
Whoya'gonnacall?: Part 6: I fell into Ring of Ghostly Fire

Nov 14th, 2012
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  1. >Whelp, that little announcement killed the party faster than a turd in a swimming pool. Pinkie ran off to start planning for a 'Celestia comes to Town' party, Applejack was abducted by Rainbow Dash so she could watch her routine, and all the rest of the p0nies ran out to get ready.
  2. >Even your usually cool-self suddenly felt the fangs of dread around around your neck; slowly sinking into the jugulars like some angry beast desiring blood.
  3. >Deep breathes Anon.. Don't panic, try to calm everything down. She's gotta be overacting, right?
  4. “Hey.. Twilight, your freaking me out here. Maybe your overacting just a little?”
  5. >”Overacting?! Overacting?! I am not overacting! What if you do something that offends her?! You'll get thrown in the dungeon! And it'll be all my fault.” Her mane looks frayed, as her horn is constantly alight as she frantically cleans up the party's aftermath.
  6. >”Yeah, Twilight. You just need to calm down. You know the princess wouldn't do that..” Spike tried to reason with her, but it only earned him a deathly glare, “Okay, just sayin'...” He mumbled, carrying an empty party tray.
  7. “Twilight. I think you need to take a breather for a few minutes. You know? Calm down, I think there is still some cake floating around here somewhere..”
  8. >”Calm down?! I AM CALM!” She screams, her upper lip twitching wildly.
  9. >You just give her a look, then sigh. Alright, time for the big guns.
  10. >You calmly approach her as she turns her glare to you. If you were a normal, mortal man you'd be quaking in your boots. But your a goddamn Ghostbuster, you deal with this shit all the time... Okay, not all the time, but you knew what you were doing.
  11. >Mostly.
  12. >You kneel down in front of panicking purple p0ny and look into her eyes for a few moments.
  13. “You need a hug?”
  14. >Twilight seems completely flabbergasted from your question. She stammers and stutters looking unsure of what to say.
  15. “I'll take that as a yes.”
  16. >You quickly wrap your arms around the mare's neck, and squeeze her tightly. Her entire body tenses up for a fraction of a second, and then she relaxes, one of her fore hoofs wrapping around your neck. Her hair tickles a little. After a few moments, you release her and gently pat her mane.
  17. “Feel better?”
  18. >”Yeah, a little. I'm still worried about Princess Celestia and you making a good impression though.”
  19. “You don't need to worry. I deal with government officials all the time back at home.”
  20. >It was the mayor of a small town. Once. And he hated you. Probably still does.
  21. >”Yeah, Twi. Anonymous has got be pretty smooth, right? Well, as long as there isn't a bucket of slime nearby. Then he's just kinda weird... no offense.”
  22. “None taken, Spike.”
  23. >You give the baby dragon a nod, then turn your attentions back to Twilight.
  24. “I'll be extremely careful. When she comes, I'll let you do all of the talking, and if she ask me a question I'll answer it as respectfully as possible.”
  25. >In other words you'll bite your tongue. This isn't the first time and probably won't be the last. And you want to make a good first impression, for Twilight's sake, if nothing else.
  26. “Still feel nervous?”
  27. >Twilight just nods her head and looks at you sheepishly. Her cheeks lightly colored red.
  28. >Alright, what do you know about Twilight? Well, she appears to be the bookish type, but does lots of researching... Usually smart types like showing off their latest work? Rainbow said that Twilight had a lab downstairs. Showing off some of her cool devices may give her a nice injection of confidence.
  29. “Well, I heard that you had a lab... Would showing me some of your cool toys help you relax?”
  30. >”My lab? Well.. Oh, I almost forgot!” She grinned, and headed over to the laboratory’s door, turning back she faces me with a giant grin across her face, “Come on, I think I got your containment problem solved.”
  31. >”Yeah, its pretty cool Anonymous. I'll just keep cleaning up here. Just keep him away from the big vat, or he may never come back up.” Spike nodded while picking up some plates from a table.
  32. “Big vat? Oh lawd I got to gotta see this now.”
  33. >Giant vats of anything have got to be fun.
  34. >She must have already come up with some blueprints for a containment device, or a 'spell' or something. It'll certainly be a big weight off your shoulders once you can empty your trap semi-reliably.
  35. >You followed the now-happy mare down a stone stair case, into the basement of library. It looked like a set straight out of a Frankenstein movie, except with more crystals and fewer vacuum tubes. And a pair of telsa coils? Was she making her own monster or something down here?
  36. >Once you reach the bottom, you get a better look at the place. There has got to be more machines here than back the HQ! And that is saying something; Frank was an unbelievable technophile.
  37. “I gotta say, looks impressive down here. Very... Sciencey.”
  38. >You eye some with guarded interest. You didn't want to accidentally turn something on and cause a massive explosion... Remember Frank's rules about labs:
  39. >1.If its big, red, and flashing... Don't touch it.
  40. >2.When in doubt, don't touch it.
  41. >3.If it says prototype on it, don't touch it.
  42. >4.Refer to #1.
  43. >...You touch one bright flashing button one time...
  44. >”Anonymous, over here!” She trotted next to a small metal box that resembled a toaster oven with a mess of wires coming from the side, a big red button on the front, what looked like a glass flip-down door, and a small slot on the bottom of it.
