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- [stack@rdo01 ~]$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
- [stack@rdo01 ~]$ curl -k --noproxy localhost --retry 30 --retry-delay 6 -f -L http://guest:guest@localhost:15672/cli/rabbitmqadmin
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- # Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- #
- # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- # License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- # under the License.
- #
- # The Original Code is RabbitMQ Management Plugin.
- #
- # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc.
- # Copyright (c) 2010-2014 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved.
- import sys
- if sys.version_info[0] < 2 or sys.version_info[1] < 6:
- print "Sorry, rabbitmqadmin requires at least Python 2.6."
- sys.exit(1)
- from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError
- from optparse import OptionParser, TitledHelpFormatter
- import httplib
- import urllib
- import urlparse
- import base64
- import json
- import os
- import socket
- VERSION = '3.3.5'
- LISTABLE = {'connections': {'vhost': False},
- 'channels': {'vhost': False},
- 'exchanges': {'vhost': True},
- 'queues': {'vhost': True},
- 'bindings': {'vhost': True},
- 'users': {'vhost': False},
- 'vhosts': {'vhost': False},
- 'permissions': {'vhost': False},
- 'nodes': {'vhost': False},
- 'parameters': {'vhost': False,
- 'json': ['value']},
- 'policies': {'vhost': False,
- 'json': ['definition']}}
- SHOWABLE = {'overview': {'vhost': False}}
- PROMOTE_COLUMNS = ['vhost', 'name', 'type',
- 'source', 'destination', 'destination_type', 'routing_key']
- URIS = {
- 'exchange': '/exchanges/{vhost}/{name}',
- 'queue': '/queues/{vhost}/{name}',
- 'binding': '/bindings/{vhost}/e/{source}/{destination_char}/{destination}',
- 'binding_del':'/bindings/{vhost}/e/{source}/{destination_char}/{destination}/{properties_key}',
- 'vhost': '/vhosts/{name}',
- 'user': '/users/{name}',
- 'permission': '/permissions/{vhost}/{user}',
- 'parameter': '/parameters/{component}/{vhost}/{name}',
- 'policy': '/policies/{vhost}/{name}'
- }
- 'exchange': {'mandatory': ['name', 'type'],
- 'json': ['arguments'],
- 'optional': {'auto_delete': 'false', 'durable': 'true',
- 'internal': 'false', 'arguments': {}}},
- 'queue': {'mandatory': ['name'],
- 'json': ['arguments'],
- 'optional': {'auto_delete': 'false', 'durable': 'true',
- 'arguments': {}, 'node': None}},
- 'binding': {'mandatory': ['source', 'destination'],
- 'json': ['arguments'],
- 'optional': {'destination_type': 'queue',
- 'routing_key': '', 'arguments': {}}},
- 'vhost': {'mandatory': ['name'],
- 'optional': {'tracing': None}},
- 'user': {'mandatory': ['name', 'password', 'tags'],
- 'optional': {}},
- 'permission': {'mandatory': ['vhost', 'user', 'configure', 'write', 'read'],
- 'optional': {}},
- 'parameter': {'mandatory': ['component', 'name', 'value'],
- 'json': ['value'],
- 'optional': {}},
- # Priority is 'json' to convert to int
- 'policy': {'mandatory': ['name', 'pattern', 'definition'],
- 'json': ['definition', 'priority'],
- 'optional': {'priority' : 0, 'apply-to': None}}
