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Jan 23rd, 2017
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  2. --[[
  4. - Coded by nixer/cida/vec.
  5. - Credits to wuat.
  7. ]]--
  9. --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. DarkRP config settings
  11. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. This is the settings file of DarkRP. Every DarkRP setting is listed here.
  15. Warning:
  16. If this file is missing settings (because of e.g. an update), DarkRP will assume default values for these settings.
  17. You need not worry about updating this file. If a new setting is added you can manually add them to this file.
  18. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  21. --[[
  22. Toggle settings
  23. Set to true or false
  24. ]]
  26. -- voice3D - Enable/disable 3DVoice is enabled
  27. GM.Config.voice3D = true
  28. -- AdminsCopWeapons - Enable/disable admins spawning with cop weapons
  29. GM.Config.AdminsCopWeapons = false
  30. -- adminBypassJobCustomCheck - Enable/disable whether an admin can force set a job with whenever customCheck returns false
  31. GM.Config.adminBypassJobRestrictions = false
  32. -- allow people getting their own custom jobs
  33. GM.Config.allowjobswitch = true
  34. -- allowrpnames - Allow Players to Set their RP names using the /rpname command.
  35. GM.Config.allowrpnames = true
  36. -- allowsprays - Enable/disable the use of sprays on the server.
  37. GM.Config.allowsprays = true
  38. -- allowvehicleowning - Enable/disable whether people can own vehicles.
  39. GM.Config.allowvehicleowning = true
  40. -- allowvnocollide - Enable/disable the ability to no-collide a vehicle (for security).
  41. GM.Config.allowvnocollide = true
  42. -- alltalk - Enable for global chat, disable for local chat.
  43. GM.Config.alltalk = false
  44. -- autovehiclelock - Enable/Disable automatic locking of a vehicle when a player exits it.
  45. GM.Config.autovehiclelock = false
  46. -- babygod - people spawn godded (prevent spawn killing)
  47. GM.Config.babygod = true
  48. -- canforcedooropen - whether players can force an unownable door open with lockpick or battering ram or w/e
  49. GM.Config.canforcedooropen = true
  50. -- chatsounds - sounds are played when some things are said in chat
  51. GM.Config.chatsounds = true
  52. -- chiefjailpos - Allow the Chief to set the jail positions.
  53. GM.Config.chiefjailpos = false
  54. -- cit_propertytax - Enable/disable property tax that is exclusive only for citizens.
  55. GM.Config.cit_propertytax = false
  56. -- copscanunfreeze - Enable/disable the ability of cops to unfreeze other people's props
  57. GM.Config.copscanunfreeze = false
  58. -- copscanunweld - Enable/disable the ability of cops to unweld other people's props
  59. GM.Config.copscanunweld = false
  60. -- cpcanarrestcp - Allow/Disallow CPs to arrest other CPs.
  61. GM.Config.cpcanarrestcp = false
  62. -- currencyLeft - The position of the currency symbol. true for left, false for right.
  63. GM.Config.currencyLeft = true
  64. -- customjobs - Enable/disable the /job command (personalized job names).
  65. GM.Config.customjobs = false
  66. -- customspawns - Enable/disable whether custom spawns should be used.
  67. GM.Config.customspawns = true
  68. -- deathblack - Whether or not a player sees black on death.
  69. GM.Config.deathblack = false
  70. -- showdeaths - Display kill information in the upper right corner of everyone's screen.
  71. GM.Config.showdeaths = false
  72. -- deadtalk - Enable/disable whether people talk and use commands while dead
  73. GM.Config.deadtalk = true
  74. -- deathpov - Enable/disable whether people see their death in first person view
  75. GM.Config.deathpov = true
  76. -- decalcleaner - Enable/Disable clearing ever players decals.
  77. GM.Config.decalcleaner = false
  78. -- disallowClientsideScripts - Clientside scripts can be very useful for customizing the HUD or to aid in building. This option bans those scripts.
  79. GM.Config.disallowClientsideScripts = true
  80. -- doorwarrants - Enable/disable Warrant requirement to enter property.
  81. GM.Config.doorwarrants = true
  82. -- dropmoneyondeath - Enable/disable whether people drop money on death.
  83. GM.Config.dropmoneyondeath = false
  84. -- droppocketarrest - Enable/disable whether people drop the stuff in their pockets when they get arrested.
  85. GM.Config.droppocketarrest = false
  86. -- droppocketdeath - Enable/disable whether people drop the stuff in their pockets when they die.
  87. GM.Config.droppocketdeath = true
  88. -- dropweapondeath - Enable/disable whether people drop their current weapon when they die.
