
TSW 11: Mary's Dream

Apr 30th, 2016
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  1. IcePickLobotomy Time: ??? Location: . . . .
  2. IcePickLobotomy You are standing on the edge of a forest, the massive, towering specters of the trees looming over you, scarcely more than shadowy silhouettes standing in contrast to the night sky. Leading forward is a beach of lose gray sand, and a ocean of red water that peaceful lap against the shore. The stars faintly glimmer past a similarly colored reddish haze. The moon hangs high and full, the...
  3. IcePickLobotomy ...silvery color and light stained into a delicate pink as it splashes across the sand and trees. The air is still, save for the subdued sound of the waves. Further down the beach is a clock tower, the uppermost portion of it visible above the trees as the beach curves outward.
  4. Mary looks around and then slowly turns around herself, and then leans down and lets some of the gray sand run trhoght her finger, before throwing a bit of it into the waves as she takes a dip in it with her feet.
  5. IcePickLobotomy The water is warmer than you would expect, still cool, but not quite cold.
  6. Mary (and here we can see with the setting that shit is not
  7. Mary (symbolism ?)
  8. IcePickLobotomy (Not yet. If you have something in particular you want to try maybe, depending on what it is, but nothing in general to use it on atm.)
  9. IcePickLobotomy (By that I mean something you are in particular trying to exam with Symbolism, but at the moment I don't have anything there that Mary would be able to tell.)
  10. Mary (t would be going for the red water/gblood angle)
  11. IcePickLobotomy (Ah, go ahead and roll that at the same time you do the notice then.)
  12. Mary ( failed that one by exactly a single dof )
  13. Mary on the other hand symbolism got 3 DOs
  14. IcePickLobotomy A thought comes unbidden to you. The Waters of Life and Death.
  15. Mary (Herbert ?Looking out for angelsigns then)
  16. Mary "And so I partake in the rivers of life and death, for it is blood that unites both, and woman which carries it with her as a sign everlasting of the cycle "
  17. Mary quotes some book that she once read, she canΓ„t quite say why, one of the more feminist science fiction ones.
  18. IcePickLobotomy The waves gently lap at your feet.
  19. Mary shakes her head for a moments and let a few drops ran throught her folded hands as she raises up again the water still between her finger
  20. Mary (...I have a very stupid idea here and I am u7nsure if mary is so stupid, or exactly so smart as to be stupid to do so )
  21. IcePickLobotomy A few drops cling to your skin, beads of pink gemlike water.
  22. IcePickLobotomy Mary, you get the impression that bringing the water to your lips is a deeply bad idea.
  23. Mary shakes her head after she vanishes the stupid thought, there is a reason that archiles was held away from the river after all.
  24. IcePickLobotomy Mary, the stars. . . You don't recognize the constellations. No, the constellations are not there, Venus, Mars, the planets are there, but the stars? The stars are wrong.
  25. Mary shivers for a moment and then as she looks around and also up at the gentle mistress of silver in the sky slowly walks towards the tower.
  26. IcePickLobotomy It's not a long walk, though you have to trudge up a steep hill. When you reach the apex you see that the clock tower stands in the middle of a small village at the sea-shore. A collection of bavarian style wood buildings, most no higher than 2 or 3 stories. In the center is a large town-hall, the clock tower built into the hall. It's dark, no lights or signs of life.
  27. Mary thinks to herself that she has seen scenes like that in horror movies, even if her subconcious seems to have mixed up things here.. And so she walks onwards looking for signs of a church or writing,
  28. IcePickLobotomy The streets are little more than packed earth, the interior of the buildings dark and silent, you catch glimpses of dust covered furniture and floors past the windows. You find no sign of a church, but the entrance to the town hall. . .
  29. IcePickLobotomy The doors are open, or rather they are little more than splinters scattered across the ground. The interior is dark, and covered in a thick layer of dust.
  30. Mary (how modern/ancient are the insides?)
  31. IcePickLobotomy The interior looks to be old, gas lamps, and old benches and furniture.
  32. Mary After walking for a while she finally comes to the old townhall, and then looking for the prints in the dust peeks inside
  33. IcePickLobotomy Mary: Foot prints in the dust. They are more foot shaped patches of thinner dust at this point, leading to the 2 doors in the back of the hall, and a third door leading to the tower.
  34. Mary walks around the building to see if she sees something from these windows
  35. IcePickLobotomy The windows that look into the entrance show you what you've already seen. The others show rooms, some are offices with desks and papers, other appear to be archives.
  36. Mary (staying with the theme and bereve of ocupation.. and where is the light in there comming from?)
  37. IcePickLobotomy (A few of the lamps are on, albeit very dimly.)
  38. Mary (ah )
  39. Mary will then, as it seems that the second half of the village lacks anything interesting as far as she can see head slwoly to the entrance, and for a second knock before she enters
  40. IcePickLobotomy The rest of the village is the same. Though you can see the shattered remnants of the dock, and what appears to be a mast jutting out of the water.