- }
- 'exchange': {'mandatory': ['name']},
- 'queue': {'mandatory': ['name']},
- 'binding': {'mandatory': ['source', 'destination_type', 'destination',
- 'properties_key']},
- 'vhost': {'mandatory': ['name']},
- 'user': {'mandatory': ['name']},
- 'permission': {'mandatory': ['vhost', 'user']},
- 'parameter': {'mandatory': ['component', 'name']},
- 'policy': {'mandatory': ['name']}
- }
- 'connection': {'mandatory': ['name'],
- 'optional': {},
- 'uri': '/connections/{name}'}
- }
- 'queue': {'mandatory': ['name'],
- 'optional': {},
- 'uri': '/queues/{vhost}/{name}/contents'}
- }
- 'publish': {'mandatory': ['routing_key'],
- 'optional': {'payload': None,
- 'exchange': 'amq.default',
- 'payload_encoding': 'string'},
- 'uri': '/exchanges/{vhost}/{exchange}/publish'},
- 'get': {'mandatory': ['queue'],
- 'optional': {'count': '1', 'requeue': 'true',
- 'payload_file': None, 'encoding': 'auto'},
- 'uri': '/queues/{vhost}/{queue}/get'}
- }
- for k in DECLARABLE:
- DECLARABLE[k]['uri'] = URIS[k]
- for k in DELETABLE:
- DELETABLE[k]['uri'] = URIS[k]
- DELETABLE[k]['optional'] = {}
- DELETABLE['binding']['uri'] = URIS['binding_del']
- def short_usage():
- return "rabbitmqadmin [options] subcommand"
- def title(name):
- return "\n%s\n%s\n\n" % (name, '=' * len(name))
- def subcommands_usage():
- usage = """Usage
- =====
- """ + short_usage() + """
- where subcommand is one of:
- """ + title("Display")
- for l in LISTABLE:
- usage += " list {0} [<column>...]\n".format(l)
- for s in SHOWABLE:
- usage += " show {0} [<column>...]\n".format(s)
- usage += title("Object Manipulation")
- usage += fmt_usage_stanza(DECLARABLE, 'declare')
- usage += fmt_usage_stanza(DELETABLE, 'delete')
- usage += fmt_usage_stanza(CLOSABLE, 'close')
- usage += fmt_usage_stanza(PURGABLE, 'purge')
- usage += title("Broker Definitions")
- usage += """ export <file>
- import <file>
- """
- usage += title("Publishing and Consuming")
- usage += fmt_usage_stanza(EXTRA_VERBS, '')
- usage += """
- * If payload is not specified on publish, standard input is used
- * If payload_file is not specified on get, the payload will be shown on
- standard output along with the message metadata
- * If payload_file is specified on get, count must not be set
- """
- return usage
- def config_usage():
- usage = "Usage\n=====\n" + short_usage()
- usage += "\n" + title("Configuration File")
- usage += """ It is possible to specify a configuration file from the command line.
- Hosts can be configured easily in a configuration file and called
- from the command line.
- """
- usage += title("Example")
- usage += """ # rabbitmqadmin.conf.example START
- [host_normal]
- hostname = localhost
- port = 15672
- username = guest
- password = guest
- declare_vhost = / # Used as default for declare / delete only
- vhost = / # Used as default for declare / delete / list
- [host_ssl]
- hostname = otherhost
- port = 15672
- username = guest
- password = guest
- ssl = True
- ssl_key_file = /path/to/key.pem
- ssl_cert_file = /path/to/cert.pem
- # rabbitmqadmin.conf.example END
- """
- usage += title("Use")
- usage += """ rabbitmqadmin -c rabbitmqadmin.conf.example -N host_normal ..."""
