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Jul 31st, 2014
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  2. //Retired Kit
  3. static ItemStack Analyzer = Main.createItem(Material.EYE_OF_ENDER, 1, "§fAnalyzer", "§7Analyze your world to find out about others health and soups.");
  4. static ItemStack Archer = Main.createItem(Material.BOW, 1, "§fArcher", "§7Start with a bow and 10 arrows and make arrows easily.");
  5. static ItemStack Array = Main.createItem(Material.BEACON, 1, "§fBeacon", "§7Place down an array that will heal your teammates.");
  6. static ItemStack Backpacker = Main.createItem(Material.ENDER_CHEST, 1, "§fBackpacker", "§7Carry around extra items in your backpack!");
  7. static ItemStack Chemist = Main.createItemDataLore(Material.POTION, 1, (byte) 16420, "§fChemist", "§7Start the game with one Insta Damage II, Poison II & Weakness II splash potion.");
  8. static ItemStack Doctor = Main.createItem(Material.SHEARS, 1, "§fDoctor", "§7Diagnose players and remove their buffs and debuffs!");
  9. static ItemStack Dwarf = Main.createItem(Material.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE, 1, "§fDwarf", "§7Shift down and block to charge your fury, release it and knock anybody close to you away.");
  10. static ItemStack Explorer = Main.createItem(Material.EMPTY_MAP, 1, "§fExplorer", "§7Get a map that reveals everything you want to know!");
  11. static ItemStack Ghost = Main.createItem(Material.GHAST_TEAR, 1, "§fEGhost", "§7Get a map that reveals everything you want to know!");
  12. static ItemStack GraveDigger = Main.createItem(Material.CHEST, 1, "§fGraveDigger", "§7Players you kill drop their items into their coffin (a chest).");
  13. static ItemStack Hunter = Main.createItem(Material.PORK, 1, "§fHunter", "§7Killing pigs always yields 2 cooked pork.");
  14. static ItemStack Jumper = Main.createItem(Material.ENDER_PEARL, 1, "§fJumper", "§7Start the game with 5 ender pearls that give no damage and secure landing");
  15. static ItemStack Miner = Main.createItem(Material.STONE_PICKAXE, 1, "§fMiner", "§7Start with a pick. Eat an apple while full to get a mining speed boost.");
  16. static ItemStack Monster = Main.createItemDataLore(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, (byte)4, "§fMiner", "§7Monsters don't attack you, unless you attack them first");
  17. static ItemStack Necro = Main.createItem(Material.BONE, 1, "§fNecro", "§7Skeletons are killed in 1-hit, and always drop 2 bones.");
  18. static ItemStack Neo = Main.createItem(Material.ARROW, 1, "§fNeo", "§7Block projectiles and send them back at the same speed they came.");
  19. static ItemStack Salvager = Main.createItem(Material.ANVIL, 1, "§fSalvager", "§7Right click armor or tools and get build materials back.");
  20. static ItemStack Santa = Main.createItem(Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK, 1, "§fSanta", "§7Every minute you get a present which you can gift to others who have that kit.");
  21. static ItemStack Scout = Main.createItemDataLore(Material.POTION, 1, (byte) 16386, "§fScout", "§7You start the game with 2 speed potions that regenerate over time.");
  22. static ItemStack Summoner = Main.createItem(Material.EGG, 1, "§fSummoner", "§7Throw an egg at a mob and catch it in a spawn egg!");
  23. static ItemStack Trapper = Main.createItem(Material.EGG, 1, "§fTrapper", "§7Place tripwire traps that will trap your enemies!");
  24. static ItemStack Urgal = Main.createItemDataLore(Material.POTION, 1, (byte)16393, "§fUrgal", "§7You start the game with 3 Strength I potions!");
  25. static ItemStack Vulture = Main.createItem(Material.BOOK, 1, "§fVulture", "§7See people's death locations and more info, and bet on who will die for items!");
  26. static ItemStack Warder = Main.createItem(Material.PORTAL, 1, "§fWarder", "§7Place a long protective wall that will protect and speed up who walks through it.");
  27. static ItemStack Plague = Main.createItem(Material.GHAST_TEAR, 1, "§fPlague", "§7Infect others with a deadly plague that spreads through them.");
  28. static ItemStack Lifeline = Main.createItem(Material.LEASH, 1, "§fLifeline", "§7Create a connection between allies and enemies with effects.");
  29. static ItemStack Souper = Main.createItemDataLore(Material.INK_SACK, 1, (byte) 15,"§fSouper", "§7Increase your soup production!");