  45. >You just stare at the device a moment, tilting your head. You've fixed a lot of the gear back at the station, but this is far beyond your pay grade. You just look at her, putting your best confused face.
  46. >”Oh, right, I have to explain it first. When you were over at Rarity's, I got really absorbed into figuring out to transfer your ghost from the trap to a gem. I had to study your gear pretty closely, especially the Ghost Trap, but I think this will work. In theory anyway.” Twilight says with a nervous chuckle.
  47. >You look at the device, then to Twilight, then back to the device... You begin to grin like a madman.
  48. “Well, no time like the present. Lets give this baby a test run!”
  49. >Twilight grinned widely, “Oh great! I'll go get the trap-”
  50. “And the proton pack. Just in case.”
  51. >”and the proton pack.”
  52. >After a couple minutes of getting your gear back on, and Twilight prepping the containment box, your both ready to begin the test. Twilight places a sapphire in the middle of the strange piece of technology, while you gently slide the trap into the slot where it fit with a snug 'click'.
  53. >Twilight looks back at you, looking nervous, but excited.
  54. >You nod back at her, pointing the proton wand at the box.. Just in case something went wrong. Don't miss, eagle-eye. Last time you want to do is wreck the lab.
  55. >After a few tense moments, Twilight presses the red button on the front. of the box, and it begins to make an almost beautiful noise at first... Then it releases a ghostly wail as vast amounts of electricity arc inside of the glass viewing window, steam and smoke starting to obscure the brilliant sapphire.
  56. >You both stand there, completely still just waiting for something to go wrong... Then the, it releases an anti-climactic 'DING'!
  57. >Twilight slowly opens the glass door and jumps backward, preparing for the orange phantom to spring out and cover her in sticky ectoplasm. But it doesn't.
  58. >As the smoke clears, the once ocean blue gem is a brilliant royal purple. You take out your PKE meter and approach.. You wave it over the gem, and... Major spike!
  59. >It worked.
  60. “You... You... You are a smart cookie!”
  61. >You reach over and ruffle her mane, and she laughs happily, “It worked?”
  62. “Looks that way. Or the gem suddenly decided it wanted to be haunted. You went from not believing in ghost last night, to designing a specter-storage device, and building a working prototype. In one day! You, Miss Twilight Sparkle... Are the smartest cookie, EVER.”
  63. >It took you months to understand the basic, layman's idea behind ghost containment... And here this mini-unicorn figured it out in half a day. There maybe hope of you getting home, yet.
  64. >You reach over to pull out your trap, checking it over... Looked fine, and the occupied light was off.
  65. >”Well thank you, Anonymous. It was easy once I figured out that unicorn magic and whatever the um.. 'ghost' energy is remarkably similar. Granted, there were some variances I had to take into account.”
  66. >That would explain why you were picking her up on your PKE meter when you first came into town. The more you know!
  67. >Speaking of weird things...
  68. “Spike mentioned something about a vat?”
  69. >Twilight nods, and points to a big metal drum, “Oh, right. I managed to grow some more samples of that 'positive' smile that you let me have... I have to say, for something that came from such an odd source, it tasted pretty good. Who would have thought mint and banana would mix so well?”
  70. >...There is no way that she managed to...
  71. “You mean, you managed to grow an entire vat of the stuff in half a day?”
  72. >You can't believe exactly what you said.
  73. >”Of course. How do you think I figured out that unicorn magic and um.. ghost energy were so closely related?” The studious p0ny said, with no small amount of pride coloring her voice, “Though, the discovery was more or less an accident. I got a little bit of the slime on my horn, and when I tried to scrub it off, I noticed it amplified my natural affinity towards magic by 23.4%!”
  74. >Add that the list that positive slime is good for. And hey, the dread that was still lurking in the back of your mind seemed to be completely gone now.
  75. “Were there any side-effects?”
  76. >”Well, not that I noticed. And I've been coating my horn in the stuff all night.”
  77. >...Uh oh.
  78. “Twilight, I don't want to alarm you or anything... But probably wasn't the best of ideas.”
  79. >You can see her visibly gulp, “Re-really?”
  80. “Yeah, usually whenever your dealing with the supernatural, there is some sort of unforeseen cost involved. Like, if a human gets coated in the stuff, they usually feel goddamn awesome, but I'm not sure what kind of effects it'd have on you.”
  81. >Oh dear, you probably shouldn't have said that. “You.. You don't think I'm going to turn into a ghost, do you? Or a mutant!?” She was looking pretty scared.
  82. >Suddenly, your heart began to race and that sense of overwhelming dread begun to creep up into the back of your mind. Your breathes became shallow, as your eyes dilated. Why were you feeling so scared right now? You weren't the one coating a body part in the slimy stuff...
  83. >... Oh wait.
  84. “Twilight. I think I may have figured out a side-effect.”
  85. >”What? What is it? Am I turning green? Is my horn getting all spotty?”
  86. “Not at all. I think its making you project your emotions onto other people.. p0nies.. whatever.”
  87. >That would explain why everyone, even you, panicked like a group of school girls accosted by a tentacle monster... Yeah, that was memory you didn't want to relive.
  88. >In another one of those fleeting moments of utter clarity, you realize just how fucked up your job of choice can be.
  89. >Two in one night! A new record.
