P
  321. <Coolgastj> Meaning that Hawken HAD to be doing poorly already before trying to sell it
  322. <Coolgastj> In other words, why did it start going poorly in the first place?
  323. <shosca> i thought they were in the red
  324. <opicron_> its a niche game, niche public likes it-- was always hard for hawken imo
  325. <Amid> None of that has anything to do with selling or a gag order?
  326. <Amid> Hawken is backed by venture capital - a sale was inevitable
  327. <Coolgastj> The only reason why selling wouldn't be going well is because the game was decreasing in popularity
  328. <opicron_> most venture capital leads to short term viability anyway
  329. <Coolgastj> In which case any profit they make would also decrease
  330. <Amid> What matters is how much it goes for and the direction the new company would be taking it
  331. <Coolgastj> Yes, but if Hawken didn't get sold because of the bad state of the game
  332. <opicron_> maybe gearbox can revive it, they´re doing a lot of classic revamps/mastering-- must have time in abundance
  333. <Coolgastj> Then how did it get there in the first place?
  334. <opicron_> in hindsight we can all have an opinion on that
  335. <Coolgastj> Cause Amid is saying, business was going bad because they couldn't get it sold, but things didn't get sold because business was bad
  336. <opicron_> in wonder how many copies they sold on steam
  337. <Coolgastj> Do you understand what I'm saying?
  338. <Amid> Thats not what im saying at all?
  339. <shosca> Coolgastj: the thing is they were never in the black since the beginning
  340. <Coolgastj> Alright Amid please elaborate
  341. <Coolgastj> I wanna know what you're trying to say
  342. <opicron_> i find it hard to fap to this discussion, but ill try anyway
  343. <Amid> My initial point was that you out a gag order in place because you don't want proceedings and bidding being influenced by devs talking positively or negatively
  344. <Hyginos> putting in the effort opicron_. good on you.
  345. <opicron_> Hyginos ^^
  346. -*- Kindos7 freezes opicron_ with the ICE Beam
  347. <Amid> Or if this is a civil case, confidentiality
  348. <opicron_> _sigh_
  349. <shosca> opicron_ has the fap order....
  350. -*- shosca runs
  351. <opicron_> dont i look like a fool, iced with my dick out
  352. <opicron_> what if mom comes in
  353. <Amid> #scandinavianporn
  354. <opicron_> unfreeze me now i tell you
  355. <Kindos7> you looking like a fool was previous to that
  356. <opicron_> sharp, with a touch of old hurt
  357. <opicron_> i like you
  358. -*- Hyginos unfreezes opicron_
  359. <Kindos7> Saying that to me with your penis out is creepy
  360. <Coolgastj> Alright so: lawsuit --> gag orders to avoid bad press --> company in red --> firing employees --> NDA?
  361. <opicron_> thanks ;)
  362. <Amid> There was never an NDA
  363. <Coolgastj> That's why there's an explenation mark
  364. <Coolgastj> I mean
  365. <shosca> law suit -> put hold on assets and gag
  366. <opicron_> and the gag order is a fact?
  367. <Coolgastj> Question mark
  368. <Hyginos> a gag order is highly probably based on available evidence.
  369. <Amid> The NDA was speculating that was disproved as soon as we heard previous employees couldn't talk either
  370. <opicron_> more like a default part of the suit
  371. <shosca>
  372. <Laila> Title: Gag order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
  373. <Amid> And technically no one was fired
  374. <Poopslinger> freedom of information
  375. <Coolgastj> So we assume the company did go in the red because of the lawsuit?
  376. <-- evn (~evn@ has quit (EOF from client)
  377. <Hyginos> with that in mind, its possible the forums may be down simply to prevent errant research by potential buyers.
  378. <shosca> Coolgastj: it was always in the RED
  379. <Ashfire908> Ndas can last after employment ends
  380. <Poopslinger> can't we do a freedom of information act request from the courts?
  381. <Coolgastj> shosca WHAT?
  382. <Hyginos> aint nobody got time for that.