  30. static ItemStack Rhino = Main.createItem(Material.CHAINMAIL_HELMET, 1, "§fRhino", "§7Knock away your enemies in a furious stampede!");
  32. //Actual Kit
  33. static ItemStack Achilles = Main.createItem(Material.WOOD_SWORD, 1, "§fAchilles", "§7Wood weapons do more damage to you while non-wood items do less.");
  34. static ItemStack Acrobat = Main.createItem(Material.RECORD_3, 1, "§fAcrobat", "§7Turn blocks you can walk through into solid blocks to yourself and others!");
  35. static ItemStack Anchor = Main.createItem(Material.IRON_BLOCK, 1, "§fAnchor", "§7Take no knockback and deal no knockback.");
  36. static ItemStack Assassin = Main.createItem(Material.GOLD_SWORD, 1, "§fAssassin", "§7Choose your target using your compass, hold crouch for a charge-up attack!");
  37. static ItemStack Backup = Main.createItem(Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK, 1, "§fBackup", "§7Pick a kit later in the game as backup plan!");
  38. static ItemStack Barbarian = Main.createItem(Material.WOOD_SWORD, 1, "§fBarbarian", "§7Start the game with a sword that levels up every time you kill someone.");
  39. static ItemStack Beastmaster = Main.createItem(Material.BONE, 1, "§fBarbarian", "§7Start the game with 3 wolf eggs, 4 bones and a 100% mob capture rate.");
  40. static ItemStack Berserker = Main.createItem(Material.BONE, 1, "§fBerserker", "§7When you kill someone, your bloodlust gives you strength.");
  41. static ItemStack Blink = Main.createItem(Material.NETHER_STAR, 1, "§fBlink", "§7Use your Nether Star to Blink away from dangerous situations.");
  42. static ItemStack Boxer = Main.createItem(Material.STONE_SWORD, 1, "§fBoxer", "§7Fists do almost as much damage as wood sword; Incoming damage slightly reduced.");
  43. static ItemStack Burrower = Main.createItem(Material.NETHER_STAR, 1, "§fBurrower", "§7Create your own personal panic room in an instant!");
  44. static ItemStack Camel = Main.createItem(Material.NETHER_STAR, 1, "§fBurrower", "§7The desert is your home, giving you an advantage in deserts.");
  45. static ItemStack Cannibal = Main.createItem(Material.ROTTEN_FLESH, 1, "§fCannibal", "§7Damage done is food for you, they have Hunger effect when hit.");
  46. static ItemStack Castaway = Main.createItem(Material.DISPENSER, 1, "§fCastaway", "§7Teleports you away from spawn at the start of the game.");
  47. static ItemStack Chameleon = Main.createItem(Material.WHEAT, 1, "§fChameleon", "§7Get mob items, and hold the mob item to look like it!");
  48. static ItemStack Checkpoint = Main.createItem(Material.NETHER_FENCE, 1, "§fCheckpoint", "§7Place checkpoints to return to later.");
  49. static ItemStack Copycat = Main.createItem(Material.DOUBLE_PLANT, 1, "§fCopycat", "§7When you kill someone, you will take their kit.");
  50. static ItemStack Cookiemonster = Main.createItem(Material.COOKIE, 1, "§fCookiemonster", "§7Use your cookies to heal up, restore hunger, or receive a speed boost!");
  51. static ItemStack Crafter = Main.createItem(Material.FURNACE, 1, "§fCrafter", "§7Use your cookies to heal up, restore hunger, or receive a speed boost!");
  52. static ItemStack Cultivator = Main.createItem(Material.SAPLING, 1, "§fCultivator", "§7Wheat and Saplings grow instantly when planted!");
  53. static ItemStack Decoy = Main.createItem(Material.WOOL, 1, "§fDecoy", "§7Confuse your enemies by placing down decoys that they will track to.");
  54. static ItemStack Demoman = Main.createItem(Material.GRAVEL, 1, "§fDemoman", "§7Stone Pressure Plate on top of gravel = Boom.");
  55. static ItemStack Digger = Main.createItem(Material.DRAGON_EGG, 1, "§fDigger", "§7Use your digging power to create a massive hole!");
  56. static ItemStack Endermage = Main.createItem(Material.PORTAL, 1, "§fEndermage", "§7Summon a portal to drag you and the people above or below to that spot.");
  57. static ItemStack Fireman = Main.createItem(Material.WATER_BUCKET, 1, "§fFireman", "§7Immune to fire and lightning damage. Start with a bucket of water.");
  58. static ItemStack Fisherman = Main.createItem(Material.FISHING_ROD, 1, "§fFisherman", "§7Start the game with a fishing rod that can reel in players.");
