

Feb 13th, 2014
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  6. **Item #:** SCP-2014
  9. **Object Class:** Safe
  12. **Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-2014 is contained in standard humanoid quarters. Instances of SCP-2014-A are to be placed in mortuary storage on-site. If an instance of SCP-2014-A poses a biological, radiological, or anomalous threat to SCP-2014 or any other individuals, it is to be incinerated following a standard autopsy and/or toxicology report. SCP-2014 is not allowed access to the site outside of approved experimentation and all requests made by the subject are to be denied.
  15. **Description:** SCP-2014 is a 19 year old Caucasian female, formerly a student named T██████████ E████████ at the University of ████████, who under certain life-threatening conditions has a deceased duplicate of themselves created. Copies of SCP-2014 (labeled SCP-2014-A) appear to occupy the same time and space as the subject, and only come away when the subject is moved.
  18. This anomaly was first discovered when SCP-2014 suffered a serious injury on-campus, when an instance of SCP-2014-A emerged as students moved in to aid and re-orient the subject. Local authorities were called, and the incident drew the attention of Foundation agents in the police force. After receiving medical treatment, the subject was taken into Foundation custody, and Class B Amnestics were administered to students and faculty, with the story of Ms. E declared deceased on arrival to the hospital. Subject was in a highly agitated state, claiming no knowledge of its anomalous behavior, and was unable to replicate the results.
  21. While in containment SCP-2014 began to assault Foundation personnel, necessitating use of force in restraining the subject, during which subject sustained a minor head injury. While receiving medical attention, another instance of SCP-2014-A emerged from the subject, bearing similar signs of traumatic encephalopathy. An autopsy determined the force of the blow to be roughly identical to that received by SCP-2014. Further instances of SCP-2014-A also bear signs of injury consistent with trauma SCP-2014 has experienced, but which have proven fatal for the duplicates.
  25. **Incident Reports:** --Up until ██/█/2014,-- SCP-2014 has been noncompliant, and refused to cooperate in experiments, necessitating use of force in some incidents. Personnel responsible for authorizing use of force have been reprimanded, and while SCP-2014 is no longer resistant to testing, all further testing requests are suspended until further notice. Listed below is a record of incidents caused by SCP-2014.
  27. * Experiment-042, SCP-2014 revealed a makeshift stabbing device hidden in her clothing and threatened to attack Dr. Marlowe. Subject was contained with minor superficial injuries to personnel.
  29. * Experiment-044, SCP-2014 feigned death and made an escape attempt. Subject was contained with only minor injuries.
  31. * Experiment-051, SCP-2014 had to be carried from its quarters, sobbing and screaming, causing brief tension and concern amongst personnel.
  33. * Experiment-066, SCP-2014 unsuccessfully attempted to goad a security guard into terminating it, necessitating use of restraints and sedatives to conclude experiment.
  38. [[collapsible show="**Interview Log:**" hide="Contents accurate"]]
  40. > **Interviewed:** [SCP-2014]
  41. >
  42. > **Interviewer:** [Dr. Jaime Marlowe]
  43. >
  44. > **Foreword:** [SCP-2014 requested a conversation with Dr. Marlowe on ██/█/2014, after which the subject agreed to submit to future testing without further resistance.]
  45. >
  46. > **<Begin Log>**
  47. >
  48. > **Dr. Marlowe:** Hello 2014.
  49. >
  50. > **SCP-2014:** Could you call me T██████████ please? Just this once?
  51. >
  52. > **Dr. Marlowe:** Sure. How are you, T██████████?
  53. >
  54. > **SCP-2014:** I'm still having chest pains.
  55. >
  56. > **Dr. Marlowe:** From the last experiment?
  57. >
  58. > **SCP-2014:** Yeah.
  59. >
  60. > **Dr. Marlowe:** You understand why that happened, don't you?
  61. >
  62. > **SCP-2014:** Because I kept trying to make the gun shoot me in the face. I'm tired. So very tired. If I cooperate, what will happen to me?
  63. >
  64. > **Dr. Marlowe:** If you cooperate, you'll be transferred to better quarters, and eventually be given more privileges.
  65. >
  66. > **SCP-2014:** Please be honest with me, Dr. Marlowe... Is there any chance at all that I'll get to go home?
  67. >
  68. > **Dr. Marlowe:** That's not up to me, 2014.
  69. >
  70. > **<End Log>**
  71. >
  72. > **Closing Statement:** [Following interview, SCP-2014 was transferred to upgraded humanoid containment quarters, and given access to new books, clothing, and hygiene products. Further testing was approved on ██/██/2014. SCP-2014 complied with researchers and experimentation was successful.]
  73. [[/collapsible]]
  79. **Addendum-1:** Following Experiment-067, SCP-2014 was discovered submerged in its bathtub. Subject could not be resuscitated and upon removal deposited a living instance of SCP-2014-A. SCP-2014-A was belligerent and required restraint. Under interrogation, SCP-2014-A could not recall being moved to new quarters and refused to cooperate further.
  82. **Addendum-2:** With continued successful results from Experiments-068 - 072, the living instance of SCP-2014-A is to be designated SCP-2014. Original containment procedures have been reinstated and prior privileges revoked, as subject continues to be recalcitrant.
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