  89. GM.Config.dropweapondeath = false
  90. -- Whether players can drop the weapons they spawn with
  91. GM.Config.dropspawnedweapons = false
  92. -- dynamicvoice - Enable/disable whether only people in the same room as you can hear your mic.
  93. GM.Config.dynamicvoice = true
  94. -- earthquakes - Enable/disable earthquakes.
  95. GM.Config.earthquakes = false
  96. -- enablebuypistol - Turn /buy on of off.
  97. GM.Config.enablebuypistol = true
  98. -- enforceplayermodel - Whether or not to force players to use their role-defined character models.
  99. GM.Config.enforceplayermodel = true
  100. -- globalshow - Whether or not to display player info above players' heads in-game.
  101. GM.Config.globalshow = false
  102. -- ironshoot - Enable/disable whether people need iron sights to shoot.
  103. GM.Config.ironshoot = true
  104. -- showjob - Whether or not to display a player's job above their head in-game.
  105. GM.Config.showjob = true
  106. -- letters - Enable/disable letter writing / typing.
  107. GM.Config.letters = true
  108. -- license - Enable/disable People need a license to be able to pick up guns
  109. GM.Config.license = false
  110. -- lockpickfading - Enable/disable the lockpicking of fading doors
  111. GM.Config.lockpickfading = true
  112. -- logging - Enable/disable logging everything that happens.
  113. GM.Config.logging = true
  114. -- lottery - Enable/disable creating lotteries for mayors
  115. GM.Config.lottery = true
  116. -- showname - Whether or not to display a player's name above their head in-game.
  117. GM.Config.showname = true
  118. -- showname - Whether or not to display a player's health above their head in-game.
  119. GM.Config.showhealth = true
  120. -- needwantedforarrest - Enable/disable Cops can only arrest wanted people.
  121. GM.Config.needwantedforarrest = false
  122. -- noguns - Enabling this feature bans Guns and Gun Dealers.
  123. GM.Config.noguns = false
  124. -- norespawn - Enable/Disable that people don't have to respawn when they change job.
  125. GM.Config.norespawn = false
  126. -- npcarrest - Enable/disable arresting npc's
  127. GM.Config.npcarrest = false
  128. -- ooc - Whether or not OOC tags are enabled.
  129. GM.Config.ooc = true
  130. -- propertytax - Enable/disable property tax.
  131. GM.Config.propertytax = false
  132. -- proppaying - Whether or not players should pay for spawning props.
  133. GM.Config.proppaying = false
  134. -- propspawning - Enable/disable props spawning for non-admins.
  135. GM.Config.propspawning = true
  136. -- removeclassitems - Enable/disable shipments/microwaves/etc. removal when someone changes team.
  137. GM.Config.removeclassitems = true
  138. -- respawninjail - Enable/disable whether people can respawn in jail when they die
  139. GM.Config.respawninjail = true
  140. -- restrictallteams - Enable/disable Players can only be citizen until an admin allows them.
  141. GM.Config.restrictallteams = false
  142. -- restrictbuypistol - Enabling this feature makes /buy available only to Gun Dealers.
  143. GM.Config.restrictbuypistol = true
  144. -- restrictdrop - Enable/disable restricting the weapons players can drop. Setting this to true disallows weapons from shipments from being dropped
  145. GM.Config.restrictdrop = false
  146. -- revokeLicenseOnJobChange - Whether licenses are revoked when a player changes jobs
  147. GM.Config.revokeLicenseOnJobChange = true
  148. -- shouldResetLaws - Enable/Disable resetting the laws back to the default law set when the mayor changes
  149. GM.Config.shouldResetLaws = true
  150. -- strictsuicide - Whether or not players should spawn where they suicided
  151. GM.Config.strictsuicide = false
  152. -- telefromjail - Enable/disable teleporting from jail.
  153. GM.Config.telefromjail = true
  154. -- teletojail - Enable/disable teleporting to jail.
  155. GM.Config.teletojail = true
  156. -- unlockdoorsonstart - Enable/Disable unlocking all doors on map start.
  157. GM.Config.unlockdoorsonstart = true
  158. -- voiceradius - Enable/disable local voice chat.
  159. GM.Config.voiceradius = true
  160. -- tax - Whether players pay taxes on their wallets.
  161. GM.Config.wallettax = false
  162. -- wantedsuicide - Enable/Disable suiciding while you are wanted by the police.
  163. GM.Config.wantedsuicide = false
  164. -- realisticfalldamage - Enable/Disable dynamic fall damage. Setting mp_falldamage to 1 will over-ride this.
  165. GM.Config.realisticfalldamage = true
  166. -- printeroverheat - Can the default money printer overheat on its own?
