
Tales of 1#

Apr 8th, 2016
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  1. Tales of DegDeg vs SuperSpyroFan55 (a somewhat civil war)
  2. Featuring: Reverse0456 and other users.
  3. Written by Reverse0456 (may be bias and may lie also absolutely no copyright so back off!... Also no money back you goons!)
  4. [Reverse0456] I got it all done tales of darkspyro 1#! So hello everyone and welcome to the first issue of this experimental writing I hope you cringe and criticize it to your hearts pleasures wait that make no sense...anyway now let's begin the tale! You see back a couple of weeks ago two users DegDeg (The filthy backstabbing-) and SuperSpyroFan55 (The sans imposter.) have been having this endless case cycle of for far to long SSF55 been ducking on DegDeg into a pond for who nows how long just to get a lot of money from DegDeg in return (after getting dunked on and realization find breaking through into his helmet then his head jeez how can a person deal with swimming with a helmet like that.) DegDeg is finally putting a stand to counter the user you can say they started their own civil war like (insert name of that superhero franchise) may have block that out and anything else can't have any copyright like last time. Anyway without boring you to death even though you are it's time for the slam down (come on and SLAM and welcome to the JAM com- can't use the rest of the song copyright.)]
  5. The champions stand at least 69 meters apart from each other standing in the battle which is littler nothing but grassland (it's takes place in a thread it's a battle field it's not suppose to be balloons and rainbows and ballonicorns what do you want from me!?) expect that pond over yonder anyway the two began to do cliche trash talking and stuff.]
  6. [SuperSpyroFan55] Ready to get d-]
  7. [DegDeg] NO! I will not tolerate your memes dammit and I'm prepare for all those times you beat me! I'm prepared to-to-to beat you!]
  8. [SuperSpyroFan55] Really!? WHERE'S THE MONEY MAN!?]
  9. [DegDeg] What!? Your never gonna take this seriously! I'm here to get revenge!]
  10. [SuperSpyroFan55] I thought that was Reverse?]
  11. [DegDeg] Yeah him to of cours-Stop talking and let's being brawling](Salty little shrimp ain't he) and with that DegDeg rushes up and pulls an out of character punch! But...
  12. [G2nt] Hey DegDeg!]
  13. [DegDeg] Oh no..G2nt when did you get here and why!?]
  14. [SuperSpyroFan55] Sup m8]
  15. [G2nt] Sup anyway Deg I needed to know where you left that pill...]
  16. [DegDeg] That was a month ago why are you asking now!]
  17. [G2nt] I was just asking!] (I call shady business!!)
  18. [DegDeg] That's not an excuse and your wasting time]
  19. [SuperSpyroFan55] I think she trying to just get more "screen time" as they would say.
  20. [DegDeg] You stay out of this(even though you make a valid point) But you stay out of this! And as for you get out of here your wasting story time! time!] (he's kinda right I don't have much time next issue?)
  21. [G2nt] Where do you want me to go then!]
  22. [SuperSpyroFan55] Should go see heyitshotdog he's granting wishes expect he su-]
  23. [Heyitshotdog] Someone call for wishes?] (Yeah where's my wish maggot how dare you skip me...I wanted a not a sandwich a sandvich you uncultured readers)
  24. [DegDeg] No! No! No more people popping up I didn't want to make this a war zone get out!] (Implying this was not already a civil war Captain Backstabber.)
  25. [G2nt] I don't really see why this story could use more of us star quality unlike a punk like you running around with your 1 star quality]
  26. [SuperSpyroFan55] I feel a you got rekt nerd is needed......YOU GOT REKT NERD] ( XX_G2nT_XX ->REKT-> Scrub_DegDeg)
  27. [Zap Norris] Dammit don't tell me I missed it] (No not really DegDeg is wasting time....oh hey it's me!)
