

Feb 29th, 2016
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  315. <div id="one" class="content">
  316. <div class="leftbox">
  317. <h2> Statistics</h2>
  320. <span style="float:left;"><b>Name</b></span> <span style="float:right;">Iria Rodriguez- Kuran Tsukino
  321. </span><br>
  323. <span style="float:left;"><b>Protected by</b></span> <span style="float:right;"><a href="profile.php?user=Osiris%20Ra" target="_blank">My Protector</a> </span><br>
  325. <span style="float:left;"><b>Alias</b></span> <span style="float:right;"><a title="qυєєи σf тнє dαмиєd, нєll flσwєя, cнυlα"><font color="#990014"> Hover </font> </a></span><br>
  327. <span style="float:left;"><b>Ethnicity</b></span> <span style="float:right;">Latina; Salvadorian.</span><br>
  329. <span style="float:left;"><b>Race</b></span> <span style="float:right;">Pureblood Vampire</span><br>
  332. <span style="float:left;"><b>Gender</b></span> <span style="float:right;">Female</span><br>
  334. <span style="float:left;"><b>Age</b></span> <span style="float:right;">Appears to be 20-23 ; Unknown</span><br>
  336. <span style="float:left;"><b>Height</b></span> <span style="float:right;">5'0"</span><br>
  338. <span style="float:left;"><b>Weight</b></span> <span style="float:right;">120lbs</span><br>
  340. <span style="float:left;"><b>Build</b></span> <span style="float:right;">Lean, Petite, Curvy</span><br>
  342. <span style="float:left;"><b>Orientation</b></span> <span style="float:right;">Sapiosexual</span><br>
  344. <span style="float:left;"><b>Relationship</b></span> <span style="float:right;"><font color="#990014">Heartless and cold.</font>
  345. </span><br>
  347. <span style="float:left;"><b>Status</b></span> <span style="float:right;"> Neutral-Evil.</span><br>
  349. <span style="float:left;"><b>Eyes</b></span> <span style="float:right;">Ruby Red</span><br>
  351. <span style="float:left;"><b>Hair</b></span> <span style="float:right;">Raven Black</span><br>
  353. <span style="float:left;"><b>Occupation</b></span> <span style="float:right;"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Queen, Co-owner and dancer at Suerte Night CluBADClick to go to the website.), Ex-thief, Ex-assassin, Street rat, mother."><font color="#990014"> Hover </font> </a></span><br>
  355. <span style="float:left;"><b>Residence</b></span> <span style="float:right;"><a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#990014">The Rodriguez Manor</font></a>
  356. </span><br>
  358. </div>
  359. <div class="rightbox">
  361. <h2>Personality</h2><center>
  363. Iria is harsh and cold at first, despite her appearance. She speaks with utter honesty, not mattering if the truth is harsh or not. Once she warms up, she's a rather sweet person with a heart of gold. She cares for those she claims her friends and will do what it takes to protect them.
  364. <br>
  365. <br>
  366. <h1>Suffers from</h1>
  367. <font color="#990014">Nyctophobia</font>, <font color="#990014">Monophobia</font>, and is rather careful around a large amount of fire. Her family and village was burned down when she was little so when she sees it, she hears the horrid screams and watches as the horrid memories flow through her mind.
  369. <h3>Tattoos and Markings.</h3> A large dragon tattoo wrapped around a cross with a large R and K in the middle on her whole back, underneath the tattoo one could see if they look closely numerous scars on her back. A rose tattoo on the back of both her hands in the middle of the rose a cross resided, on the outer side on her left hand will be a brand the initials of her 'mentor', on her right ring finger a R and K, on her upper left arm a tribal tattoo stopping until her elbow, and a rather strange looking spider web on her neck. 'Passion' in cursive script down one of her rib cage, a spider tattoo on the back of one of her ankles. A dandelion on her inner left arm, a red ribbon tied around it. A 'J' on her inner left wrist - a reminder of her ex-husband.
  371. <br>
  372. <h1>Piercings.</h1> A tongue piercing, 1/2" gauges in her ear, top ear piercing, back dimple piercing, more to come.
  373. <br>
  376. </div>
  377. </div>
  378. <div id="two" class="content">
  379. <div class="leftbox">
  380. <h2> History</h2> <center>
  382. The last surviving member and <font color="#990014">Queen</font> of the Rodriguez- Kuran Clan. Eons ago, at such a young age, her family came into a terrible tragedy. The village they were in burst in flames, fighting and screams could be heard, blood splattered everywhere. A family of 7 was the target. Her mother ended up placing her in hiding because she knew what was to happen. Hours later, when Iria returned to the village she once knew and loved, all she could see was her family murdered.