  167. GM.Config.printeroverheat = true
  168. -- weaponCheckerHideDefault - Hide default weapons when checking weapons
  169. GM.Config.weaponCheckerHideDefault = true
  170. -- weaponCheckerHideNoLicense - Hide weapons that do not require a license
  171. GM.Config.weaponCheckerHideNoLicense = false
  173. --[[
  174. Value settings
  175. ]]
  176. -- adminnpcs - Whether or not NPCs should be admin only. 0 = everyone, 1 = admin or higher, 2 = superadmin or higher, 3 = rcon only
  177. GM.Config.adminnpcs = 3
  178. -- adminsents - Whether or not SENTs should be admin only. 0 = everyone, 1 = admin or higher, 2 = superadmin or higher, 3 = rcon only
  179. GM.Config.adminsents = 2
  180. -- adminvehicles - Whether or not vehicles should be admin only. 0 = everyone, 1 = admin or higher, 2 = superadmin or higher, 3 = rcon only
  181. GM.Config.adminvehicles = 2
  182. -- adminweapons - Who can spawn weapons: 0: admins only, 1: supadmins only, 2: no one
  183. GM.Config.adminweapons = 1
  184. -- arrestspeed - Sets the max arrest speed.
  185. GM.Config.arrestspeed = 120
  186. -- babygodtime - How long the babygod lasts
  187. GM.Config.babygodtime = 5
  188. -- chatsoundsdelay - How long to wait before letting a player emit a sound from their chat again.
  189. -- Leave this on at least a few seconds to prevent people from spamming sounds. Set to 0 to disable.
  190. GM.Config.chatsoundsdelay = 5
  191. -- deathfee - the amount of money someone drops when dead.
  192. GM.Config.deathfee = 10
  193. -- decaltimer - Sets the time to clear clientside decals. (seconds)
  194. GM.Config.decaltimer = 120
  195. -- demotetime - Number of seconds before a player can rejoin a team after demotion from that team.
  196. GM.Config.demotetime = 120
  197. -- doorcost - Sets the cost of a door.
  198. GM.Config.doorcost = 30
  199. -- entremovedelay - how long to wait before removing a bought entity after disconnect.
  200. GM.Config.entremovedelay = 0
  201. -- jailtimer - Sets the jailtimer. (in seconds)
  202. GM.Config.jailtimer = 180
  203. -- maxdoors - Sets the max amount of doors one can own.
  204. GM.Config.maxdoors = 20
  205. -- maxdrugs - Sets max drugs.
  206. GM.Config.maxdrugs = 2
  207. -- maxfoods - Sets the max food cartons per Microwave owner.
  208. GM.Config.maxfoods = 2
  209. -- maxlawboards - The maximum number of law boards the mayor can place.
  210. GM.Config.maxlawboards = 3
  211. -- maxletters - Sets max letters.
  212. GM.Config.maxletters = 5
  213. -- maxlotterycost - Maximum payment the mayor can set to join a lottery.
  214. GM.Config.maxlotterycost = 250
  215. -- maxvehicles - Sets how many vehicles one can buy.
  216. GM.Config.maxvehicles = 5
  217. -- microwavefoodcost - Sets the sale price of Microwave Food.
  218. GM.Config.microwavefoodcost = 30
  219. -- minlotterycost - Minimum payment the mayor can set to join a lottery.
  220. GM.Config.minlotterycost = 30
  221. -- Money packets will get removed if they don't get picked up after a while. Set to 0 to disable
  222. GM.Config.moneyRemoveTime = 600
  223. -- mprintamount - Value of the money printed by the money printer.
  224. GM.Config.mprintamount = 250
  225. -- normalsalary - Sets the starting salary for newly joined players.
  226. GM.Config.normalsalary = 45
  227. -- npckillpay - Sets the money given for each NPC kill.
  228. GM.Config.npckillpay = 0
  229. -- paydelay - Sets how long it takes before people get salary
  230. GM.Config.paydelay = 160
  231. -- pocketitems - Sets the amount of objects the pocket can carry
  232. GM.Config.pocketitems = 10
  233. -- pricecap - The maximum price of items (using /price)
  234. GM.Config.pricecap = 500
  235. -- pricemin - The minimum price of items (using /price)
  236. GM.Config.pricemin = 50
  237. -- propcost - How much prop spawning should cost. (prop paying must be enabled for this to have an effect)
  238. GM.Config.propcost = 10
  239. -- quakechance - Chance of an earthquake happening.
  240. GM.Config.quakechance = 4000
  241. -- respawntime - Minimum amount of seconds a player has to wait before respawning.