  90. “Just calm down. My heart can't take much more, Twilight.”
  91. >The purple mare begins to take in deep breathes, and visibly calming herself. Your heart begins to slow back to its normal beating.
  92. >Much better.
  93. >”Wow. I didn't realize... Are you alright, Anonymous?”
  94. >You nod your head and release a slow breath.
  95. “I'll be fine. It might be a good idea to not use the slime anymore... And keep tabs on any odd growths or cravings you experience.”
  96. >She gulped, but then chuckled nervously, “R-right.”
  97. >Then you both just stand there for a few moments in glorious, awkward, silence.
  98. “... That ghost transfer box thingie is pretty fucking awesome though.”
  99. >You grin over at Twilight, who laughs and nods her head, “Mmhmm. Well, maybe we should get some sleep. Its going to be a long day tomorrow.”
  100. “Sounds like a plan, Twilight-my-main-man.”
  101. >”Your what?”
  102. “Just coming up with a nickname for you.”
  103. >”Why?”
  104. “Reasons...”
  105. ====================
  106. >It was morning, and you greeted with a baby dragon poking your arm again.
  107. >”Hey, Anon.. Time to get up.”
  108. >You were dreaming about something, but you soon forgot it as your eyes slowly opened. You stare up at the dragon, and take in a deep breath.
  109. “Okay. I'm up. Gimme a minute.”
  110. >Spike shrugs, and walks towards the kitchen.
  111. >No time to sleep in today, Anon. Your going to meet the p0nies' major political figure...
  112. >This was gonna suuuuck.
  113. >Oh, stop it Anon. Your gonna do exactly like you said last night, and let the purple p0ny with the brain power of the sun do the talking for you. And if you have to, you've got that trademarked Anonymous charm to fall back on!
  114. >You then remember it was that same charm that almost got you arrested when you accidentally shot a police officer's car with a proton stream.
  115. >Yeah, just let Twilight do the talking.
  116. >Eventually you get up, get dressed and head to the kitchen.
  117. >Both Twilight and Spike are eating some cereal, so you join them. You look at the brightly colored box labeled 'Gorilla Munch'... That is one of the most relaxed gorillas you've ever seen. Ever. No one was gonna rustle his nerves today.
  118. “Morning you two.”
  119. >It still felt a little weird eating breakfast with a dragon and a unicorn. But you'll get used to it.
  120. >”Good morning, Anonymous. Are you feeling alright? No coughing right? Did you get enough sleep?”
  121. “I'm fine. Feeling peachy keen, and squeaky clean still.”
  122. >You say, trying to stir up some enthusiasm, but failing for the most part. You still feel tired from last night; after you got done in the lab you spent the rest of it cleaning up the library. That time did give Twilight ample time to tell you all about Celestia, though.
  123. >She sounded pretty damn cool! I mean, mistress of the sun, kind, benevolent and understanding. But that is to her own subjects, what about an alien element? Would she be so kind then?
  124. >Well, just as long as you don't end up dead, imprisoned, or on an operating table by the end of the day, you'll chalk it up as a victory.
  125. >Enough thinking, food time now.
  126. >You can hear the unmistakable sound of a front door getting smashed through. You look over to face the source of the noise. Its Derpy! And her wall-eyes are blood shot, and she's sniffling. Has she been up all night?
  127. >”Twi-twi-twilight!” She squeaks out, and runs over to the table, and starts to babble incoherently.
  128. >”Derpy? Are you okay? Slow down, I can't understand you.” Twilight says softly, patting on the gray pegasus's shoulder.
  129. >”Its.. Its Ditzy! She's gone!” She cried out, and fell over crying, “My little filly is gone.”
  130. >You remember Derpy talking about her daughter, Ditzy at the party last night. She was her pride and joy. Suddenly, you didn't like the way this conversation was going.
  131. >”What happened?” Twilight looked to the upset pegasus sympathetically.
  132. >”A-a-after I got my head out of the giant muffin-”
  133. >Where did that come from anyway?
  134. >Focus, Anon! Focus!
  135. >”-, I went home and Ditzy's foalsitter said she was asleep, but when I went to go check on her this morning.. She.. she.. she was gone and the window was open...” And with that, what little resemblance of control the yellow maned p0ny had was lost, “I made my little unicorn run away!”
  136. >You really didn't like this conversation, now. Missing kids always got under your skin.
  137. >”Calm down, Derpy, it'll be okay. Maybe she sleep-teleported? Or maybe chased after something?” Twilight was trying to console the weeping mare, but with little success.
  138. “Do you need any help looking around town, Derpy?”
  139. >You say almost automatically. You could devote a day looking for a missing kid, if the Princess didn't like it... She could deal with it.
  140. >Derpy sniffles, and looks over at you with her puffy red blood shot eyes, “Half of P0nyville has been looking, and no one has found anything. Thats why I came here; Rainbow Dash said that Twilight may know a spell that could help.” She turned back to Twilight, desperation heavy in her voice.
  141. >Twilight blinks, then begins to think for a moment. You can see the metaphorical light bulb go off above her head.
  142. >”I think I know just the spell. Its a bit complicated, but I think I can do it.”
  143. >Twilight's Motto: Lost kid? There is a spell for that.
  144. >She gets up from the table, and shakes her head a bit.
  145. >”Re-re-really?!” Derpy almost instantly perks up.