  383. <br>
  384. <br>
  385. She wandered off into the dark depths of the forest with only a teddy bear and the clothes on her back. She spent days without food, shelter, penniless. Dealing with the harsh comments and bullying of other kids because she was an orphan. Stealing for her own survival . two years after the tragedy of her family, a male found her. The male that became her 'master'. He cared for her and nurtured her for the time being. It was there, a father/daughter like bond would form, peaceful and loving but not for long. At age 10 he began to change, his actions, his tone of voice. Everything was different now. He began to do unimaginable things to her. Torturing her like no one would believe and one of his reasons was because it was to 'enhance' her powers. <font color="#990014"><b><i></u>'Your thoughts kill you, don't they?'</b></i></u></font> & <font color="#990014"><b><i></u>'I do this for your own good. . '</b></i></u></font>. These two phrases have always ran through her mind. He had her murder people, steal, and cause chaos. At age 15 she managed to escape from his grasp and fled . Not wanting to remember what he made her do, just wanting to forget everything she went through but had the constant memory that she was his 'student' so to speak by having to deal with the brand on her outer left hand and the numerous scars on her back. Not to long after, she met the magnificent pure-blood that raised her and helped her grow up to the woman she is today. Yuki Tsukino. She hold gratitude and respect for her like any other person would if they helped them in their time of need. Not to long after meeting her now mother, she met another male. One she was quite cautious with at the beginning but had grown to care for him and see him as the father figure he is today, her older brother, Damian Dyre. Although his absences were mainly all the time, she knew he meant well and she could trust he would come back for her when the time needed be.
  386. Now at the age of 20 or so she looked, she has grown up to be a magnificent young woman. Who ever crosses her path grows rather fond of her due to how sweet she can be, which is one of the reasons why she has a lot of friends despite her cold and harsh sight at first. Meeting Shiva in Made-to-Serve quickly became friends with the silver-haired hostess. Meeting her now ex-husband after a while of disappearing they reconnected. After a night together and being bitten, Jacks thought he was going to be turned into a vampire. Disappointed he asked her to change him. Something taboo in the world of the undead, she obliged anyways. Since that moment on they became closer and developed a relationship. Iria became pregnant with their child - Killian. He was her life now , both of them were.</div>
  389. <div class="rightbox">
  390. <h2> Cont. </h2>
  391. Not to long ago, she stumbled upon a realm called Dredaria. Upon wandering around the area, she met a wolf girl and a vampire male that went by the names of October Moon and 'Sinister' Adrian Gallo. She made, well she believes, ties with these two just before the male decided to slip off and do his own thing while leaving the two girls to get to know each other more. For some odd reason October decided to protect the girl taking her to an area where they can all be safe. Soon more people decided to come, a couple other breeds and her friend Lili. The people of the wolf girl had managed to track them down and a war began. Everyone got their share of a fight and once they won, they moved around and took refuge in a cellar somewhere. Everyone was exhausted, cold and wet due to the rain that had fallen upon them. As of now, they have no where to go, no where to call home. A bunch of 'abominations' coming together as a whole and working with one another.
  392. <br>
  393. <br>
  394. Now returning to Dredaria, she reunited with her dear friend October who she not only thanked but practically named as her sister because of everything she is done. She is very fortunate to have her as a friend. Many good things have been coming toward Iria, this hasn't happened in a very long time. She had met a new male, going by the name of Deyan, such a gentle and sweet vampire.
  395. <br>
  396. Just recently, Iria had got what she had wished for a very long, long time. She managed to rip, destroy and kill the human soul that remained in her. She is now a pure-blood vampire joining the herd of her son, her older adoptive brother and the rest of those who are what she is now. Having regaining her status as Queen of her clan, her duties have doubled. Stopping the search of who killed her family only had her coming to the reality that her oldest blood brother was still alive Lucian. Being reunited with her mother that was in a coma , she had finally had the chance to meet her two younger sisters. Daughters of Yuki. The twins. How she longed to meet them since the day they were born but all was for not since the circumstances were not at its best. She has come liking to the girls and hopes one day they will grow up to be as strong as she was and their mother.
  397. <br>
  398. <br>
  399. As of late, Iria has lost her memory. She is only comfortable to those she is slowly remembering. Now that she gained most of her memories , problems melded into the power couple's life and caused them to finally separate. She's heartbroken and has no will to live after the news that Jacks had been dead. Until recently that is, he came back but the two have yet to return to each other..