  383. <Coolgastj> I thought they got millions
  384. <Ashfire908> Mine lasts for a couple years
  385. <shosca> in the red = not making monies
  386. <Poopslinger> i've seen it on tv
  387. <opicron_> nda can last way after employment end
  388. <Amid> But they can't be applied retroactively
  389. <opicron_> fair enough
  390. <Poopslinger> we can ask the NSA to give us records from their emeils
  391. <Coolgastj> I'm not an idiot shosca I know what in the red means, but how can a company just go in the red 2 years after they made millions?
  392. <Ashfire908> I don't see why they wouldn't have a general nda in place
  393. <opicron_> millions evaporate quickly tbh
  394. <shosca> that was inverstors money dude
  395. <Amid> FOI requests do not apply to active lawsuits, at least in Canada
  396. <Hyginos> they didn't make millions. they started with millions.
  397. <shosca> cash injection
  398. <opicron_> our company, turnover easily 5 million, net result below one million
  399. <opicron_> way .. below :(O
  400. <shosca> "In the United States, a court can order parties to a case not to comment on it but has no authority to stop unrelated reporters from reporting on a case."
  401. <Coolgastj> Yeah but they could'ce seen that coming, I mean that's what a business plan and financial plan is for
  402. <Amid> Yeah and blew a shitton of it on craps like T.V. and a card game and comics
  403. <Hyginos> I would imagine multi million dollar turn over is less common for dev teams of like a dozen people...
  404. <Coolgastj> And the game was still doing well and selling MC because before the updates ended the game was still in full swing
  405. <opicron_> Hyginos: and that
  406. <Amid> Hence another reason for a lawsuit
  407. <Amid> "Doing well"
  408. <Coolgastj> Well yeah meaning that they made money
  409. <shosca> but not enough
  410. <Amid> ^
  411. <shosca> they were not making any profit
  412. <Coolgastj> Cause there's no real reason to continue a business if you're not making profit in the first place
  413. <shosca> bleeding money
  414. <Coolgastj> That's why early acces and kick starter business models are stupid
  415. <Amid> False
  416. <opicron_> stupid.. goes a bit too far
  417. <shosca> star citizen disagrees with that
  418. <opicron_> risky is a better word i guess
  419. <opicron_> and even SC can fail miserablu
  420. <Coolgastj> They get the money first and then start developing, but if they don't continue to make enough money then Hawken happens
  421. <Amid> The vast majority of businesses do not make money in their early period
  422. <Coolgastj> Even though you can see it coming by a long shot
  423. <Coolgastj> The company can't stop developing the game even while having losses
  424. <Amid> The reason most fail is undercapitalizing
  425. <Amid> So they can't get through that early dry spell
  426. <Coolgastj> Because they promised the people to make a game with the money they made
  427. --> FomaDima ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  428. --> phoneslinger ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  429. <Amid> What happened in Hawken was a massive misapplication of capital
  430. <Amid> Imo
  431. <Coolgastj> Agreed
  432. <opicron_> didnt know about the side-shit they did tbh
  433. <shosca> what happened to hawken was mtr
  434. <Amid> Also, lets be clear: they didn't promise the people anything
  435. <Coolgastj> Meteor was made for Hawken wasn't it?
  436. <Coolgastj> That's why it was a bad idea
  437. <Amid> They promised the investors a syllable product
  438. <Coolgastj> It was no major publisher
  439. <shosca> mtr was supposed to compete with steam
  440. <opicron_> i thought that was nexon
  441. -*- Predobear holds back laughter
  442. <opicron_> with their perfect launcher
  443. <FomaDima> more than a week waiting when you repair the registration. letter does not come with a confirmation (email)
  444. <opicron_> bleh
  445. <Amid> You don't need a reg letter
  446. <Amid> Just play with the email you register ed with
  447. <Coolgastj> Amid, by having a game available for early acces you ask people for money for an unfinished game and therefor they promise the players a finished game
  448. <Coolgastj> That's just my opinion
  449. <Predobear> and "you repair the registration", none here works for Meteor or Adhesive
  450. <Coolgastj> And also many other factors have to be taken into consideration for a F2P title
  451. <phoneslinger> My new boss was placed at the computer next to me, cant be on irc anymore
  452. <Predobear> aww
  453. <opicron_> ouchies, get got a tap on you
  454. <opicron_> they got*
  455. <Amid> Yeah, but thats a misheld view of consumers
  456. <Predobear> opicron_ are you drunk?
