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a guest
Oct 22nd, 2012
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  1. C:\Program Files\nodejs>jitsu deploy
  2. info: Welcome to Nodejitsu armbot
  3. info: jitsu v0.9.8
  4. info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok
  5. info: Executing command deploy
  6. info: Analyzing application dependencies in node bin/boombot
  7. warn: Local package version appears to be old
  8. warn: The package.json version will be incremented automatically
  9. warn: About to write C:\Program Files\nodejs\package.json
  10. data:
  11. data: {
  12. data: subdomain: '',
  13. data: license: 'MIT',
  14. data: main: 'bin/boombot',
  15. data: scripts: { test: 'tap test/*.js', start: 'node bin/boombot' },
  16. data: contributors: [
  17. data: { email: '', name: 'Michael Belardo' }
  18. data: ],
  19. data: repository: { type: 'git', url: '
  20. igns/boombot2.git' },
  21. data: author: 'TerrordactylDesigns <>',
  22. data: dependencies: { ttapi: '> 1.5.x' },
  23. data: devDependencies: { tap: '0.2.x' },
  24. data: engines: { node: '0.6.x' },
  25. data: description: 'chat and DJ bot for',
  26. data: version: '2.0.2-2',
  27. data: engine: { node: '>=0.6.0' },
  28. data: name: 'armbot1',
  29. data: directories: {
  30. data: bin: 'bin',
  31. data: models: 'models',
  32. data: scripts: 'scripts',
  33. data: lib: 'lib'
  34. data: }
  35. data: }
  36. data:
  37. prompt: Is this ok?: (yes)
  38. info: Creating snapshot 2.0.2-2
  39. info: Updating app armbot1
  40. info: Activating snapshot 2.0.2-2 for armbot1
  41. info: Starting app armbot1
  42. error: Error running command deploy
  43. error: Nodejitsu Error (500): Internal Server Error
  44. error:
  45. error: There was an error while attempting to start the app
  46. error: Error spawning drone
  47. error: Script took too long to listen on a socket
  48. error:
  49. error: This type of error is usually a user error.
  50. error: Error output from app:
  51. error:
  52. error: *******Loading Configuration*******
  53. error: *******Configuration Loaded********
  54. error: ***********************************
  55. error: ***********BOOMBOT undefined***********
  56. error: ***********************************
  57. error: *******Initializing Systems********
  58. error: *******Loading Core Scripts********
  59. error: Loading: /help
  60. error: Loading: /lyrics
  61. error: Loading: /rules
  62. error: Loading: /video
  63. error: *******Loading Queue Scripts********
  64. error: Loading: q+
  65. error: Loading: addme
  66. error: Loading: q-
  67. error: Loading: /q
  68. error: Loading: /settings
  69. error: Loading: /plays
  70. error: *****Loading Optional Scripts******
  71. error: Loading: rslookup.js
  72. error: Loading: meow.js
  73. error: Loading: roll.js
  74. error: Loading: boo.js
  75. error: Loading: cheer.js
  76. error: Loading: catfact.js
  77. error: Loading: lmgtfy.js
  78. error: Loading: reptar.js
  79. error: Loading: hello.js
  80. error: Loading: 8ball.js
  81. error: Loading: rich.js
  82. error: Loading: likeaboss.js
  83. error: Loading: chuck.js
  84. error: Loading: haters.js
  85. error: Loading: WINNING.js
  86. help: For help with this error contact Nodejitsu Support:
  87. help: webchat: <>
  88. help: irc: <irc://>
  89. help: email: <>
  90. help:
  91. help: Copy and paste this output to a gist (
  92. info: Nodejitsu not ok
  94. C:\Program Files\nodejs>
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