
Spaghettie dance

Apr 5th, 2012
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  1. >be one of these cruel fluffy pony abusers
  2. >buy run-down fluffy pony adoption center that can't afford to pay for the fluffy ponies for low
  3. >inspect fluffy ponies
  4. >they are all in cages with little air and space
  5. >the ones lucky to be at the edge see you
  6. >they all start their yelping "pway" "new fwend" "dadda" and other babbling
  7. >you start releasing the fluffy ponies from their cages into the enclosed backyard
  8. >the freed fluffy ponies thank you by hugging
  9. >some of them soil your pants and shoes with their filth-caked fluff
  10. >pat them on the head
  11. >tell them that you'll bring them spaghetti
  12. >they are overjoyed
  13. >fluffy ponies are hugging your legs in mass
  14. >start making spaghetti
  15. >while the spaghetti is cooking, return to fluffy ponies
  16. >fluffy ponies ask "whew 'sketties?" "food?" "wan food. Whew iz food?"
  17. >tell them that spaghetti will only be finished if they dance like you
  18. >fluffy ponies love to dance
  19. >start playing music
  20. >you make random dancing moves
  21. >fluffy ponies are also shaking randomly
  22. >some stand on their backlegs and shake their bodies
  23. >many start defecating, urinating or vomiting when dancing
  24. >"eww, no smew pwetty" "why fwuffy make poopoo?" and other comments are heard
  25. >you tell them that they're doing it right, and the spaghetti will soon be finished thanks to their dancing
  27. >fluffy ponies are all overjoyed
  28. >you go back to kitchen
  29. >fluffy ponies try to follow you, but you closed the door
  30. >come back with the spaghetti, pouring it on the ground
  31. >fluffy ponies immediately run towards the pile of spaghetti, constantly yelling "'skettie, skettie, skettie"
  32. >they eat the spaghetti
  33. >fluffy ponies are extremely happy and say "fwuffie wuv dadda" "bwest fwend" "dadda make 'skettie dadda bwest fwend"
  34. >afterwards, they pee and poop everywhere like normal
  35. >it has become dark
  36. >tell them that they've played enough and have to go to sleep
  37. >fluffy ponies all obey, because you've shown them that you are very trustworthy
  38. >next morning arrives
  39. >fluffy ponies wake up
  40. >you tell the fluffy ponies to return to the backyard for playing, dancing and spaghetties
  41. >the fluffy ponies all run disorderly to the backyard, pushing and hugging each another
  42. >once all the fluffy ponies have entered the backyard, they start noticing that the ground is strange
  43. >"dadda dadda fwuffy en fwend no wike. leggies feel bad pwace"
  44. >you reassure them that this is nonsense
  45. >they were here yesterday and spaghetties after all
  46. >upon hearing the word spaghetty, the fluffy ponies forget their bad feeling
  47. >you tell them that they must dance to make the spaghetty finish faster
  48. >music starts again
  49. >you start making nonsensical dance moves again
  50. >the fluffy ponies do so too, some standing up on their backlegs again and wiggling
  52. >this goes on for a short while, until you suddenly yell "Stop!", while pushing the button to silence the music
  53. >most fluffy ponies start "dancing", but some others didn't hear or just continued dancing
  54. >you repeat again "Stop!"
