
Sam and Shula: Akram's worries

Aug 14th, 2015
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  1. [14:37] Sam Febuary 15th, 1:32pm. Pilot Housing
  2. [14:37] Sam heads to his and Shula's room, hopeing to catch Shula within.
  3. [14:39] Shula is there, currently lying on her back and mouthing words to herself as she tries to read on her pda
  4. [14:39] Sam sits down next to her. "Hey, you mind if I interupt you for a bit here?"
  5. [14:44] Shula "No, I don't mind, was just trying to read better"
  6. [14:45] Shula smiles at him and puts the pda away
  7. [14:45] Sam "I'm proud of that as well." Sam lays back with a sigh. "Can I ask you something?"
  8. [14:46] Shula "I am not stopping you"
  9. [14:49] Sam "What is so important, to you, about being married?"
  10. [14:51] Shula "I.. it is hard to say I.. I think it is in part. I.. fear something childish it .I want it for me because. I.. never thought I would have it"
  11. [14:51] Sam "Is that the only reason?"
  12. [14:52] Sam "I just. . I know my reasons, and I think I know some of yours, but I want to make sure I know them here."
  13. [14:53] Shula "I.. . It is hard to find words for them its.."
  14. [14:54] Sam "It's alright, take your time. [Speak as best can, so not say wrong, if help.]"
  15. [14:55] Shula [It.. in a way it is also to show it to the world, to us , to good its.. argh.. I can't say it right]
  16. [14:56] Shula grumbles and and hits the pillow with her fist
  17. [15:02] Shula "It is about.. having you.. in a different way. We.. I want it because it is more, because the thought ofbeing your wife makes me feel.. save.."
  18. [15:04] Sam "That what we have now, isn't enough for us, is it? I mean, it is, but we want more than that, and we can take it. We want more, we've lived on enough for too long, haven't we?"
  19. [15:10] Shula "Yes.. the other.. It.. feels as if they have dreams that it will get more and better and.. The dream more beautifull then I do"
  20. [15:11] Sam "Hope. You think that this will be a good thing, it will make things better for us, don't you?" Sam nods "There's a diffrence between being engaged and us being married for the two of us as well. It. . it means something more."
  21. [15:12] Shula "Yesss"
  22. [15:12] Shula nods
  23. [15:13] Sam "So why now? Why not wait intill things are safe and secure for us?"
  24. [15:16] Shula "I... "
  25. [15:17] Shula "Because I want to, Because I am greedy and stupid in that regard?"
  26. [15:19] Sam nods "Not greedy, nor stupid I think. I have the same reason as well here. We want to do this. Sometimes that's reason enough."
  27. [15:23] Shula "Because it is ours.."
  28. [15:24] Sam "Yes, this is our choice to make. *If* this is a mistake, then it is ours to make." Sam pulls Shula into a hug "Thank you for answering that Shula."
  29. [15:25] Shula "I.. am not sure if I did good"
  30. [15:27] Sam "I don't think your reasons are wrong love." Sam pats Shula's back. "Akram talked to me this morning, about the marriage. He asked me the same questions I asked you. He thinks we are making a mistake, and he told me why. His concerns are valid Shula, but it's funny. Some of the reasons he gave for us to wait, for why this is a mistake, in his mind, are some of the same reasons I think we...
  31. [15:27] Sam ...shouldn't wait."
  32. [15:27] |<-- TravelWolf has left (Quit: )
  33. [15:29] Shula "My brother is like Irune sometimes a bit.. Silly with there concerns and fears, she .. feared that we are not having a life without us "
  34. [15:30] Sam "Well Irune was right, at least on my end of things. Not now, not anymore, but she was."
  35. [15:34] Shula "But.. why does it matter as we where there before we had each other"
  36. [15:35] Sam "Look, I'm just trying to say that your brother's concerns are not unfounded. Many of the reasons why he thinks we shouldn't are reasons why I think we should. He's just seeing the same thing from a different angle than we are, and so he is getting a different answer from it then we are."
  37. [15:45] Shula "I,, it yes.."
  38. [15:45] Shula rolls against him
  39. [15:46] Sam "He . . he was pretty upset actually. He couldn't convince me to wait, and he is convinced we are making a grave mistake, and that he failed to stop it. I think that hurt him, because he does care about us." Sam puts his arms around her.
  40. [16:00] Shula wimpers and hugs him
  41. [16:03] Sam "I don't know if he plans on talking to you or not, or if you are thinking of talking to him. A part of me wants to forbid it, because I'm afraid he's too convincing. . . But I won't. If you think you should talk to him, if you wish to, then do so. I will only warn you that it may hurt for him because he will feel as though he failed."
  42. [16:08] Shula "I..."
  43. [16:08] Shula nods
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