  146. >”Uh, Twilight.. Your not about to do the spell I think you are, are you? Last time you tried it, you almost lit your mane on fire.” Spike said, with a worried expression on his cereal stained face.
  147. >”Don't worry, Spike. I can do it this time.” She says, looking to Spike with a confident look in her eye. She closed her eyes, and her horn begun to spark as she strained slightly. Then her horn begun to glow a bright purple: she was gritting her teeth and concentrating with all of her might.
  148. >You can hear your PKE meter freaking out from the other room. Just how much power is she putting out anyway?!
  149. >”Almost... Got... It...” She grunted, as she continued to cast. Suddenly, her eyes open wide as she collapses onto the floor breathing heavily, “I.. I.. Oh by Celestia.. Almost had it... But it felt like I ran into a big wall.”
  150. >Oh shit. You glance over to Derpy, whose hopeful expression has gone back to a quivering frown.
  151. >Damn, you don't know how to help either besides walking around town. What could you-
  152. “..Wait a minute, your daughter is a unicorn, right?”
  153. >Derpy looks at you and just nods as she sniffles sadly.
  154. >You get a grin on your face. Its a crazy long shot, but... Thankfully, that is your specialty.
  155. “I got a plan”
  156. =============
  157. >”Alright Anonymous, let me see if I understand this correctly.. You think your PKE meter can help find Ditzy?” Twilight ask, sounding very curious. The two of you following close behind Derpy.
  158. “Mmhmm. Like you said last night, unicorn magic is very similar to ghost power. So similar in fact, that my PKE meter can get a reading off of it. All I got to do is find something that has Ditzy's “Magic DNA” on it, and I can tune in my PKE meter to track it.”
  159. >You nod your head, adjusting the knobs and dials on the surprising useful device.
  160. >”And you need your proton pack, why?”
  161. “Extra power. Frank wired our packs to give our other equipment a bit of extra juice if we ever need it... Also, it can charge cell phones. He was working on making them a wi-fi hotspot before I did the fourth dimensional shuffle.”
  162. >”And the trap?”
  163. “It completes the outfit.”
  164. >”I-i-i just hope it works. I'm so worried. I shouldn't went to that party last night.”
  165. “Hey, it'll be okay Derpy. I did this all the time back at home. We'll find her, don't you worry.”
  166. >You say confidently. Technically you did use the PKE meter to track down stuff all the time. It was usually ghost, or the odd cursed artifact; but the theory should still be the same!
  167. >”I hope your right, Anonymous. I just can't believe my spell didn't work. I mean, I thought I had it that time.” Twilight sighed, and looked at the ground with disappointment.
  168. >”Well, no matter whats happens, I want to thank you both for trying.” Derpy sniffed, “I just hope shes safe...”
  169. >You arrive at the small house on the outskirts of town. Its a quaint little brick house and.. Looks like it had roof work down recently.
  170. >You and Twilight find yourselves in Ditzy's room. It looks like a regular kids room like you'd find back home. A little bed with a soft comforter... Lots of crayon drawings on the wall of Derpy and Ditzy together, a small bookshelf with what you assume to be some child's literature on it... A giant muffin shaped chair, too. It even has some toys on the floor!
  171. “Alright.. Did she have like a special toy or object she really liked a lot? Especially when was really young?”
  172. >You ask, peering over to Derpy while you connect your PKE meter up to your proton pack with a long USB cord.
  173. >”Oh.. Yeah! Its around here somewhere.” The worried mother begins to frantically look around the room.
  174. >”Here, I'll help you look, Derpy. What does it look like?”
  175. >”Oh, its her blue blankey. She's had it ever since she was a little baby. I made it for her...” She sniffled a little.
  176. >That poor woman! You've got to find that kid. You just got to! You flip the on-switch and-
  177. >... Its picking something up? You wave it over in Twilight's direction, and while it does pick her up.. Its getting a much stronger signal from somewhere else. Hmm..
  178. >You point it in the direction of the window and the meter spikes.
  179. >Oh crap.
  180. >Don't jump to conclusions! Just walk over to the window and double check. Your meter could have just picked up a random pocket of PK power, right?
  181. >You move closer to the window, and by now the meter is telling you something is certainly a miss. And your fears are realized as you spy a sticky red substance sitting on the open windowsill, and some scorch marks in the rough shape of hooves.
  182. >You can feel the blood drain from your face. You call out to Twilight, trying to best to hide your suspicions. No need to freak Derpy out.
  183. “Twilight? Could I see you for a moment?”
  184. >Twilight, probably sensing the uneasiness in your voice, trotted over, “Whats up Anonymous?”
  185. >You point to the red goo and the scorch marks.
  186. “Does that look normal to you?”
  187. >Twilight looks over at you, her eyes becoming as wide as dinner plates.
  188. >... That is what you thought. Okay, lets cover all the bases here.
  189. “Hey Derpy? Did Ditzy have any imaginary friends by chance?”
  190. >”Imaginary friends? Nope!”
  191. >Phew.
  192. >”She does have an invisible one though.”
  193. >Goddamnit.
  194. >”She called him Mister Hot Hooves. She said he only comes to visit her at night.”
  195. >Of course she did.
  196. >”Ah, there it is!” You turned to face Derpy, who was holding a light blue blanket in her mouth as she trotted over.
