
Alternate Setting Idea

Jun 12th, 2016
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  1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. Project City Fantasy (it's only until I think of something better don't worry)
  3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. Setting:
  6. A story based in Toronto, in an alternate version of the modern world. In this version of the world, the supernatural very much exists, though it’s been hidden for quite some time. The story follows a young woman named Aubrey, who applies to work in a local coffee shop after her father threatens to throw her out of the house if she “keeps lazing around”. Here, she begins to suspect something’s not exactly right with the other workers, and before long she realizes that he might’ve stepped into the wrong sort of world.
  7. A side setting to Astitva, with the intention of giving me something different to work on, especially in situations where I can’t come up with anything for Astitva. This is intended to be like a slower, less action-y anime or something similar (though I can’t promise it’ll stay that way), versus Astitva being a very combat-heavy video game, in order to keep things interesting & work on something different.
  9. ~~~Character Summaries~~~
  10. Workers:
  11. Aubrey Burgundy – The protagonist, a regular human girl who takes a job at Signpost Coffee for the summer. A serious girl who just wants to focus on her work, and gets annoyed by the antics that go on around her, and especially so when she gets caught up in them.
  12. Jasper – A slime with the ability to shapeshift, normally taking the form of a young man. He loves to make believe & often tries many different facades, as he feels that he himself is too weak & boring the way he is.
  13. Lynne – A werebeaver who regularly chews on toothpicks, she lazes around the coffeeshop and just wants to build up money for a nice log cabin by the river. She often tries to save herself effort by getting the others to do her work, claiming she’s saving her energy for cutting down logs.
  14. Drust – An incubus who happens to be the current manager. He’s a regular womanizer & constantly puts sexual innuendo in his speech, though he’s always dressed in very warm clothes, as he says he’s too cold. He’s regularly chased by the women he bewitches and/or angers, as well as his sister Isolde
  16. Recurring Customers/Characters:
  17. Saxon Burgundy – A retired stay-at-home father, who watches over Aubrey. He’s the one who pushed her to go working over the summer, wanting to make sure she got her foot in the door before anything. He’s as serious as his daughter & a very down-to-earth and practical man.
  18. Sammi Burgundy – Aubrey’s mother, who works at an office somewhere in Toronto. Despite being the working member of the family, she’s more laid-back, though she & Aubrey rarely see each other. She sometimes comes into Signpost to get her morning coffee from Aubrey, who’s always embarrassed by her. She’s worried her daughter is trying to get through life far too quickly.
  19. Jason Burgundy – Aubrey’s younger brother, who loves to mess with his sister when he can. He doesn’t show up often as he’s normally with his friends, but sometimes he comes in to mess with Aubrey by ordering something ridiculous, or he’ll leave her things to deal with at home.
  20. Heironymus – The owner of Signpost Coffee, a big man with a big heart from the United States (he claims to come from Alaska). He’s jolly and extremely friendly, though he’s not really ever around due to various reasons, and instead entrusts Drust with watching over the business.
  21. Sibyl – A thunderbird with depression problems, she’s followed everywhere by a large raincloud. Often, her problems are easy to understand, but hard to fix.
  22. Hank – A wereraccoon hobo, who occasionally comes in to try to get free stuff, steal something from the poor workers, or is just a general asshole before being kicked out.
  23. Paul – A cryptozoologist, who never manages to catch the mythical creatures he’s after. For some reason, he never seems to notice anything wrong with the very coffee shop he goes to regularly.
  24. Momoko – A catgirl who came to Canada from Japan, and whom is very much in love with Canadian culture. She has a habit of ending her sentences with the phrase “Nyeh”.
  25. Isolde – A succubus, and the sister of Drust. She often comes in to pick fights with her brothers, or complain about her lack of success with other boys (sometimes due to Drust) to the others. She can suddenly have mood swings that make her quite flirty, and she’s somewhat feared by everyone who works at Signpost – Drust especially.
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