  28. [Reverse0456] πŸ‘β˜ŸβœŒβ˜ πŸ‘β˜œπŸ’§ ✌☼☜ πŸ•ˆβ˜œ πŸ‘Žβœ‹πŸ‘Ž β˜ βšβ„ πŸ’£βœ‹πŸ’§πŸ’§ πŸ’£πŸ•†πŸ‘β˜ŸπŸ“¬] (Beware the man that speaks in memes and symbols)
  29. [DegDeg] You kidding me please no more!]
  30. [Drawdler] I just tagged along what are we doing
  31. [DegDeg] (Internal Screaming)]
  32. [Drawdler] he ok?]
  33. [Reverse0456] β˜Ÿβ˜œπŸ•―πŸ’§ β˜βšβœ‹β˜ β˜ βœ‹β˜ πŸ’§βœŒβ˜ β˜œ πŸ•ˆβ˜œβ˜Ήβ˜Ή πŸ‘Žβšβ˜ β˜œ β˜πŸ•†βœ‘πŸ’§ (Only I know what it means unless you know how to translate WingDings... which you can't!....even though I can't actually do that....)
  34. [G2nt] Doesn't matter this is worth it he'll probably recover in a couple of mins. or so....]
  35. [Don't worry kids the meme master shall save another patient .
  37. [DegDeg] what exactly happen?]
  38. [Zap Norris] Well fives was trying to experiment with you random needles and stuff Reverse saved you can you fight already...]
  39. [DegDeg] He did what! Your dead!] (And the true battle begins DegDeg get's the firs hit and from there it a hit and run between the both of them!)
  40. [Reverse0456] β˜βšβšπŸ‘Ž βšβ˜ΉπŸ‘Ž β˜œβ˜ β˜ΌβœŒβ˜πŸ’£β˜œβ˜ β„ β˜žβšβ˜ΌπŸ’£πŸ•†β˜ΉβœŒπŸ“¬.] (You really wanna know it means don't you?)
  41. [Zap Norris] So you made a rage formula to make them fight A+)
  42. [Reverse0456] Part of my job.] (I mean I had to gotta finish this cringe story. DegDeg was on a combo it seem he had the upper hand and total domination! Yet SuperSpyroFan55 was not a sans imposter for nothing he was agile as they come dodge this dodge that get a bruise on Deg the intensity was build up to its climax on a full on hit and run after blows and dodges the finale was coming up and SuperSpyroFan55 was ready to bestow his "special attack" remember that pond the champions .
  43. [SuperSpyroFan55] It's time for my special attack!]
  44. [DegDeg] Isn't that when you do absolutely nothing? Yeah please do that!] (Yeah I hate D.O.T. Bones do nothing instead imposter.)
  45. [SuperSpyroFan55] It only involves you, water, and money!]
  46. [DegDeg] Wait WHAT!? No no n-] (DegDeg was thrown into the water 1 point to the imposter)
  47. [SuperSpyroFan55] GETTTTTT {Blocked} ONNNN!]
  48. [DegDeg] (muffles underwater] (Sounds like he already found a Reaper Leviathan)
  49. [G2nt] Top tier someone get on this stuff!]
  50. [Reverse0456] ⚐☠ βœ‹β„.] (Roll credits)
  51. [Drawlder] So are we done?]
  52. [Heyitshotdog] I guess so...] (Issue 2 would be different.....IF I COULD MAKE IT!)
  53. [SuperSpyroFan55] I'm the champion! Ok I'm gonna spread my memes elsewhere get some food and DegDeg.....The price is now 420$]
  55. [Reverse0456] If you made it this far you learned the way of darkspyro and what happens on this insane yet amazing site or you wasted your life my dear viewers....So what did you think I don't care we all had fun and cringed anyway join us next time for issue 2 (I'm lying it's just a cliche act for the ending you understand) what will it be can't ruin the surprise now if you excuse me....A user is coming with the broken copyright system ....SAVE ME PL-]
  57. [This story has been taken down due to mass amounts of memeing which we shall put under copyright why cause were a system out to take your content and money! Signed A user and The Broken Copyright System]
  59. [β˜ͺ☜ β˜œβ˜ πŸ‘Ž] (It say Ze End but you'll never figure it out!.....Oh wait DAMMIT!)
  61. [The Real Ending]
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