  197. >Okay, the situation changed but the plan still stayed the same. Okay, put on your game face Anon. Lets not worry the lady.
  198. “Thats fantastic.”
  199. >”Uh- Der-”
  200. >You leaned over and elbowed Twilight gently, giving her a look before looking to the blanket...
  201. >Twilight blinks at you, and frowns gently.
  202. >You scan your PKE meter over it, and sure enough its got a small amount of residual energy. You begin to fine tune the device until your pretty damn sure your not picking up any other sources of spectral power. After pointing it the window, you get a very slight signal.
  203. “Looks like I got something. I'm gonna go check it out.”
  204. >”I'll go with you!” Derpy says, almost excitedly.
  205. >Thats not good. Chances are your going to be heading into something ghost-related and a freaking out parent is the last thing you need. Sometimes, they do more harm than good in a difficult situation. You need to come up with something...
  206. “You should probably stay here. I'm not sure if this thing has got a firm signal, or not... And she could come back home at anytime. And if she does come home, she'll want to see her Mom.”
  207. >”But, what if-?”
  208. “Don't worry ma'am. Like I said before, I do this all the time. If and when I find Ditzy, I'll make sure she gets home, okay?”
  209. >Derpy rubs the back of her head with one of her hooves, but nods, “O-okay. You promise she'll get home okay?”
  210. >You look directly into Derpy's eyes.. Or try to, its hard to tell where she's looking and nod your head.
  211. “She'll get home perfectly fine, Miss Derpy.”
  212. >Derpy smiled, and nodded her head, “Alright... I think I'm going to lie down for a little while.”
  213. >You give the worried and worn out mare a warm smile and pat her on the shoulder before she walks out of the room. You turn to Twilight and- oh yeah she's pissed.
  214. >”Anonymous! What are you doing?! Its obvious that one of those ghost-things might be involved. Why didn't you tell Derpy?”
  215. “And what would that accomplish?”
  216. >”Well, its-”
  217. “Imagine your in her position. Do you really want some weird alien thing telling you that your little girl, the pride of your life, could have gotten kidnapped by some restless spirit with unknown intentions? I'll seen this shit before, Twilight. Its serious. Really serious. She's already worried to death, and throw a ghost in the equation and she might do something that puts both of them in danger. I'll lived it Twilight. Its not pretty to be the one responsible for your own child's maiming.”
  218. >You take in a deep breath, slowly releasing it as your blood calms down. The purple p0ny's glare has softened to a sad frown.
  219. >”..I.. I guess you have a point.”
  220. “Apology accepted. Now lets get going. If you got any friends who could help, I'd certainly appreciate it.”
  221. >Your probably gonna need backup on this one. A single ghost you could handle, but throwing a kid into the equation... Well, you didn't like taking chances when kids were involved.
  222. ===========
  223. >After leaving Derpy's house, Twilight found Applejack and Rainbow Dash. They were helping search around town for Ditzy, and had decided that checking the surrounding area would prove to be more fruitful. You filled them on the situation, about Twilight's spell not working, and your crazy plan, and the possibility of supernatural involvement.
  224. >”So, wait. Let me get this straight. Ditzy got kidnapped by a ghost?!” Rainbow Dash stated with no small amount of surprise.
  225. “Maybe.”
  226. >”Ah think it sounds a bit fishy. No offense Anonymous, but we really don't git ghost in these parts.” Applejack added, skepticism heavy in her voice.
  227. “I hope your right, Applejack. Either way, this should lead up right to Ditzy.”
  228. >You say with a sigh as you continued to march further and further away from P0nyville, following the signal on your PKE meter.
  229. >”Well, if there is a ghost I'm sure Anonymous can capture it. You heard about how he captured one from a couple nights back? I mean, it sounded pretty awesome.”
  230. >A vote of confidence from the cyan coated mare? You'll take it.
  231. “Well, I'd like to have you all along just in case... I may need an extra han- hoof!”
  232. >Gotta get that vernacular down.
  233. >You stop just outside of a thick line of trees. This must have been where you stumbled out of a few nights back. You look back at the trio of p0nies, who seem to have stopped in their tracks.
  234. “....What?”
  235. >”Anonymous, that is the Everfree forest. Its very dangerous in there!” Twilight explained, looking at you.
  236. >”Yeah. There's manticores, dragons, and all sorts of other vicious critters.” the Jack of apples added in while adjusting her hat.
  237. >You look to your PKE meter... Yeah, of course the ghost would take her into a dangerous area. Fucking ghost. Why can't they ever take them into a happy place with pie and ice cream?
  238. “Whelp, looks like I need two volunteers then. One of you should stay behind to tell the others whats going on.. Just in case.”
  239. >You turn on your heel to face the three p0nies.
  240. “So, whose feeling brave?”
  241. >Without missing a beat, Rainbow Dash grins and flies over beside you, “You better believe I'm going. Ditzy is Derpy's daughter, and I'm not going to let a little forest stop me from finding her.”
  242. >That mare's got some ego to her, you can tell. But, from that look in those magenta eyes of hers... Yeah, she probably can back it up.
  243. >Twilight looks like she's about to step forward but is stopped by AJ, who looks at her, “Ah'll go with 'em Twilight. Your still prolly tuckered out from doin' tha' big spell earlier. If we're not back by the time Princess Celestia gits here, you can tell her what happened and she'll know what to do.”
