
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 25

Apr 26th, 2015
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. However, Twilight has been steadily making steps to develop a new system of language based on gestures and mannerisms. The creature she once discredited and then feared has become something of a special interest now that she understands a little more on what, or rather who, Anonymous is.
  4. Last Chapter: Twilight, Fluttershy and Spike manage to get Anonymous to return to the farm while Rainbow Dash goes off to hunt for Anon’s guardians. When the four reach the farm they are greeted by Pinkie and Applejack, and after the brief rundown Pinkie goes with them to the house while Applejack goes to help Rarity. Cue a hoard of treats being baked by Pinkie in order to cheer up Anon, none of which they eat. Eventually everyone comes in except Rainbow and has dinner while Twilight contemplates where to go from here.
  6. Posted in Thread 1051
  7. ===================================================================================================================
  9. >As dreams trickle through with but the slightest remembrance your busy mind causes you to stir.
  10. >Silence meets the absolute darkness of your waking eye, that hour where the denizens of night retire and the citizens of day have yet to wake.
  11. >Not a soul exists save for the select few refused sleep by burning passion, guilt, or duty.
  12. >Your own awakening thankfully due to the first for your subconscious has provided a clear solution.
  13. >You rise from the love seat as easily as ever knowing that the sleeping dragon would not wake for a hurricane.
  14. >Using your horn as a nightlight, soft velvet masks the room and your quick inspection finds that three figures tangled into one still take up the neighboring couch.
  15. >Alone at this early hour, you quietly exit the front door.
  17. >The midnight grass gently brushes your hooves as you walk to the barn, the cool touch laced with dew a refreshing contrast to the warm air.
  18. >Pushing open the large wooden door you march inside and unleash a radial thrum of magic which lights the lanterns in a wave.
  19. >The bluish tint of arcane fire casts a gateway of light against the darkness; your make-do study advertised for all.
  20. >Seeking no distractions, you close the door and the pillow of light shrinks to a sliver.
  22. >Barrels and crates full of yesterday’s labor fill much of the barn while bales of hay occupy the loft. Those muddy tools once dim from the caked dirt possess a brighter shade from the fresh mud, and where they were once organized in racks and shelves they now litter whatever spot the pony cared to carry them; which was often no farther than the door.
  23. >As packed as the place is there is one area in the back left exactly as you left it. Bare floors so heavily contrast the clutter as to create an obscure ring laced with superstition around Anonymous’ nest and your saddlebag filled with books.
  26. >With that same commanding zap you lift the bag as the imaginary soldiers clad in pink and yellow join your side.
  27. >You draw forth a scroll and quill; they draw their shields and spears.
  28. >Beautiful calligraphy blossoms from the finesse of your impulsive script into two T charts; a marriage of form and function.
  29. >And as you make the final slash the soldiers ascend.
  30. >Pinkie Pie.
  31. >Fluttershy.
  32. >Pros | Cons.
  34. >The beating of your heart bellows like a war drum. Although acutely aware of the constant thump, thump, thump the sensation is numbed by the devout attention upon Pinkie’s paper.
  35. >Pro: Lives near you.
  36. >A pause, and then a strikethrough.
  37. >Con: Lives near you.
  38. >Another pause, and then another strikethrough.
  39. >Pro: Lives near you…
  40. >Is it really a—
  41. No, no, no.
  42. >Crumpling up the paper, you instantly get a new one.
  43. Stop waffling, Twilight. Just put it in both.
  44. >And so you do, but a niggling sense inside refuses to let you go without adding a little something extra.
  45. >Pro: Lives near you++
  46. >Con: Lives near you
  48. >Next point.
  49. >Con: Lives with the Cake twins.
  50. >Anonymous living with two infants…that is a huge con.
  51. >But, Anonymous was gentle with the minks. Still, you cannot lower the severity of it.
  52. >You place a single minus sign at the end of the con and then continue.