  55. >now all the fluffy ponies stop and stare at you
  56. >you walk around, making a very displeased face
  57. >fluffy ponies start crying, as they think its their fault
  58. >some defecate and urinate, like fluffy ponies always do
  59. >you tell them that they are all dancing wrong
  60. >the fluffy ponies listen to you, but of course don't understand it at all
  61. >some are still concentrating on pooping and urinating
  62. >"when 'skettie finished?" "wan food whew iz food?" "no sowwy-stick" they all yelp
  63. >you tell them that because they're not dancing right, the spaghetty will never be finished
  64. >upon hearing spaghetties, they predictably start asking for it, again
  65. >you yell very loud that it's the fault of some fluffy ponies that there won't be any spaghetty
  66. >there is complete silence from the fluffy ponies
  67. >the ones who used all their willpower to poop stop doing so
  68. >you show at the fluffy ponies that did already soil themselves with feces
  69. >tell all the fluffy ponies that these are the bad fluffy ponies that are responsible for nopony getting any spaghetty at all
  70. >the ones you are pointing at are crying "fwuffie not know fwuffie sowwy pwease no sowwy-stick"
  71. >other fluffy ponies are all yelling at the 'guilty fluffy ponies' "you bad fwuffie" "no wike you" "no good fwend" "fwuffie no wanna give huggies to bad fwuffie" and other scoldings they can think of with their tiny brains
  73. >you watch this as it goes on
  74. >then you regain their attention all when you whistle loud
  75. >"fwuffie no wike lowd noise" "lowd noise scawwy" they all babble fearfully
  76. >tell the fluffy ponies that there is still a way for the spaghetty to be finished
  77. >they all listen attentively, which is quite a feat when dealing with fluffy ponies
  78. >explain that they must make special dancing moves
  79. >you show how you are crouching on all four, making sliding movements with your hands and feet
  80. >say that this is the secret spaghettie dance, and that the spaghettie will return if they all do that
  81. >"skettie" "sketties" "wuv sketties" they all repeat and then copy the "dance moves" you showed them
  82. >some forget what they are doing after a while, but when they see all their other fluffy pony friends making the sliding moves, they then restart again
  83. >you fire them on, clapping with your hands, praising them for doing it right
  84. >after a while, most fluffy ponies stop doing the 'spaghettie dance', all whining that their "leggies hurt" "why leggies ouchie" "fwuffie no wike leggies ouchie"
  85. >their soft marshmallow-like legs have been quite chafed
  86. >many have tears in their eyes
  87. >stop the music
  88. >the fluffy ponies ask again if the "'sketties finished?" "wan food no hafta dance animoe?"
  89. >shake your head in disappointment
  90. >tell them that because most of them have stopped doing the 'spaghettie dance', there won't be spaghettie after all
  92. >fluffie ponies are all looking extremely unhappy
  93. >they bawl and start accusing each another for being "mean fwuffie" "no get sketties" "meanie fwuffie no make dwance" "no wanna give huggies to you"
  94. >you go back to the kitchen while the fluffy ponies are all yelling at each another as loud as their tiny lungs are capable, none of them noticing you
  95. >some are starting to push each another while arguing
  96. >fluffy ponies are starting to beat each another up with their wounded legs, or ramming with their blunt little horns, or jumping on each another
  97. >this goes on for a while
  98. >some fluffy ponies start popping out tiny fluffy pony fetuses after some other fluffy ponies start trampling on their stomach
  99. >the fetuses are all crushed without exception in the adorable fluffy melee
  100. >after a while, you come back
  101. >the fluffy ponies stop their fighting once they smell the spaghettie sauce
  102. >"yay skettie" "wuv skettie" they run towards you
  104. >some fluffy ponies did die in the brawl, most trampled to death
  105. >fluffy ponies are all squirming around your legs, all trying to get the spaghettie
  106. >you throw out the spaghettie from the pot
  107. >there is only enough for one
  108. >the fluffy ponies closest to the spaghetties immediately try to eat it, while the others are pushing each another in the way
  109. >the spaghettie is dispersed around, and more fluffy ponies are injured when a new fight erupts amongst the fluffy ponies for the spaghettie
  110. >"why no skettie fow fwuffies" the fluffy ponies that didn't get to eat it lament
  111. >you explain to them that because the fluffy ponies stopped dancing, only few spaghettie was made
  112. >the hungry and injured fluffy ponies are all looking angrily at the ones that did manage to get some of the noodles
  113. >you tell them that because the fluffy ponies are not trusting each another, there won't be any spaghettie anymore for the rest of the day
  114. >the fluffy ponies are all heartbroken when hearing that
  115. >you tell them that they must work togehter and share, or else you have to leave forever
  116. >the fluffy ponies are all crying their eyes out
  117. >"dadda no weave fwuffie" "fwuffie aww fwends" "fwuffie wuv fwends en dadda" they all cry simultaneously
  118. >you nod in approval, saying that you also love them
  119. >still tell them that for today, there won't be any spaghettie anymore, because most fluffy ponies are hurt and wont ever dance anymore, saying this in a grave tone
  120. >the fluffy ponies all look to the other fluffy ponies that died when the surviving ones trampled on them
  121. >they cry, and all go to the ones lying dead, attempting to 'heal them with hugs' "fwuffie give huggies to fwend" "huggies make boo-boos go 'way"
  123. >of course, the dead fluffy ponies remain lifeless
  124. >you dispose of the bodies, throwing them away in the trash bin you just brought in here when the fluffy ponies were trying to cheer up the dead ones
  125. >fluffy ponies beg you to "no take fwend 'way" "no pwease" "fwend wake up pwease"
  126. >you don't try to tell that their friends are dead, because fluffy ponies don't understand this concept
  127. >you all bring them back in their cages, which now has far more room for the fluffy ponies still left
  128. >they cry and shiver, shaking hungrily, asking "why tummie ouchie?" "fwuffie miss fwend where iz fwend?" "why fwuffie no get skettie?"