  244. >AJ takes in a deep breath and walks next to you. You can tell she's nervous, but shes holding it together well. Was the forest that scary? Well, if anything gave you trouble, they'd get a face full of proton stream.
  245. >”You seriously can't be thinking about going in there! Its dangerous even for the most knowledgeable of p0nies.” Twilight seemed to start pleading. Was she seriously trying to stop you from going into the spooky forest of doom? She does not know you very well.
  246. “Don't worry Twilight, we got this! Right?”
  247. >You look back to Rainbow and AJ.
  248. >Rainbow releases an enthusiastic cheer, and pumps her hoof.. AJ just chuckled nervously, while looking back into the heavy forest. Well, at least one was on board.
  249. “Come on Applejack, show me your war face!”
  250. >”Mah what?”
  251. “Never mind. It'll probably only take an hour or two. We'll be back with Ditzy, plenty of time for me to freshen up, and get ready for my meeting with the Princess.”
  252. >You look back to Twilight, and give her a confident nod.
  253. >”Just.. Just be careful, okay?”
  254. >”Don't worry, Twilight. I'll keep your new coltfriend safe!” You can hear Rainbow say as you three walk into the forest.
  255. >”He's not my coltfriend!” She yells after you.
  256. “... Whats a coltfriend anyway?”
  257. >Rainbow just grins, “Nothing, Anon. Nothing.”
  258. =================
  259. >You three have been walking for a couple of hours by this point, and the signal is definitely getting stronger, but to past the time you've all been taking turns asking questions. Most of them are innocent, enough but the last one from Rainbow Dash has caught you off balance.
  260. “Not gonna answer that, Dash.”
  261. >”Ah, come on Anon! I answered it. AJ answered it. Its your turn now.” The cyan coated mare is flying in front of you, a very determined frown on her face, “Or are you chicken?”
  262. >”Come on Anonymous. Rainbow even told us 'bout her first date... Even though it twas embarrassin'.”
  263. >Why did these p0nies want to know? Obviously, they aren't gonna drop it till you talk, and they got you outnumbered. Might as well indulge them.
  264. “Fine. I was 17 and a mutual friend set us up. It was pretty nice date, until I dropped her off at home... Apparently to forgot to mention her parents were really strict. And she also forgot to mention that her father was really protective of her. And to top it off, she forgot to mention to her parents that she had a date that night. After all was said and done, I had two cracked ribs and a black eye.”
  265. >Rainbow visibly winces, as does AJ.
  266. >”Thats terrible.” Rainbow manages to break the silence, floating next to you and patting your shoulder, “But, it happens. I'm sure you've got a nice human mare waiting for you back where you came from, right?”
  267. >You just sigh, and stay silent. You did not want to have this conversation today, or ever if you could help it. Especially not with a couple of p0nies you met at a party.
  268. >Apparently your silence speaks volumes, Rainbow rubbing the back of her head before flying behind you quietly. You were getting really close now, no time for chit chat anyway.
  269. >”Uhh.. So, Anonymous. Think we're gettin' closer ta' Ditzy?” Thank you Applejack.
  270. “Mmhmm. We should be standing on her in just a little bit.”
  271. >It was pointing you in the direction of a clearing, and you speed up your pace.
  272. >Your meter is telling you, with no uncertainty, that Ditzy was in the area. You look upward and toward where she maybe.
  273. >Then you see a building.
  274. >Looked like an old brick house that hadn't been lived in for a very long time... Burn marks scarred the once brilliant red material, and the windows seem to have been boarded over a good thirty years ago. The grass seems to have a particular aversion to the house, as not a single blade seems to be growing within arms reach of the structure.
  275. >A chill run up your spine; you didn't the meter to tell you that this place had 'Haunted' written all over it.
  276. >”We're going to be going into that super spooky house, aren't we Anon?” Rainbow said flatly, looking none too enthused about the idea.
  277. “Looks that way.”
  278. >”Well, what are we waiting for then! A written invitation? Lets get in there.” You watched as Dash flew over to the front door, and then waved you two over.
  279. >You peer over to Applejack, her eyes were wide and she gulped.
  280. “If you wanna wait outside, no one will think less of you.”
  281. >”No... Ah'll head in with ya'll. If you or Rainbow got hurt cause I was too scared ta' help, Ah don't think ah could live with mahself.”
  282. >You turn off your PKE meter and holster it on your belt, reaching back to draw out your proton wand and give Applejack a nod.
  283. >The barren earth surrounding the house felt particularly unpleasant, even through the soles of your boots. Applejack grimaced with every step. She must be able to feel that special wrongness that comes with defiled ground.
  284. >”Come on you two, that filly isn't going to rescue herself.” Rainbow said impatiently. She was a little hard to read, she could be excited or scared. Or both. Lisa is the same way! Put something big and scary in front of her, and she charges at it guns ablazin'.
  285. >You stop to look at the front door. It was probably a sturdy at some point, but its cracked and bore some serious fire damage. One good kick outta do it.
  286. “Stay back.”
  287. >You lift up your foot and try to kick in the door... Only for the door to stubbornly repel your attack with a flash of angry ecto-energy. Whatever was inside, didn't want you to get in. And it hurt your foot quite a bit too.