  53. >Pro: Lots of ponies nearby.
  54. >Con: Lots of ponies nearby.
  55. >…
  56. >Catching a disturbing trend you look at Fluttershy’s paper already knowing what you are going to write.
  57. >Con: Lives away from you; Pro: Lives away from you.
  58. >Pro: Lives alone with the animals; Con: Lives alone with the animals.
  59. >Those are basically just mirrors of what you are putting down now, and you are constantly nullifying the factors already. At this rate you will come to a standstill.
  60. >Important as these factors are your goal of fostering Pony and Hominem relations on a wide scale is putting a personal stake in your process.
  61. >Let us remove your nasty habit of speculation and focus only on facts.
  64. >For the third time you start fresh.
  65. >Pinkie Pie.
  66. >She was the first to give food to Anonymous; disregarding your warning and going out of her way to drive you mad.
  67. >A fishing pole, really?
  68. >Of course it started innocently enough, as she would claim, with a spoon of cake batter. A juvenile treat to assure the stranger she saw as being lonely.
  69. >You snapped at her shortly after, which led to her employing Rainbow Dash to distract you.
  71. >Silly as Pinkie is, she has also shown an apparently lack of fear since day one. She could barely contain her excitement when rushing into your house after first seeing it, and has often approached Anonymous on her own accord.
  72. >In fact, with the way she hugged, pulled and brushed against Anon it was as if she already saw them as just another pony.
  73. >If there was ever anything new to try, no matter the potential danger, she jumped at the opportunity; even going as far as sharing a spoon.
  74. >Germs must not exist in Pinkie’s mind. It is a miracle she did not get sick.
  75. >Knowing her, she was more concerned over cheering up Anonymous than her own health. Whatever the means, food or pranks, she would see them smile again, and they did.
  77. >She has repeatedly brought Anonymous out of their shell. Just yesterday she saw Anon’s gloominess and did her best to cure it, though this latest stage is too severe to be so easily solved.
  78. >Despite that one example she has done wonders. Where communication was cumbersome at best she found a working method and pushed you to try harder. She even made a game of it.
  79. >Typical for her; sees a problem and has to go in a roundabout way of addressing it.
  80. >Still, that works a lot better than when she is blunt. I mean, she basically said that you, YOU, considered Anonymous dumb.
  83. >You are well aware how quickly Anon can learn, certainly more aware than her given the time you two have shared. You were giving Anon credit, whether she thought so or not, but while she is forever set on ‘Go’ you prefer to line your ducks in a row.
  84. >But that is a shining example of why she is one of the elites. She is willing to challenge you; upfront and subtly. Given why you need to give up control…
  86. >The quill held in your magical grip sinks and the beating drum fades as you allow yourself a brief moment.
  87. >A heavy weight in your chest urges to cast you down causing your eyes to become filled with despair.
  88. >The morale of your theories assaulting the breach wavers in tandem with yours, yet you turn your focus to the promises of tomorrow and toss the weight aside.
  89. Given why you need to give up control this is a good thing.
  91. >HOWEVER!
  92. >It has to be said Pinkie is not the most responsible. Giving cake batter to a new creature just because ponies like it is beyond reckless and her spastic behavior may lead to Anonymous developing misunderstandings in what is and is not acceptable.
  93. >While living at Sugar Cube Corner means plenty of sugary foods would be available Pinkie and restrictions don’t actually…
  94. >Let’s just say it, she would spoil her foal.
  95. >How she dotes on the Cake twins is evidence enough. If she was in charge there would only be loose rules at best. You being nearby becomes almost essential just so someone is there to rein her in.
  96. >By the same token she shows them unconditional love. Pinkie may be friends with everybody, but the Cake’s truly are a second family to her. She does not let something like blood get in her way, and maybe even species too.
  97. >Then again, like you said, Pinkie is friendly with everybody. You could simply be seeing what you want to, and Anonymous living in the same house as the twins is a serious consideration.