  242. GM.Config.respawntime = 1
  243. -- changejobtime - Minimum amount of seconds a player has to wait before changing job.
  244. GM.Config.changejobtime = 10
  245. -- runspeed - Sets the max running speed.
  246. GM.Config.runspeed = 240
  247. -- runspeed - Sets the max running speed for CP teams
  248. GM.Config.runspeedcp = 255
  249. -- searchtime - Number of seconds for which a search warrant is valid.
  250. GM.Config.searchtime = 60
  251. -- ShipmentSpawnTime - Antispam time between spawning shipments.
  252. GM.Config.ShipmentSpamTime = 1
  253. -- shipmenttime - The number of seconds it takes for a shipment to spawn.
  254. GM.Config.shipmentspawntime = 10
  255. -- startinghealth - the health when you spawn.
  256. GM.Config.startinghealth = 100
  257. -- startingmoney - your wallet when you join for the first time.
  258. GM.Config.startingmoney = 25000
  259. -- vehiclecost - Sets the cost of a vehicle (To own it).
  260. GM.Config.vehiclecost = 40
  261. -- wallettaxmax - Maximum percentage of tax to be paid.
  262. GM.Config.wallettaxmax = 5
  263. -- wallettaxmin - Minimum percentage of tax to be paid.
  264. GM.Config.wallettaxmin = 1
  265. -- wallettaxtime - Time in seconds between taxing players. Requires server restart.
  266. GM.Config.wallettaxtime = 600
  267. -- wantedtime - Number of seconds for which a player is wanted for.
  268. GM.Config.wantedtime = 120
  269. -- walkspeed - Sets the max walking speed.
  270. GM.Config.walkspeed = 160
  271. -- falldamagedamper - The damper on realistic fall damage. Default is 15. Decrease this for more damage.
  272. GM.Config.falldamagedamper = 15
  273. -- falldamageamount - The base damage taken from falling for static fall damage. Default is 10
  274. GM.Config.falldamageamount = 10
  275. -- printeroverheatchance - The likelyhood of a printer overheating. The higher this number, the less likely. Minimum 3. Default 22
  276. GM.Config.printeroverheatchance = 22
  278. --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  279. Other settings
  280. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  282. -- The classname of money packets. Use this to create your own money entity!
  283. -- Note: the money packet must support the "Setamount" method (or the amount DTVar)
  284. GM.Config.MoneyClass = "spawned_money"
  285. -- In case you do wish to keep the default money, but change the model, this option is the way to go:
  286. GM.Config.moneyModel = "models/props/cs_assault/money.mdl"
  288. -- The skin DarkRP uses. Set to "default" to use the GMod default derma theme
  289. GM.Config.DarkRPSkin = "DarkRP"
  290. GM.Config.currency = "$"
  291. GM.Config.chatCommandPrefix = "/"
  292. GM.Config.F1MenuHelpPage = ""
  293. GM.Config.F1MenuHelpPageTitle = "Wiki page"
  295. -- Put Steam ID's and ranks in this list, and the players will have that rank when they join.
  296. GM.Config.DefaultPlayerGroups = {
  297. ["STEAM_0:0:44615373"] = "owner",
  298. }
  300. -- Custom modules in this addon that are disabled.
  301. GM.Config.DisabledCustomModules = {
  302. ["hudreplacement"] = false,
  303. ["extraf4tab"] = false,
  304. }
  306. -- The list of weapons that players are not allowed to drop. Items set to true are not allowed to be dropped
  307. GM.Config.DisallowDrop = {
  308. ["vc_spikestrip_wep"] = true,
  309. ["spiderman's_swep"] = true,
  310. ["pro_lockpick_update"] = true,
  311. ["stungun"] = true,
  312. ["arrest_stick"] = true,
  313. ["door_ram"] = true,
  314. ["gmod_camera"] = true,
  315. ["gmod_tool"] = true,