  288. >”Are you alright, Anon?”
  289. “Yeah, I'll be fine. Looks like the door doesn't want us to come in. Alright, lets check around for another-”
  290. >”Allow me, sugar cube.” Applejack turned about, and smashed the door with her hind legs. It didn't stand a chance! The door crumbled to a dust, and Applejack grinned, quite satisfied with herself.
  291. >Damn, girls got some legs on her!
  292. “Nice job.”
  293. >You give Applejack a thumbs up, as you look inside...
  294. >It was dark. You reach for the flashlight on the straps of your pack, and flick it on. The insides of the house look as decrepit as the outside. It looked like a massive fire burned everything down to the cement floor, with only a few crispy picture frames decorating the wall.
  295. >”What happened here...?” Rainbow wondered aloud.
  296. “Best keep your voice low. Its probably around here somewhere. If you hear something, give me a signal.”
  297. >You whispered, walking quietly into the burned out residence. The air itself was heavy with dust and ash, and it felt warm. Unnaturally warm.
  298. >Alright, lets take a list of what we know about the spirit that lives here:
  299. >1. Its named Mister Hot Hooves.
  300. >2. It appears to have a loose anchor to this house. It obviously had some range to its movement, since it got to P0nyville to abduct Ditzy.
  301. >3. Unmistakable fire motif.
  302. > Sounds like a class four pyrokinetic guardian. But why the hell go after Ditzy? Guardians usually stayed in one place, either an old house or a graveyard... They didn't go out and abduct people.
  303. >As you continued to think, you slowly approached some of the burnt out picture frames.. Most of them are too damaged to make out anything. But one, of a unicorn that eerily matched Ditzy's description, remained seemingly untouched...
  304. >You release a slow sigh, as you turn away from the picture and face the other two p0nies, your expression solemn and sunken.
  305. >It was a child guardian. Probably the parent of the girl in the picture. A fire killed them, and the spirit couldn't just rest after it couldn't protect it's kid... So, it did the next best thing: find one that looked like their old one and drag them out here to be protected from everything forever.
  306. >Suddenly, you hear sniffling... “I.. I want my mommy.”
  307. >It was soft, and muffled, judging from the looks on the other two p0nies' faces they heard it too.
  308. “Lets move.”
  309. >You say, but they're way ahead of you, already making a b-line toward the source of the sound. The three of you headed down a long hallway, a closed door waiting for you at the end of it... Thats where the voice came from.
  310. >”Your mother is dead, burned in the fire... But do not worry, Daddy will keep you safe. Forever, and ever.” It was another voice. It sounded dry, cracked and gravely... Like someone who just gargled lit charcoal.
  311. >”I want to go home, Mister Fire Hooves. I'm scared..” the weak voice said, on the verge of tears.
  312. >”There is no need to be scared, my little p0ny. You are home... All will be -” That unnatural tone was cut off when Applejack kicked down the door to the room, and you and Rainbow Dash charged in.
  313. “Not today, Asshole!”
  314. >Time seemed to slow down as you took an inventory of the situation as it came into view... A red p0ny-phantom stood over a quivering and frightened Ditzy. It's body looked like it had been through hell, as large chunks of its solid-ectoplasmic form have been burned off by some inferno.
  315. >The room had a black charred metal chest, and what was left of a small bed frame. The single window was boarded up, but let just enough sunlight in to illuminate the room with an orange glow.
  316. >You see Rainbow fly in front of you, going right for Ditzy. But with that thing in the way, she won't get a clear shot.
  317. >You were going to fix that.
  318. >Having only a moment to aim; you point your wand at the surprised spirit and fire.
  319. >A proton beam screams from the tip of the wand, your pack roaring in excitement at the prospect of another ghost capture. The beam of positively charged protons crashes into the ghost, causing it to recoil backward...
  320. >Allowing just enough room for Rainbow to fly in and make the save.
  321. >Fuck yeah, Rainbow Dash!
  322. >You adjust your position to force the spirit against a wall, your proton stream still expertly trained on your target.
  323. >”You.. Shall.. Not.. TAKE.. HER!” It bellowed, the foundation of the house shaking violently as it erupted in a fountain of flame that flowed toward you.
  324. >Oh, this was gonna hurt!
  325. >You stop firing to brace yourself, turning your back to the wall of flame was threatening to engulf you. The ghostly fires lick at you, and you can feel the flames bombast at your suit, and you can feel an eye brow burn off.
  326. >”Oh no ya' don't!” You hear Applejack shout, and then a loud crash. The flames subside and you turn to face the ghost that was trying to make you into Ghostbuster flambé. Only to see him embedded into a wall, and Applejack glaring in his direction.
  327. >You smirk. That is the problem with channeling all that energy, you become just substantial enough to feel a kick to the face. And Applejack was an expert kicker, apparently.
  328. “Get her out of here, Rainbow!”
  329. >You look over to Rainbow, who was grinning widely at the perceived victory. She blinked back to attention, and grabbing a confused Ditzy, flew to the door. Only to be blocked off by a wall of fire.
  330. >”NO! YOU SHALL NOT TAKE HER!” The spirit yelled angrily, freeing itself from the wall and with a wave of it's hoof, a large chunk of the charred bed frame flew through the air and smashed right into Applejack's side.