  457. <opicron_> tired :(
  458. <Amid> Its good practice, don't get me wrong
  459. <Coolgastj> Amid shouldn't take the company take that misheld view into account?
  460. <opicron_> Predobear, stupid thing is, im really confident i spell and write correct.. and then i read the result.. dang
  461. <Amid> But there's no obligation to deliver to anyone they don't have a legal contracts with
  462. <FomaDima> Well, the game does not start until the confirmation mail (dont login)
  463. <Amid> Like i said, good practice
  464. <Hyginos> FomaDima: you do not need the email to login.
  465. <Hyginos> at least you shouldn't
  466. <Predobear> you just need to enter your email and password, then log in
  467. <Amid> Just use the email and password you submitted
  468. <Coolgastj> Pretty much a business model like that is a money grab from people who want a game made without obligation to any consumer Amid?
  469. <Amid> When you put it like that, it sounds negative
  470. <Amid> On the other hand, that is exactly how Valve for example, operates
  471. <-- FomaDima ( has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  472. <Coolgastj> I do feel negative about it
  473. <Coolgastj> Due to not enough restrictions
  474. <Amid> Don't get me wrong, a product should hit the market
  475. <Amid> Otherwise you don't make money
  476. <Amid> But there is absolutely no obligation to a consumer - its just a good idea
  477. <Coolgastj> I think they should at least do proper research to develop a reasonable financial model for the game and put that in front of steam
  478. <Coolgastj> Before Steam allows it on their store
  479. <Coolgastj> Otherwise, yeah I do feel like it's a money grab without obligations Amid and I do feel kinda negative about it
  480. <Amid> Ahahahahah yeah no, Steam does not give a shit about your financial model
  481. <Amid> They want your entry price and 30% of your profit
  482. <Coolgastj> But Steam does give a shit about their consumers
  483. <Amid> Thats it
  484. <opicron_> half assed indy games overflow steam
  485. <Coolgastj> And their consumers give about their money and thus are interested in the financial model
  486. <opicron_> they should play the damn games
  487. <Amid> Not really?
  488. <opicron_> i mean, steam should have standards for release
  489. <Amid> Most consumers just want a product
  490. <Coolgastj> I mean if I invest in an early acces title or take part in a kick starter
  491. <Coolgastj> I want proof it will become something
  492. <Coolgastj> Otherwise it's just lost money
  493. <phoneslinger> Hawken was free though
  494. <Amid> That's fair
  495. <Coolgastj> I'm talking about MC
  496. <Coolgastj> At this point
  497. <opicron_> well-- then public funding is not for you, but current state of many tripple a games are lacking too
  498. <opicron_> ah
  499. <Amid> And that's the thing about early access and kickstarter
  500. <phoneslinger> I put 20 in last may, after 300hrs playing
  501. <Amid> There is absolutely no guarantee
  502. <Amid> Period.
  503. <opicron_> nope, true
  504. <Coolgastj> And that's why I feel like business models like tese should change
  505. <Amid> It is inherent in the model
  506. <opicron_> thats the risk-- but i contributed to a dozen kickstarter games already
  507. <Coolgastj> They can exist and I'm fine with that
  508. <Amid> It sucks, but otherwise you dontbhave the model
  509. <opicron_> most of them have been delayed more than a year ;)
  510. <Coolgastj> But they need to make that part clear
  511. <Amid> It is
  513. <opicron_> thats not strange, the print is too damn small
  514. --> Deathtrip2k (webchat@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  515. <Amid> Its all over kickstarter
  516. <Coolgastj> Well that was it for my rant
  517. <Amid> And right there in every early access game
  518. <Amid> No one cares to read, they just like or dislike an idea
  519. <Amid> That's what you buy into in KS and Early Acces
  520. <Amid> Ideas.
