
Gideon Graham Spells and Talents

Jul 25th, 2017
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  3. Aura of Courage - Everyone within 30 feet of him (including himself) is instilled with a sense of strong courage, making anyone he chooses within range to be unable to be afraid. He must be conscious for anyone to gain this benefit.
  5. Aura of Protection - Everyone within 30 feet of him (including himself) are given a boost from the divine energy within him. They get an overwhelming feeling of confidence and can do things easier as they are guided through the magic radiating from him. He must be conscious for anyone to gain this benefit.
  7. Channel Divinity: once a day he can either
  8. Abjure Enemy - He shows his signet ring and whispers a short prayer. He points the ring at someone or something and it immediately is washed over with a feeling of fear. Though extremely brave people can avoid this of course. Demons and Undead on the other hand are completely enveloped in an unignorable fear of The Gideon. This talent only lasts about a minute.
  9. Vow of Enmity - He shows his signet ring and whispers a short prayer. He points the ring at someone or something and washes his body with divine energy. His strikes against the target for the next minute are more true and much harder to avoid since they are now guided by divine power.
  11. Cleansing Touch - Once a day, he can infuse a person he touches with divine energy, ending one magical effect on them.
  13. Divine Health - Because of the holy energy within his body, he is immune to disease.
  15. Divine Sense - he can detect the presences of celestials, undead, and demons within 60 feet of him as well as if an area around him has been tainted or blessed by such beings.
  17. Divine Smite - Every weapon strike is imbued with divine energy, being much more effective against undead and demons. He can control the flow of power in each strike, increasing and decreasing its power as needed.
  19. Lay on Hands - He has a limited pool of magical energy flowing through his body. He can touch a creature and heal any wounds they have, including curing any diseases or poisons affecting them. He must meditate each day to refill this pool of magic. He cannot heal the undead.
  21. SPELLS ---- For the sake of simplicity, all his auras are within 30 feet of him and he can only have them active while he's conscious
  23. Bane - He whispers a short prayer to causing people and creatures around him that he chooses, to be less effective in their abilities as a divine power works against them.
  25. Bless - He whispers a short prayer to protect those around him, boosting their fighting ability and their endurance for the next minute.
  27. Command - He speaks a single word command to a weak minded creature, forcing it to follow the command to the letter. Undead are unaffected as are those who can’t understand the language he speaks. He can’t command someone to do something that would be harmful to themselves.
  29. Compelled Duel - He speaks a divine word that forces the attention of a single person or creature of his choice, making it so that they are too focused on him to worry about anyone else around him.
  31. Cure Wounds - He touches a creature and gives them a minor boost to their health, healing small wounds such as cuts and scrapes.
  33. Detect Evil and Good - He can detect the presence of celestials, demons, elementals, and other creatures that are considered “good” or “evil” within 30 feet of him as well as if an area was tainted or blessed by one of those creatures.
  35. Detect Magic - He can detect the presence of magic and its source as long as it's within 30 feet of him, seeing a faint aura around its source.
  37. Detect Poison and Disease - He can detect the presence of poisons and diseases within 30 feet of him as well as what type of poison or disease it is.
  39. Divine Favor - He asks his god to fuel his weapons with even more radiant energy than before for a short duration.
  41. Heroism - Anyone he touches gains a boost to their courage, making it impossible for them to feel fear, as well as gaining a boost to their life force, refreshing them and making them feel better than before.
  43. Hunter’s Mark - He points his signet ring toward his target and a magical mark appears visible on the target for the next hour. He knows the general direction of the marked target and roughly how far it is away from him, but it doesn’t give him their exact location. Any time he hits that creature with an attack, the mark forcibly sears the targets flesh with divine energy.
  45. Protection from Evil and Good - He touches a person or creature who is willing to receive his blessing. They have an advantage when fighting celestials, demons, undead, and other spirit like beings. The person can’t be possessed, frightened, or charmed by them and the creatures attacks against the person under this effect are weaker than they normally would be.