  59. static ItemStack Flash = Main.createItem(Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON, 1, "§fFlash", "§7Instantly teleport to the location you're looking at.");
  60. static ItemStack Forger = Main.createItem(Material.COAL, 1, "§fForger", "§7Forger ingots by combining coal and ores in your inventory.");
  61. static ItemStack Frosty = Main.createItem(Material.SNOW_BALL, 1, "§fFrosty", "§7Run with the speed of the blizzard when on snow.");
  62. static ItemStack Gambler = Main.createItem(Material.STONE_BUTTON, 1, "§fGambler", "§7Place a button and get a prize. Will it help you, or will it hurt you?");
  63. static ItemStack Gladiator = Main.createItem(Material.IRON_FENCE, 1, "§fGladiator", "§7Challenge your opponents to The Shadow Game and fight them one on one.");
  64. static ItemStack GrandPa = Main.createItem(Material.STICK, 1, "§fGrandPa", "§7Start with knockback 2 wooden stick.");
  65. static ItemStack Grappler = Main.createItem(Material.LEASH, 1, "§fGrappler", "§7Hook yourself onto terrain, mobs or players and pull yourself towards them.");
  66. static ItemStack Grenadier = Main.createItem(Material.STICK, 1, "§fGrenadier", "§7Use your grenades and grenade launcher to blow up the enemy.");
  67. static ItemStack Hades = Main.createItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, 1, "§fHades", "§7Tame mobs by right clicking them with your iron ingot, make your own mob army!");
  68. static ItemStack Hermit = Main.createItem(Material.MUSHROOM_SOUP, 1, "§fHermit", "§7When the game begins, you start at places you want to be!");
  69. static ItemStack Hulk = Main.createItemDataLore(Material.WOOL, 1, (byte) 13, "§fHulk", "§7Pick up and throw other players!");
  70. static ItemStack Jackhammer = Main.createItem(Material.STONE_AXE, 1, "§fJackhammer", "§7Break a block and see the blocks above it break as well!");
  71. static ItemStack Kangaroo = Main.createItem(Material.FIREWORK, 1, "§fKangaroo", "§7Start with a rocket that enables you to double-jump!");
  72. static ItemStack Kaya = Main.createItem(Material.GRASS, 1, "§fKaya", "§7Grass blocks disappear when someone steps on them.");
  73. static ItemStack Launcher = Main.createItem(Material.GRASS, 1, "§fLauncher", "§7Start with Sponges and use them to launch enemies and yourself!");
  74. static ItemStack Levitator = Main.createItem(Material.GRASS, 1, "§fLevitator", "§7Levitate blocks and use them as clever projectiles.");
  75. static ItemStack Lumberjack = Main.createItem(Material.GRASS, 1, "§fLumberjack", "§7Start with wooden axe. Chop down trees by mining 1 wood block.");
  76. static ItemStack Madman = Main.createItemDataLore(Material.POTION, 1, (byte) 8, "§fMadman", "§7Create an aura of madness around yourself and weaken other players.");
  77. static ItemStack Nightlock = Main.createItem(Material.MUSHROOM_SOUP, 1, "§fNightlock", "§7Hand out poison soup to your enemies (and friends?).");
  78. static ItemStack Ninja = Main.createItemDataLore(Material.WOOL, 1, (byte) 15, "§fNinja", "§7When you crouch you teleport to the last player you hit in the past 10 seconds.");
  79. static ItemStack Phantom = Main.createItem(Material.FEATHER, 1, "§fPhantom", "§7Use a feather on the ground to get a temporary flight ability.");
  80. static ItemStack Pickpocket = Main.createItem(Material.BLAZE_ROD, 1, "§fPickpocket", "§7Open other player's inventory and steal their items!");
  81. static ItemStack Poseidon = Main.createItem(Material.WATER, 1, "§fPoseidon", "§7Have Enchanced Strength while in water, cannot drown while moving.");
  82. static ItemStack Pyro = Main.createItem(Material.FLINT_AND_STEEL, 1, "§fPyro", "§7You start the game with 5 fire charges & flint and steel!");
  83. static ItemStack Reaper = Main.createItem(Material.WOOD_HOE, 1, "§fReaper", "§7Curse your enemies with your death scythe.");
  84. static ItemStack Redstoner = Main.createItem(Material.PISTON_BASE, 1, "§fRedstoner", "§7Make Redstone traps!");
  85. static ItemStack Rider = Main.createItem(Material.SADDLE, 1, "§fRider", "§7Ride almost any passive mob, starts with a horse.");
  86. static ItemStack Rogue = Main.createItem(Material.BLAZE_ROD, 1, "§fRogue", "§7Temporarily disable your opponents ability.");
  87. static ItemStack Scorch = Main.createItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, 1, "§fScorch", "§7Put on flame boots and hold your blaze powder to leave a trail of fire wherever you run!");