  521. <Amid> That's it.
  522. <Deathtrip2k> Just decided to try this game out again, but is it dead? There have not been any update for a long time afaik, and the forums are down?
  523. <opicron_> forums are down?!
  524. <Deathtrip2k> "Community Not Available"
  525. <Amid> ! Happening
  526. <opicron_> yap, you are right ;)
  527. <Laila> The email services are offline since mid December. The customer support page is offline since late December. The websites of the developers and their publisher are offline since the beginning of this year. The forums are offline since mid December. The last game update was in June. There were no news from the devs since July/August.
  528. <Deathtrip2k> k
  529. <Amid> Game still runs, is still fun
  530. <Amid> Just... maybe don't spend money on it
  531. <Hyginos> ^
  532. <Hyginos> Not growing, but refusing to die in spite of itself.
  533. <opicron_> sounds like the part i use for thinking
  534. <Amid> Your dick? Yeah its frozen
  535. <opicron_> hyginos! your unfreeze ray is still in beta?
  536. -*- Kindos7 freezes Hyginos with the ICE Beam
  537. <opicron_> im beginning to think its a script
  538. <opicron_> kid ^^
  539. <Kindos7> Unlike you, I don't need scripts
  540. <Kindos7> Aimbot haxxer
  541. <opicron_> never, only swaxx
  542. <Kindos7> don't care how you call it, still hax
  543. <opicron_> low ping + 120fps is no hax
  544. <Kindos7> aimbot is
  545. <opicron_> just a small advantage
  546. <opicron_> yes, if one uses that
  547. <Hyginos> my unfreeze ray is in early access.
  548. <Kindos7> I've never seen you reloading either
  549. <opicron_> hhaha ^^
  550. <Kindos7> infinite ammo hax
  551. <phoneslinger> Is apacer reallu good in EU servers?
  552. <opicron_> actually after some other games, i tried to reload in hwk
  553. <Amid> Yup
  554. <Kindos7> just because you forgot you got the hax on
  555. <opicron_> wish i could show you the swax
  556. <gabrielpato2_>
  557. <Laila> Title: HAWKEN - Steam Charts (at
  558. <Kindos7> don't pretend opi, it has been recorded
  559. <opicron_> rly? i´d like to see that
  560. <phoneslinger> I thought he was hacking for a minute when he was sniping my scout with 200ping
  561. <Kindos7> forums are down sadly
  562. <opicron_> story of my life tbh
  563. <-- Amid (~androirc@ has left #hawkenscrim ())
  564. <shosca>
  565. <Laila> Title: Hawken Stats (at
  566. <opicron_> wow, small gain last 30 days
  567. <shosca> yea
  568. <shosca> gabrielpato2_: ^
  569. --> evn (~evn@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  570. <gabrielpato2_> shosca: wow, cool :)
  571. <-- Poopslinger ( has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  572. <Hyginos> population has stabilized for now.
  573. <-- evn (~evn@ has quit (Ping timeout)
  574. <phoneslinger> Hyginos, how do i do gooder in toxikk?
  575. <Hyginos> get the shotgun and click on people.
  576. <Saturnine> Click mans
  577. <Hyginos> the secondary fire on the BullCraft does roughly a bajillion damage up close.
  578. <Hyginos> if you have all the armor and health on the map it brings you down to 70hp.
  579. <Hyginos> I'm actually shit at toxikk tho.
  580. --> Devilbag (webchat@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  581. <Devilbag> I can't login in the game Meteor server is unreachebl
  582. <ReEvolve> Devilbag: people have been reporting login problems all day.
