

Apr 27th, 2016
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  1. Ok, I'm sorry. I can't hold it in anymore. This must be said. I look at the state that this world is in and the state of politics and it's so depressing. Not that it hasn't been for a long time, but after so much stupidity and regression there's only so much that I can take. And yet it seems people are willing to have this continue if not try to make the world even worse. This leaves me questioning why? How in the world can anyone with a rational empathetic mind vote for Hillary Clinton or think that she is the best option that the United States has for President. How can anyone look at her record, her lies, and her corporate sponsors and think she is going to be the one to bring progress to America. What giant leaps of logic are people doing to make such an absurd idea seem possible? Yes, she's better than Trump, Cruz, or any of the Republican idiots that are running but that's not an accomplishment. I'd trust a dog over any of those idiots because at least a dog would do nothing. Being better than any of the Republican candidates is not a badge of honor, it's a statement that could go to almost any random object that exists. For what reason is there to vote Hillary? Do people really want the US to continue to hurt those that are currently hurting?
  3. I can't take it anymore. I see so much hate for Trump supporters and while I understand it... At this point I hate Hillary supporters much more. They may not have the racism and sexism of the Trump supporters, but they're doing much more harm. They're pushing for the continuation of corrupt businesses running the government, for wars in the Middle East to further a plan of killing, and for standards of living to decrease just like they have for the past three decades. They turn a blind eye to the corruption that is happening in this nation. They will accept anything she says even though her donors and her previous statements contradict the same issues she tries to support now. She is a liar and untrustworthy and by ignoring that these supporters push through someone who very likely does not have our best interests at heart. Someone that can easily turn her back on these important issues and fall into line with the beliefs that her various donors hold. At this stage Trump supporters are only fighting against other racist, sexist candidates who are as detrimental to society as he is. Once the primaries are over, then we can see them as the enemies to progress that they are. But if we had a majority calling out for progressive ideals, that wouldn't matter. And in the end, it's not the opposite side of the spectrum that's stopping it. It's Democrats that believe in these issues, but are selling themselves out to Hillary Clinton that are stopping it.
  5. Take a look in the mirror and look at yourself. Can you live with yourself if you know that you're the reason that people continue to live in poverty? That you are why corporations still rule the government? That you are why the US continues to fight in more and more wars, leaving an endless path towards bloodshed? Can you live with yourself knowing that you are supporting this death and misery? I don't think I'd be able to. And so I don't think I'd be able to support Hillary Clinton. And I can't understand why anyone would be able to.
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