  88. static ItemStack Seeker = Main.createItem(Material.EYE_OF_ENDER, 1, "§fScorch", "§7Turn a large area of blocks into glass, uncovering ores for you to mine.");
  89. static ItemStack Shapeshifter = Main.createItem(Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK, 1, "§fShapeshifter", "§7Turn into blocks and hide from your enemies or surprise them.");
  90. static ItemStack Snail = Main.createItemDataLore(Material.POTION, 1, (byte) 8234, "§fSnail", "§7Do damage to others and have a 1 in 3 chance to give them slowness II.");
  91. static ItemStack Soulstealer = Main.createItem(Material.SOUL_SAND, 1, "§fSoulstealer", "§7Respawn from the dead and try to get back to life by stealing someone's soul.");
  92. static ItemStack Specialist = Main.createItem(Material.EXP_BOTTLE, 1, "§fSpecialist", "§7Gain experience from killing players and a portable enchantment table.");
  93. static ItemStack Spectre = Main.createItem(Material.REDSTONE, 1, "§fSpectre", "§7Turn invisible and surprise your enemies.");
  94. static ItemStack Spellmaster = Main.createItem(Material.LEASH, 1, "§fSpellmaster", "§7Cast potion effects on people in your radius.");
  95. static ItemStack Spiderman = Main.createItem(Material.WEB, 1, "§fSpiderman", "§7Throw snowballs to create spider webs where they hit.");
  96. static ItemStack Spy = Main.createItem(Material.COMPASS, 1, "§fSpellmaster", "§7Compass gives exact coords, get alerted of nearby players.");
  97. static ItemStack Stomper = Main.createItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, 1, "§fStomper", "§7Jump down from high above other players to do massive damage to them.");
  98. static ItemStack Supressor = Main.createItem(Material.ARROW, 1, "§fSupressor", "§7Throw spears at your enemies to slow them down.");
  99. static ItemStack Surprise = Main.createItem(Material.DIAMOND, 1, "§fSurprise", "§7Receive a random kit from all of our kits (even un-owned kits!)");
  100. static ItemStack Switcher = Main.createItem(Material.SNOW_BALL, 1, "§fSwitcher", "§7Switch places with other players and mobs by throwing a snowball at them!");
  101. static ItemStack Tank = Main.createItem(Material.TNT, 1, "§fTank", "§7Killing a player sets off a small explosion, you're immune to explosion damage.");
  102. static ItemStack Tarzan = Main.createItem(Material.VINE, 1, "§fTarzan", "§7Vines grow around to use and give you space for new tactics.");
  103. static ItemStack Thermo = Main.createItem(Material.DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR, 1, "§fThermo", "§7Turn liquids to their counterpart.");
  104. static ItemStack Thor = Main.createItem(Material.WOOD_AXE, 1, "§fThor", "§7Call down lightning with your mighty axe!");
  105. static ItemStack Timelord = Main.createItem(Material.WATCH, 1, "§fTimelord", "§7Right click your watch to freeze time around you, trapping your enemies!");
  106. static ItemStack Turtle = Main.createItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, 1, "§fTurtle", "§7Crouch to take minimal damage - but you can't attack while crouched!");
  107. static ItemStack Vampire = Main.createItemDataLore(Material.POTION, 1, (byte) 16389, "§fVampire", "§7Kill and get healed and heal from instant damage.");
  108. static ItemStack Viking = Main.createItem(Material.IRON_AXE, 1, "§fVampire", "§7Deal extra damage with axes!");
  109. static ItemStack Viper = Main.createItemDataLore(Material.POTION, 1, (byte) 8196, "§fViper", "§7Every hit you deal has a chance of poisoning the other player.");
  110. static ItemStack Werewolf = Main.createItem(Material.WATCH, 1, "§fWerewolf", "§7Get a strength + speed boost at night, but you are weaker during the day.");
  111. static ItemStack Wisp = Main.createItem(Material.MAGMA_CREAM, 1, "§fWisp", "§7Confuse and disorientate your enemies by spawning clones!");
  112. static ItemStack Woolymorph = Main.createItem(Material.WOOL, 1, "§fWoolymorph", "§7Sheepify your enemies!");
  113. static ItemStack Worm = Main.createItem(Material.DIRT, 1, "§fWorm", "§7Break dirt blocks instantly, fall damage is reduced when landing on dirt.");
  115. static ItemStack Milkman = Main.createItem(Material.MILK_BUCKET, 1, "§fMilkman", "§7Description to do.");
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