  316. ["keys"] = true,
  317. ["lockpick"] = true,
  318. ["med_kit"] = true,
  319. ["pocket"] = true,
  320. ["stunstick"] = true,
  321. ["unarrest_stick"] = true,
  322. ["weapon_keypadchecker"] = true,
  323. ["weapon_physcannon"] = true,
  324. ["weapon_physgun"] = true,
  325. ["weapon_fists"] = true,
  326. ["weaponchecker"] = true,
  327. ["weapon_arc_atmcard"] = true,
  328. ["m9k_davy_crockett"] = true,
  329. ["m9k_minigun"] = true,
  330. ["csgo_bowie"] = true,
  331. ["csgo_bowie_autotronic"] = true,
  332. ["csgo_bowie_black_laminate"] = true,
  333. ["csgo_bowie_bluesteel"] = true,
  334. ["csgo_bowie_boreal"] = true,
  335. ["csgo_bowie_bright_water"] = true,
  336. ["csgo_bowie_case"] = true,
  337. ["csgo_bowie_crimsonwebs"] = true,
  338. ["csgo_bowie_damascus"] = true,
  339. ["csgo_bowie_ddpat"] = true,
  340. ["csgo_bowie_fade"] = true,
  341. ["csgo_bowie_freehand"] = true,
  342. ["csgo_bowie_gamma_doppler"] = true,
  343. ["csgo_bowie_lore"] = true,
  344. ["csgo_bowie_marblefade"] = true,
  345. ["csgo_bowie_night"] = true,
  346. ["csgo_bowie_rustcoat"] = true,
  347. ["csgo_bowie_slaughter"] = true,
  348. ["csgo_bowie_tiger"] = true,
  349. ["csgo_bowie_ultraviolet"] = true,
  350. ["csgo_baseknife"] = true,
  351. ["csgo_bayonet"] = true,
  352. ["csgo_bayonet_autotronic"] = true,
  353. ["csgo_bayonet_black_laminate"] = true,
  354. ["csgo_bayonet_bluesteel"] = true,
  355. ["csgo_bayonet_boreal"] = true,
  356. ["csgo_bayonet_bright_water"] = true,
  357. ["csgo_bayonet_case"] = true,
  358. ["csgo_bayonet_crimsonwebs"] = true,
  359. ["csgo_bayonet_damascus"] = true,
  360. ["csgo_bayonet_ddpat"] = true,
  361. ["csgo_bayonet_fade"] = true,
  362. ["csgo_bayonet_freehand"] = true,
  363. ["csgo_bayonet_gamma_doppler"] = true,
  364. ["csgo_bayonet_lore"] = true,
  365. ["csgo_bayonet_marblefade"] = true,
  366. ["csgo_bayonet_night"] = true,
  367. ["csgo_bayonet_rustcoat"] = true,
  368. ["csgo_bayonet_slaughter"] = true,
  369. ["csgo_bayonet_tiger"] = true,
  370. ["csgo_bayonet_ultraviolet"] = true,
  371. ["csgo_butterfly"] = true,
  372. ["csgo_butterfly_autotronic"] = true,
  373. ["csgo_butterfly_black_laminate"] = true,
  374. ["csgo_butterfly_bluesteel"] = true,
  375. ["csgo_butterfly_boreal"] = true,
  376. ["csgo_butterfly_bright_water"] = true,
  377. ["csgo_butterfly_case"] = true,
  378. ["csgo_butterfly_crimsonwebs"] = true,
  379. ["csgo_butterfly_damascus"] = true,
  380. ["csgo_butterfly_ddpat"] = true,
  381. ["csgo_butterfly_fade"] = true,
  382. ["csgo_butterfly_freehand"] = true,
  383. ["csgo_butterfly_gamma_doppler"] = true,
  384. ["csgo_butterfly_lore"] = true,
  385. ["csgo_butterfly_marblefade"] = true,
  386. ["csgo_butterfly_night"] = true,
  387. ["csgo_butterfly_rustcoat"] = true,
  388. ["csgo_butterfly_slaughter"] = true,
  389. ["csgo_butterfly_tiger"] = true,
  390. ["csgo_butterfly_ultraviolet"] = true,
  391. ["csgo_cssource"] = true,
  392. ["csgo_daggers"] = true,
  393. ["csgo_daggers_autotronic"] = true,
  394. ["csgo_daggers_black_laminate"] = true,
  395. ["csgo_daggers_bluesteel"] = true,
  396. ["csgo_daggers_boreal"] = true,
  397. ["csgo_daggers_bright_water"] = true,
  398. ["csgo_daggers_case"] = true,
  399. ["csgo_daggers_damascus"] = true,
  400. ["csgo_daggers_ddpat"] = true,
  401. ["csgo_daggers_fade"] = true,
  402. ["csgo_daggers_freehand"] = true,
  403. ["csgo_daggers_gamma_doppler"] = true,
  404. ["csgo_daggers_greyscaled"] = true,
  405. ["csgo_daggers_lore"] = true,
  406. ["csgo_daggers_marblefade"] = true,