  583. <shosca> !happening
  584. <Laila> The email services are offline since mid December. The customer support page is offline since late December. The websites of the developers and their publisher are offline since the beginning of this year. The forums are offline since mid December. The last game update was in June. There were no news from the devs since July/August.
  585. <ReEvolve> either way make sure that your anti-virus program isn't blocking Hawken
  586. <Hyginos> It seems most get in after trying a few times.
  587. <ReEvolve> shosca, that isn't relevant to this question
  588. -*- ReEvolve sighs
  589. -*- Hyginos doges
  590. <Devilbag> :3
  591. <Ashfire908> Also check firewall
  592. <Devilbag> why this is happening :'(
  593. <Devilbag> All redy did
  594. <ReEvolve> shosca: pleas don't go around using that command at every possibility. try to think about wether it is relevant to the discussion or not. -,-
  595. <Devilbag> :3
  596. --> Rionquosue ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  597. <Hyginos> colon three
  598. <shosca> :7
  599. <ReEvolve> :8
  600. <Devilbag> :3
  601. <Hyginos> :9
  602. <shosca> :9
  603. <Devilbag> we cant play :(
  604. <shosca> :9003
  605. <Kindos7> WE HAVE A WINNER!
  606. <ReEvolve> 9003 is the magical number
  607. <Hyginos> devilbag, have you tried with a different account?
  608. <shosca> "its over nine thousandd"
  609. <Kindos7> It's MY magical number
  610. <ReEvolve> Devilbag: some people were able to login after trying it a bunch of times
  611. <Kindos7> search for your own
  612. <Hyginos> its roughly nine thousand!
  613. <ReEvolve> Kindos7: actually it's Defter's magical number
  614. <Kindos7> No it's not
  615. <ReEvolve> yup
  616. <Kindos7> look it up
  617. <shosca> HA! SUCKIT KINDOS!!11
  618. <ReEvolve> ^
  619. <Kindos7> IT'S NOT!
  620. <Rionquosue> So this login issue thingie isn't isolated?
  621. <ReEvolve> muahahahaha :D
  622. <ReEvolve> Rionquosue: people have been reporting login problems all day.
  623. <shosca> its been happening to some people
  624. <Kindos7> Why would I care what MeanEvolve and the drug dealer thinks
  625. <Rionquosue> Well I couldn't login yesterday but today I can login, but magically I'm a level 8
  626. <shosca> i'm a drug merchant
  627. <shosca> not a dealer
  628. <Kindos7> false
  629. <shosca> i don't deal
  630. <Hyginos> Rionquosue: what lvl were you before
  631. <shosca> i merch
  632. <Rionquosue> 30
  633. <Kindos7> no you deal
  634. <Hyginos> oh dear. people are still getting reset.
  635. <ReEvolve> Rionquosue: well, that's also happening to most/all players
  636. <shosca> ban Kindos7 pls, reason: peasantry
  637. <Rionquosue> It's weird because i still have everything unlocked
  638. <Hyginos> I had better leave my main untouched if I want to get to 2400...
  639. <Kindos7> ban shosca pls, no reason needed
  640. <Hyginos> ban Kindos7 pls. Reason: Kindos7.
  641. <Kindos7> Hyginos Hyginos pls, reason: Shyginos
  642. <-> Hyginos is now known as Ginoshy
  643. <Ginoshy> lol I ran into epicfriedpancakes again yesterday. Still obnoxious as ever.
  644. <Kindos7> so if I log in I get rebooted?
  645. <shosca> magicalpancakes?
  646. <Rionquosue> I guess that's what happens.
  647. <ReEvolve> Kindos7: it probably is not tied to logging in
  648. <ReEvolve> so your account might already be fucked
  649. <Rionquosue> It just reset me to the amount of global exp I had
  650. <Kindos7> how to checked without logging in?
