

Oct 29th, 2015
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  1. We see more live promos before the rumble match.
  3. Goldust and Okada:
  4. "Tonight, despite my shameful attempt at retaining my master's title of excellence, I will do everything in my meager power to assist the great Okada in his quest to become winner of the Royal Rumble and WWF World Champion." Goldust sounds completely defeated as he walks off.
  5. "And you better not blow it this time!" Okada yells.
  7. Chris Jericho:
  8. "I've learned the hard way over the past year there's a right way and a wrong way to do things. For some, like Shawn and the Power Trip, they gotta do things the wrong way or they'd never do anything. But when you're the hottest property in sports entertainment, when you are The Ayatollah of ROCK AND ROLLAH, when you are Chris Jericho, you don't take shortcuts! You go to the top right, not just because it's the right thing to do, but because you're that damn good and tonight at the rumble, I'm gonna prove that I am just that damn good."
  10. HHH:
  11. "Just imagine, an all Power-Trip Wrestlemania main event. This will make Hogan/Andre at Wrestlemania 3 look like, well, Hogan/Andre today if you get my drift. It almost brings a tear to my eye. Nobody's going to stop me. Not those pathetic Trailblazers, not that has-been glory hog Shawn Michaels or that Titanic crybaby he's hanging out with these days, certainly not Vince, and not even my fellow Power Trippers. Joanna baby, sorry. I'll make it up to you later, I swear!"
  13. Owen:
  14. "No matter who wins tonight's title match, when I win the Rumble, when I take out those other 29 entrants and stand tall, I'll have a lot on my hands. I know Bret inside and out, I've grown up by his side, and I've fought alongside and against him all across the globe. But he knows me just as well. And Austin? He seems to have a hot nut on loan from hell about proving he's better than me, and I'm more than willing to give him another shot."
  16. Titan:
  17. "Do I even need to say anything? I'm the biggest, I'm the baddest, I'm the meanest sumbitch in this whole thing. Sure, the rest will gang up on me. I expect it. I hope for it. Because even if this rumble wasn't every man for himself, even if this rumble were 29 on 1, I'D STILL WIN! BWAHAHAHA!"
  19. Skunkrocker:
  20. "It's been a pretty big year for me all things considered. I've gone from being a joke to an underdog. A lot of people would take offense at being called the underdog. Not me. I'm used to being overlooked. I'm used to being overshadowed. It's part of who I am. I revel in it. I thrive on it. And tonight, I got a shot. A real shot. I look forward to making the most of it."
  22. HBK:
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