
Changeling head-canon

Oct 9th, 2013
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  1. Changeling HeadCanon:
  2. >General Info
  3. Changelings live in hives, similar to IRL bees or ants, commanded by a single matured female (aka. Princess). The population of the hive is dominated by the undeveloped female Workers (~90% of total population) who are further divided into gatherers (working outside the hive, ~60% of total population) and caretakers (working inside the hive, ~30% to total population). Primes (~9%) are immature females who act as handlers to the gatherers as well as military commanders during the all-too-common hive-on-hive conflicts. The final ~1% consists of the Princess herself and her males.
  4. Historically, there have also been Queens. A Queen is changeling princesses that, by force or diplomacy, brings a majority of the entire changeling swarm under her control. While the hives always play a complex game of alliances and vassalization with great and small princesses, true queens are rare occurrences. While this is not a separate phenotype, it is an important position in the hierarchy which many seek to attain.
  6. Changelings are inherently magical beings and capable of limited telepathy. They lack a spoken language, preferring to communicate telepathically, but they do have a separate written language with minor variation between hives. Workers are incapable of speech in their base form and uses their telepathy to connect to the Hivemind. Changelings from differing hives can notice, but not access, each other's hiveminds. The exception being Princesses who can open links with each other. This makes inter-hive cooperation the most common time that changelings use speech to communicate with other changelings.
  8. All changelings are capable of both flight and limited magic, specializing in illusion. While they can survive on meat for limited periods of time, they primarily feed on magic, or 'love' as it is commonly called due to an old belief that sprung from their use of loved ones to absorb ambient magic, but are incapable of producing it on their own. As such, they are locked in a parasitical symbiosis with other sapients and rarely use their magic, preferring to store and save it.
  9. [Friendship is Magic -> Philia is Magic -> Love is Magic]
  11. Changelings are hatched from eggs into larvae. The larvae are checked by the workers for defects and fed until they reach their pupal stage, the workers will then encase the pupa in a goo cell until they emerge from the pupa as a fully grown changeling. Primes are distinguished by them being encased in royal goo and are also fed magic throughout their pupal stage. The lifespan of a changeling depends primarily on its diet. Workers rarely live beyond 30 years in a hive but can live for as long as a prime if 'liberated' and reformed to live in normal society. Primes tend to live for upwards of 200 years while princesses share a special bond with their hive and will rarely, if ever, die from old age.
  13. The carapace of a changeling is coloured to match their Princess. Workers without a princess are known as Feral and can be identified by their greyed out colours. They are most often encountered following a hive being wiped out due to inter-hive warfare or gatherers that get separated from their prime and are generally killed on sight but some weaker hives have been known to capture and assimilate them to boost their own numbers.
  15. A changeling can intuitively read a target's mind based on abstract 'spheres'. Mannerisms and speech-patterns can be read on sight, even by workers, while more detailed knowledge must be extracted by a prime or higher. Things that the target is open about, behavioural patterns, friends and family, cultural knowledge (favourite bands, sport teams, art works, etc.) and anything else that the subject would openly share with a stranger or passing acquaintance can be read on limited contact if target is held subdued. Anything beyond that is generally considered not worth the magic required to extract it and tends to be attained through more mundane methods. Usually through mindgames such as mimicking loved ones or close relations, emotional starvation and isolation, and other 'soft' torture techniques. Physical torture is very rarely used, if at all, though some hives use the illusion of pain to weaken their captured's resolve.
  17. Inter-Hive conflicts tend to be over territory or prestige. The primary hive structures are usually built in remote positions so conflicts are rarely noticed by the host civilizations. Gatherer teams that notice the presence of a foreign hivemind on territory claimed by their hive will sometimes try to use the host's own anti-changeling defences to root out the invaders. Though this is, of course, risky as this also makes their gathering job more difficult. Direct confrontation is therefore preferred but, given their discrete nature, difficult.