  98. >But, if you had to bet one way or the other you know where your bits would go.
  101. >Musing over the happy conclusion, you content yourself with the list and bring the paper of your second candidate to the top.
  102. >Fluttershy. The humble caretaker.
  103. >As far as you know she was the first pony to meet Anonymous, and she has been a beacon of sympathy ever since.
  104. >You were too lost in your own expectations to think of Anon’s perspective, but she was understanding and put you on the right track.
  105. >Sure there were setbacks, like the noninterference plan she suggested and you adopted, but given how little any of you knew she thought it best. If you happened to let her watch Anonymous with you she probably would have picked up on the mistake before you did.
  106. >And after the bandersnatch attack she already knew one of your errors.
  107. >She felt Anon’s pain- their fear, and adopted herself to be the relief Anonymous needed.
  108. >She calmed their tears, and yours, and then tended to the bodily wounds with a delicate yet strict resolve.
  109. >Courage often seems a funny word to apply to her, but when treating Anon she dared to lift the cloth hiding unknown defenses so she could help.
  111. >What a mind bender that was; to find nothing where your speculation had placed needles and fangs. It might even be said you were a little disappointed.
  112. >Fluttershy was taken by surprise as well, which triggered Anonymous.
  113. >Anonymous was none too pleased with being exposed like that, and you had to stop Fluttershy’s incessant struggle to treat the front, but Anonymous still let her tend to the back.
  114. >That alone likely puts her as the closest to Anon, and despite her trouble communicating via words or miming she has an almost magical insight.
  115. >While comforting Anonymous after the bandersnatch attack she conveyed their fear to you in order to apologize where they could not, and when Anon had their first fit in the barn during lunch she was the one who instinctively knew that they were upset at being unable to talk.
  118. >She has been quietly playing the intermediary before charades became a thing, and has used her role to guard Anon from negative thoughts.
  119. >And Anonymous trusts her. They are passive in her care; they fed her carrots from their palm, they hid behind her when upset with you.
  120. >Anonymous and Fluttershy have bonded on their own terms.
  122. >But, Fluttershy has her own faults.
  123. >Even with kids she is a pushover. As well as she could handle the troublesome trio, the crusaders were still a hoof-full for her and Anonymous does not give up easily when looking for treats.
  124. >Anonymous also needs company. Fluttershy is kind of a shut-in, or rather a hermit, who prefers to stay outside of town unless she needs something. The other animals could be enough, but that is an unknown.
  125. >This is the same reason the farm theory failed to survive. The Apple’s spend all day in the fields half of the year, and the closest neighbor is Fluttershy.
  126. >Plus, the Apples and Fluttershy live near the Everfree, something Anonymous has seemingly become very wary of.
  127. >And the six of you are often need to go on long journeys for the good of Equestria. Pinkie would have the Cakes to look over Anon, but who would Fluttershy have? Angel?
  128. >On top of everything, Fluttershy would definitely be the obsessive hovering type; watching every step Anonymous makes ready to overreact to the first boo-boo.
  130. >Because she cares that much.
  131. >She can learn to let go every once in a while, and her affection would be good for Anon.
  132. >Especially overcoming the…
  133. >Loss isn’t a good word. You aren’t looking for replacements.
  134. >But, in the case of such an eventuality…
  136. >Pushing yourself to sit straight, you turn your sight away from the papers.
  137. >Another heave and flash of grief besets your eyes with a mist.
  138. >This time there is no quick recovery, and you seek to avoid the paper as long as you can.
  141. >The objects in the barn take on a new interest; the fruit of labor filling what was two days ago empty.
  142. >It took steady work to achieve so much, the many crops hauled back and forth until they created a mountain.
  143. >And you, Twilight Sparkle, know that problems don’t magically solve themselves.
  144. >Diligence is the only remedy; a fact that once kept a certain filly up studying throughout the night.
