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Thoughts on missing, but existing SM TASing resources

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Jul 19th, 2016
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  1. 4n6 - Today at 1:04 AM
  2. man that's some nice new stuff you guys found
  3. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:04 AM
  4. lavakiller and faster mainstreet entry
  5. a few variations for the latter
  6. and a frame saved before bt
  7. but wont make it into 13% i guess
  8. 4n6 - Today at 1:15 AM
  9. so you guys managed to save a frame before BT nice I understand not going back for 1 frame though
  10. sniq - Today at 1:19 AM
  11. 7 frames
  12. (before big pink)
  13. but with cost of 1 super missile
  14. not too good idea
  15. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:19 AM
  16. hm?
  17. something new or?
  18. sniq - Today at 1:19 AM
  19. killing metal bat with super reduces processing
  20. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:20 AM
  21. ah interesting
  22. sniq - Today at 1:20 AM
  23. his death sounds wont play
  24. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:20 AM
  25. ok... question
  26. for things like this etc you are saving the input files up to those variied parts, right?
  27. or something like that
  28. sniq - Today at 1:20 AM
  29. usually yes
  30. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:21 AM
  31. ok for other small stuff where its not clear if it could speed things up
  32. pls at least write it down in some .txt notes or something k?
  33. sniq - Today at 1:21 AM
  34. for you to beat my tas later?
  35. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:21 AM
  36. >_> yes?
  37. nah... but every kind of improvement thats found would be good to have?
  38. and not be lost again
  39. just so someone later will/has to find it
  40. does it really matter?
  41. sniq - Today at 1:24 AM
  42. improvements like what?
  43. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:24 AM
  44. well the things we did talk about
  45. sniq - Today at 1:24 AM
  46. each is implemented
  47. except bt frame
  48. ceres frame*
  49. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:24 AM
  50. and variations where its not known if it can help
  51. sniq - Today at 1:24 AM
  52. and metal bat super kill
  53. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:24 AM
  54. like skree
  55. there was the 1 lag frame before kraid that you eliminated
  56. like there is taco´s old inputs and your new ones
  57. with 1 less lag frame but i guess if one wanted to "use" some lag frame in anyways, one could just make more lag during pb explosion anyways
  58. sniq - Today at 1:26 AM
  59. lag is obvious enough
  60. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:26 AM
  61. idk what kraid lag patterns you tested
  62. sniq - Today at 1:26 AM
  63. is it really needed to write down
  64. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:26 AM
  65. and drop patterns from kraid
  66. yeah not that
  67. so: no it isnt
  68. but what else was there?
  69. you should know best
  70. hmm i dont think there wasn´t any more at kraid lair(edited)
  71. hm i dont think there was some variation at speedbooster farming either
  72. sniq - Today at 1:31 AM
  73. sure if you can get rng to behave perfectly without delaying a single frame
  74. wont happen probably
  75. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:31 AM
  76. well in pre lavadive room there were a few different options?
  77. well one could waste a super or missile
  78. to kill some enemy
  79. and change rng
  80. sniq - Today at 1:31 AM
  81. not for 13%
  82. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:31 AM
  83. and get better drops to get ammo back or something?
  84. sniq - Today at 1:32 AM
  85. each drop is manipulated to be perfect already in the run
  86. cant get better ammo back
  87. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:32 AM
  88. kk
  89. sniq - Today at 1:33 AM
  90. and for lavadive theres 3 variations all equally fast
  91. difference is the cost of hp
  92. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:33 AM
  93. yeah that shouldnt matter
  94. sniq - Today at 1:33 AM
  95. newest diagonal spark is best
  96. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:34 AM
  97. bec one cold also take the fastest and just get more damaged
  98. regarding hp
  99. or idk what else would be different
  100. sniq - Today at 1:34 AM
  101. i just said all 3 are equally fast
  102. just the newest strat costs 50 hp less or more
  103. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:34 AM
  104. yes but least hp one is used
  105. sniq - Today at 1:34 AM
  106. might have been 70 or something
  107. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:34 AM
  108. kk
  109. and you got those?
  110. sniq - Today at 1:35 AM
  111. which?