  19. The different civilizations use very different techniques to handle changeling infestations. The most notable are the Equestrians who use a specially trained group, primarily compromised of unicorns and reformed changelings, to root them out. They operate in secret, so as to not let warn their prey of their presence, generally to capture the gatherers for re-education or, in extreme cases, extermination.
  20. The Gryphons have bands of adventurers that rove from town to town, chasing rumours of changelings or monsters to slay in glorious combat. While they are more open about their presence, being the most braggart of gryphons, their more ruthless methods still give results, though not without some collateral damage. They are generally welcomed, however, as they are strongly romanticized by songs and stories written and told of great heroes fighting great foes.
  22. >Workers
  23. A worker is the quintessential changeling, as they are the most common. They are all technically female but are biologically incapable of sexual development due to not having been exposed to Royal Goo during infancy. They share a telepathic hivemind and are barely more than insects, intelligence wise, when isolated. The magnitude of the hivemind depends on the number of workers in range but can be 'boosted' by a prime or princess who are capable of committing part of their own mind to the hivemind. Despite limited intelligence workers are instinctively very capable mimics, a trait which they use to infiltrate and gather the magic of communities. Workers are only capable of passively absorbing ambient magic while their greater sisters are capable of actively draining it from a sapient.
  25. Each worker considers itself part of the hive and lacks individuality [similar to the way that the Borg or the Geth function]. Studies have shown, however, that each worker has its own personality as the personality of the hivemind can be altered by exchanging workers in and out of it. The current theory is that the personality of a hivemind is an amalgamation of the personalities of the workers that share it.
  27. As a worker infiltrates a community and feeds, it can develop an individuality, similar to how deep undercover can blur the lines between the cover and the actual agent, IRL. Such changelings are known as rogues and are seen as a necessary evil by the princesses who do their best to rotate workers between gatherer and other worker duties to avoid such events.
  29. >Primes and Princesses
  30. A prime is a female that was hatched in royal goo, producing a larger, smarter, fully sapient, changeling. They are capable of sexual development but do not do so while they are part of a Hive with an active Princess. Due to the uncooperative nature of changelings, it is unclear whether this is an active choice on behalf of the prime or due to hormonal suppression controlled by the Princess. They are primarily deployed as commanders and handlers during operations outside of the primary hivemind's range of influence where a central command is needed but the princess can not, or will not, go for whatever reason.
  32. Should the princess die, the primes compete in a game of cunning. During such civil wars, the hive will be very vulnerable to invaders as no solid defence structure can be maintained. After the new princess has established control, she will enter a pupa alongside the old princess where she will slowly absorb her memories. This is a very taxing process and requires that the hive feeds a great deal of magic into the pupa over a long period, from weeks to several years depending on the size and history of the hive, but it ensures that the princess always knows the full history of the hive. Once she emerges, she will mate with one of the princes in the harem or seek out a new male from an allied hive. A princess needs only mate once in her life after which she can lay millions of eggs but may choose to mate repeatedly, usually for diplomatic reasons.
  34. >Princes aka. Drones
  35. Changeling males are very dissimilar to their sisters. While female changelings are subtle and cunning, males are extravagant and prideful. Their one use within changeling society is to be offered to other hives as gifts to solidify alliances or to fertilize a virgin princess, after which they die. Being non-working, their life in the hive is pampered and slothful, as such they are a great strain on the hive's resources and are kept as a display of power. They are the first to be pruned should a hive's prosperity start to suffer and are exiled if they grow too old to fertilize a princess.
  37. Interesting or Unique Items
  38. Goo is sterile and antimicrobial, it staunches bleeding and encourages regeneration. While the regeneration aspect is minor, it could be used instead of bandages with great effect. Needs direct contact with the wounded area to help in healing, external injuries only. Goes dry when exposed to air for long periods of time, needs to be used fresh or kept in a sealed container. Non-magical. Goo that has been infused with magic is called Royal Goo.
  40. Stasis-pods provide full life-support for anyone inside, but is in a completely vegetative state during immersion. Needs to be fed with magic to operate, nullifies any magic of anyone or thing inside of it. Can be used to feed dreams to subjects if connected to a hivemind. Magical.
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