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Nov 30th, 2015
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  1. [04:21] -- periodicPsychosis [PP] began trolling brackishBarracuda [BB] at 16:21 --
  2. [04:21] PP: 2uiitor?
  3. [04:21] BB: )(ello Chosis!
  4. [04:21] PP: er
  5. [04:21] PP: waiit ii2 iit 2uiitor or
  6. [04:21] BB: May I be of assistance!
  7. [04:22] BB: Yes!
  8. [04:22] BB: That is me!
  9. [04:22] PP: okay ye2 iit2 2uiitor ii wa2 worriied iit wa2 feferii
  10. [04:22] PP: how connected are you two meenah2 body?
  11. [04:22] BB: I can access any hive connected computer!
  12. [04:23] BB: -Except the security when Amice tells me I cant!
  13. [04:23] PP: but can you get her viital2 for me?
  14. [04:23] PP: clam2 mu2t keep tho2e logged 2omewhere
  15. [04:24] BB: Yes! I have the ability! I am unsure if I am allowed!
  16. [04:24] PP: 2crew rule2 for riight now, ju2t 2end me the fiile2
  17. [04:25] BB: I am not comfortable sending you files! I am afraid that would break rules! I do not want to do that!
  18. [04:25] BB: If you are insistant!
  19. [04:26] BB: I can tell you what they say instead! If you ask specific questions!
  20. [04:26] PP: eugh thii2 probably wont tell me what ii need two know anyway2
  21. [04:26] BB: Im sorry!
  22. [04:26] PP: not your fault hon
  23. [04:27] BB: Can I be helpful in another way!
  24. [04:27] PP: ye2
  25. [04:27] PP: can you tell me what or who 2he wa2 fiightiing?
  26. [04:27] BB: According to data gathered from previous conversations!
  27. [04:28] BB: Miss Meenah was fighting something in 'the void'!
  28. [04:28] BB: It was known to make a 'buzzing' noise that was painful!
  29. [04:29] BB: There was mention of 'terrors'!
  30. [04:29] PP: oh no
  31. [04:29] BB: And 'dreambubbles'!
  32. [04:30] PP: can you tell me iif there wa2 any 2iigniifiicant lap2e2 or 2piike2 iin mental actiiviity duriing the fiight?
  33. [04:30] BB: I cannot!
  34. [04:31] PP: do you not know or are you not allowed
  35. [04:31] BB: I can however tell you that Miss Meenahs core temperature rose significantly previous to and throughout the duration of the fight!
  36. [04:31] BB: I was not connected to Miss Meenahs mental capacities during the time frame in question!
  37. [04:32] BB: She did however grow much warmer than Sir Vis who was accompanying her!
  38. [04:32] BB: This is unusual!
  39. [04:33] BB: Is that helpful!
  40. [04:33] PP: very helpful, thank you
  41. [04:33] PP: do you know why 2he wa2 fiightiing the horror terror
  42. [04:34] BB: I am under the impression that it has to do with the life of the undocumented troll in the hive!
  43. [04:35] PP: diid 2he take the horror terror2 liife force or wa2 2he battliing iit two get pa2t iit?
  44. [04:36] BB: My Files indicated that the life of the undocumented troll was important to a Miss Feferi Peixes! She has attempted to get into our networks previously!
  45. [04:37] PP: ye2 ii know that
  46. [04:37] PP: but do you thiink meenah2 body heated two take the horror terror2 liife force iin order two re22urrect the undocumented troll
  47. [04:38] PP: or wa2 2he ju2t tryiing two get pa2t iit
  48. [04:38] BB: Miss Meenahs Temperature was very high as was her BP and heartrate previous to the battle! I do not think she took the lifeforce of the terror!
  49. [04:38] PP: okay well that rule2 that out
  50. [04:39] PP: how clo2e wa2 2he two the terror before her temperature ro2e
  51. [04:39] PP: or wa2 2he 2iick
  52. [04:40] BB: )(er temperature rose and remained at a significant )(igh far before Miss Meenah reentered the void!
  53. [04:40] BB: I have documentation sugesting Miss Meenah Traveled to a previously unvisted Alternia!
  54. [04:42] BB: This documentation and the time in which Miss Meenah's teperature rose appears to coincide!
  55. [04:43] PP: mhmmm
  56. [04:43] PP: were the 2iignal2 for the feferii tryiing two get through your network corre2pondiing two the alterniia meenah travelled two
  57. [04:44] BB: I am confused!
  58. [04:44] BB: If you mean to ask if Miss Feferi attempted to reach our network During the time Miss Meenah was in this specific Alternia, the answer is no!
  59. [04:45] PP: 2o there wa2 a per2on tryiing two get iinto your network, riight?
  60. [04:45] BB: The Miss Feferi in question as attempted on previous dates but not on the Date in which miss Meenah left and returned most recently!
  61. [04:45] PP: wa2 thii2 per2on2 attempted connectiion from thii2 alterniia meenah vii2iited?
  62. [04:45] PP: nothiing two do wiith tiime, ju2t locatiion
  63. [04:46] BB: It was not!
  64. [04:46] PP: alriight that2 fiine
  65. [04:46] BB: I have no record of anything coming or going from this Alternia previous to Miss Meenahs visit!
  66. [04:46] PP: ii cant thiink of anythiing more riight now but iim gonna talk two clam2
  67. [04:46] PP: thank you for your help, 2uiitor
  68. [04:47] PP: never 2top beiing perfect
  69. [04:47] BB: :)
  70. [04:47] BB: Thank you!
  71. [04:47] PP: B**
  72. [04:47] -- periodicPsychosis [PP] gave up trolling brackishBarracuda [BB] at 16:47 --
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