  112. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:35 AM
  113. well the 3 options
  114. sniq - Today at 1:35 AM
  115. yes but the previous 2 dont make sense anymore
  116. they are equally fast but cost more hp
  117. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:35 AM
  118. yeah i understand
  119. well only thing is.. equally fast doesnt necessary mean same rng
  120. bec could be longer transition or something
  121. and since they all take same frame count
  122. well if it wasnt as much for the hp difference
  123. then having a few different options with same frame count but different rng
  124. could be interesting to have
  125. but since the hp difference is so large
  126. not really anymore
  127. sniq - Today at 1:37 AM
  128. total control of rng with the use of 2 pauses
  129. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:37 AM
  130. yeah true
  131. ok then those other 2 options arent as relevant anymore really
  132. hmm
  133. and after that...
  134. i guess the sidehopper in wasteland, taking his drop or not
  135. i guess now not needed anymore?
  136. sniq - Today at 1:38 AM
  137. cant skip it for 13%
  138. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:38 AM
  139. could use the inputs from where you didnt take them
  140. sniq - Today at 1:38 AM
  141. it is needed
  142. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:39 AM
  143. if you have them still
  144. sniq - Today at 1:39 AM
  145. costs less than 10 frames to get
  146. 5-7 if i remember right
  147. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:39 AM
  148. kk
  149. but you dont need to farm as much anymore later
  150. sniq - Today at 1:39 AM
  151. dont make me laugh ed
  152. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:39 AM
  153. bec not as much hp needed, bec of new glasstube strat
  154. sniq - Today at 1:40 AM
  155. you dont know whats coming in maridia
  156. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:40 AM
  157. i do?
  158. sniq - Today at 1:40 AM
  159. hp is needed to do faster strats
  160. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:40 AM
  161. like test tas
  162. yes but..
  163. i mean compared to current tas up to ridley
  164. sniq - Today at 1:40 AM
  165. i hope you udnerstand delaying 5 frames to collect 20 hp does save 30 frames for faster strats later
  166. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:40 AM
  167. 120hp more
  168. thats what i mean
  169. sniq - Today at 1:40 AM
  170. this includes acidball and getting hit by ridley
  171. and doing double kago
  172. and so on
  173. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:41 AM
  174. yes
  175. nothing remaining after?
  176. sniq - Today at 1:41 AM
  177. and spike spark
  178. and whatever d-boosts
  179. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:41 AM
  180. hm ok
  181. so basically 120hp wont change much
  182. sniq - Today at 1:41 AM
  183. it does
  184. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:41 AM
  185. bec hp will be used on norfair escape
  186. sniq - Today at 1:41 AM
  187. 120 hp more to play with for fsater strats
  188. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:41 AM
  189. i mean for maridia
  190. yes thats what im saying
  191. sniq - Today at 1:42 AM
  192. this includes ridley damage to reduce lag
  193. and more d-boosts
  194. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:42 AM
  195. i know
  196. well ok and the ridley part and prev room stuff will need to be redone anyways
  197. well ok
  198. sniq - Today at 1:42 AM
  199. and finally the goal is to be left with 01 health at everest
  200. or as close to that as possible
  201. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:42 AM
  202. yeah
  203. also regarding a potential later tas of it with the known improvements. idk if i´d ever start tasing myself or if someone else would like to improve it, but it´d be nice in any case if some notes on potential useful promising time savers are there
  204. at least thats what i´d do
  205. its like... when id make some tas... for rooms there are different room strats etc
  206. sometimes one cant test everything
  207. but for the things that i´d test, if they are close enough together so that both could be part of thr "optimal tas" (or some better tas)
  208. but its not clear which
  209. and if i made inputs for both
  210. i´d provide them on tasvid for others when i´d put the submission text if the ywanna play around
  211. and i´d also be good for the submission itself
  212. so that people can see that someone really not just tried 1 strat and kept it like that
  213. but put more thought into rooms and ammo+hp managemenet and lag etc
  214. its like... a bonus to your work and the tas
  215. and if then someone would actually use my stuff to make an improvement
  216. then i´d be nice to see that some more of the things i tested and resources that i provided could be put to use
  217. it is like... reducing redundance
  218. bec so many people probably have only provided the final strat for e.g. climb room for their tas
  219. but did maybe test different ways to climb the room
  220. and now every new taser
  221. that wants to try his best in this room would also have to test those worse strats again
  222. bec he isnt quite sure yet
  223. but if the prev taser had provided more of the resources that he anyways had
  224. bthen the new tasers wouldnt need to redundantly test things that have been tested beore already
  225. and i´m sure at least 5 tasers had to check the same climb room variations redundantly so far
  226. just bec previous tasers onyl submit the final product and not further resources which also can be very helpful
  227. to get a better overview and comparison
  228. and then as last part, if one would also provide alternative potentially useful room starts
  229. they could be useful for other tas branches of the game
  230. so idk...