  47. Purify Food and Drink - He can remove any poison or disease within a piece of food or container of drink.
  49. Searing Smite - He whispers a short prayer and his next successful attack lights the target on fire.
  51. Shield of Faith - A small but effective barrier pops up around him or another person he chooses within 60 feet of him, protecting them from most harm.
  53. Thunderous Smite - He whispers a short prayer and his next successful attack rings with thunderous energy within 300 feet of him, causing a shockwave of power to ring through the targets body.
  55. Wrathful Smite - He whispers a short prayer and his next successful attack rings with divine energy. The target begins to gain a sense of fear for him.
  57. Aid - He can choose about 3 people within 30 feet of him to bolster their health, giving them a sense of vigor and life. Healing some minor wounds in the process.
  59. Branding Smite - He whispers a short prayer and his next successful attack glows with divine light. The creature might suffer being blinded by the strike and if the attack lands, the creature is branded with a glowing mark even if they are invisible. The mark cannot be covered by normal means.
  61. Find Steed - He summons a celestial war horse gifted from his god that is 7 feet tall at the shoulder that he can telepathically speak with as long as they are within 1 mile of him. If the horse dies, he can resummon the same horse at its healthiest state. He can also dismiss the horse when needed.
  63. Hold Person - He forces a weak willed person to be restrained by a divine force. Any time they would be struck by a weapon other than their own, they have a chance to break free from its grasp though only for a moment.
  65. Lesser Restoration - He touches a willing creature, curing it of one effect. The effect can be paralyzed, blinded, deafened, or poisoned.
  67. Locate Object - He can detect the location of an item he is familiar with or a type of item he is looking for as long as it within 1,000 feet of him.
  69. Magic Weapon - He touches a non-magical weapon, filling it with divine energy. The weapon is then considered magical for the sake of overcoming resistances.
  71. Misty Step - He takes a step into a single direction and becomes enveloped in a magical fog. He then reappears roughly 30 feet from his original position in that same magical fog.
  73. Protection from Poison - He cures one poison affecting a person or creature while giving them a resistance to any lingering poisons.
  75. Zone of Truth - All people within 30 feet of him cannot willingly tell a lie, they know that this magic is affecting them and can instead refuse to speak as to not lie.
  77. Aura of Vitality - He surrounds himself with an aura of feel good energy. He can choose any individual within 30 feet of him, healing a few of their wounds.
  79. Blinding Smite - He whispers a short prayer and his next successful attack rings with divine energy. The creature becomes blinded for a short while.
  81. Create Food and Water - He can create enough food and water to suffice a small meal.
  83. Crusader’s Mantle - He blesses the weapons of everyone he chooses within 30 feet of him, making their strike ring with radiant energy and causing them to deal more damage to the target.
  85. Daylight - He creates a ball of magical light that radiates bright light out to 60 feet from the point he chooses. If the point is on an object, it travels with the object. You can cover the light with something as simple as a bowl and it would contain it. This light pierces through magical darkness and shadows.
  87. Dispel Magic - He can end one magical effect or disrupt one spell within 30 feet of him.
  89. Elemental Weapon - He can choose either fire, ice, lightning, thunder, acid, or poison and touches a non-magical weapon. That weapon deals damage of that type when striking a target.
  91. Haste - He magically enhances the speed in which he can move and attack to 4 times its normal speed. The target gains this ability for the next 10 minutes but collapses from exhaustion after the spell ends.
  93. Magic Circle - He whispers a short prayer and inscribes a magical glyph on the ground within 30 feet of him, the glyph encompasses an area of a 20 foot diameter and 20 foot tall cylinder. He can choose any number of types of creatures as long as they are either celestial, demon, undead, or spiritual. Those creatures cannot pass the barrier and have difficulty teleporting into the area. Those creatures also have a hard time hitting something within its barrier as its attacks and movements to make attacks are magically pushed against by the barrier and its contents. Creatures and people inside the barrier also can’t be charmed, frightened, or possessed by the types of creatures chosen. He can also do the reverse and attempt to lock those types of creatures inside its boundaries.