  129. >next morning starts
  130. >some fluffy ponies died of hunger and exhaustion
  131. >you round the surviving ones back into the backyard
  132. >the fluffy ponies have forgotten about their friends and the brutal scuffle yesterday
  133. >they complain about how their legs hurt
  134. >you explain to them again that they will get spaghetties
  135. >again the fluffy ponies all cheer up, wanting "sketties sketties sketties"
  136. >and again you repeat that they must make a special dance to get the spaghettie
  137. >show the 'spaghettie dance', and remind them that they must all work together, or there won't be any spaghettie for all like yesterday
  139. >fluffy ponies are all confused, as they don't remember the events of last day
  140. >you ignore it, starting the music, and telling them to start 'dancing'
  141. >soon the fluffy ponies stop, as their legs are bleeding, complaining "why leggies ouchie?" "fwuffie wan sketties no wanna make dwance animoe"
  142. >you ask them if they want to complain or get spaghetties
  143. >with tears in their eyes, the fluffy ponies are resuming the 'dance'
  144. >their legs have now been reduced to stumps, thanks to the very rough sandpaper you laid out two days ago
  145. >whenever they stop, you just tell them that they must continue, because soon the spaghettie will be finished
  146. >their hunger drives the fluffy ponies forward despite the terrible pain
  147. >many drop to the ground, exhausted or unconscious from the pain
  148. >the rest dies
  149. >you stop the music, and bring the spaghettie, again only enough to feed one fluffy pony
  150. >the smell of the spaghettie sauce gives the remaining fluffy ponies the strength to crawl towards the pasta
  151. >the sandpaper grinds their soft underbellies and their hooves, causing them great pain while they crawl forward
  152. >none of the fluffy ponies can advance
  153. >they cry, the smell of the unreachable spaghettie being pure torture
  154. >none of them have the strength to ask you for help
  155. >they can't even think straight anymore, even for fluffy ponies
  156. >whenever a fluffy pony can, it tries to crawl forward, before the pain makes them stop unconscious
  157. >soon, most of them die, bleeding out or from too much harm and stress towards their bodies
  158. >only a handful of fluffy ponies remain, unconscious
  159. >you take one of them and put it in the pile of spaghettie
  160. >the others are all put a good distance away
  161. >you wake all of them up
  163. >the lucky one is overjoyed, immediately starting to gulp down the spaghettie
  164. >the others are crying in utter despair
  165. >you whisper to them that the fluffy pony eating the spaghettie all for itself is a bad fluffy pony, because it won't share with them
  166. >they start gritting their soft teeth together, anger boiling up inside all of them
  167. >as yesterday, you explain to them that there won't be any spaghettie for today anymore, because the fluffy ponies can't dance and aren't working together
  168. >none of them listen to you
  169. >don't care yourself, just grinning slily
  170. >all the surviving fluffy ponies are put together in the big pens that were used before the adoption center was overcrowded by them
  171. >you leave the fluffy ponies
  172. >the one who could eat something is walking slowly around with its hurt legs, trying to play or hug the other fluffy ponies
  173. >other fluffy ponies are silent, none of them talking or babbling like it would be normal for fluffy ponies
  174. >fed fluffy pony is getting annoyed by silence of its 'friends', oblivious to their wrath
  175. >then, suddenly, the fluffy ponies all start biting, jumping upon or stabbing the one fluffy pony with all the rage their weakened and hungry bodies are capable of