- return usage
- def more_help():
- return """
- More Help
- =========
- For more help use the help subcommand:
- rabbitmqadmin help subcommands # For a list of available subcommands
- rabbitmqadmin help config # For help with the configuration file
- """
- def fmt_usage_stanza(root, verb):
- def fmt_args(args):
- res = " ".join(["{0}=...".format(a) for a in args['mandatory']])
- opts = " ".join("{0}=...".format(o) for o in args['optional'].keys())
- if opts != "":
- res += " [{0}]".format(opts)
- return res
- text = ""
- if verb != "":
- verb = " " + verb
- for k in root.keys():
- text += " {0} {1} {2}\n".format(verb, k, fmt_args(root[k]))
- return text
- default_options = { "hostname" : "localhost",
- "port" : "15672",
- "declare_vhost" : "/",
- "username" : "guest",
- "password" : "guest",
- "ssl" : False,
- "verbose" : True,
- "format" : "table",
- "depth" : 1,
- "bash_completion" : False }
- class MyFormatter(TitledHelpFormatter):
- def format_epilog(self, epilog):
- return epilog
- parser = OptionParser(usage=short_usage(),
- formatter=MyFormatter(),
- epilog=more_help())
- def make_parser():
- def add(*args, **kwargs):
- key = kwargs['dest']
- if key in default_options:
- default = " [default: %s]" % default_options[key]
- kwargs['help'] = kwargs['help'] + default
- parser.add_option(*args, **kwargs)
- add("-c", "--config", dest="config",
- help="configuration file [default: ~/.rabbitmqadmin.conf]",
- metavar="CONFIG")
- add("-N", "--node", dest="node",
- help="node described in the configuration file [default: 'default'" + \
- " only if configuration file is specified]",
- metavar="NODE")
- add("-H", "--host", dest="hostname",
- help="connect to host HOST" ,
- metavar="HOST")
- add("-P", "--port", dest="port",
- help="connect to port PORT",
- metavar="PORT")
- add("-V", "--vhost", dest="vhost",
- help="connect to vhost VHOST [default: all vhosts for list, '/' for declare]",
- metavar="VHOST")
- add("-u", "--username", dest="username",
- help="connect using username USERNAME",
- metavar="USERNAME")
- add("-p", "--password", dest="password",
- help="connect using password PASSWORD",
- metavar="PASSWORD")
- add("-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose",
- help="suppress status messages")
- add("-s", "--ssl", action="store_true", dest="ssl",
- help="connect with ssl")
- add("--ssl-key-file", dest="ssl_key_file",
- help="PEM format key file for SSL")
- add("--ssl-cert-file", dest="ssl_cert_file",
- help="PEM format certificate file for SSL")
- add("-f", "--format", dest="format",
- help="format for listing commands - one of [" + ", ".join(FORMATS.keys()) + "]")
- add("-S", "--sort", dest="sort", help="sort key for listing queries")
- add("-R", "--sort-reverse", action="store_true", dest="sort_reverse",
- help="reverse the sort order")
- add("-d", "--depth", dest="depth",
- help="maximum depth to recurse for listing tables")
- add("--bash-completion", action="store_true",
- dest="bash_completion",
- help="Print bash completion script")
- add("--version", action="store_true",
- dest="version",
- help="Display version and exit")
- def default_config():
- home = os.getenv('USERPROFILE') or os.getenv('HOME')
- if home is not None:
- config_file = home + os.sep + ".rabbitmqadmin.conf"
- if os.path.isfile(config_file):
- return config_file
- return None
- def make_configuration():
- make_parser()
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- setattr(options, "declare_vhost", None)
- if options.version:
- print_version()
- if options.config is None:
- config_file = default_config()
- if config_file is not None:
- setattr(options, "config", config_file)
- else:
- if not os.path.isfile(options.config):
- assert_usage(False,
- "Could not read config file '%s'" % options.config)
- if options.node is None and options.config:
- options.node = "default"
- else:
- options.node = options.node
- for (key, val) in default_options.items():