  407. ["csgo_daggers_night"] = true,
  408. ["csgo_daggers_rustcoat"] = true,
  409. ["csgo_daggers_slaughter"] = true,
  410. ["csgo_daggers_tiger"] = true,
  411. ["csgo_daggers_ultraviolet"] = true,
  412. ["csgo_daggers_webs"] = true,
  413. ["csgo_default_golden"] = true,
  414. ["csgo_default_knife"] = true,
  415. ["csgo_default_t"] = true,
  416. ["csgo_default_t_golden"] = true,
  417. ["csgo_falchion"] = true,
  418. ["csgo_falchion_autotronic"] = true,
  419. ["csgo_falchion_black_laminate"] = true,
  420. ["csgo_falchion_bluesteel"] = true,
  421. ["csgo_falchion_boreal"] = true,
  422. ["csgo_falchion_bright_water"] = true,
  423. ["csgo_falchion_case"] = true,
  424. ["csgo_falchion_crimsonwebs"] = true,
  425. ["csgo_falchion_damascus"] = true,
  426. ["csgo_falchion_ddpat"] = true,
  427. ["csgo_falchion_fade"] = true,
  428. ["csgo_falchion_freehand"] = true,
  429. ["csgo_falchion_gamma_doppler"] = true,
  430. ["csgo_falchion_lore"] = true,
  431. ["csgo_falchion_marblefade"] = true,
  432. ["csgo_falchion_night"] = true,
  433. ["csgo_falchion_rustcoat"] = true,
  434. ["csgo_falchion_slaughter"] = true,
  435. ["csgo_falchion_tiger"] = true,
  436. ["csgo_falchion_ultraviolet"] = true,
  437. ["csgo_flip"] = true,
  438. ["csgo_flip_autotronic"] = true,
  439. ["csgo_flip_black_laminate"] = true,
  440. ["csgo_flip_bluesteel"] = true,
  441. ["csgo_flip_boreal"] = true,
  442. ["csgo_flip_bright_water"] = true,
  443. ["csgo_flip_case"] = true,
  444. ["csgo_flip_crimsonwebs"] = true,
  445. ["csgo_flip_damascus"] = true,
  446. ["csgo_flip_ddpat"] = true,
  447. ["csgo_flip_fade"] = true,
  448. ["csgo_flip_freehand"] = true,
  449. ["csgo_flip_gamma_doppler"] = true,
  450. ["csgo_flip_lore"] = true,
  451. ["csgo_flip_marblefade"] = true,
  452. ["csgo_flip_night"] = true,
  453. ["csgo_flip_rustcoat"] = true,
  454. ["csgo_flip_slaughter"] = true,
  455. ["csgo_flip_tiger"] = true,
  456. ["csgo_flip_ultraviolet"] = true,
  457. ["csgo_gut"] = true,
  458. ["csgo_gut_autotronic"] = true,
  459. ["csgo_gut_black_laminate"] = true,
  460. ["csgo_gut_bluesteel"] = true,
  461. ["csgo_gut_boreal"] = true,
  462. ["csgo_gut_bright_water"] = true,
  463. ["csgo_gut_case"] = true,
  464. ["csgo_gut_crimsonwebs"] = true,
  465. ["csgo_gut_damascus"] = true,
  466. ["csgo_gut_ddpat"] = true,
  467. ["csgo_gut_fade"] = true,
  468. ["csgo_gut_freehand"] = true,
  469. ["csgo_gut_gamma_doppler"] = true,
  470. ["csgo_gut_lore"] = true,
  471. ["csgo_gut_marblefade"] = true,
  472. ["csgo_gut_night"] = true,
  473. ["csgo_gut_rustcoat"] = true,
  474. ["csgo_gut_slaughter"] = true,
  475. ["csgo_gut_tiger"] = true,
  476. ["csgo_gut_ultraviolet"] = true,
  477. ["csgo_huntsman"] = true,
  478. ["csgo_huntsman_autotronic"] = true,
  479. ["csgo_huntsman_black_laminate"] = true,
  480. ["csgo_hunmant_bluesteel"] = true,
  481. ["csgo_huntsman_boreal"] = true,
  482. ["csgo_hunmant_bright_water"] = true,
  483. ["csgo_huntsman_case"] = true,
  484. ["csgo_huntsman_crimsonwebs"] = true,
  485. ["csgo_huntsman_damascus"] = true,
  486. ["csgo_huntsman_ddpat"] = true,
  487. ["csgo_huntsman_fade"] = true,
  488. ["csgo_huntsman_freehand"] = true,
  489. ["csgo_huntsman_gamma_doppler"] = true,
  490. ["csgo_huntsman_lore"] = true,
  491. ["csgo_huntsman_marblefade"] = true,
  492. ["csgo_huntsman_night"] = true,
  493. ["csgo_huntsman_rustcoat"] = true,
  494. ["csgo_huntsman_slaughter"] = true,
  495. ["csgo_huntsman_tiger"] = true,
  496. ["csgo_huntsman_ultraviolet"] = true,