  41. Mary (as in the ship sunk in the harbor mast I assume?)
  42. IcePickLobotomy (Yes)
  43. Mary then time to enter the plot after distracting myself for a while :P=
  44. Tatsumi The interior of the hall is old and worn. Desks covered with faded papers, ancient books that fall into dust at your touch litter the area. There are three doors, the first is chained and locked shut. The chains look new. The other door is a plain wooden one. The last is open, leading to a narrow stairwell heading up.
  45. Mary (was she able to look into the rooms from outside behind these doors, and any notes on the languages of the papers/books=)
  46. Tatsumi It's hard to say, the script is english letters, but what little you can make of the old faded ink is garbled gibberish, not resembling any language you are familiar with
  47. Mary raises a hand and let it rest on the doors as she walks past all 3 of them.
  48. Mary She carefully opens the wodden door then, wait I assume the dusk is equall with all 3 of them?)
  49. Tatsumi (Yes.)
  50. Mary (argh decisons..)
  51. Mary (she opens the door)
  52. Tatsumi The door creaks open, revealing a long hallway. The floor is carpeted, and a few dim gas-lamps give some feeble light, but the end of the hallway is unseen as it disappears into the murky darkness. A few doors line both sides of the visible hallway.
  53. Mary shivers and then walks onwards, eyeing the doorways , and ready to burst away from the dark..on the other hand the clocktower might be better lighted..
  54. Tatsumi More offices and archives. A few stark empty rooms. As you make your way down the hallway the wall-paper fades and peel away, revealing the stone beneath it, the carpeting becomes patchy and worn.
  55. Tatsumi Mary: The floor is gently slopping down
  56. Mary (hmhm to descent again or to break off from a journey into the dark I am un sre what is worse in dream logic)
  57. Mary Mary hesitates and then takes a step back " Later," She whispers for a moment before she starts to walk backwards wanting to see the tower and the stars instead of the darkness
  58. Tatsumi Making you way back isn't hard. And the stairwell leading up the clock tower is narrow and dark.
  59. Mary (well as I understood the lamps as to be like this I am taking one with me :P)
  60. Tatsumi (Fair enough)
  61. Mary thus ascents
  62. Tatsumi [ ]The empty mechanical churn of the gears, the distant familar murmur of the sea, and lonely creaking of the tower in the wind await you. You arrive at the top, a small room with the gears sitting below you. A chair waits, as does a violin sitting beside it. Unlike the rest of the area, here there is no...
  63. Tatsumi ...dust. The window overlooks the sea, and you can see a collection of lights on a distant shoreline. A small town or city perhaps.
  64. Mary shivers and puts down the Latern as she looks around, the wind moving her hair as her eyes follow the shoreline and she breaths a bit in relive in seeing such a real sign of people around.
  65. Mary (that music.. and that laghter that one time nearly gave me a heart attack=
  66. Tatsumi Then one of the lights flickers and dies.
  67. Tatsumi A few heartbeats later another.
  68. Tatsumi And then another. And another.
  69. Mary blinks and whispers, "no.. no stop.." as she feebly wishes, wills it to stop, to leave the sign that people are around, that she IS NOT ALONE, She , she ...
  70. Tatsumi One by one they flicker and die. Leaving only the lonely darkness past the sea.
  71. Mary shivers and her hand grab the rim of the wall, her nails digging into the material.
  72. Mary (anything happening in the next 2-3 minutes?)
  73. Tatsumi (Roll Notice)
  74. Tatsumi (+10)
  75. Mary (30 of 77)
  76. Tatsumi Then a star winks out.
  77. Mary blinks and her mouth opens as she returns to the wimpering sound of no.
  78. Tatsumi Slowly, the stars wink out one by one. Even the pale red light of the moon fades as darkness obscures it, leaving you in utter darkness.
  79. Mary tries to curdle around the lamp as she sees thing getting darker, hurdling it against her as she stumbles down , away from, away from the dark nothing out there...
  80. Tatsumi Mary: You awaken, the comforting light of the moon gently caressing your room. Meagan sleeps peacefully in her crib.
  81. Mary (she failed her will roll by 4 DOF
  82. Tatsumi The last thing you remember from the dream. . . You remember dreaming. Of Strange Vistas and Starless Skies.
  83. Mary lies panting in her bed, raising a hand as if to cup it around the moon, as the pleaseant orange of the nightlight falls on her legs
  84. Tatsumi The nightlight flickers a moment. Leaving you in the silvery light before the orange reasserts itself.
  85. Mary shivers not knowing why, and plans to add more light, and.. maybe make sure that the regular lamp works by hitting the switch..
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