  176. >poor fluffy pony is torn apart by those it thought were its friends, incapable of running away, bitter tears rolling from its eyes, before both of them are pierced with the stumped hooves or horns of the raging fluffy ponies
  177. >the murderous fluffy ponies see the half-digested spaghettie as well as the entrails of the victim
  179. >they start feasting hungrily while the body is still twitching, the poor fluffy pony being in immense pain, incapable of any words, before finally passing out forever
  180. >after the gruesome feast has ended, the fluffy ponies all drop down sleeping
  181. >you dispose of the cannibalized remains
  182. >next morning, only one fluffy pony remains still alive
  183. >the others choked either on the innards or swallowed bones of their victims, or their surge of adrenaline being too much for their damaged physical constitution
  184. >last surviving fluffy pony is trying to wake up the dead ones with hugs
  185. >"f...fwen...d... pw...pweas-e... w-ake ...b... give hug...s m... m-make bwe..." before crying its tiny eyes out, realizing that there is absolutely no way for any of them ever waking up anymore
  186. >you stand there, watching the last fluffy pony with both arms crossed, like a malevolent djinn gazing down at a puny mortal
  187. >grab the fluffy pony at the scruff of its neck
  188. >"Little one. You must leave this place. It is bad for you. Outside, there are many many other fluffy ponies that will be your friends. But you must do it alone, you hear me. I cannot help you. Flee little one, flee!" you exclaim while it upon your face
  189. >fluffy pony starts wriggling its legs, it knowing that it must run away as you told it
  190. >let the fluffy pony go
  191. >it drops down to the ground, breaking what remains of its legs
  192. >it meowls in pain, crying for you to help
  193. >you leave the room
  194. >fluffy pony crawls slowly, attempting to follow you
  195. >it crawls and crawls and crawls
  196. >"... why... why... wyh... fwuffie... alone...? ... why... dis... happen?" it sobs, while crawling and crawling
  198. >you return, with a fake mustache and some changed clothes
  199. >"Well, I heard there was a beautiful little fluffy pony here. I'm going to adopt it, because it's a good fluffy pony, yes yes", you cry from around the corner with a slightly different voice
  200. >fluffy pony hears that, wheeping "p-pwease take... fwuffie... fwuf-fwuff-fwuffie g-good pone"
  201. >you arrive into its viewfield
  202. >look around as if you haven't seen it
  203. >fluffy pony meekly squeaks "h-here... fw-fwuffie here!"
  204. >you look down
  205. >"That's not a good fluffy pony. Not a good one at all." you exclaim
  206. >fluffy pony's face is paralyzed upon hearing these words
  207. >"Why, you're quite a filthy little fluffy pony. You don't look beautiful at all. And what's this? I heard that you actually hurt other fluffy ponies!" you continue
  208. >fluffy pony is shaking violently, the repressed memories of the last three days resurging
  209. >it tries to hold the stumped hooves to its head as if it it head is threatening to explode from all the bad memories
  210. >fluffy pony is crying and crying
  211. >it cries until it can't cry anymore
  212. >it then lies there
  213. >with its last strength, it looks upon upon you
  214. >"wanna die" it exhales from its mouth "fwuffy no wanna wive animoe"
  215. >you smile at the little fluffy pony
  216. >grab it with your hands
  217. >you start walking the dinosaur, fluffy pony always held in your hand
  218. >you dance very good
  219. >smash fluffy pony into the ground when the lyrics start with "everybody kill the dinosaur"
  220. >Boom boom acka lacko boom boom
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