  497. ["csgo_karambit"] = true,
  498. ["csgo_karambit_autotronic"] = true,
  499. ["csgo_karambit_black_laminate"] = true,
  500. ["csgo_karambit_bluesteel"] = true,
  501. ["csgo_karambit_boreal"] = true,
  502. ["csgo_karambit_bright_water"] = true,
  503. ["csgo_karambit_case"] = true,
  504. ["csgo_karambit_crimsonwebs"] = true,
  505. ["csgo_karambit_damascus"] = true,
  506. ["csgo_karambit_ddpat"] = true,
  507. ["csgo_karambit_fade"] = true,
  508. ["csgo_karambit_freehand"] = true,
  509. ["csgo_karambit_gamma_doppler"] = true,
  510. ["csgo_karambit_lore"] = true,
  511. ["csgo_karambit_marblefade"] = true,
  512. ["csgo_karambit_night"] = true,
  513. ["csgo_karambit_rustcoat"] = true,
  514. ["csgo_karambit_slaughter"] = true,
  515. ["csgo_karambit_tiger"] = true,
  516. ["csgo_karambit_ultraviolet"] = true,
  517. ["csgo_m9"] = true,
  518. ["csgo_m9_autotronic"] = true,
  519. ["csgo_m9_black_laminate"] = true,
  520. ["csgo_m9_bluesteel"] = true,
  521. ["csgo_m9_boreal"] = true,
  522. ["csgo_m9_bright_water"] = true,
  523. ["csgo_m9_case"] = true,
  524. ["csgo_m9_crimsonwebs"] = true,
  525. ["csgo_m9_damascus"] = true,
  526. ["csgo_m9_ddpat"] = true,
  527. ["csgo_m9_fade"] = true,
  528. ["csgo_m9_freehand"] = true,
  529. ["csgo_m9_gamma_doppler"] = true,
  530. ["csgo_m9_lore"] = true,
  531. ["csgo_m9_marblefade"] = true,
  532. ["csgo_m9_night"] = true,
  533. ["csgo_m9_rustcoat"] = true,
  534. ["csgo_m9_slaughter"] = true,
  535. ["csgo_m9_tiger"] = true,
  536. ["csgo_m9_ultraviolet"] = true
  537. }
  539. -- The list of weapons people spawn with
  540. GM.Config.DefaultWeapons = {
  541. "keys",
  542. "weapon_physcannon",
  543. "gmod_camera",
  544. "gmod_tool",
  545. "pocket",
  546. "weapon_physgun",
  547. "weapon_arc_atmcard"
  548. }
  550. -- Override categories
  551. -- NOTE: categories are to be set in the "category" field of the custom jobs/shipments/entities/ammo/pistols/vehicles
  552. -- Use this only to override the categories of _default_ things.
  553. -- This will NOT work for your own custom stuff.
  554. -- Make sure the category is created in the darkrp_customthings/categories.lua, otherwise it won't work!
  555. GM.Config.CategoryOverride = {
  556. jobs = {
  557. ["Citizen"] = "Citizens",
  558. ["Hobo"] = "Citizens",
  559. ["Gun Dealer"] = "Citizens",
  560. ["Medic"] = "Citizens",
  561. ["Civil Protection"] = "Civil Protection",
  562. ["Gangster"] = "Gangsters",
  563. ["Mob boss"] = "Gangsters",
  564. ["Civil Protection Chief"] = "Civil Protection",
  565. ["Mayor"] = "Civil Protection"
  566. },
  567. entities = {
  568. ["Drug lab"] = "Other",
  569. ["Money printer"] = "Other",
  570. ["Gun lab"] = "Other"
  572. },
  573. shipments = {
  574. ["AK47"] = "Rifles",
  575. ["MP5"] = "Rifles",
  576. ["M4"] = "Rifles",
  577. ["Mac 10"] = "Other",
  578. ["Pump shotgun"] = "Shotguns",
  579. ["Sniper rifle"] = "Snipers"
  581. },
  582. weapons = {
  583. ["Desert eagle"] = "Pistols",
  584. ["Fiveseven"] = "Pistols",
  585. ["Glock"] = "Pistols",
  586. ["P228"] = "Pistols"
  587. },
  588. vehicles = {}, -- There are no default vehicles
  589. ammo = {
  590. ["Pistol ammo"] = "Other",
  591. ["Shotgun ammo"] = "Other",
  592. ["Rifle ammo"] = "Other"
  593. },
  594. }
  596. -- The list of weapons admins spawn with, in addition to the default weapons, a job's weapons and GM.Config.AdminCopWeapons
  597. GM.Config.AdminWeapons = {
  598. "weapon_keypadchecker"
  599. }
  601. -- These are the default laws, they're unchangeable in-game.