- if getattr(options, key) is None:
- setattr(options, key, val)
- if options.config is not None:
- config = ConfigParser()
- try:
- new_conf = dict(config.items(options.node))
- except NoSectionError, error:
- if options.node == "default":
- pass
- else:
- assert_usage(False, ("Could not read section '%s' in config file" +
- " '%s':\n %s") %
- (options.node, options.config, error))
- else:
- for key, val in new_conf.items():
- setattr(options, key, val)
- return (options, args)
- def assert_usage(expr, error):
- if not expr:
- output("\nERROR: {0}\n".format(error))
- output("{0} --help for help\n".format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
- sys.exit(1)
- def print_version():
- output("rabbitmqadmin {0}".format(VERSION))
- sys.exit(0)
- def column_sort_key(col):
- if col in PROMOTE_COLUMNS:
- return (1, PROMOTE_COLUMNS.index(col))
- else:
- return (2, col)
- def main():
- (options, args) = make_configuration()
- if options.bash_completion:
- print_bash_completion()
- exit(0)
- assert_usage(len(args) > 0, 'Action not specified')
- mgmt = Management(options, args[1:])
- mode = "invoke_" + args[0]
- assert_usage(hasattr(mgmt, mode),
- 'Action {0} not understood'.format(args[0]))
- method = getattr(mgmt, "invoke_%s" % args[0])
- method()
- def output(s):
- print maybe_utf8(s, sys.stdout)
- def die(s):
- sys.stderr.write(maybe_utf8("*** {0}\n".format(s), sys.stderr))
- exit(1)
- def maybe_utf8(s, stream):
- if stream.isatty():
- # It will have an encoding, which Python will respect
- return s
- else:
- # It won't have an encoding, and Python will pick ASCII by default
- return s.encode('utf-8')
- class Management:
- def __init__(self, options, args):
- self.options = options
- self.args = args
- def get(self, path):
- return self.http("GET", "/api%s" % path, "")
- def put(self, path, body):
- return self.http("PUT", "/api%s" % path, body)
- def post(self, path, body):
- return self.http("POST", "/api%s" % path, body)
- def delete(self, path):
- return self.http("DELETE", "/api%s" % path, "")
- def http(self, method, path, body):
- if self.options.ssl:
- conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.options.hostname,
- self.options.port,
- self.options.ssl_key_file,
- self.options.ssl_cert_file)
- else:
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.options.hostname,
- self.options.port)
- headers = {"Authorization":
- "Basic " + base64.b64encode(self.options.username + ":" +
- self.options.password)}
- if body != "":
- headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
- try:
- conn.request(method, path, body, headers)
- except socket.error, e:
- die("Could not connect: {0}".format(e))
- resp = conn.getresponse()
- if resp.status == 400:
- die(json.loads(['reason'])
- if resp.status == 401:
- die("Access refused: {0}".format(path))
- if resp.status == 404:
- die("Not found: {0}".format(path))
- if resp.status == 301:
- url = urlparse.urlparse(resp.getheader('location'))
- [host, port] = url.netloc.split(':')
- self.options.hostname = host
- self.options.port = int(port)
- return self.http(method, url.path + '?' + url.query, body)
- if resp.status < 200 or resp.status > 400:
- raise Exception("Received %d %s for path %s\n%s"
- % (resp.status, resp.reason, path,
- return
- def verbose(self, string):
- if self.options.verbose:
- output(string)
- def get_arg(self):
- assert_usage(len(self.args) == 1, 'Exactly one argument required')
- return self.args[0]
- def invoke_help(self):
- if len(self.args) == 0:
- parser.print_help()
- else:
- help_cmd = self.get_arg()
- if help_cmd == 'subcommands':
- usage = subcommands_usage()
- elif help_cmd == 'config':
- usage = config_usage()
- else:
- assert_usage(False, """help topic must be one of:
- subcommands
- config""")
- print usage
- exit(0)
- def invoke_publish(self):
- (uri, upload) = self.parse_args(self.args, EXTRA_VERBS['publish'])
- upload['properties'] = {} # TODO do we care here?