  145. >With renewed purpose you readily return to your task; to address the most important factor.
  146. >The one who will be affected the most.
  147. >Anonymous.
  149. >Both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are ponies Anonymous is comfortable with and has shown a sense of intimacy.
  150. >The petting, the feeding, the security.
  151. >They have all been equally close; different as their perspectives may be. Where-as Pinkie waltzes right up to Anon, Fluttershy takes her time to the point Anonymous is sometimes the instigator, which is especially true with food.
  152. >The time Anonymous offered Fluttershy the carrots is one of the biggest displays of friendliness you have, though they have nearly always accepted food from Pinkie to the point she could be seen as the main provider.
  153. >And each has blanketed Anon.
  154. >In good times and bad those two have been there, and while Anonymous may not understand words it must recognize them as its defenders.
  156. >When Anon first arrived Pinkie tried to be the friend she suspected Anon needed; when the bandersnatch attacked Fluttershy flew to the rescue.
  157. >When you told the others of the event Fluttershy promised Anon that they were safe. When you became eager about finally finding a way to communicate and flared up Pinkie Pie pulled Anon close worried you would scare them.
  158. >When you presented Anonymous as a potential danger they both argued otherwise.
  159. >Anonymous would be happy with either of them, the long list of positive arguments with only a few shortcomings that you can help with makes that certain.
  162. >This does not exactly make finding an answer any easier, but there remains one final aspect.
  163. >The long term.
  165. >Much of Anonymous is still unknown: where it lives, what it does, how it will grow up.
  166. >And, if they are as young as you suspect, your decision will have a huge influence on them.
  167. >Living at Sugar Cube Corner would mean interacting with a lot of ponies on a daily basis.
  168. >Living on the outskirts of town would mean mostly being around other animals.
  169. >On the one hoof Anonymous will grow wild and free, able to develop as it would naturally. On the other they would become better integrated into society.
  170. >In either case you are ignoring how hominems may teach their young, but what if besides not finding Anonymous’ parents you never even find another hominem?
  171. >Do you leave Anonymous to fate, or do you change a behavior you can only guess at?
  172. >A real nature vs nurture situation.
  174. >From previous examples there can be a good case for both: from washing its hands to having an urge to wander, and the drawings are just as inconclusive given the sheer number of them.
  175. >The weight of the decision, of possibly affecting a single life forever, is near crippling.
  176. >But, this is a call you have to make. It is your duty.
  177. >Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  178. >And so you shall.
  180. >But not in the utilitarian way of Luna or the calculating way of Celestia or the emotional way of Cadence.
  181. >For you have your own methods honed by the fires of friendship and tested on the anvil time; a method that remembers how a little unicorn who used to worry about everything learned to focus on the important stuff.
  182. >Like being there for your friends even when they don’t want help; like never giving up hope no matter how bad it looks; like considering the feelings of a certain baby dragon.
  183. >Like a happy Anonymous.
  186. >Reaching into your bag you pull out a single golden bit.
  187. >Both of your friends are caring of Anon and likely to say yes.
  188. >Both of your friends would make a good substitute.
  189. >The only question is which do you ask first, and sometimes in order to get the answer you want you must leave it to fate.
  191. >With a ching, the coin flips wildly into the air.
  192. Heads.
  193. >Up, up, and up it goes fighting gravity the whole way.
  194. >At the pivotal point where gravity turns the battle a jolt of absolution springs to the front of your mind.
  195. >The coin begins its descent to the ground utterly beaten, but you pay it no mind as you leave for the door.
  196. >A ringing hit lands on your ears as it impacts against the floorboards, and a twirling clatter follows the frantic tumble prolonging the outcome.
  197. >You disconnect your magic from the fire, snuffing the lanterns then head for the house.
  198. >The coin settles completely alone in the dark.
  199. >You’ll ask Pinkie Pie.
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