  331. >Applejack stumbled and fell, releasing a pained grunt.
  332. >Time to let him have some more stream!
  333. >Positive energy cracked through the air, as it plunged into the side of the pyrotechnic ghast. You could see the spirit falter, becoming nearly transparent. Zapped.
  334. >You flick the capture stream on, as the proton stream loops around the figure, holding it in a cage of protons. Capped.
  335. “No one fucks with my friends, you goddamn graveyard reject!”
  336. >Your adrenaline begins to pump as you slam the spirit into the charred cement floor. Your pissed now, this fucker thought it was a smart idea to kidnap a kid, try to roast you, and blind side Applejack with a bed frame. This guy is asking for a trapping!
  337. >But he's not going down easy. It yells in defiance, as the burned remains of the furniture begins to assault you.
  338. >Keep on target Anon, he's almost ready-
  339. >.. Oh shit, he's picking up the steel chest.
  340. >No time to react, the metal box flies through the air.
  341. >This is probably gonna break a bone.
  342. >But, before it can reach you, you spy a rainbow fly at you.
  343. “Oof!”
  344. >Rainbow Dash collides with your chest, causing you to fall backward, the steel chest narrowly missing your head and smashing through a wall. You got the wind knocked out of you, but the spirit is in your capture stream.
  345. >You grab the trap and toss it over, the pedal skidding out of your reached as the trap lies waiting underneath the spirit.
  346. >AJ stirs, shaking her head... The trap's pedal comes to rest beside her hoof.
  347. “Hit.. the..pedal.”
  348. >You manage to say in a raspy tone.
  349. >AJ blinks at you, then looks to the pedal on the ground. She raises her hoof and smashes it...
  350. >Game over, ghosty.
  351. >The trap opens up, the bright white light engulfs it as it gets sucked into the trap.
  352. >”NOOOOoooo...” It shouts as the metal doors clink shut and steam billows from the door. Then all is silent.
  353. >And that would be game, point, trapped.
  354. >”Is.. Is everyp0ny alright?” Rainbow Dash says, her head still buried in your chest.
  355. >”Yah.. Ah'm.. Ah'm alright. That spook gave me a bump, but ah've had worse.”
  356. >You take in a deep breath, sweet sweet oxygen filling your lungs and allowing you to speak.
  357. “Yeah.. I'm okay. I think I'm missing an eyebrow though. Ditzy? You alright?”
  358. >You only hear the unicorn whimper, “I.. I want my mommy. I want my mommy.”
  359. >Physically okay. That'll do for now.
  360. “What about you Dash?”
  361. >You looks up at you, and collapses on your chest, “.. That.. Was... SO AWESOME!”
  362. =========
  363. >The walk back to P0nyville was one of jubilation. You begun to play songs on your phone, and sing.
  364. “Alright, I think we deserve this one.”
  365. >
  366. >Queen – We are the Champions begins to play.
  367. >Applejack laughs, Ditzy riding on her back and snuggling in her mane. Rainbow Dash flying next you and nodding her head to the song.
  368. >You were getting close to P0nyville by now, and the sun was almost completely set. You probably missed the meeting with the Princess. Twilight was probably gonna be pissed, but you'll deal with that later.
  369. >But if you were gonna walk into P0nyville, you were gonna do it Ghostbuster's style.
  370. >
  371. >The company theme song begun to play over your phone's speakers. It wasn't one of the countless remakes or remixes, it was the original.
  372. >After a few courses of the song, the other p0nies joined in the singing... Soon you begun to hear voices, the other stopped singing but you continued on.
  373. >You took off your proton wand and begun to play it like an air guitar as you walked forward.
  374. >Eventually you come to the clearing on the outskirts of town. There was a whole group of p0nies standing there, looking completely awestruck as your group came out of the forest.
  375. >This must have been the whole town, and lots of big white unicorns wearing centurion armor... And there was Twilight Sparkle standing next to a tall elegant looking white mare with wings ,a giant horn and an almost ethereal multicolored mane that seemed to be getting blown by a soft wind.
  376. >You eyes come to rest on a Derpy, the mare's eyes wide as a giant smile creeps across her face as she flies over to AJ, “DITZY!”
  377. >”MOMMY!” The little foal shouts, jumping off AJ's back and running at her mom going full speed. They crash into one another with a thud. Derpy wrapping her hooves around the filly and bringing her into a full bodied hug. They both begin to cry happily, the stress of the day finally boiling over into a happy conclusion.
  378. >You watched the display, a happy smile on your face as tears of joy begin to well up in your eyes. Warm, fuzzy, and happy emotions begin to overtake you as you sniff once.
  379. >The other p0nies cheer happily at the reunion, and you look over to Twilight and the tall white mare. Your phone still playing the Ghostbuster's theme, you walk over, Rainbow and AJ following close behind.
  380. >You try to brush off some of the ash that covered your suit, and looked to Twilight.
  381. “I'm guessing this is Princess Celestia, right?”
  382. >Twilight simply nods her head, smiling at the sight that was going on behind you.
  383. >You look up to the majestic Princess and smile at her, looking right into her eyes.
  384. “I apologize if I'm tardy, ma'am. However, something important came up that needed to be addressed. I hope you understand.”
  385. >The Princess just smiled at you, “I wouldn't say you were tardy at all, Mister Anonymous. You were right on time.”
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