
history of /d2g/ inhouses

Dec 11th, 2014
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  1. Have a short breakdown if you weren't here to experience how shitty they were
  3. >Inhouse games become a thing
  4. >People don't take them too seriously, a lot of joke builds like dagon spectre and radiant first treant are done
  5. >A couple of faggots, being the insufferable cunts they are, grab at any form of attention they can get
  6. >Soon all of the attention whores like target, ezalor, ragequitter, ect. are the ones making the inhouses, and of course they all stack on the same team
  7. >A lot of them are insufferable cunts who will do stupid shit like disconnect right off the bat if things start to go south
  8. >Inhouses become less and less fun for random people that like to play
  9. >Eventually it gets to the point where you need to be part of the circlejerk just to get in because they don't wanna lose completely meaningless games
  10. >Seeking even more attention they start creating bullshit tier rankings and websites to stroke their own egos even more
  11. >/vg/masters hits, everyone jumps aboard to try and become HURR EFAMOUS
  12. >Ezalor, trying to inflate his ego as much as possible knows he can get even more people to suck his cock if he just throws it up on reddit too
  13. >Reddit completely takes over, Ezalor loves the attention and allows it to happen
  14. >Everyone during this time have pretty much given up on inhouses as a thing
  15. >Immediately after vg masters people on reddit know the password, used it to find quick custom games to play in
  16. >Community split even more
  17. >Here we are today
  19. /d2g/ is just too autistic of a community to support something as simple as meaningless carefree games.
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