  651. <Kindos7> must be a way
  652. <gabrielpato2_> try checking your lvl on
  653. <shosca> oh goodie, everyone start your smurfs
  654. <Saturnine> Re: I haven't logged in and my stuff is still normal
  655. <Kindos7> I'm still lvl 30
  656. <ReEvolve> well, maybe it doesn't affect everyone? no idea
  657. <ReEvolve> if you want to be 100% sure then use a smurf
  658. <Kindos7> I'll log in and if I get rebooted, I murder ReEvolve
  659. <Kindos7> deal?
  660. <ReEvolve> pff, idc about your account, scub
  661. <Kindos7> but I do
  662. <ReEvolve> but I don't
  663. <Kindos7> but you will
  664. <ReEvolve> but I won't
  665. <shosca> ban Kindos7 pls, reason: scrubery
  666. <Kindos7> yes you will if something bad happens
  667. <ReEvolve> shosca: ok
  668. <shosca> here comes the hammer of the ban kind
  669. <ReEvolve> Kindos7: if I could I would've deleted your account just now
  670. <Kindos7> if I could I would have deleted you from this universe
  671. <opicron_> i can already hear the thumping sound echoing in the room
  672. <ReEvolve> anyway, sure, log in, I hope your account gets fucked up :D
  673. <shosca> just now? i would've done it yesterday
  674. <wirehack7> i like cats
  675. <wirehack7> !
  676. <ReEvolve> cats...
  677. <Deaod> I like trains.
  678. <ReEvolve> ew
  679. <Deaod> *WROOOOOOOOOOM*
  680. <Kindos7> why you always so mean?
  681. <ReEvolve> Deaod: no, trains go CHU-CHU
  682. <opicron_> lol
  683. <Deaod> thats the old ones running on steam
  684. <Deaod> the ones running on origin are MUCH better.
  685. <opicron_> electrical ones go, bzzzzzzzz
  686. <ReEvolve> meh
  687. <Deaod> hm, sorry
  688. <Deaod> bad joke
  689. <Deaod> you should go by train more often, ReEvolve
  690. <opicron_> ohh too soon
  691. <ReEvolve> I don't like trains
  692. <Deaod> well
  693. <ReEvolve> driving a car is much better :/
  694. <Deaod> sucks to be you, i guess. Trains are AWESOME.
  695. <ReEvolve> pff
  696. <ReEvolve> yeah, being trapped with all of these random freaks of nature in a train car sure is awesome
  697. <Deaod> i can either spend 40 minutes sitting in my car, or i can sit for about the same time in busses and trains
  698. <-- Kindos7 ( has quit
  699. --> Icedos7 ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  700. * Topic for #hawkenscrim is "Welcome to #hawkenscrim | Rules: | May Update: | Forums are down"
  701. * Topic set by Ashfire908 on 2015-01-29 04:33:40 UTC
  702. *** Mode #hawkenscrim +v Icedos7 by Q
  703. [Q] Welcome to #hawkenscrim, the channel for Hawken players to hang out and chat | Channel rules: | Major news is in the topic above, make sure to check it from time to time | Want a little + next to your name? Consider registering and authing on QuakeNet: (Poke Ashfire908 after doing so)
  704. [Q] You are now logged in as Kindos7.
  705. [Q] Remember: NO-ONE from QuakeNet will ever ask for your password. NEVER send your password to ANYONE except
  706. *** Mode #hawkenscrim +tncC by
  707. * Channel #hawkenscrim created on 2012-12-27 23:58:50 UTC
  708. <-- phoneslinger ( has quit (Ping timeout)
  709. <-- Kindos7 ( has quit (Ping timeout)
  710. <-- Rionquosue ( has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  711. <Icedos7> My account didn't get destroyed
  712. <Icedos7> I'll let you live for now, ReEveil
  713. <opicron_> that is good
  714. <-> You are now known as Kindos7
  715. --> Amid ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  716. <Amid> Alright, I got my American Mountain Dew and Greasy-Ass Indian Food
  717. <Amid> As soon as my belly is full, it will be time to begin the Genocide of the Fake MMR
  718. <-- Coolgastj (webchat@ has quit (Ping timeout)
  719. <-- Rajitha ( has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
  720. <Ginoshy> you should stream it for gits and shiggles.