  95. Protection From Energy - For the next hour, a being he touches can brave the elements. Acid, Ice, Fire, Lightning, and Thunder don’t do nearly as much damage as they should against the target of this spell.
  97. Remove Curse - He removes a single curse affecting a person or object he touches.
  99. Aura of Life - All people he chooses within 30 feet of him are resistant to attacks made by demons and undead as well as any dark energy or shadow energy type attacks. Their life also cannot be stolen and a creature cannot die while in this aura though they can fall unconscious from taking too much damage.
  101. Aura of Purity - Each person or creature he chooses within 30 feet of him cannot be diseased. They also are able to resist the effects of being blinded, deafened, charmed, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, and stunned.
  103. Banishment - He calls on his god and the radiant energy inside of himself to banish a creature or being within 60 feet of him to another plane of existence for the next minute. If the creature is originally from another plane of existence such as heaven, hell, or another similar plane, then they are banished there until they find another way back.
  105. Dimension Door - He instantly teleports from his current position to another place within 500 feet of his original starting point. It can be a place that he can see, visualize, or describe by stating distance and direction. He brings everything he is carrying and can take one person he is touching along with everything they are carrying. If he were to arrive at a place that is already occupied by something, he gets ejected from that place to the nearest unoccupied space and takes severe damage as his body is forcibly flung from space. Anything else traveling with him would suffer the same fate.
  107. Death Ward - He touches a person or being that is willing to accept his blessing. The first time the target would die by something, it instead doesn’t but can still be knocked unconscious from the source.
  109. Locate Creature - He can detect the location of a living thing he is familiar with or a type of living thing he is looking for as long as it within 1,000 feet of him.
  111. Staggering Smite - He whispers a short prayer and his next successful weapon attack is swung with tremendous divine force, potentially disorienting and stunning his target.
  113. Banishing Smite - He calls on his god and fuels his next successful weapon attack with the power of the Banishment spell. This attack deals extra damage to the target as it forcefully pushes the target from this plane of existence.
  115. Circle of Power - Everyone he chooses within 30 feet of him is resistant to magical effects and a small barrier protects them from magic that might damage them.
  117. Destructive Wave - He strikes the ground, creating a burst of divine energy that ripples outward from him. Each person or creature within 30 feet of him is knocked down and takes severe damage from the shockwave. A creature can resist being knocked down but will still take damage from the blast as divine energy overloads their body.
  119. Dispel Evil and Good - Shimmering energy surrounds him and protects him from spirits, undead, demons, and celestials. These creatures have a hard time attacking him as the barrier magically repels their attacks and movements to make attacks against him. He can use the energy from this barrier on a person who is possessed or otherwise affected by one of those types of creatures, ending those conditions. He can also attempt to use the energy to affect the creature the similar way as the Banishment spell, sending them to their home plane of existence, or a harmless plane of existence for eternity. Using either of those two effects takes up all the energy of the spell and dismisses it afterwards.
  121. Hold Monster - He forces even a strong willed creature to be restrained by a divine force. Any time they would be struck by a weapon other than their own, they have a chance to break free from its grasp though only for a moment.
  123. Geas - He can command a semi weak minded being to follow his orders for 30 days, if they do something that directly goes against his wishes they suffer mental damage that could potentially kill them, but no more than once every day. If a being can’t understand him it doesn’t affect them. He can’t command them to do something that would lead to certain death. A Remove Curse spell can end this effect.
  125. Scrying - He pictures in his mind a creature, person, place, or thing. As long as they are on the same plane of existence as him, he creates an invisible orb of magic within their range that is hidden from magical detection. Someone who can see invisible objects can see the orb. He can then see and hear through the orb as if he were in its place. The orb travels with the creature, person, place, or thing and stays perpetually 10 feet away from the target.
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