
What Dreams May Come - MGNQ, nonCanon

Apr 24th, 2014
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  3. Original/ Part 1: Welcome to the Nightmare Barrier :
  5. Sweeping into the expensive apartment, the girl in purple glanced around, a small smile on her lips as she beheld the place. It looked like the owner was doing well for herself, with plenty of soft drapes and elegant furniture spread about the condo that took up the entire top floor of the building. Passing the kitchen, she snagged a bottle of champagne and a couple of long, fluted glasses before heading to the balcony where a long girl sat, looking out over the nighttime city.
  7. Slipping quietly through the sliding door, she gently set down her items and wrapped her arms around the girl with the long brown hair, leaning on the balcony looking sadly over the city. The brown-haired girl jolted at the sudden intrusion, then glanced to the side, shock and happiness clear on her face. Squirming around, she embraced the girl in purple, clutching her close, her head laying against her chest.
  9. They stood as if for eternity, alone in their own tender world, whispering phrases affection and love. Slowly, as if awakening from a dream, the two came together, their faces brushing at each other, cheeks dyed red. Seeking each other, their lips met gently, then suddenly all in a rush, hot, hungry, needful. Little sounds of joy filled the quiet air, hands roamed, and they fell to the sofa next to the balcony. Body's moving against one another, they pulled at clothing and nipped at skin, hips moving on their own.
  11. The champagne was left to warm gradually in the night air, forgotten.
  12. -=-=-
  14. Coming into the dark bedroom, the brown haired girl smiled, seeing her love sitting at the writing desk. Setting the tray of perfectly browned pancakes on the table, she sat, gesturing to eat. The purple clad girl stretched and stood, moving to eat her breakfast with enthusiasm. Picking up her fork, she spread the cake of golden butter around the stack, melting it deep with the fluffy layers, before reverently placing a bite on her tongue.
  16. Smiling in satisfaction, the girls began to eat, sharing stories of each other's day. One had been training new recruits on the finer points of combat, showing then tricks and skills that would help them stay alive. How to work as a group, to rely on your friends and team mates, but also how to fend for yourself. How planning ahead and focusing on your task always trumped raw emotion and effort.
  18. The other had just finished a new song, and was ready to hear what her fans thought. She had recently started her own label, releasing her latest record directly to the world online. It had sold well, almost too much so, and she was happy to have her passion back. She was writing songs of love and loss, of friendship and heartache, of life bittersweet and death warmly remembered.
  20. The sounds of laughter and joy echoed from the rooms of the Warmaster.
  21. -=-=-
  23. The incubator watched the camera screen impassively, eyes unblinking. He... was not sure entirely what was going on, to be honest. Ever since the trip from Siberia, where he had lost his Warmaster-in-Training to the madness of her own mind, the green haired one had been... playing. At what game, he couldn't fathom, but ever since the two had gotten back, she had worn the Warmaster hat, throwing orders around like it was hers by right.
  25. She had even been visiting the songstress, of all people, pushing her out of her shell.
  27. He wasn't fooled, of course. You don't, can't, deceive your own incubator; the silver chain they held on your soul did more then simply connect you to their employ. Still, he let her go, genuinely curious to see how long she'd keep the charade going. None of the others seemed to figure it out, yet, and so far her powers of illusion had yet to slip near any one's notice. Not even her personal guards, charged to protect her with their own lives if needed, had dared disobey her orders and peek inside her quarters.
  29. He wondered what they'd think, had they caught sight of the second girl who lived inside, ensnared in the deepest of dreams.
  31. The green haired one was proving to be a surprising good Warmaster, actually. Leading training sessions, pushing for cross-training skills, sending solo missions to discover information before slamming down the hammer of reinforcements when needed. She was cool headed and more then able to think through a problem, fully willing to lie, deceive, and sacrifice those under her command if the situation required. She even led the occasional mission herself, and while her raw combat skills were nothing compared to his last two Warmasters, her illusionary powers had seemed to increase a hundredfold with the simple golden knife she had brought home from Russia. All in all, an excellent find, more then a replacement for his previous choice.
  33. And if all he had to do was ignore that she wasn't at all who she pretended to be, so be it.
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