  602. GM.Config.DefaultLaws = {
  603. "Do not attack other citizens except in self-defence.",
  604. "Do not steal or break in to peoples homes.",
  605. "Money printers/drugs are illegal."
  606. }
  608. GM.Config.PocketBlacklist = {
  609. ["fadmin_jail"] = true,
  610. ["meteor"] = true,
  611. ["door"] = true,
  612. ["func_"] = true,
  613. ["player"] = true,
  614. ["beam"] = true,
  615. ["worldspawn"] = true,
  616. ["env_"] = true,
  617. ["path_"] = true,
  618. ["prop_physics"] = true,
  619. ["rprint_vipprinter"] = true,
  620. ["rprint_advancedprinter"] = true,
  621. ["rprint_standardprinter"] = true,
  622. ["gunlab"] = true,
  623. ["keypad"] = true,
  624. ["rphone_ied"] = true,
  625. ["bit_miner_heavy"] = true,
  626. ["bit_miner_medium"] = true,
  627. ["bit_miner_light"] = true,
  628. ["wdj_radio"] = true,
  629. ["wdj_mastercontroller"] = true,
  630. }
  632. -- These weapons are classed as 'legal' in the weapon checker and are not stripped when confiscating weapons.
  633. -- This setting is used IN ADDITION to GM.Config.weaponCheckerHideDefault and GM.Config.weaponCheckerHideNoLicense
  634. -- You should use the former if you want to class the default weapons (GM.Config.DefaultWeapons and, if admin, GM.Config.AdminWeapons) and a player's job weapons as legal.
  635. -- The latter takes GM.NoLicense weapons as legal (see licenseweapons.lua)
  636. -- The format of this config is similar to GM.Config.DisallowDrop
  637. GM.Config.noStripWeapons = {
  639. }
  641. -- The entities listed here will not be removed when a player changes their job.
  642. -- This only applies when removeclassitems is set to true
  643. -- Note: entities will only be removed when the player changes to a job that is not allowed to have the entity
  644. GM.Config.preventClassItemRemoval = {
  645. ["gunlab"] = false,
  646. ["microwave"] = false,
  647. ["spawned_shipment"] = false,
  648. }
  650. -- Properties set to true are allowed to be used. Values set to false or are missing from this list are blocked.
  651. GM.Config.allowedProperties = {
  652. remover = true,
  653. ignite = false,
  654. extinguish = true,
  655. keepupright = true,
  656. gravity = true,
  657. collision = true,
  658. skin = true,
  659. bodygroups = true,
  660. }
  662. --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  663. F4 menu
  664. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  665. -- hide the items that you can't buy and the jobs you can't get (instead of graying them out)
  666. -- this option hides items when you don't have enough money, when the maximum is reached for a job or any other reason
  667. GM.Config.hideNonBuyable = false
  669. -- Hide only the items that you have the wrong job for (or for which the customCheck says no)
  670. -- When you set this option to true and hideNonBuyable to false, you WILL see e.g. items that are too expensive for you to buy
  671. -- but you won't see gundealer shipments when you have the citizen job
  672. GM.Config.hideTeamUnbuyable = true
  674. --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  675. AFK module
  676. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  677. -- The time of inactivity before being demoted
  678. GM.Config.afkdemotetime = 600
  679. -- Prevent people from spamming AFK
  680. GM.Config.AFKDelay = 300
  682. --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  683. Hitmenu module
  684. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  685. -- The minimum price for a hit
  686. GM.Config.minHitPrice = 4000
  687. -- The maximum price for a hit
  688. GM.Config.maxHitPrice = 10000
  689. -- The minimum distance between a hitman and his customer when they make the deal
  690. GM.Config.minHitDistance = 300
  691. -- The text that tells the player he can press use on the hitman to request a hit
  692. GM.Config.hudText = "I am a hitman.\nPress E on me to request a hit!"
  693. -- The text above a hitman when he's got a hit
  694. GM.Config.hitmanText = "Hit\naccepted!"
  695. -- The cooldown time for a hit target (so they aren't spam killed)
  696. GM.Config.hitTargetCooldown = 300
  697. -- How long a customer has to wait to be able to buy another hit (from the moment the hit is accepted)
  698. GM.Config.hitCustomerCooldown = 300
  700. --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  701. Hungermod module
  702. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  703. -- hungerspeed <Amount> - Set the rate at which players will become hungry (2 is the default)
  704. GM.Config.hungerspeed = 2
  705. -- starverate <Amount> - How much health that is taken away every second the player is starving (3 is the default)
  706. GM.Config.starverate = 3
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