

Jul 1st, 2017
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  1. [9:00 PM] jp: yo
  2. [9:00 PM] jp: guess we need to grab meta after he's done with these bans
  3. [9:00 PM] Elusive: You MH?
  4. [9:00 PM] jp: yep
  5. [9:00 PM] Elusive: What's going on? And gentleman's rule or no?
  6. [9:01 PM] jp: nah no hl
  7. [9:01 PM] Elusive: Lol okay
  8. [9:01 PM] jp: 4 hero limit
  9. [9:01 PM] Elusive: >.>
  10. [9:02 PM] Elusive: 4 BM and 1 assassin meta
  11. [9:02 PM] Elusive: Teammates are taking a quick breather
  12. [9:02 PM] jp: kk
  13. [9:02 PM] jp: ye some of ours wandered afk cos we were rdy b4 ur match started
  14. [9:03 PM] Elusive: Oh okay haha
  15. [9:03 PM] Elusive: Give me a heads-up when they're back
  16. [9:03 PM] Elusive: They will probably summon us for a map ban in a bit
  17. [9:04 PM] jp: lets just do it now
  18. [9:04 PM] jp: looks like the others are done
  19. [9:12 PM] Elusive: Added you
  20. [9:12 PM] jp: kk
  21. [9:12 PM] jp: coming online now
  22. [9:16 PM] Elusive: Should be NA East
  23. [9:16 PM] Elusive: Lmk if it isnt
  24. [9:16 PM] jp: ya invite me
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