  231. its like every taser kinda has to restart from bottom
  232. instead of having various input script resources already from former tasers
  233. ißm sure e.g. that cpadolf must have a lot of unused good alternate room starts
  234. and we´d jhave to find or figure out those ourself again
  235. just bec he deleted them or kept them or w/e
  236. =/
  237. antimatterhorse - Today at 1:53 AM
  238. copy paste this to tasvideos
  239. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:53 AM
  240. i guess i should actually
  241. in some better format ofc
  242. sniq - Today at 1:53 AM
  243. book format best format
  244. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:54 AM
  245. bec i´d like the tasing in general with resources etc to evolve
  246. and not always restart
  247. its like.. you could quickly know if climbing wall in climb room is better or using ledge grab platform climb
  248. if there were some input files for both (especialy also the worse strat) provided
  249. bec then other people coudl see and confirm that it actually is worse
  250. and in some cases i could even imagine
  251. that given some "worse but alternate strat"
  252. if someone else sees it
  253. he could have an idea to improve it
  254. and it could turn into the better strat, who knows
  255. (if its sufficiently close/not too bad)
  256. and idk why people dont do this
  257. idk how it is with other games
  258. like what people provide for resources
  259. but if it is like this everywhere
  260. that all the "almost good strats" are wasted or not provided and kinda lost
  261. sniq - Today at 1:56 AM
  262. it is quickly known by looking at vertical speed ram address due to walljumps having lower speed though
  263. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:56 AM
  264. then thats bad imho
  265. yes in some cases
  266. but sometimes not
  267. you know from own experience when you had to redo rooms
  268. when you found better strat bec of some detail
  269. in previous rooms
  270. antimatterhorse - Today at 1:57 AM
  271. it is hard to find a game with more information available and resources than sm
  272. sniq - Today at 1:57 AM
  273. what did i find hmm
  274. earthquake pb
  275. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:57 AM
  276. well door lag reduction
  277. yeah that, some small things
  278. sniq - Today at 1:57 AM
  279. small mistake with door by taco
  280. small mistake at dachora bomb wall
  281. that was all
  282. then kraid decided to die 6 frames faster for unknown reason
  283. but i never found anything related to walljumps
  284. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 1:59 AM
  285. i mean... lets take cpadolf again. he made 100% tas, and i heavily doubt the 1st strat that he used for rooms was always the fastest so that he never had to make an alternate strat that then turned out to be faster by a bit
  286. so if he already made the a bit worse strat beforehand
  287. and then the better one but not by too much
  288. i mean he already put the work into this and could easily provide it somewhere
  289. Aran;Jaeger - Today at 2:00 AM
  290. but if he doesnt, someone else later will have to do same test again, which is redundant and takes time and motivation
  291. so why not provide it when its already there
  292. thats basically the idea when i mean that you should keep or make notes of still promising alternate strats
  293. when they are close to best strat
  294. i could imagine that maybe just a few but still, that some more people would try out sm tasing if such things would be provided for existing tases
  295. imagine if cpadolf had put some list of strats, maybe even late improvements that he didnt wanna build in anymore
  296. if he´d made such list and some new taser would then have the motivation
  297. to try out those things to improve it
  298. i´m sure cpadolf would also like it if his stuff gets used for the new tas
  299. bec thats then like... it is like cpadolf would partially have "indirectly" worked on the new tas aswell
  300. not just his own older tas
  301. or helped for the work on the new tas by providing resources
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