- if not 'payload' in upload:
- data =
- upload['payload'] = base64.b64encode(data)
- upload['payload_encoding'] = 'base64'
- resp = json.loads(, json.dumps(upload)))
- if resp['routed']:
- self.verbose("Message published")
- else:
- self.verbose("Message published but NOT routed")
- def invoke_get(self):
- (uri, upload) = self.parse_args(self.args, EXTRA_VERBS['get'])
- payload_file = 'payload_file' in upload and upload['payload_file'] or None
- assert_usage(not payload_file or upload['count'] == '1',
- 'Cannot get multiple messages using payload_file')
- result =, json.dumps(upload))
- if payload_file:
- write_payload_file(payload_file, result)
- columns = ['routing_key', 'exchange', 'message_count',
- 'payload_bytes', 'redelivered']
- format_list(result, columns, {}, self.options)
- else:
- format_list(result, [], {}, self.options)
- def invoke_export(self):
- path = self.get_arg()
- definitions = self.get("/definitions")
- f = open(path, 'w')
- f.write(definitions)
- f.close()
- self.verbose("Exported definitions for %s to \"%s\""
- % (self.options.hostname, path))
- def invoke_import(self):
- path = self.get_arg()
- f = open(path, 'r')
- definitions =
- f.close()
-"/definitions", definitions)
- self.verbose("Imported definitions for %s from \"%s\""
- % (self.options.hostname, path))
- def invoke_list(self):
- cols = self.args[1:]
- (uri, obj_info) = self.list_show_uri(LISTABLE, 'list', cols)
- format_list(self.get(uri), cols, obj_info, self.options)
- def invoke_show(self):
- cols = self.args[1:]
- (uri, obj_info) = self.list_show_uri(SHOWABLE, 'show', cols)
- format_list('[{0}]'.format(self.get(uri)), cols, obj_info, self.options)
- def list_show_uri(self, obj_types, verb, cols):
- obj_type = self.args[0]
- assert_usage(obj_type in obj_types,
- "Don't know how to {0} {1}".format(verb, obj_type))
- obj_info = obj_types[obj_type]
- uri = "/%s" % obj_type
- query = []
- if obj_info['vhost'] and self.options.vhost:
- uri += "/%s" % urllib.quote_plus(self.options.vhost)
- if cols != []:
- query.append("columns=" + ",".join(cols))
- sort = self.options.sort
- if sort:
- query.append("sort=" + sort)
- if self.options.sort_reverse:
- query.append("sort_reverse=true")
- query = "&".join(query)
- if query != "":
- uri += "?" + query
- return (uri, obj_info)
- def invoke_declare(self):
- (obj_type, uri, upload) = self.declare_delete_parse(DECLARABLE)
- if obj_type == 'binding':
-, json.dumps(upload))
- else:
- self.put(uri, json.dumps(upload))
- self.verbose("{0} declared".format(obj_type))
- def invoke_delete(self):
- (obj_type, uri, upload) = self.declare_delete_parse(DELETABLE)
- self.delete(uri)
- self.verbose("{0} deleted".format(obj_type))
- def invoke_close(self):
- (obj_type, uri, upload) = self.declare_delete_parse(CLOSABLE)
- self.delete(uri)
- self.verbose("{0} closed".format(obj_type))
- def invoke_purge(self):
- (obj_type, uri, upload) = self.declare_delete_parse(PURGABLE)
- self.delete(uri)
- self.verbose("{0} purged".format(obj_type))
- def declare_delete_parse(self, root):
- assert_usage(len(self.args) > 0, 'Type not specified')
- obj_type = self.args[0]
- assert_usage(obj_type in root,
- 'Type {0} not recognised'.format(obj_type))
- obj = root[obj_type]
- (uri, upload) = self.parse_args(self.args[1:], obj)
- return (obj_type, uri, upload)
- def parse_args(self, args, obj):
- mandatory = obj['mandatory']
- optional = obj['optional']
- uri_template = obj['uri']
- upload = {}
- for k in optional.keys():
- if optional[k]:
- upload[k] = optional[k]
- for arg in args:
- assert_usage("=" in arg,
- 'Argument "{0}" not in format name=value'.format(arg))
- (name, value) = arg.split("=", 1)
- assert_usage(name in mandatory or name in optional.keys(),
- 'Argument "{0}" not recognised'.format(name))
- if 'json' in obj and name in obj['json']:
- upload[name] = self.parse_json(value)
- else:
- upload[name] = value
- for m in mandatory:
- assert_usage(m in upload.keys(),
- 'mandatory argument "{0}" required'.format(m))
- if 'vhost' not in mandatory:
- upload['vhost'] = self.options.vhost or self.options.declare_vhost
- uri_args = {}
- for k in upload:
- v = upload[k]
- if v and isinstance(v, basestring):
- uri_args[k] = urllib.quote_plus(v)
- if k == 'destination_type':
- uri_args['destination_char'] = v[0]
- uri = uri_template.format(**uri_args)
- return (uri, upload)
- def parse_json(self, text):
- try:
- return json.loads(text)
- except ValueError:
- print "Could not parse JSON:\n {0}".format(text)
- sys.exit(1)
- def format_list(json_list, columns, args, options):
- format = options.format
- formatter = None
- if format == "raw_json":
- output(json_list)
- return
- elif format == "pretty_json":
- enc = json.JSONEncoder(False, False, True, True, True, 2)
- output(enc.encode(json.loads(json_list)))
- return
- else:
- formatter = FORMATS[format]
- assert_usage(formatter != None,
- "Format {0} not recognised".format(format))
- formatter_instance = formatter(columns, args, options)
- formatter_instance.display(json_list)
- class Lister:
- def verbose(self, string):
- if self.options.verbose:
- output(string)
- def display(self, json_list):
- depth = sys.maxint
- if len(self.columns) == 0:
- depth = int(self.options.depth)
- (columns, table) = self.list_to_table(json.loads(json_list), depth)
- if len(table) > 0:
- self.display_list(columns, table)
- else:
- self.verbose("No items")
- def list_to_table(self, items, max_depth):
- columns = {}
- column_ix = {}
- row = None
- table = []
- def add(prefix, depth, item, fun):
- for key in item:
- column = prefix == '' and key or (prefix + '.' + key)
- subitem = item[key]
- if type(subitem) == dict:
- if self.obj_info.has_key('json') and key in self.obj_info['json']:
- fun(column, json.dumps(subitem))
- else:
- if depth < max_depth:
- add(column, depth + 1, subitem, fun)
- elif type(subitem) == list:
- # The first branch has slave nodes in queues in
- # mind (which come out looking decent); the second
- # one has applications in nodes (which look less
- # so, but what would look good?).
- if [x for x in subitem if type(x) != unicode] == []:
- serialised = " ".join(subitem)
- else:
- serialised = json.dumps(subitem)
- fun(column, serialised)
- else:
- fun(column, subitem)
- def add_to_columns(col, val):
- columns[col] = True
- def add_to_row(col, val):
- if col in column_ix:
- row[column_ix[col]] = unicode(val)
- if len(self.columns) == 0:
- for item in items:
- add('', 1, item, add_to_columns)
- columns = columns.keys()
- columns.sort(key=column_sort_key)
- else:
- columns = self.columns
- for i in xrange(0, len(columns)):
- column_ix[columns[i]] = i
- for item in items:
- row = len(columns) * ['']
- add('', 1, item, add_to_row)
- table.append(row)
- return (columns, table)
- class TSVList(Lister):
- def __init__(self, columns, obj_info, options):
- self.columns = columns
- self.obj_info = obj_info
- self.options = options
- def display_list(self, columns, table):
- head = "\t".join(columns)
- self.verbose(head)
- for row in table:
- line = "\t".join(row)
- output(line)
- class LongList(Lister):
- def __init__(self, columns, obj_info, options):
- self.columns = columns
- self.obj_info = obj_info
- self.options = options
- def display_list(self, columns, table):
- sep = "\n" + "-" * 80 + "\n"
- max_width = 0
- for col in columns:
- max_width = max(max_width, len(col))
- fmt = "{0:>" + unicode(max_width) + "}: {1}"
- output(sep)
- for i in xrange(0, len(table)):
- for j in xrange(0, len(columns)):
- output(fmt.format(columns[j], table[i][j]))
- output(sep)
- class TableList(Lister):
- def __init__(self, columns, obj_info, options):
- self.columns = columns
- self.obj_info = obj_info
- self.options = options
- def display_list(self, columns, table):
- total = [columns]
- total.extend(table)
- self.ascii_table(total)
- def ascii_table(self, rows):
- table = ""
- col_widths = [0] * len(rows[0])
- for i in xrange(0, len(rows[0])):
- for j in xrange(0, len(rows)):
- col_widths[i] = max(col_widths[i], len(rows[j][i]))
- self.ascii_bar(col_widths)
- self.ascii_row(col_widths, rows[0], "^")
- self.ascii_bar(col_widths)
- for row in rows[1:]:
- self.ascii_row(col_widths, row, "<")
- self.ascii_bar(col_widths)
- def ascii_row(self, col_widths, row, align):
- txt = "|"
- for i in xrange(0, len(col_widths)):
- fmt = " {0:" + align + unicode(col_widths[i]) + "} "
- txt += fmt.format(row[i]) + "|"
- output(txt)
- def ascii_bar(self, col_widths):
- txt = "+"
- for w in col_widths:
- txt += ("-" * (w + 2)) + "+"
- output(txt)
- class KeyValueList(Lister):
- def __init__(self, columns, obj_info, options):
- self.columns = columns
- self.obj_info = obj_info
- self.options = options
- def display_list(self, columns, table):
- for i in xrange(0, len(table)):
- row = []
- for j in xrange(0, len(columns)):