  721. --> Rajitha ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  722. <Amid> i thought about that on the way home
  723. <Amid> But noobs will be casualties in this war of extermination, and showing their suffering would be rude and offensive
  724. <Ginoshy> Every time you kill some one, state exactly why you were able to do so.
  725. <Ginoshy> it will be a learning tool.
  726. <opicron_> it might even be the last relic of the hwk age
  727. <Ginoshy> Although, this might mean that my lowest mmr possible acct is a feasible pursuit now.
  728. <Ginoshy> I had trouble getting it below 1300.
  729. <Amid> Yeah i'm at 326 right now
  730. <Ginoshy> that was quick
  731. --> crockrocket (~androirc@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  732. *** Mode #hawkenscrim +v crockrocket by Q
  733. <Saturnine> You can presently get alien isolation for 20 dollars on greenmangaming if you add the 20% off coupon
  734. --> encarregado (webchat@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  735. <-- encarregado (webchat@ has quit (Ping timeout)
  736. <-- Deathtrip2k (webchat@ has quit (Ping timeout)
  737. <Amid> alright
  738. <Amid> gonna try this streaming nonsense
  739. <ThirdEyE> has your mmr ever been this low?
  740. <Amid> no idea if it'll work
  741. <shosca> uh oh 500: Internal Error
  742. <Amid> ahahahaha
  743. <shosca> needs moar null check
  744. <Amid> so low you crashed the service
  745. <shosca> more like no such user exists
  746. <shosca> you don't exist anymore ThirdEyE
  747. <ThirdEyE> that hurts bro
  748. <Ashfire908> you have no stats
  749. <Ashfire908> like
  750. <Ashfire908> it's gone
  751. <ThirdEyE> lol
  752. <ThirdEyE> i beat hawken!
  753. <shosca> this is the ghost of ThirdEyE talkin'
  754. <ThirdEyE> only took 2 years
  755. <shosca> so what is the achievement for this?
  756. <shosca> did you get any bomus mc/hc?
  757. <ThirdEyE> rofl
  758. <ThirdEyE> back to level 1!
  759. <shosca> lol
  760. <ThirdEyE> although my mech stats still exist
  761. <Ashfire908> ThirdEyE, when was the last time you played
  762. <ThirdEyE> uhh
  763. <shosca> git gud scrub!! #getonmylevel
  764. <-- Amid ( has quit (EOF from client)
  765. <shosca> which is lvl30
  766. <ThirdEyE> maybe 10-12 days ago?
  767. --> Amid ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  768. <Ashfire908> Has anyone gotten reset twice?
  769. <ThirdEyE>
  770. <ThirdEyE> beautiful
  771. <Ginoshy> oh dear.
  772. <gabrielpato2_> omg
  773. <ThirdEyE> "beta"
  774. <shosca> hahah
  775. <Ashfire908> yay
  776. <Ashfire908> scrimbot didn't explode
  777. <shosca> herken backend has gome mad
  778. <Ginoshy> I wonder if they just reset everything and we don't know till we sync acct on log in.
  779. <Ashfire908> Shadeness, my app has better error handling than yours!
  780. <ThirdEyE> hopefully its just me
  781. <Kindos7> nope
  782. -*- Ashfire908 dances around Shadeness laughing
  783. <Kindos7> I synced before and didn't dissapear
  784. <Ginoshy> yeah but you're mmr is irrational anyway.
  785. <Kindos7> that's hardcoded only in the heroku app
  786. <ThirdEyE> omg turdeye got nuked too
  787. <Amid> yay its working
  788. <ThirdEyE> at least towl still exists ^_^
  789. <Ginoshy> amid as long as you're down there you should play turkey.
