

Jul 12th, 2015
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  1. # traning center, start date, course name, more info
  2. Sofia West Adult Trainings, 2014-12-31, English for beginners, 3-month English course
  3. Software Trainings Ltd., 2014-12-31, Avancée Français, French language: Level III
  4. Polyglot Language School, 2015-01-13, Spanish, Level II, Aprender Español
  5. Polyglot Language School, 2015-01-14, English for beginners, 3-month English course
  6. Software Trainings Ltd., 2015-01-18, HTML & CSS, NULL
  7. Sofia Learning, 2015-01-20, C# Programming, Intro C# corse for beginners
  8. Sofia Learning, 2015-01-24, Java Basics, Learn more at
  9. Varna Innovations & Learning, 2015-02-07, English for beginners, 3-month English course
  10. Plovdiv Trainings & Inspiration, 2015-02-19, Salsa: First Steps, NULL
  11. Software Trainings Ltd., 2015-02-19, Databases, Introductionary course in databases, SQL, MySQL, SQL Server and MongoDB
  12. Varna Innovations & Learning, 2015-02-20, C# Programming, Intro C# corse for beginners
  13. Software Trainings Ltd., 2015-02-21, Java Basics, Learn more at
  14. Plovdiv Trainings & Inspiration, 2015-02-22, English for beginners, 3-month English course
  15. Modern Dances Academy, 2015-02-25, Salsa: First Steps, NULL
  16. Sofia Learning, 2015-02-26, English for beginners, 3-month English course
  17. Plovdiv Trainings & Inspiration, 2015-03-01, C# Programming, Intro C# corse for beginners
  18. Varna Innovations & Learning, 2015-03-12, HTML & CSS, NULL
  19. Sofia West Adult Trainings, 2015-03-16, HTML & CSS, NULL
  20. Sofia Learning, 2015-03-23, Avancée Français, French language: Level III
  21. Plovdiv Trainings & Inspiration, 2015-03-25, Avancée Français, French language: Level III
  22. Plovdiv Trainings & Inspiration, 2015-04-10, HTML & CSS, NULL
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