- row.append("{0}=\"{1}\"".format(columns[j], table[i][j]))
- output(" ".join(row))
- # TODO handle spaces etc in completable names
- class BashList(Lister):
- def __init__(self, columns, obj_info, options):
- self.columns = columns
- self.obj_info = obj_info
- self.options = options
- def display_list(self, columns, table):
- ix = None
- for i in xrange(0, len(columns)):
- if columns[i] == 'name':
- ix = i
- if ix is not None:
- res = []
- for row in table:
- res.append(row[ix])
- output(" ".join(res))
- 'raw_json' : None, # Special cased
- 'pretty_json' : None, # Ditto
- 'tsv' : TSVList,
- 'long' : LongList,
- 'table' : TableList,
- 'kvp' : KeyValueList,
- 'bash' : BashList
- }
- def write_payload_file(payload_file, json_list):
- result = json.loads(json_list)[0]
- payload = result['payload']
- payload_encoding = result['payload_encoding']
- f = open(payload_file, 'w')
- if payload_encoding == 'base64':
- data = base64.b64decode(payload)
- else:
- data = payload
- f.write(data)
- f.close()
- def print_bash_completion():
- script = """# This is a bash completion script for rabbitmqadmin.
- # Redirect it to a file, then source it or copy it to /etc/bash_completion.d
- # to get tab completion. rabbitmqadmin must be on your PATH for this to work.
- _rabbitmqadmin()
- {
- local cur prev opts base
- prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
- opts="list show declare delete close purge import export get publish help"
- fargs="--help --host --port --vhost --username --password --format --depth --sort --sort-reverse"
- case "${prev}" in
- list)
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '""" + " ".join(LISTABLE) + """' -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- show)
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '""" + " ".join(SHOWABLE) + """' -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- declare)
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '""" + " ".join(DECLARABLE.keys()) + """' -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- delete)
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '""" + " ".join(DELETABLE.keys()) + """' -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- close)
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '""" + " ".join(CLOSABLE.keys()) + """' -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- purge)
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '""" + " ".join(PURGABLE.keys()) + """' -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- export)
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -f ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- import)
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -f ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- help)
- opts="subcommands config"
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- -H)
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -A hostname ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- --host)
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -A hostname ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- -V)
- opts="$(rabbitmqadmin -q -f bash list vhosts)"
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- --vhost)
- opts="$(rabbitmqadmin -q -f bash list vhosts)"
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- -u)
- opts="$(rabbitmqadmin -q -f bash list users)"
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- --username)
- opts="$(rabbitmqadmin -q -f bash list users)"
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- -f)
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W \"""" + " ".join(FORMATS.keys()) + """\" -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- --format)
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W \"""" + " ".join(FORMATS.keys()) + """\" -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- """
- for l in LISTABLE:
- key = l[0:len(l) - 1]
- script += " " + key + """)
- opts="$(rabbitmqadmin -q -f bash list """ + l + """)"
- COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
- return 0
- ;;
- """
- script += """ *)
- ;;
- esac
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${opts} ${fargs}" -- ${cur}))
- return 0
- }
- complete -F _rabbitmqadmin rabbitmqadmin
- """
- output(script)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
- [stack@rdo01 ~]$
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