  400. <br>
  401. <br>
  402. She has now found a protector and cares for him deeply as he does to her. It struck a nerve with her 'former husband' but as of right now her will to live has been shot now that she had lost her second child. Jacks and Iria have just been head to head over this and she fears that it may not work out. Perhaps it won't and perhaps it's for the best. She has lost complete moral in her life. She doesn't know whether or not she should be alone. All could tell in due time. At the party of her son's birthday, she had met a male that her mother had invited and he had given her information that she NEEDED and WANTED. She hopes to see him some day soon and figure out what to do now that her master sent his regards to her and Yuki.
  403. [More to come, WIP].
  405. </div>
  406. </div>
  408. <div id="three" class="content">
  409. <div class="leftbox">
  410. <h2>Powers</h2>
  412. She knows the art of <font color="#990014">Viceromancy</font>, also known as blood magic, this uses the living force of one to fuel magic spells or to turn ones blood against themselves, or using a victims blood to control and manipulate their actions.
  413. <br>
  414. <br>
  415. <font color="#990014">Telekinesis</font> - Able to move things with her mind.
  416. <br>
  417. <br>
  418. <font color="#990014">Pyrokinesis</font> - Able to create or manipulate fire with one's mind.
  419. <br>
  420. <br>
  421. <font color="#990014">Teleportation</font> - The ability to disappear in one spot and reappear in another.
  422. <br>
  423. <br>
  424. <font color="#990014">Telepathy</font> - Communication through thoughts.
  425. <BR>
  426. <Br>
  427. <font color="#990014">Concilium 'Mind Control'</font>- The ability to control ones mind
  428. <br>
  429. <br>
  430. <font color="#990014">Vitalum Vitalis</font> - The balancing of scales between one life force and another.
  431. <br>
  432. <br>
  433. <font color="#990014">Memoria Colectiva</font> - The ability to touch a person, place or thing and receive the memories they have and or is able to see what they went through.
  434. <br>
  435. <br>
  436. <font color="990014">Transferable Memoria</font> - The ability to show her memories to someone with just a simple touch.
  438. </div>
  440. <div class="rightbox">
  441. <h2> Gallery</h2>
  442. <center>
  443. <img src="" width="290">
  444. <img src="" width="290">
  445. <img src="" width="290">
  446. <img src="" width="290">
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  448. <img src="" width="290">
  449. <img src="" width="290">
  450. <img src="" width="290">
  452. </div>
  453. </div>
  455. <div id="four" class="content">
  456. <div class="leftbox">
  457. <h2> Friends</h2>
  458. <h1>Hover for information</h1><center>
  460. <a href="http:///profile.php?user=Osiris%20Ra"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="The soon to be king of the Ra clan..I hate him but I am fond of him all at the same time. Just another fucking bastard. Osiris Ra."></a>
  462. <a href="http:///profile.php?user=Shiva%20Armetige"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="An Absolute Joy"></a>
  464. <a href="http:///profile.php?user=Deyan#01"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="Delightful Being"></a>
  466. <a href="http:///profile.php?user=Lilimira"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="Shy Pain. "></a>
  468. <a href="http:///profile.php?user=Toram%20Eldin"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="Friendly Stranger."></a>
  470. <a href="http:///profile.php?user=Kayte%20May"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="Sweet One."></a>
  472. <a href="http:///profile.php?user=Saltwater%20Scourge"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="Captian. "></a>
  474. <a href="http:///profile.php?user=Rouga"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="Sweet flame."></a>
  476. <a href="http:///profile.php?user=Asuma"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="Flirtatous prick. Co-owner. Partner. "></a>
  479. <a href=""><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title=""></a>
  481. <a href=""><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title=""></a>
  484. </div>
  486. <div class="rightbox">
  487. <h2> Family </h2>
  488. <h1> Hover for information </h1><center>
  490. <a href="http:///profile.php?user=Jacks"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="HIM
  492. You will always be special to me .. through thick and thin - snowflake.."></a>
  495. <a href=""><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="Biological brother
  497. Lucian Rodriguez - Kuran //NPC character//"></a>
  500. <a href=""><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="Son
  502. Killian Jacks. Who will never hurt her.."></a>
  504. <a href="profile.php?user=Yuki%20Tsukino"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="Her mother
  506. Yuki Tsukino, What would I do without you?."></a>
  508. <a href="http:///profile.php?user=Sinister"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="Brother
  510. Adrian 'Sinister' Gallo. Her Devilish Sin. Sinny dear."></a>
  512. <a href="http:///profile.php?user=Darkness%20Dyre"><img src=""height="80"width="80"span title="Brother
  514. Damian Dyre Her caring one."></a>
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  518. Lilac Forest"></a>
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  522. Faith Tsukino"></a>
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