
ToE Chapter 2-2

Apr 23rd, 2012
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  1. >"Spike, this is Anon. Anon, Spike."
  2. >"Hi!"
  3. "Wow... Hi."
  4. "...You're a dragon!"
  5. >"Yeah. Pretty neat, huh?"
  6. >Looking smug, Spike.
  7. "More like incredible..."
  8. >"I'm guessing you've never seen a dragon before either, have you Anon?"
  9. "No, no, I sure haven't, hmhm."
  10. >"Hi, Spike!"
  11. >"Howdy!"
  12. >"Oh, hey you guys."
  13. >"So, where you come from, there are no Pegasi, no Unicorns, and no Dragons. But, there are Earth Ponies like Applejack and Pinkie Pie, correct?"
  14. "Well, there are ponies and horses that lack wings and horns, but they're really quite different from the, uh, Earth Ponies, in Equestria."
  15. >"Hmm... Could you maybe.. Draw a picture of one of those ponies, and show us what they look like?"
  16. "I suppose I could..."
  17. >Twilight motions to the blackboard a few feet away from the table.
  18. >"Go ahead."
  19. >"She says, clearly very curious as to what these other ponies look like.
  20. >You walk over to the blackboard, and pick up a piece of chalk. By now, Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, and Spike are all watching you.
  21. >You begin to draw the shape of a p0ny. A large body. Thin legs, a long neck, and a long head with small eyes.
  22. >You draw the tail, mane, and the ears.
  23. >It looks accurate enough, if a little sloppy. You step aside, revealing your drawing to the three ponies and the dragon.
  24. >For a moment, nop0ny says anything. They just stare with a look of confusion.
  25. >A giggle breaks the silence.
  26. >"Heeheehee, that p0ny looks really weird!"
  27. >"Twilight walks closer to the blackboard, and analyzes the drawing. She is smiling faintly.
  28. >"I've never seen a p0ny like that before..."
  29. >"Those legs are awful thin..."
  30. >"And you said these ponies don't talk, Anon?"
  31. >"Huh?"
  32. >Applejack, Pinkie and Spike exclaim, in disbelief.
  33. "That's right. They just make, uh... Horse sounds."
  34. >"Does that mean they're not... Intelligent, either?"
  35. "Not really. They're more complex than most creatures, but they're not sapient like you and I."
  36. >"I see. They're obviously an entirely different species from the ponies in Equestria..."
  37. "Mhm."
  38. >"Anyway... You must be hungry, right Anon?"
  39. "Huh? Oh, yes. I've had nothing to eat since yesterday, actually..."
  40. >"I'd thought so... You know, there's a lovely little restaurant that just opened in the town square, which I've been meaning to check out. If you guys want, we could all go there."
  41. >"Sounds good, Twahlite."
  42. >"Yeah! Let's go!"
  43. >"Anon?"
  44. >Ordinarily, you probably would have passed on an offer like this.
  45. >But, these ponies are just so... delightful, that you really don't want to turn them down if you can help it.
  46. >And you feel starved.
  47. "...I suppose that would be... Nice?"
  48. >"Hmhm, alright, then. I'll just put these maps away, and we'll get going."
  50. >Twilight opens the door, and Applejack, Pinkie, and Spike walk out. You follow.
  51. >Twilight leaves the house, and closes the door behind her.
  52. >It looks like mid-afternoon. The sky is somewhat less cloudy than it was this morning, and the weather is still quite pleasant. The mild breeze from earlier is still present.
  53. >Twilight and Pinkie are walking about five feet ahead of you, with Spike riding on Twilight's back. Applejack is walking beside you.
  54. >After a few minutes, you all reach a small bridge which arches over a stream, and begin crossing it. Twilight and Pinkie are discussing various things, with Spike making an occasional comment.
  55. >"Um... Are yah feelin'... alright, Anon?"
  56. >Applejack asks, rather quietly. She seems genuinely concerned.
  57. "Huh?"
  58. "Oh, yes. I'm feeling fine, Miss Applejack. Thank you."
  59. >"...Ah was just thinkin', yah seem rather, calm, yah know, given yer circumstances."
  60. "You're quite right. This may sound odd, but I've actually been feeling much better than usual ever since I wound up here. Which is strange, now that I think about it..."
  61. >"How do you figure?"
  62. "Well... I don't know why, exactly. This... World, dimension, whichever- It's quite unlike mine. Though, there's something so alleviating about it. The air, perhaps."
  63. >Applejack gives you a sympathetic look.
  64. >"Oh... Ah see."
  65. "So... How did you fare at the market?"
  66. >"Hmhm, Ah did pretty good. Sold just about all mah apples."
  67. >You'd guessed as much. Applejack's saddlebags were almost full of coins, which jingled with each step she took.
  68. "That's good to hear."
  70. >...
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