  790. <gabrielpato2_> i'm still alive. lvl 11 with a beautiful mmr
  791. <Amid> gonna play EOC Raider
  792. <-- crockrocket (~androirc@ has quit (Quit)
  793. --> crockrocket (~androirc@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  794. <shosca> yes! #EOCBattleTurkeyJrMasterRace
  795. <Ginoshy> ^
  796. --> evn (~evn@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  797. <-- fragnarok1968 ( has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  798. <Deaod>
  799. <Laila> Title: Thomas Bergersen - Creation of Earth (Sun) - YouTube (at
  800. <-- crockrocket (~androirc@ has quit (Ping timeout)
  801. --> crockrocket (~androirc@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  802. <ThirdEyE> Amid, try the KLA more
  803. <ThirdEyE> but nice play from what i saw
  804. <Deaod>
  805. <Laila> Title: Two Steps From Hell - El Dorado (SkyWorld) - YouTube (at
  806. <Amid> yeah i havent played Raider since TPG stopped, need to get back into it
  807. <Amid> ty anyways :P
  808. <Amid> average mmr: 137
  809. <Amid> range: 0-400
  810. <Ginoshy> lol
  811. <Ginoshy> EOC raider is really fun.
  812. <Ginoshy> huh. another hawken stream is up titled "the road to 3000 mmr"
  813. <ThirdEyE> yea i like eoc raider now and then
  814. <ThirdEyE> oh my
  815. <ThirdEyE> i cant use server browser
  816. <ThirdEyE> because of my level reset T_T
  817. <shosca> lol, git gud scrub
  818. <-- evn (~evn@ has quit (EOF from client)
  819. --> evn (~evn@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  820. <-- crockrocket (~androirc@ has quit (Ping timeout)
  821. <-- evn (~evn@ has quit (Ping timeout)
  822. <Amid> yeah sucks
  823. <Ashfire908> ThirdEyE, what mmr is you start back at?
  824. <ThirdEyE>
  825. <Laila> Title: Hawken: thirdeye (at
  826. <Ashfire908> Did you start back off at 1250?
  827. <ThirdEyE> looks like it
  828. <-- Amid ( has quit (Ping timeout)
  829. <ThirdEyE> played one game
  830. <Ashfire908> most seem to get thrown down to 0
  831. <-- Duplexstargate ( has quit (Ping timeout)
  832. <-- gabrielpato2_ (webchat@ has quit (Ping timeout)
  833. <ThirdEyE> scrimbot said not found before i played a match
  834. <Ashfire908> yeah you had no stats before
  835. <shosca> ThirdEyE: why do you love the tech so much? >.>
  836. <ThirdEyE> ;)
  837. --> Amid ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  838. <Amid> currently killing people with crushing damage
  839. <Ginoshy> you should do 360 noscopes next
  840. <Amid> challenge accepted by merl
  841. <cuuprum> how thrid eye still pilot lvl 1 but all mech reach max level?
  842. --> Coolgastj ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  843. <Ginoshy> he's just that bad.
  844. <Ashfire908> user stats reset
  845. <Ashfire908> but item stats didn't
  846. --> gabrielpato2 (webchat@ has joined #hawkenscrim
  847. <Coolgastj> Hey guys I suddenly disconnected, and I still wanted to save the conversation with Amid I had about the kick starter and early acces business model. Unfortunately I don't have a history option here, so would anyone be so kind so scroll up for a bit and copy paste that conversation in a PM?
  848. <cuuprum> where to get that item Ashfire908 ?
  849. <Ashfire908> what?
  850. <Ashfire908> @cuuprum
  851. <Amid> 360 no scopes inbound
  852. <cuuprum> Ashfire908: to get reset item :)
  853. <Ashfire908> You can't just reset your stats
  854. <Ashfire908> it's a bug
  855. <cuuprum> ooh i see
  856. <cuuprum> hehe
  857. <cuuprum> seems fun reset our stat and get leveling up
  858. <Amid> we have decided that 360 noscoping is too easy at this level
  859. <Ginoshy> well, then i guess you had better make it 720 no scope.
  860. <Ginoshy> or at least do it in the air.
  861. <ThirdEyE> thats the only way to 360 noscope
  862. <Amid> yeah, Merl's going for the air now
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